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Updated May 22
Updated May 22

Meet your Posher, Mabel

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mabel. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Coach, Michael Kors, Free People, and J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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needsnwants18 I LOVE the purple flowers!!! Welcome to posh :-) thanks for checking out my closet and liking the shoes!
Jun 01Reply
vanillaaish Welcome to Poshmark💕
Jun 05Reply
51twenty Hi Mabel! I'm Carolyn! It's nice to meet you. These are beautiful. (Flowers) Thanks for having them. 💜
Jun 07Reply
autumnlynn3 Welcome to Posh! Please feel free to stop by anytime or if you have any questions 🍁 🍂 🍁
Jun 13Reply
element44 Hey! Please let me know if you have any questions &/or don't be afraid to make me offers😊 I am willing to give you great deals if you do bundles 👍🏼
Jun 14Reply
jesmarie13182 @sshakira99 Hi Mabel! I noticed you had added 3 of my posts to a bundle which automatically gives you 20% off your entire purchase! BUT THERE'S MORE!😀 Everything in my closet (priced above $6) is Buy One Get One Half Off!! That means (if you're ready to make your purchase) I will
Jun 14Reply
jesmarie13182 @sshakira99 mark down the lowest priced item to HALF price and you'll STILL get your 20% off AND I always send a FREE GIFT! Doesn't get any better than that right?! 😉 Lemme know if and when you're ready and I'll take care of that price cut for ya! Thanks doll!💋
Jun 14Reply
bobo33 @sshakira99 Hi ! you purchase a Betsy top from me, so the are can improve can you tell me what was wrong with it .
Jun 16Reply
sshakira99 @bobo33 I"m sorry, but on the picture it looked different than like when I got it in from of me, plus it had this kind of weir smile .... But no worris I'll make it works some some nice jeans and very nice high shoes! Thank you!
Jun 16Reply
nrockets82 Could you # your likes so what they are? Thank you in advance, Betsy
Jun 17Reply
nrockets82 Hopefully my discounting did the trick!
Jun 17Reply
dellacorte10 What was wrong with the brush set ? That you gave me the rating ?
Jun 21Reply
hcproc I noticed you added one of my listings to a bundle! I wanted to let you know I offer a discount for bundles😊
Jul 20Reply
madison__p @sshakira99 hello I seen you started to make a bundle, are you interested ? My bundle deal Is 20% off 4 items and 30% off 5 items or more. Let me know if you have any questions
Aug 07Reply
thetreasurebin @sshakira99 welcome to posh I see that you added a couple of my items to a bundle if you have any questions or need help just let me know thanks so much and I hope you have an awesome day happy shopping😊💕
Aug 19Reply
mm_sanchez Hi Mabel noticed you had my listing on a bundle don't be afraid to ask questions. Also noticed you lived in Austin I live Just outside Houston I can ship on Monday
Sep 18Reply
melllaaa_2011 Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Sep 25Reply
andreahasfaith Hi Mabel I saw you wanted the instantly ageless is there anything else you would like to add to your bundle and I'll do a custom listing
Sep 27Reply
poshmark8530678 Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items there's a % off ❤️💜💚. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Oct 01Reply
erynn @sshakira99 my husbands telling me I'm being silly and if you're still interested in the bundle for $45 I can put it together for you now. Let me know :)
Oct 21Reply
hazeymae11 Good morning Mabel & Welcome to Posh !! Thx for stopping by my closet. Let me know if you would like a higher discount on your likes. I could do both items for 30.00. Have a great day 😃😃
Nov 06Reply
s39 Hi-just letting you know, everything ships same day!!
Nov 19Reply
sshakira99 @s39 ok thanks!
Nov 19Reply
raquelmani Heyy! Thanks for checking out my closet ☺️. I see that you are interested in the free People shirt, sweater and the juicy sweatsuit. Do you want to do a bundle for 50?
Nov 27Reply
ika_t Please let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns with our transaction. I will appreciate if there's a comment backing your rating since in my view I took time to prepare your items, gave you huge discount ($13 off the bundle price PLUS additional 10%off) and shipped quickly. Thanks!
Feb 14Reply
deja2nice Hello posher! I see you added my listing to a bundle. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Feb 23Reply
alejandra2105 WELCOME TO POSH🎉🌈‼️. When you get a chance you should check out my listings😉. All my items are priced $15 or less😀 ( except the shoes.)
Mar 05Reply
senayc Hey hun İ dropped the price for you
Mar 25Reply
closetdiscount Am sorry I can't honor your offer.
Mar 27Reply
sshakira99 @closetdiscount what about $25?
Mar 27Reply
closetdiscount @sshakira99 can create a bundle and when u ready discount it so u can have a reduced shipping cost and making it more affordable for the both of us. I believe the discount shipping only available for one hour.
Mar 27Reply
closetdiscount @sshakira99 just noticed u added another item.
Mar 27Reply
closetdiscount Can't go any lower for the three. As most items I sell are already priced at 50% off or less.
Mar 27Reply
philaphindstyle Hi there! I see you created a bundle with three items in my closet, please feel free to make me an offer ! Thank you! 😊
Apr 14Reply
leili24 Hi, just wanted to say hi. Hope you are enjoying Poshmark. If you get a chance please check out my closet. Happy Poshing🌺
May 24Reply
51twenty Thanks so much Mabel. I'm Carolyn. I hope that works out😊🍃🌺
May 28Reply
pursuedestany hi! feel free to make an offer on the bundle that you started in my closet! have a great memorial weekend :(
May 28Reply
mjlemos You have quite a bit of likes in my closet if you want to make a bundle I can come up with a private offer of you!
Jun 03Reply
abir1977 Hi sweetie thank you the bundle. I give an offer hopefully you ok with it . I'm going to one month vacation and I need to sell everything as soon as possible. So feel free to bundle all of your likes and reasonable offers always welcome
Jun 22Reply
abir1977 Hi sweetie hopefully you ok with the my bundle offer I gives you
Jun 22Reply
tricia77r Welcome to posh! Enjoy! 💕💕💕
Jul 08Reply
mlmezz76 Hi Mabel. I see you bundled a few items. I have given you many private offers. Are you still interested or what are you willing to pay? You can counter offer if you would like? Please Let me know. Thanks
Jul 09Reply
katrincloset Please message me your ring size asap. Thanks
Jul 27Reply
51twenty Hi Mabel. @sshakira99 I hope you are resting and letting your body heal🍃🍃
Jul 31Reply
karlusgoke Hi, if you willing to buy my items you bundle you will take advantage of the 20% off. Thanks
Aug 01Reply
sshakira99 @karlusgoke ok thank you, I'll let you know!
Aug 01Reply
sshakira99 I would like to tell everyone who has share my closet to thank you. And I'll appreciate any help on how all this works, lol!
Aug 01Reply
51twenty Hi Mabel it's carolyn. I hope you're having a great day! The weather is a little weird here lately. The bundle price is my lowest. That's the amount you paid before
Aug 09Reply
ladydharma Hi 👋 I just noticed that Poshmark closed your bundle because another buyer purchased the item. I'm sorry!! I hope you will shop my closet in the future!! Thanks!! 😉😊
Sep 23Reply
shirlme Hi my name is Shirl. I am a Poshmark Ambassador and I would like to welcome you to Poshmark. We are happy you joined us. Poshmark is a great, fun place to make new friends, be part of the exciting world of fashion, make $$$$, and purchase great bargains to restock your closet. A tip for success: Share often, fill your closet with lots of beautiful things and your business will grow quickly.
Jan 15Reply
3rosedaughters Hi Mabel... thank you for the interest in the Steve Madden wedges! I reduced the price... let’s make a sale💕💕
Jan 15Reply
caseylee482 GORGEOUS FLOWERS 🎀Casey Lee
Apr 16Reply
caseylee482 @sshakira99 THANK YOU🎀 ENJOY YOUR POSH EXPERIENCE🎀
Apr 16Reply
caseylee482 @sshakira99 I CAN DO $60 IF IT HELPS ANY!
Apr 16Reply
Apr 16Reply
mommamadness77 Hi Mabel Thank you for your purchase, shipping out this morning. Happy poshing 💕
Apr 16Reply
mommamadness77 Hi Mabel do you know what is going on with your purchase from my closet? Have you received it? I’ve contacted Poshmark with no response.
Apr 25Reply
sshakira99 @brandiwine2016 Hi, no I haven't received anything, yet. Do you know what is going on with my order?
Apr 26Reply
mommamadness77 @sshakira99 no it was shipped Monday last week. Contact Poshmark support. I have several times with no answers.
Apr 26Reply
sshakira99 I hope you can let me know what is going on, because I checked my account, and they already pull the money out from my account
Apr 26Reply
sshakira99 When I had try to contact them, they never answered to me either
Apr 26Reply
mommamadness77 @sshakira99 hi did you speak with Poshmark and get your order?
Apr 26Reply
mommamadness77 I checked my posh acct and now funds were released to me. Did you receive your order yet?
Apr 26Reply
sshakira99 @brandiwine2016 I sent an email to them but results yet, and no I have't received any package!
Apr 26Reply
mommamadness77 @sshakira99 ok go to your post office to see there is a tracking and I will get it for u.
Apr 26Reply
mommamadness77 @sshakira99 9405510899359438538352 your tracking says to pick up package or they are sending back notices left... please let know what is going on. If it’s sent back contact me I will put it back into the mail to you.... but if at all possible contact your post office before they send it back as I will have to pay shipping...
Apr 26Reply
sshakira99 @brandiwine2016 ok, I'll contact the post office to see if they have it. Thank you very much for your help!
Apr 26Reply
sshakira99 I'll let know if the post office have it or no.
Apr 26Reply
mommamadness77 @sshakira99 ok thank you hope you get it tracked down. Let me know if you need anything.
Apr 26Reply
mommamadness77 @sshakira99 hi Mabel were you able to track the package down?
Apr 28Reply
sshakira99 @brandiwine2016 Hi corazon, yes till I had the chance to go the post office to check, and they had it and I got it....thank you very for being in touch with me.
Apr 29Reply
mommamadness77 @sshakira99 you bet, thank you for letting me know.
Apr 29Reply
sshakira99 @brandiwine2016 no, no thank you to you!
Apr 29Reply
miah143 Hi, Thank you for your purchase, I will ship it out tomorrow. Have an AWESOME SUNDAY!
Apr 30Reply
sshakira99 @miah143 ok great, thanks!
Apr 30Reply
utmini83 I can do bag only 180$
May 27Reply
sshakira99 @utmini83 I want both of them
May 27Reply
utmini83 I can't 180 too low!
May 27Reply
utmini83 I already send my lowest! No to any lower
May 27Reply
spookyandkooky Hey, dear. I believe a little while ago you had sent me an offer and I countered a couple bucks higher. The items in your bundle are in excellent condition, and with the current 20% discount I offer, I make $17 off the three lovely tops. I'm unable to send you any offers so feel free to make me one. Also, I have a ton of jewelry listed so feel free to throw in some accessories as well! :)
May 28Reply
utmini83 I cannot go any lower than 260 mk set. If I can't pay that amount I can get bag only first 190$ and get wallet later. :)
May 30Reply
onthegoklo I see you liked a few items ~ bundle and I will send you a great deal! I'm motivated to mail you some treasures! Enjoy your day...
Jul 09Reply
lous_shop Hi Mabel, Thank you so much for the purchase of the locket and chain. I packaging it now to go out in am. I am always adding new items to my closet so check It out often. Hugs, Lou
Jul 24Reply
sshakira99 @ltugwell oh you're so thank you!
Jul 24Reply
kawehi79 Hi ❤️ i put your box in the mail 😍
Oct 15Reply
kawehi79 Hi Mabel. Well im happy you got your box. Eeeeeek, i looked at the packaging that i took out to. 😢
Oct 18Reply
kawehi79 Im soooooo sorry ❤️
Oct 18Reply
sshakira99 @kawehi79so did you sent me wrong size?
Oct 18Reply
cathydr Hi, feel free to check my closet for maternity clothes and baby clothes. Offers are welcome!
Sep 03Reply
mckenziejruud hi there. Most items in my closet have been reduced to $6 due to me needed them gone within the next couple days. if you have any time please check my closet out. will ship within 24 hours of purchase 🙂
Feb 17Reply
emily_marie94 Welcome:)
Jun 27Reply
lipstickvenus Hey there, I saw you ❤ a Le Chateau black dress in XS that recently sold. I have one of similar cut in grey if you're still looking. I can tag you in the listing to see it. Offers are most welcome. Happy poshing! 😊
Sep 17Reply

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Last Active: Mar 03 2024

Austin, TX
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Last Active: Mar 03 2024

Austin, TX
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