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Updated Sep 09
Updated Sep 09

Meet your Posher, Maria

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Maria. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, Coach, Nike, and CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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sarrah and 7 others like this
aclothingwindow Hi Maria! Welcome to the community! 💞 I hope you have lots of fun and happy poshing! 😄😄
Jun 04Reply
jaimeeski 🎉🎉welcome to poshmark!
Apr 10Reply
heartlands1890 Hey doll, I have an LV Pouchette with crossbody and wristlet chain available if you're interested. I shared it to your bundle so you can take a look.
Apr 15Reply
debratonge Hi You asked about a Louie v item that I listed for 95 I will take 70. Thanks. Debra tonge
Aug 21Reply
ladykrc @sweetmell Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by to say hello👋🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Aug 03Reply
ksaunders014 Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have a beautiful Michael Kors dress I think you would love! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕
Aug 27Reply
jessmedina760 @sweetmell Your baby is super adorable 😍😍 Thanks for the shares love. Stay safe.
Aug 30Reply
sweetmell @jessmedina760 thank you love everything in ur closet😊
Aug 30Reply
jessmedina760 @sweetmell Thanks sweetheart love ur clpset also. Tha LV bag is beautifullllll. I have a mini pochette with tbe gold chain I use everyday, it's my quick grab bag. I love it. xoxo
Aug 30Reply
sweetmell @moskennel thank u her name is angel
Sep 12Reply
monarchfashion Thanks for your order Maria! I will be shipping it out tomorrow and will tag you when I do. In the meantime have a great day and stay safe and healthy💕
Sep 20Reply
sweetmell @monarchfashion thank you i love everything on ur closet😊
Sep 20Reply
monarchfashion @sweetmell thank you very much I appreciate it❤❤❤
Sep 20Reply
monarchfashion love your closet as well will share some of your stuff
Sep 21Reply
sweetmell @monarchfashion thank you so much appreciate it😊
Sep 21Reply
monarchfashion your order has been shipped!❤❤❤❤
Sep 21Reply
monarchfashion thanks for the review I appreciate it! 😘
Sep 23Reply
sweetmell @monarchfashion your welcome u deserve very good reviews ur very nice n thoughtful cant wait to buy again from you😁
Sep 23Reply
monarchfashion thank you and remember when you buy something from me put it in a bundle so I can give you a better price!❤❤
Sep 23Reply
sweetmell @monarchfashion i will and thank u very much
Sep 23Reply
fashiondiva411 @sweetmell Hi Maria! Thank you for stopping by and bundling. 😊 I just sent offer! Please feel free to ask any questions. 🥰
Oct 05Reply
fashiondiva411 @sweetmell Thank you for your purchase Maria! I will package your dresses up this evening and ship out tomorrow. 😊 Have a great day! 🥰
Oct 05Reply
sweetmell @fashiondiva411 Thank you have a good day😊
Oct 05Reply
fashiondiva411 @sweetmell Thank you sweetie! 🥰
Oct 05Reply
kfab333 @sweetmell Hi There! 🥰Super Happy You Dropped By! I am Kimberly- Owner of Kfab Designs! 💖-Always Happy to Assist You in Finding Your Perfect Style! All Orders are Shipped with Gifts 🎁! I Look Forward to Working with You!
Oct 05Reply
sweetmell @kfab333 Thank you i love ur closet you have a beautiful closet
Oct 05Reply
kfab333 @sweetmell Thanks so much ☺️
Oct 05Reply
abel6583 Hey there , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from small through 3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots and more. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. I LOVE offers & bundles get 10% off! I share back 🔄 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 08Reply
kfab333 @sweetmell Hello! Happy FriYay! ☺️ The Striped Top will fit similar to the one you liked! It’s that tunic fit
Oct 16Reply
kfab333 @sweetmell Your offer is still valid for the lady mustard top! 🥰Just check out when you are ready
Oct 17Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time :))) 🤍
Oct 24Reply
annamariemazza You’re dog is the cutest little thing ever 😍🎀
Oct 27Reply
sweetmell @annamariemazza aww thank you shes so tiny always carry her everywhere i go and the funny thing is she cries if u let her alone she nver bark at all she only cries lol
Oct 27Reply
annamariemazza @sweetmell oh my goodness what a doll!! 😍💕💕💕 I can picture it, how adorable, fur babies are the best! Thank you for your sweet shares as well!
Oct 27Reply
sweetmell @annamariemazza she always make me smile everyday thank u for the shares as well :)
Oct 27Reply
sweetmell @suncloudsky hapy thanksgiving as well. God bless always. i love ur closet
Nov 26Reply
sammistarr04 Thank you so much for the shares and the likes! If you have any questions about any of the jewelry, please let me know!!✨✨
Jan 04Reply
rrranda your pupster is soooo adorable! wish we could have a playdate with mine! lol
Jan 28Reply
sweetmell @rrranda thank you her name is angel she is so tiny love her so much😁
Jan 28Reply
sweetmell @moskennel i understand np thank u
Feb 09Reply
kidz_shop_ Hello There!☺️ I hope you are having fun on Poshmark! I would love for you to check out my Closet!💕 I have a KidzShop which sells amazing and affordable kids items. I am always adding new items weekly and if you are ever interested in anything I am always happy to give you a fabulous bundle deal as well as help you save on shipping 💌📮I am excited to connect and make a deal with you soon! ❤️
Apr 30Reply
shoppespot Hi, 1st of all your dog is SO cute! What kind? I had to put mine down somewhat recently & have had the hardest time dealing but know I need to get a new one, what breed? Most importantly, the offer you made, I would absolutely take but that sold out forever ago. I am SO confused because on my end
Jul 08Reply
shoppespot CONTINUED: I see it says sold out & not sure how that is happening. I need to go through my listings now and fix that and see if any others are like that. I am SO sorry. Thank you so much for looking / making an offer though - 🤷🏻‍♀️💕 Jodi
Jul 08Reply
sweetmell @shoppespot Hi jodi sorry to hear about ur dog that is so sad cant imagine. my dog breed is a shitese its 7lbs i love her so much shes our stress reliever lol😁
Jul 08Reply
sweetmell @shoppespot np let me know if theres available😊
Jul 08Reply
shoppespot @sweetmell Hi, thank you I so appreciate that. I’ve had to go through it one other time about 10 years ago & while that was traumatic this was 10000 mil X’s worse. He was like my best friend, was like a human, and it’s been so hard and I’ve never not had a dog. Yours is so cute & I kind of assumed her breed but so tiny & never saw one only 7lbs. My gosh makes so much cuter. I need a small dog. Anyway
Jul 08Reply
shoppespot @sweetmell Continued, it’s not avail 🥲 and I have no idea why it even says it was. I just fixed it though. That has to be a technical issue because I have been doing this a long time & have never had that happen.
Jul 08Reply
shoppespot CONTINUED: I feel SO BAD. When I saw the offer & saw the item I was so shocked to see it, it’s like you sell things from forever ago & I haven’t seen it in a few years and thought, what is going on here. It did show avail though when all this time it didn’t. All my sold items are at the bottom(or most) I had to go searching for it. Ugh, it was super cute and sorry. Maybe someone else has it on here.
Jul 08Reply
shoppespot @sweetmell I literally sat here and shared so many of my things to push it down towards the bottom - ha! I didn’t want it happening again. Again, so sorry. I tried to decline but wouldn’t let me and said sold out! What a mess! PS: your closet is so cute! 💕
Jul 08Reply
shoppespot And … thank you for sharing, 😊 Jodi
Jul 08Reply
sweetmell @shoppespot np and thank you as well😊
Jul 08Reply
eclecticplace @sweetmell Thank you for liking my items🥰
Jul 14Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊 happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Sep 11Reply

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Last Active: Feb 02

Nesconset, NY
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Last Active: Feb 02

Nesconset, NY
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