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Updated Feb 18
Updated Feb 18

Meet your Posher, Margot

Meet the Posher



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Because it’s shop o’clock somewhere! Shop by, say hi, offers always encouraged. Life’s a party ❤️ dress like it! From my closet to yours, xoxo Margot
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 3+ Bundle

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retrochicc Welcome to posh💛hope you like my closet- I would love to be the first closet you shop😚
Sep 25Reply
lotus1234 Hi Margot! I buy and sell on Posh! Stop by and say “hi”. I have more things to list, including jewelry! Thank you!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 09Reply
marchemargot @retrochicc Thank you so much!! I will definitely go take a look <3 <3
Jul 10Reply
marchemargot @lotus1234 thanks love! I will be sure to check it out. There are so many amazing closets on here #dreamclosets !! thanks for reaching out bb
Jul 10Reply
marchemargot @retrochicc I LOVE your closet -- thanks for your welcome note and I will definitely go check out your closet! xoxoxo
Jul 10Reply
jadeca77 Thank you for sharing❤️
Jul 10Reply
d1111 Welcome to Poshmark 💜🙂👍🏾
Jul 14Reply
marchemargot @d1111 Thanks love!! xoxo
Jul 31Reply
marchemargot @jadeca77 I love everything in your closet it's hard to stop!!
Jul 31Reply
marchemargot @lotus1234 Thank you!!! xo
Jul 31Reply
jadeca77 @mfp21690 😊 Aww, Thank you so much. Love yours as well. ❤️
Jul 31Reply
2ndlifeapparel Hi Margot! Thanks so much for browsing my Closet and for the Like! Feel free to add your Like to a Bundle for a Private Offer or simply add 2+ items from my Closet to a Bundle and get 15% off! I am always open to reasonable offers as well. Happy Poshing!!
Aug 18Reply
marchemargot @aewm10 aw thank you so much babe!!! Puppy is Jacquimos — he is a handsome gentleman 🐕😍 and big on hugs!!! I’m so excited to check out your closet!! 😭 xoxo Margot
Aug 18Reply
marchemargot @thesambaker thanks love!!! Will do! Xoxo ❤️😘🦄
Aug 18Reply
bootsandsuits super cute stuff!
Aug 19Reply
marchemargot @bootsandsuits you too!! Thanks!!
Aug 19Reply
misterjuggalo Would u like to make a offer ?
Aug 20Reply
pinkchichanger Thanks for the like on my dress! Feel free to send me an offer for the item or put it in a bundle for me to send you an offer! If you don't ask, I cannot say YES to a price! :]
Aug 30Reply
sahoward513 Thanks for the shares! Love your closet! 😍
Sep 03Reply
coryneyl Love your style! 😍
Sep 12Reply
marchemargot @coryneyl thanks!! 🙏❤️😍
Sep 12Reply
ellasbluvd Thank you for sharing so many of my items. Love your closet and style!❤❤❤
Sep 16Reply
trica I saw your offer but I’m not in a place right now where I can accept since it’s not a secure connection. I’ll accept when I get home tonight.
Sep 26Reply
joyfab40 Love you style😍 Fabulous Closet!
Oct 04Reply
look_fabulous Dont forget to bundle! I noticed you liked my Anthropologie Marble Marcey Necklace...when you have 3+ items get an additional 10% off and 4+ an even greater bonus! 🌻 Enjoy the day 🌻
Oct 04Reply
lizziebellelc13 Thanks so much for all of the likes and shares! Feel free to create a bundle! I usually accept reasonable offers 🤗
Oct 08Reply
dotdorot @marchemargot hi Margot! I absolutely love your closet 💕such a shame we are not the same size. Sense a bit of a 70s vibe especially with the platforms! All the best and have a great week!
Oct 09Reply
marchemargot @dotdorot I could not agree more! Your closet is dope - I wish so many things were available & in my size! Best to you as well - thanks for the sweet comment xo
Oct 09Reply
philosophette @marchemargot I LOVE your closet! Great eye. Beautiful! That’s all, just dropping by to give some ♥️♥️♥️
Oct 18Reply
unwastedresale You closet rocks!!!
Nov 16Reply
marchemargot @shoeguru77 you too!! Thanks ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 16Reply
kerri7764 Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you’ll visit my closet. I’m currently running a sale: 20% off when you bundle two or more items. Happy poshing!
Feb 05Reply
marchemargot @kerri7764 Hey Kerri! omg, of course!! I'm totally inspired by your closet. Thanks for sharing it with everyone! xoxo
Feb 05Reply
kerri7764 @marchemargot - I am so glad you liked it! I’m always trying to add new things as I find the time. You have a nice start to your closet as well!
Feb 05Reply
kerri7764 @marchemargot oops, not a start, just a great closet! 😄
Feb 05Reply
marchemargot @kerri7764 it's definitely a start!! It's been extremely trying tbh because I've essentially been moving - and plans kept changing so I've had to unpack and repack over and over to fit everything in my car! Hopefully I will be able to get it more organized once I'm settled - but it's been a real journey attempting to do it from the road! Glad I found you and your closet!
Feb 05Reply
kerri7764 @marchemargot - Oh my, moving definitely must have made things more complicated! I hope you are able to get everything organized, that helps when things sell & you want to get it shipped out fast - so you can get paid. It really does look great!
Feb 05Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Margot.😃 Thanks for the follow. Am following you now too!🤗 Will check out your closet. FYI that I am open to offers in my closet & take 20% off 2 or more items. Hope you have a Sunny Sunday!!! ☀️
Apr 07Reply
greenbaypackers ❤️ the dog 🐶 pic. too. Cuddling with our fur babies is the best.
Apr 07Reply
withlovered77 Thanks for the shares back! :) Out of curiosity do you know in good thrift stores in NOLA? I'll be out for Jazz Fest and want to thrift.
Apr 12Reply
classtiques Thanks for all the shares you sweet Posher!! 😘😘😘 @classtiques
Apr 20Reply
justfashme Aww your closet is so cute💖💕💖Check out my closet and my post Meet Your Posher let's be posh buddies ❤ Sending you posh love and many sales ☺😘
Jun 13Reply
ninetimes99 Hi Margot, So delighted you’re following my closet & always glad to meet new posh friends. Have fun & feel free to let me know if you ever have any questions about my closet goodies or want to share ideas for Poshing, as I’m here to help, & also open to feedback. ✨🌸✨ Warm Wishes of Success to Us All, Kim Posh Ambassador & Mentor
Jul 12Reply
alexa_jorgenson Hi, thank you for sharing my listing! I would like to inform you that this weekend only, I am having 15% off of all denim in my closet! All you have to do offer 15% off of my listing price, and I will accept! Head over to my closet for some great deals!
Jul 14Reply
marchemargot @eclecticriot thank you so much! I love your closet too -- I just moved here so any cool places you suggest would be warmly accepted!! xoxo
Oct 11Reply
marchemargot @eclecticriot omg that's so sweet ! I live by Wash Park but have family in Boulder so go there a lot! I feel the same way about bars -- haha thank god that phase is over!! and yes - love to ski! You are making my day by reaching out - random acts of kindness are so refreshing! Sorry for so much exclamation hahaha
Oct 13Reply
missbebe105 Hi Margot, I invite you to check out my closet. I have an Alice Olive fur bomber jacket. I hope you see something you like. 😊🌺
May 11Reply
marchemargot @missbebe105 hi there!! Thanks so much for reaching out -- I will definitely check out your closet and give you a follow! Hope you have a lovely day! xo
May 12Reply
missbebe105 @marchemargot hi Margot. Thank you for checking out my closet, I do have the Alice Olivia fur bomber jacket in WHITE, just need to clear out my closet so will post it soon when I get a chance. Please come back and check it out. Have a wonderful day and Happy poshing. Good luck with selling on your closet 🌺❤️🌸
May 12Reply
secondchancebtq Hi there! I have recently re-branded as “Second Chance Boutique” and am excitedly working on my inventory. I appreciate your support as a follower, wish you many sales, and hope you are staying safe!
Jul 16Reply
katecarroll6 Hi hun! I'm looking to clear out my closet so I'm accepting most (basically all) offers! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything! Thank you and I hope you have a great day!
Sep 16Reply
catscloset210 Hi, thanks so much for your interest! If you bundle you can save on shipping. 4 or more items are an extra 10% off. 😊
Sep 26Reply
dpsearch Hi Margot! So classed up for my Hestra fall line mitts! Check out my bundlettes with BBQ sauce and tap a like! Love your shop and hope you have many sales soon!
Mar 03Reply
marchemargot @dpsearch hi hun!!! And I so can’t wait for you to get them. Thanks so much for shopping my closet and sorry again for the postman going postal! It’s finally tracking so you should receive them soon!! xxoo❤️♥️❤️♥️😍🥰
Mar 03Reply
himalayanson Hello Wanna do a bundle I ll Give u the best price free shipping
Apr 17Reply
thedarningyarn 📯💐🙏🏽 Happy Equinox Super FullMoon 💫🕯🍂🍁♥️🌕♥️🍁🍂🕯💫 Wishing you Warmth & Magical Blessings ☀️
Sep 30Reply
oliviaami Dear @59c87e128d6042fc636628ee , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Sep 07Reply
kaceekhoury I love you! Was just thinking of your lovey mug and how I would like to gently grasp your face and look lovingly into your eyes. It’s been too long
Oct 17Reply
marchemargot @kaceekhoury omg!!!!! I’m so happy I got this / ima hit you up from my new number. I love you so !!!
Oct 19Reply
kaceekhoury Yesssss!!!!!! Miss you so much
Oct 28Reply

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Last Active: 20 hours ago

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