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Updated Jan 20
Updated Jan 20

Meet your Posher, Meagan

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Meagan and pictured with me is my fiancé. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Urban outfitters but I’m mostly a vintage girl love the 80s and 90s! I love color and patterns! The brighter the better ;) Only downsizing so my partner feels better about living with me —-he’s a minimalist :) If you buy a bunch I’ll discount a bit more. Willing to negotiate!! Thrift shop expert 💯💯
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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jinxy231 Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Feb 10Reply
brookewoodrum Hi there! 💗 I love your profile! I would really appreciate it if you would check out my shop. I have a large variety of sizes/styles/options at affordable prices! I’m trying to clear everything out so I’d really appreciate if you’d check it out. Thank you🥰🥰
May 31Reply
birdsinflight11 @brookewoodrum I will totally check it out!
May 31Reply
brookewoodrum @birdsinflight11 thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
May 31Reply
jinxy231 @birdsinflight11 No problem and Stay safe during this hard time. I hope the best for you on sales. Happy Poshing 😊
May 31Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed before 11 AM CST will ship today 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Jun 03Reply
myaddedsparkle Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Added Sparkle, a Posh Mentor, a 5 Star Seller, Quick Shipper, and Suggested User/Posh Ambassador! Feel free to check out my closet, full of jewelry and accessories! Don’t hesitate to ask questions! If anything catches your eye, I have a 3 for $30 sale going on, or if you’re bundle is over $50, you get a discount and free shipping! Hope you have fun, wether selling or shopping! Thanks, happy poshing! 🥂✨
Jun 11Reply
birdsinflight11 @addedsparkle thank you I’m so behind and new to this! Will look ❤️
Jun 14Reply
birdsinflight11 @rhunter300 thank you 🙏 I have a particular style thanks for looking through my closet :)
Jun 14Reply
birdsinflight11 @theposhunic0rn thank you I’m way behind on here :)
Jun 14Reply
anikatomlinson_ Hiiii!! I’m listing some American Eagle, Lululemon, Loft, Nike and Pink!! Feel free to check out my closet and do some shopping! I love when people give me offers and bundles!
Jun 19Reply
birdsinflight11 @anikatomlinson_ yeah I’ll be posting all week so check out my stuff too! I’ll take a look :)
Jun 19Reply
katecarroll6 Hi hun! I'm accepting most (Basically all) offers today and tomorrow! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like/make a bundle! It will be accepted :) Thank you!!
Jun 28Reply
birdsinflight11 @katecarroll6 thank you will take a look and I’ll offer a discount on my stuff if you see anything!!!!
Jun 28Reply
amconover61 I am so sorry I missed your sale. I haven't been on this app in a while because honestly nothing has been selling. I will be removing some items and clearing out the things I have in this closet, sooo I checked out your sizes and I am sending you some amazing items for free. I have them packaged and when the post office opens I will be on their front door step. Again thank you so much for your purchase and I hope the additional items are your taste and they fin a good home with you soon.
Jul 04Reply
birdsinflight11 @amconover61 that’s so sweet can you remind me which item I was looking at from you! I’m sorry it’s hard to keep up!
Jul 04Reply
amconover61 @birdsinflight11 you purchase my camel ANNE TAYLOR 4P WOOL COAT. I am also sending you a pair of heels and a hand bag that I hope you will enjoy
Jul 04Reply
birdsinflight11 @amconover61 I don’t think that’s me :) I’m def not a 4P but appreciate you!!
Jul 04Reply
amconover61 @birdsinflight11 lol sorry must have been another sale item. she bought from you Happy 4th
Jul 04Reply
birdsinflight11 @amconover61 no worries happy 4th girl
Jul 04Reply
flashyways I realized you live in LA too! What area?! I need more friends to go picking with here!
Jul 05Reply
birdsinflight11 @flashyways West Hollywood you?? Btw my friends shop on Virgil is right up your ally IG:
Jul 05Reply
flashyways @birdsinflight11 oh amazing! I'm in the DTLA Arts District! Will def check her shop!! <3
Jul 05Reply
birdsinflight11 @flashyways ugh you’re in the good part of town! Down to shop together when this shit gets better!!
Jul 06Reply
cutenbougie Hi love! I'm accepting most offers (basically all) tonight and tomorrow! I'm looking to reduce my closet! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like! Bundles are also welcome! Thank You! :)💕
Jul 19Reply
open2trades Rad closet sister!!
Aug 08Reply
birdsinflight11 @lwainscott thank you ❤️
Aug 09Reply
nikkileland82 Thank You for the Posh Love. I offer 15% for all bundles of 2 items or more and Free Shipping on purchase over $50. Happy Poshing 💋💋💋
Aug 19Reply
sleon382 I'm a little late with this..😱 Hi I'm Sheldon and it is my pleasure to meet you. Welcom to Poshmark, I am sure you will love it. I am here to help you with any question you may have about Poshmark please let me know and I will be happy to help you. Please be aware that people who try to get you to buy off-line...don't do this it's a scam and you will lose more than your monet. If you get a chance, check out my closest and let me know what you think.
Aug 21Reply
birdsinflight11 @sleon382 thank you and appreciate it - will check your closet
Aug 21Reply
claricesclosett thanks for the likes! i’m trying to get rid of a ton of items before i move so if you’re interested in anything i’m open to discounting bundles and ill accept any reasonable offers!!
Sep 02Reply
dealsonpointusa EXCLUSIVE OFFER!!! Hi Posher! For discount prices and special offers on my Ray Ban Sunglasses, like the item listing. I will send you an exclusive offer only available by liking the listing. FOLLOWING LIKING = SAVING!!!
Sep 04Reply
becky6259 Hi, Meagan! I have your order all ready to go, and it will ship first thing tomorrow (Monday)! Thank you so much for shopping in my closet!
Oct 04Reply
daisymaeacres I just sent you an offer on the Lands End shirt. Let me know if you are interested in the sweater & I can get that posted. I also have two other shirts that go well with the sweater I’ve also yet to post that match nicely. Bundles are great!!!
Nov 05Reply
birdsinflight11 @lifeisaishap excuse me it’s not correct
Nov 08Reply
earthbum @birdsinflight11 Thanks for the share! 😊
Nov 13Reply
nialove111 🖖🏽💎🥳👑
Nov 13Reply
hugsandprayer Hello I’m Teressa. I will be moving soon so if you are interested in anything in my closet please bundle up for a great deal. Thank you sooo much. Hugs and prayer
Nov 15Reply
bestdressed995 🛍⭐️Hi, Welcome to Poshmark⭐️🛍
Nov 28Reply
southernladies2 Were so glad you enjoyed your second bundle!! We hope to hear from you again in the future! -Love the Southern Ladies!
Dec 08Reply
birdsinflight11 @southernladies2 you will ❤️💯
Dec 08Reply
mamabearpdx Hi Love! Happy 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣1️⃣! Thank you so much for visiting my closet! Let’s make that ❤️yours!!! All my sales go into my non profit work so you get a great deal while spreading love!!!
Jan 08Reply
birdsinflight11 @mamabearpdx just seeing this and thank you will circle back with you soon very rad piece and cause ❤️
Jan 11Reply
warsaw123 @birdsinflight11 I had to cancel the order . I noticed a large rip at the bottom. So sorry
Jan 11Reply
birdsinflight11 @warsaw123 no worries thanks for letting me know appreciate it!
Jan 11Reply
juliemmclosett Hi! feel free to checkout my closet if you have a minute, I think you may like :)
Feb 07Reply
birdsinflight11 @juliemmclosett will do ❤️ same to you I’ll work with you on pricing!
Feb 07Reply
willawoods @birdsinflight11 I added measurements per your request on the Urban Outfitters bodysuit and tagged you. I don’t know if you saw them? I hope they helped. :)
Feb 15Reply
birdsinflight11 @willawoods I did - still debating sizing on me but thank you so much!!!
Feb 18Reply
birdsinflight11 @beautifynails thank you I totally will
Feb 18Reply
solittle1993 helloo, I saw that you followed me and I checked out your closet and it's awesome 💕 we also seem to have the same reddish blondish goldish brownish natural hair color. so instantly, from my perspective we are now posh friends. lmaoooo 😁 thanks for following
Feb 19Reply
birdsinflight11 @solittle1993 I completely agree ❤️
Feb 20Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Mar 06Reply
birdsinflight11 @mckenziejruud will check it out :)
Mar 08Reply
edmar1277 Hi, Meagan. I saw that you liked the set of biker shorts. If you bundle them with other items I can give you a good offer.
Mar 10Reply
2nddibs Thank you for the 5 ⭐️❤️❗️✌🏽
May 19Reply
lovenarf Hi Meagan. I have three Erika dresses in my closet now. Plus I have 1000+ other vintage, retro and new items that might be of interest to you. Would love for you to stop by and visit. Thanks.
Jun 01Reply
ceglsaer Wow you such a delight to shop with!! I will be visiting your shop again of that i am sure!!
Nov 20Reply
birdsinflight11 @ceglsaer anytime! And so sweet of you to say always open to making a deal so just ask me ❤️
Nov 20Reply
msginco1 Hi there! Are both towels in the same condition? I saw you accepted one of my offers, if they are both in the same great condition I'll accept your counter for the second towel...and can we bundle them? :)
Nov 27Reply
birdsinflight11 @msginco1 I only have 1 towel! I accidentally didn’t delete the second listing! The towel was never used just purchased :)
Nov 27Reply
birdsinflight11 @msginco1 if you can decline that offer — I can take it down sorry for the confusion I had a second one that sold awhile ago
Nov 27Reply
msginco1 Ah...bummer! I'll decline the $20 offer. Thanks!
Nov 27Reply
birdsinflight11 @msginco1 apologize! Yeah the other one sold for 75 a few months back if you want something else I’m happy to offer a good deal so let me know and appreciate your business !
Nov 27Reply
msginco1 I'll stick with just the towel for now but I'll keep an eye on your closet. I love how fun and colorful it is!
Nov 27Reply
birdsinflight11 @msginco1 it’s a beauty!!! ❤️
Nov 27Reply
sspitery @birdsinflight11 Thanx for finding me! I LOVE your closet!!! I will return
Feb 09Reply
guerrillagirls Hi! I love your closet! ❤️
Mar 03Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop or join a share group! 💛🌻
Mar 07Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Mar 18Reply
mimi1965 Hi sorry to bother u do u know when will this be shipped. Thank u
Mar 30Reply
birdsinflight11 @mimi1965 yes I’ll ship no later than Friday am!
Mar 30Reply
cutehosiery @birdsinflight11 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 19Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals🥳🥳🎉 if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing 🎉
Aug 12Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Sep 03Reply
retirementready Thank you for the purchase of the shoes. It is packed and ready to go. It should be on its way tomorrow.
Mar 31Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Apr 03Reply
jlcb0813 Hi Megan! I hope you are doing well! I was preparing the blouse you purchased for mailing today and noticed a stain on the tie. I tried to remove it with no success. I really don’t feel comfortable taking any money for it. Is there anything else in my closet that is of interest to you? Or I can cancel the sale? I’m so sorry. - Jenn B.
Apr 10Reply
birdsinflight11 @jlcb0813 thanks for letting me know, I checked unfortunately nothing else right now — we can cancel the order and again very much appreciate you reaching out to me! ❤️
Apr 10Reply
jbwlovelyday Hey Meghan. Please see the messages I left you on the purchasing page of the houndstooth ballet slippers and advise.. Thanks so much!
Apr 12Reply
loriannnj Hi There! I know you really loved the Sharon Anthony Kimono - a little big on me - feel free to make an offer. Want to see it go to a loving home, as it should💕
Aug 18Reply

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Los Angeles, CA
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Last Active: this hour

Los Angeles, CA
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