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Updated Mar 21
Updated Mar 21

Meet your Posher, Mary

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mary. Some of my favorite brands are kate spade, Nike, lululemon athletica, CHANEL, and J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jstyles101 Hey doll! Welcome to posh! 🎉 I look forward to checking out your closet!! Please feel free to look at mine as well 😉💕
Jul 05Reply
mimounr13 Thank you for your purchase !!! If I ship on Tuesday it's ok? I already left my office and have no access to printer.. and it's the holidays... let me know
Dec 23Reply
machinemary @mimounr13 yes that's fine 🤣my husband doesn't know I bought it yet
Dec 23Reply
mimounr13 @machinemary Ok great So I'll ship on Tuesday 😉 Good luck with your husband 😀
Dec 23Reply
machinemary @mimounr13 haha thank you girl 😊
Dec 23Reply
mimounr13 @machinemary I will definitely ship on Tuesday that way you get them for the new year party 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Dec 23Reply
machinemary @mimounr13 hahah thanks girl but I always sole my shoes before I wear them ❤💃🏽adds that extra grip and toe cap to prevent the heel point damage. It normally takes some time ☹️
Dec 26Reply
mimounr13 Hey I'm mailing the shoes today 😀 Thank you again for the purchase 😀 I hope you will love the shoes 💙❤️💙
Dec 27Reply
mimounr13 I'm glad you like the shoes They are truly gorgeous ❤️ Now I to wait until end of February when they bring them back in stock in Nordstrom in my size Enjoy them 😀😀😀
Jan 01Reply
prodigalroberts Can't get the (bal bag pack ). For &150?
Jan 06Reply
prodigalroberts Look good going with those glasses
Jan 06Reply
machinemary @prodigalroberts hi thank you for purchasing the glasses but the backpack cost me a little over $300, at the lowest I would take $350 and I would lose money. ☹️
Jan 06Reply
prodigalroberts So return it. & get back ur money or store credit
Jan 06Reply
machinemary @prodigalroberts 🤔you know what you're right I never thought of that! I could use $300 to h&m
Jan 06Reply
jackiekstyle Beautiful closet!
Jan 15Reply
machinemary @jackiekstyle thank you! 😘❤
Jan 15Reply
bunchofstyle What a cute baby thanks for the share
Jan 18Reply
beautymark55 @machinemary we can do $255.
Jan 19Reply
machinemary @beautymark55 thank you, but I found another lady who has a peep toe black one listed for cheaper. 😊
Jan 19Reply
beautymark55 @machinemary awesome, enjoy! :)
Jan 19Reply
brunomars90 Thanks for accepting my offer, and your son is sooooo adorable! :)
Feb 11Reply
machinemary @brunomars90 thank you 😊I will ship tomorrow
Feb 11Reply
lovelyinlife @machinemary Your Gorgeous Mary and your son is adorable!!!!! I have one son as well but he is 16 😜💗! Welcome to Posh and wishing you many sales!!!!!! Natalie 💓💞💓💕💕💕🎀🎀🎀💟
Mar 01Reply
machinemary @lovelyinlife thank you 😊 you are very beautiful and your closet is amazing as well! 😘❤
Mar 01Reply
aliddlelulu Hi love! Was that your lowest on your counter offer? I am still interested but I may need to wait until payday ;)
Apr 25Reply
machinemary @akliddle918 hi yes, sorry I can't go any lower on these shoes. Having them soled/repaired cost a lot 😕 but I do have another nude pair that is almost in prestine condition! It's not soled though. Thank you for your interest 😊
Apr 25Reply
mmfitz14 Hi Mary! I'm so glad you got the Kendra Scott Earrings today! I'm confused why there was a case opened because they were brand new and never worn except to model for the picture!
May 26Reply
rs123abc I can do it for 150 if you still want them.
May 27Reply
sam_jack My counter is as low as I can go on the earring and bracelet set. Thanks for your interest!
May 29Reply
mmfitz14 Hi Mary I am so sorry about the Earrings! I had won them in a raffle a year ago at my friends dance banquet and I didn't know there were different styles of earrings that looked exactly the same! 🙃When I googled Kendra Scott Earrings the Elle were the first to look like those so I listed them as Elle but little did I know that the Danielle earrings are the ones I have since they're bigger. I'm sorry about that love next time I'll be sure to double check my listing names!!!😘
May 31Reply
machinemary @mmfitz14 it's alright, it's not the style discrepancy, but it's because they do not have the Kendra Scott engraving. (All of them do)
May 31Reply
mmfitz14 @machinemary really?!?? Hmmm that's odd... should I go to a jeweler to make sure it's authentic? Because the raffler said it was $65 when she bought it at a local jeweler
May 31Reply
rs123abc Enjoy the shoes 🙂🙂
Jun 02Reply
machinemary @rs123abc thank you 😬 perfect condition and red is very beautiful!
Jun 02Reply
yviegirl What a beautiful girl you are! I can't believe you wear a size 10 shoe. I am 4 11 and wear an 8 or 8.5 . People always tease me about having big feet. Never gave it any thought till they mentioned that. You look tiny as well.
Jun 11Reply
machinemary @yviegirl thank you 😬♥️ sorry about the sash I didn't know I still had it listed! I gave it back to my sister a while ago! Hahaha I've always had big feet, which luckily my mom always had to buy me new shoes so I didn't have to wear my sisters hand me downs 🤣
Jun 11Reply
yviegirl @machinemary oh from the picture I figured that you were about 5 feet. 10 isn't big for 5 8. It's proportionate at least. Unlike me lol
Jun 11Reply
machinemary @yviegirl bahaha I wish I was cute and tiny 🤣🤣 I am an Asian Amazonian woman! I haven't been 5' since elementary school! Better to be petite and cute with larger feet than hugemongoo like me 😜
Jun 11Reply
yviegirl @machinemary you are beautiful. And hardly an amazonian, be nice to yourself.
Jun 11Reply
machinemary @yviegirl awe thank you hun, you are very beautiful too! I thought you were 5' 6" in your picture 😀
Jun 11Reply
yviegirl @machinemary well I guess the saying is true. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Besides with a face and figure like yours I highly doubt anyone is looking at your feet. Hehehe
Jun 11Reply
yviegirl Hey Mary, thank you so much for my first rating and the great one at that! I'm so happy you love the bag. See, the crazy story was true. You know that I never realized that it was in a bag that said Ferragamo until we talked about it? Lmao! Ohhhhhh that was a good trip tehehe
Jun 17Reply
brunomars90 OMG just all around adorable and cute! 😍💞
Aug 05Reply
machinemary @brunomars90 thank you 😘😘😘 you can tell I'm obsessed with my baby
Aug 05Reply
brunomars90 @machinemary 😊 He's as cute as his mommy. You're so pretty Mary! 😍
Aug 05Reply
tarotmandy Your so pretty. 🌸💐
Aug 08Reply
machinemary @forgivenmandy awe thank you 😘😘😘 happy poshing!
Aug 08Reply
thelateerynn @machinemary hi Mary! Thanks for letting me know that the bag from the user is fake :)
Aug 21Reply
machinemary @thelateerynn no worries 🙂 it bothers me when people so diligently sell unauthentic items presenting them as authentic ❤️happy poshing
Aug 21Reply
lupasolitario Hey Mary. I'll do $300 if you reoffer
Sep 25Reply
jackiee9619 Hi love! You recently made an offer on a pair of Louboutins for $300, and I was wondering if you happened to have an e ba y account (So I don't take as much of a hit from Poshmark's commission 😅) Let me know if you're still interested and I can hold on to them for you!
Sep 28Reply
stacy11101 Hi. I shipped your shoes today but it’s not coming up that I did on the status. I just wanted you to know. I’m new so this is weird to me. Better to be safe than sorry and to let you know I shipped this afternoon. Thanks. Stacy.
Oct 02Reply
machinemary @stacy11101 just give it a day or so and the tracking will be updated ☺️ sometimes the post office is just slow in getting the tracking information up. Thanks for letting me know!
Oct 03Reply
stacy11101 @machinemary oh ok. I’m worried because the other package that I sent at the same time was received by the post office. I got an email. But not yours?
Oct 03Reply
machinemary @stacy11101 hahaha sometimes that happens because they sort it differently 😁 no worries I'll be waiting for a tracking update!
Oct 03Reply
stacy11101 @machinemary and of course it was just updated. Lol.
Oct 03Reply
mbk2017 Aw! Beautiful pictures 😊
Nov 07Reply
bfernandez2 Thanks for purchasing the KS earrings! I won't be home until Wednesday night so I'll schedule a usps pick up for them on Thursday morning.
Nov 07Reply
karleighok Hey girl I️ can’t figure out how to go back and accept your offer of 300 for the louboutins! But I’ll accept that if you can do a new offer?
Nov 09Reply
dina928 I will accept your $300 offer for the shoes.
Nov 14Reply
prcblem Hey thanks for the purchase, I’m getting the supreme flashlight in the mail within the next two days. message me back if you’re interested in the tracking for that, I’ll ship it out the same day I get it!
Dec 05Reply
kathleen2758 Hey @machinemary! I just packed up the blazer-it’s been hanging in my closet for quite a while! I noticed a couple spots on the collar when I packed it up that I didn’t notice when listing :( Let me know if it doesn’t work out for you-I would have taken it to the cleaners but didn’t realize it was there and wanted to get it to you!
Dec 05Reply
swillann Beautiful closet, and family 🤗
Mar 24Reply
ms_akw08 You sent an offer for some heels for $175. What about $200?
Mar 30Reply
allienoelle0 You have such an incredible closet!! Love it!!! 💕💕💕
May 30Reply
theblondeparty Your closet is amaaazing!! 😍
Aug 16Reply
machinemary @theblondeparty thank you boo! Your closet is fantastic as well 💋💋💋😍😍😍
Aug 21Reply
resell_seashell Hello. You purchased a pair of Louboutin from me. Although I listed them in great condition, I didn’t take a picture of the small Knick on one of the heels. A piece of the patent leather is missing. Would you still like to proceed with shipping/purchase? I’m apologize. I didn’t notice the Knick until I was prepping the shoes and box for safe shipping.
Jan 07Reply
machinemary @j_brockmeyer thank you for letting me know but I’ll have to pass on the shoes then. Could you cancel and repost/relist. I know you’ll sell them quickly 😄
Jan 07Reply
ladykrc @machinemary Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing items from your Fabulous closet store🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy sharing, shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Feb 03Reply
machinemary @trixiave no it was an A1 quality faked had a serial number and everything. Poshmark approved my return and canceled the order. I’m surprised she’s still trying to pass it off as authentic?
Feb 11Reply
stacyana818 Hi Mary, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the Express red blazer. I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for it 😁
Jan 08Reply
stacyana818 Hi Mary, thank you for purchasing the red blazer and I apologize for my delayed response. I ship within 48 hours, so you shall have it very soon!
Jan 09Reply
starbaharloo can you please help me cancel these are wrong size
Oct 05Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Aug 30Reply
machinemary @sleon382 I’m a Poshmark ambassador I cannot let you sell replicas to unknowing Poshmark buyers.
Oct 22Reply

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