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Updated Nov 18
Updated Nov 18

Meet your Posher, Maria

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Hi! I'm Maria. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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fliphaus likes this
tallooly hi there! I mailed your two white bags today and the tracking started. I must have mixed the two labels up because it says I mailed the other three. but I'm having a problem getting this one boxed up because I can't find the black Halston. it was sent to my store room and I can't find it to save my life. how would you feel about me substituting a black Dooney & Bourke for it? you can see it in my listings.
Jan 30Reply
mbellezza12 @tallooly hi. I’m sorry but I don’t see it. Besides I really wanted the tote. Can you send me the tan and refund me half? Thanks.
Feb 01Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 ahhhh just got your message after sending it. I took the Dooney down in case it sold. when you receive it let me know what you think. I don't know how to send you photos. I'm going through keep looking for the other. I have more white ones. that was the only black I had left too. but if you are not happy of course I'll rectify it.
Feb 01Reply
mbellezza12 @tallooly hi. I didn’t see a black Rooney anyway on your website. What did you send me?
Feb 02Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 hi. as I said I sent the black Dooney Bourke tote. I'm still looking for the Halston. if you don't like it I can send you another white one unless the black turns up or we can figure out what to do. the Dooney Bourke isn't on my closet because I took it down so no one would try to purchase it.
Feb 02Reply
mbellezza12 @tallooly hi. I received the dooney today and definitely do not want it. Where is the tan tote?
Feb 03Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 the tan tote was with the Dooney Bourke and the Ellen DeGeneres wallet. Please refuse shipment and return the lot. I hope you were satisfied with the white ones. I have more of those. I'm sorry you did not like the substituted bag.
Feb 04Reply
tallooly Feel free to keep the ED wallet as a gift for inconvenience. The black Halston was never found.
Feb 04Reply
mbellezza12 @tallooly hi. I would like to return all. However it was opened. Can you provide your address so I can return. Thanks.
Feb 04Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 Poshmark should provide a label. I think the process is to file a complaint, then you get a label to return it. you are not charged anything. I'm sorry you did not like the Dooney substitute.
Feb 04Reply
tallooly I just checked the status. you should be able to refuse/reject it. on my end it's showing that the order has not been accepted yet.
Feb 04Reply
mbellezza12 @tallooly I received it. I just didn’t accept. I will today. Thank you.
Feb 05Reply
mbellezza12 @tallooly ok. I put it thru. Somehow you missed up the labels. It said I received the black not the white. Anyway, I would love to keep the tan tote. Tell me how to fix this.
Feb 05Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 I'm confused too. keep the tan and send the other two back. I guess I can refund you partial. I've never had this happen so unsure. do you do payment apps?
Feb 06Reply
mbellezza12 @tallooly ok. I’m sending all back not to be confusing. I’m keeping the two white. If you want to delist the tan alone let me know and I’ll purchase.
Feb 07Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 ok, cool. That darn black still hasn't turned up. My daughter is the one who brought it from my house to my store room and I'm wondering if it just didn't get taken out of the car. But who knows maybe it'll turn up one day.
Feb 08Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 hey there! can you believe it? I just found the black holston in my store room. I apparently put it in a box and forgot. I can repackage the three items again and post it but let me know because I don't want to post it and then it sells if you want it.
Feb 09Reply
mbellezza12 @tallooly hi. I just saw this! Yes. I would love the two totes. Tan and black.
Feb 12Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 no problem. I will put an ad up this afternoon (Sunday).
Feb 12Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 ok it let me just put a duplicate listing up. so it's there and says "copy"
Feb 12Reply
tallooly hey. something isn't right. I think you paid for the most expensive bundle. this should only be $20. just make that offer and I will accept. is that right? I've got it boxed and ready to go.
Feb 13Reply
tallooly @mbellezza12 hey there! somebody's trying to buy this bundle so if you still want it you might want to go ahead and purchase it.
Feb 14Reply
mbellezza12 @tallooly I just saw this. I didn’t know you resisted. Is it still available.
Feb 18Reply
tingla Thank you for visiting my closet and please let me know if you have any questions:)
Mar 14Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Maria, don’t you love Posh? So many new and different styles and closets to visit! Please stop by and say hi sometime! Enjoy! 💕
Feb 20Reply
shoboatcloset Welcome to Poshmark!
Oct 22Reply

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