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Updated Mar 02
Updated Mar 02

Meet your Posher, Mandie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mandie. Im a wife and mommy to two little boys. I Started this journey to help get me through nursing school and four years later support our whole family doing so! I love doing this and even more helping others get started with building their businesses! We have access to high quality new with tags inventory and would love to help you out over at! Drop a link to your closet, I’d love to visit!! Thanks for visiting mine!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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vettnerscloset Hi Mandie! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you so much for following my closet. I’m a Posh Ambassador with a variety of sizes in my closet including plus sizes. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about Poshmark. Happy Poshing!!! 👗💄👜👠👡
Oct 22Reply
its_a_posh_life @vettnerscloset oh thank you! I would love any advice or suggestions you have. Poshmark seems like such a great place. So happy to have joined in. Thanks for following along with my closet as well.
Oct 22Reply
vettnerscloset I would be happy to share my tips with you. There are 3 basic things to Poshmark. First you will want as many followers as possible. The reason you want to have more followers are when you share items it send them out to your followers feed. Second share you your items in your closet 3-4 times per day not just during parties. This increased my sales a lot.
Oct 22Reply
vettnerscloset Third is to share from other’s closet. They should in turn share items from your closet which will also increase exposure of your items since they will have followers that you may not have. Let me know if I confused or if you have any questions.
Oct 22Reply
vettnerscloset @mandietippets You are very welcome!!! 💗💗💗💗
Oct 22Reply
its_a_posh_life @vettnerscloset thank you so much!! All of this is so helpful as I have been selling on eBay and it’s quite different. So happy to be here though!
Oct 22Reply
vettnerscloset @mandietippets Glad to have you! I’m happy to hear you thought it was helpful information.
Oct 22Reply
gracemarzoo hiiiiii I’m grace and I’m also pretty new. I would really appreciate it if u could help me out and check out my closet :)))) i love your clothes <333 and you’re so prettyyyy
Nov 05Reply
its_a_posh_life @gracemarzoo hello!! Thanks lady! Yes I’m very new! It’s so fun finding stuff and bringing it here though! You’re gorgeous as well!! Have a good night! 😘
Nov 05Reply
tgboutique Mandie, welcome to Posh. Have fun shopping and selling. List, Share, Follow 🛍️💕
Nov 09Reply
its_a_posh_life @mystyle_b4 I’m sorry which ones? 🤦🏻‍♀️ was it the camo Lace ones?
Dec 02Reply
its_a_posh_life @mystyle_b4 it might be your lucky day. They sold on eBay but apparently it was an unauthorized purchase :) these lace ones fly! I’m going to relist in a minute if you want to watch them. I have someone else asking me about them as well.
Dec 02Reply
its_a_posh_life @will0910 oh good. I did throw it in with the shoes. I hope she likes it and you both have a very merry Christmas 😉 postman just picked it up so it should be there in two days since we’re just in Utah.
Dec 12Reply
randeescloset Nice to meet you 🌻 What a cute closet 😃
Jan 01Reply
its_a_posh_life @randeescloset I just checked yours out and love it!!! Thanks so much for the shares. 🤗 Happy New Years!
Jan 01Reply
randeescloset You are quite the athletic family ! 😃 Best regards, Randee🌻
Jan 01Reply
marcelycel Sorry. Should've read the description in its entirety. Anyway, can't wait. Looks like a dope piece.
Jan 16Reply
its_a_posh_life @marcelycel totally fine!! I ask a lot of questions myself. Lol. Yeah it’s super cool. Definitely different! I’ll ship it out tomorrow!! Hope you love it!
Jan 16Reply
kameleon_1983 I'm diggen your closet!
Feb 09Reply
its_a_posh_life @kameleon_1983 lol thanks girly!! There’s def some super fun stuff in there!! 😍😍😍
Feb 09Reply
its_a_posh_life @kameleon_1983 if you’re interested and want to throw a bundle together I’ll shoot you an offer! 😉
Feb 09Reply
kameleon_1983 Thanks honey!
Feb 09Reply
jenafefe Thanks for a great deal, my son loved the pants and shipping was quick!
Feb 18Reply
its_a_posh_life @jenafefe you are so welcome!! I’m so glad he loved the pants!! 👏 I always love hearing when people like their items so thanks for sharing!
Feb 18Reply
dbarnett1977 Nice closet
Mar 01Reply
its_a_posh_life @dbarnett1977 Thank you! And thanks for the shares!
Mar 01Reply
wildtimefashion Hi Mandie -welcome to poshmark! Looks like life is busy! Just wanted to drop in and say hi as I am a Herriman girl too! Always fun to see other ppl on here from same community! Enjoy Lorrie
Jun 07Reply
its_a_posh_life @wildtimefashion oh awesome!! We’re in rosecrest. I agree. I always love to see someone local as well!! Love your closet! Some of your bracelets are to die for! I may need to snag one up!!
Jun 07Reply
wildtimefashion @mandietippets yes we live close I am close to middle school Rosecreek ranch so down off mountain from ya! Love to see fellow neighbors on posh!
Jun 07Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow 💕⭐️🛍
Jan 18Reply
sethnot there was an order just placed for a jacket that was 140 dollars, I did not order this item yet my card is being charged. please contact the person that ordered this item with my card number and arrange other payments. it was placed by someone in Wilmington Delaware. I don't know how this happened but I've contacted poshmark, my bank, and you as well, I need this resolved asap, thank you
Sep 15Reply
its_a_posh_life @sethnot I’ll just cancel the order. I’m sorry that happened to you!
Sep 15Reply
its_a_posh_life @sethnot I think you need to request to cancel the item it’s not giving me an option for the buyer requesting. Are you able to do that?
Sep 15Reply
sethnot thank you for cancelling the order, but how do I get my money back, I have no money now because this order cleaned my account out, I needed to Uber to work but I have no money !
Sep 16Reply
its_a_posh_life @sethnot I have no control over that I’m so sorry! :( if you can see the funds in your poshmark balance you should be able to transfer them back to your bank account. If you do it tonight it should hopefully hit your bank tomorrow. Good Luck!
Sep 16Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Oct 21Reply
liljon690 Hi m’am! My name is Jonathan I recently purchased a pair of Under Armour Rival Fleece Joggers a few days ago from you and was wondering if you were able to provide any updates on if they have shipped yet or when they will be arriving, I can’t seem to see a thing on my end, thank you!
Dec 12Reply
its_a_posh_life @liljon690 hey! They have shipped. I would anticipate to see tracking update anywhere from middle of the night tonight to tomorrow morning. I never really know when they’ll scan the labels! And with the holidays they’ve been a bit behind. :)
Dec 12Reply
liljon690 @mandietippets Thank you so much for the update! :)
Dec 12Reply
chimomma @its_a_posh_life hi Mandie. I have happily shared your amazing closet...I intended to just share a few items but couldn't stop because you have so many great pieces! I'm co-hosting the Best in Bags party on Wed. Jan. 27th, 2pm CT...please see the listing at the top of my closet to submit a bag(s) to be featured. I'd love to intro more people to your fabulous items! 😘
Jan 21Reply
its_a_posh_life @chimomma ooo awesome!! Thanks so much for all your shares! I just got a bunch of cute bags in I’ll have to let you know once I get them listed :) I’ll go share your closet as well. 🤗
Jan 21Reply
chimomma @its_a_posh_life oooh can't wait, thanks!
Jan 21Reply
flyoverfox Hello, I might be here for the leggings. 😉
Feb 21Reply
its_a_posh_life @flyoverfox I have lots available :) lmk if you’re interested!! Here or on FB :)
Feb 21Reply
cynthiaj91 hey! I was wondering, so you canceled my order because they were the wrong color right? so what color are they?
Mar 24Reply
cynthiaj91 you said red with red checkers
Mar 24Reply
its_a_posh_life @cynthiaj91 yes!! So they’re all red with red checkers. No white!
Mar 24Reply
cynthiaj91 @its_a_posh_life ok are you posting them?
Mar 24Reply
jwill8811 Thank you!!!
Mar 27Reply
its_a_posh_life @jwill8811 you’re so welcome! I’m happy to clear out some winter gear as it appears to be piling up with spring coming 😜 enjoy your weekend!
Mar 27Reply
jwill8811 @its_a_posh_life much appreciated! It’s going to a good home I promise.
Mar 28Reply
mambanegra Could you cancel my purchase please? Seems from all the reviews that these run smaller than what they should. Thank you!
May 04Reply
littlepeachxo hi angel! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ my closet will be temporarily closing so i’m deleting all my listings may 25. therefore, bundles are 50% off & all my prices are as low as can be! -peach ♡
May 21Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey:) love your closet!!! All orders on my Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Jun 13Reply
beandys Hi Mandie, just placed an order for a bridesmaid dress. The one that I had ordered previously no longer fits and the wedding is next week! Please help me get this dress on time 😩 I appreciate you.
Jun 21Reply
its_a_posh_life @beandys oh no I’m sorry!! I’ll package it up to go out in the morning! I hope it makes it fast!
Jun 21Reply
beandys @its_a_posh_life aww thank you! You’re an angel.
Jun 21Reply
beclassybebold Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Have an awesome Day!😃♥️
Jul 06Reply
tonyt17 Hi there - I offered on the UA golf shorts - let me know if you have any other black and/or tan 36 waist - I would be interested. Let me know and thank you!
Jul 10Reply
beauteouskinda Hi, when will you ship my order ? How long does it takes ?
Jul 27Reply
chelseylynne113 hey girl!! I am beyond happy with my purchase!! im so happy I found u! you are so sweet and u made my day/ week!! I can't wait to buy from u again!! u are the best!! ❤❤ I am telling all my friends to check u out! ❤❤
Jul 28Reply
chelseylynne113 im so excited about the pink and cream colored bunny set !! Thank u!! ❤❤
Jul 28Reply
its_a_posh_life @chelseylynne113 oh yay I’m so happy!! I was hoping you could use the extras so I’m glad it worked out okay! I hope you’re on the mend!!
Jul 28Reply
adamscll80 Hello did you get my message earlier
Aug 17Reply
its_a_posh_life @adamscll80 I don’t believe so. Was it on here? I just looked and don’t see any messages.
Aug 17Reply
sarafrankel18 Hi! Trying to reach you and not sure where to message….ordered something 2 days ago and your reviews made it seem like you ship quickly. Any idea when I’ll receive my order?
Aug 18Reply
its_a_posh_life @sarafrankel18 hey!! I just looked up your order and it left my house yesterday so I’m not sure why shipping didn’t update but I anticipate it should start showing tracking any time now! Sometimes when this happens it doesn’t start until a different state for some reason. Usually they update late at night but that would have been last night.
Aug 18Reply
its_a_posh_life @sarafrankel18 I actually just noticed none of mine that left yesterday have shown updated shipping 🤔 I had a substitute mail lady yesterday so they’ll probably update tonight but I’ll keep my eyes on it!
Aug 18Reply
sarafrankel18 @its_a_posh_life great!! Thank you!! Appreciate your quick response
Aug 18Reply
kristinelj My order has had a delayed delivery. When I called USPS, the automated service said that the address I entered does not match the address related to the tracking number. I entered my address correctly in the system and I just checked the address I entered for my order and that is correct too. I have to verify the address you used before they will help me further. Please verify the address you used to ship my item ASAP.
Aug 28Reply
its_a_posh_life @kristinelj so Poshmark sends me whatever address you put in the system. I can’t edit or alter it as it’s just a label I receive. Hopefully that makes sense! But whatever you had entered is where it should have gone to.
Aug 28Reply
kristinelj @its_a_posh_life thanks so much! And now back to USPS. : )
Aug 28Reply
its_a_posh_life @kristinelj Oh man fingers crossed! If it happens to make its way back to me I will reach out ASAP
Aug 28Reply
kristinelj @its_a_posh_life aaaaaand it arrived today. They are perfect, thank you!
Aug 28Reply
hoelto10 Hi Mandy! I know you are busy but you but the pants as not avail bc you put them on hold for me bc you are trying to find the bra and shirt that match with it? Let me know bc im still interested :) thank you! No rush at all!!!
Sep 09Reply
hoelto10 Hi Mandy pls see my message above
Sep 12Reply
hoelto10 Hi Mandy you put the blue leggings on hold for me as I’m waiting on you listing the matching tops for it
Sep 15Reply
its_a_posh_life @hoelto10 sorry girl I didn’t see the other messages!! I still need to get it all together and listed. One of the pieces is at my warehouse and I need to bring it home still! Thanks for the reminder :)
Sep 15Reply
hoelto10 @its_a_posh_life no rush at all!
Sep 15Reply
ewlopez Hey girl! Trying to wear this for a biz trip next week - any chance to expedite shipping g?
Sep 23Reply
ewlopez Happy to pay
Sep 23Reply
its_a_posh_life @ewlopez hey!! I can ship it first thing in the morning :) I would be happy to expedite it but it wouldn’t be with a posh label meaning it would show tracking and delivery. Do you think it will be ok if I ship it out in the morning? If not we can always try just using the Poshmark to ship something so it shows delivered and then using an expedited shipping outside posh.
Sep 23Reply
ewlopez @its_a_posh_life tomorrow am is perfect - huge hugs and thanks!!!!! Xoxoxo
Sep 23Reply
its_a_posh_life @ewlopez perfect! I’ll get it out :) tracking almost never updates until evening just FYI but it’ll go out in the morning.
Sep 23Reply
patmat01 Hi! are any offers ok on the Red Bull hat? Thanks!
Oct 23Reply
its_a_posh_life @patmat01 it actually just sold on a different platform I’m sorry!!
Oct 24Reply
sonalikhetarpal Hi! I just received my order and I love the leggings! However, it looks like the wrong size was shipped, maybe by accident? Could you help me resolve? Thank you so much!
Jan 25Reply
smglobal1995 @its_a_posh_life how much is your best for the suitsupply sweater
Apr 13Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 19Reply
savvybboutique @its_a_posh_life I am looking forward to ordering a box from u next week !! (Tina referred me) I love your closet!! 😍
Jul 14Reply
its_a_posh_life @mmshellzz yay!! I’m excited for you to order one! Tina is jut best!! ❤️
Jul 15Reply
cutehosiery @its_a_posh_life Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 21Reply
its_a_posh_life @cutehosiery oh my goodness thank you so much!! I just peeked at your closet (briefly) and it is SO cool!! I’m gonna go look around some more. I love all the unique bracelets and jewelry!
Jul 21Reply
ssecondhandd hey, come check out my closet, as I’m accepting all reasonable offers on my inventory!
Aug 29Reply
angelcake_001 Hi Mandie! I know you're really busy and I'm not sure if you're getting my messages, but I've been trying to get in touch with you regarding a top by Marciano called 'Abstract Orchid Blouse' in XS that I would really like to buy. I've been searching for it since it sold out last year. If you can upload it to anothet platform called e b a y since I don't live in the US. Can you please let me know? Thanks
Sep 01Reply
mmweisz @its_a_posh_life Hi, are you still actively selling here? I placed an order but not sure you were aware? Ty
May 19Reply
chicnation @its_a_posh_life Hi this is Vanessa with Chic Nation boutique nice to meet you
May 21Reply
chicnation How old is your little boy so cute I have a 17 month old
May 21Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
May 24Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means…………………… I’ll be accepting any and all reasonable offers even on bundles! So what are you waiting for? Send some now for a deal you won’t forget!
Jun 06Reply
jbeard55 Thanks so much for sharing my Stuff!!
Jun 15Reply
tammybyu @its_a_posh_life what a FuN way to spend the evening, Thank you SO much!!🎼💕 Your energy is contagious and you TOTALLY stayed on task!!💝🎉 First time seeing your show, can’t wait for the next one, YaY!!!🎈 I hope you EnJoY your Anniversary, you SO deserve the BEST!!! 🌺🥰 Many BLESSINGS & Happy Poshing!!😘💞💕
Jun 26Reply
oliviaami Dear @5bcd16169f6154ada574cb8d , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Jun 27Reply
oliviaami Dear @5bcd16169f6154ada574cb8d , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Jun 27Reply
jenn7419 Hi Mandie, it’s Shoplvr10! Can’t wait to see a show here. Soon I’m going to begin doing show’s consistently to help pay for my mom’s assisted living facility. As we get older we switch places and it’s our turn to take care of them🙏🏼 and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I see you have a website and I’ll be checking that out too. I definitely want to learn more about how to grow my business from the pros!!!
Jun 29Reply
rad0529 Hello Mandi, my new friend, I pray your day was truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Jul 29Reply
thriftwgrace Hi I’m just stopping by to say Hello and missed you! Whenever you have a moment, please check out my closet as you may see something that catches your eye. (We have a few smaller sizes too!!!) Open to ALL reasonable offers. Thanks again and Ciao Bella @thriftwgrace
Jul 31Reply
back2cali17 Hi Mandie! Hope you’re well! Are you no longer doing lives? I haven’t been able to find you if you are❤️.
Sep 02Reply
jewelry_heaven Hey there, I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I have. If you have any questions about selling please ask, as a Posh Ambasador II. I can help with most questions you might have. BTW. There are some stunning jewelry pieces in my closet over 2500 fine jewelry items that will surely match with your style or make a nice gift to your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Girlfriend or anyone around you ;) Holidays are Coming!! All items come in the Gift Box and we size rings for free.
Sep 06Reply
big__o Hi, I purchased a shirt from you but it has not shipped. Can you please ship?
Sep 12Reply
big__o 😔
Sep 16Reply
mdub1081 Wanted to let you know that the wife has a birthday show tonight at 7 PM central time @kristiwenth
Dec 15Reply
its_a_posh_life @m_wenth1081 oh thank you for letting me know! I went in for a bit and wished her a happy bday! I’m an old lady and falling asleep over here 😂
Dec 16Reply
mdub1081 @its_a_posh_life lol I appreciate it
Dec 16Reply
mdub1081 I’m not usually up this late either 🤪
Dec 16Reply
its_a_posh_life @m_wenth1081 I am… always thinking about what I should be doing 😂 I fight the sleep but I think it’s gonna win tonight lol
Dec 16Reply
starplunep 🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁
Dec 23Reply
lindstett Hi Mandie. I purchased a dress from your closet for an event early February. I’m quite certain it will need some alterations. If you could please ship asap, I’d be so grateful! I’m getting nervous about the timing. Thank you!
Jan 27Reply
durbhas Hi Mandi, Such a sweet story! I’d love for you to take a peek at my closet. I’m new here (first week being active) and would love to hear some feedback on how best to go about this. Thank you!
Apr 02Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
May 09Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice closet :) I’m having a Moving Sale and just added new items. I hope you’ll check my closet out too.
May 12Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jun 15Reply
kbella47 Hi. I hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend. I'm having a 4th of July sale now through Sunday! Take 30% off of any items in my closet. Just click on the like icon, and I will send you the offer! If you have any questions, please feel free to leave me a comment. Happy 4th and Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 06Reply
beasmart hi, I just went to your link and it doesn't seem to be working
Jul 15Reply
retawardia how do I message you privately I need to ask a question about a top you have listed
Jul 18Reply
mtubb hello... what size are the reefs, 7 or 9.. they say 7 but you have listed as 9
Aug 11Reply
clamotte0219 Hey Mandie! Thanks for accepting my offer for the Kuiu pants. Can you let me know when you’re shipping? I’ve got a hunt planned and would love to get them soon.
Sep 13Reply
ashleykevinx69 Hiiii Mandie , OMG. I had No Idea you were On Poshmark Also SO COOOL! Did U start here first or WN. I Originally Met You on WN First! I Started on Here First. Lol Only Found WhatNt like 9 Months Ago maybe 10. I Havent done Lives on WN Yet, Very Nerve wrecking. I'm So Used to Posh. Have to Learn they're System. It's Very Different. Anyway So Nice to Have ran into You on Here! Hope ur Enjoying Life! 😃♥️🙏
Oct 09Reply
its_a_posh_life @ashleykevinx69 hey girl! Sorry I just now saw this. I started here first around 2018! When sales started declining a bit because of the lives I was like well I guess I’ll give them a try! Two years later, here we are 😂 still trying to figure out what works best.
Oct 12Reply
aszafasz124 Hello! Wanting to see when my order will be shipping out? It’s been 2 weeks since I purchased the boots and haven’t heard anything back.
Dec 12Reply
jasonc580 Hello. I just counter offered a camo coat a few mins ago. If the offer is too low, please send a counter offer asap. I really like the coat but don’t want to spend too much. Thank you!
Jan 11Reply

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Last Active: hours ago

Herriman, UT
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Last Active: hours ago

Herriman, UT
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