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Updated Feb 04
Updated Feb 04

Meet your Posher, Melissa

Meet the Posher


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Hi! I'm Melissa. I love poshmark!!! I've made so many new friends. It's really become a lifestyle. I'm completely converted!! I only sell here now because I love the social aspect of it. I've recently become a full time reseller, and I love my job. I love finding deals and passing the savings onto my customers. My specialty is vintage and unique coach. My other favorite brands are Miu Miu, chanel, LV, Kate Spade, and Dooney & Bourke .
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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bagsnbistros @rixon007 no, definitely don't just want one.. Can you please cancel?
Oct 25Reply
shannonmizee hey can you accept for the coach purse? :)
Nov 08Reply
shannonmizee @missarney it's fine :) thank you!!
Nov 08Reply
me4te Hello and welcome to Poshing!
Dec 07Reply
bagsnbistros @me4te thank you..I really need to start selling!
Dec 07Reply
courtiepie Welcome to Poshmark! I’m a Posh Ambassador, so feel free to stop by my closet and let me know if you have any questions about how Posh works!
Dec 05Reply
sayurinita @missarney Welcome to Poshmark🎉please, check out my eclectic closet a variety of kids, women & men’s clothing👔🕶💄👗👠
Dec 06Reply
paulacristina11 Hi! 🙋‍♀️ I am Paula and welcome to Poshmark🎉🎉 You will love the friendly community we have at Poshmark. If you have any questions feel free to reach out @Paulacristina11 Happy Poshing!!!👡👜👗💄
Dec 06Reply
kb3055 Hi Melissa, I hope you are having a great Christmas Eve!! This skirt is so great and brand new with tags. Please let me know if I can help answer any questions about about any of my listings. Thanks so much!!:)
Dec 25Reply
mscolettemarie CUUUUUUTE stuff! Love your closet! Have a great weekend & Happy Poshing!
Jan 06Reply
bagsnbistros @kleo42 Yaaayyy...I'm so excited!
Jan 18Reply
bagsnbistros @mscolettemarie thank you!!! I just saw this. I'm gonna check out your closet now 😁
Jan 18Reply
bagsnbistros @kleo42 my pleasure 😁😁😁
Jan 21Reply
kbugg2601 Hi thank you for following me. Just letting you know I am open to offers and the more you bundle the more you save.
Jan 23Reply
sparkandblue Melissa, thank you for sharing the posh love ❤️
Jan 25Reply
bagsnbistros @sparkandblue my pleasure 😊
Jan 25Reply
rachmarie313 Thanks for all the shares love ! Let me know if you’re interested in anything and shoot me an offer
Jan 26Reply
bagsnbistros @rachmarie313 thank you hun!!
Jan 26Reply
mwrenn @mellysbags just wanted to thank u for all the shares. And u have an awesome closet
Jan 26Reply
bagsnbistros @mwrenn so do you!! I will come back for all those purses :) and you gave me an amazing deal
Jan 26Reply
mwrenn @mellysbags As I said. The Kazakh has never been used and even though in good shape, the D&B is discolored a little bit someone would have to look really hard to see it.
Jan 26Reply
mwrenn @mellysbags Trying to say KVZ has never been used. Need to update and add some new items. Did u see the like new no visible wear, strap never opened VERA BRADLEY
Jan 26Reply
densko Hi Melissa! Thanks so much for your shares! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a great weekend too!
Feb 03Reply
jaydouble67 Very nice closet! Thanks for all The shares!
Feb 04Reply
zen2017 Hello, and thank you for the shares! Great closet!
Feb 22Reply
Feb 22Reply
899ridgeview @mellysbags 💕💕What a nice surprise 💕Thank you so much for celebrating my Best in Bags host pick with me😘
Mar 19Reply
bagsnbistros @899ridgeview my pleasure!! I have a cute little white talbots bag with a bamboo handle
Mar 20Reply
bagsnbistros @tylertaj of course 😇
Mar 20Reply
zen2017 Hello, and thank you for the shares! Great closet!
Mar 20Reply
noeliascloset Thank you for the shares. You are the best! 💕👍👍
Mar 20Reply
glow316 Hello! Just thanking you for all the shares earlier! Finally Sitting down to return the favor. Hope you’re enjoying posh as much as I am! Have fun.
Mar 20Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Melissa. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Mar 28Reply
phillystyle2 Thanks for your shares😊
Mar 31Reply
megabeth33 Thank you for sharing my listings!! 💕✨🛍
Apr 01Reply
misskay235 @mellysbags Melissa, hello, you have some gorgeous bags. There is a perfect purse share group. Very organized. @derinda She sends out sign ups every day. Sign ups end at 6pm. Then each member shares 10 of everyone that sings up purses to their followers. Hope to see you there. Rita K
Apr 11Reply
bagsnbistros @misskay235 cool!! Thank you...I'll check it out!!
Apr 11Reply
msplf1949 🎉🎉shared 20 items 🎈🎈
Apr 25Reply
jessyjosh 👀🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following, sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my business. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways. Just be patient. As a reminder If I dont get back to you quickly am not ignoring you, I just cant keep up. I aprecciate everyone. TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome👣
Apr 30Reply
bagsnbistros @jessyjosh that's why poshmark is so cool!! Sharing is caring!!
Apr 30Reply
vmcmahon512 Thanks for sharing my post ! I’m new to this and trying to get it all figured out 😆
May 02Reply
lovethesale76 This is my all time favorite game... you are amazing! Have a great night... ❤️
May 20Reply
bagsnbistros @vmcmahon512 good luck!! I'm here if you have questions
May 20Reply
bagsnbistros @lovethesale76 awww thank you..I hope I'm more organized next week lol
May 20Reply
lovethesale76 @mellysbags life happens it’s a great game... has a lot of thought and creatively executed... 👍
May 20Reply
bagsnbistros @bra_lover I'm always happy to hun!! I love your closet!
Jun 02Reply
gigishanger THANKS so much for joining my FOLLOW GAME!!! sent some POSH LOVE your way!! Have a beautiful day!!!
Jun 04Reply
bagsnbistros @gigishanger thank you !!! I'll return the favor!!
Jun 04Reply
michael_coors @mellysbags your shares just led to a sale TY ☺️
Jun 06Reply
bagsnbistros @mikepea123 assess!!! Congrats!!!
Jun 06Reply
bagsnbistros Erm "yaaassss" rather
Jun 06Reply
bagsnbistros @mikepea123 don't say it's the deer though that will break my heart😢
Jun 06Reply
michael_coors @mellysbags haha. Just some shoes The deer will be a staple to my F’up closet
Jun 06Reply
mermaid_season Love the new profile pic! Too cute ❤️
Jun 06Reply
bagsnbistros @ejoy90 honor of national donut day i stuff my face with donut💞💞💞
Jun 06Reply
mermaid_season @mellysbags So tasty! 🍩❤️🍩❤️🍩
Jun 06Reply
lovethesale76 Hi there! Love the northeast - especially now! I really enjoy the creative aspect of your game... and enjoy Poshmark too. Stacia
Jun 17Reply
ogkatlee Super cute stuff, Melissa! 😻
Jun 18Reply
bagsnbistros @ogkatlee lol sorry ..I'm experimenting with direct shares lol. Thank you 😂😂😂
Jun 18Reply
kathyscloset26 How come my name is not in the list of Sellers to share?
Jun 24Reply
kimkay78 Hello Melissa, Thank you for the follow. I am already following you. I hope you have a great night! :)
Jul 13Reply
bagsnbistros @kimkay78 hey I was refollowing everyone to gain followers so I was already following you too 😁
Jul 13Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much!❤️
Jul 21Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Melissa, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jul 28Reply
aperfectbuy Welcome to Poshmark and thank for following me. If you see something in my closet you like click the   and "like" ❤ the item and/or bundle it and I will send a private offer.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions with either buying or selling. Happy Poshing 😊🌻🌻
Aug 03Reply
reynolds57 Thank you for following 😁
Aug 13Reply
bitz4less Hi— I’m sorry I forgot to share. I wasn’t feeling my best and when I got home from church. I went to best I am gonna share now.. Sorry again...❤️
Aug 13Reply
bagsnbistros @bitz4less aww don't worry about it!!! Feel better!!
Aug 13Reply
susanfaith1 Hi.. good morning... I tried to give you another offer on your bundle but it won’t let me 😢... o must have already made an offer... if you liked my listing at some point I will send out another offer to likers or you can send me an offer 😍
Aug 13Reply
divasandqueens Super cool! Thank you for following and supporting my closet. I will follow and support your closet as well.
Aug 18Reply
parisgrl1007 Hi 😊 wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for the Shares 💙👄❤💋
Aug 18Reply
niknak661 Hi Melissa..Thanks 4 stopping by and taking a P👀k
Aug 18Reply
jv71 Thankyou for the follow sweet girl!!!!!
Aug 20Reply
tyandlyn13 Hi Melissa I left you a message but it ended up on my Posh profile, if you can go read it please. Oh I just can’t get the handle of this, lol. Take care, Lyn. Love your family pictures!!!!!!!
Aug 21Reply
tyandlyn13 No the unicorn has not arrived yet. Sounds like code talk, lol. I will tell you when it does and again thank you for the updates! Take care, Lyn
Aug 21Reply
bagsnbistros @tyandlyn13 ok!! Lol it does. It sounds like it's lost then :( sigh. Well worst case scenario you get refunded 😂😂😂
Aug 21Reply
ldfhollister 🌿🦋🌿 hi there, great closet! 💕 those cat wallets! 😻 nice to know you, and Happy Poshing! 🌿🦋🌿
Aug 26Reply
annasposhalley @bagsnbistros 😍 Hi Melissa, its so funny when we dont know who is who in the PA FB group, lol. You have a sunday only share group? or a daily group that has sundays? No rush at all... i am actually on pre vacation this week & headed on real vacation next week. but i really do want to add another sunday SG. Big TY HUGS
Aug 29Reply
bagsnbistros @ldfhollister I'm glad you like!! Got a couple on clearance now😁
Aug 29Reply
bagsnbistros @annasposhalley I have a Sunday only group!! I don't think I could do it every day. I started it cause I couldn't find any. I also started a midnight one. I'm so happy you get a vacation!! Had to skip this year but I'm visiting the inlaws in for Christmas!!
Aug 29Reply
bagsnbistros @annasposhalley You have a unique closet with all the team jackets and vs stuff!! I just picked up a vs pink camo backpack for 2 dollars. Hope I can flip it!! It has a small tear in one of the water bottle pockets. Nice to see you!! Poshmark really is tiny.
Aug 29Reply
annasposhalley @bagsnbistros 💕Cool i will find it when i get posh back online. 💕 yes 5 girls in the family i do a lot of vs shopping. sometimes i pick up a limited edition item i know is going to sell out. but then there is not much profit margin, lol But i dont mind having something that someone might love. TTFN Hugs
Aug 29Reply
bagsnbistros @annasposhalley like me buying Kate Spade..not much profit but I love it
Aug 29Reply
annasposhalley @bagsnbistros hahaha, exactly!
Aug 29Reply
seashorse Is there a midnight share group tonite (Wed)? I can’t find the sign-up.
Sep 12Reply
bagsnbistros @seashorse no not yet. I'm kinda looking around for active posh no users who would be willing to help me out and host once or twice a week.
Sep 12Reply
evallier How did I miss the fact that you're from NH? Me too! :)
Sep 16Reply
bagsnbistros @evallier OMG really?? Where abouts??? I'm in Lebanon
Sep 17Reply
evallier South near Hollis. Small world!
Sep 17Reply
bagsnbistros @evallier ahh over near Nashua. Everyone in NH lives in the southeast.
Sep 17Reply
gossipgirl212 Tysm for the shares, no worries!! I know the feeling, just got home from traveling an hour ago. ❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘
Sep 20Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Sep 24Reply
bagsnbistros @gossipgirl212 I just saw this. You are very welcome. Thank you for being so supportive of my share games 😎
Sep 25Reply
manorly Hi Melissa, would you add me to the group please? Thanks❣
Sep 30Reply
bagsnbistros @manorly of course!! For the midnight group or the Sunday group? Xx
Sep 30Reply
manorly @bagsnbistros both, thanks, would u add me to the tag list. So appreciate it ❣
Sep 30Reply
bagsnbistros @manorly absolutely!! 😄
Sep 30Reply
sapurses Cute new photo ❤️❤️
Oct 06Reply
sofiathefifth Hi Melissa! I’m so sorry but I won’t be able to share in the “queen tea” group until tomorrow am! Just wanted you to know! xo
Oct 08Reply
bagsnbistros @sofiathefifth that's ok dear thanks for letting me know 😁😁
Oct 08Reply
bagsnbistros @sapurses hehe I just moved it from my profile because my logo just got delivered 😁 thank you
Oct 08Reply
lilleelee1 Dear Melissa, Thanks for shipping so quickly! I am Leanne, Customer who ordered 2 Aromatherapy Necklaces; 1 Owl, 1 Celtic. I inquired as to the different. Colors of Felt that you had? I never received received a response, now items have shipped! Really, IS NOT A BIG DEAL! Yet, could you PLEASE inform me about how many Pads you sent w/ each Diffuser necklace? What Colors were sent? Appreciate your response
Oct 14Reply
angelaenigro @bagsnbistros 💋 ƬǶ⍲ηƘ ỾOư ℱοℛ ỾOưℛ ƤOsǶ ℒοⱴ℮ && Ƙ℮ℯƤⅈƝᶃ ℳ℮ ȶⒶⒼⒼⒺȡ wǶ℮Ɲ ⅈ w⍲s οƝ ⱴⒶc⍲ȶⅈOη - - - ⅈ'ℓℓ β℮ sℋⒶℛⅈƝᶃ ƤOsǶ ℒοⱴ℮ wⅈȶǶ ƴOư 💋 💘🌸ⒶⓃⒼⒺⓁⒶ🌸💘
Oct 22Reply
bagsnbistros @angelaenigro xxxx thank you love
Oct 22Reply
amazinggracebtq Hi Melissa! Thank you for sharing for me! I got you back! You have some lovely items! Some of your photos are a little dark so it is hard to see how beautiful they are! I am working on this issue myself so please no offense! Ttyl, Sarah 😇
Nov 04Reply
bagsnbistros @amazinggracebtq yeah I need to redo some of the older photos. I've slowly been working on that. Thanks for the heads up!
Nov 04Reply
amazinggracebtq I learned about a free app called Pic Tap Toe that has been helping me brighten up my pics without having to redo them. Give it a try!
Nov 04Reply
katriels_korner Hello doll! Where is your Q&A post for New York Midnight? I probably am overlooking it cause I can't find it. I want to tag some new people under there for you to add to our notify list.
Nov 16Reply
drewecoble Thanks for following my closet...❄️
Dec 10Reply
danasdoings Thanks for the follow love your closet
Feb 16Reply
bagsnbistros @frenchiefied I have another one! But it's the same one you bought
Mar 12Reply
bagsnbistros @frenchiefied oh yours was an iphone x I'm sorry!!! :(
Mar 12Reply
heidizme #61 stopped by with a boxes and bows Stopped by your closet to take some clothes Loaded them up on to Poshmark Which is very smart Now let's watch your bank account grows! I'm happy to be your PFF! Hugs & Love @heidizme👢👠👗👒💄👛🛍💜😘💜
Mar 22Reply
bagsnbistros @heidizme thank you this is so sweet!!!
Mar 22Reply
heidizme #61 clean, clean, clean out the closet! Gather those shoes, clothes and let's deposit (it). 🧣👖👙🧦👔🕶🛍🎒👡👒👟👜 List it on Posh one by one. Make it look pretty and have some fun! That's the way to get the profits! 🏦💸 @ heidizme thank you for being wonderful you!! My PFF!🙋‍♀️💜😘💜 Day 2 Clean it out!
Mar 22Reply
heidizme Love 💜the fur babies
Mar 22Reply
emilydaehtop all the furbabies 😍🤗💓😭💖 i cant get enough 😍 your boys are cute beyond words 😻👬
Apr 20Reply
emilydaehtop i bet theyre the best of friends and the oldest is always watching out for is sometimes annoying and clingy but always adorable and his best friend little brother, i can just picture it now haha i mean look at their faces haha its perfect. 😂☺👬
Apr 20Reply
merri_graceland Oh my goodness! You and all of your babies are too cute!💖🌷💕
Apr 20Reply
demonhunters Congratulation on co-hosting the upcoming posh best in bag party. I can see you have a stunning collection. I have been working hard on creating a beautiful closet and posh compliant, for wanting to startup a small business here on Poshmark. I am wishing for a possible host pick to gain some exposure and new followers. I wish you many sales and lots of fun. Good Luck!
May 16Reply
casadaly ⭐️Congratulations on co-hosting Best in Bags PaRtY!!!⭐️ Just added new items in anticipation of the fun! Can't wait to participate! 😊
May 16Reply
asitrujillo @bagsnbistros - Super cute closet! Stopping by to show your closet some posh love and best wishes for speedy sales. Happy Poshing!! 🙂💙❤💛
May 17Reply
gigi11155 Cute FURBABIES🐶🐶 Congrats to HOSTING!! If you get a min would you see if I might have a HOST PICK??🎉🎉. Thanks a lot @gigi11155❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹🌹
May 17Reply
hangingclothes Hi! If you get the chance would you please stop by my closet and consider one of my items as a host pick? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
May 17Reply
poshmel888 @bagsnbistros hiii!! Yaaay! \😄/ HOW EXCITING you’re hosting a party! Thank you for taking the time to do all you’re doing.. I know you’re incredibly busy :/ but? If you have one moment? could you please pop by my closet and take a quick peek for a possible host pick? Thank you!!! Sending you ALL THE POSHPARTYLUCK I CAN MUSTER!! Rock. The. House ~~~ 🎋🍀🦄🌈💘💕🌸💵💵💵💵🙏💫❤️🕺🏽💃🏽⚡️🍀🎋💵💵✨
May 17Reply
casadaly 😍Thank you so much for a Best in Bags Host Pick!!! Send out lots of Posh love and blessings!🐶💖😍
May 17Reply
chisleekwear Hi Melissa! Thanks again for all ur support! Remain blessed💕 🙏🏽
May 18Reply
isellformycats HAPPY HOSTING!! Be sure to swing by my closet if you're still in need of a Host Pick ;)
Jun 05Reply
funkyllamaco Congrats on hosting tomorrow! 😻 if you are still looking for host picks, I would be honored for you to look at a few items in my closet! 😇💖 happy poshing!!!
Jun 05Reply
poshlady777 Hi, Congrats🎉 on hosting the upcoming Party. I would love if you would look at my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks much. Happy Poshing! 🛍🌻
Jun 05Reply
terbearco hi @bagsnbistros congrats on hosting the party tomorrow! I'm still pretty new here at Poshmark, I just started selling late in January, and I LOVE it!!! I hope you will check out my posh compliant closet for a HP. I have lots of great trendy items in my closet! Thanks, and good luck XO ❤️ PS, I am also adding some new items for the NEW home market, that were not previously compliant, but now are!!!
Jun 05Reply
chezphotography Congrats on Hosting your Party 🎊 🎈 🎉 ! Feel free to visit my closet for any possible Host Picks 🥰 Miss Cesare
Jun 05Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations! I'd love a host pick from my posh compliant closet. Thanks so much!
Jun 05Reply
fourhanger I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
Jun 06Reply
myclassicstash Hi, Congratulations on hosting tonight’s Total Trendsetter Posh Party! Would you please consider choosing an item from my closet as one of your Host Picks? I would be thrilled if you did. Thank you for your consideration, Jaqui @myclassicstash
Jun 06Reply
nonamebrand You throwing a party? 🎉 Check out my closet for some cool pieces to share. 😎 Like and share. All reasonable offers accepted! 💰
Jun 07Reply
woods23307 @bagsnbistros Congratulations on hosting your very own Posh party 🎉🎁🎊😃! I would appreciate it if you would consider my listing.
Jun 07Reply
divazshoe @bagsnbistros congrats on hosting your party plrase check out my closet for a host pick have fun will be sharing your closet 🌷💄👗👛
Jun 07Reply
irwinsammy Thank you for the offer. I need to figure out what size I need. I'll be back.
Aug 13Reply
irwinsammy I love vintage too. I do want the dress. I'm at a doctor's appointment so I probably won't be back in time to accept the offer. I do love the dress. Boho is my favorite style.
Aug 13Reply
bagsnbistros @irwinsammy you can send me an offer and I will honor the same discount!! Dont worry..take care of yourself first!!!! What size would you like?
Aug 13Reply
irwinsammy @bagsnbistros I am thinking a medium or large. I want to take measurements first when I get home. Does it run big? 😸🐾⚘
Aug 13Reply
irwinsammy I haven't filled my closet yet. Plan on getting items posted in a couple of weeks. Please check back and visit my closet. Thank You 😺🐾
Aug 13Reply
bagsnbistros @irwinsammy it depends on your chest size. It's more fitted in that area and then trumpets outward to the hem. It's meant to be oversize but you need to measure the chest area carefully
Aug 13Reply
hans_gerlich Hi Melissa, Have fun hosting and clearing your closet in the process. Gotta make room for your fall collection, no? Best, Hans G
Aug 17Reply
poshpgh_ Hi there! Congrats on hosting! I would love it if you considered one of my listings for the plus size host pick!! 🛍🎉
Aug 17Reply
alyssa_collects Hey I would love if you could check out my closet and consider some of my items for a host pick! Thank you 😀
Sep 01Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Sep 01Reply
caitibee Hey congrats on hosting!! I saw you were hosting the best in shoes party and I have some really gorgeous shoes in my closet, particularly my bedazzled pinup heels, my croc embossed loafers, and my blue and gold embroidered loafers! I’d really love if you might take a look and maybe choose one of my pieces as your pick for the party? Thanks for your time ❤️
Sep 01Reply
sarahgrayson02 Congrats on hosting the Best in Shoes party! That’s so exciting and fun! Would appreciate if you checked out my gold heels!!!
Sep 01Reply
shopwitheternal Congrats on hosting party🍸!Wishing luck with choosing chic pieces! If you get a chance check out my closet I’m sure you can find some pieces matching with theme @viewofstyle
Sep 02Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹Melissa🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Shoe Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Sep 02Reply
bitsofbeautiful @bagsnbistros Hey CONGRATULATIONS FRIEND!!!!! I hope you enjoy hosting this posh party!!!!! 🎉 I’d be honored if you took the time to swing by my closet!!!!!! Either way CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!!!!! 💞PFFS @Julissiamonds @poshmosh1013 @Sjbetch80 @Cosmos_goods @value_vintage @Therainbowkittn @Mrj4323 @aBitOfBeautiful 👑 -Msg Me To Be Removed 🛑🚫DO NOT COPY🚫🛑
Sep 02Reply
rlendore Hi!! 👋🏻 I would really appreciate it if you could take a quick look at my closet and consider one of my items for Host Pick!! 😉 Thank you!! ☺️ Happy Poshing!!! 🥰
Sep 02Reply
kaysuniverse @bagsnbistros 🙋 im Kay... (Posh Ambassador) just reaching out 2 introduce myself and share a few items. i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet anytime and follow me too. 👍 feel free 2 stop by and like, share, or make offers 😀 happy poshing!
Sep 23Reply
sotersanchez Thank you so much
Oct 12Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🍒
Oct 19Reply
elisam77 thanks for accepting my offer , I have a maxican party to go on Friday do you think you can shipping as soon as possible thanks again
Nov 19Reply
bagsnbistros @elisam77 yes I'll mail it in the morning!
Nov 19Reply
elisam77 @bagsnbistros thank you! god bless
Nov 19Reply
innerbeautyposh Greetings! 🌺🌺🌺 My name is Michelle & I wish you much fun and success on your “Poshing” journey!!! I am ALWAYS HAPPY to answer any question, any time! 🌟 If you would like to learn more about me, please feel free to take a peek at my my Meet the Posher listing! 😊 CHEERS! 🍾🥂 Michelle, @innerbeauty1968
Dec 07Reply
innerbeautyposh Your website is very cool! Love your family! My poshmark assistant, Chloe, is our 17 year old itty bitty black kitty cat! Recently she promoted herself to Executive Director of Treat Management! 😍😍😍 If you have a chance, take a peek at my Meet the Posher listing and you’ll see her there! She’s even managed to get a couple listings of her own! ♥️ Michelle
Dec 07Reply
lulusfringe Hello❣️ I just wanted to say thank you so much for the follow 🙏🏻❣️🌹 I’m pretty new here but really loving this community and l love so many closets- it’s very addictive❣️lol❣️ Again, Thank you❣️❤️🌹
Dec 10Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success and fun, as well as peace and happiness at the holidays, and throughout the New Year. God Bless
Dec 16Reply
qtboss1 Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy holidays to you and your family. Happy poshing😁💕🌺
Dec 27Reply
jensn123 Congratulations on hosting your party tomorrow :) !! If you have a chance to look at my closet for a host pick it would be much appreciated! Happy poshing :) thank you!!
Dec 28Reply
bardolator Hi, I hope you have a fantastic Posh party this evening. If you get a chance to take a look at my listings for a possible host pick, I’d be most grateful. Thank You and Happy Poshing.
Dec 28Reply
artelart ongratulations on hosting a posh party tonight! 🎉💕🌸🌺💝💐🎈🎁You’ve got a great taste and I’m sure you’re going to pick the most amazing Host Picks tonight! Feel free to check out my closet if you’re still looking for inspiration 🙏😊💝🌺💕
Dec 28Reply
styled_by_elle Congrats on hosting the casual cool party!! If you need anymore host picks I’d love for you to check out my closet. Thanks and happy poshing!
Dec 29Reply
sandy0102 Congratulations on hosting the posh party 👍👍
Dec 29Reply
preppypumpkin Congrats on hosting tonight’s party! It’d be such a compliment if you took a look at The Preppy Pumpkin for a potential kiddo host pick.
Dec 29Reply
noelous1 Congratulations on hosting the party tonight. please take a look at my closet. I will love a host pick!🛍
Dec 29Reply
justharris Thanks for the like!🔥🔥
Jan 08Reply
tishynicole Hi. I want to buy several of your large travel bags. Can I get a discounted bundle, by any chance? There’s about 7 or 8 of them I would like to purchase.
Jan 10Reply
bagsnbistros @tishynicole sure. which would you like?
Jan 10Reply
tishynicole @bagsnbistros it looks like there are 8 of them... they are the large nylon weekend bags.
Jan 10Reply
bagsnbistros @tishynicole oh you want 1 of each? sure go ahead and make a bundle😁
Jan 10Reply
mydogdomino I just purchased a pink over sized sweater from you. I just love it and want to know if you have anything similar. Could even be the same sweater in a different color. Please let me know!
Jan 12Reply
bagsnbistros @mydogdomino hey! I have another similar oversized sweater but it's more earthy tones. if you want I can tag you when I list new boutique items. I've had my eye on a blue version from my wholesaler of the sweater you got
Jan 12Reply
mydogdomino Yes. I saw the other one but I’m not sure that’s for me! I would love it if you could let me know if you get another like the pink one!
Jan 12Reply
mydogdomino @bagsnbistros that would be awesome!
Jan 12Reply
cj98w Hello, please look into my closet when you have time 😊! Your Closet is Fabolous Darling🦋!
Feb 07Reply
sandy0102 🌟🌟Congratulations on hosting the posh party. Please consider my closet for any host picks 🌟🌟
Feb 07Reply
sisterpie 🎈🍧🎠🍭🎡🍦Congrats on co-hosting the Best in Tops Posh Party! Hope you have super sales and super fun!🎈🍧🎠🍭🎡🍦
Feb 07Reply
bluefeathers5 Congrats on co-hosting!!🎉🎉 I just added a bunch of amazing tops to my closet. I’d be so grateful if you’d consider one for a host pick! I’ll be there sharing away👏
Feb 08Reply
jillei808 Congratulations on hosting this party tomorrow! I've RSVP’d and can't wait to participate. I would really appreciate it if you looked through my closet and considered something for a host pick. It would mean a lot. Thanks!
Feb 08Reply
haveuseenthis Hi Melissa, Congrats on being a party host for tops! 🌟🎉👏 If u r still looking for Host Picks I have several nice tops u might consider. I would appreciate if u took a look. I will be partying with u and sharing! Gotta go rearrange my closet now! Thanks and have lots of sales! 🤞💚$💚$💚$🤞
Feb 08Reply
beclassybebold I LOVE your ITEMS!👏👏😃😍
Feb 08Reply
robynridge Hi! I am a new Posh Ambassador trying to learn the details! Would you please consider one of my items for HOST PICK? Thank you very much! @robyncantor
Feb 08Reply
robynridge Hi! I am a new Posh Ambassador trying to learn the details! Would you please consider one of my items for HOST PICK? Thank you very much! @robyncantor
Feb 08Reply
honestabes Hats off to you 🎩, and congratulations on becoming a Postmark Party Host! ❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️ Would love if you would check out our closet and consider us for a host pick. Thank you and happy Poshing.
Feb 08Reply
gigi11155 Congrats on HOSTING!! Maybe you can help me get some items out there on HOST PICK!! I’d really appreciate it!! @gigi11155❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹👏🏼👏🏼🥂
Feb 08Reply
bijoubel Thank you so much for the HP today. I really appreciate you. Posh hugs. 💕🌸💖🌸💕🌸💖🌸💕
Feb 08Reply
sophiesspace hello fellow animal lover n posh convert! just wanted to thank u for ur shares n say how lovely ur family n fur family r! congrats on being full-time!
Feb 09Reply
geemonetty12 Hi, I'm a New Posher and I love your closet could you please check out my closet and tell me what you think?
Feb 10Reply
argeliasarmoire How do I become a party host!? :) Love your closet by the way! :)
Feb 27Reply
bagsnbistros @argeliasarmoire hey!!! if you go to their blog (you can google it) there's a form for you to fill out. there's like usually a year or so of a wait list but that's how easy it is!!
Feb 27Reply
argeliasarmoire Ahhh.. Okay... Thank you! :) I will do that. Happy Selling!
Feb 27Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Melissa on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super weekend and poshing 🛍🙏❤️❤️💜
Mar 15Reply
sarahsposhshop1 @bagsnbistros Thank you for all the shares! Blessings, Sarah <3
Mar 27Reply
shelbix Super cute closet girlie! Wishing you many sales 💗😊🌸
Apr 05Reply
fashionrework Hi do you have more Halloween sweaters sweatshirts or ugly Xmas sweaters?
Sep 03Reply
bagsnbistros @fashionrework hi, I have a few ugly sweaters to list, and I'll be adding them as I find them! it's usually vintage 80's sweaters
Sep 03Reply
coachandtrunk ps:LOVE the pics of your adorable fur babies🤗💜💙💜🐾
Sep 14Reply
fur3kar over $2 you declined my sale. you must really be in a hard spot. will pray for you. God bless. always better to take a sale than decline on something so minuscule. not buying anything from you ever note thanks 👍
Mar 02Reply
bagsnbistros @fur3kar actually it was over $12 and then you offered a dollar more. and I consider myself lucky. blocked.
Mar 02Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
Mar 10Reply
tracieanne Adorable kids and cute furbabies😀
Apr 10Reply
trinitystresor @bagsnbistros Thank you for the shares, Melissa 🤗 and just followed you on IG! 😍 Just sold my Free People necklace to a gal in North Pole (Alaska, i.e.) 😉 🎅🏻✨Merry Christmas!!🎄🎁 ❄️☃️💝
Dec 24Reply
bagsnbistros @trinitystresor oh great!!! drop me a comment over there to make sure I follow back!!! 😍😍
Dec 25Reply
trinitystresor @bagsnbistros you got it! 💝 Thanks 😊
Dec 25Reply
trinitystresor P.S. And your babies are adorable!! 😍 (fur babies, too, of course!!) 🥰💗💗💗💗💗💗
Dec 25Reply
littlesassybout Thanks for all the awesome posh tips on instagram!!
May 27Reply
bagsnbistros @sacharn oh thank you! That's sweet of you
May 27Reply
bagsnbistros @dopestposhboy yeah I blocked and moved on. he left like four comments about the shirt despite my accepting the return lol
Nov 21Reply
be_luxe Cats!!!🥰❤️
Jun 30Reply
bagsnbistros @be_luxe lol they're my world ❤️❤️
Jun 30Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉 🎉
Jul 18Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂 Best of luck with sales ✨️ Nice to meet you. Happy 🏆 Poshing!!!
Aug 14Reply
thriftwgrace Hi there, Nice Closet. I see that we both love to shop, shop, and shop (Smile). I am so happy to share your closet with my followers and would love for you to stop by my place. My closet is full of fun, feel-good items for all sizes. Well, thanks a million and Happy Poshing. Grace @thriftwgrace
Sep 19Reply
onelove422 ....... @bagsnbistros my parents live in NORWICH!!!!!!! xo @onelove422 I'll be up there in two weeks! Are there any good places to source up there?
Jun 06Reply

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Last Active: Mar 18

Lebanon, NH
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Last Active: Mar 18

Lebanon, NH
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