Meet your Posher, Maleah
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Hi, I have been shopping here for a bit, and now I am listing. Primarily, solid gold and natural gems. I prefer Vintage/Estate pieces. Made solid, with interesting and unique designs, this jewelry is true art & holds it's value. I am really happy to find that Posh is a very supportive network. You are much appreciated! Thanks for the warm welcome! :)

21 others
like this

Just wanted you to know I just started a sale bundle any 4 items and I'll reduce $5 off total(MSG ME WHEN DONE BUNDLING) !!!and everything in closet is $10 and under !!!DON'T MISS IT!!!
Apr 19Reply

Yes ring is 1970's and i will raise bundle discount for u if ur getn more than 2 items:)
Jul 20Reply

I am interested in the blue ring, Black bead necklace, and tigers eye ring. Super tight budget. None, really. Husband will kill me when he sees the credit card bill. ;/ what is the absolute best price you could give me on these things? I don't mean to undervalue them, I just want them very badly. :)
Jul 21Reply

See above. Thanks!
Jul 21Reply

Hi dear. Welcome to check out my closet and let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to make an offer ☺️👍
Aug 14Reply

Welcome to Posh,looks as if you are new here. Posh is a great community to be a part of. Have a wonderful time Pishing.
Aug 14Reply

@jazzyfran Relatively new. I buy, haven't sold...yet. Thank you for the warm welcome. :) I noticed the fantastic deal on that ruby ring and had to keep my eye on you! ;)
Aug 14Reply

@thephoenixmama can u give me you email?
Aug 21Reply

I can...but it's my full name..and I don't know how to delete comments...
Aug 21Reply

Aug 21Reply

Oh! I can add to my profile then edit it out. Lmk when you are ready
Aug 21Reply

Aug 21Reply

Thanks for the share!😊
Aug 24Reply

Hi Maleah! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you're loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Have a fabulous day ✨
Sep 05Reply

Hello, I found you on a page you commented on, a lady who made an offer on a high end item. You requested to do the transaction outside of PM. May I asked if you sold and shipped to her? I accepted her $1850 offer for a necklace but fear she may be a scammer. I am trying to find at least one person she made a successful transaction with. Thank u and sorry to bug u!
Nov 10Reply

@wendi41 Well, I cross post all my listings, so I mentioned that. I wouldn't call it a request, per se.
I am seeing that this is a common phenomenon with this "user". I only received an offer. I countered, and didn't hear back.
These orders/offers all seem to be on higher value items. I have come to wonder (maybe paranoid...) if this is a sort of test, you know...? I sound paranoid, don't I? Lol.
Nov 10Reply

@wendi41 I missed part of your message. Did she just never respond/pay after you accepted the offer?
Nov 10Reply

@wendi41 Someone else asked me the same thing, btw....
Nov 10Reply

@thephoenixmama I wound up accepting the offer and shipped it yesterday. I contacted Support and the assured me I would be safe from any scam. I told her I had doubts about her and emphasized her funds are frozen with Poshmark and once I ship she can't cxl and wouldn't be eligible for a return so to rethink the purchase. She was very nice and understanding so I shipped it
Nov 10Reply

@wendi41 Oh, that's great! You are totally covered, don't worry. I am glad it worked out for you!
Nov 10Reply

@thephoenixmama We'll see. I sort of fibbed and not positive she can't return and send me back an empty box!! Happy selling, I cross sell on M and its great!
Nov 10Reply

@wendi41 I would think you would still be covered, esp in good standing with Posh. The buyer is the iffy one in this situation. Also, the buyer has to submit photo evidence that item is not as described, etc, before even being allowed to return. I believe you will be covered...but that empty box scam does freak me out a bit. Did you insure it?
Yes, it's great to have the flexibility of multi platforms! M is having a 10% off sale for buyers right now, seller still gets full value. Yay!
Nov 10Reply

@thephoenixmama ooh, thx for the Merc info. I just listed a few more items!! Thank you for all your input.
Nov 10Reply

@wendi41 NP. Catch have to list in the 10% off page, specifically. Not really a catch...but important. :)
Nov 10Reply

Love Your Closet❣💖🖒
Nov 14Reply

Awww thanks @lilybuds
Nov 14Reply

Thanks @heyitsmesandi :)
Nov 14Reply

@lilybuds Thank you! I love yours too! So fun to find others with similar tastes! :)
Nov 14Reply

@thephoenixmama If I had the funds, I could pick a dozen things to make my own❣💞 Beautiful photos❣💛
Nov 14Reply

@lilybuds Thank you!! I always thought I would be this master of lighting and photography....
But, ummmm, not so much, it turns out. Lol. I try so hard though, so it's nice to hear!
Funds...ugh...I is hard to make $ selling stuff on here, because you see other people's stuff that you suddenly "need"!
Nov 14Reply

@thephoenixmama I'm tempted constantly! One second I'm going through my feed to share and an hour later, I realize I'm shopping! 😊
Nov 14Reply

@thephoenixmama hello newbie. Welcome!! Let me know if I can help with anything. In regards to those yoga pants you can get them from Amazon. They take forever to come though. I think they are a total of about 12 dollars with shipping. They are super cute. I hope that helps. And welcome to posh!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 19Reply

Thanks so much @gatorgurlr6 !
Definitely helpful!
Nov 19Reply

@thephoenixmama yep! Some little boutique on Amazon. ❤️❤️
Nov 19Reply

Hmm...any name you can recall? Tie leg yoga pants or something? Lol
Nov 19Reply

@gatorgurlr6 ^
Nov 19Reply

@thephoenixmama btw...Nice to meet love 😘😙
Nov 25Reply

Good morning☺️thank you for all the love☺️💓🌸💓have a beautiful day🌸
Nov 28Reply

Thanks for the love!! YOUR photos and closet are fabulous!! So glad I spotted you in my newsfeed 💕
Nov 30Reply

@lgrayscloset I am glad you did, as well, do that I could find you! 😜
Nov 30Reply

hey! thanks so much for all the shares! if there's ever something of mine you like LMK! happy to answer any questions you may have :)
Dec 01Reply

@erin1270815 My pleasure, and will do! Thanks!
Dec 01Reply

hi! thanks so much for the like on my sweater. please feel free to make an offer, id be happy to consider 😊
Dec 06Reply

Happy poshing beautiful lady! God bless!
Dec 06Reply

@luvlypnay Why, thank you, and you too! :)
Dec 07Reply

Hi! Feel free to make an offer on the bundle you created. I'd be happy to offer a discount :) Thanks for looking, and your closet is beautiful! 🎀🌷
Dec 08Reply

@poshmarkt Thank you, for the offer and the compliment. ☺️
Dec 08Reply

Gorgeous baubles! Time to go back to work so I can SHOP!!! :D Thanks for the fun browse.
Dec 09Reply

@lainey444 Right?! It's quite the cycle! I see you have added some really lovely stuff in the last few hours! 😍
Dec 09Reply

SO many sweet tiny clothes. :D
Dec 09Reply

Ladies, and gentlemen :)
Hurry, these price drops are TEMPORARY...because it's holiday time, and I appreciate you all! Thank you for all of the likes and shares! I am really enjoying the PoshMark community! ❤️🌲😍
Dec 10Reply

@lainey444 Aww...Thank you. :) I shop mostly in my I can't lose. Haha. But...I have tons more stuff, of various sizes to get posted.
If you want to let me know roughly what size you are looking for, I can tag you. :)
Dec 10Reply

Beautiful things😉😙
Dec 11Reply

@ppamprrd Thank you so much! :))
Dec 12Reply

@ppamprrd You too, btw!
Dec 12Reply

@thephoenixmama You have a beautiful Closet!! Thank you for liking my handbags!
Dec 12Reply

@peoniespurses Thank you so much!!
My pleasure, they are great, and priced well. I am in search of some eclectic totes to use as shopping bags. :)
Dec 12Reply

@thephoenixmama ❤❤
Dec 12Reply

Hi Maleah! So nice to meet you!! Please let me know if you have any questions or need any advice about Poshmark! May you have a blessed New Year!!💕
Jan 04Reply

Please stop by and meet Maleah and share her closet if you can. THANK YOU PFF's💕🌻🌺🌸 🌻🌷🌹💐🌺💕 @salleylin @ladybugrl16 @shopwitheileen
@rachel2335 @emscat78
@sandy_98 @mamazthang
@leemkate1977 @wendyhenley
@ahnec @shoplittlebird @kbordano
@hcf88 @vintage_reborn @palmtree30 @sassafras19 @equintana5 @calgirls3ceo
@ep2chr @retagit @cargru @cultivatecovet @thriftstorebol
@dilynn040 @angelbritton @wastedkatie
@sg1771 @priscillarogers @cfharmon
Jan 04Reply

Please stop by and meet Maleah and share her closet if you can. THANK YOU PFF's!💕🌻🌺🌸 🌻🌷🌹💐🌺💕 @ajcook50 @ricki54 @secondimage2000 @littlerobyn @warrior04 @cupofjoe @deege65 @florida_chica56 @anneykh @gulperi4 @n2starbucks @angeladanz @hollypo @jmwelker5 @shopgirl1880 @pkarina @marij7 @giacor @rosestone @star2733 @thewifeysthings
@seasidemaiden @vlsavell @mishkasstyle
@maryj1979 @geliah @gounlvrebels
Jan 04Reply

Hi Maleah, I'm Amanda nice to meet you!😇 If you have any questions or need any help I'm a posh mentor so I'm always here if you need anything.
Jan 04Reply

@beautifullife9 Wow, thank you so much for the super-warm welcome!! 😊
Very sweet of you! 💗 😍
🙋🏻 Hello everyone!!!
I hope to meet all of you soon! 😊
Jan 04Reply

Hi Maleah! Nice to meet you! I'm Shari ! Hope you are enjoying Posh!!! It's very addicting!! 😊❣😊❣Ty Lidia @beautifullife9 for the tag!
Jan 04Reply

@beautifullife9 Done! Great closet💕
Jan 04Reply

Hi there! Thanks for visiting my closet! If you're interested in those awesome love child flares, I will send the Betsey socks as a gift with purchase 😊 Let me know if you have any questions!
Jan 08Reply

Hi was stopping by ur closet and wanted to let you know that I have alot of nice and comfortable stuff in my closet and I will NEGOTIATE a deal that makes u happy so come and check me out. Am cheap and will go down more
Jan 12Reply

@n2starbucks Thanks so much! 💗
Jan 12Reply

@sg1771 Thank you so much for the follow! I am only now getting A chance to respond, but I got a look at your closet, and it is fantastic!
It is very nice to meet you! 😘
Jan 12Reply

@ajcook50 Thanks so much! Great closet!! :)
Jan 12Reply

@thephoenixmama thanks so much for the compliments in my closet! So sweet of you! I'm always here if you need anything!! All the best, Shari 😊❣
Jan 12Reply

Hi Maleah! Hope you are enjoying Poshmark and having a great start to 2017!
Feb 09Reply

Love your new profile pic!
Apr 05Reply

Thank you so much!! 😊
Very sweet of you! 😘
I thought it was time to update the old picture, from days when my, now, toddler, was a baby and I hadn't slept in like four days. 😜
Apr 06Reply

@thephoenixmama well it looks great! 😘💋❤️💞
Apr 06Reply

Absolutely Stunning Closet!!!
Apr 10Reply

Thank you so much! ☺️ 😘
Apr 10Reply

Thanks!!! ☺️😘💕
Apr 10Reply

@thephoenixmama you deserve the compliment!!😘
Apr 10Reply

Thank you, sweet lady! 🙂
Apr 10Reply

If anything in my closet interests you, let me know!
Apr 22Reply

Hi. I just got a very low offer on a necklace, so because I've been reading about so much scamming, I am leary. I see the same person made an offer to you yesterday. Did that offer go through?
May 21Reply

I did not accept. It would have been a fairly reasonable offer, had the item been at regular price. However, it was a 1-hr (low) sale price.
May 21Reply

@thephoenixmama - Gm , on the 22 pants u liked I'm offering u today for $50 can't beat it - blowout price
Jun 19Reply

Thank you for your kind words 😌🙏🏻💐
Nov 06Reply

@thephoenixmama Hey Maleah! Saw that you added a really cute anthro skirt to a bundle and shared some more pieces that you may like, I love to give bundle discounts. The anthro skirt has an offer to likers on it that you can accept if you wish! Thanks!
Jul 13Reply

@thephoenixmama You’re jewelry and vintage is breathtaking! I’m amazed!!
Jul 13Reply

Hey love ur stuff! would love if u checked my page!
Nov 02Reply

Thank you for your like 💕❤️
Nov 05Reply

Thank you for your like ❤️💕
Nov 05Reply

Beautiful closet and collection!!
May 06Reply

Thanks so much! 😊
I have more pieces to add....
They are listed on my website, but I haven’t gotten to listing them here, just yet.
May 06Reply

@thephoenixmama Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 06Reply

🙋🏻♀️WELCOME to the Poshmark (Posh) Community. I have been here since 2016. I am an Gold Ambassador II & Mentor. Please feel free to ask questions. I am to happy to help you.
If you have listings, I am sharing them with my 111k+ followers.
Kindly STOP by my HUGE Closet:
- Genuine Designer GEM Rings
- Vintage + Accessories
- Plus Sizes 🚺🚹
- Designer Purses
- Shoes
- Skin Care & Make Up
- Home Goods + Vintage
- Sometimes Electronics & Pet
Happy Poshing! 🙏🏻🇺🇸
Mar 18Reply
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