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Updated Sep 05
Updated Sep 05

Meet your Posher, Melinda

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Melinda. One of my favorite brands is PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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madii64 Did you want to purchase the black sandals???
Aug 28Reply
guccim15 Welcomes to poshmark!!!! Thank u for the like🙏
Sep 01Reply
mmcneely0167 @celinedion2007 I haven''t set up one yet. I'm too busy looking at everyone else's and buying LOL !
Sep 03Reply
lillynbloom @mmcneely0167 hello Melinda :). Did you see the new listing :)?
Sep 05Reply
mmcneely0167 @shoval24 trying sorry this is new for me.
Sep 05Reply
melfstone @mmcneely0167 thank you for checking out my closet. Come back and visit me. I post new several times a week. Happy Poshing!!😊😎
Sep 15Reply
riverlove722 Thank you Melinda for all of your likes and welcome my friend to posh. Please let me know if you have any questions, I'm always happy to assist my special customers and would love to have you as one 💗💕😊
Sep 17Reply
kaleyheider nice to meet you!!💕
Sep 20Reply
iqclothessavvy Hi! I'm Julia. Welcome to Posh! We are glad to have you Poshing, it is very addicting!! One important need to know … to talk to anybody we have to put the @ sign in front of their name. @ acts like an address. To talk to me you would have to write @iqclothessavvy. Remember your password and login daily! BUNDLE to save lots of money! LMK if you have questions! I'm here to help. see BREAK ROOM and Learning Curve posts at bottom of my closet! WELCOME!! Hope that helps you enjoy the life of Posh!
Sep 21Reply
edenofgarden192 mmcneely0167 Thank you for liking my listing! edengarden192
Sep 23Reply
edenofgarden192 Thank you so much for purchasing the boots!
Sep 24Reply
spellsofmagic @mmcneely0167 hi Melinda :) thank you for liking a couple of listings in my closet :) please let me know if you have any questions ☺️
Sep 27Reply
lvanhefty Hello, Thank you for the Speery shoes order. However, it seems as though your shoes have been lost by US POSTAL. I have a recovery claim out for the package. They are lookimg for it in Green Bay. My fear is it is lost for good. I am so sorry. If you want to cancel the order I would understand. If they appear I can contact you and let you know they are back in my closet. So sorry abot this!
Sep 27Reply
mmcneely0167 @lvanhefty go ahead and cancel the entire order thank you.
Sep 27Reply
lvanhefty @mmcneely0167 It looks like you will have to cancel it on your end. Go to my purchases and select the shoes then select order inquiry. Then cancel order. That finalizes it and stops payment on your end.
Sep 28Reply
mmcneely0167 @lvanhefty I tried and it won't let me for 5 days. Unless I'm doing it wrong.
Sep 28Reply
lvanhefty @mmcneely0167 I see...well the money will not come out of your account because you did not accept it. Don't accept and wait the total 5 days and then Cancel it. I am fairlynew to Poshmark so I think that is how it is done. I have to cancel on an order last week bc it was taking so long to get the package after repeated reach outs to the seller. Just wait a couple more days to cancel. I will be in touch ina couple days to follow up with you toake sure it cancels correctly.
Sep 28Reply
lvanhefty Sorry about all this...
Sep 28Reply
mmcneely0167 @lvanhefty it's not your fault. Thank you for trying to resolve the issue. I'll wait a couple days then try again..
Sep 28Reply
mrsperkins So nice to meet you! 🤗My name is Breanne. 🙋🏼 I would like to welcome you to Poshmark! I am a Top Rated Seller, Suggested User, and have Co-Hosted 2 Parties💃🏼. I would love to have you stop by my page & see how fun Poshmark can be! Happy shopping 💐✨🎉
Oct 11Reply
mmcneely0167 @angela_pell Thank you for the update. It's funny your in North Royalties and I'm in Brunswick OH and it had to go to PA first. I could have picked it up faster!
Dec 20Reply
nicoleash147 Check out my closet! I give discounts on bundles 😊
Dec 31Reply
bellanblue Hello & welcome to posh!
Jan 16Reply
maidmarian Welcome to posh! Marian 🌈
Feb 03Reply
isabelxo_ Hi, you purchased a white top from me. I'll mail it as soon as I get my priority mail boxes!
Jul 22Reply
mmcneely0167 @isabelxo_ hi yes I did purchase the white shirt. I meant to include the long gold diamond necklace in the bundle that I placed the offer but for some reason it was left off. I was wondering if I could get the necklace with the white shirt?
Jul 22Reply
mmcneely0167 @isabelxo_ will I have to pay another shipping fee?
Jul 22Reply
isabelxo_ @mmcneely0167 not if you accept my offer for the necklace that I sent
Jul 22Reply
mmcneely0167 @isabelxo_ I'm sorry I didn't see your message till now and the offer expired. Can you do it again so I do not have to pay shipping 2x?
Jul 23Reply
isabelxo_ @mmcneely0167 yes I just sent the offer
Jul 23Reply
mmcneely0167 @isabelxo_ I just accepted the offer and was charged the shipping fee. What do I do?
Jul 23Reply
isabelxo_ @mmcneely0167 im not sure sorry. I don't know why you were charged a shipping fee
Jul 23Reply
mmcneely0167 @isabelxo_ could we cancel both orders and start over?
Jul 24Reply
isabelxo_ @mmcneely0167 I couldn't find how to cancel the order, it won't let me
Jul 24Reply
mmcneely0167 @isabelxo_ I emailed poshmark to see what to do. You should be able to cancel it but I don't know how either.
Jul 24Reply
melihou Hey there @mmcneely0167 ! I Just saw your bundle for the Nike Sneakers 👟. I haven't posted on here for a while and I'm not sure if you wanted to bundle with anything else in the closet? LMK, thanks! 😊
Jul 25Reply
marissa_posh Hey we can go with your initial offer if you want to make it again I will accept
Aug 04Reply
classygirl41 @mmcneely0167 welcome to posh and thanks so much for the like on my pendant it's beautiful in person 😊💕❤
Mar 24Reply
mmtwin10 Hi!! Not sure if you wanted me to send you an offer but fortunately I have exceeded all my offers to you through Poshmark. Please if you would like to purchase you may make an offer to me. This is not to pressure you at all I was letting you know what happen. Thanks and happy Poshing.
Jul 27Reply
27angie10 Hi dear! 🤗 I see you liked one of my listings. Please feel free to make an offer or create a bundle and offer me whatever you feel is fair and, as long as it’s reasonable, I will accept your offer and ship it out same day! Have a blessed day! 💕
Oct 02Reply
rotar_400 Hi, thank you for your interest in my closet items. I would love to give you a deal on a bundle. Please let me know if you have any questions 🤗 Happy Poshing!
Dec 15Reply
ashleysmith82 Hi there, I sent you an offer on the Lucky brand booties...if you would like to add the 2 sweaters to your bundle I can re-send you an even better offer! Thanks so much for stopping by my closet!!!
Dec 22Reply
dbonet11 @mmcneely0167 Hi Melinda! Thanks so much for checking out my closet! I see you liked the Toms and the suede pumps and if you're interested in making a bundle, I can offer both for $25 - if you grab them today as I'm leaving town and would want to ship before I go. Feel free to make an offer if you have interest or if you prefer only 1 pair, we can make deal if you like! Cheers & no pressure, just wanted to share the opportunity!
Mar 03Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Feb 03Reply

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Last Active: Nov 29 2022

Brunswick, OH
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Last Active: Nov 29 2022

Brunswick, OH
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