Meet your Posher, Melanie
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Pics are of my kids! The one thing i did successfully! (I am going through a legal separation! ) I am a freelance writer! Look for me on pinterest 202Legit!

12 others
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Hey there! Wanted to stop by and welcome you to Poshmark. This is a great community of people who enjoy great deals, fashion and helping each other. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have as you start out. My biggest advice is to don't be afraid to start listing items so you can make extra money, share back other sellers listings and make sure to only list approved items. I'd love to offer you a great discount in my closet if there's anything you like, so feel free to add to bundle. 🌸💐
Jan 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! You will love the great bargains. Have fun. 💗
Jan 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🤸 I'm Ophia, a posh ambassador and suggested user. You've chosen a wonderful place to buy and sell new and used clothing/accessories. This is also a great place to meet great people.💕 Check out my closet, I'm always adding new goodies. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'm here to help. Also, I offer amazing deals!😊
Apr 15Reply

@phiamaebreezy ty so much for contacting me. I’m just starting out and can use any tips you have!
Apr 15Reply

@mcmilnor ty so much. How does the shipping work my friend!?
Apr 15Reply

@tomatocakes ty so much for the warm welcome. I’m starting out slow but hopes I get the hang of this soon! I’m gonna follow you too!
Apr 15Reply

🌹welcome to the big family ❤️happy poshing 🌸😆
Apr 15Reply

@cornwen ty so much cornwen! Any tips for the noob?
Apr 15Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 🌸😊💖
Apr 15Reply

@mjm4150 I only joined for a week, so I am pretty new here as well, but I have been learning. I like here most people are super friendly. I made my first sell and I also purchased quite bit nice stuff already. I would say following and sharing, then with more connections, you will be where you want. Good luck ❤️and happy Sunday happy poshing 😆
Apr 15Reply

Hey Melanie, Thanks for all the likes. Appreciate it babe. That cute little any boy is my grandson. Thanks for the compliment 😘
Apr 18Reply

@mjm4150 Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
Apr 18Reply

love thank you for all your like interested pls add your like to a bundle an allow me to send you an offer happy poshing
Apr 20Reply

Can anyone tell me how to seamlessly gain shares on here? It says I have zero but I share listings on my Pinterest board “My Posh Picks” all the time.
My Pinterest handle is the same as on here mjm4150 if you want to get to know me better....check it out!
Apr 21Reply

@mjm4150 Hi Melanie! Thank you for all of the likes! Let me know if I can help you. Also, I read your message above. You need to share on Poshmark. The shares that are kept track of on your public page are the shares you made for other people's closets. If you look at your private info, it will show the self shares. If you want to have other people share your items, you can share from the main feed or join share groups where you commit to sharing other closets and they commit to sharing yours.
Apr 22Reply

Happy Sunday Melanie! I would be happy to make you a ridiculously great offer on all those likes from my closet! Happy Poshing! 🌸💕😊
Apr 22Reply

Welcome to my POSHMARK store. Please let me know if you are interested in making an offer on the item that you liked.
I typically offer 15% discount to all new buyers and 20% off bundles of 3 or more items. Blessings!
Apr 22Reply

@mjm4150🙋🏻♀️Hi! Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing! I appreciate it,💗If you stop in to say hi whenever you’d like some shares, I’d be happy to share away!💗
Apr 23Reply

Hi there, thank you for all your likes 💕. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, if you bundle your likes, I will give you a great discounted price!! Thanks again, and Happy Poshing!!! 😃❤️🌸
Apr 23Reply

Hello & welcome. I will revisit often and help share your closet, possibly find myself something and watch you thrive here at Poshmark! Also, there’s so much I can show you if you want to learn just send a comment! But just start with SHARING, share items everywhere you go and everyone shares back, it’s a beautiful thing right here 🎀
May 02Reply

Hi Melanie!! Shawn Campitiello here 🤗😘 to help with weight loss
May 06Reply

@mslate513 you’re so awesome. Ty for quick response.
May 06Reply

Would you mind emailing me. I don’t do Facebook! C’est la vie! My email is Thanks again! You look great!
May 06Reply

Mel, we have the same cat 😂
May 07Reply

What a gorgeous family!!
May 07Reply

@tonibe hahaha. I call our girl Limber The Queen of the house. I am but her servant! Lol. What’s your cats name? Boy or girl? Are they sassy too?
May 07Reply

Good night Toni! Ty again for your sweetness!
May 07Reply

Melanie, what an adorable family and love your fur babies. So awesome to you that u gave a shout out to another closet. Happy Poshing and stay in touch☺️🌹
May 07Reply

Oh No! My belly has dropped so this baby is coming any day! That means PRICES ARE DROPPING to all time lows! Bundle all your ❤'s now & SAVE before they are gone! #BlackPicketFence 👑
May 09Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
May 10Reply

@spreadlove Hi Melissa! I am going to bookmark you! I love meeting new friends too. I’m great at sharing friends listings continually! People call me Mel too. I love the Jersey accent. I’m a Texan! Y’all have an extraordinary day! I saved your Buddha quote to my photo albums. Very wise words!
May 10Reply

@pegdundas Was everything all right with your order? I see you haven’t accepted yet. Please let me know.
May 12Reply

@pegdundas. Please accept your order so the money will be released or let me know if there is a problem.
May 13Reply

Ty so much for five star rating! Enjoy the shorts!
May 14Reply

Hi Melanie if you bundle all three of your likes I will give you a sweet deal. Thanks and happy Mother’s Day
May 14Reply

@claireentwistle. Was everything ok with your order? I see the order hasn’t been accepted and payment not released. It says it was delivered on May 28th. Let me know. Thanks. Melanie
May 19Reply

May 18th not May 28th. Typo!
May 20Reply

@magdaladye. Good morning! I checked your order last night and it says ready for pick up rather than delivered. I wanted to check and see if everything was ok. I’ve never seen that before! So I was concerned. Let me know! Have a nice Sunday!
May 20Reply

@whisper2238. Just to let you know I have not received my package yet. I am not one of those buyers who drags their feet on accepting the order. I also inspect it and accept immediately. Hopefully it arrives today. It says delivered but has not been yet! Fingers crossed!
May 22Reply

@mjm4150 Sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear that. I thought it was delivered to you yesterday. One time that happened to me as a consumer. The tracking info said it was delivered but it was only delivered to my post office - but was not delivered to me until the following day. If you don't receive it in today's mail, please let me know and I'll contact Poshmark Support for assistance. Thanks for letting me know!! 😘😀👍
May 22Reply

May 22Reply

@texaspineapple Thank You Bunches for the huge amount of Posh Love❤️❤️❤️! I had several follow me after that! Ty ty ty. I bookmarked you to find you easier! Keep in touch!
May 22Reply

@whisper2238 Oh No!!! It didn’t arrive again! I reported it to PoshMark. I hope you will do the same too! I will watch to talk to my mail carrier tomorrow. We have community boxes in my subdivision. Maybe she gave it to wrong box! I will call USPS tomorrow!
May 22Reply

@mjm4150 Oh my goodness! :( Yes, I just reported it to Poshmark as well. I will let you know what they say and you keep me posted on your end as well please! 👍
May 22Reply

Also can you send me tracking number. I cannot see it because it says it’s pending acceptance!
May 22Reply

@mjm4150 Hi sweetie! I was just checking in with you to see if you got any resolution yet? Also, I just now saw your message asking for the tracking number. I'm so sorry!!! Do you still need it? Please let me know. 💕
May 23Reply

@whisper2238 I still haven’t received my order! I’m mad at USPS. I know it must have gotten delivered to wrong box. I don’t know what I can do now! I guess if I have tracking number I can go to the post office and make a complaint!
May 23Reply

@whisper2238 I know it’s not your fault and I’m so sorry this is happening to us! I still have hopes it will turn up!
May 23Reply

@mjm4150 Did Poshmark respond to you? I've received two emails from them saying they're looking into it. I'm gonna try to find the tracking number and message it to you. Be right back! 😘
May 23Reply

@mjm4150 Yay! I was able to find the shipping label in my email trash. The USPS tracking number is:
9405 5108 9935 9460 2146 06
May 23Reply

@whisper2238 PoshMark support contacted me this morning and said we should wait until 5/27. Likely USPS made a mistake and the package may still turn up! Fingers crossed! I am heading to the post office at 9 am. To see if they can help! Just wanted to update you!
May 24Reply

@mjm4150 I will keep my fingers crossed too!! Thanks for letting me know! Curious as to what the post office will say. Probably nothing other than "our records show it was delivered." LOL Duh! 😄
May 24Reply

@mjm4150 That "duh" was meant for the PO, not you...;-)
May 24Reply

@deana1949. I’m sorry I just saw your offer for Mens Merona Shirt. If you are still interested put in offer I will accept 5 for shirt. I don’t know how I missed the first offer!
May 25Reply

I became a Posh Ambassador yesterday! 5/24/18
I plan to step up my game even more. I love to share cool listings and help other Poshers!
May 25Reply

Congrats on becoming an Ambassador!! 😘😀👍 Just checking in to see if there's been any update with the missing package.
May 25Reply

@whisper2238 ty so much! Nothing yet! I figure it’s gonna turn up sometime at one of our houses! I’m still hoping!!! Ty for checking with me! I hope you have a nice Memorial Day Weekend! The mail runs around 4:30 pm here so I will check in s few minutes for today! I’ll keep you posted!
May 25Reply

@Karen12345678 the post office is closed Monday for Memorial Day. I will ship first thing Tuesday morning! Have a happy Memorial Day Weekend! Melanie
May 27Reply

@bohoaddie Thanks so much darling for all the Posh Love! It is greatly appreciated! ❤️❤️❤️
May 27Reply

I still haven’t received the parcel! I’m very upset. It’s the first purchase I made for myself in quite a while since I have kids. It’s very discouraging! I guess I’ll buck up and manage but it is a big letdown! I hope your weekend is going well Whisper! Melanie
May 27Reply

@pacooke. Ty for your purchase! The Post office is closed on Monday for Memorial Day! I will ship first thing Tuesday morning! Have a great weekend!
May 27Reply

@mjm4150 Hey sweetie! I didn't get your last message because I wasn't tagged so that's why I hadn't responded. I just happened to see it when I came here to message you. I can't tell you how disappointed I am as well! This is the first time this has happened to one of my customers. I hate it that it had to be you! I also hate that it's lost because it was a cute piece of merchandise that seems to have gone to waste. 😩😕
May 29Reply

@whisper2238 yes it’s a real let down. I keep thinking it will eventually turn up either here or there! I guess we will wait and see but I did contact customer support. I will recheck your closet cause you had a bunch of cute things! Maybe we can try again! 💝
May 29Reply

I have a feeling my mail lady put it in the wrong box and someone liked it and kept it....but who knows!
May 29Reply

@mjm4150 I was going to ask, Poshmark didn't charge you for it right? Cuz if not, yes, please feel free to try again!! The mail lady should remember the package. I gift wrap all of my packages in bright floral colors with the mailing label clearly posted and my logo sticker on the outside. I'm hoping that it may have been delivered to someone who was on vacation and when they return they'll correct the situation but that's a long shot at this point I guess. :(
May 29Reply

@whisper2238 oh. She should remember that. I will try and catch her again tomorrow! I was all ready charged. I think it was 13.49 total. This Emma’s my third purchase on PoshMark.
May 29Reply

@mjm4150 I am soooo sorry! Especially for it only being your third purchase! And you stay on Poshmark customer service to make sure you get your money back. If they don't, let me know and I'll get on them!! Poshmark' s customer service is usually very good though. I'll check back with you tomorrow, dear! Sleep sweet! 😘
May 29Reply

@whisper2238 Thanks again! You have a great night sleep too!
May 29Reply

@keilahshannn When do you expect to ship my order? Just anxious to get it! Thanks Melanie
May 30Reply

@mjm4150 It will ship out today
May 30Reply

Hello I See You Like Handbags if so check out my Marc Jacobs Handbag I can Give You A Great Deal😀
May 30Reply

@keilahshannn ty so much!
May 30Reply

You have an awesome closet! 😍 Happy Poshing 💙🛍
May 30Reply

@lbirkholz4 awe!!! Ty so much! Right now this is what I do for work!
May 30Reply

@bbushnell1 Thank you Ms Bonnie for all the Posh Love! Happy Poshing! ❤️💝🎀🌷
May 31Reply

Hi, thank you for following my closet!
Jun 02Reply

Hi, if you are interested in a bundle? I will give you at least 25% off. I really appreciate the shares and you stopping in. I love your closet too. But, can't shop for awhile. We just celebrated my son's graduation and I am trying to recover from that before going out of town. If you just want individual offers on likes that is fine too. I just wanted to let you know I do neg. on most of my items.
Jun 04Reply

@mikeinmaryland Thank you for the five star rating! I hope you love the suit!
Jun 10Reply

Good fit. Good condition. This replaces a 3 button i had in the same color. so yay for me. I will get use out of this suit.
Jun 10Reply

Jun 10Reply

@mikeinmaryland That’s wonderful! And you didn’t break the bank either! I’m so happy to here it all worked out!
Jun 10Reply

@mjm4150 hello I make personalized jewelry high quality at the best price please check my closet or email me for discounts I also have website thanks ps I also sell that I finiti necklace
Jun 14Reply

@c_severance I hope your order arrived in a timely manner. Let me know if everything is ok! If it is please accept order for payment! Thanks. Melanie
Jun 16Reply

Offering Buy One Get One Free On all of my items :) Take advantage of this great offer! All you do is add to your bundle and send the offer for the higher priced item. You can do this for multiple items. Thanks!
Oct 13Reply

Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, VICTORIA’S SECRET, HOLLISTER and GUESS. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers on anything you like!💕
Dec 11Reply

You are invited 💃🏽 to take a 👀 peek in my closet 😁‼️ When you see something that you like 😍, feel free to make an offer‼️
Happy Holidays‼️
Dec 13Reply

Hi Melanie 👋🏽 Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, FILA, The North Face, Umbro, & Champion for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 🤗
Jan 11Reply

Welcome to poshmark, beautiful!!:) Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!!♡
Feb 09Reply

Welcome to poshmark, beautiful!!:) Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!!♡
Feb 09Reply

! MOVE OUT SALE ! Moving out of my apartment in 3 days and need my items sold by then! Please bundle and offer as I’ll be very negotiable:)
Apr 24Reply
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