Meet your Posher, Mal
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Hi! I'm Mal. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, Betsy Johnson and I️ am also really into Vintage clothing. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

Hi Mal! Welcome to Poshmark! I am a PoshMark Ambassador and Posh Mentor! I know the beginning can be a little confusing to figure out how Poshmark works, so follow my closet and feel free to ask me anything. I am here to help! 😉 Happy Poshing! 🌟
Nov 21Reply

Happy poshing !! Wishing you many sales !!
Nov 22Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! Looking forward to seeing your closet and Posh friends grow!! 😊💕
Nov 22Reply

I wish try to ship the sweater out this weekend! I’ve been busy with the holidays lol
Nov 23Reply

Shipped today!!
Nov 26Reply

Little upset you gave me a 3 star for a used pair of converse that were 10 dollars that I was VERY clear about,if you had questions I would hope you would have asked. I hope
You understand what it takes to sell. Please don’t shop my closet. Thanks
May 12Reply

@snklika well the stars are there for a reason and they are to help you become a better seller. You can’t always get perfect stars. I know the truth hurts and no one candle handle it 🤷🏼♀️
May 19Reply

@malham13 please enlighten me with your rating
May 19Reply

Hello I was just wondering if there was an issue with the shirt you ordered from me?
Aug 30Reply

Wondering why 3/5 starts for the converse . They were $10 so I’m confused?
Jan 02Reply

@malham13 what WAS wrong with them? If you don’t tell me and I get a 3 start rating how can I fix anything? Rude
Jan 02Reply

@bohohippie79 she has issues with everyone
Jan 02Reply

@snklika I couldnt figure out what the problem was so that makes much more sense now
Jan 03Reply

@bohohippie79 yeah she ruins ratings just because we need to learn a lesson I guess lol
Jan 03Reply

@snklika I just think if someone asks what the issue was it's common courtesy to answer so they can fix it. if theres an issue tell me, but I cant fix it if you just do less than 5 stars with no stated reason then dont answer when I ask.....
Jan 03Reply

@bohohippie79 she answered me but told me tough luck
Jan 03Reply

@bohohippie79 there were no issues so why do I need to comment? I gave you a rating. This is not Facebook, it is an app to sell items not socialize and argue why you have a certain rating. Leaving a comment is optional.
Jan 03Reply

@snklika it is also pathetic that it is still bothering you a half of a year later 🤣
Jan 03Reply

@malham13 still bothers me half year you haven’t changed your attitude LOL
Jan 03Reply

@malham13 I had only asked because you gave 4 stars. not trying to argue because honestly I dont see the point I was only asking because I sell as a business and if there is something I should improve on I like to know but you had never answered and the only reason it's even brought up again is because I got tagged in a comment and I saw others also had gotten less than 5 stars without reason.
Jan 04Reply

@malham13 if you dont feel the need to give the reason that is your prerogative and good luck to you, we all do business differently
Jan 04Reply

Hey there! This is a kindly message.
I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items from other Poshers, so I think some of my listings will meet your style.
There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me!
Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like.
All the best for you. :)
Sep 03Reply
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