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Updated Jun 01
Updated Jun 01

Meet your Posher, Mary

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mary. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, J. Crew, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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ashtara00 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark ! We are excited to welcome you to the Posh Community !!! The best thing to do is to read "The Guide To Poshmark" then look through FAQS, and then read all the "Selling" under Help & Support. All is located under your picture Icon. This should answer all your guestions and if you have any specific guestions after you read all of that feel free to ask. Happy Poshing
Jun 03Reply
ashtara00 And if there is anything that is not explained in detail enough and you need a little more help just let me know. Some tips I will give you are 1. Get all your Priority boxes and tape free at the post office (Tape you have to ask for at the counter but boxes you can order online or get at counter also (See Poshmark Guidelines and Support)
Jun 03Reply
ashtara00 2. Make sure to double check all your items before taking pictures so there are clean and look good for the photo and for the person receiving them. 3) Take as clear pictures as possibe + more pics with detail (See other poshers for ideas)
Jun 03Reply
ashtara00 4) Make sure you explain your item correctly as possible. If it has any problems make sure you list them. Also include as much detail as possible 5) Always be friendly even if people offer ubsurdly low amounts for something you paid a lot of money for. It will happen a lot. Be patient and share ofte rand you will get the price you deserve.
Jun 03Reply
ashtara00 6) Ship as quickly as possible after a item sells. Make sure to always package properly (preferably in a box always) stuffed accordingly to protect it while it is in route to the buyer. You may also want to wrap it or make it like a gift (this is up to you) a lot of people that sell full time do this so the customer has a quality experience and wants to come back to the closet again. Hope this helps ! Good Luck
Jun 03Reply
juliaaraineyy Hi Mary just checking in to make sure you received your packages 📦? I hope you like the items...have a great weekend
Jun 08Reply
fashionfauxpas Hi Mary. Thanks so much for the offers. On the,2 items. However if I were to accept them you would have to pay shipping 2 times instead of one. I don't know if your familiar w/bundling? Go to each item and press prompt *add to bundle* then make an offer on both of them together. This way you only have to pay shipping one time. Pls lmk if you have any?s there is also a FAQ section that will explain better how to bundle than i am. Able to. Hope this helps THANKS SO MUCH!!
Jun 10Reply
fashionfauxpas @maryfitzpatr802 Hi Mary Did u get my message about ur offers?! I don't want to accept them and have u pay shipping two times which is what will happen if i do. What u need to do is add the h salz squirrel dress to a bundle (u already have the Emanuel Ungaro pants in a bundle) and then send a combined offer so you will only have to pay shipping one time. Pls lmk if u need assistance. Thank much
Jun 10Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas hi, no I haven’t gotten them yet. Please, don’t do anything yet, I really need to go over the items before I do anything. FYI, I’m out of remission and when I get my treatments I get sick and stay in bed for a few days. I hate it , it makes life so unpredictable. Thank you for everything.
Jun 10Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas I’m not very good at this yet but I’m learning. I’ve been to sick to answer ppl and even but my own stuff on Posh. I’m out of remission and I stay sick and fatigued. Life is so unpredictable. Thank you for your help.
Jun 10Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas hi, will you just put everything on hold and let me go through the items before I make my mind up. Last order only one thing fit me. Have to learn how to send things back. Thank you for your help so much.
Jun 10Reply
fashionfauxpas @maryfitzpatr802 hi mary...oh nooo. So sorry to hear that. Sending positive healing thoughts and 🙏 vibes. Yes very imporant to take it easy and rest so u can recover whatever it is that ails you. Sorry i can be quite bothersome i ofteb forget people don't spend alot of time on this app and i apologize. I didn't want to accept and u paid shipping 2xs. But if u r uncertain about fit then best that u did so this
Jun 10Reply
fashionfauxpas @maryfitzpatr802 ... Cont #2... way you can make a better decision. I. Know all about impulse purchases esp on this app... Eso since poshmark doesn't have a return policy. Only if item not as described /misrepresented by seller. Not for fit purposes. So i will decline your offers so as not to. Tie up your funds any longer. I won't pester you to buy (drives me nutter when people want to sell you something and can be quite persistent..)
Jun 10Reply
fashionfauxpas @maryfitzpatr802 ... Cont... #3 but if u do decide then i am happy to help you any way i can. Oh 1 more thing... If u "like" my stuff i do send private offers and since it sends the offer to all likers (i am unable to chose whom gets it..) pls. Just disregard the offer if not interested. This new private offer feature is cool for a seller but for a person (like me), whom likes alot of items just for the sake of liking.. Well
Jun 10Reply
fashionfauxpas @maryfitzpatr802 ... Cont #4... it can get overwhelming one day i had over 200 private offers to purchase items 🤮🤢🤑🤪 it jammed up my feed and i missed offers from buyers on my items!!! So i paid my bf daughter to 'unlike "stuff I had over 10k" likes".. Wowowowo could u imagine that many private offers.. And most of thr things i liked were not my size or something i wouldn't ever buy. But anyway i am. Babbling and u need rest.
Jun 10Reply
fashionfauxpas @maryfitzpatr802 ... Cont #5... Thank u for q kind and gracious response. And best wishes for a a quick recovery and much rest relaxation so u can start ur own closet. Buying is fun. But imho selling is an entirely diff high!! I had been a seller on ebay for over 15 yrs before i discovered posh. This app imho is the best!! Much luv and if i can be of assistance in any way not just u buying my stuff.. For any thing pls hit me up!! Xoxo melisa xoxoxo 🌈🦄🌠💣💥💣👽🖖✌️🤘🤙🥂🕊️🍫🍭😜😊
Jun 10Reply
funnymonkey820 Um you might want to reconsider your rating on the bundle you purchased from me, you didn’t buy anything from me that was listed as a women’s large. You bought 2 children’s dresses, a child’s shirt and men’s jeans. The rating brings my overall rating down on an item I didn’t sell you, or inaccurately describe.
Jun 11Reply
rumena215 Hi I’m sorry I canceled your order because I didn’t see only $25 you offered first time I did bundles please don’t mind
Jun 11Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @funnymonkey820 don’t worry you want have to worry about me buying another thing from you bc I will not. Rude ppl don’t deserve my money or attention. Thank you.
Jun 11Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas hi, is there anyway or anything I can do to get this bad attitude and angry insulting funkymonkey820 off my back. I’ve done nothing wrong but her words are so angry and she insulting. What do I do? All of your stuff is sold. You have great taste very similar to mine. Thank you for your help.
Jun 11Reply
debbie043059 Welcome to Poshmark 🌺🌺
Jun 13Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @ashtara00 thank you so much . You helped me so much with your advice. I’m still learning but I’m learning a lot better since your advice. Thank you so much for going out of your way to help me. It want go to waste I promise.
Jun 24Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas which two items are you speaking of ?
Jun 24Reply
ashtara00 @maryfitzpatr802 Your welcome ! Keep working hard, it will pay off !!!
Jun 24Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas thank you so much for that. I guess you can tell I’m a newby and learning as I go. But, I’m open for all and any advice. Guess what ? I’m getting my closet started as we speak, im excited but also scared I just may not do it right. Wish me luck. Thank you so much.
Jun 24Reply
nashvegasgirl1 Welcome to Poshmark my beautiful friend!!!! Enjoy the fun here and watch out for the crazies😂😂😂! Don’t allow anyone to trade since trading is not supported by Posh, not guaranteed. Don’t allow anyone to lowball you nor heckle you. Poshmark is the first and safest place to sell. Love you!!!! Nashville Ladies Rule 💗💗💗💗💗💗
Jun 24Reply
nashvegasgirl1 @maryfitzpatr802 when it comes to rude people, they’re always being watched, and plus too, Karma always works it’s magic.
Jun 24Reply
vinylsrarities @maryfitzpatr802 Hi. I accepted your offer on the pair of shoes. It said that your payment info needed to be updated. Let me know when you update it. I can ship them out as soon as tomorrow.
Jun 30Reply
vinylsrarities @maryfitzpatr802 Hi . You purchased these shoes after making an offer. Could you update your payment info and complete the purchase. Let me know
Jul 01Reply
reneej90 Hi Mary. I see you made a bundle this morning and I made you an offer. I am open to negotiation so if you feel my offer was out of your range, I can certainly make it much more reasonable for you. Please feel free to let me know☺
Jul 01Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas sorry it’s so long getting back to you. I’ve been in hospital getting my treatments. I’m out of remission and just stay fatigued. It takes me awhile to get things done. I want to thank you for your honesty and help. It’s very appreciated.
Jul 01Reply
rorilima Hey doll I seen you rated me as a 4 star seller. Was there an issue with your order or something I did wrong? -Rori
Jul 03Reply
simplycanny Hi! Thank you so much for the nice comment :) I see you rated me 4 stars and was wondering if anything was wrong with the item ?
Jul 06Reply
bsassygirl Mary, thank you so much for the offer on my converse tennies, but I just sold them last night. I’ll be adding more to my closet soon! 💕👟
Jul 07Reply
mondstein Hi, how was the top not clean? There were no stains
Jul 08Reply
pontevedragirls Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!
Jul 09Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @juliaaraineyy yes, thank you so very much.
Jul 09Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas thank you so very much. That’s very kind of you.
Jul 09Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas you are so welcome. You so deserve it.
Jul 09Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @pontevedragirls thank you. Hope to have my closet up and going soon. Thank you much.
Jul 09Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @mondstein I don’t understand what your saying to me. If I did something wrong I’ll be the first one to fix it but this just doesn’t ring a bell. I’m sorry.
Jul 09Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @bsassygirl thank you. That’s fine. Appreciate the message. Thank you so much.
Jul 09Reply
msvoiles I got those in the mail, they will go out today! Thank you.
Jul 25Reply
adriennef315 Hey! .. 🙌 I noticed you liked a beautiful pair of pants in my closet! If you have any questions, or I can help with anything please feel free to reach out to me!✨ I offer discounts for bundles!! 😃
Jul 27Reply
whateversells @maryfitzpatr802 I'm going to mark the pants down to $12 so you get discounted shipping too. 👍🏾
Jul 30Reply
cindywho58 I accepted your offer. Thanks
Aug 02Reply
thebling Hey, you had made a bundle of approximately 8 items all completely different sizes. Not sure what that’s about , however, happy to help with whatever it is your looking for. I was Confused . 😀 Thank you.
Aug 05Reply
maryfitzpatr802 Hi, just wanted you to know that I still haven’t gotten the pants yet. What do I need to do if anything? Thank you.
Aug 06Reply
pampena Hello, I am offering 50% off bundles of 2 or more.
Aug 06Reply
fyoudim Good afternoon please send me an offer,bare in mind I’m paying $4 on each $20 thx.
Aug 07Reply
9at Hi, first I have to thank you from my heart. I am sorry I only have size 10. Do me a favor can you Measure your finger with a tape and let me know the millimeter off your fingers. I might get you a ring❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Aug 08Reply
Aug 08Reply
yourstyleagent @maryfitzpatr802 I am sorry that you don’t have the pants yet. I had commented on the listing on August 6 tagging you asking if Poshmark had contacted you about a return label for the jeans as they had said that they would do so that day. You did not respond. Have they contacted you? I am still waiting to get the pants back from the other lady as well as the jeans from you. Can you please confirm if they have contacted you as I had to contact them three times to even get a response from them.
Aug 14Reply
yourstyleagent I will contact them again. They said on the 6th that they would contact you. Please reply here instead of on my listings so we can keep communications on the same string. As I said, I commented on the original listing on the 6th asking you if they had contacted you. As you didn’t respond, I assumed they had.
Aug 14Reply
yourstyleagent I have contacted them yet again. I have also tried to contact the other lady again to find out if she has received her label. Supposedly they have sent it.
Aug 14Reply
yourstyleagent They have not sent her a label either. Let’s connect on FB and resolve this because they are clearly not going to. I am so sorry that this has happened. I honestly thought that they were taking care of it.
Aug 14Reply
yourstyleagent Found you on FB. Check your messages.
Aug 14Reply
yourstyleagent @maryfitzpatr802 - your pants should be on the way today or tomorrow. There will also be an envelope and pre-paid shipping label for the jeans to be sent to Ann. Please pop them in the mail when you get it. Thanks.
Aug 15Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @yourstyleagent hi, thank you so much. I really appreciate what you’ve done. And I will be more than happy to change my rating on this. I wrote that to just try and get something done. I will change it and explain why I wrote it. I’m very sorry and hope you understand. Again, thank you for taking care of this. Good day.
Aug 15Reply
yourstyleagent @maryfitzpatr802 yeah. It wasn’t actually me. It was Poshmark and their non-responsiveness. But thank you.
Aug 15Reply
yourstyleagent Hi. It looks like you got the pants. Can you please confirm?
Aug 22Reply
robynmycloset I noticed you liked my "European Tunic" but did not add it to the bundle. If you'd like you can add it for $22 and I'll add FREE SHIPPING 🤔😊
Aug 24Reply
robynmycloset And the green shoes for $2
Aug 24Reply
fashionfauxpas Hi mary Me again😜 hope ur feeling better like a million bucks!! I sent you a msg b4 but was barely awake att... Idk if u r aware that the chaser tee runs very very small. It isn't a true medium as in women's medium. Or at least i dont think so. Could be a juniors. I am. Writing this because i have alot of chaser stuff and medium doesn't fit as tight. I added Measurments to the comms section.
Aug 26Reply
fashionfauxpas Cont.. 2... Pls check em out and once i hear back from you i will cancel the anna SUI dress so you can put both items into a bundle and only have to pay shipping once. That is if the chaser tee will be ok. Pls lmk so it can be done so you will only have to pay shipping one time. Not 2..much luv xoxo
Aug 26Reply
fashionfauxpas Ooops almost forgot.. I did go to check my ebay acct for the seller you asked for.. But i had a bit of trouble w/them.. They were trying to charge me fees on items i didn't sell on there. Items i sold on here.. So i freaked and they suspended my acct. After 25+ yrs of buying and 15+ of selling on there i am finally thru with them. Only thing is i cant see anything from my acct until i pay them for items i didn't sell on there
Aug 26Reply
fashionfauxpas Cont... but ended them because i sold on here. I can't see any of my previous sold items nor can i see any items i have purchased. Very upsetting. I am going to take a look at the feedback i left for them and see if their seller name comes up that way. Altho that will take a bit of detective work as it was over a yr ago and only items in feedback rating show for 90 days. I wanted to lyk i didn't 4get about gettinf that for u.. Just hit a so called snafu. 😭😜👍
Aug 26Reply
ygreiner I’m sorry but please look back at my site for reasonable offers. If I accept your $28 offer on the bundle priced at $80, I practically only receive payment for a couple items. I will counter.
Aug 27Reply
feery1 Hi Mary. Just checkin in with you to see if you are waiting for a price on the bundle you put together from my closet. I may have misunderstood, but, I thought you had wanted to remove the foldable shoes. I just wanted you to know that I will be out of town from Monday the 10th to Saturday the 15th so the closet will be on vacation at that time and no sales can be mailed out. Thanks. Have a great weekend.
Sep 08Reply
fyoudim Good afternoon thank you very much again for previous purchases,don’t worry I’ll take of you and give you price that I will be loosing on this item please message me when you are ready.wishing u all the best pleasant day.
Sep 09Reply
mmdell11 Hi! I am having a closet clear out sale! So please feel free to send offers and create bundles! Happy Poshing!
Sep 17Reply
shrimpx Hi Mary, I sent. Couple items for you consider . Just remove if you are not interested . Thank you for checking out my closet 🌹
Oct 18Reply
aredhousebuy Hey Mary? Please let me know if you want to cancel all the accepted offers & start over with one bundle🤔-I really think that’s the way you’re going to get the most for your money please let me know I’m sorry this is more difficult than it should be
Oct 18Reply
amw477 Hi welcome!🌸💕
Nov 11Reply
hodaya Hi there, plz. Is it my closet for cool u inquest pieces and great gift options. Much love🍭🎁
Nov 15Reply
soulcrusher716 Hi Mary, good morning were you able to read my message I added your items into a bundle for you!
Dec 02Reply
bohoforever15 @maryfitzpatr802 thank you for making a bundle & I did edit the pics of the 3 men’s shirts they’re short sleeve. Let me know if you want to make a offer or I can. Thanks so much!!
Dec 10Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @rumena215 I just read your message. I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you’re saying. Can you explain, please. Thank you
Dec 11Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @yourstyleagent hi, just want to follow up with you and let you know that I still have those jeans and I have sent Poshmark e mails etc and still nothing. So, you just let me know what to do. I’m sorry. Thank you
Dec 11Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @fashionfauxpas hi, I’m so sorry about e bay. That’s so wrong. But their not the most nice company anyway, I’ve had a problem with them too. Hope you got it all worked out but if not I hope you’re feeling better about it and i I am so sorry. Thank you
Dec 11Reply
maryfitzpatr802 @amw477 hi, thank you for that, it was so nice of you and very thoughtful.
Dec 11Reply
msdaisymae ok, it will not let me counteroffer lower than what you offered..go figure lol so I'll have to counter offer $21 then you can counter with $17 then I will accept. Totally get the whole Christmas thing...I joke and say at least I only have one kid to disappoint. lol #FunnyNotFunnny
Dec 16Reply
jenb349 Hey. Thanks for your purchases. Since they weren’t bundled together, you are paying for shipping in both. Is there anything else you like that u could throw in to make up the difference? Just let me know;)
Dec 16Reply
shrimpx Thank you for the great rating Mary. Wishing you a happy 2019!
Dec 27Reply
messtodress @maryfitzpatr802 to remove any comment, you click on the little gray flag below the comment and select “ harassment “ or “offensive comment “ and poshmark will remove it immediately :)
Jan 18Reply
kevidiannjewels Hey pretty lady check out my closet for trendy unique jewelry pieces! You would look amazing! Free shipping on orders 60 and over. Offers welcome.
Mar 12Reply
luckyladybug4u @maryfitzpatr802 Hi Mary - just stopping by to share your closet. Just a heads up that I've got a really cute pair of NWT flair jeans with bling on the lower leg (32 x 28). No flaws and they are really soft! I'd love for you to see them. I ship from a smoke free clean home and I'm open for offers.......thanks and have a super great day.....:) :)
Mar 19Reply
ygreiner I’m sorry that I’m not accepting your offers, but they are way too low. You are asking for 75-90% discount. In this respect, it would be like giving away the items. I just can’t discount them that much.
Apr 09Reply
deepikab Hi there! I am Deepika. Please check out my closet for some pretty Indian outfits like Anarkalis, Sarees, kurtas and jewelry. Feel free to ask any questions and Happy Poshing! :) cheers!
Apr 21Reply
stylesbyniya Happy poshing 💕be sure to check out my closet 😊
Jan 06Reply
winstondunbar Hi Happy Poshing💝😍🎍🎋🐔😄🐶🐴🎄🐧🐢
Nov 16Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 18Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Feb 03Reply
wnybda Hello! Thank you for visiting my closet! Unfortunately the price for the red dog shirt,NWT that you offered is way below even the clearance 3/$24 sale price that puts me at a loss already and requires you to buy 3 items to get the $8 deal. I will counter offer fairly, posh is my only income as I wait for disability after my cancer care... thank you for understanding
Mar 01Reply
adarlingdeal Hi, I have accepted your offer for the cloth & stone Pants twice now, but there seems to be a issue on your side. ?
Jun 29Reply

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Last Active: Feb 02

Nashville, TN
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Last Active: Feb 02

Nashville, TN
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