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Updated Feb 06
Updated Feb 06

Meet your Posher, Marcy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Marcy. I love to dress up and dress down, honestly I just love clothing and accessories of all kinds. It doesn't necessarily make a difference of who made it just that it makes me feel Amazing when I'm wearing it!! I love to shop so, now I'm able to share with you :) (my closet is getting a bit to full) Please if you have any questions feel free to ask, offers welcome, thanks for checking out my closet! :) I love everything Disney!! P.S. I'm a total shopaholic!!!! ;) ;)
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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buy_stuff_sell Check out my closet I have some cool stuff
May 23Reply
califireball Hey doll! I will get this out first thing Tuesday!!! Enjoy your long weekend and thanks for shopping my closet 💝😊
May 25Reply
princessmarcy @califireball thank u so very much, I hope u have a wonderful long weekend too😊
May 25Reply
johnnaleigh17 Thanks for following! Feel free to check out my closet! I love offers and bundle deals! Happy Poshing and have a great day!
May 29Reply
susanmurphymgl Welcome to Poshmark. 🙏😊
May 29Reply
alhopki Hi welcome to poshmark
May 30Reply
princessmarcy @johnnaleigh17 thank u so much I will :)
May 30Reply
princessmarcy @alhopki thank u so very much! :)
May 30Reply
janmariescloset Welcome to Posh! You will meet some really great people on here 😉 Not to mention snag some really great deals! 🌸🕶👖👜👗👜 I’m Jan, a Posh Ambassador 🌹 and here to help with any questions you may have 😸 I specialize in women’s designer clothing such as Lululemon 🍋 Free People, BeBe Guess and Anthology just to name a few 💕 I also offer an extra 15% discount on bundles ❤️❤️❤️ Feel free to check out my closet 😉 Happy Poshing! Jan
May 30Reply
alhopki @princessmarcy your welcome have fun
May 30Reply
junebugnewtoyou Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
May 30Reply
kitschysoul Let me join in on this Welcome Wagon! 😁 Welcome to Poshmark!! 🤗 Thank you for following my closet!! 🙌 If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask any Posh Ambassador, including myself. 😉 We would love to help you out! Happy Poshing! 🛍
Jun 06Reply
zardiva1 Hi and welcome! 👋😃
Jun 06Reply
princessmarcy @janmariescloset thank u so very much! :)
Jun 06Reply
princessmarcy @junebugnewtoyou thank u so very much! :)
Jun 06Reply
princessmarcy @julialee644 thank u so very much! :)
Jun 06Reply
princessmarcy @crestheights thank u very much! :)
Jun 06Reply
princessmarcy @kitschysoul thank u so very much! :)
Jun 06Reply
princessmarcy @zardiva1 Hello and thank u! :)
Jun 06Reply
kitschysoul @princessmarcy Of course girl! You look like you’re crushing this Posh thing! 🙌 Good job! 👏
Jun 07Reply
princessmarcy @kitschysoul thanks so very much! ♡♡
Jun 22Reply
closetcupid Pleasure to meet you 😇 Thank you so much for the follow and the shares!! 😍 I am pretty new here but expanding my closet fast. Please take a peak and feel free to reach out with questions or the offers. Happy Poshing!! ☺️😃
Aug 08Reply
eunicemason05 Thank you for sharing my closet 🤗.
Aug 11Reply
hotfashionbrand Hello,thank you for sharing my products I see you have great taste and have participated in some fantastic handbags sales and parties. I wanted to invite you to our new collection versace, Gucci and Burberry sales, as well we are having a Prada liquidation for 2006 collection cute spring/summer bags. Check it out and let me know if you are interested. Enjoy the Day :)
Aug 12Reply
2_dogs_forever @princessmarcy hello just letting you know that This week is my last week for my page so if you see anything you like make a offer Check out my closet Store closing on Sunday
Aug 14Reply
princessmarcy @closetcupid thank u so much! HaPpY PoShInG!!🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
Sep 25Reply
princessmarcy @eunicemason05 of course no worries! HaPpY PoShInG!!😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
Sep 25Reply
princessmarcy @hotfashionbrand thank u so very much, I definitely will, thanks and HaPpY PoShInG! 😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
Sep 25Reply
princessmarcy @2_dogs_forever thank u so much for the invite, I'm sorry I missed it I had to have emergency surgery :( Good Luck 😊
Sep 25Reply
vintage2classic Hi Marcy, I read the last message and you just had emergency surgery, hope you are well. Thanks for sharing from my closet. -Lorri
Sep 26Reply
princessmarcy @vintage2classic thank u so much, I am doing much better just a long slow road. I love ur closet, thanks for the shares ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sep 26Reply
vintage2classic @princessmarcy Ok, be well, so you can shop at my closet, lol. 😘
Sep 26Reply
princessmarcy @vintage2classic oh I love ur closet ❤❤❤
Sep 26Reply
vintage2classic @princessmarcy You have cute stuff. Do you work for Disney?
Sep 26Reply
princessmarcy @vintage2classic nope annual passholders so we go up a lot °○° We only live 2 hours away 😊
Sep 26Reply
michharris Thanks for the shares!
Sep 29Reply
princessmarcy @michharris thank u, have a wonderful day! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤🎉🎉🎉🎉❤
Sep 29Reply
fashionportal Hi Can you honor the price and offer free shipping on the item we are discussing? Lily
Sep 29Reply
princessmarcy @fashionportal I can add another one if u are interested, the one I had listed is sold but I have one more. I will list it just the same as the last then if u put it in a bundle I can offer u the 10% off and $4.99 shipping. Would that work for u? I will post pictures for the other one as placement on it purse will be just a bit different. Then let me know as this bag sold at full price. Thanks Marcy ❤
Sep 29Reply
fashionportal @princessmarcy Thank you, I would like to see it first since you said it is different.
Sep 29Reply
fashionportal Did you add it to your closet?
Sep 29Reply
princessmarcy @fashionportal I'm trying to do it right now and with all Disney purses, the placement is always a bit different, but I do think u'll like it 😊
Sep 29Reply
fashionportal @princessmarcy Can u describe in words? If is is a black background or wallpaper version, I M not interested. Really thought the other was really nice.
Sep 29Reply
princessmarcy @fashionportal it's posted and it's a cream background with black designs and black handles and long black strap for ur shoulder if u choose to use it. Thanks Marcy
Sep 29Reply
princessmarcy They are the same, please see the new post ans pictures! ❤
Sep 29Reply
cricketdee Marcy thank you for sharing items from my closet.
Oct 01Reply
debben22 Thx for all the shares 💚💚
Oct 01Reply
princessmarcy @cricketdee ur VeRy welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤😊❤
Oct 02Reply
princessmarcy @debben22 thank u too, HaPpY PoShInG! ❤😊❤
Oct 02Reply
jeanbean32 Thank you so much for sharing my closet 💕💕just shared your beautiful closet 💕💕
Oct 07Reply
marigeepz Hello 🤗 thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet. Please feel free to make any offer on anything you like. Wish you abundance of success🤗
Oct 17Reply
princessmarcy @jeanbean32 thank u so very much! ❤❤
Oct 18Reply
princessmarcy @allilaw23 I will look thank u so very much for thinking of me! I'm doing much better Thank U! ❤❤❤❤❤
Oct 18Reply
princessmarcy @marigeepz thank u so VeRy much! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Oct 18Reply
marigeepz Hello 🤗 thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet. Please feel free to make any offer on anything you like. Wish you abundance of success🤗
Oct 19Reply
prettycloset24 l'm very happy you like the items of Donald Duck thank you for the 5 stars
Nov 04Reply
prettycloset24 very happy you like all the ltems of Donald Duck thank you for given me 5 stars
Nov 04Reply
princessmarcy @prettycloset24 ur VeRy welcome! Thank u 😊❤
Nov 05Reply
teresieresie92 Hi I made an order and would love to know when it may ship to see if I’ll get it in time for my trip!
Nov 05Reply
princessmarcy @teresieresie92 It will go out first thing tomorrow morning, I just got home, will it get to u in time?
Nov 05Reply
teresieresie92 @princessmarcy I’m not sure, it might not since I’m in California :( oh well I still want to try. Thank you
Nov 05Reply
teresieresie92 I love it either way!
Nov 05Reply
teresieresie92 @princessmarcy please let me know when it’s shipped please
Nov 05Reply
princessmarcy @teresieresie92 sorry I just saw ur message, it shipped out at 1ish today, they said u should have it before the weekend. ❤
Nov 05Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Nov 09Reply
princessmarcy @jinxy231 ur VeRy welcome! I hope u have a wonderful day too ❤❤❤❤
Nov 27Reply
jinxy231 @princessmarcy Thank you and you too. I hope the best for you on sales. Happy Poshing 😊
Nov 27Reply
sbcupllectors Hi there! I just wanted to say I love your closet. I am a huge disney fanatic :)
Nov 28Reply
princessmarcy @tsamp001 Hello, thank u very much! I'm a huge Disney fan it's my favorite place in the world! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Nov 28Reply
styleunfolded Hey there! My whole closet is currently 50% off - check it out if you're interested :)
Dec 01Reply
princessmarcy @samsclosetstyle thank u so much, HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Dec 01Reply
princessmarcy @inwardlydying thank u so VeRy much! ❤❤❤
Dec 01Reply
hightideshopbyc @princessmarcy Thanks girl. Same to you!! Hope that FL weather is gorgeous! freezing here up North!😨
Dec 12Reply
princessmarcy @crissyamaral It's been raining alot but should be nice next week! I hope u stay warm! Happy Holidays ❤❤❤
Dec 13Reply
hightideshopbyc @princessmarcy ohh!! well we've been getting snow one day and rain the next. It's so cold too! i one day wish to live in Florida. lol
Dec 13Reply
princessmarcy @crissyamaral Wow I don't think I could live where it snows lol where r u at?
Dec 13Reply
hightideshopbyc @princessmarcy RI!!! 😓 Trust me I dont want to live here myself!😂 I've visited FL 2xs a yr ( since I was 10) because that's more to my liking!🌴🌞
Dec 13Reply
princessmarcy @crissyamaral wow, ur weather is crazy, Florida is definitely where I'll always be close to Disney World my zen!😊❤❤
Dec 13Reply
hightideshopbyc @princessmarcy ohhh Yes!! That was my very first time ever there been 22xs but my son doesn't want to go anymore. I also got Married in Disney as well. Now me and my girlfriends travel there for sun and fun. Just came back from Daytona last month. Hopefully will be back in a few more months!!
Dec 13Reply
princessmarcy @crissyamaral Sun and definitely lots of fun, Daytona is about 2 hours from me...lots of fun things to do there besides the beautiful beach! Maybe the next time U came to Florida we can meet! Stay warm! Sending u 🌞🌞🌞 and positive PoShInG vibes! ❤❤❤
Dec 13Reply
hightideshopbyc @princessmarcy absolutely! sounds like a plan! Happy Holidays and good luck with your Posh sales!❤
Dec 13Reply
princessmarcy @crissyamaral Thanks, U too.....❤❤❤
Dec 13Reply
pinkstarzz Thanks!!! happy poshing to you also.
Dec 21Reply
sharpdm19 Thanks for sharing happy new year 🎊🎈
Dec 28Reply
princessmarcy @k_kagel Thank u! HaPpY New Year! ❤❤❤
Dec 28Reply
princessmarcy @mfmy Thank u! HaPpY New Year! ❤❤❤
Dec 28Reply
pinkstarzz Thank you also! Happy new year to you also
Dec 28Reply
princessmarcy @k_kagel ❤❤❤❤
Dec 29Reply
spunflowerrr Looooove Disneyyy😇🐬💫🌺💕🌞😋🌼🍭🚀🎈💖💃🧚your closet is soOo much fun!🤩🎀💥& your hair is amazinggggg💅☀️🌸✨
Feb 07Reply
princessmarcy @crystals_corner Thank u 😊 Ur the sweetest...... 20 years ago my closet looked just like yours I wish I would have keep more of my stuff from the late nights and the longgg weekends! I absolutely LoVe ur style!!🎉💙💛💚🧡💜🎉😍😍😍
Feb 07Reply
spunflowerrr @princessmarcy ohmygosh 20 years ago? were you 7😋seriously girl you are too cool!🍭🚀🌺total trendsetter & always keeping Disney in style, I L💗VE it💃💅✨True Princess!🍀😇💥thank you for making my dayyy🧚🐬🌞🌼
Feb 07Reply
princessmarcy @crystals_corner Thank u so much u made my Year! Growing up in Orlando in the early 90's was definitely an AmAzInG experience...the clubs and much fun, I'm never growing up so Disney is my second home ❤ Have FuN, ALWAYS stay YoUnG and do ALL the CrAzY things that make U feel AwEsOmE! 💙💛💚🧡💜🌞🌜🌠❤❤❤
Feb 07Reply
spunflowerrr @princessmarcy oooo that must have been a dream!!!!🍒🍑🍄🧁🍭🍬🛸🎠you are so sweet & inspiring love🧚thank you for sharing your sunshine, it makes the world so much brighter!🏵️☀️🌈⚡⭐🌕
Feb 07Reply
princessmarcy @crystals_corner it was a WiLd ride that's for sure....U have a totally wonderful soul, stay pure, beautiful, loving, honest and ur beauty will ALWAYS shine! Thanks for making my day better!💜🧡💚💛💙 Reach for the stars and all ur dreams will come true!🌠🌠🌠🌠❤❤❤
Feb 07Reply
princessmarcy @crystals_corner it was a WiLd ride that's for sure....U have a totally wonderful soul, stay pure, beautiful, loving, honest and ur beauty will ALWAYS shine! Thanks for making my day better!💜🧡💚💛💙 Reach for the stars and all ur dreams will come true!🌠🌠🌠🌠❤❤❤
Feb 07Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania! Friends 👩‍🎤👨‍💼will answer your questions❓and cheer 📣you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closet(s) of others. At bottom of 'About' page, on R, click 'See All Closets.' Touch ea. blue 🅿️bar. It changes to white, meaning U are following that closet. Share 5-6 items 👗👔from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers you follow 👣will follow 👣you back & share items from YOUR 👜👠closet. Please ✓☞MY closet. ❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Feb 21Reply
cherrysprinkles Omg you’re so beautiful! Also I love your closet!!!!! ❤️
Feb 22Reply
princessmarcy @sarahpickart Thank u so VeRy much! ❤❤❤
Feb 22Reply
cherrysprinkles @princessmarcy Thank YOU for accepting my offer for the Kate Spade bag! I am SOOO excited! ☺️
Feb 22Reply
cherrysprinkles @princessmarcy Also I can’t wait for the Minnie Bag!!! Bows are my favorite 🎀🎀🎀🎀
Feb 22Reply
princessmarcy @sarahpickart Thanks so VeRy much for ur purchases, I'll include a little something special from me to U!!! I'm a total Disney shopaholic ❤❤❤ °○° I'll mail everything to u on Monday as I'm not home, until tomorrow afternoon my post office will already be closed, sorry for any inconvenience but I do thank u in advance for ur patience! Have a Magical Day! ❤❤❤
Feb 22Reply
soriag Thanks for following my closet! Do let me know if you find something you are interested in, I offer bundle discounts too 😊
Mar 03Reply
princessmarcy @soriag Thank u VeRy much! ❤❤❤
Mar 03Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by, following and sharing my closet/boutique 😊 I’m happy to do the same for you 🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @bobbett328 ur VeRy welcome! Thanks so much! Have a wonderful day! ❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
bobbett328 @princessmarcy My pleasure 😇 You too ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @rhunter300 ur VeRy welcome! Thank u so VeRy much for sharing my closet too, so many beautiful items in ur closet! Here's to many sales ❤❤ HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @madblk3 Thank u so much for all the love and positive vibes, I wish the same for U also many many sales! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
janfast Hi Marcy! Thanks for following my closet and sharing my Ralph Lauren swimsuit! 🤗
Mar 11Reply
erikakessler1 @janfast Thanks for sharing my closet
Mar 11Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, 😃 make me an reasonable offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings, Have a blessed day!
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @janfast ur VeRy welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @mwstull01 ur VeRy welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @jocole96 ur VeRy welcome, thank u so much!! HaPpY PoShInG ❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
digitalsandy Thank you for the share, Marcy❣
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @digitalsandy ur VeRy welcome! ❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
erikakessler1 @princessmarcy Thanks for sharing my closet
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @erikakessler1 ur VeRy welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @avina6312 Thank u so much! I will ❤❤❤ God Bless!
Mar 11Reply
princessmarcy @mwstull01 ur VeRy welcome! ❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
iranybrito Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success and happy poshing 🍀🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mar 16Reply
princessmarcy @iranybrito Thank u so much! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 16Reply
diamoninthrough Hi Marcy nice to meet you ❤️
Mar 18Reply
craigcantrell Beautiful
Mar 18Reply
mrbentleybalder @princessmarcy Good morning! I love the theme of your closet!!❤ I'm on the lookout for a Tigger tie-tack or tie-clip🥰 and you seem like a good person to enlist in my treasure hunt!! my budget is $20 or less😊🤘
Mar 28Reply
mrsangiek @princessmarcy Thank you for the share! Stay safe & Happy poshing!! ❤
Mar 28Reply
alphonso13 Nice e'closet! Shared some posh!
Mar 30Reply
princessmarcy @diamoninthrough VeRy nice to meet u too! ❤❤❤
Mar 31Reply
princessmarcy @craigcantrell Thank u! ❤❤❤
Mar 31Reply
princessmarcy @mrbentleybalder if I can find one I will let u know! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 31Reply
princessmarcy @mrsangiek ur VeRy welcome! Stay strong and healthy! ❤❤❤
Mar 31Reply
princessmarcy @alphonso13 Welcome! Thanks so VeRy much, shares back at u! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 31Reply
pazarhino1313 Thanks for the follow! 😘😘😘
Mar 31Reply
princessmarcy @pazarhino1313 Ur VeRy welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 31Reply
pazarhino1313 @princessmarcy same to you, hot stuff! 🥰
Mar 31Reply
coppergirl101 Hi Marcy, I am just stopping by to share some Posh love. Arlene💕💕💕💕♥️♥️🌹♥️♥️💕🌹♥️💕♥️♥️💕💕♥️🌹👠👗😎🍭🌟✨😘💋💋💕♥️😘🌹❤️👗👠😘ARLENE
Mar 31Reply
princessmarcy @coppergirl101 thank u so VeRy much! I will share back with U! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 31Reply
diamoninthrough @princessmarcy beautiful closet and beautiful lady😘. Happy poshing
Mar 31Reply
princessmarcy @diamoninthrough thank u so VeRy much! ❤❤❤❤
Apr 02Reply
pazarhino1313 @princessmarcy wow! Thanks for all the shares. 🥰🥰🥰
Apr 02Reply
princessmarcy @pazarhino1313 no worries! posh love!❤❤❤
Apr 02Reply
pazarhino1313 @princessmarcy I appreciate you! You should be QueenMarcy as awesome as you are! I hope you’re staying safe in FL. 😘
Apr 02Reply
princessmarcy @pazarhino1313 thank u very much posh love and doing good in Florida thanks for asking ❤❤❤❤
Apr 02Reply
pazarhino1313 @princessmarcy anytime. I may have to get out of SC before I go crazy. Could I sneak into FL in the dead of night & be a beach bum? Think anyone would care? Lol
Apr 02Reply
rooskie500 WOW.....another gorgeous posher that I’m following! 😊❤️🌺💐
Apr 05Reply
princessmarcy @rooskie500 Thsnk u so much! U are to Sweet! ❤❤❤❤
Apr 05Reply
donny___k Hi Marcy.. Thx's for the follow 😉
Apr 05Reply
princessmarcy @donny___k ur VeRy welcome! ❤❤❤
Apr 06Reply
babsgilbert Marcy, Hello, I want to thank you 🤝🏻for sharing!💞 April🐣 is my favorite month of the year! April brings beautiful spring 🌷flowers, ⚘spiritual renewal🙏 with Easter, and my 🥳birthday!🎂 It's also a great time to be sharing💞 each other's closets.🛍👠👗 Sharing each other closets will help bring in sales💲 for everyone.👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻  Help make April a celebration🎉 for everyone and share!💞
Apr 08Reply
kingandrenyc Love your Disney inventory. Living in Orlando these items hit home! Ha.
May 12Reply
princessmarcy @babsgilbert ur VeRy welcome and thanks! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
May 12Reply
princessmarcy @popurcolla22 thanks so much, I miss Disney °○° HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
May 12Reply
samvel_m Hey, I saw you shared my post. Are you still interested? 😀
May 19Reply
princessmarcy @samvel_m I was sharing it to my followers and the home party that was on so that more people would be able to see it for u! it's beautiful but my house colors are black and red! I hope that u are ablw to sell it soon, I was just trying to help by sharing it for u! ❤❤❤
May 19Reply
samvel_m @princessmarcy no problem. Thank you for sharing. Would you be willing to put an offer. Pricing is negotiable. I have red in my house as well it it looks amazing.
May 19Reply
princessmarcy @samvel_m thank u so much, but the only colors in my house are red, black and white.... thanks again! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
May 19Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 20Reply
princessmarcy @jrtexas99 thank u so VeRy much! Stay Happy, Healthy and Safe! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Jun 15Reply
princessmarcy @ibelieve362 ur VeRy welcome, and thank u!! Have a blessed day and many sales!! Stay happy , healthy and safe! ❤❤❤
Jun 15Reply
jrtexas99 @princessmarcy Thank You Beautiful 😘😘😘
Jun 17Reply
katecarroll6 Hi hun! I'm accepting most (Basically all) offers today and tomorrow! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like/make a bundle! It will be accepted :) Thank you!!
Jun 29Reply
princessmarcy @katecarroll6 thanks I'll check it out! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Jul 02Reply
princessmarcy @mwstull01 ur VeRy welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Jul 02Reply
scottlusby Hello beautiful!
Aug 26Reply
blreibman1948 Thank you for following me. Please browse through my closet when you have time. All items are from our home and are in very nice condition. Thank you🌸
Sep 06Reply
cjhartje lovely pics 😊
Sep 09Reply
wlemus362 Thank you 😊
Sep 10Reply
byrdemily 💃50% OFF SALE // ALL ITEMS IN MY CLOSET!💃 Thank you for checking out my closet! 🧡💙***BUNDLE YOUR PURCHASE FOR A GREAT DISCOUNT! I AM OPEN TO ALL REASONABLE OFFERS. ***💙🧡 Sale ends 9/20/20 @ 10 pm central.
Sep 19Reply
tweedydo2 A lesson in Sunflowers. Sunflowers 🌻 turn according to the position of the sun. on cloudy and rainy days when the sun  is completely covered Sunflowers turn towards each other to share their energy. How could we apply this reflection to our lives? Well many people may be low spirited and depressed. Let us supporting and  empowering each other during their of despair. “So keep comforting one another with these words.” Isaiah 41:10 creation has so much to teach us.
Sep 19Reply
aliwah hi Marcy from Mel Beach! I will follow and share☀️🌦️🌴Alice@aliwah
Sep 20Reply
beckysgems Hi there! Just an FYI, the items in my closet with a RED frame are free with the purchase of a full priced item. Feel free to shop around and see if there’s something you can’t live without!
Sep 21Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, I sell a little bit of everything. Clothes, toys, craft supplies, cookbooks, etc. I keep prices reasonable so I don’t make offers, but you can make me an offer. Build a bundle with your likes. I give a generous discount on bundles of 3+ items. I have been in business since 1983, online since 2000. I’m a Poshmark ambassador. If you have questions feel free to ask.
Oct 05Reply
winstondunbar Hi Happy Poshing😳😃🎒🏫🎑🎆🥊🎁💝
Dec 30Reply
ohioantiques Marcy! I'm so glad Matt gave me your Posh. Miss seeing you on my visits down there. Once I travel again I'll visit the family and be sure to connect for dinner and drinks. Happy New Year to you and the family. Hugs and Love -Mike
Dec 31Reply
princessmarcy @ohioantiques OMG yes please I hope u r all doing good and dinner and drinks sounds awesome! some shopping too lol I hope u had the Merriest Christmas and a Magical New Year! Hugs, see u soon ❤❤❤
Jan 02Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Apr 13Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Apr 13Reply
underdog7171 gorgeous lady
May 05Reply
princessmarcy @adoringstyles thanks u ❤️ HaPpY PoShInG!!
May 05Reply
princessmarcy @spreadlove thank u! ❤️ HaPpY PoShInG!!
May 05Reply
princessmarcy @underdog7171 thank u! ❤️ HaPpY PoShInG!
May 05Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 14Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means I’ll accept anything since I need everything gone. So what are you waiting for?! Send some offers for the best deals!
Oct 07Reply
charleshamil280 Beautiful 😍
Oct 26Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 22Reply
deltachristine @princessmarcy I just listed a one of a kind Anna and Elsa Acrylic Painting and would be extremely grateful if you could share it with your followers. Thank you so much :)
Dec 21Reply
txtinner Hi Marcy, Thanks so much for your statement about clothing; where it doesn’t matter who made it; only matters how it makes you feel when you wear it. Hope you don’t mind but I plan to use your statement next time I’m sourcing (Saturday morning). Happy Poshing, Dan
Feb 17Reply
princessmarcy @txtinner, thanks so much, and yes, please, I say it all the time! I hope that loving what u wear is something that everyone does... personally, when I'm having a bad or down day, I play dress up. As a kid and adult, it definitely makes me feel better! HaPpY PoShInG!! ❤️ Marcy ❤️
Feb 17Reply
rhonda_anne I hope that you have a blessed year! I am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any purse .....this month in April 2023
Apr 17Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2500 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Apr 28Reply
cutehosiery @princessmarcy Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 24Reply
gwyn_kuwazaki Hello! Check out my closet for low prices and discounts! Also get BOGO 1/2 off your first purchase from my closet or buy 2 get one free! Just add items to a bundle and I’ll send you the offer! 🎉🫶🏼
Sep 03Reply
baron126 Hellooooooo & thanks for following my closet❣️My closet is always buy one get half off the lower price item! Bundle & Save more with one shipping fee!! 5⭐️rated seller & FAST shipper!!! Happy Poshing!!!!
Sep 08Reply
aniagftsandmore Thanks for the follow. I shared some of your items. I have women's, men's, kids in my closet. I am always listing more. always welcome offers. If interested in LIVE shows. I do shows Mondays- women's S-4x lots unlisted, nwt, nwot, like new, $15 & under. tuesdays- kids share show train & pop-ups too. each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway. in lives you only pay 1 shipping. I pay anything over 5 lb. you also get rewards- spend $100 with me get $10 off next purchase! Thanks -Ania
Oct 26Reply
kozdoc @princessmarcy Hey Marcy! Thanks for the follow 😉
Dec 13Reply
oliviaami Hi @5ce303f3ba97fedf8cff9fe7 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Dec 13Reply
lopezelrey 😍😍😍😍
Dec 14Reply
smregan14 Hello Marcy! My name is Sarah and I am definitely a posher! I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I am. If you are a Chico’s fan or love unique jewelry, you will definitely want to check out My Closet! Have a great day!
Feb 22Reply

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Port Saint Lucie, FL
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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Port Saint Lucie, FL
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