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Updated Mar 24
Updated Mar 24

Meet your Posher, Maria

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Hi and Welcome! I’m Maria, Posh Ambassador. You’ll be happy to know I list 10-15 new items daily. So there’s lots to look at and much to bundle! Take advantage of my bundle discount of 20% off 2 or more items. I ship 6 days and have many repeat customers. Create your bundle now ~
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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ambitionsrunway Welcome to poshmark 👗please feel free to ask any questions you may have 🌷follow my closet 🌺 and happy poshing 🌸
Jun 20Reply
dailyenhance Thanks so much for the welcome! I have lots of questions, so will be in touch!!
Jun 21Reply
outfitoverhaul Welcome to Posh! We have a great community here so if you ever need help don't hesitate to ask! Come check out my closet when you get the chance to and best of luck ❤ I have dozens of items under $10 with most prices negotiable!
Jun 24Reply
karenvesmith Yea, curves!...😉 Beautiful closet!!
Jun 29Reply
dailyenhance Thank ye, thank you! Glad we found each other :)
Jun 29Reply
kathysabi Thank you so much for sharing:)
Jul 06Reply
dailyenhance @edynn1 Thanks Edynn, so nice to hear from you. What does it mean when someone has and exclamation mark by their user id?
Jul 28Reply
dailyenhance @karenvesmith Thanks for the compliment, glad we found each other!
Jul 28Reply
shvitz Hey good morning and thank you for the share in my closet like your closet also look forward to coming back have a great Sunday
Jul 29Reply
dailyenhance @thecloset305 Good morning to you as well.! We poshers support each other, thanks for yours!
Aug 04Reply
fancifinds Love your closet name!!!
Aug 18Reply
bwhicker11 Loving your closet!!
Sep 13Reply
mjackman983 @curvaceouswoman thanks for following me and sharing the tee 😊
Sep 14Reply
njmah5 🧡thanks for sharing my listing
Oct 07Reply
dailyenhance @njmah5 My pleasure!
Oct 07Reply
dailyenhance @njmah5 My pleasure!
Oct 07Reply
kk711 Hi Maria, I love your closet. I am now following you too😊 By any chance do you know of a good plus size share group I could join? I am trying out different share groups and some of them are really great and have increased my sales. Please let me know if you are in a good one or know of one. Thank you Kathryn
Oct 09Reply
dailyenhance @kk711 Hi there! When you say share group, do you mean something on FB, and what do you mean by "share" group?
Oct 09Reply
kk711 @curvaceouswoman hi Maria, I will get back with you tomorrow about share groups etc.. I am already in bed after brutal physical therapy as I broke my leg in a June and oboy! Getting into the difficult levels of range of motion! Prob too much info but yikes what a summer😩🙋🏻‍♀️
Oct 10Reply
lizardshops Thank you for all the shares, Maria! Much appreciated! ❤️
Nov 29Reply
dailyenhance @lizardshops My pleasure! Happy Holidays, Maria
Nov 29Reply
2025newtou Hi Maria, I received your offers but I just had spine surgery and am unable to measure a couple of my outfits and my measurements to check against the measurements of your items that I like. It may take a few days but as soon as I can I will certainly check because I love the items that I liked. So I will let you know as soon as possible. Thanks so much for the special offers also! Sincerely, Marilyn
Dec 27Reply
cheekychic77 Thank you so much Maria for the love/shares 🙏💖
Jan 17Reply
dailyenhance @maryamf85 My pleasure, hope your 2019 is full of Posh sales :)
Jan 17Reply
piccicu Hi Maria. You have a really nice closet so I decided to share it. You look like you’ve done well with setting it up in such a short time❗️. Wishing you fun and success 🌻
Jan 27Reply
dailyenhance @piccicu Awh, how kind of you. Really appreciate that, many many thanks! Maria
Jan 27Reply
janet_malone Hi welcome. I will check your closet and hope you will peek at mine. Happy poshing.
Feb 03Reply
seastheday50 What a lovely closet 👍❤️ I liked something I will certainly be back for!
Feb 06Reply
dailyenhance @mrsvee3 Really appreciate you taking time to write. :) u
Feb 06Reply
janet_malone Hi I am checking your closet and hope you will peek into mine. Happy poshing
Feb 10Reply
asimonegk Thank you for the share! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 14Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Maria. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 16Reply
dailyenhance @hmsimon1 Glad we found each other ;) maria
Feb 16Reply
justinandtaylor Hi Maria! Great closet. Thank you for the follow. We appreciate it. Check us out for new items. We are located in Los Angeles and all items are new. We also wholesale as well. ☺️👩🏼‍💻Justin&Taylor
Feb 17Reply
ninetimes99 Thank you for all the shares 😃
Feb 19Reply
penniroyal Thank you for the shares! I used to live in GR! Happy Poshing! ❤️
Feb 20Reply
dailyenhance @penniroyal My pleasure! Where do you live now? Came from Cincinnati and like the bigger city better
Feb 20Reply
penniroyal @dailyenhance I live in Wichita, Kansas. Which is also where I grew up. It was too cold in Michigan for me. Brr....
Feb 20Reply
dailyenhance I agree! It's a wind and black ice storm right now, we are at 3 below with the windchill
Feb 25Reply
the_hidden_wick Hey thanks for visiting! I'm running a bundle deal right now. Everytime a bundle is purchased you can pick an item with a ♥️ in the title for free. Happy Poshing!
Feb 27Reply
karenharkins I received a second package today with the sports bra that I ordered. The second pkg has an XL shirt in it that I did not order. I think it was shipped to me unintentionally. Please contact me to return it or send it wherever it was intended to ship to. Thank you.
Feb 27Reply
dailyenhance @karenharkins Yikes, thank you for the message. Can you tell me brand and color of the shirt, solid, print, long short sleeve. That will greatly help me determine what next, many thanks!
Feb 27Reply
meshelscloset So, why are you awake at this hour, and sharing?🤗
Mar 03Reply
dailyenhance @meshelscloset I"m half crazy, half sane :)
Mar 03Reply
dailyenhance @meshelscloset Can you tell me how to get the 3 gold stars flanked on both sides of "Posh Ambassador" as you have in your header? Does it show up that way on mobile as well? I really like your clean looking header
Mar 03Reply
meshelscloset @dailyenhance. I added star emoji on my profile, but it doesn’t show on mobile devices. I’m always on my iPad, so I don’t see it
Mar 03Reply
brenbrenbean Hello hello!! I love your closet!! If you have time I’d LOVE it so much if you could check out my closet!!! XO
Mar 04Reply
katistheboss Thank you for all the shares
Mar 19Reply
dailyenhance @katistheboss My pleasure! Have a great day
Mar 27Reply
jhunn343 Hi there! I already went to the post office today so I’ll ship out tomorrow :). Hope you had a great day!
Apr 08Reply
yulelvit Hi Maria, I just liked your purple Cabelas sweatshirt and perhaps you can help me. I just recently bought a bunch of things for an upcoming trip to Europe and discovered I need to pack some warmer things. Most of my sweatshirts are Clemson ones which I don't want yo take or the ones I bum around the house in, if you know what I mean.
Apr 20Reply
yulelvit So...I would like to at least take two nice warmer sweatshirts that are more like this one. Since you know your inventory, could you bundle some things that are similar to the Cabelas top please? I really would appreciate it. Thanks. We leave pretty soon, so I need to order this week.
Apr 20Reply
dailyenhance @yulelvit HI, envious you are headed to Europe, never been. Anyways, what is your chest , waist and height, and if you don't want to share, what size do you typically wear?
Apr 20Reply
yulelvit Well, that is evolving since I am losing weight, too. Congrats on your weight loss, too, btw. Mine is from me not being able to taste my food so this trip is going to be missing a big element. Anyway, I like sweatshirts larger because I layer clothes underneath that I can remove if I get too warm. Bust is 42.
Apr 20Reply
yulelvit I don't want to spend a whole lot of $$, budget total of probably $60 + or -.
Apr 20Reply
dailyenhance @yulelvit you could purchase the cables purple one and the reebok pink funnel neck pullover sweatshirt, if u bundle these I can offer a 15% discount
Apr 20Reply
amts0610 Hi!! Thank you for sharing my closet!! Best of luck with sales!
Jul 14Reply
gemimoore Maria thank you for all the shares!!🙂🙂 You have a beautiful closet
Jul 26Reply
dailyenhance @gemimoore Most welcome! Glad we could help each other
Jul 26Reply
teresalblair Hi Maria - I have lost over 100 lbs and trying to build new wardrobe. I am interested in 9 items. Would you be willing to give 25 percent discount or your normal 20 percent discount but also discount on shipping? Thank you
Aug 31Reply
dailyenhance @teresalblair wow, fantastic accomplishment! Did u do keto? I’ve lost 47 through IF and at times taking it deeper with Keto. Yes, I’ll honor your request for 25 vs 20, but if it’s under 5 lbs, I’ll mail u all for 6.79 charge
Aug 31Reply
teresalblair @dailyenhance - thanks - I did low carb but need to lose more and keep reading about IF so want to research that. Did you read a certain book or go to a certain website to learn about how to do Intermittent Fasting? My order Will probably be over 5 pounds since it includes a blazer and a couple of pairs of jeans and other things. I have Only bought on posh Mark wants so I’m not really quite sure how it works. So when I choose my items and put them in the cart, how does the 25% come off?
Aug 31Reply
dailyenhance @teresalblair Hi, how you would get the 25% off is to create a "bundle", then send me an offer price thats 25% off. Looks like you put them in the cart and then paid, so it auto defaults to my 20% bundle. The good news is the charge for shipping you incur is only $6.79 for up to 5 lbs, and since it will be over 5 lbs, i'll absorb that cost, which will probably be a wash with the extra 5% . Hope this makes sense. Thank you for your purchases, and I'll mail these out Tues, due to Labor day.
Aug 31Reply
dailyenhance As for the reading, the best site by far is called The Obesity Code Network: Fasting Support its designed by Jason Fung, a kidney doctor. IF you go into the "files", and pick your subject, its loaded with fantastic info.
Aug 31Reply
dailyenhance continued.....I won't know until I package it, how much ship will be, but you were only billed for the $6.79. If it turns out the 5% is more than the extra ship, I'll include the extra dollars in your box I'm mailing, thanks
Aug 31Reply
dailyenhance @twatts1973 hi I just Gave u 20% off plus reduced shipping, thank u
Sep 01Reply
dailyenhance @twatts1973 ok, sounds good, hope to see u later this week;)
Sep 02Reply
walknw Thank you for the rating and sweet note! I hope you have a great Christmas!!
Dec 12Reply
helloxhue Sorry Dear right now I got 20$ left in my card can’t make it
Dec 17Reply
helloxhue Maria would you do 13$ Dear
Dec 18Reply
dailyenhance @helloxhue Hi, I can do $20 with the Crate & Barrel potholders, just sent you an offer
Dec 18Reply
dailyenhance @2bb4me5050 Hi, I appreciate your candor and honesty. Most of my items are rehomed, second hand. In great shape doesn't mean the item has not been laundered or shrunk, so I provide measurements to try to give the most accurate depiction of the size of the item. I'm sorry about the heavy perfume smell: I did not pick up on that but will try to be more careful in the future. Did it fit you? Are you able to launder it and see if the smell will come out?
Jan 25Reply
dailyenhance @2bb4me5050 continued....Because I did not see the item "new", I don't know whether it has shrunk or been laundered, thus the measurements are provided.
Jan 25Reply
dailyenhance @2bb4me5050 continued,....although there's not a way to refund you, I want you to be happy that I as a seller made some effort to rectify the situation. Please accept my apologies and if you ever find something in my closet you like, message me and I'll give you a deep discount.
Jan 25Reply
happy2bekimbo42 hi, I'm interested in a number of blouses. please make me a deal!!❣
Apr 07Reply
dailyenhance @happy2bekimbo42 Hi, great...can you put them into a bundle, then I'll see the bundle and can make you a good offer, thanks!
Apr 07Reply
cutehosiery @dailyenhance Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 15Reply
mmadonna40 . 🌸Be sure to stop by my closet & read my listing on Poshmark Tips & Tricks! There’s information in the photos, as well as. the comments at the bottom. Feel free to join us & leave a comment!💕😘 🆕 And Come PLAY the Secret Posher Game with us... GAIN tons of new FOLLOWERS daily❣️
Dec 01Reply
jazzygroovin Hi Maria, I noticed you have an awesome collection here. I have a new interiors business here in Grand Rapids specializing in decluttering and organizing and I’m looking for clients to offer complimentary organization services for quicker easier sales and shipping! If you're interested you can reply to me here or reach me through my website . Looking forward to potentially collaborating!
Dec 22Reply

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Last Active: Dec 19 2024

Grand Rapids, MI
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Last Active: Dec 19 2024

Grand Rapids, MI
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