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Updated Oct 08
Updated Oct 08

Meet your Posher, Meghan

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Meghan. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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dajco Wishing you much success and fun Poshing 👠📦🕶📬🛍
Apr 19Reply
rsflournoy I mailed your Ian Mosh dress yesterday, but it is not tracking yet. If it doesn't start tracking today, I will check on it in the morning.
May 02Reply
poshmeghan @rsflournoy Thank you so much! I appreciate it.
May 02Reply
pandoras77 Hi welcome to Poshmark!! I hope you’re enjoying the many varieties of items you’ll find here. If you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to ask me!! Also, please check out my closet!! I offer excellent prices and quality merchandise!! Don’t forget to Bundle and Save!! Have a great day!! Don’t forget to SHARE, SHARE AND SHARE SOME MORE!!
May 07Reply
poshmeghan @dajco Thank you!
May 07Reply
meadowofthread @poshmeghan Welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions feel free to stop by my closet and ask! Check out my mystery box - resellers bundle if you're interested in boutique garments to list in your closet at wholesale prices. Great way to start making extra sales on Posh! 🌸🌼
May 09Reply
poshmeghan @prel0vedthreads Thank you so much! Have a great day!
May 09Reply
freedreaming Thanks for the likes!!! Welcome to Poshmark! ❤️
Jun 18Reply
poshmeghan @freedreaming Thank you so much! Love your closet!
Jun 18Reply
lyndseyfaithw Happy Poshing!!✨
Aug 09Reply
poshmeghan @lyndseyfaithw Thank you so much! Love your closet!
Aug 09Reply
closetcupid Pleasure to meet you 😇 Thank you so much for the follow!! 😍 I am pretty new here but expanding my closet fast. Please take a peak and feel free to reach out with questions or the offers. Happy Poshing!! ☺️😃
Aug 09Reply
poshmeghan @suchitrat Thank you ! Enjoyed your closet! I will be visiting it frequently!
Aug 09Reply
poshmeghan @eclipse_gallery That's ok. I ordered two pair of levi's from you. Did you cancel both?
Aug 14Reply
poshmeghan @eclipse_gallery Yes, you cancelled both. Ok maybe some other time then! Thanks!
Aug 14Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for the follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Sep 22Reply
poshmeghan @glassprism70 thank you so much!
Sep 22Reply
dee_deeshop Welcome to poshmark. Happy poshing. Hope you stop by my closet.
Sep 22Reply
poshmeghan @dee_deeshop Thank you so much! I enjoy looking through your closet. Nice variety!
Sep 23Reply
poshmeghan @outfitgrrl Thank you so much. I am so impressed with your closet! Too many pieces to love. I came across your closet when I was searching for Anthropologie clothing. Thanks again and have a great day!
Oct 20Reply
poshmeghan @outfitgrrl Oh, yes! So happy. Thank you!
Oct 23Reply
janfast Hi Meghan! Thanks for following my closet! 😊
Oct 28Reply
poshmeghan @janfast You're welcome!
Oct 28Reply
smaroulis Hi Meghan 🍁I’m Susan, 5 Star Rated Seller & Poshmark Ambassador. ☺️I want you to feel completely confident shopping my closet for new designer items from Michael KORS, Free People, Anne Klein & more 🎉I’ve personally shopped for from top retailers, as well as items from my own closet as I downsize 😎 Every item is top quality & authentic🌟
Oct 28Reply
dchillas ✓ Welcome to posh! I am a posh ambassador and here to help you with any questions you may have. As you continue to list items to your closet I will help you sell them by sharing them with my followers! Please check my closet out I hope you find something you love for yourself if not I have a lot of great gift giving items for every occasion birthdays you name it… If you like the item but not the price please make an offer I am very reasonable💕 Never too early to start buying Christmas gifts🎉
Oct 28Reply
pinkystorel Hi!!  Welcome to my closet! Feel free to look around and ask me any questions. My prices are super low, so it pays to bundle and save. I’m always adding new items, so come back and visit often! Follow me @pinkystorel  You get automatically 15 % when you add 2 iteams to your cart. When you add 3 iteams to you cart send me a message and I will give you free shipping. Thank you! 🍃🌸🍃
Oct 28Reply
poshgarden Nice to meet you 💞🛍
Oct 28Reply
butterflygigi18 Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🥰. I carry a wide variety of sizes and new and gently worn clothes in my closet. Whether you are selling or shopping feel free to message me with any questions about Poshmark. I’m happy to help and always accepting offers. Happy Poshing. 😃💕
Oct 28Reply
mariva931 @poshmeghan Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet 🤗 🤗 Have a wonderful week ahead 🌺 🌺🌸 🌺
Oct 28Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Meghan!🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m Alicia Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐 The best way to Buy & Sell Fashion! Thank you for visiting my Closet! 👜👜👜 Please feel free to Buy, make Offers (use button) or Put ❤️ on ALL your “Likes” & I will reply with my Lowest Offer! BTW... I’m a Posh Ambassador, so please feel free to ask me any questions! Xoxo Alicia 💕
Oct 28Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😀
Oct 28Reply
sunkneejade 🥳welcome to pm, ty for the follow💕if you're here to sell, remember bundles=$aving$👍shares=$ale$🤑&I always shareback💕I am a mentor, ambassador, affiliate,&top rated seller,feelfree to tag me if you have ?s💌I am happy to help🤩also, my closet is currently havin🥳flashsale🥳 if you're looking to shop🤑I have listings across markets(kids, home,mens,women)🔥keep in mind-see something you like&want it for less?send an offer,I always accept/counter 😉 happy poshing darling🌤💚
Oct 28Reply
poshmeghan @smaroulis Thank you! I will be sure to check your closet out!
Oct 29Reply
poshmeghan @dchillas Thank you so much! I will be sure to look in your closet.
Oct 29Reply
poshmeghan @pinkystorel Thank you so much for the info! I will be sure to check out your closet!
Oct 29Reply
smaroulis @poshmeghan wonderful ☺️❤️
Oct 29Reply
poshmeghan @poshgarden Thank you! And you as well!
Oct 29Reply
poshmeghan @butterflygigi18 Thank you for being so helpful! Awesome closet btw!
Oct 29Reply
poshmeghan @mariva931 My pleasure! You have a great week as well! Thank you!
Oct 29Reply
poshmeghan @aliciainbagland Thank you so much for the welcome and for being so helpful!
Oct 29Reply
poshmeghan @jocole96 Thank you! You have an awesome closet!
Oct 29Reply
poshmeghan @sunkneedaze Thank you so much for welcoming me. And thank you for being helpful! I appreciate it!
Oct 29Reply
aliciainbagland @poshmeghan You’re Welcome Sweetie! 🌹 Please read my First Ad Re 30% OFF Clearance Sale! 🤑 👜!
Oct 29Reply
sunkneejade @poshmeghan you're welcome doll! have a great week 🎃
Oct 29Reply
poshmeghan @sunkneedaze You too! 🍁
Oct 29Reply
4chantilly Ahh thanks so much for the rating. we restore little vintage trailers. I told my husband am going to load one up with fabric and go deliver to you. ☺️☺️
Nov 06Reply
poshmeghan @4chantilly Ooooo, business trip! I love vintage trailers. They are so cool! 😍
Nov 07Reply
lady_lilac If you Bundle your likes will give you a great deal!!
Nov 08Reply
lady_lilac Thanks for the likes if you put them in a bundle I’ll give you a great deal!!🙂
Nov 08Reply
poshmeghan @lady_lilac Thank you so much for the great deals! I appreciate it. Have a great day!
Nov 08Reply
teachposhrepeat Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that my Cyber Monday Sale starts now!! It’s BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE. Just make an offer for the price of the higher cost item and I’ll accept! ❤️
Dec 03Reply
angelalfrazier omg- thank you for the like on this sweater.... apparently NO ONE else sees how attractive and well-made it is.... i wore it once & received so many compliments... i will consider ANY offer.... i am exasperated with trying to take better photos of this!😜
Feb 27Reply
poshmeghan @angelalfrazier I must have pushed the like button on accident! I am so sorry! The truth is I love your entire closet! Including that white embellished sweater! I do have my eye on a few items. Unfortunately, I will have to hold off until this Friday to do any purchases. The sweater IS adorable 😍. Thank you and again I'm sorry!
Feb 27Reply
angelalfrazier @poshmeghan hahaha- you remind me of myself! no worries whatsoever.... i am not a hardcore, pushy seller-- i do this for fun in the evenings...i hope i didn't come across as agressive or annoying.... 😜😄💓
Feb 27Reply
poshmeghan @angelalfrazier Oh not at all! I would rather have a seller let me know that they are responsive if I am looking at their closet!
Feb 27Reply
msoria 🎉🎉Thanks for the follow!!! Welcome to Poshmark!!🎉🎉🎉🎉 Hi! I am Cedes 😃. Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh mentor and a Poshmark top seller so if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help! Also, I would like to invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing 😃💄🌹💃🏻💄🌹💅
Apr 19Reply
poshmeghan @msoria Thank you so much for reaching out! I appreciate that! This seems to be a great community of enthusiastic people. I have been enjoying it.
Apr 19Reply
rosepetals3 Hey🙋🏻‍♀️ I want to introduce My closet @Rosepetals3 to you! I have styles for everyone: Women, Men, and Kids. I love offers, and give major discounts on bundles+ Free Shipping🛍Check it out- I may have what you are looking for! ✨I hope to hear from you soon!🌹
Apr 30Reply
raifordgroup 🤗 Hello. We love ♥️ Poshing and you should, too. If you need any assistance or have questions, please ask us @raifordgroup . Whether you are shopping, selling or just browsing, please just have fun. 😎 Have a great week and Happy Poshing!! ⭐😊🌹🏆
Apr 30Reply
beller16 @poshmeghan THANK YOU, Meghan for your offer and purchase! I’m back to work full time (thankfully) so I will have to get them mailed tomorrow for you. 😊Beth
Jun 02Reply
poshmeghan @beller16 Thank you, so much! God bless you!
Jun 03Reply
beller16 @poshmeghan Thank you for your sweet review! I am so appreciative of you and your support. I’m so glad you are happy with your purchase, that means the world to me!💜Beth
Jun 06Reply
poshmeghan @beller16 I am extremely happy! Love your closet and your amazing customer service 🥰
Jun 07Reply
floridagirl2025 Hi Meghan, thank you for the sweet review. I’m so glad you liked the sweater. Have a wonderful day 😉😉
Oct 03Reply
poshmeghan @mhern01 Thank you too! It was a pleasure!
Oct 04Reply
mjbose Hi Meghan and thank you so much for your bundle purchase! (Smart to save on shipping). All are so cute and I hope you will love them. I will ship them first thing tomorrow morning! Happy Sunday!
Oct 04Reply
poshmeghan @mjbose Thank you! Love your closet much! 😍. Have a great rest of the weekend!
Oct 04Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hey! 👋 welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark 🤗 let me know if you have any questions and feel free to check out my closet as I sell your favorite brands! 🎀 happy poshing!
Oct 22Reply
poshmeghan @melllaaa_2011 Thank you for the warm welcome! Your closet looks very promising to me! I'm sure you will be hearing from me soon!
Oct 22Reply
pegslikenew Thanks for the nice love note. So happy you like the two tops! 💖
Nov 06Reply
poshmeghan @pegslikenew You're welcome! I really do love them! I will wear them a lot!
Nov 06Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Nov 12Reply
poshmeghan @mazyodc Hi, Marianne! I will definitely be visiting your closet! Thank you for the greeting and hope you are having a lovely week!
Nov 12Reply
poshmeghan @lovelylisal I LOVE YOUR CLOSET! I guess a little too much! I will reevaluate the items and make a new bundle. Thank you so much for your time!
Nov 15Reply
poshmeghan @lovelylisal Thank you so much for working with me and your patience! I appreciate the awesome deal you gave me. Thank you for your patience as well! Have a wonderful week.💞
Nov 16Reply
poshmeghan @lovelylisal So glad it was found!
Nov 17Reply
sharynlon65 Thank you for the 5 star rating and kind words on your Fila sneaker purchase. Appreciate it. Sharyn
Nov 19Reply
kimmyscloset247 Your love note made me smile! Thank you again for your purchase. Merry Christmas
Dec 23Reply
poshmeghan @kimmyscloset247 🥰 You are so welcome....Merry Christmas 🤗
Dec 24Reply
saskicarrerabsq @poshmeghan hello Meghan! Welcome to Posh 💖 and thank you for Poshing by my closet, let me know if I may be helpful 💖✨🛍
Jan 20Reply
poshmeghan @saskicarrerabsq Thank you so much! I appreciate the welcome! Love your closet!!!💞
Jan 20Reply
saskicarrerabsq @poshmeghan you come visit anytime you like AND always start a bundle on any likes. No obligation on my offers 🛍✨💖 have a beautiful week and stay well!
Jan 20Reply
haltomstephenie Welcome to Poshmark! I sure hope you enjoy this community as much as I have :) I'm a posh ambassador, so feel free to ask me ANY questions if you have them and I will do everything to help! Also, feel free to stop by my closet anytime. I post daily and have great deals right now. I also send free gifts with every purchase and WILL and always take/consider offers! Thank you, happy poshing and God Bless!
Mar 07Reply
poshmeghan @haltomstephenie thank you so much for the warm welcome! I will be sure to check out your closet. And thank you for reaching out! I appreciate it!
Mar 08Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jul 04Reply
poshmeghan @s27a Thank you! I will check out your closet! 🤗
Jul 05Reply
scarlettz0111 hey i came across your account and i wanted you to check out my offers
Aug 19Reply
poshmeghan @scarlettz0111 Thank you! I will check out your offers!
Aug 20Reply
bellanova14 @poshmeghan Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchases $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I will send you a private special discounted offer of 20% off on your total purchase plus discounter shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁 Can add extension free of charge if requested 🛍 All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁🛍
Jul 17Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 22Reply
bluerop Hi Meghan, this is Jean. I’m just stopping by to say hello and Welcome to Poshmark. Thanks for following! I appreciate you!! Please check out my closet. Stop by often and say hello! Best wishes to you and all you do here! Most of all just have fun and Happy Poshing🥰❣️
Jan 31Reply
believer13 @poshmeghan welcome to poshmark my name is Deborah a posh ambassador & I wanted to invite you to check out my listings when you have time blessings fair offers welcomed 💕
Apr 27Reply

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Last Active: Mar 04

Hastings, MI
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Last Active: Mar 04

Hastings, MI
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