Meet your Posher, Lune
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Hi! I'm Lauren! I am a 29 year old mother of a two year old. I currently work full time at a law firm and go to school full time while running my Poshmark closet!
Everything in my closet is brand new with tags from my boutique 💕Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Our gorgeous logo is made by Hometown Design Co. ❤️
Instagram: LuneBlancBoutique

51 others
like this

Hi Lune and welcome to Poshmark I'm Rebecca. I hope you have a wonderful time here at PM. If I can be of help please let me know. Happy Poshing!
Sep 12Reply

@highlandroad thank you! 💕
Sep 16Reply

Welcome to POSHMARK!🌹 Wishing you much success on POSH! Happy Poshing!
Sep 16Reply

Thank you so much for following me!! -ashley
Sep 18Reply

Hi & Welcome to Poshmark! hope you love it!💘
Sep 22Reply

Good afternoon Aline. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Sep 24Reply

Came through to show some posh love! Have a great day! check out my IG too I show my Followers much Posh Love!
Sep 24Reply

Thanks for the following
Sep 26Reply

Hi Lune, thanks for following my closet 🌸🌸🌸🌸Holly
Sep 26Reply

Hi Lune! I'm excited you are now following my closet! I hope you find lots of great things inside! Don't be shy to Bundle and / or make me an offer! 😍 POSHL❤️VE!!
Sep 28Reply

Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Oct 04Reply

Thank you for sharing! 😘😘😘
Oct 04Reply

Hello 😁 thank you for the share. You have an amazing closet!!!
Oct 08Reply

Hi! Thank you for following my closet! I want to let you know that I am moving and HIGHLY motivated to get rid of things. I have greatly reduced all prices. In addition, any items $8 or less you can bundle 4/$15! Take a look! 💕
Oct 09Reply

@missymb I was literally about to offer $57 on them that's why I posted that but definitely not now. Thanks anyways.
Oct 12Reply

@luneblanc I wouldn't have sold them to someone that is that silly.
Oct 12Reply

@missymb if someone said that in my closet I would have said oh no! Thanks for letting me know instead of having a psychotic breakdown
Oct 12Reply

Thx for following me 🌸
Oct 23Reply

Nov 03Reply

Thanks for the listing. I've added a small satin evening shoulder bag w/tassles free included with shoe purchase 😏
Nov 10Reply

Thanks for sharing honey
Jan 14Reply

Thanks for the share, love!😙💕
Jan 14Reply

Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Jan 22Reply

Hey, thank you for the follow✨ I followed you back, since I love your style👠 Wishing you speedy sales and great finds 🛍 Happy Poshing🎉🦄💝🌹
Feb 17Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet👢👠👗👜 and sharing👍. Happy Poshing!😊
Mar 20Reply

Lune, thanks so much for looking and sharing so generously. Have a marvelous day!
Jun 03Reply

Nice to meet you and many thanks for sharing!
Jun 06Reply

Great closet Lune!❤ Are you interested in a sharing group? We are looking for someone in a different time zone... We are all on East Coast... The best part is the sharing is automated, and secure within our group. Oh yes and free💕 let me know if you are and I'll send you an invite.
Jun 11Reply

Hi Lauren, thank you so much for the shares! Happy sales😊. ~emevari
Jun 15Reply

Thanks so much for sharing my Abound size 12 boots for sale out to your followers!!
Jun 17Reply

Is there an exchange policy?
Jun 23Reply

Bonjour! Gorgeous closet. Wish you lots of sales, God bless!!!!❤️🌸🍉😄
Jun 23Reply

Thanks so much for sharing!!!! 👠👗💍👔👛Your AWSOME!!! Best, Lora 🌹
Jun 29Reply

Thanks for all the shares luv 🌺💜
Jun 29Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Lauren, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jul 07Reply

Thanks so much for sharing my adidas watch!😊😊😊 Checked our your closet and you have really great items & beautiful presentations 😁 Cheers🌼
Jul 14Reply

Hey Lune, thank you for visiting and sharing my closet.
Jul 28Reply

Thanks for all the shares back girl, wow love your fun pics💋💋
Aug 03Reply

thank you for all the love!! you have a stunning closet 💕✨
Aug 09Reply

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE 😍 your offerings! As soon as I clean out my closet I’ll be dropping back in to make some purchases. 🛍Until then I’m happy to spread the Posh love & share your things! 🎊💕😊
Sep 09Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet!
Sep 09Reply

@jazmynetrice20 you ordered Saturday.
Sep 11Reply

@luneblanc last week ... it said my order Willis be shipped in two business days .
Sep 12Reply

Thank you for the shares ☺
Sep 21Reply

Hi! I figured it was time I properly introduced myself. I’m Natalie! I really appreciate all the shares, it has been so nice Poshing with you! 😀🌼😍
Sep 24Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet. Yours is awesome and you are stunning! I appreciate the posh love and support!
Sep 24Reply

the listing you shared wasn't for sale🤣
Sep 24Reply

Beautiful clothes
Sep 27Reply

You have so many great things I love. Normally I buy what I like but as shown in my closet under my husbands picture, he has been ill and waiting on a donor heart for transplant and he’s so young. The 23rd of September marked a year since I woke up and found him barely breathing. I’m a Registered Nurse and never saw any typical signs. Feel guilty but even the drs can’t believe he presents so differently. Probably bcuz he is young. 🙏💞
Oct 03Reply

@sebq ok... why are you telling me this
Oct 03Reply

I’m sorry I did. Actually I have like 5 people with different colors of leggings I have texted with and one had asked about him from reading about it in my closet and wanted to know. Just disregard. Not important for you to be bothered with
Oct 03Reply

My telling you about my husband as I had mentioned was by mistake bcuz I have been texting with about 5 others regarding their leggings and just got you mixed up bcuz I texted you on one part with a picture of the pink top and one with your closet logo. I apologize bcuz it wasn’t meant for you but nevertheless if it were me I would have at least expressed compassion despite your confusion that I sent it to you by mistake.
Oct 03Reply

@sebq for your made up story? Yeah ok.
Oct 03Reply

Hi thanks for the share! Moving everything must go asap! All tops are buy one get one free and the rest of the closet is buy one get one half off excluding Supreme! Feel free to bundle all you like and i will give you a better price! Thank you
Oct 03Reply

Thank you for the shares ☺
Oct 03Reply

Hi, thank you for the share . Check my website to download the stool increase your sale ❤😊
Oct 11Reply

@luneblanc hi gorgeous!! Your closet is a very dangerous place for my bank account!! 😂 Just wanted to say it's beautiful!! I'm Chass~ nice to meet you luv!!
Oct 14Reply

@abeautifulchaos aw thank you 😁💕
Oct 14Reply

Hi. 👋Good morning🌤thank you so much⛄️I shared back. I wish to you speedy sales and a great week⭐️☁️🌈
Oct 16Reply

thanks for sharing my things!!
Oct 17Reply

Cutest closet ever! ♥
Oct 23Reply

💕Yasssss! University of Tennessee💕😄😄 your closet is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for all the shares. Have a great day😘😘
Nov 08Reply

Thank you so much for the sharing 😊 🌹
Nov 15Reply

I'm having a rough go for a few days and haven't been able to do much, so I really appreciate the shares! 🤗 Thx again, Lune! PS: I'm a Nashville native!
Nov 19Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet & sharing from it! Love your boutique, it's gorgeous! Hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving week!
Nov 20Reply

@dmturner53 yes 🙂 I’ll let you know when they’re in
Nov 21Reply

Hi there 😊
Thank you for stopping by my shop, For The Love Of Ash! Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I’d be more than happy to help in any way I can. Sending some share love your way and I’ll check back on you soon.
With Love,
Sara Ashley
Instagram: fortheloveofash_
Jan 03Reply

Oh Hello Lauren
Nice taste you have . Enjoyed peeking in your closet ! Thanks for the shares .
Beautiful Baby Girl! Great pictures of you and your baby !!!
Jan 05Reply

Hi Lauren🙋🏻♀️! Thank you for the shares. The photos of you and your daughter are gorgeous! And I love your closet! ❤️❤️
Jan 07Reply

Many thanks for the share. Really appreciate! 😊
Jan 11Reply

Oh my, you are a beauty! I saw you FB post about hosting a posh party, so I shared some tops 😁. Thanks for considering my items and have fun! Many blessings and much success to you in 2019❤️❤️❤️
Jan 12Reply

Oh hello this is Natalie. I never received the shoes I ordered . How do we track them down. I order a bunch on posh mark ? So I never had this happen ? Can you check into it and help me track them down ?
Tks Natalie K
Jan 12Reply

@natalieeek did you track them? You get a tracking number. It says they just arrived at a shipping facility in Philadelphia.
Jan 12Reply

Hi. It’s Natalie again n I just checked order date was Jan 5. I ordered the Freda peep through boot shoes. Size 8. For 18$ plus shipping
No arrival Yet. Can you check to make sure it my address tks. I’m sure it will be taken care of .
Should be going Pennsylvania 19465
Jan 12Reply

Aww your sooo kind responding so fast.
I haven’t received them what day does it say it arrived at the post office ?
Your so kind and I love 💕 your closet.
You and your baby are beautiful. Remember me I’m the one w triplets and I’m a yoga teacher
Jan 12Reply

@natalieeek girl, track it. Poshmark sends you a tracking number. I can’t see the address anymore. I don’t keep the labels.
Jan 12Reply

@natalieeek you can also go into your purchases here in the app and track it. Same tracking Info I have
Jan 12Reply

Okay. I tried to track it once Says doesn’t exist. I’ll try it again in the morning. Maybe the system for post office is rebooting through the internet systems. Okay if I get it all respond to except package and place my review. Thanks
Have a good night
Jan 12Reply

Yes I know. I just tracked it and it goes up
“ status not available “.
Jan 12Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listings. 😊😊 you have really cute pieces in your closet, it's a great closet. 👠👚👗👢👡
Jan 12Reply

Thanks for sharing from my closet!
Jan 12Reply

Thanks for your time today, Lauren. : ) 🖤
Jan 12Reply

Thanks for he follow! 🍋 Make sure you check out my closet!!
Jan 17Reply

Congratulations on your Poshmark status. We are a large online retailer and have several things listed on here at amazing steals as we are also Poshmark ambassadors. Please check out our items to promote as a host pick as they really are the best deals online. We are doing this as amazing giveaway price.
Feb 01Reply

Good evening I just shared a few of your items please return the favor happy poshhing
Feb 01Reply

Thank you sincerely for choosing my item as a Host Pick! 🦋🙂
Feb 02Reply

Hi. I see you were active within this past hour. I asked a question yesterday about a shoe I saw in your closet that I'm interested in. Can you take A look when you get a chance? Thanx 😊
Feb 03Reply

Hi Lauren... beautiful closet, I enjoyed sharing 💕😘 Have an awesome week!!
Feb 19Reply

Love love looovveeee your beautiful closet!!! 💕💕💕
Feb 20Reply

Lune, thank you for sharing my closet. I will check yours out and return the favor. I love meeting all of you! Thank you thank you
Feb 23Reply

Lune,thank your for sharing from my closet. I checked out your closet and shared a few of your listings! You have a great closet! Thanks so much! Btw-your photos are great!
Feb 23Reply

Beautiful closet!!😍😍
Feb 24Reply

Hi Lune👋😀Thanks a lot for visiting my closet 🤗Feel free to give me offer and bundle for better deals 😊I ship fast💨💨🛍🛍🛍💃
Feb 28Reply

Thanks for the sharing 🤗
Feb 28Reply

Thanks for liking the Aeropostale Thong Set in my closet! Please let me know if I can assist you in any way. Happy Poshing!
Mar 13Reply

💍Hello I took a few minutes and looked through your Boutique I loved your items so I shared a few . Come visit by anytime HAPPY POSHING💍
Mar 20Reply

💍Hello Luna thanks for the Share I took a few minutes and looked through your closet I loved your items so I shared a few . Come by anytime HAPPY POSHING💍
Mar 25Reply

Thanks so much for the sharing 😊🌺
Mar 28Reply

Hello, thank you for the party invite:) If you have a moment, I would be honored if you would consider my closet as a possible Host Pick 🌷☀️🤗
Mar 28Reply

I have RSVP’d for your upcoming Casual Friday party. Can you please look in my closet and select an item as a Host Pick? Thank you so much for considering this request.
Mar 28Reply

Congratulations for co host today’s party👍😀🌸🦋💝⭐️🍰🌸🦋💝⭐️🍰🌸🦋💝⭐️🍰🍵💕🔆🧸🐶🎀💛🦄☂️🍬🥗🍡🍧💜🔶🔆🧸🐶🍬🍵🌸👍⭐️🍰
Mar 29Reply

Hi Lauren, thank you for hosting the Casual Friday party tonight. You have a great closet and I’d be honored if you took a look at my new closet! Thank you, have a wonderful weekend!
Mar 29Reply

Hi Lauren! I’m Mary. Just wanted to stop by and say congratulations on hosting ‘Casual Friday Party!’ 🥳🤩🎉🥂 What a major accomplishment that many Poshers dream of! 😍 Hope that you enjoy hosting! Feel free to take a look at my closet if you wish to do so. 👗💝 Can’t wait to party with you!! Have a nice night! ✨
Mar 30Reply

@luneblanc Hello! Cute closet. Congratulations on your party. If you get a chance to visit my closet. I would love to be a hot pick. Been selling a year and loving Poshmark. Good luck with your party.
Mar 30Reply

Hello 😊♥️ would you mind checking out my closet for a potential host pick 🌸🌻🌸🌻🌸🌻🌸🌻🌸🌻
Mar 30Reply

Thank you for the host picks! Very much appreciated ❤️
Mar 30Reply

Thanks for your sharing too! Happy poshing 🤗😘
Apr 13Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet on Poshmark❤️looking forward to visiting yours - should you need any help or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Happy Poshing😍
Apr 18Reply

Hi Lauren I wanted to take a minute to say thanks for always sharing. Your baby is adorable ❤️. Have great sales night 👍🏽😊
Apr 19Reply

Thanks so much for the sharing 😊🌺
May 02Reply

Thx for your shares today! I'm pretty sure you sold a shirt I've had listed forever! 😘
May 09Reply

Thank you so much for the shares! You have a beautiful closet. I bookmarked your closet so I can share it in the future. May many sales come your way. Have a wonderful evening.
May 21Reply

Love your closet aesthetic! One of the best I’ve seen ;) xo💋jules
May 29Reply

- [ ] I would love for you to consider joining my Facebook group “SHOWOFFS OF POSHMARK”
- [ ] Take a pic of you showing off your goodies & send it my way so I can upload for others to ‘oooo’ & ahhhhh!!!!
- [ ] ❌⭕️‼️ @wareit
Jul 12Reply

Hi Lauren, my name is Sally and it's nice to meet you! I left you 2 questions on the silver sandals. I really love them! Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Sally 🌷🐢🦁♌
Jul 13Reply

Thanks for the shares Lauren 🙂
Aug 01Reply

Thank you so much for the sharing 😊 🌹
Aug 04Reply

Thank you for all the shares I appreciate the help! 💕
Aug 09Reply

Hi if you can get the gold sparkle Sandle in an 8 ? We looking everywhere for them we bought pair before but they got old wire all time loved em
Nov 27Reply

Hello! I purchased one of your items a week ago and haven’t received any shipping information. Do you have an update on the item? Thanks!
Dec 09Reply

Hey! I noticed you’ve liked some similar items that are in my closet, if you don’t mind you should check mine out! I’ve lowered prices on items from American eagle, Abercrombie, VS, Michael kors, Vera Bradley, Nike, adidas, hollister & etc! I’m trying to clear everything out so let me know if you like anything or would like to negotiate prices:)
Jul 12Reply
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