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Updated Aug 26
Updated Aug 26

Meet your Posher, Mary

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mary. Some of my favorite brands are Boyds Bears, Tignanello, and Pandora. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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rolnick and 8 others like this
esthersgifts Thanks for liking the Boyds Bears from my closet. I’m open to reasonable offers and discount bundles of two or more items if you’re interested. Have a great day!
Aug 26Reply
bbailey502005 Thanks for Liking the Fossil Halfmoon bag from my closet. You can bundle it with another and I will sell as Buy One Get One Free. Thanks
Oct 11Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🍍It’s nice to meet you🍍 Please stop 🛑 by my closet anytime, I’m always listing new item. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Oct 15Reply
acatalano24 Hey Mary, thank you so much for your order. I just finished wrapping it up and I’ll have it to the post office by 2 or 3 Pm tomorrow. Have a great rest of your week. ❤️ Ally
Oct 21Reply
mwinstead2368 @acatalano24 Thank you, I look forward to receiving it.
Oct 21Reply
acatalano24 @mwinstead2368 hey Mary, just dropped your package off at the post office. Should be in your mailbox by Monday.
Oct 22Reply
mwinstead2368 @acatalano24 Thank you, I can’t wait to receive it. 🙂
Oct 22Reply
bellanova14 @mwinstead2368 ,Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit  my closet and if you hit like , I will give you free gift 🎁 when you buy $50 or more & give you a discount & the more you add to your bundle the more discount I can offer you ,also all jewelry come in gift boxes ready for the holidays 🤗 🌺💐
Oct 24Reply
bellanova14 @mwinstead2368 ,Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit  my closet and if you hit like , I will give you free gift 🎁 when you buy $50 or more & give you a discount & the more you add to your bundle the more discount I can offer you ,also all jewelry come in gift boxes ready for the holidays 🤗 🌺💐
Oct 24Reply
vintagebitchaz Let’s keep this simple… unlike all the paragraphs you’re going to get today… LIKE ITEMS ILL ADD THEM TO A BUNDLE FOR YOU & SEND AN OFFER. ‼️BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ‼️BUY 2 GET 2 FREE ‼️BUY 3 GET 3 FREE Etc… All Purchases Come With A Free Gift. 😃ON ALL ITEMS😃
Nov 26Reply
vintagebitchaz Welcome to Poshmark! Tis the season to be jolly… and get better prices ❤️LIKE ❤️ ITEMS ILL ADD THEM TO A BUNDLE FOR YOU & SEND AN OFFER. ‼️BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ‼️BUY 2 GET 2 FREE ‼️BUY 3 GET 3 FREE Etc… All Purchases Come With A Free Gift. 😃ON ALL ITEMS😃
Dec 07Reply
snatanov I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying and/or selling on Poshmark! I'd love it if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet 🥰 Happy Poshing!
Jan 14Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 💎 🧤Welcome to Poshmark 🧤 I’d love 💕 to you to visit my closet and follow me. 💫Wishing you a happy, healthy 🥳New Year🥳
Jan 17Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous , how are you? Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Feb 21Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
May 01Reply
mumzy1942 Hi Mary. Sounds like your a collector. Do you prefer boy bears to little girls. are u familiar with the heart to heart collection. they are about 20 girl bears over five years. I have the entire collection. check them out on goggle and let me know if they interest you.
Aug 28Reply
mumzy1942 dear Mary. I wrote you a note earlier to tell you how embarrassed I am they have to say that when I went to the storage unit I had water damage and your bears were underwater. I had just rearranged them all last week. I canceled your order
Aug 28Reply
mumzy1942 so u will not be charged. I hope that this will not stop you from looking in my closet for some of the other beers that were saved most of them however were lost. I hope you will continue collecting as they are such a joy. some of my beers were more than 25 years old and now they're going to bear heaven in the sky
Aug 28Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Oct 09Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 20Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺 
Dec 22Reply
rickyratcoonie Hi Mary, Thank You For Your Purchase! Your Item Has Been Boxed Up And Will Be Dropped Off At The Post Office Tomorrow!
Mar 07Reply
rickyratcoonie Hi Mary, Thanks Again For Visiting My Closet And For Your Purchase! Enjoy!!
Mar 14Reply
loveyourjourney Hey there! For some reason you got a pair of shoes I ordered, and your getting another pair today that I ordered. Can you let me know if you kept them or sent them back? I have no idea how they were sent to you. I just got your name from the tracking number.
Aug 26Reply
loveyourjourney Hi, Looks like you got my 2nd pair of shoes a bit ago. Can you let me know if you kept them, or sent them back? Super confused as to how they were sent to you. 🙃
Aug 26Reply
loveyourjourney Hi circling back again, just checking again on the shoes.
Aug 27Reply
loveyourjourney Hi, Sorry to keep bothering you, but just checking back on my shoes that you have, and wondering if you kept or returned them?
Aug 28Reply
loveyourjourney Hi, Do you have a estimate when you will ship out my shoes? I'm assuming you received my money, since it was over a week ago it was sent. Thanks!
Sep 06Reply
loveyourjourney Hi, Checking Again....
Sep 07Reply
mwinstead2368 @loveyourjourney I haven’t received the money through the mail yet. Is there some way you can track?
Sep 07Reply
loveyourjourney @mwinstead2368 Ughhh, Omggggg really?1 I sent it last Monday. I'll see if I can find a tracking number, I sent it from the Post Office, so hopefully I have one
Sep 07Reply
loveyourjourney I'll check when I get home, I think I have a receipt there. Not sure if there's a tracking number since it was a stamp Hopefully you will get it soon. It's in a card envelope, hand written, just fyi. LoL, maybe I'm not meant to get to New shoes. I had two pairs cancelled on me too, 🤣🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️.
Sep 07Reply
loveyourjourney Your letter was just returned to me. 🙄. I'll check the address again, and resend it out again tomorrow.
Sep 19Reply
mwinstead2368 @loveyourjourney sounds good. I’m glad to know it didn’t get lost on my side. I’m the sole care giver for my 90yr old mom and sometimes mail grows legs and walks away 😀
Sep 19Reply
loveyourjourney @mwinstead2368 I actually figured that's what happened and someone just got the cash, and gave up on it. Not sure what happened cuz the address is correct. Sent it out again today. So who knows if you'll get it.
Sep 20Reply
mwinstead2368 @loveyourjourney Joleen, I received your card today. I can’t make it to the post office tomorrow but I’ll get both pairs of shoes boxed up and get them to the post office Friday after work. 👍🏻
Sep 28Reply
loveyourjourney @mwinstead2368 Okay, Thank you :)
Sep 28Reply
mrytelewski Hi Mary! Thanks for stopping by my closet and for liking one of my precious Boyds Bears! Hope you visit again soon. Happy Poshing! Mary Lou😊
Nov 02Reply
mumzy1942 good morning Mary. thank you so much for stopping by my closet opening the door and taking a peek. I am looking for homes for my babies and I'm more than willing to give you a 30% discount if you bundle the babies and discounted shipping please put them in a bundle so that I can offer you the discounted price have a blessed day and stay safe
Nov 02Reply
mumzy1942 are you a boy's bear collector? I have been collecting for the past 30 years and have almost 5,000 babies that I have been caring for. I'd love to be able to share them with others that love them like I do
Nov 02Reply
mwinstead2368 @mumzy1942, Yes I am, I collected the bearstone figurines & Uncle Ben’s treasure boxes from 1993 to 2000 at which time I stopped because I was moving a lot with my job. But I’m now back trying to play catch-up 😀 These bears are something I never tire of looking at, I’m still so amazed with the amount of detail. They always make me smile.
Nov 02Reply
mrytelewski Hi Mary! Thanks for visiting my closet again! I’m glad you found another Boyds Bear you like! Happy Poshing! Mary Lou😊
Nov 02Reply
mumzy1942 so happy to meet another collector I have collected families of Boyd's bears for the last 30 years. I have a room devoted to them about 5,000 babies please take a look at what I have and you can also let me know what you're looking for and I'll be happy to see if there are most my collection to a studio and will not be able to take all of them with me let's stay in touch
Nov 03Reply
mwinstead2368 @mumzy1942 definitely… I usually look for bearstones & Treasure Boxes dated between 2001 to 2008, I’m not a fan of the figurines once Enesco bought Boyd’s. I like holiday themed pieces. I also like plush but ones that are in a set or family. I am interested in finding the Old McDonald set at a reasonable price. 😀
Nov 03Reply
mrytelewski Hi Mary! Thanks for stopping by my closet and for liking one of my Boyds Bears! Always open for reasonable offers! Happy Poshing!😊
Dec 13Reply
nanboyer Sent offer for the bundle
Jan 17Reply
clothesbykathy Hi Mary, I sent you a couple messages yesterday about the Boyd's Bear with the broken ear. I want to make sure you saw them. They are in the message section on the sale. Thanks, Kathy
Jan 22Reply
rolnick Hello Mary. I just posted a new lovely vintage Boyds Bear that you might be interested in. Hope all is well. Beth
May 07Reply
rarquilla Hi Mary, just a little note to invite you to check out my closet. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Rona 🛍💖💕
Oct 25Reply

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Last Active: Feb 25

Evansville, IN
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Last Active: Feb 25

Evansville, IN
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