Meet your Posher, Marisa
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Hi! I'm Marisa. My Poshmark goal: is to sell my belongings and make money for the local dog shelters I am affiliated with specifically Heavenly Angels Animals Rescue. Winter is approaching and animals in shelters could use as much help as possible 🐶🐶 I sponsor and rescue and adopt pups that are in need :) please help me help the animals thanks! 🐶🐶

40 others
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Welcome to Posh! Please let me know if I can help at all! ✨💐✨
Oct 26Reply

@starletsss 🐺❤️🐺welcome to poshmark ‼️ It's quite addicting. Feel free to check out my IG: foxandlaceboutique or FB: foxandlace Always here to help.
Nov 10Reply

@foxandlace thanks so much for the warm welcome !! It is so addicting !! I can't stop lol
Nov 10Reply

Thanks for following my closet 😊❤️
Nov 13Reply

Hi! I'm Maritza, and I'm an animal lover too and I have 4 dogs. 💖🌷
Nov 15Reply

@starletsss Welcome to posh! So awesome to raise money for your local shelter and clean out at the same time! Share lots and I am sure you will ge TV many purchases. I think everyone on here has fur babies, most being rescued.
Nov 15Reply

Awesome 🐾🐾😘🐾🐾
Nov 16Reply

I'm having trouble deciding what's more beautiful.... Your closet or You!!! It seems like you are like me, as in living the Bohemian lifestyle. But having said all that, I just want to say that I love your closet and if I could Id buy nearly every item LOL! P💗SHM,🌠RK! 🌖🌕🌔 !!!
Nov 16Reply

@starletsss thanks for checking out my closet. I post new things several times a week. Have fun Poshing 😎💀
Nov 16Reply

Hi! You're awesome! I will tell my friends about your closet!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Nov 23Reply

@starletsss what a wonderful place to donate money too. My mother has worked as a kennel manager at a vet clinic for over 20 years. We are a family of rescuers. It's not cold here in Florida that much so if there's anything you need that I could offer please let me know. I.e. blankets etc. thank you for the follow. 💕😸🐶
Nov 23Reply

@cosmosherry omg you and your family are absolutely amazing!! It's so so so cold here in NY so if you are interested in sending over anything warm it will come in handy for the pups cause as you know kennels get real are an angel 😇❤️❤️❤️
Nov 23Reply

@pandora60 thank you so much ❤️❤️ have a great night !
Nov 23Reply

@cosmosherry what's your mother's kennel called? ❤️
Nov 23Reply

@starletsss it's called Animals Best Choice. It is an expensive vet nary clinic but she loves doing the grooming and boarding and taking care the animals while the owners are away. She's so great at it. I will gather A box of comforters and blankets and such and when I get that done I will get in touch with you to get your address. It would make my heart feel good. Thanks for the kind words and likewise right back to you. God bless❤️😸🐶❤️
Nov 23Reply

@cosmosherry I'm sure she's incredible at it 😀 wow! You really made my night, thank you so so so much for helping it means so much.. just so you know the rescue I work with is called Heavenly Angels Animal Rescue "HAAR" you can find them on facebook :) once you are ready to send the box to me I will let the rest of the rescue know the good news!! Thanks again, happy thanksgiving and talk soon! Xoxo
Nov 23Reply

@sequinstiletto thanks so much! 🐶
Nov 27Reply

@natalieambero thanks .. will do! 🐶
Nov 27Reply

@mari21tza hi there! So glad to hear that you love dogs and have four furry children of your own 🐶🐶🐶❤️
Nov 27Reply

@starletsss 😊🌺
Nov 27Reply

@mari21tza hi there! Hope you are having a great weekend 🐶❤️
Nov 27Reply

@starletsss Hi! Thank you hun... Same to you... 🐾
Nov 27Reply

@starletsss Hi I'm Kia! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Dec 01Reply

Hi I am Carrie of Carearings! Received part of my order! ! I CAN'T ACCEPT IT UNTIL I RECEIVE THE FOOD FIGHTERS TANK TOP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ?????¿¿¿¿¿WTH!!! ! ! ! !
Dec 01Reply

Foo.Fighters!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Dec 01Reply

@carearings omg omg I am so so so sorry I forgot to put it in the package I will send it out to you and include an extra present. Again I apologize 😞
Dec 01Reply

@carearings also it's not necessary to speak to me in that tone and in caps I made a mistake and I'm sorry and will send you the additional shirt
Dec 01Reply

Hey would you consider selling more than just what's in your closet? Do you ever go to the "bins" as they say?
I'm kinda new to this.
Dec 06Reply

totally feel the same about knowing each other! I come to NYC every now and then- I Have a close friend in Brooklyn and another in Chelsea. Plus I work for a hotel that's got 2 locations in the city which makes it more affordable! Next time hubs travels there for work I should tag along! Same goes if you ever come to LA or socal- I already adore you- we'd have so much fun!
Dec 08Reply

Ok, I know you save your sales for the pups- (and that's seriously super amazing/makes me happy to find another posher that gives so much of themselves to help animals!) but do you like nasty gal? I just found a seller who's like got a same wholesale acct as nasty gal cause she's got EVERYTHING but for so cheap! I just got like 7 dresses for $10 each!
Dec 08Reply

This totally sounds like I work for her lol but I swear not! I've just been keeping her closet my little secret from my girlfriends because... well, I dono.. I'm greedy? 😂😂😂 but I've been bursting at the seams to share the amazingness with someone who would be as excited about it as me! Lmk and I'll tag you in one of her listings!
Dec 08Reply

Also, I don't use social media much these days, but if you ever wana chat/keep in touch/whatever! You can add me on insta at Brittanybao or email Brittanybao at gmail! Super happy to meet you!! Yay!
Dec 08Reply

@brittanybao yes of course I love nastygal wow you are my soul sista, I've been following ever since they started out on ebay.. oh thank you please tag me !! Woohoooo
Dec 08Reply

@brittanybao no I get it, lol I'd keep it a secret too, sometimes you just can't share certain things. You don't want everyone having their hands in the pot. I feel so honored that you shared this with me! 🦄🦄🦄🦄❤️❤️❤️❤️😍
Dec 08Reply

@starletsss oh noooo the mk! So not right! Once I couldn't make rent so sold a brand new gifted Dior bag on eBay for like $100. Bad, broke decisions of an at the time 21 year old- memories I'd like to forget! Haha. Yesss omg you'll love it! And ps she has AMAZING sales (Black Friday was tops bottoms $10 dresses $15) I found her thanksgiving week and I've already bought 3 bundles😬 I haaaaate ittttt but I also loooooove it haha tagging you in one min!
Dec 08Reply

What size top do you wear? I have a crop tee that I just immediately thought of when we started talking! I was Gona list it but now I'd rather just send it to you😘
Dec 08Reply

@brittanybao omg you're the sweetest! Are you sure because I don't want to steal your potential sale! I'm a size large at least that's what I wear in nastygal sometimes I feel like they run small lol and I wear a medium in like cardigans you think it would fit me!? If you send that to me I'll totally send you the film for free (we can trade presents) 😘❤️🐶
Dec 08Reply

R U Going to Ship Me the Rest of my Order? The Foo.Fighters tee shirt is a Christmas gift for my 25 yr old son Matthew, who's 1 st Concert was the Foo fighters! ! PLEASE THIS IS THE WHOLE REASON I PLACED AN ORDER WITH YOU! ! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEND IT TO ME I'VE ALREADY PAID FOR IT! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Dec 08Reply

Just because I am using caps doesn't mean I am yelling just How very important it is to Me to have this gift 4 him on Christmas Eve. Thanks
Dec 08Reply

Hey Hun!! Hope you're doing well. Thanks for checking out my closet 😊 I love my customers and I'm always willing to work out a deal. Don't be afraid to make an offer. Take care
Dec 14Reply

U r such an angel!❤ Thank u for doing this to help all these poor animals! I'm a pet lover myself & always appreciate people who doing this for them ❤ God bless u!& Merry Christmas 🙂
Dec 22Reply

@starletsss Hi🙋 Thanks for the like on the Prada bag. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful night 😊🌼🌻😊
Jan 05Reply

Thanks for the likes. Your closet is super cute. Happy New Year! Cheers to lots of posh sales!
Jan 08Reply

@abundance1111 aw anytime! I love your stuff as well! I wish you a happy prosperous new year! All the best wishes for lots of posh sales and more!!! ❤🙃🙃😀
Jan 08Reply

How wonderful of you to be involved in positive animal welfare. I myself do dog massage & work with shelter animals. I also do health & wellness & cook for dogs. My past career was in the fashion industry & it is so ego driven & competitive. I did just about everything in the industry & 2 years ago made a career change to "give back". I'm in the beginning stages of building my website & blog & would love to keep in touch with you.mGOD Bless you for having a beautiful heart!!!
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset thank you so much for your kind words! and congrats on your career change! I believe that it was for the best like you mentioned fashion industry is so competitive and ego driven, cut throat for sure! I am an executive assistant for senior executives and am actually looking for a new job at the moment, I went to a recruiter who mentioned "we have this position at a luxury fashion company" and immediately I said NO THANK YOU LOL!
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset I worked for a CEO of a make up packaging company for three months, I didnt know until I worked there that the makeup industry is just like the fashion industry I should have known-supporting him was by far the worst experience of my life. he was H O R R I B L E LOL!
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset Yeah lets totally keep in touch! Id love to get the info of your site and blog so I can follow and share it on facebook so my friends list could take interest :)
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset dog massage is something I always wanted to learn about Ive read a couple of articles on it online, any massage tips for a dog with anxiety? my chow is a rescue, she was in the shelter for 4 years, abused and adopted and returned by two retarded couples but now she is safe with me forever <3
Jan 14Reply

Of course....I can help you a few ways. I'm currently really sick & unfortunately lost my voice from coughing so much but text me your number to 323-500-3419 & make sure to put your name in the text. Soon as my voice is back I'll call you as it's way too much to send in this msg format. If you are truly interested in learning canine massage, go on-line & look up techniques on youtube. If you are not doing it as a job...contd
Jan 14Reply

You can get some great techniques on line. But I do massage, lymph node drainage & energy work so I had to be certified to create a true business out of my knowledge & training. I'll tell you more when I talk to you. XXX
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset ok so I just make the Bundle listing for you - the front photo cover says "BUNDLE FOR KIM" I think I did it right, please let me know if I need to change anything lol
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset wow thats really amazing and i'm sure it was hard to learn such techniques, I am going to do some research online for sure
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset I hope you get well soon! and I will text you with shortly. btw my name is Marisa (forgot to mention that) :)
Jan 14Reply

Can you please increase the original price of my bundle to at least $60?. I'm hoping for a discounted shipping rate once you mark it down......Thanks- K
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset of course I'll do that now wow I had no idea about the discounted shipping and all that jazz! Thanks!
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset I made it 95 :)
Jan 14Reply

Thanks so much.....I just liked it. So it's ready for your markdown.
Jan 14Reply

Make a list of what you might need help with on PM & when we talk I'll go over those things also. I'll probably have my voice back on Sunday but if you're not available we can just go back & forth like I do with everyone else ;-) I'll text you before I call you also just in case.
Jan 14Reply

You're too cute.....I'll help you with how to do a shipping discount because you did it incorrectly. Go back to the listing & mark the original price back to $95 & also mark your selling price to $95. Once I see it listed that way I will like it again. Then after I do, "edit" your selling price to $30. That will initiate the discount! Does that make sense?
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset totally! Let me try again sorry lol 😂 this is all news to me ❤thanks!
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset ok take 2 - we are ready to go! Just changed it 😀
Jan 14Reply

Okay try it again.......change the selling price only with your edit prompt.
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset I did it again
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset i feel so retarded lol
Jan 14Reply

Don't feel're still learning. Just tab on your "edit button" and change the selling price only & not your original price. It should initiate a discount that way.
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset i just changed the price I dont think I got the shipping discount though :( - should I do it again?
Jan 14Reply

To do it again you'll have to create a whole new bundle again & delete the one you created. If you want to do that & it's not too much trouble can start all over. This time around though, you also press the "like" button. That way you will see the notification that comes up.
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset perfect I am doing it now - I am determined to master this, thanks for all your patience and help!
Jan 14Reply

No problem.....We all need to learn these little tips. I did the same thing & made the same mistakes when I was learning. Another girl on PM taught me like I'm teaching you so it's all good ;-) XXX
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset YAY! IT WORKED - you are the best teacher! THANK YOU!
Jan 14Reply

Yeah!!! It didn't offer a discount but PM doesn't always have the promo going on. It's now & then but always worth a try. As far as shipping the package out, if it doesn't go out tomorrow no biggie. Just remember this Monday is a holiday so USPS won't pick up until tuesday. I don't know what your weather is like in NYC but I don't need anything that bad for you to have to trek to the PO in a rush if it's freezing outside. Have a great night pretty girl XXX Kim
Jan 14Reply

@lasamplecloset thanks so much for everything! Yeah its very cold and just started to snow again, I will see how it is in the morning, Thanks! Also, what size panties do you want? I am going to pack everything up now :)
Jan 14Reply

Just call USPS for a pick up. If you go to their website tonight & schedule it, they'll go to your door & pick it up tomorrow. Don't trek in the snow for goodness sake! I'm so excited......I didn't order panties like these so I'm stoked.
When I talk to you don't let me forget to give you my lingerie contact. You can but wholesale & list stuff in your closet. The prices are insane & their quality is really nice.
Jan 14Reply

so dope u are trying to help animals. i wish u lots of luck!
Feb 07Reply

Could you let me know if you will be shipping the black duster sweater today that I ordered from you on the 16th? If not, I will be canceling the order. I left a message for you 2 days ago as a comment on the item and have not heard from you.
Feb 24Reply

Hi if you love vtg coach please chk out my closet! NYC BAGS included
Mar 16Reply

You're closet/ boutique is 🔥🔥🔥🔥
May 26Reply

@sassyhan thank you so much!!!
May 26Reply

@starletsss YW 😊
May 26Reply

Thanks for the follow
Aug 01Reply

I have left you multiple comments and am just asking for a response as to what had happened to a shoe purchase I made. Since I have made comments the shoes I have purchased have been removed from your closet and boutique. Can you please just respond and explain what had happened to the purchase?
Aug 31Reply

Hi thanks fir the like and the share.m you're my first one!
Sep 03Reply

hello, looking to see when you'll be shipping my order.
Oct 16Reply

Thanks for sharing and following 😇 and I love animals especially dogs!!!🐶
Nov 12Reply

Hi there, thanx for the follow and I absolutely adore that u donate to furbabies❣🐶❣🐶❣🐶❣🐶❣
Nov 12Reply

Hello there 😉 thank you for the share, I appreciate it. You have a great closet!! Happy Poshing 👜👒👚👗👡
Nov 18Reply

Your closet is amazing and god bless u for helping these dogs is your organization in NJ to my daughter is looking to volunteer an we can’t find one we live in Bergen County
Nov 28Reply

I absolutely love so many items in your closet and I love what you are doing for the rescues! My kind of person!
Dec 03Reply

You have an awesome closet with such a nice variety of items! Most of all a beautiful heart to care so much for shelter animals! Im a fan and will come back when I have more time to shop😉
Jan 30Reply

Hi 👋 Marisa welcome to Posh please feel free to check out my closet. I have styled you with a beautiful dress 👗 you may be interested in. Have a wonderful day and Happy 😃 Poshing. 😉
Mar 03Reply

Hi there! Please feel free to stop by and check out my closet as I'm currently adding new boutique items 👗. Dont forget to follow and share 💕💕 Have a great day and Happy Poshing!!
Aug 07Reply

Hi there Marisa! Just wanted to invite you to check out my newly opened closet. I'm open to all reasonable offers and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks doll and happy poshing!
Aug 29Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Sep 25Reply

Thank you so very much for all your shares. And all your dog posts! You are an animals lover, helper, & activist . . . just like me! I'm so grateful for the people like you that help all the shelter animals. I do whatever I can to help, and it's a life lone goal (every single day) to help, help, help, and contribute anything I can year around. Anyhow, thanks for all you do for the precious animals & all the great shares too😍😸🐈🐶🐕🐾🐾🐾❤💚💜💙💛. You truly are wonderful!
Oct 22Reply

I love what you're doing! You're awesome!
Nov 10Reply

Hey babe! I saw that you liked another Dennis Basso jacket but I just wanted to let you know that I just listed an absolutely beautiful plush, faux fur, deep chocolate brown Dennis Basso jacket with removable faux fur collar. Perfect and warm for Winter if you're interested!! Beautiful button details. I think it'll go quick so if you're interested please feel free to make an offer! ❤️
Nov 27Reply

@sassyhan Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and sharing from your Fabulous closet store⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼Wishing you a Beautiful day🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Dec 13Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! Burton, Sublime, Spitfire and more. 🏂❤️🛹❤️ Fresh Burton listings regularly! ✌🏻All listings will be back for sale when I return from vacation Tuesday, April 2nd. 😘 Let me know if you like something! You may still post questions below any listing and I will reply. ❤️😘🏂🛹✌🏻
Mar 29Reply

Hi there, thanks for all the "likes" feel free to bundle and make offers. Have a great day!
Nov 23Reply

you are the best 🤗
Dec 01Reply

Hi Marisa. I see that in the past you have liked Storia clothing. I have a unique one in my closet +1000 other items that you might like. I would love it if you took a few minutes to visit. Thanks
Mar 15Reply

hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 28Reply

Hi Marisa! 👋 I hope all is well! I came across your page and love what you’re doing. I know it can be tough with all the spam accounts, so I’d love to connect and support each other. I’m offering deals to clear my inventory before moving. Prices aren’t final—happy to lower or bundle, especially with fellow business owners! 🛍️
If you’re interested, we could share each other’s listings and boost our sales. Let me know if anything catches your eye! 😊
Aug 27Reply
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