Meet your Posher, Magg
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Hi! I'm Magg. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

44 others
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I am always looking for things for my granddaughter who is 3. Can't wait to get these things from you, so adorable. Thanks again and thanks for letting me bundle!
Sep 21Reply

Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of some HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items there's a % off ❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Sep 26Reply

nice to meet you!!💕
Oct 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I might sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Oct 03Reply

Hello, I want to make sure you want the XL t-shirt, because I do have medium too.
Dec 17Reply

yes xl
Dec 19Reply

Hi. Omg I think I left an outfit out of the package that I just sent. I can't remember and I can check in the definitely in the morning. Please confirm on your end if I did and I will mail it out first thing tmrw. I'm praying I didn't forget, but I have mommy brain..big time!!
Mar 01Reply

I totally understand mommy brain because even my grandmother brain still does things like that! Posh would not allow me to give you my email address.
Mar 01Reply

Let me how if you want me to make you a bundle 😉
Mar 20Reply

Hello, ℳᎯᎶᎶ❣👋🏼 I'm Jan! Welcome! Let me know if I can help you with anything! If you decide to start selling, let me know so I can help spread the word and share your items! A great place to find lots of great POSH info & tips: @official_forum. 💞 & follow @flipyeahandrea - she is cool❣(& my Dtr-in-law-to-be!❣️😄
May 13Reply

@mjbp welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕enjoy ur buying and selling time 💕💕💕I invite u to window shop at my closet 💕💕💕great fashion at affordable prices 💕💕💕@mjbp
May 18Reply

Hi Magg! ✿♥‿♥✿ Hope you're enjoying Poshmark and life is wonderful your way 🍋@lemonposh & @minicoconut 🍭
Jun 11Reply

Thank you for the likes!!💕😘🍭
Jul 19Reply

Heyy, I’d love it if you could please check out my closet!! I do private discounts and accept most reasonable offers!! Thank you and Happy Poshing :)
Jul 23Reply

Welcome to poshmark!🐶💟
Sep 01Reply

Thank you for purchasing from my closet ! Will package and ship Tuesday 😁
Sep 04Reply

If I don't get and offer in a week...I will give you the costume for $60
Sep 09Reply

@ginarobnick - I just wanted to let you know your order is shipping as soon as power is turned back on. Unfortunately, I was in the path of Irma and we have had downed power lines. This is ready to go and hopefully will either ship today/tomorrow. Thank you for your patience!
Sep 13Reply

no rush, glad your ok. thanks for letting me know
Sep 13Reply

The unicorn costume is yours if you still want it
Sep 16Reply

Hi Magg! Thanks for stopping by my closet girlfriend! I sent you an offer on those amazing leggings, I had them on sale from $35 but they obviously gotta go!! I would also be happy to include them for only $15 in a bundle with any of the other items in your “likes”, and you’d also get 10% off that item! Please let me know if you have any questions, happy to help! Xo 😘
Oct 29Reply

are they still 15?
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick hi Magg! Make sure you click “reply” when it sends a comment so it tags the person or else we’ll never see your comment. I only saw it because I saw your offer and remembered sending you the comment the other day. Sorry if I had confused you, I was offering them for $15 if you purchase them in a bundle with another item you like. You have the Cruella leggings, Minnie Mouse Monroe (AMAZING) and Miss Piggy Leggings in your “likes” from my closet.
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick so, if you would like to get another item(s) I would be ok with adding in the leggings for only $15. To help make up for the loss I’d be taking on the leggings (poshmark takes a large amount of our earnings- I’d be taking a $20 LOSS on the leggings at $15). Does that make sense?
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick I just resent the original offer I had sent you if you want to only purchase the leggings. That’s a great deal for TC2 Halloween leggings as they’ve been selling out everywhere! I am taking a $10 loss at that price, any lower and I’d obviously just prefer to keep them for myself ☺️ and all Halloween orders come with extra special gifts! You won’t be disappointed, I promise! 💜🎃💜
Oct 31Reply

you are a doll! thanks, let me look at your closet. I appreciate your honesty!
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick of course my love!! Keep me posted, I’m down to three pairs of Halloween leggings left ☺️ the pair you like and the Vampire teeth set (I would consider separating the set if you don’t want/need both pairs). But I think the Minnie Mouse Monroe is my absolute favorite thing you have in your likes! I also can share with you a couple of things you can pick from as an extra free gift if you’re bundle is over $60! Halloween gifts! 💜🎃💜
Oct 31Reply

I would love to do a bundle with you. Could you hold it till next Friday and I promise to pay you than. Payday, I hope you know how that goes.
I understand if you can't and do appreciate your help. I will not back out of the deal!
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick you have to click “reply” when you send me a comment or else I won’t see your comments love ☺️ I’m happy to hold those items until Friday (the 3rd, right?). Of course I know how it goes! So I could do $90 for the cruella and miss piggy (10% off) + 15 for Halloween leggings is $105. But I’ll also discount the bundle another $5 to cover the shipping costs
Oct 31Reply

So $100 total for my items, + Posh shipping (cant do anything about that). I will share with you a couple of items, pick one and add it to your bundle as an extra free gift! 💜
Oct 31Reply

@krichards620 I am still thinking of Minnie??? what could you do with that?
Oct 31Reply

and I would pick the lipstick
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick I was sad you didn’t have that in there!!! That’s my FAVORITE item in your likes! I would be happy to do $45 for that ($48 is retail price, and it’s a MEGA unicorn as I’m sure you know!! Ok the Victoria’s Secret lip gloss set right? Click “add to bundle” on that listing as well so it gets marked as “sold” when you purchase on Friday ☺️
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick if you do want to add the Monroe, your order will be $150..... SOOOO I would ALSO include a free pair of mystery OS or TC leggings 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 I have some amazing OS leggings right now, if you have someone that wears OS you can stash them away as a holiday gift! Or TC for you! I’m not a consultant, just a mega LuLaRoe lover. So trust me, you won’t be getting ugly leggings 😜😜
Oct 31Reply

@krichards620 what size is the os? I know it would never fit me but do have a daughter who may fit in them?
Oct 31Reply

thanks for responding and going back and forth with all these emails. YOUR GREAT!
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick OS fits size 0-12, how old is she? I’d love to pick out a fun pair for her if you think OS would work! If not, I can do TC and either you keep them or stash them away for a gift! And of course, it’s my pleasure!! I work so hard to make Posh an amazing place for my customers, it’s so rewarding! I do have a customer coming in at work any minute so I might not be so quick to respond in a few! 💜💜
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick just let me know what time on Friday I should expect to hear from you love, I’ll be working 1-8 so I might not be able to get it shipped out until Saturday (just depends on what time you purchase and I get the shipping label). And let me know if I should hold the Minnie Mouse Monroe as well 💜💜 I’m already thinking about what Leggings I can pick out for you!! Happy Halloween!! 🎃💜🎃
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick Magg I’ve marked everything as “hold/not for sale” for sale for (except for the Minnie Monroe as I’m not sure if you 100% want that yet?) BUT I cannot mark the Halloween leggings as “not for sale” because there is an open offer on them. I need you to “decline” the offer on those so I can change them to not for sale/on hold for you! 💜
Oct 31Reply

@krichards620 I tired to decline but something popped up, will try again later. I think I will pass on Minnie as much as I love her. I get paid Friday morning on the 3rd so will pay you around 8 am if that works for you. no rush with shipping. I appreciate all you have done for me and look forward to next Friday! and I will take the TC size. Will I still be getting the Halloween leggings.? the Frankenstein are my favorite! that's what I first noticed!
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick you did it! It’s marked as not for sale, all good!! I was going to include the free mystery leggings if you got the Minnie Monroe, as your total would be $145- I always include free leggings when someone has a purchase over $150. So if you’re not getting the Monroe, your total is $105, I can’t include the free leggings and the lipgloss set.... I’m so sorry for that confusion!
Oct 31Reply

@ginarobnick no, I don’t think I’ll be listing anymore Halloween leggings- the only ones left are the vampire teeth leggings and I’m so surprised I still have those! People went CRAZY for those!! I’ll be sleeping in Friday AM (Thursday is my open to close day, so I always try and sleep in a little bit on Fridays) so I’ll update the listings as “for sale” as soon as I wake up! They’re marked as not for sale right now so no one can buy them ☺️
Oct 31Reply

ok so I will wait for you next Friday! thanks again.... I look forward to seeing some Christmas ones????? please let me know when you will be posting them so I have a chance to pick up some for the holidays!
Nov 01Reply

@ginarobnick hi Magg! Are you all set to purchase? I’m going to change Your items back to “for sale” right now while I update my closet! 💜
Nov 03Reply

@krichards620 sorry but
ginarobnick I would love to do a bundle with you. Could you hold it till next Friday and I promise to pay you than. Payday, I hope you know how that goes. I understand if you can't and do appreciate your help. I will not back out of the deal!
3 days ago
Nov 03Reply

I understand if you can't hold it that long, you can unbundle and if you still have the things next week great, if not, I am sure I will still find things in your closet to purchase. SOrry for the misunderstanding
Nov 03Reply

@ginarobnick in the most recent above comment you wrote “Friday the 3rd” that’s today. So I thought you were purchasing today 😔
Nov 03Reply

@ginarobnick ok I guess you meant to say November 10th.... I can’t hold for another full week, I’m so sorry! I normally ONLY do holds for previous customers.... but where I thought it was only going to be a couple days I was ok with it. It’s ok, I’m sure you’re items will be available. I’ll hold the lipgloss set for you and we’ll touch base next Wednesday or Thursday. If the items are still available, I’ll put them on hold for you 💜
Nov 03Reply

yes I said NEXT FRIDAY, am very sorry and understand if you just delete everything. I hope you don't hold this against me, I love your things and do expect to purchase from you.
Nov 03Reply

Hi Magg, Hope you’re having a great day😍
Nov 08Reply

@ginarobnick hi Magg! Omg I never saw that last comment, you didn’t tag me!! I would NEVER hold that against you, don’t ever think that!! Simple misunderstanding between when you said “next Friday” and “Friday the 3rd”. I was coming to send you a comment about your items, they’re still available! Even though I did sell quite a bit of Lula this past week!
Nov 08Reply

@ginarobnick so I’ll be going through and marking your items as not for sale this evening when I update my closet. I photographed about 20 new pieces today as well, so I’ll be diligently working on getting those listed! Lots of fun new pieces and solids! Talk soon xoxo 😘
Nov 08Reply

Nov 08Reply

@ginarobnick I’m working as fast as I can to edit my photos and listings, research prices and write descriptions. Today is my one day off so I try as hard as I can to get as much done for my posh closet! I should have a handful of items listed tonight, and more tomorrow! I have the most amazing solid green 3X Irma, the SOFTEST heathered Red 2X Classic! The list goes on! 💜
Nov 08Reply

@ginarobnick and don’t forget the add your lipgloss set into your bundle as your $100 free gift. If you reach $150, you’ll also get a free pair of mystery leggings! Did you see I recently started carrying SOLID BLACK fleece lined leggings?! I’m hoping to be able to keep them in stock permanently! I’ve already sold half of my black leggings, everyone is LOVING them! I also have one pair of brown and 2 dark purple (my absolute favorite) 💜
Nov 08Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closet 🦋 have a nice Thursday🌻
Nov 09Reply

@ginarobnick good morning Magg, I’m going to make your listings available again so you can add them into a bundle and purchase this morning. A couple of the new items I just listed sold overnight that first day I had them listed! So I’m sorry if you missed something! Please tag me when you see this and you’re ready to purchase xoxoxo 😘
Nov 10Reply

@krichards620 ok, I will look
Nov 10Reply

@ginarobnick I just sent the offer over that we discussed, let me know if anything needs to change! Are you SURE you don’t want to add that amazing Minnie Monroe?! It’s still available! And that would give you a free pair of leggings! 💜💜
Nov 10Reply

@krichards620 see,,,,,,,,,,,,, I told you'd I'd be good for it! thanks! ANY CHRISTMAS ONES YET??
Nov 10Reply

@ginarobnick I know, THANK YOU!! That was the first time I’ve ever held items for someone that wasn’t a previous customer, but for some reason I had all the faith in you! I wasn’t worried! You definitely are a genuine, kind person, thank you for that 😘😘 I am working on getting holiday!! I have my 3 pairs for myself that I can’t bring myself to list 😂😂 you’ll be the first to know my love!
Nov 10Reply

@ginarobnick so I rushed this morning to get your package Ready so it could go out today.... and there’s NO MAIL 😩 because of Veterans Day! I’m hoping they are picking up tomorrow or else it won’t go out until Monday! I was hoping to have all my packages delivered and accepted by the time I leave for vacation next Wednesday so I’d have the funds, so I’m equally as bummed! I’m sorry my love!
Nov 10Reply

NO Rush! Relax and mail it when you can. YES, please let me know when you get some Christmas ones! (maybe with Santa for my grandkids)
Nov 10Reply

@krichards620 NO RUSH......
Nov 10Reply

@ginarobnick ok my darling! I most definitely will! I have full intentions of getting some to sell, it’s just so hard to find them for the right price so I can sell them for a fair price and not loose money (which is what happens more often than not with LuLaRoe haha!) but I love the clothes so much, I can’t resist spreading the lula love! 💜
Nov 10Reply

Hi. Before I confirm your offer I just want you to know it is not LuLaRoe dress. Oops! It is DotDotSmile Equally good in my opinion. It is a wonderful company and beautiful dress I just need you to know that it’s not LuLaRoe I must have been posting at night when I was sleepy. Let me know if you want it you can have it for the price you offered
Nov 11Reply

I went ahead and excepted your offer. If you need me to cancel it I will 🦋no problem.... but I know yyou will be happy with it🌺
Nov 11Reply

Hi. Let me know if you are going to bundle or just buy the one dress for now. Thank you I am sure we can come up with a price we are both happy about.
Nov 12Reply

@cynriessen just the one of now, thanks
Nov 12Reply

@ginarobnick you got it! It will go out tomorrow 🌺 thank you for your purchase🍭
Nov 12Reply

Morning, go ahead and pay for it and I can get it sent out today. This morning. I’ll wait a bit longer before I go to the post office to see if you have gotten around to pay yet 🦋thank you🦋
Dec 08Reply

@cynriessen you know I love your things but I was hoping to keep the final cost to 40 for the dress. the shipping is a killer and I realize poshmark has an overhead for you. so sorry I kept you from selling this. truly sorry. I hope this doesn't discourage you from working with me in the future. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING.
Dec 08Reply

Counter offer what you can pay and I’ll except it. No problem
Dec 08Reply

@cynriessen you are the best......thanks so much. I will be back to buy more. I really appreciate it.
Dec 08Reply

Thank you very much💕 I appreciate you and your love for these little dresses.⛄️ enjoy your holidays and your time with your family. Granddaughters I’ve just the best😍
Dec 08Reply

@mariceladeharo thanks for letting me know. My granddaughter is going to love them! Merry Christmas!
Dec 14Reply

Hi....CHRISTMAS GIFTS🎀🎁🎁🎀.....It's a closet clear out...Please make an offer if you are interested in any item in my closet.....Everything must go.... Please help me make some money....Thank you 😊💕💕
Dec 14Reply

Hello 💕good morning. 🎅🏻Merry Christmas 🎄wishing you a happy new year filled with love and family⛄️
Dec 22Reply

@missybuddy I am sure it did, I have my packages delivered to work and not at work today. But I trust that it is there and will accept it. THANKS
Dec 29Reply

I got your style request! Are you looking for anything in particular?
Jan 06Reply

😀 Hello and Thank you for your offer! I've sent you a Counter for your review. Please let me know if I can assist you with anything else. I'm presently packing orders and can ship your purchase today. 👗👠👙🎁 Thanks for shopping my closet 😃
Jan 11Reply

Please feel free to submit a Counter Offer if you are still interested in those items.
Jan 11Reply

Thank you! For your purchase. I will mail your item today or first thing in the morning. Thanks again for your purchase and have a great day!
Jan 25Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals!
Feb 03Reply

@ginarobnick Your LIZ LISA DISNEY BEAUTY N THE BEAST has been shipped :) thank you for your purchase it is greatly appreciated :) have a blessed weekend
Feb 03Reply

I was out of town this weekend, but I am shipping your bundle today. Thank you for your purchase!
Feb 05Reply

@dremariev no worries.....thank you!
Feb 05Reply

You're gonna think I'm crazy. Please forgive me, but the bathing suit is a 6/6x. I listed it so long ago and have had it in storage. My daughter did wear it when she wore size 5 in everything else, so maybe that was why I listed it that way. Let me know if you want to cancel the order and then reorder the other items or cancel all together. Again, I am so sorry for the mix-up.
Feb 05Reply

@dremariev THATS OK, my granddaughter will only get bigger not smaller so I will take the 6/6x. thanks again
Feb 05Reply

@ginarobnick Thank you for being so understanding. I will throw in something extra for your little one. Shipping now!💕
Feb 05Reply

@ginarobnick hi thank you for stopping by my closet, if you have any question on any item you like feel free to ask, have a great weekend 🤗
Feb 10Reply

Let's make a deal on those ❤❤❤! BUNDLE and SAVE!
Feb 13Reply

Its FRIDAY! Let's make a deal with the items you ❤❤❤ in my closet! Bundle the items to get an offer you will L❤VE just as much! #TheBlackPicketFence
Feb 17Reply

Thanks for the like. Add to a bundle and make me in offer.
Feb 18Reply

Hello🌸 good morning🌞💕❤️
Feb 22Reply

Thank you. I'll send your dress out first thing Monday morning.
Feb 24Reply

Hi/ I accepted your offer on the sneakers
Feb 27Reply

I see you put a bundle together. I wasn't sure if you were planning on adding more items but I just saw your message. My bundles are already discounted so I am unsure as to what you mean by working on the price. 10% off is my discounted price for a bundle. Thanks 😊
Feb 27Reply

@awass123 which sneakers??
Feb 27Reply

My mistake the glitter crobs
Feb 27Reply

Feb 27Reply

Feb 28Reply

Thanks for the 5 star rating and the love note! So happy you like the dress!
Mar 01Reply

@bahamasgirl1970 well deserved!
Mar 01Reply

I received 2 other dresses and one I asked the size because I could see the label but could not see the size and she told me it was a 5/6 and the label has a big fat size 4 on it. And another one had a label on it that was 8 bucks cheaper than what I got it for. I don't like dishonesty. Was pretty disappointed. BUT your item was perfect! Thank you
Mar 01Reply

@bahamasgirl1970 I received 2 other dresses and one I asked the size because I could see the label but could not see the size and she told me it was a 5/6 and the label has a big fat size 4 on it. And another one had a label on it that was 8 bucks cheaper than what I got it for. I don't like dishonesty. Was pretty disappointed. BUT your item was perfect! Thank you
Mar 01Reply

@ginarobnick it's unfortunate that happened to you. I try to be as honest as I can with my listings in my closet. I'm glad you at least got one nice dress out of this whole thing.
Mar 01Reply

I meant the glitter girls crobs I've listed - u added to bundle.woth nothing else
Mar 03Reply

Hey Magg! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of Free People, Tory Burch, Anthropologie, Michael Kors, J Crew, White House Black Market and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Hope you are having an amazing weekend! 💖 Meg
Mar 04Reply

Just checking to make sure everything is good to go with your order😊 Tracking said delivered yesterday a.m. I believe.
Mar 09Reply

Thank you so much for your super sweet comment! Made my day! I am in the process of washing and pressing a few super cute dresses and I will b making matching bows as well😊 I am so glad you love everything😘 Tickles me pink!
Mar 09Reply

@lucky9ree I just saw a pair of cute pants I may pick up but I will wait to see the dresses your talking about. size 6?!?!? thanks again for everything. Just go power back and shoveled out. hope your doing well!
Mar 09Reply

@ginarobnick so thankful u got power back!! And I hope your water leak is under control!! I just posted one dress size 6/7. But I have more coming. I will get things posted asap. I will work on all my size 6 1st!! Taking a lazy day at the moment. Been going nonstop and my body is angry with me. Lol. Talk to ya soon 😙
Mar 09Reply

Btw. I loved loved loved that dress you just got! Isnt it just the sweetest! Eeek! I love girl clothes!
Mar 09Reply

Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Apr 19Reply

Hi! Thanks for the counteroffer. I will accept it. Any interest in adding the handmade purple glass dangly earrings? I can give you $2 off the earrings if you bundle w the jeans. 💕
Apr 20Reply

@tricia77r no thanks but are the mermaid socks still available?
Apr 21Reply

@ginarobnick I hear ya. yes the mermaid socks are available. Feel free to add to bundle & I can discount.
Apr 21Reply

Thank you for your purchase suguh bug! I have had u on my mind. Life has been crazy and I havent had time to make any pretties to go with outfits☹. Soon!😊
May 02Reply

@lucky9ree hey there!!! thanks for taking the offer. My granddaughter will LOVE these sparkling little shoes. DId you ever post that cute little skirt I was interested? I have to check your closet.
May 02Reply

@ginarobnick Im so excited! She will love them! I haven't listed the skirt yet😔 So sorry! I need to get it pressed and I had visions of making a matching bow as well. I will keep you posted😘
May 02Reply

@ginarobnick I can ship the shoes today if you would like. If you can wait for me to ship tomorrow that will give me time to make a little surprise. Either way is fine with me😘 btw. I think I already told u this b4 but Your granddaughter is SO CUTE!!
May 02Reply

@lucky9ree no rush, she is away on vacation now.
May 02Reply

May 02Reply

@ginarobnick Excellent!! 😁
May 02Reply

I just noticed your rating regarding the item you purchased. I want to apologize for your dissatisfaction however the item you purchased was brand new, what are you claiming it smells like? And in what ways is it not as described? I’m only asking to ensure that the next purchaser doesn’t encounter these same issues...I had multiple units of the item you purchased and the other buyers didn’t share your complaints...
May 02Reply

@maysummer sorry i had to give you a low rating. The picture of the item looks more like a fish net than what i received and it spelt like plastic for some reason. It was packaged nicely and came quick. Thank you for that.
May 03Reply

@maysummer smells like .... not spelt
May 03Reply

YAY!!! So happy you love!! I was having a bad day and your love note made me smile😙
May 07Reply

@ginarobnick thank you for clarifying. If you don’t consider that fishnet how do you suggest I describe it?
May 08Reply

Hey hun. Thank you for the offer I countered $20 as it was hand painted by me and it took a lot of time and effort. I have others available if you are interested.
Jun 24Reply

Hey hun some how the offer you made expired before I could accept. Please make the offer once more so I can accept and have it shipped to you immediately.
Jun 26Reply

I adjusted the listing price for you. You can now purchase for $18
Jun 26Reply

Hey sweet girl!! I am going to package this up today and it will ship 1st thing tomorrow😘 Thanks for your purchase and I hope you are having a relaxing weekend!
Jul 01Reply

Tracking shows your package was delivered at 8:30 this morning. Just wanted to make sure you got it😉
Jul 12Reply

@lucky9ree sorry for my delay, I just picked it up from my mailroom. THANK YOU.... my granddaughter will LOVE them!
Jul 12Reply

@ginarobnick no problem!!! Just glad you got them😘
Jul 12Reply

@lucky9ree how bout those bows??
Jul 12Reply

@ginarobnick hi i would like to accept your offer but I am on vacay so I cant ship until next week Monday. Is that ok? I dont know if you are relying on these coming this week so I thought I would check with you first. I also plan to list new stuff nxt wk!
Jul 16Reply

no rush.... enjoy your vacation!
Jul 16Reply

@kmontes30 no rush.....enjoy your vacation
Jul 16Reply

Today only buy 1 get one 50% off!!
Jul 23Reply

I’m really glad you like it , Thank you for your commitment. I love to hear that People like what they received 😊
Aug 03Reply

@ginarobnick thank you for the purchase. I will ship out tmrw morning.
Aug 06Reply

@ae537866 no rush, they are boots and its 90 degrees here! I can't wait till fall!
Aug 06Reply

@ginarobnick aww I love fall and spring! best seasons ever 😍 is it ok if I ship with out the box j because I can find a box to put the boot box in 😯
Aug 06Reply

@ae537866 no problem
Aug 06Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I will mail your shoes on Tuesday 😊
Sep 03Reply

Are you still interested in my vans for $32?
Sep 20Reply

@taylorozee sorry, i have to pass but thanks
Sep 20Reply

Hi, Im so sorry for my late response on the little boots.
Sep 20Reply

@ginarobnick Glad your granddaughter loved them and thank you for the 5 stars :) have a great Sunday
Sep 23Reply

Thanks for shopping with me! I just dropped your LuLaRoe off at the post office. 🙂
Sep 28Reply

@ginarobnick thank you for shopping my closet again !!!! I will ship this out tomorrow :)
Sep 30Reply

Thanks so much for your purchase! I’ll get it the post office tomorrow morning. I didn’t get a chance with my work schedule today. Have a great weekend 😊
Nov 09Reply

no rush,,,, thanks again!
Nov 09Reply

@livviesmom213 no rush, thanks again
Nov 09Reply

Hello and thank you for purchasing the snowman socks with ornament box! 💕🙏🌸. I am actually heading to the post office in about thirty minutes, so I will get your socks sent out to you today! 😀
Dec 06Reply

@elkschherpride thats great! TY
Dec 06Reply

@elkschherpride wondering , if you can hold off because i want to purchase your bundle of stocking stuffers. I get paid tomorrow and will get it done than. maybe i can get free shipping for a bundle??
Dec 06Reply

I apologize for the delay on your shipment. It should've been there by now. It's still in transit. Maybe bad weather? I put it out dec 10 :( I hope it gets there soon
Dec 17Reply

@_the_rack no worries, relax and Merry Christmas
Dec 17Reply

Omg 😲 thank god you received your package! If you look at transit info the post held your package up for like 7 days! I have no idea why 😭 I appreciate your quick acceptance and rating and the kind words ❤️ you can expect perfection every time from me but the post I have no idea what happened 😭 enjoy your weekend and holidays with your family ❤️ 🌲 💥 🤗
Dec 20Reply

Thank you!!! It will be shipped out this morning. Happy Friday 💕💕💕
Dec 21Reply

@ginarobnick thanks so much for your 5⭐️ rating I truly appreciate it!! Happy New Year 🎉🎉
Dec 31Reply

Baby Dumbo is on his way to you! 💙💜 Sorry about any confusion yesterday; I hit the wrong button 🤦♀️😅😬
Feb 16Reply

Thanks so much, Magg!! Hope he brings you much joy for a long time ☺️💙
Feb 19Reply

@sidereal_affair he is adorable!!! thank YOU!
Feb 19Reply

Hey Gina! Your purchase was shipped yesterday along with another package. Tracking was not provided on yours but was on the other. We asked about it at our post office today and they said they had a problem with their system and had 3 other complaints while assuring us it had indeed been shipped. Please let me know as soon as you get it as it was a new employee at the post office😒😔
Feb 22Reply

So sorry - I meant Maggie - am so stressed that this is not showing as able to track. Will check with post office again tomorrow. Sorry for the name goof
Feb 22Reply

Feb 22Reply

@regalpatty will let you know but not in a rush so don't worry about me.
Feb 22Reply

Hi it’s Diane... I so happy you like the jars I made!!! Super happy they arrived safely!
Feb 23Reply

Hey Magg - finally located your Irish purchase which went to different purchaser who bought a sweater. I have asked posh support to have her ship it back to me at my expense so that I can repackage and send to you. Hade made a gift basket and wrapped in green cellophane (which was clearly not a sweater) but the other buyer opened all so I would like to repackage nicely before it goes out to you. Will keep you posted. Thank you for your patience!
Feb 26Reply

Hi there, Thanks so much for your likes. Please let me know if you have any questions or interest. Warm regards, Mary
Mar 01Reply

Hi Mag. I'm a Push Passionate petson. Please stop by my closet and check out my items I have a y variety of things. And I change my closet and upload new things every day. I tried to keep my prices low but I am also willing to take offers, stop on by. 😍👙🛍️
Mar 02Reply

Hi there, thanks so much for your purchase. I will get this shipped out to you first thing in the morning! ;)
Mar 06Reply

@ritamarbley thanks so much, looking forward to receiving it. (my first Michael bag)
Mar 06Reply

Really, oh it's so pretty. I bought it to use as a small beach bag but just never used it. I will let u know as soon as I ship it! ;)
Mar 06Reply

Good morning angel, just wanted to let u know that I just shipped your package and it's on its way to you!. Thanks again for your purchase & let me know when you get it! Have an awesome day! ;)😉
Mar 07Reply

Hey again, I am so glad that u like the MK bag. You are going to look super cute with it at the beach. I really hope u enjoy it and your gift box. Thank u so much for your 5 ⭐ rating, I truly appreciate it! 😉😘💝💕
Mar 10Reply

Having a massive LulaRoe sale i think you’ll be interested in💕
Mar 21Reply

Hi 😊, I shipped your bag yesterday but it’s not tracking for some reason. I notified Posh it’s not tracking
Apr 07Reply

Hi Gina, The Package still isn’t tracking I notified Posh and Postoffice again. If it doesn’t start tracking today I will send another. I had 2 of the same bag
Apr 09Reply

Yay, it’s finally tracking
Apr 10Reply

Thank you for your purchase. It will ship first thing in the morning. Happy Easter!
Apr 20Reply

Hi there Magg ! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
May 19Reply

Hello!🥀 I just want to let you know I am currently accepting All offers
I hope you have a great day!!☀️🌞
May 25Reply

Hi, it’s Nicole S noticed you liked dress in my closet. Are you still interested in clothing for your little one? If so, what size? What type ? I have two girls and I’m downsizing their closet.
Jun 18Reply

@nicolelynnsteel my granddaughter is 6 so sizes 6x- and up would work. THANKS!
Jun 18Reply

Thanks for your purchase lovely!! I’ll have it shipped out today! 💋
Jun 26Reply

Hey! I would love if you could check out my closet! I just listed some little one toys that my cousins grew out of, if that is something your interested in! Thanks so much!
Jul 18Reply

Hello! I’m wondering if you would sell me the sun with hands plaque that you purchased from Neverstoploving. I contacted her to ask if she had another one for sale, and she said you aren’t happy with the item because it’s dirty. I would love to purchase it from you— please let me know! Thank you!
Aug 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet. I have women’s and men’s clothing plus home goods. Happy Poshing 🌻👗👠👔👖🌻
Aug 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🎉🥳
Sep 03Reply

@ginarobnick thank you for the visit 💕 I added many new items since your last purchase 😁 I would love to give you a good deal 🤗
Sep 04Reply

Hi i noticed your pkg was delivered and i hope you love your new goodies😊
Oct 06Reply

Hi! Welcome to poshmark!! 😊😊 I would love for you to check out my closet to see if you like anything. I have clothes for a variety of ages so there’s a lot to choose from. Thanks for your time💕
Oct 27Reply

🌟Thank you for your purchase! Will ship it asap🌟
Nov 24Reply

Thank you for the likes! Just to let you know, if you bundle two or more items from my closet, i will apply 10% off of your entire purchase! 😊💗
Nov 25Reply

🎉Hi Magg 🛍I’m Susan, 5 Star Rated Seller & Posh Ambassador. I want you to feel completely confident shopping my closet for new designer items from Michael KORS, Free People, Anne Klein, Coach & more! Handmade Sterling Silver Earrings🌟I’ve personally shop from top retailers only, as well as items from my own smoke free closet. Each item is top quality & authentic ❤️
Dec 07Reply

Thank you for your order of the Girls Faux Fur Vest. I did receive the updated mailing label and will get that out first thing in the morning🌺🌼🌸
Dec 09Reply

@positiveripple thank you,,, can't wait to get it! Looks adorable
Dec 09Reply

@ginarobnick it is an awesome piece and we loved it. I’m in Colorado so it will probably be the three days to deliver☹️
Dec 09Reply

@positiveripple winter is just starting here in New Jersey, no biggie!
Dec 09Reply

Thank you for the wonderful review on the faux fur vest. I’m so happy that you like the item. And hope your granddaughter will enjoy it. ❄️❄️ it is important to me that I have satisfied and happy buyers ❄️❄️. Happy Winter
Dec 14Reply

Hi! Just wanted to let you know I’ve posted some more girls items and plan to post more tonight and tomorrow if you’re interested. I hope you are enjoying the items you purchased previously. Happy holidays!!
Dec 21Reply

Hi, Magg! Thank you for your purchase! The post office is closed tomorrow for the MLK holiday, so it will ship out on Tuesday. Have a great week 😊
Jan 19Reply

Hey there! This is a kindly message.
I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items, so I think some of my listings will meet your style.
There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me!
Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like.
All the best for you. :)
Feb 09Reply

Thank you for your purchase from Carley Cat Shop. Your order has been shipped and is on the way to you. Eileen
Feb 13Reply

Hi welcome to my closet!
All items are new with tags or gently used!
Any item with a 🌷 in the listing is now ON SALE!!
Bundle 3 items and send offer for $25
buy 3 for $25!!
Feb 14Reply

Good Afternoon! Your order shipped out today!! Thank you so much for visiting my closet!!!!
Feb 18Reply

Thanks for the like on the activity mat! Feel free to make an offer or bundle for a discount. I’m having a deal right now buy the ‘vintage bank’ and get any baby item for free just add both items to a bundle :)
Feb 22Reply

Hi Maggie! Thank you for purchasing one of my items! I will get this order mailed to you shortly. Have a great rest of your day! 😊
Feb 24Reply

Hi Magg! Thank you so much for the 5 star rating but most importantly I enjoy working with customers like you! Please stop by my closet again soon. P.S. I’m currently running a sale of bundling 3 or more items & receive 25% off your entire order! ♥️😍
Mar 03Reply

Hey 😍 Thank you for like the Girls Betsey Johnson Bathing Suit 👙
Feel free to send me a offer! I can give discount. Let me know ok 😀👍🏾
Jul 18Reply

Hi I see you liked my headband make a bundle and I’ll make an offer
Jul 31Reply

Hi Magg! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, I mainly sell kids/tweens clothes:) Thank you so much, have a great day!😊
Aug 05Reply

Hi!! Welcome to my closet! Feel free to look around and ask me any questions. My prices are super low, so it pays to bundle and save. I’m always adding new items, so come back and visit often! Follow me @pinkystorel
You get automatically 15 % when you add 2 iteams to your cart. When you add 3 iteams to you cart send me a message and I will give you free shipping. Thank you! 🍃🌸🍃
Aug 05Reply

Hey! I would love if you checked out my closet! Stay safe! ❤️
Aug 18Reply

Hi Magg! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, I mainly sell kids/tweens clothes:). Some popular brands I have in my closet are Janie and Jack, Hanna Andersson, Mini Boden, and Ralph Lauren! Thank you😊
Sep 02Reply

Hi Magg, thanks for liking my white fleece snowsuit, please let me know if you have any questions, I love reasonable offers and make great bundle deals, Stay Safe Jillian 👋😍🌌👣🤰🥳
Sep 21Reply

@ginarobnick hi Magg! I wanted to stop by and say hello and invite you to check out my closet. I have a great variety of products including STUNNING authentic Swarovski pieces, unique handmade jewelry, 925 silver jewelry that make perfect birthday or holiday gifts for your loved ones or for yourself!
Shop with confidence. I am a Posh Ambassador, top rated seller with over 250 5-star ratings, and a fast shipper.
Have a wonderful day 🌻
Sep 26Reply

Hi Magg thank you for your purchase I will mail it today 🙂
Nov 07Reply

Deer Customer, Hello. We have left you a note on your bundle you purchased. We are very sorry for the bad experience. Thank you very much for your friendly & honest feedback. 🥰
Dec 27Reply

Thanks for looking at our family closet prices are negotiable and we have excellent ratings and reviews
Feb 04Reply

Hi, thank you for the interest! I am offering 10% discount that I hope will work for you.
Best regards
Feb 12Reply

Hey! Unfortunately I’ve been super busy and with the snow I haven’t been able to ship out your shorts yet. I’m so sorry for being behind I usually always get stuff shipped out fast. I will have to short shipped tomorrow. Again I’m sorry for the wait.
Feb 22Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet! If you have any questions, please let me know 🌺
Feb 28Reply

thank you for the 🤎
Mar 06Reply

Happy Tues-YAY!! I am wishing you an amazing day!
Come check out my closet if you would like!☺️
Mar 23Reply

Hello swimsuit season is right around the corner. I have many sizes A - DDD & XS - 24w one piece swimwear 👙🏊♂️
Mar 26Reply

@ginarobnick Hi Magg
if you want all 3 of the nest planters, accept my offer & I will ship all 3 :)
Or create a bundle
Apr 20Reply

hello welcome 😊 to poshmark thanks for visiting my closet and sharing it. FEEL. FREE TO MAKE ME A REASONABLE OFFER !! ❤️HAPPY SHOPPING 🛍
Aug 30Reply

Hi... I saw you received your Winifred costume... and you left 4 stars. I have never received under 5 stars. Was there something wrong with the order that made you unhappy? I strive to make my customers happy and if there is anything you were not pleased with that I can fix.. I will be glad to. ..Also if your displeased I will be glad for you to return the items and refund your money.💙🐁
Oct 14Reply

thank you for writing , i feel it just wasn't worth the 80 + dollars. Thought it would be a better quality costume. The shipping and wrapping were exceptional.
Oct 15Reply

hi! I am shipping your order tomorrow. sorry for the delay, I ran out of printer ink, and it's taking forever to get here.
Nov 02Reply

Your package you ordered is on the way.. it shipped.. enjoy the Christmas Elves and the boys shirts.. come visit my closet again.. thank you so much for your purchase
Nov 08Reply

Hello there,
Welcome to Poshmark.
Check out my closet for great deals and free shipping when you spend $20 or more. Also, when you purchase 3 items or more any add-ons/items with a butterfly 🦋 can be $5 each.
Nov 29Reply

Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Feb 20Reply

Thank you! I really appreciate it! 💜 It will be shipped out next day the 10th :)
Mar 10Reply

Hi please take a look at my closet for some amazing collection of Indian and western outfits for women, girls and babies. I’ve also got handmade crochet purses, baby dresses, beanies and hand painted glass wares on sale . Let me know if you have any questions I would be glad to help you . Happy poshing !!
Apr 15Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 23Reply

❤ Welcome to check out my Closet
Jun 29Reply

Hi Gorgous! Thank you for visiting. you’ve got great taste.✨Please let me know if you have any questions.🛍🌷🎉😘💝 Happy Poshing!🛍🎉🌷😘💝
Jul 15Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Aug 28Reply

Hello! I saw you offered in one of my items (black boots) and I am willing to accept your offer now if you are still interested in them.
Sep 08Reply

Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Sep 22Reply

Thank you so much for liking the Ralph Lauren sportscoat in my closet. if you would like to buy it, I could drop the price to $55 and Poshmark should offer you discounted shipping today. As I can only do this once and it is only good for 6hrs, please let me know if you would like me to do it. Thanks!
Oct 02Reply

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving ! Stop by when you can and say, “hello” !
Enjoy the day !
Nov 20Reply

Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop!⛄❄
Dec 28Reply

Hi Maggie, I left you a message under your bundle.. but just in case u didn’t see it I’ll leave it here too.. as I was passing up your purchase I spotted a tiny blue mark on the end of one sleeve of the star one will really notice it. Do u sill want it?
Jan 28Reply

Hi! I stopped by to say hello and personally invite you to my closet for great deals. Please do come by when you have a moment. I've got a bit of everything for the family and home/office decor. Feel free to bundle your likes to save on shipping and also reach out should you have any questions. Happy Poshing!🤝💞💞💞
Feb 09Reply

Just wanted to stop by and say Hi.☺️ when you get the chance, I would love for you to stop by my closet.I would be happy to answer any questions you may have & please feel free to bundle and send me a reasonable offer. Have a wonderful week! 💕🛍️
Apr 18Reply

Thank you very much for your 5 star review! I greatly appreciate you and your time! You and your purchase are a blessing to me and my family! Always remember that you are important and a blessing!! God bless you!!
50% off sale this weekend!
Add items to your bundle and send an offer of 50% off!!
I appreciate you!
Always remember that you are important and a blessing!!
Jul 22Reply

Thank you very much for your 5 star review! I greatly appreciate you and your time! You and your purchase are a blessing to me and my family! Always remember that you are important and a blessing!! God bless you!!
Aug 04Reply

Hi - Thank you for your order. I am shipping your socks out today. Have a great week. Viv at Hey Viv !
Aug 07Reply

hi you liked one of my items . I have another frank available also..message me ill make a great deal
Aug 26Reply

Hi I saw you looked a girls M killer clown Halloween costume I’m selling the same one for $10 less and have tons of other girls and women’s clothes! Reasonable offers are always accepted
Sep 18Reply

Sep 18Reply

Hi Magg! It’s great to meet you!💝
Sep 24Reply

Hi ! Please check out my closet. Let me know when you see something you like 😊
Dec 17Reply

Hi, come shop my closet, smoke-free home.
Dec 03Reply

Yes I can do that
Jan 14Reply
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