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Updated Aug 20
Updated Aug 20

Meet your Posher, Melinda POSH AMBASSADOR🌟🌟

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Hi! I'm Melinda. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)scene of downtown Nashville done when we had a bad flood and the local artists came in and took the country and western singers guitars and all sort of instruments and put them up for auction to help the people that were devestated by the flood and did the paintings
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blancagarcia577 Hello, Welcome to Poshmark🌻 It's a super fun atmosphere here! There are so many good deals to be discovered. It's also a wonderful place to rehome items and make some extra cash💸Please feel free to ask any questions🌻 Happy Poshing!
Jan 15Reply
janastreasures Welcome to Poshmark . Feel free to check out my closet I have buy one get one free sale on all tops or 30% off of 3 items . Happy Poshing!
Jan 15Reply
als121685 @lindysfunwear You have a great closet! Thank you for checking mine out 🥰😉💕🤩
Feb 25Reply
alajas Just wanted to stop by & introduce myself to you. I’m Gen💗 Thank you 🙏 for following me as I begin my journey 👣 with Poshmark. After being diagnosed with breast cancer I’m now ready to share our previously loved items. Please do stop by & check out my closet, who knows you might find something that you like for yourself or someone that you care for? Let’s have fun together while we share on this’ wonderful platform 🌸☘️💕
Mar 19Reply
lindysfunwear The painting is Nashville downtown
Mar 25Reply
terrytunes You have a large closet. You should check the Posh Ambassadors checklist to see how close you are to becoming one.
Apr 02Reply
nkassie Thanks for sharing!😀🤩🤗
Apr 24Reply
lindahunnie Hi! Just a heads up I think there was a mix up with packaging because I received a bundle of little boys clothes & not the sandals I ordered so I contacted poshmark & I should have those returned to you soon.
May 25Reply
lindysfunwear Thank all I had so many orders that day can you send them back and I will send you your rhinestone sandals right after the holidays if you still want them really sorry about that let me know
May 25Reply
lindysfunwear Can you let me know on the shoes I am so sorry
May 25Reply
lindysfunwear Linda I found the person who got the boys clothes lol I had a funeral and the flu this week never mixed up the order before
May 25Reply
your_fashions Hello love. I placed an offer on stuff I love. I have lots of brand new Uggs and such if you are open to trading. If not that is okay as well :)
Jun 03Reply
lindysfunwear The only thing posh is telling me that you paid for the Patagonia and the grey ones I have nothing to do with the shipping those so far are the only ones that are saying that sold
Jun 06Reply
jyoteub @lindysfunwear thank you for sharing my listing 💜
Jun 10Reply
lindysfunwear You are so welcome!!!
Jun 10Reply
2ndhandtreasure Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jun 14Reply
littletiny58 Hi Melinda🤓 Thankyou for stopping by and Checking Out my Closet Following And Sharing👍 Happy Sales And Poshing To You😘 Have A Fantastic 4th of July🎉
Jul 04Reply
stanori808 Hi Melinda! Welcome to Poshmark and Congrats on making Posh Ambassador! Thank you for visiting my closet and for Sharing! I also joined Poshmark recently (made a purchase in Mar/started my closet in Apr) and really appreciate it. You have such beautiful things in your closet that I just had to Share. Please come back for another visit. Have a great week! Thanks again!💐💖🦋
Jul 15Reply
blreibman1948 Loved your closet🌸🌸fun visiting❣️
Jul 24Reply
ninetimes99 Hi Melinda, So delighted you’re following my closet & always glad to meet new posh friends. Have fun & feel free to let me know if you ever have any questions about my closet goodies or want to share ideas for Poshing, as I’m here to help, & also open to feedback. ✨🌸✨ Warm Wishes of Success to Us All, Kim Posh Ambassador & Mentor
Jul 26Reply
ashb_marie Check out our jewelry box! Accessorize your new POSH finds with us! We have a Vintage CHIC Vibe bringing unique statement pieces you won’t find anywhere else! Bundle deals with 3 or more pieces! Happy POSHING!
Jul 26Reply
ilovegod2023 Happy Poshing🌻.....May your journey continue to be a success....God bless you❤....Feel free to stop by my closet I have beautiful shoes and clothing for women and more....I will be sure to stop by your closet🌻 I give discount and make offers❤❤❤
Jul 31Reply
finleyfindstx Thank you for sharing.
Aug 14Reply
lindysfunwear You are very welcome thank you also
Aug 14Reply
amybuck3 Hi there! Love your closet 🥳 You should definitely take a peek at my closet @amybuck3, I guarantee you will find something you like, maybe even something you L🥰VE! Happy Poshing!!!
Aug 14Reply
grabovich1970 Hi see you received your order hope you like your purchase, just wanted to say thank you again for the purchase.
Aug 20Reply
lindysfunwear I am not home so when I get there I will let you know thank you so much for the fast shipping
Aug 20Reply
jackalivin Hi Melinda, thank you for all the shares. You have a great Closet and the comments on Your Meet Your Posher Page are heartwarming! Wishing you lots of sales this week. Happy Poshing! Jack
Aug 20Reply
jackalivin No more Art Deco right now but I’ll let you know when I have more!
Aug 20Reply
grabovich1970 Hi please don’t forget to accept your order, so I can receive payment. Thank you
Aug 20Reply
devosbyadv Hi Fashionista! Thanks for the follow! 💖 Please check out more of my foxy, fashionable Athleisure 🧘 Many items to share & love! ❤️ Instead of boring black, our eye catching & durable yoga outfits are inspired by photography 🌈📸 happy poshing!
Aug 22Reply
bobbett328 Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 😊🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Aug 23Reply
zaddy_men_suits Thanks for Sharing my items...
Sep 03Reply
omgthatsgreat Thanks so much for sharing my closet.
Sep 04Reply
zaddy_men_suits Thanks for Sharing my items Melinda I really appreciate that!
Sep 05Reply
zaddy_men_suits Gratitude Melinda—Gratitude involves noticing the goodness that's provided to us. It's the acknowledgement that someone has done something meaningful for us. It helps notice the good that comes from outside of ourselves...
Sep 05Reply
zaddy_men_suits I noticed Melinda scrolling through your closet you don't target a specific group based on your style and personality. You have a wide range of items..
Sep 05Reply
lindysfunwear @gage_men_suits is that good or bad about my closet I like to have a variety for everyone
Sep 05Reply
zaddy_men_suits It means that it's excellent bcoz you will draw alot more potential buyers by having a large selection and variety to choose from...
Sep 05Reply
memoonakhan722 Dear fellow posher!!! Thanks for giving / follow to my closet. Poshmark is an easy and convenient platform to buy and sell fashionable products. 😊😎🤗 I sell baby girl handmade crochet items and handsewn outfits. Also I sell hair accessories and much more. Feel free to visit my closet. You might find something you love 💗 ❤️💗. I will be more then happy to assist you. Thanks 🙏 !!!
Sep 10Reply
augustbellhome Lindy, I had so much FUN SHARING YOUR CLOSET this Sunday morning. It’s filled with such a variety, and just absolute QUALITY!!! I learn from Fellow Poshers and Your Closet was just that!!! Thank You 🙏 and Beautiful day. 🙏❤️😊🌈
Sep 15Reply
lindysfunwear @bennington17 do you want me to cancel and then you can bundle
Nov 30Reply
lindysfunwear @bennington17 I never put it through so you are fine the measuring are81/2 by 81/2
Nov 30Reply
lindysfunwear Cancelled salt and pepper
Nov 30Reply
julie_p5 Hello from your neighbor just south of you! I’m from Franklin 😊 great closet!
Jan 28Reply
hruthven You sent me shoes by mistake
Feb 09Reply
luxury_cheaper Welcome to Poshmark! Enjoy Shopping & selling here :). If you have any questions about selling & shopping here we'll try to help. We sell designer bags. Check out our closet and we'll check yours. We are open to wholesale & Resellers. Happy Poshing ❤❤❤.
Feb 14Reply
msneverending1 Melinda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 08Reply
mncohen Hi!I shared 10 of your fabulous pieces! I hope you will check out my closet when you have a chance 😎
Jul 06Reply
beachladyfl Hello Melinda OMG that looks like a Peter Max in the photo with you. I have 2 of his Originals myself ❤
Sep 16Reply
justfortoday45 Hi Melinda! Thank you for your sweet note and the leggings. I pray that you are all better now! Blessings, Andrea
Jan 22Reply
poshpussycat Hi Melinda, thank you for your like and I sent you a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
Sep 29Reply
poshpussycat Hi, feel free to make a new offer on the booties, thanks!
Sep 30Reply
jems_menagierie Hello. Thank you for following my closet. I am new and appreciate all the support shown in this community. Quick question, is that a MAX beside you hanging? I LOVE MAX!!! Anyways, nice to see what you have.
Oct 28Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle I just moved so I’ll accept anything
Nov 09Reply
bestdressed995 You have a very good eye and a lovely💕closet!
Nov 15Reply
glogoesshopping Just wondering if you sent the little reindeer yet. Looking forward to it. Thank you in advance.
Nov 15Reply
lindysfunwear @glogoesshopping I am sending it out tomorrow I have been busy at the doctors
Nov 15Reply
glogoesshopping Hope all goes well with the doctors. Again. Thank you.
Nov 15Reply
lindysfunwear @glogoesshopping I sent it this morning
Nov 16Reply
glogoesshopping I see you've been onine...are you still planning on sending me reindeer? You said on Nov 16th you had sent...then 2 days later you said you needed my address ..gave it to you and still no response. ... truly disappointed in your not following through with our agreement..are you going to respond?
Dec 04Reply
lindysfunwear @glogoesshopping I never recieved your addresses I have been waiting for you to list it the reindeer is sitting on my desk I tissue waiting to go out
Dec 04Reply
lindysfunwear I never recieved your address where did you put it
Dec 04Reply
glogoesshopping Gave you address under comments in item originally purchased....where you told me you sent item on Nov 16th where you told me on the 18th you didn't have my address....or you can leave your phone # or your email and I will contact you directly
Dec 04Reply
lindysfunwear @glogoesshopping I wish my head was on straight I got bad news from the doctor will mail it today
Dec 04Reply
lindysfunwear With something else
Dec 04Reply
glogoesshopping I am so sorry you got bad news from the doctor. I will keep you in my prayers.
Dec 04Reply
lindysfunwear @glogoesshopping I am ready to send it out your address is not listed under the polar bear shaker I have looked everywhere please put it so I can find it
Dec 04Reply
lindysfunwear There is no comments
Dec 04Reply
glogoesshopping You can contact me glogoeshopping
Dec 05Reply
glogoesshopping I have Google mail G Mail
Dec 05Reply
glogoesshopping I will send home address via good mail
Dec 05Reply
glogoesshopping Mu address is also listed under the payments and shipping info section under the item I purchased. .but if you email me. I will send it you...
Dec 05Reply
glogoesshopping Glogoesshopping at
Dec 05Reply
glogoesshopping "G" oogle mail
Dec 05Reply
glogoesshopping Thank you very much. Love the reindeer and penguin. Really appreciate your following through and the extra gift.
Dec 10Reply
glitterbomb06 @lindysfunwear I would love to see a picture of the Radko that you have for sale! Do you know the name of it??
Jan 02Reply
brawdcaster Thanks for the follow! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your new posts 🙆‍♂️ Feel free to check out my closet and leave a like and comment on my "meet the posher" page. I regularly share anyone who leaves a comment there.
Jun 07Reply
watsonlilmommy @lindysfunwear Hello how are you check out my page all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets set as well
Jul 11Reply
watsonlilmommy @lindysfunwear hello check out my closet all offers are accepted see something you like I also have some beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in
Aug 14Reply
watsonlilmommy @lindysfunwear hello check out my closet see something you like send me and offer everything must go lost my grandma trying to get enough funds to go towards her tombstone
Apr 19Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me🎸
Jun 11Reply

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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Brentwood, TN
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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Brentwood, TN
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