Meet your Posher, May
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Hi! I'm Mayte. Pronounced My-te(: I'm a recent grad from UCSC & need to get rid of my closet . So feel free to make me offers! I'll give ya a great deal! Thanks for stopping by!

25 others
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Hi thanks for purchase! Just want to make sure u saw last picture- bag needs a little cleaning. LMK if u still want to purchase!
Sep 15Reply

Yeah :) I do thanks !!
Sep 15Reply

aww so glad you liked it! I also invite you to leave me a love note so my readers know more about the quality of my closet:) Sooo happy this great bag found a new awesome home and owner!
Sep 20Reply

@mayteex33 Hi May! Nice to meet you! Congratulations on your Posh party!!! 🎉🎀🎉🎀🎉 So excited for you and ready to party! 💞 I'd be honored if you check out my and my pffs closets for HPs please. 🎉🎀🎉 @crystallavery @shoppermaj @romekey @skystrukfashion @annabananaesq @poshtessa @kelyeskloset @kewpiedoll @sf_gal @archandbow @tammyleetucker @deege65 @justice10forme @mtnhiker @tropicalmama @cajt62 @sebastian22 @alyssaditty @shiloh077 🎉🎉🎉💞💞💞
Oct 11Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! If you are still looking for host picks, I do hope you will consider my closet. Thank you❤️
Oct 11Reply

🎉COngrats on your party🎉Just share bombed your closet, Hope that helps with your party tomorrow😆If you get a chance, please look in my closet for possible pick!
Oct 11Reply

Hi May, I enjoyed coming to your party baby thanks for the invite, new on Posh, medical leave from work trying to get established but I promise you that I wrote site down and I will be able to purchase something soon so look for me, won't let you down love, happy poshing!
Oct 11Reply

Oct 11Reply

Hi. & Welcome to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U ever have any questions, there's always a Posher to answer them. Or, visit my closet & Id be happy to help U.
More questions.....?
On anything specific U'd like to know?
Just ask me.....
Oct 11Reply

@mayteex33 Welcome to the fun posh community 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻TY @ashjesh 💕
Oct 11Reply

I hope that you are having a great time cohosting Mayte! Cohosting is a lot of work, and is also the greatest service you can do for the Poshmark community. It is a very selfless act, and I want to thank you for the time and effort you have put into your planning. Idk if you asked a PFF to share your closet to the party, so I'm going to share as much of it as I can. Thanks again! NO SHARE BACKS! ❤️Amanda
Oct 12Reply

Hey I saw that you were interested in a Polaroid I'm selling mine for 40 and a pack of films let me know if you are interested
Nov 28Reply

Hey!! Thanks for the like!! If your intrested, I do same day shipping!!
Aug 15Reply

Hey Neighbor...happy to meet you...I did some neighborly sharing....maybe run into one of these days...Think theres a poshfest coming to San Jose...we will have to connect for those kinds of things for ride share!!, Leslie
Sep 15Reply

I love your closet!! It’s super cute! ☺️
Dec 13Reply

Was there a belt with the robe i purchased from you? I wish I had known it was missing.....
Jan 08Reply

@battlecat hi! no there wasn't , it was stated in the description and I had a picture on it showing there was no belt.
Jan 08Reply

😃 Hi there! I am Gloria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark . I would like to invite you to check out my closet for new items with tags from the most favorite brands. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount and to pay just one shipping charge. And there are even more offers in my closet like BOGO 50% OFF on new With TAGs Winter Items, etc so please check it out😊 If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Jan 21Reply

Hi May, you have such a lovely closet!!!! 💕😊😃
Feb 07Reply

Hi ... I’m Amy .. Just stopped by to say hello.. Happy Poshing 💕
Feb 19Reply

You have such a cute closet 🙌🏼
Feb 20Reply

Hi Mayte! Thanks for accepting my offer! I’ll ship your fleece first thing in the morning!
Mar 05Reply

@aslovich thanks for the deal! :)
Mar 05Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet! Let me know if you have any questions! I'm always open to reasonable offers and I give great bundle discounts too ❤️
May 05Reply

Hi I see you liked 2 of the toddler clothes I posted did you want to bundle and save for a discount?
May 13Reply

Hi Love! Did you get rid of the crop tops in your listing? I bundled a couple a week or so ago and the listing is gone. Are they just in a new listing? Thanks 🙏🏻! ❤️
Jul 24Reply

@mazurka10 hi :) I think so , I can’t remember which ones they were but if u describe them I might . I did rephotograph a lot of items and put them in new listings . If you remember I’ll sell them to you at the same price :)
Jul 24Reply

@mayteex33 I’ll post them on my page and tag ya :)
Jul 24Reply

@mazurka10 okay :)
Jul 24Reply

Hey girl, if there’s anyway at all you could hold my four 4/30 items until Friday?? I promise you I will purchase them! I’ve been dying for all of these pieces LOL if not I totally understand! But I thought it was worth a shot in the dark LOL
Aug 07Reply

@mazurka10 yes I will! I will put them on not for sale in a bit :) is it the ones added to your bundle?
Aug 07Reply

@mayteex33 Yep! I stuff to find me fourth pick, still shopping LOL I love all your stuff, I’ve been creeping for weeks! Ha ha Ha
Aug 07Reply

Still have to find my fourth pick I meant
Aug 07Reply

@mazurka10 haha okay :) no worries, ill be posting more later this week hopefully by friday :) hah thanks :) im moving so I need to sell as quick as I can :O :)
Aug 07Reply

@mayteex33 awesome! I’m going to keep an eye out for sure! I’ll share you a bunch this week too, maybe grab a couple extra sales🤷♀️🌸
Aug 07Reply

@mayteex33 hey sweets!! If it’s ok I’m gonna purchase tomorrow? I forgot about these work meetings today/tonight and I wanted to go thru your stuff again before I took the plunge:) lol
Aug 10Reply

@mazurka10 that’s fine , it’ll give me more time to post because I haven’t posted anything new :p
Aug 11Reply

@mayteex33 Hey there, were you able to send out my purchase?
Aug 19Reply

thanks for the follow and shares! :)
Sep 18Reply

You have the cutest closet!! ❤
Sep 18Reply

@lindsay_corinne aww thanks 💕💕 also for your purchase ! :) I’ll be shipping tomorrow 😊
Sep 20Reply

U r freakin adorable. Love your closet!
Feb 11Reply

Hey! Noticed you like American Eagle - I do too! I dropped prices on a lot of my items that you might be interested in. I’m moving so am accepting most offers - you might get a great deal😊
May 28Reply

Congrats on your Love it or List it Win!!! That is so exciting. I remember when I won and it was automatically loaded to my account and I got to really spoil myself. Lol! So I’m running a special for all winners, HALF OFF, my entire closet. Just be sure to make a BUNDLE and use the code word “winner” to get your special offer. Happy Poshing my friend ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 23Reply

Congrats on your Love it or List it Win!!! That is so exciting. I remember when I won and it was automatically loaded to my account and I got to really spoil myself. Lol! So I’m running a special for all winners, HALF OFF, my entire closet. Just be sure to make a BUNDLE and use the code word “winner” to get your special offer. Happy Poshing my friend ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 23Reply

@mayteex33 yay! Congratulations on your Love it or List it win!
Jun 23Reply

Fabulous closet
Jun 24Reply

Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am a Posh Ambassador, if you have any questions. I am here to help. Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :) Check out my New Home Market. Congratulations on your win!
Jun 24Reply

Congrats on your WIN! Enjoy that shopping spree and have a beautiful day! Happy Poshing!
Jun 25Reply

Cute closet 😍
Jun 25Reply

🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹 🤘 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹
🤜🤛🏽👨🎤Way to Rock!!!👩🏻🎤🤜🤛🏽
Congrats on winning the Love It or List It Challenge! I've got a mega sale going on so swing on by and follow my closet bc im adding stuff everyday! Thanks for your Time!🤟🏻✌🏼🤙🏼
🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹 🤘 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹
Jun 25Reply

Thank you for the like on the rattan purse! Please check out my Etsy shop BalaLalaDecor for better price! ❤️
Jul 01Reply

Hi I purchased a bundle almost 5 days ago, can you update me on when you are shipping it out??
Oct 10Reply

@sum_rose shipping tomorrow, my printer isn’t working & I kept forgetting to print it at work , but will do tomorrow.
Oct 10Reply

Hello! Can someone tell me if it's possible to email a seller about a purchase? Been 10 days since she has been active and I made a purchase.
Oct 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark World Beautiful ! I'm Sheldon and its a pleasure to meet you. This community is thriving as I can attest to it as on of the Ambassadors, I’d like to offer my assistance should you have any questions about Poshmark or how to navigate it. Please take a moment and visit my closet if you get a moment. I believe it to be one of the most diverse in all of Poshmark. There are some wonderful people here and i hope you enjoy poshmark
Nov 17Reply

Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Mar 29Reply

Hi, thank you for stopping by my closet and liking some items! I hope you’re having a wonderful day! I would love to make your day even better by sending a bundle your way. Feel free to make an offer!
May 05Reply

hey, check out my closet 🌼
May 05Reply

Hiiii!! I’m listing some American Eagle, Lululemon, Loft, Nike and Pink!! Feel free to check out my closet and do some shopping! I love when people give me offers and bundles!
May 24Reply

Cute closet!
Aug 03Reply

Hi! I’d love for you to checkout my closet. I carry lots of brands like Brandy Melville, LF, Lululemon, Aritizia, Free People, Chanel, Gucci etc. I try to post a new piece at least once a day, so def follow to keep updated. I am also very open to offers and if you make a bundle ill give you a great discount and ship same day! Also im a posh ambassador so if you have any questions let me know :)
Aug 07Reply

Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Aug 22Reply

Hello. I will be moving soon so if you are interested in anything in my closet just bundle up for a great deal. Thank you sooo much.
Aug 22Reply

Hi, I noticed your interest in the LLBean corduroy shirts. Not sure how the bundle thing works.
Sep 13Reply

@rvlvingthreads Hello, good night, I have not seen you in my closet for a long time and I was wondering if you are okay, I just wanted to say hello and wish you Merry Christmas and many blessings.
Dec 21Reply

Congratulations on your winnings! Best wishes for much more Posh success!
Jun 01Reply

Thank you for the like!
Oct 15Reply

Hi there!
Check out my Veja shoes listing! I think you’ll like them! Hopefully we can make a deal ☺️
Oct 19Reply

@rvlvingthreads Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 16Reply

Hi Posher! Happy February ❤️. We wanted to invite you to stop by our closet. We have quality kids clothing from stores like Janie and Jack and Burberry. If you know toddler parents, ask them to stop by my closet. We also have items for women (shoes from Ferragamo and Christian Louboutin) and men’s clothing. Let’s get together and posh soon<3
Feb 11Reply

👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your 👚closet 👖to follow you and share some of your 👜 items 👟 with my followers. Have a wonderful day☀️and many 🧾sales 🎉!!
Mar 24Reply
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