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Updated Mar 11
Updated Mar 11

Meet your Posher, Mariana

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mariana. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, Gucci and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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roxanamaldo Hello, Sorry I eas not able to ship out fast enough. I was able to get it all boxed up this Saturday and even included an extra blouse and shoes in there, as a gift but I live in a small town and the postoffice does not open on Saturday. I would like to ship the box to you, if you have any interest. If not, thats ok, sorry for the delay, I had been out of town. Either way, thank you for your interest.
Jun 05Reply
shoppity_shop I really do not appreciate the rating that you left me. My profile clearly states how my items are packaged and shipped. I do not waste money on fancy supplies so that I can keep my items priced as low as possible. I'm very busy and do not have time to waste on frivolous packaging. My profile states that if you do not agree with this then please do not purchase from me!!! You will be forever blocked from purchasing from me again. Thanks!!!
Jun 06Reply
pipita0905 @carolsweazy I'm sorry my rating upset you so much, and I completely understand what you say about being busy as well as not spending on frivolous packaging. At the same time you could have wrapped the top in tissue paper (very cheap) and it wouldn't have taken that long to do (and you could buy it anywhere). Even a plastic bad would've done the trick.
Jun 07Reply
pipita0905 @carolsweazy I almost cut the fabric of the shirt when I was trying to open the package, therefore my rating. Nowhere on your profile do you state anything either about your packaging or any policies that you may have. The shirt is actually very lovely and I would have been very upset if I would have cut it while opening the package. I'm sure that if you were in my shoes, you'd feel the same. Thank you for your message.
Jun 07Reply
pipita0905 @carolsweazy Btw, I just realized after buying the top from you, that you had a beanie hat with the confederate flag for sale. So yes, please, do block me from buying from you. It's an honor.
Jun 07Reply
kdesirea Thank you for your purchase! I will ship out tomorrow :)
Jun 11Reply
shoppity_shop @pipita0905 Do some actual research and learn where the confederate flag came from from and what it stood for! It's uneducated ignorance that calls the flag racist!
Jun 17Reply
shoppity_shop @pipita0905 Because tissue paper would have prevented the fabric from being cut right??? If it would have been cut it would have been your fault not mine!
Jun 17Reply
pipita0905 @carolsweazy The confederate flag is a divisive symbol and it does represent racism, because it represents the "pride of the South" which fought against abolishing slavery. But you tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night ;). And it's pretty funny that you are calling me ignorant - the kettle calling the teapot black. It figures, haha.
Jun 17Reply
pipita0905 @carolsweazy You're just a horrible person, aren't you? Just sell your merch and don't care about your customers. Got it ;). Good luck to you. For somebody that blocks me, you do keep coming back, don't you. Please, stop replying, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point. Goodbye.
Jun 17Reply
natrea33 Thank you for your purchase! I will get it out Tuesday, because of the holiday. Happy Poshing!
May 26Reply
laurareiff Post has already been so the shoe will be scanned first thin in am !!! FYI
Aug 17Reply
justnetra I shipped your shoes I’m not sure why it’s not tracking
Dec 21Reply
nadia_habib Hi! Thankyou for your purchase I will be shipping them tomorrow! Would You like them wrapped?
Dec 08Reply
pipita0905 @nadia_habib Hi, thank you for the shipping update! No need to wrap them, but thank you!!
Dec 08Reply
potterycountry Hi Thank you for your purchase and your sweater is on. it way and mailed yesterday . Have a Great Holiday
Dec 18Reply
pipita0905 @potterycountry Thank you and you as well!!
Dec 18Reply
potterycountry Thank you so much for the 5 Star rating . Enjoy your sweater and please come back soon Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy & HEALTHY NEW YEARS
Dec 24Reply
pipita0905 @potterycountry And to you and your family also!!
Dec 25Reply
mdhinder1 Hello. I see u liked several items in my closet. Take a second look and start a bundle. Those items with 🔥 in the description are 3 for $15 on clearance! The rest I’ll provide great bundle pricing on. Happy Poshing!
Apr 29Reply
irishhazeleyes Thanks for your two previous orders, if you're interested in any other items, please feel free to start a bundle and I can offer you a discount.
May 01Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Feb 10Reply
pipita0905 @melanieander922 Thank you! 💕
Feb 10Reply
pipita0905 @imjenchen Thank you and likewise! 🥰
Feb 22Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there FRIEND, thank you so much for stopping by.  For supporting my closet I want to offer u a DEAL OF THE DAY. SPEND $20 ON ANY ITEM AND IN RETURN U GET TO PIC ANY 2 ITEMS THAT R $12 OR UNDER ABSOLUTELY 💯 FREE....THIS DEAL IS ONLY GOOD THRU 10 PM TONIGHT. limit 5 items per bundle(weight restrictions)
Mar 04Reply
eserenabeana Thanks for sharing my closet 🤩 I shared yours on Twitter 🎊🎉 Happy Prosperous Poshing 🥂🍾
Mar 11Reply
pipita0905 @eserenabeana Thank you and same to you! 💝💝💝
Mar 11Reply
happydav_kat Thanks so much for following us. We shared some of your lovely closet.
Mar 16Reply
pipita0905 @happydav_kat Thank you so much!! 😍💕
Mar 17Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 and Welcome to Poshmark🎉🎊 if you see anything your interested in please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything! So what are you waiting for? Send some deals for something new!
Mar 19Reply
pipita0905 @sprinklesbaker Thank you! ☺️
Mar 19Reply
polka5dots Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Mar 29Reply
pipita0905 @polka5dots And thank you!! Happy poshing as well! 🌸
Mar 31Reply
pipita0905 I just wanted to comment on here about a bag I just sold & the buyer commented the shipping time could improved. The offer came in on Sat, April 2, in the evening. Sunday, April 3, post office was closed, as usual on Sundays. On Monday, April 4, I shipped & messaged the buyer. The bag was delivered at noon on Wed, April 6. The shipping time was literally 1 day & a half. I sincerely don’t know how this could be improved. Maybe the post office should employ Superman to do hourly deliveries
Apr 09Reply
2girls2122 🙋‍♀️Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Apr 17Reply
pipita0905 @2girls2122 Thank you and likewise!! 💖🌸
Apr 17Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 19Reply
sweetpeacin Hi. Thank you for the follow and the shares. I appreciate it. Happy Poshing! 🙂
May 30Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jun 16Reply
its_crystal28 @pipita0905 Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to you
Aug 08Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Sep 22Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Oct 22Reply

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Last Active: 8 hours ago

Astoria, NY
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Last Active: 8 hours ago

Astoria, NY
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