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Updated Sep 03
Updated Sep 03

Meet your Posher, Maria

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Maria. Some of my favorite brands are Nike and a.n.a. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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chenderson0720 Hi and welcome to Poshmark 🌸🌺🌹 I hope you love it here as much as I do!!!
Sep 03Reply
cammart4 @chenderson0720 Thank you for the kind welcome 🌼
Sep 03Reply
ppamprrd Welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you are having as wonderful of a time as I am 😉
Oct 15Reply
cammart4 @ppamprrd I sure am 🤗
Oct 16Reply
getitgirl122375 Hello thank you for sharing. Offers are welcome and you can bundle items.
Oct 30Reply
getitgirl122375 If you decline my offer and counter for $27. I will accept and ship today. Thanks
Oct 30Reply
cammart4 @getitgirl122375 You keep countering my offer of $27. You said $27 on your message
Oct 30Reply
getitgirl122375 @cammart4 Oh I apologize! I thought you were another person. Okay resubmit for 27. Sincerely apologize.😑😥😐
Oct 30Reply
cammart4 @getitgirl122375 I resubmitted 👟
Oct 30Reply
getitgirl122375 @cammart4 I accepted 🎆🎇🎉
Oct 30Reply
getitgirl122375 Will package now for tomorrow's shipment. Thanks for informing me of prior commitment.
Oct 30Reply
getitgirl122375 @cammart4 Your Welcome 😀😀😀
Oct 31Reply
margitscloset Thanks for stopping by and liking my listening. Please let me know if you any questions. Happy poshing. 💕🌹🌹🌷🌷
Nov 22Reply
aettin01 Thanks so much for the shares!! Returning the favor😊 If you bundle your likes you can get a third item 50% off or feel free to make a reasonable offer!💙
Nov 29Reply
angelaclaire1 Hi, I put the pic of the back of the pMoments ulter for you!
Dec 10Reply
angelaclaire1 Hello fellow posher ... any thought on the Precious moment 3 piece set?
Dec 10Reply
legs9160 Thank You For All The Shares💕😘
Dec 10Reply
cammart4 @legs9160 You're welcome. Can you please post a photo of the bottom of the Madden girl boots
Dec 10Reply
angelaclaire1 Just wanted to TY for getting back to me! Happy Holidays! 🤗
Dec 13Reply
cammart4 @angelaclaire1 would you take $35 for both?
Dec 13Reply
angelaclaire1 @cammart4 for just the Precious Moment?
Dec 13Reply
angelaclaire1 I can’t include the Coach wristlet. Sorry, the PMoments i can do for 35.00.
Dec 13Reply
cammart4 @angelaclaire1 Ok, I understand 🌸
Dec 13Reply
angelaclaire1 @cammart4 Can you do 40 for both? I can for sure!
Dec 13Reply
angelaclaire1 @cammart4 Counter offer and ill take 35 for both!
Dec 13Reply
cammart4 @angelaclaire1 Thank you 🌸
Dec 13Reply
angelaclaire1 @cammart4 is that a YES! I’ll get it out tomorrow ASAP.
Dec 13Reply
angelaclaire1 @cammart4 remember you have to counter offer on the bundle offer. TY!
Dec 14Reply
crazyposh WELCOME!!! Thanks for following my closet!!! I absolutely ❤️ shopping and selling on Posh. 👚👠👕👖👞👡👗👙👒👓🧢👝🎒 The Posh community is awesome and very helpful. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any way.😁
Dec 14Reply
cammart4 @crazyposh Thank you very much 😸🛍👚👠👖👗
Dec 15Reply
cammart4 @tennesseewoman Thank you and thank you for the shares 🌹🌸🌻
Jan 13Reply
annasposhalley Hi Maria, ty so much for sharing on sm for me, i really appreciate it very much! You have a fun closet. Sending you Big TY HUGS ~ Anna
Jan 24Reply
cammart4 @steveanna29 Thank you as well 🌹🛍
Jan 24Reply
miss_sunny_day Thanks so much for the like! Just wanted to let you know that if you purchase within the next 24 hours, I'd be willing to give you an additional 20% off, taking your total from $23, to a whopping $18! Just let me know if your interested! Thanks again! Happy poshing!
Feb 03Reply
arrowstyles Thank you very much for liking my items. You have a wonderful day.
Mar 01Reply
singergrrl77 Hi Maria thank you so much for liking and visiting my closet yes it seems my jewelry tend to go pretty quickly because I usually do it in reasonably priced bundles. But if there’s anything that you really really like and add it to a bundle I am really flexible with prices :-) trying to help my mom clean out her closet before she moves I have tons more jewelry!
Apr 25Reply
demetrion16 I can lower the price on that bundle if you need me to
Apr 29Reply
cammart4 @demetrion16 What price would you accept it I counter offer?
Apr 29Reply
cammart4 @demetrion16 Ok, thank you
Apr 29Reply
singergrrl77 Maria hope you’re well I see that you liked a few things and I’m happy to bundle and can release them for sale if you’re interested in a bundle offer just let me know :-) thanks so much!!
Apr 30Reply
cammart4 @singergrrl77 Hi, yes I commented on two and added 1 to bundle also. Do you have any more bracelets, any style?
Apr 30Reply
singergrrl77 @cammart4 Hi there Maria I just shared a listing that has a whole bunch of bracelets that are really cool let me know if you think they would be cool for your bundle :-)
Apr 30Reply
singergrrl77 @cammart4 ok the listings are open for you to add to your bundle. Then we can work on a great price that works for us both! I’m trying to help my mom make money for moving costs by cleaning out her closet ❤️👍🏻🦋
Apr 30Reply
singergrrl77 @cammart4 Also :-) do you let me know if you have any kind of budget so I can keep within it and I’d be happy to offer you a discounted shipping!
Apr 30Reply
singergrrl77 @cammart4 Maria thanks for adding items to the bundle. Before I make an offer so I can give u the discounted shipping did you want to add the bracelets? Totally noooo pressure I just want to make extra sure so I can pack anything up you wanted tonight to get out to u first thing tomm! :)
May 01Reply
cammart4 @singergrrl77 if you can do $4.99 shipping, I'll be ok with it.
May 01Reply
singergrrl77 @cammart4 of course I can 👍🏻💕👍🏻💕
May 01Reply
cammart4 @singergrrl77 Didn't read this one before. Do you have any more bracelets?
May 01Reply
singergrrl77 @cammart4 plus you get 15% discount for a 3 listing bundle 😀. I wish pm had dm!!
May 01Reply
singergrrl77 @cammart4 I just tagged you in a great listing with a whole bunch of bracelets plus other cute fashion jewelry. If you enjoy those you can decline my offer add it to the bundle and then I will do the offer again :-)!
May 01Reply
cammart4 @singergrrl77 Hello, it's not allowing me accept the offer for the bundle of 3.
May 01Reply
cammart4 @singergrrl77 Hi, it's not allowing me to accept the bundle of three listings, that you gave me an offer for yesterday? I don't know what happened. I'm also not able to comment? Are you upset because I didn't want the listing with the bracelets?
May 01Reply
cammart4 @zenobe I understand 🌼
May 11Reply
nikitabananagrl Thanks for purchasing from my closet. I am currently out of state for work but will ship the shoes next week, if that’s okay with you.
May 23Reply
cammart4 @nikitabananagrl Its been 9 days now. I'm cancelling
Jun 01Reply
doubledutchbtq Thank you for the shares! It is very much appreciated. Wishing you great “Poshness”! Big xoxo’s 💞 Robbin!
Jun 10Reply
cammart4 @doubledutchbtq Thanks for sharing back 🌻😊🌼
Jun 10Reply
doubledutchbtq @cammart4 My pleasure😉!
Jun 10Reply
miss_sunny_day Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I just added a ton of baby clothes to my closet! Just wanted to give you the heads up, as you have purchased from my previously and because of that, you get a 20% discount on your next purchase! Thanks! Happy poshing!
Jun 11Reply
cammart4 @miss_sunny_day Thank you for letting me know 🌼
Jun 11Reply
miss_sunny_day Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing a closet clean out today only, which means that every single thing in my closet is discounted to it's lowest possible price that it will ever be! Just wanted to give you a heads up so that you would have the opportunity to get a stellar deal on any of the items you liked from my closet! The sale ends at midnight tonight. Thanks! Happy poshing!
Jun 17Reply
thetealshelf My Chico's soft pink utility shirt you commented on is still available for purchase if you are interested! It is now 80% off, and I am open to offers, offers to likers, and bundles! Happy Poshing 🛍
Jun 23Reply
jcrowern Beautiful closet. Thanks for all the shares!
Jun 23Reply
cammart4 @jcrowern Thank you as well
Jun 23Reply
andyr221 Great closet! Take a look at mine too if you get a chance:) sending you lots of positive vibes to make quick sales!!
Jul 03Reply
cammart4 @andyr221 Thank you, you have a lovely closet 🌼🌻
Jul 03Reply
andyr221 Thanks for the shares
Jul 03Reply
verbenacloset Hello! Thank you for visiting my closet gem & shares. Best regards!!! 💎
Aug 06Reply
kellysfavorites Thanks for all of the shares 🙂. Have a great wkend! Kelly
Aug 24Reply
erjumper Hi Maria! I see that you like one of my tracksuit’s. Did you know that I offer a 20% discount on bundles that contain just two or more items and you only pay one shipping fee? If you are interested only in that tracksuit just to hit the add to bundle button under that listing and then send me an offer or I will send you a private offer. Don’t worry, placing an item in a bundle does not obligate you to purchase it. Thank you for shopping my closet!
Sep 27Reply
cammart4 @erjumper Hi, I was going to finish looking through your closet yesterday, but got distracted. I'll try to look through it later tonight Thanx
Sep 27Reply
erjumper @cammart4 no worries, take your time. I’m sure that you will find something you absolutely love. I have almost 600 items listed. Thanks again for shopping my closet!
Sep 27Reply
erjumper @cammart4 Is there something specific you were looking for that I can help you find?
Sep 28Reply
cammart4 @erjumper Nothing really specific?
Sep 28Reply
kalebjm I left you a message under your camo jacket listing. I’m not super experienced posh shopper yet so I just want to make sure you see it and give me a cpl answers to my questions pls. Thank u!
Jan 11Reply
kristiwka7 Hey there! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet! I am in the process of moving so everything must go! Some of my items have never been worn or have been used lightly. Brands include Victoria's Secret, White House Black Market, H&M and many more. If there is something you like but not the price, make me an offer! I accept most offers :) K
Feb 25Reply
ladykrc @cammart4 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing items from your Fabulous closet store⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 04Reply
cammart4 @ladykrc Thank you 🌼
Mar 05Reply
ladykrc @cammart4 Your very welcome love...its my absolute pleasure! Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Wish you a Wonderful Week🌺
Mar 05Reply
zoewilmont You added a J Jill skirt to a bundle but I don’t see it in the bundle so I can’t make you an offer. I would love to entertain an offer from you if you’re interested. Happy polishing!
Mar 27Reply
zoewilmont I can provide you measurements, if you would like. Just let me know!
Mar 27Reply
cammart4 @zoewilmont alright, please provide measurements 🌼
Mar 28Reply
joshyarbrough Thanks for the like! I’m always shipping items out same/next day of purchase! Anything bundled I’ll discount 😌
Mar 31Reply
poshmarkme15 Hello Maria! Just submitted an offer to offset some shipping tax expense/ on LE bag- hope you can consider it! 💕thank you very much
Apr 06Reply
cammart4 @poshmarkme15 Hi, thanks for the interest. What about $12, please consider what Poshmark charges us for commission, rates for listings under $15, are a flat fee of $2.95.
Apr 06Reply
poshmarkme15 @cammart4 understood. Yes $12 is great thank you
Apr 06Reply
poshmarkme15 If you counter offer $12 and I accept it that would do yes? Thank you very much
Apr 06Reply
poshmarkme15 @cammart4 hi Maria! Thank you for the bag and also for the beautiful bracelet coming with it. Very sweet! The bag is very cute and as described so I accepted the order. The transaction is complete. But I realize my usual notepads can’t fit due to the zipper opening size I will need to relist if snd find it a new home. Do you mind I use some of your photos?
Apr 11Reply
cammart4 @poshmarkme15 Yeah, you can use some photos. Sorry it didn't work out for you.
Apr 12Reply
poshmarkme15 @cammart4 it’s ok. It’s so beautiful it deserves a great home! Thank you so much for kindly allowing me using some of your photos!
Apr 12Reply
ds39csmc @cammart4 hi thank you so much for accepting my offer for the hello kitty outfit I greatly appreciate it.
Apr 23Reply
mizpabs_closet Hi Maria! Thanks for much for stopping by and sharing so many items from my closet. It was a pleasure to do the same for you. Take care and Happy Poshing!💕
May 01Reply
cammart4 @mizpabs_closet Hi thanks for sharing as well. You have a great closet and I did ❤ a few items.
May 01Reply
kristinesmart You have the most enchanting picture for your "closet" & I sincerely apologize for such a low bid. That's all I had left & I messed up wasting moo-lah on handbags too big; when yours could be in collection. That's it for my "hubby's allowance."😉💓👜👝👛K. Accessory Collector
May 01Reply
red_ruffle Hey there.. Thank you for sharing. 👍
May 03Reply
cammart4 @red_ruffle Thanks for purchasing the sweater 🌼
May 03Reply
red_ruffle @cammart4 no thank u ... Lol 👍
May 03Reply
mizpabs_closet Hi! I saw your bundle and made an offer. My discount is currently 15% off for 3 items.I took a little more off and discounted your shipping. Hope you like it!
May 05Reply
mizpabs_closet Thanks for the great rating, Maria! Take care and Happy Poshing!
May 10Reply
cammart4 @mizpabs_closet Thanks for the beautiful packaging. I almost didn't want to unwrap the items.
May 10Reply
msneverending1 Maria just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 02Reply
cammart4 @msneverending1 Thank you for the shares and foll6back. I love all of your jewelry 💎💍
Aug 02Reply
ap21 @cammart4 : hi, just would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have Louis Vuitton Mini Lin wallet, LV Speedy Bandoliere Mini Lin, Burberry Tote, Fendi Duffle Bag, Kate Spade Clutch and more. Thank you 😊
Aug 15Reply
cammart4 @ap21 Great closet 😍👍
Aug 15Reply
thesheriff @cammart4 Hi Maria. I hope you're having great experiences here. Let me know if you have any questions. I see you "Like" a couple listings in my closet. If you add both to a bundle, I would love to give you an additional discount. I can ship out Monday if you're interested. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week! Happy Poshing!
Aug 26Reply
ds39csmc @cammart4 Hi I posted a barbie thought you might be interested thanks hope all is well.
Nov 15Reply
cammart4 @ds39csmc Thank you for letting me know 🌸
Nov 15Reply
ds39csmc @cammart4 you're very welcome. anytime.
Nov 15Reply
ds39csmc @cammart4 Hi did you like your items? please accept my order thank you hope everything was ok.
Nov 19Reply
cammart4 @ds39csmc Hi, it hasn't been delivered yet.
Nov 19Reply
ds39csmc @cammart4 ok hope it gets delivered today. I see it was attempted to deliver but they did not leave the package. thanks
Nov 19Reply
cammart4 @ds39csmc I hope they deliver it today, too. I don't know why it couldn't be delivered. The mailman always comes inside the building to deliver the mail.
Nov 19Reply
ds39csmc @cammart4 Did they try to drop off your package yet?
Nov 20Reply
cammart4 @ds39csmc Nothing yet.
Nov 20Reply
ds39csmc @cammart4 please let me know if you receive it. thanks
Nov 20Reply
rociodelgado311 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know if there's anything in my closet that catches your eye. We offer super cool deals and we are open to offers!! Happy poshing!🙋🌟✨💥
Jan 23Reply
cammart4 @rociodelgado311 Thank you 🌸
Jan 23Reply
grammytata2012 Hello, nice to meet you. I see you liked some items from my closet. Bundle your likes for a special savings. 20% OFF 3 or more items.
Feb 22Reply
alott84 @cammart4 Thank you so much for the shares 😊. By the way I love your closet 🤗. Also all my item's inside of my closet are new and if you see anything you like just send me over an offer and once you make a purchase I will have it shipped out same day or next day for you😊🤗
Mar 23Reply
coachandtrunk Maria hi, I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. Also, thank you so much for the shares, I'm very grateful. If you'd like to stop back by sometime to look, shop or chat that would be great. Wishing you continued success with your closet, Sharon🌺
Mar 29Reply
blemaster09 Hiiii Maria!! 💘 I just wanted to pop in and personally thank you for sharing my items 🥰 I add new items almost daily & I have a big selection, too! Take a peek at my closet, & if you decide to bundle 3 or more items you get 15% off + let me know that I left you this comment & I’ll give you an special discount!! 🥳 xoxo, Brooke ❤️
Apr 03Reply
mamaw5172 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my fantastic finds 🛍❤️🤟🏼🌹
Apr 10Reply
mstessie thanks for shopping my closet and liking my item! Bundling can save $$$ or feel free to make me an offer. Happy Poshing!
Apr 26Reply
astridcompany @cammart4 Hi Maria, thank you for sharing my listing! You're very kind. I wish you lots of continued success and sales. Have an amazing and blessed day!
May 02Reply
cammart4 @astridcompany You're welcome 🌸
May 02Reply
janfast Hi Maria! Thanks for sharing my Pantone Universe Polo!😊
Jun 08Reply
janfast Thanks for following my closet and sharing more of my listings!🤗💕
Jun 09Reply
gracedinglory Thank you for the shares 🥰🥰
Jun 12Reply
coachandtrunk @cammart4 Maria hi, I'd like to invite you to my closet. I have a variety of classic, trendy and hard to find ⭐COACH⭐ bags & accessories,♠kate spade♠ & jewelry. Every item is guaranteed 100% authentic. I hope you find something that makes you smile here and in life, Sharon🌺
Jun 23Reply
cammart4 @coachandtrunk Thank you 😊
Jun 23Reply
mazyodc My name is Marianne. I am a new Poshmark Ambassador. I’d love to have you visit my closet where I have a number of unique items, and many vintage items listed. If you find any items you are interested in, please let me know and I would be happy to offer you a discount which will increase if you bundle two or more items. Hope we can “make a deal”❤️
Jul 15Reply
cammart4 @mazyodc Hello, you have a great closet. I'm following you and I also shared some of your items 🌸💞
Jul 15Reply
mazyodc Hi Maria, Thanks for the shares - I reciprocated. I also bundled your likes and made an offer with a nice discount. Marianne (Mazyodc)
Jul 16Reply
jades375 Thanks for the shares 🤍💖🤍
Jul 18Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Maria on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜 super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Aug 06Reply
chuni1072 @cammart4 Hi! Thank you for liking the LL Bean Comfort Trail pants. Great and comfortable performance pants in excellent condition. Reasonable offer welcome.
Aug 07Reply
lilac_and_daisy Thank you so much for sharing my listing!!!❤❤❤
Aug 08Reply
cammart4 @sarashalda Thank you 🌸
Sep 25Reply
vbsk Hi Maria!! 🌺thank you for the follow me and sharing my closet! Happy Poshing! ❤️Happy Holidays!🍂🍁🦃🎊🌺
Nov 20Reply
cammart4 @vbsk Thank you too 👍✌💯💞😻
Nov 20Reply
ashleigh_knight Hi, Maria! love your closet! 🥰
Dec 06Reply
sophia63 It was mailed I guess they are behind scanning have a good holiday
Dec 17Reply
cammart4 @sophia63 Thank you 😊
Dec 17Reply
cecilemlv @cammart4 hi Maria I want to offer you the 2 items you liked, but I accidentally offered you only one. If you dont mind “declining” so I can give you the other as free. Thanks
Jan 04Reply
cammart4 @cecilemlv 👌 🆗️
Jan 05Reply
dhunckler19 Hi! My name is Danielle and I’m a nursing student studying internationally next semester! In order to save up, I’m selling my closet quickly before I leave NEXT WEEK. Please take a moment to peek at my closet. I’m accepting most offers and shipping fast before the new year.💕
Jan 06Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there😃Thanks for stopping by my closet😁I have drastically reduced ALL MY ITEMS and want to extend the savings to all my POSH FRIENDS 🙀So if you can find any 2 items u want to purchase I will give u 20% off your entire purchase and you will get a FREE GIFT 🎁 valued at 5 to$10 just for shopping my closet.
Jan 22Reply
suzizapf Check your Poshmark emails for reduced price and discounted shipping on something you liked
Jan 24Reply
templevation Hi! You have a beautiful closet if you’re ever interested in joining one of the share groups that I host please feel free to! There’s listings on my page ❤️The more traffic the more potential sales!! 💃🏽🐝🍀
Feb 21Reply
bjprince123 Hi Maria! The jacket is 42 inches across the chest and about 2 inches above the crotch. 😘
Feb 22Reply
cammart4 @bjprince123 Thanks for the info 👍
Feb 23Reply
bjprince123 You’re very welcome & have a great evening!
Feb 23Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for sharing my listings it is greatly appreciated. Be safe......Dorothy 💜
Mar 10Reply
cammart4 @dorothy_wirth You're welcome 😊 Take care 🌸🌸
Mar 10Reply
nyfashionstore HI!!Can you check out my closet if you have any time? I am accepting almost all offers! Thank you, have a great day<3
Jul 21Reply
nyfashionstore Hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time?! I am accepting almost all offers thank you so much 💕
Aug 22Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to drop in to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items including china, seasonal decor, books, CDs and DVDs, video games, clothing, plush toys, jewelry and religious items. I’m happy to consider all reasonable offers and remember to bundle multiple items to save on shipping. Hope you’ll have the time to check out my closet and I’ll check out yours.
Nov 22Reply
cammart4 @mazyodc Thanks 😊 You have great items 😍
Nov 22Reply
mazyodc @cammart4 Thanks for checking it out. You have a great closet - so many items!
Nov 22Reply
cammart4 @adoringstyles Thank you 😊 Sharing some of yours 🌸
Feb 08Reply

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Canoga Park, CA
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Last Active: hours ago

Canoga Park, CA
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