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Updated Feb 06
Updated Feb 06

Meet your Posher, Mathew

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mathew. Some of my favorite brands are The North Face, Polo by Ralph Lauren, Nike, and Under Armour. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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2byngftdnblk likes this
kerchoo I left you a comment thanks for buying the pants but I am on vacation right now and I will be back in South Dakota to ship them on the 21st of June. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Jun 16Reply
mamamarz Hi. You had made an offer on a pair of north face shorts. I accepted the offer but posh said there was a credit error. Not sure if you don't have a payment on file or ??? Feel free to resubmit your offer if still interested. As long as it goes through, I can ship your order same day. Thanks!
Jun 28Reply
jweb321 Hey if you wanted all of those north face items you could add them to a bundle and save on shipping prices!! That way I could get around the same price I’m asking and you can save almost $13 on shipping.
Nov 25Reply
mountain20 @jweb321 ok awesome thanks
Nov 25Reply
jweb321 @mountain20 let me know if you have any troubles! There should be a button on each listing to do so.
Nov 25Reply
jweb321 There is also one more size xl north face tee a little lower on my page as well! Thanks:)
Nov 25Reply
veloria51 @jweb321 I’m sorry I let offer expire I’ll do it for ten
Nov 27Reply
jweb321 Hey I just notice the north face bundle has arrived! If you’re able to accept now that would be great:) thanks!
Dec 07Reply
dearcarmen Well thank you so much for my five stars love, Happy. Holidays to you and your loved one. ~Carmen
Dec 19Reply
igotitall4u If u can find these belts for 10$ then u better get them from that place but never lowball as a first offer that’s really rude for a new quality item
Dec 28Reply
mountain20 @somthing4every1 sorry that you took it that way but I didn’t mean my offer to offend you!! That’s just all I had for money to work with so I threw it out there.... a lot of the time I get lucky and people accept my offers. So Again I was not trying to be rude to you. I’m very sorry you took it that way!
Dec 28Reply
elephantcloset Hey!! Thank you so much for the offer!! I won’t be home today until about 8 o’clock. I don’t know how many of those North Face stickers I got because I sold some in separate listings. I will decline your current offers and when I get home I will check with the stickers and tell you. I will give you a great deal and next/same day shipping for the inconvenience. Thank you and sorry
Dec 28Reply
mountain20 @elephantcloset awesome sounds good I appreciate it!!
Dec 28Reply
elephantcloset @mountain20 no problem! Thank you for compromising. I have a 4 hour car ride and I won’t get home till about 9. I will check tonight and tell you but I might not be able to ship/ make a new listing for you today. So sorry we are on a day trip 4 hours away
Dec 28Reply
elephantcloset @mountain20 heyyyyyy soooooooo sooorrryyyy. Someone purchased your stickers and I’d prefer to not cancel the order. I will willingly give you my remaining North Face stickers after the other purchase. I will even give you some of the stickers in my own collection if you’d like sorry
Dec 28Reply
mountain20 @elephantcloset Damn that’s a bummer but I totally understand. Whatever you do have left I’ll buy all of them. Iv been trying to find some stickers and have had no luck. Every time I do find someone who has some to sell something happens and I don’t end up with anything. So definitely let me know whatever you have left and I’ll buy now. Thanks for your time. - Mathew
Dec 28Reply
elephantcloset @mountain20 ok again so sorry. I will find as many North Face stickers for you as I can. I will look tonight but I don’t think I will have time to package or inform you about everything tomorrow
Dec 28Reply
mountain20 @elephantcloset that’s fine you can let me know whenever you have time tomorrow or whenever I appreciate you getting back to me
Dec 28Reply
elephantcloset @mountain20 your stickers are all set!!
Dec 29Reply
booboobear888 I’m so sorry about the offer you sent me for The North Face Sandals. If you send it again I will accept. My app was acting up.
Feb 03Reply
incasport Sorry ..North Face Socks Out Stock until 15 days ,,Let U know When is Back ..
Apr 06Reply
mountain20 @incasport ok thank you
Apr 06Reply
caifrat Hey! I meant to counter you earlier but declined instead! I’ve sent a private offer with a shipping discount as a counter!
Aug 22Reply
mshels99 Could you please accept your package? I hope you liked them ❤️
Sep 08Reply
q123boss Didn't notice offer in time sorry, try again I will except,
Nov 10Reply
q123boss Offer 30 I will except,
Nov 13Reply
lvsmoothjzz Thank you for your purchase. I will take it to the post office first thing tomorrow morning. Happy ‘we Uear.
Jan 01Reply
akruger Super random, but I have the Mountain Athletics Hoodie in Black as well if you're interested. Going to post it soon
Jan 16Reply
mountain20 @akruger ya I probably will can u send me a few pictures so I can see it first
Jan 17Reply
akruger @mountain20 sure - I'll post it now, not sure how else to send pictures
Jan 17Reply
mountain20 @akruger I’ll have to wait till tomorrow but I will buy this
Jan 17Reply
akruger @mountain20 sounds good, yours!
Jan 17Reply
clittl16 Hey Matthew!! Happy to bundle on some stuff or even trade if you are interested :)
Jan 29Reply
dermot1 Thanks for the offer! If you can meet me at 60 I can ship them out first thing tomorrow.
Apr 14Reply
execudrag Hi. Delivery was attempted on the Shorts. I believe you need to get them at the Post Office.
Apr 28Reply
execudrag Hey Matthew, did you get a chance to pick up the North Face Shorts from the Post Office?
May 02Reply
trippyyhippyy Thx for ur purchase. Dam ur north faced out. That cool!😝
Jun 21Reply
joshyarbrough If offer is accepted on TNF Bottle, I can ship tomorrow afternoon!
Jul 17Reply
execudrag Hey Matthew, these are the same as the last pair you purchased from me except these were actually worn. Interested for $10?
Aug 01Reply
jackieedavis1 hi! I sold the listing on a different site and it is no longer available! Please if you can decline the offer I would appreciate it! (:
Oct 18Reply
mcdmyterko Hi did you buy a north face wallet on here if so any interest in selling I would pay more?
Jan 13Reply
mountain20 @mcdmyterko yes I did and yes I guess I can.
Jan 14Reply
mcdmyterko @mountain20 I would very much like to buy it if it’s the one I’m thinking of and I would be willing to pay a premium for the favor
Jan 14Reply
mountain20 @mcdmyterko ok I’m not home right now but I’ll send u a picture of it when I get home to make sure it’s the right one.
Jan 15Reply
mcdmyterko @mountain20 Sounds good thank you
Jan 15Reply
beeskits @mountain20 Just sent you a private offer with a discount for the North Face shirt...let me know if you're interested, I can ship ASAP! (I have another similar shirt available in the same size...bundle and save!)
Jan 27Reply
wbs77 Don't offer stupid low offers its insulting!
Mar 25Reply
elephantcloset Hi! A while ago you purchased a bunch of North Face stickers from me! I just got some more and immediately thought of you! They are listed on my page if you are interested! Thanks!
Jul 31Reply
mountain20 @elephantcloset thanks I appreciate it I’ll go check them out! Have a great day!
Aug 02Reply
mountain20 @elephantcloset if you wanted to send me a picture of what you have for north face pictures I’ll check them out and probably buy them haha thanks again
Aug 02Reply
elephantcloset @mountain20 sorry for the late response! There are photos in my preppy stickers listing. Those are the only two I have right now, but I can get 3 more of the same ones in about a week if you’d like! I can do $5 for 2 or $11 for all 5! Thanks:)
Aug 03Reply
firekicks1417 Check out my closet 🔥🔥🔥
Jul 15Reply
thriftwgrace Hi there -- I’m just stopping by to say Hello. When you have a moment, please take a peek in my closet – Even though we specialize in apparel for women, there are a few items (golf wear, boots, sweaters, ties, etc.,) for Men. Thanks and keep in mind that I consider ALL reasonable offers. Ciao Bella...and Thanks @thriftwgrace
Dec 08Reply

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Last Active: 17 hours ago

Barrington, NH
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Last Active: 17 hours ago

Barrington, NH
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