Meet your Posher, Maria
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Thanks peeking into my closet, have fun. Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can peer into your closet too! Ciao bella!!

37 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark! Wishing you much success!
Jun 10Reply

@takomapark thanks so much, appreciate it much!
Jun 10Reply

Hi, My name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! It's definitely addicting. You'll find a lot of friendly people & great deals here. The best tips I can give you are to follow your fellow Poshers & share their items. They'll do the same. Also make sure when you take pictures they're bright & clear. If there's anything I can ever do to help, please don't hesitate to contact me! 💖
Jul 25Reply

@donnastreasures thanks so much for your help. I am still new and learning. I want to do right by Poshaholics everywhere !
Jul 25Reply

@phoenixmam I'm always happy to help! 💗
Jul 25Reply

Welcome beautiful lady!! I love your sense of style but also how you add humor and fun little tidbits plus honest details in your listings! So glad you've joined PoshMark and would love to hear your thoughts on my closet thus far!
Hope to get to know you more and aren't our dog children the very best?? Plus there in itself eliminates the whole stretch mark thing...!!!😳
Sep 03Reply

@bohosnowgal thanks sweetie, you are so awesome. your closet is great a little bit of everything, great brands and affordable. I'm really enjoying Posh, it's a great distraction from real life struggles . Yes, dog children are everything, their unconditional love is priceless! ! Let's keep in touch, you're super sweet and funny too (yay no stretchmarks )
Sep 03Reply

Lovely Photos! ☺
Sep 06Reply

@lilybuds thanks, I was standing by my Dad's grapevine
Sep 06Reply

@phoenixmam This photo of you is so beautiful, it is mesmerizing. And your larger dog reminds me of my dog Greta who just passed.
Sep 06Reply

@lilybuds thanks for the compliment! I see Greta in your photo, im sorry that she passed, she's in doggie heaven but still looking over her mommy for sure. Baci' almost 11, such a good boy and smart as a whip, he's an F1 Labradoodle, what breed was Greta?
Sep 06Reply

@phoenixmam What an unusual it. I think Greta was a German wire haired pointer mix. She came from the pound with no info. Miss that girl. What breed is your adorable little one?
Sep 06Reply

@lilybuds thanks so much, she's a toy poodle :)
Sep 06Reply

Hey! I absolutely love those drawer pulls! But let me tell you, girl! While I love her page, I am not too sure about her. I actually looked her up after you told me about her. I loved a few of her items and asked to trade. She said she would, but I wasn't on Posh for about an hour. Girl, she sent me message after message asking me where did I go, was I still going to trade, and she finally said that she was going to give up on me because I must have changed my mind!.....
Oct 05Reply

She was just kind of waaayyy out there! I called off the trade. It's too bad too because I love her stuff!!
Oct 05Reply

@reggiemoultrie oh, bummer that was too bad, we need patience!
Oct 06Reply

@phoenixmam I know! I was so disappointed! But if I want something of hers that badly, I will just purchase it. She does have some wonderful animal-ly items that I just love!!💕💕😺😺
Oct 06Reply

@reggiemoultrie I know, I was drooling in there! Thanks for your #, I will text you a n d then you will have my # will be 315 area code
Oct 06Reply

@phoenixmam Sounds good!
Oct 06Reply

Aww your dog children are super cute too!! 🐶 I hope you have a wonderful day.
Oct 13Reply

@kimberlyinchs thank you, unfortunately our big guy just passed away yesterday, we are heartbroken! kiss and hug your beloved ones extra tight !
Oct 13Reply

@phoenixmam I am so sorry to hear about him. My heart breaks whenever someone loses a fur child. 😢💔 Sending all my best wishes.
Oct 13Reply

@kimberlyinchs thank you so much, he was an important part of our little family
Oct 13Reply

Nov 24Reply

Thanks doll!!
Nov 24Reply

@kdslack2 thanks, unfortunately we lost our big boy, he was the Labradoodle, a few months ago he was almost 11, we miss him terribly. He loved the snow and Christmas, Noodle our toy poodle is 7, our little ggirl. We're getting a puppy Friday, so excited! Stay posted we'll add his photos soon :)
Dec 15Reply

I second that! Jasmine is one cool cutomer, love her in the shades, I can tell she's super sweet!
Dec 15Reply

@phoenixmam Hi you.... I truly hope you had a very Merry Christmas and you were able to get a little bit more into the spirit I spent six days at my daughter's house with my grandchildren and with my youngest daughter and we had a blast!!!!! So much fun and so many memories made. I'm came back home however with a feeling of loneliness and just being sad I hate it when I can't put my finger on what's a matter with me.
Dec 31Reply

@phoenixmam I hope your husband did well over the Christmas holiday and that your puppy your new puppy is bringing you lots of laughs and sheer enjoyment for both of you. Happy New Year's Eve and I hope Abundant Blessings will carry you into 2017 and follow your and your husband's footsteps through the end of the year and beyond. ♡♡♡
Dec 31Reply

@49ercountry I'm thinkin' you may just have the temporary Blues of being with everyone having so much fun and then going back home o the regualr day to day. We had a pretty low-key holiday wasn't up for too much but appreciative, my husband spoiled me , bless him, with the little energy he had to expend
Dec 31Reply

Thank you Blaze is adorable and he has been a source of joy as well a handful. He is an additional source of work and time perhaps i bit off more than I can chew, pun intended... but we love him very much, he's adorable, just needs time and patience like all puppies and people too!
Dec 31Reply

@phoenixmam You are probably correct regarding me; it just seems like one big "sigh" moment. But always the trooper & I'll still be a trooper. I'm glad your husband got to spoil you. I'm sure the two of you deserve a lot of spoiling both together and individually. Just please know that you are both on my prayer list & I will continue to lift you both up in prayer daily. Please continue to take good care of you so that you in turn can take very good care of your husband & your new puppy!!
Dec 31Reply

Glad that you received the clogs and that you like them. Thanks for the 5 star rating. Enjoy!
Jan 11Reply

@gigithestylist LOL, that makes perfect sense tho. It's the "rising from the ashes" Phoenix
Jan 16Reply

@gigithestylist thanks I was standing in front of my Dad's grapevine. I love your photo, you guys look in absolute Bliss!!!
Jan 17Reply

@gigithestylist never forget that magical feeling! happy Poshing Gigi, I'll keep peeking in your fabulous closet
Jan 17Reply

HI YOU..I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you & wondering how things were going. How is the new puppy of yours doing. It's funny because I won't say every time but mostly every time I use my wallet I have the vision of you in your Posher picture. Can you seriously believe that they have all the Valentine things out & a lot of stores have their Easter things out. I just wanted to say hi & let you know I was thinking about you blessings always. ♡♡☆☆
Jan 22Reply

@49ercountry Hi there, thanks for checking in, the puppy is doing great, learning fast and adorable. My poor husband on the other hand, took a fall Thursday and broke his wrist, it was awful, so now we're struggling with the aftermath. Calgon take me away!! We need divine intervention!
Jan 22Reply

Hi, MARIA!👋🏽 I'm Jan! Great to officially meet you and your lovely closet!
Jan 23Reply

@janimack7 Nice to Posh meet you too, thanks so much for taking the time to share some much, I sincerely appreciate it :)
Jan 23Reply

Thanks for sharing my creations with your followers 🌹
Feb 14Reply

@hmsimon1 you're very welcome, they're lovely
Feb 14Reply

@phoenixmam Moved here from Jersey Two Years Ago. We were welcomed with -21 degrees a record for Syracuse. I would love to meet for coffee with you.. a little "Posh" break 😉 I do this 24/7 a day. Trying to go to bed now.. but the phone lights up with questions every few minutes..,
Feb 23Reply

OMG I lived in Jersey right out of college for a few years. It was fun to "go down the shore". And yes name is Maria and I'm a Poshaholoic... Cwofee, that would be nice, the Starbucks near Towne Cehter!
Feb 23Reply

@upstateangel Tower Center, I meant :)
Feb 23Reply

@phoenixmam Maria just tell me when 👍 My Name is LisaAnne Davidson-Davidson on Facebook
Feb 23Reply

Will do😄, I'm not on Facebook at all doll
Feb 23Reply

Such sweet pups !
Mar 06Reply

@chelsienicoler thanks, we lost the big guy in October, he was such a good boy!
Mar 06Reply

@phoenixmam aw I'm so sorrry
Mar 06Reply

@chelsienicoler thanks doll, he was 11 and lived a good long life, miss him terribly tho 🐶
Mar 06Reply

@phoenixmam, you have a GREAT closet!! Thanks for working with me on those boots ... and stay WARM and SAFE during the Wrath of Stella!
Mar 14Reply

@tj0861 you are so very welcome, and thanks for your purchase! you stay safe and warm too. I'm not leaving my house!!! ❄🌬❄🌬 STELLAAAAAA!!
Mar 14Reply

Beautiful family ❤❤
Mar 24Reply

@peoniespurses thank you sooooo much!
Mar 24Reply

@phoenixmam My family has always had poodles as our pets. I love them. My last poodle Joey just died a year ago. He was 13 - still miss that cute little boy❤
Mar 24Reply

@peoniespurses little Noodle the Poodle is a toy 5lb petite girl but stands her ground with the boys. She's 8 yrs old. We lost our big boy in October, he was a Labradoodle and was 11. Our new puppy has poodle in him too plus Golden Retriever and Cocker Spaniel
I LOVE dogs!!
Mar 24Reply

@phoenixmam Ditto GF ❤❤
Mar 24Reply

Hi! Thanks for liking items in my closet! All prices are negotiable!
Apr 07Reply

@ahedlund23 hi, you're welcome, you've a great closet!!
Apr 07Reply

Thanks for giving me a 5 star rating!! I still have the grey Jibs for sale. If you make a 2nd purchase from me buying the grey Jibs I will bundle the grey Jibs and the brown leather Merrells for $30 total. Thanks again for the rating and nice comment 😀
Apr 11Reply

@ahedlund23 You're welcome😄, I will have to ask my hubby but perhaps instead of the brown Merrels and grey jibs for 30 how about the grey jibs and either black leather Merrels for 35 or black suede Merrels for 25?
Apr 11Reply

@phoenixmam I can do $18 for the Jibs, $20 for any of the suede Merrells and $30 for the black leather Merrells. If you buy the Jibs and a pair of Merrells I will give you the brown leather Merrells for free. Ask your hubby and think about it. Thanks!
Apr 11Reply

@ahedlund23 Will do doll, thanks !
Apr 11Reply

@phoenixmam Another Scam closet discovered "knderucki" cancelled sale in the hopes of stealing merchandise and keeping the money. DIDN'T WORK I got paid...not sure how they were able to bypass PM to cancel a sale also I did not recieve any email notification that a case was opened or anything...Blocked and Reported on my behalf and behalf of another buyer that got scammed for real...
Apr 12Reply

@slvrbel thanks for letting me know, i will block them, not cool, so glad PM protects us, how would we know?
Apr 12Reply

@phoenixmam Cape Robin shoes 🤔🤔🤔 I recently brought 2 pair on Amazon, had to put some grippers in a little big...too
Apr 18Reply

@slvrbel Good to know
Apr 18Reply

Love your username! 😉
May 07Reply

@thephoenixmama Thanks!!love yours too 😆
May 07Reply

Hi. Great Closet. Check out my closet for 50% off ALL bundles now thru midnight Memorial Day 5/29/17!!
May 26Reply

@ceveler thanks so much! Great sale, I shared your sale post :)
May 26Reply

@phoenixmam thanks hun
May 26Reply

Hi sweetie very nice to meet you 😘😘thank you for visiting my closet 🎉🎊please let me know if you're interested to buy any thing ⭐️😉I love to bundle it's the best and smarter way to save money 💰 so you buy multiple items with only one shipping fee.
Thank you and happy poshing 🌹🎊💰💰😊😘🤗😍☺️😋💚❤️I'm going to one month vacation and I need to sell everything as soon as possible before I go ❤️😊😍🎉🎊
Jul 02Reply

@abir1977 Your welcome , and thanks for the shares too! 🎆
Jul 02Reply

Thanks for sharing and visiting my closet! 😊
Jul 09Reply

@bbenton03 Your so very welcome, same to you, happy Sunday!
Jul 09Reply

I absolutely LOVE your closet's layout and the cover shots! If you find anything you like in my closet feel free to let me know, I give big discounts!
Jul 23Reply

@prrtynpink Thanks so much, so very kind of you to say so! I offer big discounts too and love to give the new reverse bundle discount offers too. Ill take some more time later to check out your closet more ;)
Jul 23Reply

Thank you so much for visiting and sharing my beautiful closet 😁💋
Aug 07Reply

@dazzlingdeals You're welcome and thank you too for peeking in mine and for all the shares !! 😉🙋
Aug 07Reply

Thank you for following my closet!!
I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know of my 50% off sale going on now!!!
Offer 50% off your purchase, I will accept AND ship next day!!!😍
I am currently cleaning house getting ready to move into my new home and I am aiming to have little to pack!
Let me know if you have any questions
Happy Poshing 💜
Xoxo - Michelle
Aug 31Reply

Hi there... awesome closet, great photos, love your color organization, I too have become a fun fun ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 03Reply

@missbora thank you and likewise! So awesome and addictive but productive for everyone so I dont feel so bad!!
Sep 03Reply

@queensrealm thank you so very much!! I have four sisters and an continuously raiding all their closets which is why I have so many different styles and sizes! I am very open to offers so feel free to shoot me over one if you're interested
Sep 05Reply

Welcome to my Poshmark closet! This is a great community! There are some great Poshers here who have excellent closets and a wonderful reputation. My closet is primarily focused on Men's clothing, casual, cool, business wear. However, I do carry a few kids items and women's wear. I offer 15% discount to all first time buyers and 20% discount off bundles. Feel free to inquire and ask questions. Blessed!
Oct 23Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet 💝👍😍💋💋💋💋I appreciate it very much 😇💯
Oct 26Reply

You have so many great items in your closet! Will you be adding any Sam Edelman flats by any chance? I'm looking to stock up on some things for winter and spring, as you can see by likes ❤️
Oct 30Reply

@viljena hi there thank you so much that is very kind of you!! my sis is the one that wears your size, I'll have to see if she's got any Sam flats on the docket( I've been reading her closet on a regular basis LOL) 😁 if you see anything else you're interested in please feel free to make me an offer I'm very receptive
Oct 30Reply

Thanks for the share
Nov 20Reply

@kateyes6969 you're so very welcome thank you also for the likes, please let me know if you have any questions I'm very open to offers
Nov 20Reply

Maria - as your #1 SUPER BUNDLE to say you are one of my favorite closets!
Nov 20Reply

@djholliday and you are my number one customer!!! you're such a sweet lady thank you so much!!
Nov 20Reply

Well what a nice guy & fun. You can just tell!! Cutie pie puppers. Do you do your portrait?
Dec 21Reply

@kriss10fashion awe, yes your right!! Thank you!! 🐩🐕No, it was my photographer
Dec 21Reply

@phoenixmam It looks just like a charcoal. Absolutely beautiful.
Dec 21Reply

I would like to remove black German shoes, afraid that they will not fit. My size is an 8. Those are 7.5.
Dec 28Reply

@erinhuffman73 ok, why don't you declined my offer and then make another bundle offer
Dec 28Reply

@erinhuffman73 I can also make you a custom bundle if you prefer each of the items were priced about $16 so without those German shoes how about 84
Dec 28Reply

Please contact me thxs about recent delivery
Jan 06Reply

Thank you @phoenixmam
Jan 07Reply

@capnic your welcome!
Jan 07Reply

Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Jan 17Reply

@spreadlove hi there don't think so much for stopping by my closet😁 spread the love!
Jan 17Reply

@phoenixmam I send my orders with the gift, but if you don’t want it I will accept $11
Feb 01Reply

@steffi3tmc Thanks ill do sans gift for 11 😙 thanks!
Feb 01Reply

@steffi3tmc I just got a great idea if you decline my last offer and lower the actual price itself to 11 it should trigger the shipping discount which would be much appreciated, are you willing to try that?
Feb 01Reply

@phoenixmam OK, I will trigger the 10%
Feb 01Reply

@steffi3tmc make sure you decline my counter-offer first otherwise it won't work for me
Feb 01Reply

@steffi3tmc oops i meant i have to decline offer, just did that
Feb 01Reply

Thanks Maria - fingers crossed 🤞 that it’ll be a good fit 😘
Feb 14Reply

@davisbabes thank you so very much how sweet of you to say, I appreciate all your shares!!😚
Feb 17Reply

@phoenixmam hi ! I was just adding one of your listings to bundle and I accidentally hit the style me options so please disregard that LOL sorry 😬but I do love some of your stuff!
Feb 21Reply

@freepeopleluva thanks so much doll, I am open to reasonable offers
Feb 21Reply

Thanks for following me and for the share!💕
Btw, you have a lovely closet 😘
Feb 22Reply

@clemencelaure thank you so very much and the same to you you have gorgeous pieces in their closet!!
Feb 22Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet! I appreciate it very much. Have a great day! I love ❤️ your pictures!
Mar 26Reply

@crystalco you're so very welcome thank you for your kind comments , happy poshing! 😁
Mar 26Reply

@phoenixmam You’re welcome! I wanted you to know I wasn’t ignoring you, but I have a Family emergency that’s why my closet is closed. 🌸
Mar 26Reply

@crystalco no worries doll, the best to you!
Mar 26Reply

@phoenixmam Thanks, I truly appreciate it.
Mar 26Reply

Aww! I’m new to posh and love your closet
Apr 28Reply

@kimbakj thanks so much doll! Welcome to Poshmark, feel free to ask me any questions if need be 😁
Apr 28Reply

Hey miss lady haven’t seen you around in a little while love those boots! I don’t think I’m ready to buy yet I’m holding off I had minor surgery and then ammonia got hit with a double Whammy LOL. Don’t worry I got you on my saves🤗💕🌸
May 11Reply

@erinhuffman73 @erinhuffman73 hi Erin, I haven't seen your pretty little flower lately either, thanks so much for reaching out! Sorry to hear about your medical troubles I hope you're on the mend quickly. I've probably been a little bit busier than normal, got to check catch up on my shares hope you're doing well doll and loving your shoes. 😁
May 11Reply

Hi I love the Talbots skirt but idk how much I’d use it.. I’m going out of town this week..not always good when husband gets the pkgs😘
Jun 02Reply

@fmrp Ha, LOL I hear you on that one! They just don't understand. I am open to offers in case some occasion to wear it pops up for you 😁
Jun 02Reply

@phoenixmam didn’t want to add a comment like.. “I love it but won’t wear it” how counterproductive that would be under a post.. how about those loubies in the HP last night? Omg love art for feet😘
Jun 02Reply

@fmrp thanks I appreciate that LOL! yes are you talking about the butterfly ones?
Jun 02Reply

@phoenixmam yes.. funny it’s actually how I found your closet.. you’d tagged @itzposhable to show her the shoes.. (she has one-billion things I want)... of course I’d like a life to wear them... or....I COULD just put the bag & the shoes I want on a shelf, next to photos of where I’d like to be wearing them...🤔🤭🤣 ugh I’ve been posting things today & I think the oxygen is low in that room 🤣😂
Jun 03Reply

@fmrp oh yes, shes my girl! Love her taste and yours too!! I've got some new things to post myself, better get cracking. have a great evening doll, happy Poshing 😚
Jun 03Reply

@phoenixmam U2 sunshine 🌞😘
Jun 03Reply

@fmrp I will be visiting your closet allergies been crazy today...i should have brought stock in zyrtex...
Jun 03Reply

@phoenixmam Girl no! 😢I had no idea… I am so so sorry. I know how difficult it is to care for someone that is very ill. Especially someone you love so much. Hang in there –You are definitely in my prayers.
Jun 23Reply

@bachsmom thanks so much, I appreciate your kind words, aloha!
Jun 23Reply

Your closet is beautiful and your fur babies are precious ❤️❤️🐾🐾❤️❤️
Jul 04Reply

@scrappycavie Thanks so much doll, so super sweet of you 😘
Jul 04Reply

LOVE 💕 your closet!😀
Jul 10Reply

@truetblue Thanks, likewise, yours is lovely doll!!😘
Jul 10Reply

I'm loving the color coordination of you closet, NICE!
Aug 28Reply

@shasha_4a Thanks so much doll, Poshmark is so much fun 😁
Aug 28Reply

I accidentally ordered the Aldo boots and would like to cancel purchase, first time on this site. Not sure how else to reach you
Sep 24Reply

@magdalena_ayala no worries we've all done that before doll. 😁 Because you ordered it without making an offer you should be able to cancel it yourself. if you go into the order it should say problems with order or cancel order and I think you're still within the time frame to cancel it, go ahead and give that a try and let me know if it works
Sep 24Reply

I tried that n it does not allow me to cancel because over 3hrs have passed since purchase ?? It says to contact seller. What’s your email address please?
Sep 24Reply

@magdalena_ayala I was able to cancel it on my end
Sep 24Reply

I received my refund, I appreciate your honesty 😊
Sep 24Reply

❤Socks are on their way. Enjoy your free gift included ❤
Oct 04Reply

Thank you for the kind words & the 5 star rating❤I hope the socks enjoy their next adventure😉
Oct 11Reply

OMG I am in love. With your closet!! The displays. The photos. The descriptions. So beautiful. I can’t stop looking at your items!!! You have convinced me to rearrange my closet to put similar color items together. It really creates a nice flow. I keep going cuz I want to see what’s next. I WILL be back to shop!! Adding you to ‘my favorite things’ list in my closet. 💕😎💕💖Happy weekend Poshing!💕😎
Oct 13Reply

@mish_tosh thanks so much for all your kind words , you're so sweet!! I saw the color coordination when I first started Poshmark couple years ago in someone else's closet and it was eye catching. It's fun to share ideas there's a lot of creative people on here. please feel free to come back I am very open to offers my prices are almost all negotiable and I don't get offended by lowball offers ✌
Oct 13Reply

@phoenixmam oh good to know. I have seen other color coordinated closets and I love it. Though I do try to keep certain items at the top for more viewing. Gonna try it soon. Thanks again and most of my items are negotiable as well. Always open to offers, aren’t we all? 😎🌹
Oct 13Reply

You are amazing! You spent so much time helping me! You made me feel important! I will definitely buy from you again! Thank you for being so patient and kind and also for giving me a spectacular deal! 😊
Oct 23Reply

Congrats on your winning happy Monday 🥰💐🛍
Nov 26Reply

@tanton Thanks so much for noticing!! It was a great surprise especially at this time of year and after a long hard day, I was pretty stoked to have won, yipeeeee!
Nov 26Reply

@phoenixmam yes I know I won a prize last month and I was also surprised 😉👌🎉so happy enjoy it and have a good holiday season 🛍👩❤️💋👩
Nov 26Reply

@tanton You too, much Posh success and a very merry season! 🤗
Nov 26Reply

Hi. Congratulations on the win!! When it comes time to shop please keep my closet in mind💕. I’m throwing out better offers for all my likes. 💕
Nov 26Reply

@fashionista21 thanks so much it was such a nice unexpected surprise! I'll definitely take a gander through your closet, it's awesome!
Nov 26Reply

Congrats on winning🎉 check out my closet to see items that you may like.
Nov 27Reply

🎉🎈🎊Congratulations on winning the @MAKE A DEAL DAY” today!! Have fun shopping 🛍 on Poshmark with your $100!!! Your PFF...Karla🌺💃🌺
Nov 27Reply

So exciting to see you were one of the many Make a Deal Day winners! Happy Poshing! 💫
Nov 27Reply

@viasyd awe thanks doll, it was a very pleasant surprise!
Nov 27Reply

Thanks for visiting and sharing my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great weekend!❤️
Dec 01Reply

You're so welcome and thank you for all the shares, happy holidays!
Dec 01Reply

Hi there! I’d love to accept your offer on the lucky brand sweater, however I won’t be able to ship until Monday at the earliest since I’m away for the holidays. If you’re okay with that feel free to submit the offer and il accept 😊
Dec 28Reply

Love your closet and thanks for sharing!
Dec 31Reply

@chazaqah you're so sweet, thanks so much doll!!
Dec 31Reply

@phoenixmam 😉 Any time.
Dec 31Reply

Your closet ROCKS! I have been in many—-this is incredible!! Blessings
Jan 14Reply

@kathi115 Wow, thanks so much for the compliment, I sincerely appreciate it. I adore Poshmark and lucky to have 4 sisters whose closets I regularly raid! Love your closet too, great shoe selection, my great weakness!
Jan 14Reply

Such a lovely closet Madam 💟...truly inspirational to a newly opened closet owner 🎪. Thanks for sharing my boots 👢🙌
Feb 02Reply

@pburchel thank you so very much doll! I appreciate you reaching out to me and your kind words. Your closet is fabulous, please let me know if you need any Posh guidance
Feb 02Reply

Hey, dear! How are you? I haven't been on much for quiet some time, but you have been on my mind a lot lately. How is your husband? I have always kept you guys in my prayers even when we haven't been in touch. My husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain Cancer on December 14th. He had brain surgery on December 21, and now he is undergoing chemo and radiation. This has shown me just how strong of a lady you are!! I apologize for
Feb 07Reply

not being in touch sooner! He has actually been sick for a much longer time, but we thought he had injured himself at work because his left arm and hand stopped working. They had in PT for that for months. Then his leg stopped working, and we had an MRI done and found a Glioblastoma. The outlook is pretty bleak,
Feb 07Reply

but he is doing better than many who go through this. I'm hoping and praying that your husband is doing far better than before!! And I hope youre doing great!! I have thought about you two very often, but I apologize for not taking a moment sooner to get in touch with you!!!❤
Feb 07Reply

@toddthefox oh my, I'm completely devastated for you, Im in shock almost speechless, it's so incomprehensible why things like this happen to such good people, I am so very sorry!
Feb 07Reply

@toddthefox Hi there, I've been thinking about you and praying for you and your husband, wanted to touch base with you see how you're holding up?
Feb 18Reply

👋 Thanks a lot for visiting my closet 🤗Feel free to give me offer and bundle for better deals 😊I ship fast💨💨🛍🛍💃
Mar 04Reply

@blondy27 love your closet, so many fab unique pieces!
Mar 04Reply

@phoenixmam Thanks 🙏 I’m crazy shopaholic 🤣🤣🤣Travelling this weekend, will be off line. Today doing last shippings😉Have a great day and week ahead 🤗
Mar 04Reply

love your closet! thanks for the shares, happy monday!!!
Apr 01Reply

Hello my friend. How have you been? Have not talked in a long while so I just wanted to stop by and say HI :))
May 27Reply

Your closet is looking very tempting... as always ;)
May 27Reply

@erinhuffman73 Hey girl, I'm hanging in here sleeping in late on a holiday 😁 how are you doing I hope you've been enjoying your spring , thanks so much for all the shares!
May 27Reply

@phoenixmam Is it spring? One day its raining buckets, then a sudden snow then a flood, then it's hot again. I get all 4 seasons in one week. Thank you right back sharing and caring :))
May 27Reply

Hi Maria, Thank you for the shares. I love you closet. So many pretty things :))
Jun 23Reply

@erinhuffman73 you're welcome and thank you so much for the multitude of shares, you're literally the best sharer ever!! 🤗
Jun 23Reply

Thank you for sharing from my Closet! 🛍😺🛍
Oct 18Reply

You have great taste and a lot of super cute clothes in your closet!
Nov 26Reply

Your shipment to me arrived on Thanksgiving Eve at the complex management office. I will not be able to retrieve until Monday afternoon. Thank you for your patience!
Dec 01Reply

@rmsylte No worries, Happy Holidays!
Dec 01Reply

Hi! I apologize that I can't locate your Coach makeup bag 😫
I am going to cancel your order, but as soon as I find it I'll contact you and, if you're still interested in it, make you a better deal.
If there's something else you are interested in from my closet please let me know and we'll work you a great deal. 😁✨
Jan 02Reply

@mzpineapple No worries, it happens to all of us, I do love that particular little bag so please let me know if you come across it. Happy New Year!
Jan 02Reply

@sassycoop Thank you so much Mary Jane for taking the time to comment and share so many listings. I really appreciate you reaching out to me and your kind words. hope you have a blessed day!
Feb 06Reply

Thank you so much for shipping the belt so quickly! I’m returning home tomorrow night and will accept it then. I’m sorry for the delay. Already have a blazer picked out to wear the belt with. Can’t wait!
Feb 28Reply

@k8k79 No worries, hope you love it!
Feb 28Reply

@phoenixmam @myblueskydays you have an awesome closet! My internet stopped me before I could see it all! Time to up the speed! I’ll be back with good news and to see the rest! First I need to figure out my new size! Great pics love the furry baby! Now I know you get it lol! Have a beautiful night? ✌🏼💗😊🌜⭐️💫
Mar 16Reply

Hi! Looks like my credit card on file needs to be updated. Are the Lilly pants new? I didn’t see condition listed.
May 10Reply

@lisamichelle517 Hi doll, the condition is written in the description, in excellent condition 😀
May 10Reply

Hi! Did you accept my offer? Sorry, I am new to the website!
May 11Reply

@lisamichelle517 Yes I did doll, thanks I will be shipping out tomorrow for you. You can see your purchase on Orders tab 😀
May 11Reply

I absolutely adore your closet!! I’m stoked that I found you!!
May 31Reply

@annaorlisa Thank you sweetie, I really appreciate that
May 31Reply

Thank you for buying the capri's. I will get them in the mail tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening.
Jul 05Reply

Thank you for the 5 ☆ rating.
Jul 10Reply

Hello! LOVE your style and your closet. Thank you for all of your shares and Posh💗!
Aug 04Reply

@kalenaparadise Thanks so very much doll! I appreciate all the shares and your kind words too, thanks for reaching out! 🤗😁
Aug 04Reply

I just wanted to let you know your purchase was shipped on Saturday eta is the 28. I just got an email from Poshmark to mail it but I wanted to let you know I already have😊thank you again for your purchase
Aug 25Reply

I will ship the recipe box in the morning. Thank you!
Sep 01Reply

First I have to tell you that you have a beautiful closet! I will definitely be back on pay day!! Anyway I wanted to thank you for your purchase. I really appreciate it. I will have your new monkeys in the mail first thing in the morning. Have a great night. 😃😃
Sep 08Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I'll have it shipped out tomorrow morning. You should see it tracking by tomorrow night. Have a wonderful week.💖
Dec 03Reply

Thank you for your purchase of the makeup products yesterday I just wanted to let you know that we had a major snowstorm here yesterday so I’m not sure I will get to the post office today but I will tomorrow 😀
Feb 16Reply

I love your first sentence! lol! That pizza looks good. Love your dogs. Nice looking husband & he cooks!
It took forever to get through your closet! WOW! You really have a GREAT one, too! I LOVED IT! Wish that I was rich!
I got your name in the party today! Good luck on sales. Take care! 🙏✌🍀🌹💃😊👯
Feb 26Reply

@babsannc7 Thank you!! I really appreciate you taking the time yo look through my whole closet. 😘😄
Feb 26Reply

Hello dear, thank you for visiting my closet, also thanks for your like. I truly appreciated.
Sep 18Reply

Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊
I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry
Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Feb 01Reply

Hi thanks for visiting my closet. I noticed you liked the Grateful Dead Bear. If you like I can do 2/$45. Happy poshing
Mar 01Reply

I made that offer because it's like very difficult I'm trying to replace items from a robbery from public storage I had thirty years of vintage jewelry signed numbered that were taken the police said it was inside job obviously because they took their time picking through what they wanted and entered numerous times the police said but Public Storage does not cover jewelry on top of numerous other things that were taken but I came across this and this is a denicol to one of the pieces that were t
Mar 21Reply

Google Voice are identical to one of the pieces missing as usually the army green has a yellow Center in mine had a white if you'd like I could attach photos from my past inventory shots thank you so much for your time in advance if you decline that's fine I understand you're on line to make a buck but it's so hard to repurchase things that were taken and lost in the burglary
Mar 21Reply

@sinequanon you got it, doll. I'm sorry that happened to you. Happy to help restore one piece of your beloved jewelry!
Mar 22Reply

Stunning photo. Thanks for checking out my boots.They are super comfy, and come in pink and leopard. I got them after a foot fusion. They are close to end of stock, so I was thinking of getting other sizes today. I am new. Old designer/ turned therapist/ turned hippie grandma--not too mobile this year. I give great deals, and am doing a flash footwear sale/ buy one get one 50% off this weekend. Just am having problems advertising. I guarantee product 100%. Not a hard sell.
Aug 07Reply

@amytberens thanks so much ☺ let me check it out
Aug 07Reply

kOne more thing. The veracruze boots are amazing. Hand embroiderey on back. ( the slid ons).
Aug 07Reply

Hi there, thank you so much for the purchase! I’ll have it ready and shipped out tomorrow. ☺️ 💕
Mar 13Reply

@phoenixmam Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 09Reply

Thanks for liking the red floral choker.
Sep 21Reply

Happy New Year 🥳!! May 2025 be your best year yet! 💎
Jan 09Reply
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