Meet your Posher, Meek brew
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Hi! I'm Meek. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, CHANEL, and Tory Burch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

11 others
like this

@sistaasuccess sorry you didn't like the shoes but they are in the same condition as the pics...
Apr 21Reply

@sistaasuccess Hi when are you shipping my shoes back?
Apr 24Reply

@preciousjoi I will be at post office tomorrow
Apr 24Reply

Shoes mailed
Apr 27Reply

@sistaasuccess I will got 12 for the phone case
Apr 28Reply

@jshanaer OK 20 free shipping
May 04Reply

Hello dear, I just wanted to keep you posted about your order. I'm terribly sorry but I had a huge family emergency and had to leave town immediately. I am a top-rated seller so this inconvenience is not normal for me. Please do not cancel your order and will be on Its Way, Monday – thank you so much for your business😍
Jul 03Reply

@sistaasuccess I counter offered
Jul 06Reply

@virgodiva1 no
Jul 15Reply

@sistaasuccess hi Hun I just lowered shoes if u r still interested 😊
Aug 05Reply

@moonshineblind you never shipped my order and i had to cancel it..smdh how u got top rated seller is crazy
Aug 31Reply

I posted photos of shipment please view so i can delete 😊ur tracking number is provided 😊
Sep 02Reply

I'll take 75 via🅿️🅿️
Sep 09Reply

@sistaasuccess Thanks for your interest in the toddler mm sneakers. I am running a sale for today only on my closet and have naked the sneakers down to $40 which is the lowest I can go. Let me know if you still want them. Thanks again!
Oct 24Reply

@sistaasuccess *marked lol
Oct 24Reply

Just dropped mm sneakers to $38 my absolute lowest for the night for the end of my 1 day sale :0)
Oct 25Reply

Now $35 :).
Oct 25Reply

Hey, I'm sorry. Willing to take $25 for the kids Burberry shirt.
Oct 26Reply

@sistaasuccess I can do the headband, bracelet and hair ties for $50. I will make you a custom listing so you only have to pay for one shipping. Thanks so much and you're gonna love these!
Nov 19Reply

Hey I made you a custom listing. It's the first one on my page. Thanks
Nov 19Reply

The $125 is the Black Friday deal. One thing I can actually help you with, and it's FREE, is the idea of looking up how to bid in a proper and tasteful way. Also, bid on pieces you can actually afford. Thanks! 💋💋💋
Nov 24Reply

Have a wonderful holiday😄
Nov 24Reply

@ming90210 2 you and your family as well
Nov 26Reply

Thank you for the five star rating and I hope to see you back soon 🌹😀
Dec 18Reply

Hello there, I am new to posh & I know you wanted a blue plus size dress... If you can email us...Maybe you can enlighten us on how this works! I'd appreciate it. We need help on shifting around in this app. Our email is thanks...Shawn...admin
Dec 26Reply

I am sorry but I am not going to go lower then $27 I didn't even want to go that low. This shirt cost me over $120
Jan 20Reply

Jan 28Reply

Feb 07Reply

Hello I want to extend my apologies for not responding to your offer. I have not received notifications from poshmark and completely missed your offer. If you are still interested in the Blue and black lace GRIFFIN Paris Jacket I will accept your offer at $20.
Feb 08Reply

Hey sorry for the in the middle of moving and my stuff is a little going to get this shipped out by Wednesday at the latest...just in case u were trying to rock it for Easter.
Apr 11Reply

Hi @sistaasuccess , I am wondering if you ever received the GAP blazer I sent you? Let me know!
Apr 25Reply

@kaitkessie no i have not
Apr 25Reply

@aboutte i never recieved because u never mailed it
Apr 25Reply

@welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕have a great time 💕💕💕as. Mentior and suggestive user any question I be happy to answer 💕💕💕I invite u to window shop at my boutique. 💕💕💕thank you @mjbp
May 05Reply

I've been out of town on a family emergency and didn't counter you offer in time. You can have the Nike skirt for 11 bucks If you're still interested.
May 10Reply

@sistaasuccess hi dear. I can't go any lower on the necklace. Also, I can't go any lower than my counter on the brooch. Sorry
May 13Reply

Hi , if you want I can make bundle for you and you don't have to pay shipping twice just one time.🌹🌹
May 20Reply

I give you the tank tops and that Earring $35 and you pay shipping just one time 😊
May 20Reply

Thanks for the offer! If you like I can package them up and place them in the mail for you so that they head your way tomorrow
May 21Reply

Hi! If you're still interested in the shoes - I'll accept your original offer if you put it through again :) let me know!
Jun 12Reply

Hi doll ! Hopefully we could meet somewhere in the middle for the Armani sneakers 💜 just because poshmark takes a big percentage of the total purchase 👎🏻
Jun 22Reply

Hi mayb meet me in the middle on the Chanel shirt it's still in package I never opened it and I paid almost 40$ for I countered at 25$ thank you
Jun 29Reply

Still interested in the jeans? I can lower it to $25 for you so you get cheaper shipping!
Jul 06Reply

Hi...I can accept your offer in the heels, however I'm unable to ship until 8/1 if that is okay let me know and I will accept it, ty!!!
Jul 18Reply

@sistaasuccess I'll accept your last offer if you put it through again 😊
Aug 06Reply

@sistaasuccess hey girl. I didn't get your offer until now on the bathing suit if you want to do 13 I will definitely pack it up today with some kind of gifts... alamat shipping 595 no matter what because the news no limit when I can send extra and at least if I do it at 13 and make I don't know almost 10 or something it's gorgeous especially the way it falls on the shoulders with the big ruffle and I'm jealous and because I wish I could wear it LOL
Aug 11Reply

@sistaasuccess sorry that Burberry sweater was sold in a different app
Sep 03Reply

@preciousjoi hi I seen you sold a pair of boots to sistaasuccess and she sent them back I sold her two pairs she said they were worn down they were bran new she wore them and sent them back and feed back on this buyer greatly appreciated
Sep 22Reply

@originals333 yeah that's what happened to me as well.
Sep 22Reply

@phoenix99 can you give me any feedback on this seller MB she purchase my bundle wore my boots and sent them back and she got the money back and I got worn boots that were brand new obviously she's a scam artist anything on this seller would be appreciated
Sep 22Reply

@originals333 lol how can wear two pair of boots in one day and run them down. I opened the box examine the run down boots u gave me and mailed them back to you the next day after I sent pictures to poshmark of your run down boots. Your the fraud.
Sep 22Reply

Sep 22Reply

The pictures you sent Poshmark of the rundown boots where the pictures you sent after you wore them you're a liar and God will get the revenge
Sep 22Reply

Why don't you be honest they didn't fit you and you wanted to use them for a day so you wore the brown cowboy boots and send the other ones back stop lying get honest with yourself
Sep 22Reply

It's people like you that give sites like this bad names dishonesty
Sep 22Reply

OnStar you did it too many other sellers on Poshmark because they notified me and said you did the same thing to them come on who's the liar
Sep 22Reply

@originals333 go to your wall and read all your conplaints. Go seek medical attention
Sep 22Reply

@sistaasuccess Tysm for your offer. My Closet supports The Alzheimer's Foundation. I give a portion of my profits to to the Foundation. I hope you understand
Sep 24Reply

Hey there im at my lowest due to posh fees hope you understand, I can however lower the price to my counteroffer so discounted shipping kicks in if you like, let me know. Thanks!
Oct 17Reply

Hiii i see you received your purchase. What seems to be the problem?
Oct 23Reply

@gorgyessfinds stains on inside of blazer looks like heavy deodorant. And lint balls on inside of blazer. Blazer delivered in dirty conditions
Oct 23Reply

@sistaasuccess Sorry but i washed this blazer before i sent it to you. It definately did not have deodorant stains or lint.
Oct 23Reply

@gorgyessfinds as soon as I opened package that's what I saw maybe u used powder detergent. I posted pictures would u like me to send u one.
Oct 23Reply

@gorgyessfinds I'm not trying to offend u let's just let poshmark handle this. Have a great day
Oct 23Reply

@sistaasuccess i dont use powder detergent sorry. I absolutely check all my garments before i send them out.
Oct 23Reply

Greetings, you purchased a pair of Club Monaco pants from me. I am out of town until Thursday night and will ship on Friday for sure. Thank you for your patience.
Oct 24Reply

Nov 01Reply

Hi I’m sorry I’m replying late to your offer I only have 1 of those pants left which is the red one
Thank you
Nov 24Reply

@sistaasuccess Welcome to Poshmark!!!!! Enjoy and have fun. If you are still interested in the Ugg boots, make another offer. Don’t give up, I love bargaining 😍😍😍. Any questions please feel free to ask me 🤗
Dec 04Reply

@demisisters how do they run. She just getting in a size 10
Dec 16Reply

@demisisters if they run small 11 should be fine. Can u ship asap its,for her Xmas party this week
Dec 16Reply

Thanks happy holidays
Dec 16Reply

I'm going to reimburse you for the shipping so it's only one charge for you. Ok? I will ship both out so look for refund in one of the package.😀😀.
Jan 10Reply

Hi Malika💞 I will get the shoes shipped out to you today!!! Thank you for purchasing from my closet, I appreciate it💞Blessings to you and yours 💞
Jan 19Reply

@mommad23 thanks so much for accepting my offer and fast shipping
Jan 20Reply

You’re very welcome 💞
Jan 20Reply

Hi Malika! Thanks for the offer on my Calvin Klein pants. I priced them at a fair price and offered you a reasonable counter price. Let’s meet in the middle. They have never been worn, only tried on to purchase. Super cute w great details and worth $25. Single Mom or I would give them to you. ❤️ Just can’t sell for $10. I hope you understand. If you want them I will ship tomorrow. Xx
Jan 21Reply

Hi Malika
Thanks for shopping my closet. Please note that the Cut 25 Leather/Knit Jacket has been reduced from $200 to $45 I paid $175, it’s almost a giveaway for $45. So I will counter your offer again for $45 and update the listing as Firm Price and bump up the price to $55 as this price was from CCO event from over the weekend.
Feb 23Reply

@acespm4me 40 is the max can do. I do understand the value u paid
Feb 23Reply

@sistaasuccess I understand and appreciate you for sharing that with me. Would it help if I place it on hold for you until next week for $50? The current price will be $55 but I will take off $5 to help cover your shipping fee.
Feb 23Reply

@acespm4me u just countered me for 45 because I'm 5 short I have to pay 50 next week. Thanks for considering my offer but 40 was my max. Thanks
Feb 23Reply

@sistaasuccess Okay will do. Check back later, if I mark it up higher it may still be around in 2 weeks but not much after that.
Feb 23Reply

Hey!! I countered on wrong item. If you still want the blazer I will accept at $12. Thank you for your interest
Feb 23Reply

Hi 👋🏽 Thank you for your purchase. Just wanted to let you know that I shipped your package out on the 20th. Disappointed in USPS for not getting this to you sooner, just wanted to let you know the ship date on my end. Thank you again.
Mar 24Reply

Hey Malika! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of Free People, White House Black Market, J Crew, Tory Burch, Michael Kors, Anthropologie and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-70% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Hope you have an amazing week! 💕Meg
Mar 26Reply

@sistaasuccess I can do your last offer on the tennis dress if you are still interested. Let me know and I can lower the price.
Mar 30Reply

Welcome to my closet Malika. Thanks so much for your offer. I just counter offered and can ship out today. I am on my way to the post Office in a little bit. Have a great weekend. 🌷😚❤
Mar 31Reply

Hey Malika 👋🏾 i was wondering if you still wanted to purchase the adidas set for $25? Just let me know if you still are interested ☺️
Mar 31Reply

Just a quick FYY. I love counter offers.
Apr 01Reply

Hi again. I see you declined my counter offer. If you like to counter 15 I will ship it out tomorrow. Have a great day.
Apr 01Reply

Good morning Malika! Thank you for your purchase over the weekend😍I just wanted to drop a line and let you know I just dropped off your package at the Post at 9am this morning. Have a great week 🌹
Apr 02Reply

@omsamadhi thanks so much enjoy your day
Apr 02Reply

The Nike are brand new and super comfortable with summer look . U will love but that's the lowest I can go
Apr 08Reply

I mailed skirt yesterday....hope you like it!
Apr 28Reply

Hey there sorry for the delay but you put in an offer for some shoes but I will so them for 13 if that still stands
May 01Reply

I can do them for 13, I will print label tonight and drop them off at the post office .
May 02Reply

I apologize for all the delays but I can do them for you for ten bucks just let me know my phone has been acting up bc I drop in in water.
May 03Reply

Hi Malika, thank you for the great offer. I countered so let me know what you think and feel free to counter as well. Have a great wknd and thank you for shopping on my page! ❤️
May 20Reply

Hi Malika....I see you got your track suit earlier today. I hope you enjoy it. I am waiting on you to accept the package. Thanks. God Bless.
May 25Reply

@jazdiva39 no I will be sending the track suit back. I found a small stain on it
May 26Reply

@jazdiva39 u will see if I wore it when I mail u it back. I Don't wear any of the items I purchase on here. I resell them at pop up shops. the pictures are actually better than the quality of your sweatsuit. I promise you will receive it back in the same conditions you mailed it. and when u do I will like an apology written on my wall the same way u wrote this nasty comment. Enjoy the rest of your day
May 27Reply

Hi there, I would be glad to accept your offer on the Banana Republic skirt if you bundled with other items. Bundling gets you the biggest discount. thank you
Jun 23Reply

Thank you for the comments 😌 enjoy!!
Jul 03Reply

Hey Doll ! What color lace up pants did you want? Green or gray ?
Jul 09Reply

@djvalleygirl good morning I would like green. do u have any Xl
Jul 09Reply

@sistaasuccess They are large 😊 They have some stretch to them though 👍🏻
Jul 09Reply

Hi Malika. I'll go $15 for the Boots if you want to go half way each?
Aug 02Reply

The price is firm for the Gucci belt
Sep 03Reply

Your Offer for My Authentic Brand New Moncler Is very insulting May I ask do you believe your shopping at yard sale or A fleamarket ?? If you dont know how Poshmark works I advise you to go do some homework!!
Sep 08Reply

can you do 15 for the dress
Sep 18Reply

Please accept your purchase
Sep 29Reply

Not sure if you received my counter offer
Did not get the offer until today
Just wondering if you received it
Have a great day
Oct 07Reply

Hi ive shipped your purchase, just waiting on the post office to scan it.
Jan 14Reply

Also let me know if there is anything else you are interested in. All offers are welcome, im off the next two days so ill be able to ship quicker.
Jan 14Reply

I see you have received your item, please accept, thank you 💗
Feb 08Reply

Hi. If you are still interested in the True Religion shirt- I'll take $25 if you send a new offer.
Feb 21Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I will ship first thing tomorrow morning
Mar 03Reply

@sistaasuccess hello l just want to see if you are still interested in the BCBG Pumps.
I counter-offered $40 let me
Know if you still want them.
Apr 04Reply

hello my dear may you please resubmit your offer l will accept and ship out today.
Apr 10Reply

@sistaasuccess hello dear lm open to offers to day if you are still interested in the BCBG Pumps l will take the $35 you offered.
Apr 12Reply

Yayyyy, thank you for your purchase, your package will be mailed out first thing Tuesday morning because of a holiday on Monday 🤗🤗🤗
May 26Reply

Since it's a holiday I'll ship it out tomorrow!!!!
May 27Reply

Thank yoi!
May 27Reply

It shows you got the dress , can you accept the order please
Jun 07Reply

@yaminbaezim I'm sorry I'm away on vacation but i won't be back until next week. I will release the funds but I can't give dress a review because I'm not hom to see it
Jun 07Reply

Thank you for your order babe!! The package will be shipped out tomorrow! I hope you love it!!
Aug 28Reply

Thank you for you purchase! I am traveling and plan on shipping Wednesday!
Feb 03Reply

Hi Malika! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute - I have lots of fun items for everyone and I'm open to reasonable offers. Have a great day and stay healthy ✨ 💝 Carol
Apr 24Reply

Hello I appreciate your order. The shirt you ordered comes in one color which is pink and black and that is exactly what you receive not sure why you stated it was the wrong color.
May 27Reply

Hi, Visit my closet, create a bundle of two or more things and save 60% off, I'm going to move and everything must to go! (everything is with 60% off except Mexican blouses and shoes) have a great day.
Jun 08Reply

So honored you enjoyed your purchase🤗! Stay Safe and see you soon!
Aug 14Reply

Hey! 👋 welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark 🤗 let me know if you have any questions and feel free to check out my closet as I sell your favorite brands! 🎀 happy poshing!
Oct 25Reply

Hi Maliki have u received your package
Let me know when you do, and if u like it thanku
Nov 14Reply

Do you want me to ship your swim cover or do you want me to cancel the transaction?
Apr 20Reply

Hello. I appreciate you shopping my closet and purchasing the pantsuit. I never got to wear it or try it on because I found a jumpsuit that was very similar after buying from another Posher. Since we both live in DE you should get it quickly since it was mailed out a few hours ago. I do hope you enjoy it. Thanks.
Jun 02Reply

Hello. I hope all is well. I appreciate you purchasing the pant suit and for giving me a five star rating. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you.
Jun 07Reply

Hi ~ Welcome to the world of posh! Glad you found our online store! Wild Time Fashion we have a huge selection of NEW apparel, footwear, accessories and jewelry fashion to custom one of a kind pieces! We have NEW arrivals daily so feel free to drop by and visit us anytime! If we can be any help let us know! Posh Ambassador’s since 2016! Have fun poshing! Enjoy, The CREW
Sep 16Reply

Now your trying to scam me too. Unbelievable
Oct 21Reply

@sistaasuccess Oops. I’m sorry I only have medium! Do you want medium??
Nov 14Reply

@erin_kiely no Thanks med will be to small
Nov 14Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jun 14Reply

Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Oct 11Reply

Duster and wide leg pants are in the mail box. To be picked up tomorrow. Thanks for shopping in my closet.
Dec 06Reply

@sistaasuccess thank you for your 5* rating and kind comment. Let me know if there is anything you like in my closet, I will give you a great price.
Feb 20Reply

Are you still interested in the red two-piece jumpsuit?
Mar 21Reply

@sistaasuccess let me no best price for jacket
we can chat!
Sep 02Reply
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