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Updated Aug 13
Updated Aug 13

Meet your Posher, Mary

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mary. I'm fun!
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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comininhaute Hello! 🙋‍♀️ Welcome to Poshmark 😁🎀🛍🎀🤗
Mar 17Reply
corin1965 Thank you, for all the likes. Love your Cute kitty.💕🐈🐾
Aug 28Reply
martyalma @comininhaute thank you! Sorry it took almost 6 months to reply to your comment. I'm a Poshmark greenhorn so I don't actually know how anything works yet. This is fun!
Aug 29Reply
martyalma @corin1965 thank you for sharing my items! I have no idea what I'm doing regarding how to do Poshmark, but you sure seem like you do, and I learned a thing or 2 just by browsing your closet. Love, love, LOVE your jewelry, and your cats are awesome too!
Aug 29Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both men and women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and any questions. Happy Poshing!
Sep 02Reply
shopper411411 Bundle both likes and I'll give you the Pink Floyd free. Send me the offer of 15. If interested. I won't be able to ship till at least Wed as I'm in Florida under hurricane warning. The storm is moving away but will have bad weather. I have a few package to drop off. ☺
Sep 02Reply
martyalma @shopper411411 thanks for the offer, it's a really great deal but I just don't need another Pink Floyd tee! You definitely have a great closet and I'll keep you in mind next time I'm looking for a unique tee!
Sep 03Reply
shopper411411 @martyalma Sounds great.
Sep 03Reply
frostyla Thank  you for the follow. All the proceeds from closet sales will be donated to my nephew to pay for his school trip to Washington DC so please check out my closet. I appreciate you! 🥰
Sep 03Reply
martyalma @frostyla good for your nephew to have such a generous aunt! I'll keep his fundraising in mind the next time I'm browsing. 😉
Sep 03Reply
wrosegold @martyalma Mary, such a cute kitty— I thought I’d give you a few tips. First, posh etiquette — if you ♥️ something & someone sends you an offer, instead of declining (or after) you might want to share the item too :) I know you’re new so thought I’d make a suggestion also, share your page at least once a day as well as maybe 3 items from other pages too- sharing is the most important thing here as it helps your listings sell :) at any length I wish you success & thanks for the posh ♥️ too! Yay!
Sep 05Reply
martyalma @wrosegold hi there! Ya know, I like your suggestion regarding how to tactfully decline an offer. I've been trying to figure out how to decline without making myself look like an ungrateful jackwagon and your idea seems like a fair resolution to that issue. So thanks for that!
Sep 06Reply
shopper411411 Thanks for the likes. FYI, I'm putting my closet on vacation starting Monday. If you're interested in purchasing you likes.
Sep 06Reply
wrosegold @martyalma Mary, I knew as soon as I saw your profile picture of cow cat kitty that you were no jackowagon 🖤 & you should have seen some of the things I did when I was just starting off here 😮 😉 but deep down inside I meant well 😂 There were a few guides & I was (sometimes)open to suggestion 😆—that one ☝️ stuck with me though. We have a lot of fun here, and you’re very welcome 😊— Rose
Sep 06Reply
catcatcity Your kitty is the cutest! ❤️
Sep 14Reply
martyalma @catcatcity thanks! That's Roger, he's a sweetheart. I commented on your cats too! Us cat people gotta stick together! 😽
Sep 14Reply
catcatcity @martyalma Rodger is such a cute name! I just got a kitten that looks related to Rodger. His name is Alfie. 😻 Cat people defiantly need to stick together! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sep 14Reply
catcatcity And I just noticed I spelled Roger’s name wrong. My apologies! 😜
Sep 14Reply
martyalma @catcatcity ❤❤❤❤🤗
Sep 14Reply
frostyla Thank you for your order and the great review. I love giving people items they love at huge discounts. Enjoy! :-)
Sep 19Reply
corin1965 @martyalma hi, I tagged you for a closet share event. In case you want to sign up. It gives your items more exposure. Plus you can get new followers!🐈🐾
Sep 20Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 09Reply
colourluver 🙋‍♀️ Hi kitty kitty❣ Love your fur baby 😸❣❣❣
Nov 10Reply
rosepetalpicks Mary, thank you for visiting @rosepetalpicks, sharing and liking the boys boots . I try to list new items weekly so please visit again. I also welcome reasonable offers. Happy poshing. Rose
Nov 18Reply
vivi4sythe3 Thanks for liking my listing 🌹 Offers are being accepted on this item and bundles are always a good idea. Happy New Year🥳
Jan 03Reply
samaravarner Thank you for all the shares, likes...& of course your purchase!!!! Just wanted to show ya some posh love ❤️
Feb 15Reply
martyalma @samaravarner no problem! we've all gotta help each other out from time to time! I am sooooo happy about my purchase too! I guess you could say I'm a collector of vintage Nikes and I've been searching for that color in those shoes for YEARS! i had pretty much given up on finding them, but I am so glad I finally found a pair! 😀 😍💯
Feb 15Reply
martyalma @samaravarner I noticed that many of your jewelry items were marked as handmade; are you the maker of the jewelry, or does someone else make the items? whoever it is, they are very talented! your jewelry items are unique and quite interesting!
Feb 15Reply
samaravarner @martyalma I am actually the maker of all the handmade items in my closet....& thank you very much! I haven’t been doing it a long time really....just a little over 6 months is all...but I can seem to put a lot together in a little time so I’m thinking it might be something I was actually meant to do! I’m glad someone likes it! I very recently started listing my jewelry just to see if it would sell...& so far so good..... thank you again and I so hope you love the Nike’s!!!!
Feb 15Reply
rif4 I have some designer tote bags and reasonable The Roberto cavelli I am willing to sell at an awesome price . Check my closet out please
Mar 06Reply
vthehappy11 I just love that you named your fur baby Roger!! They usually think they are "a people " might as well give them "People " names...haha. I have another kitty, Hemi's sister.. Barbara
Jun 27Reply
beehivejive Such lovely feedback on your purchases, thank you so much! ❤️🌺 I try to send things out the same way I would want to receive them if I were purchasing. I hope you enjoy them!
Aug 12Reply
beehivejive Also, I am not a beekeeper but hope to give it a try one day. But, I am pretty obsessed with bees. When I got married 17 years ago it was the theme of our wedding. There’s a lot to admire about bees and we need to do more to protect them. I mean, they’re only responsible for our food supply, right? Thanks for all your kindness, visit my closet again anytime.
Aug 12Reply
a1023renee Im sending all my previous customers & anyone who has sent me a like on a item or items. I will be closing my closet and Im accepting any & all offers within reason. If u bundle your items i can save u even more by shipping all items together so u only pay one shipping fee.. or u can just like 1 single item& Im happy to send u a offer in just 1 item. Happy 2 give u a great deal, ship fast & a free gift 🎁 Have a great day, Renee
Aug 14Reply
fashiondiva411 @martyalma Hi Mary! Thank you for stopping by my closet and please feel free to ask any questions. I sent you a private offer on the item you liked in case youre interested in purchasing. I also offer great discounts on bundles and have many 5 for $35 and 2 for $35 items! Happy Poshing! 😊
Oct 01Reply
fashiondiva411 @martyalma Incidentally your cat is adorable. 🥰
Oct 01Reply
call_me_fashion Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet and for all the likes. Feel free to create a bundle and I will offer you a great discount!
Oct 09Reply
kimdeebee Hey Mary, Thanks for looking. Please check out the great offer I sent. Kimberly ♥️
Dec 28Reply
margaret_herz Hello from another Tuscaloosa Posher ♡ @slhdlh
Jul 18Reply
chrisroycroft Getting out of the closing business everything is 75% off the lowest price for someone to make money off these pieces they are located at the Olive tree downtown Tuscaloosa new with tags
Aug 14Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
May 30Reply
cutehosiery @martyalma Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 30Reply

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Last Active: 26 hours ago

Tuscaloosa, AL
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Last Active: 26 hours ago

Tuscaloosa, AL
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