Meet your Posher, Melissa
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I am a Mom who truly BELIEVES in the energy and power of crystal therapy along with the paired ability of essential oils. I know first hand what it's like to want to use a holistic way of balancing one's conditions without relying or solely relying on medications. My jewelry is designed with a PURPOSE. By researching the most beneficial stones and combination of stones, I have designed my jewelry in a way that may be very powerful in supporting various conditions. I use only high quality stones.

217 others
like this

Welcome to poshmark mama!! ❤️😘
May 13Reply

Hello, welcome to Poshmark! My name is Aly & if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'm always more than happy to help! Happy poshing 💕
May 13Reply

@sillyaly16 Thank you so much!
May 13Reply

@birddogcouture Thank you!
May 13Reply

@pug3 Thank you! I'm excited to be here ❤️
May 13Reply

@designsbyci Thank you!! ❤️
May 13Reply

@saltykissdesign Welcome to Posh Melissa! If you need to ask any questions about Posh I am here to help you! This is a great community of ladies! Good Luck on your sales and remember if you need anything I am just a tag away! LOL. BARB😘🤗❤️💐🌸🙏🏻💜🌷💋🎉👏💜🙏🏻🤗😘💋💐❤️😘🤗💋💜🌷😃🌷👩🙏🏻‼️‼️‼️
May 13Reply

@lucksterlw Thank you so much!!! 😇💜
May 13Reply

@saltykissdesign 😘😘😘🙏🏻‼️
May 13Reply

Hi, my name is Donna welcome to Poshmark! If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask!😊
May 13Reply

@donnastreasures Thanks so much! 😇
May 13Reply

@saltykissdesign Anytime!
May 13Reply

Thanks for the shares. Happy poshing! Smooches 😘
May 19Reply

@rubycube You're welcome!! 💕 Have a terrific weekend!
May 19Reply

Hi Melissa! I'm Vicky 🙋 just saying hi with some FYI! ☺️
1️⃣ check the 'OTHER' category in my closet for info posts 👍
2️⃣ don't forget to share YOUR closet!
3️⃣ follow other PC closets👣
👭 IF you want to play the follow games, tag me on my follow game ( ex: @vicky_ymca )
🤔 Questions? Go to...
🔹PM Support Center ➡️ Community Guidelines
May 19Reply

@vicky_ymcagirl Hi Vicky! Thank you for the tips and info!!😊😇
May 19Reply

You have such beautiful pieces! And amazing cover shots. Definitely loving your boutique. 💕💕💕
May 20Reply

@the_o_boutique Thank you so much!!😇💕
May 20Reply

Hi Melissa 🙋🏻 Welcome to Poshmark 🌺🛍🌺
May 20Reply

@terri_lynns Thank you! 😇
May 20Reply

Absolutely beautiful jewelry and listings. Good job! 👏🏼!!!
I wish you the best of luck and will share as many as I can.
May 21Reply

@22elektricave Thank you so much, that means a lot! 😊
May 21Reply

Hello, Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for visiting my closet and spreading love ❤️ from it, it is truly appreciated 😘. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, make an offer, etc. God Bless you 😇💕🤗🙏, and Happy Poshing.
May 22Reply

@cheerup You're welcome and thank you! 😊😇
May 22Reply

🎀🎀💃💃Welcome to Poshmark 👞🛍👖👕👔
May 22Reply

@thriftynista Thank you! 💜
May 22Reply

@saltykissdesign You are very welcome indeed 🤗. God Bless you 😇💝🙏.
May 22Reply

@saltykissdesign u r welcome. Well deserved. Beautiful closet
May 22Reply

@thriftynista Thank you! I love your closet 🤗
May 22Reply

Thank you for making a newbie Posh feel welcome. ❤️!!!! Thanks for the shares
May 22Reply

@saltykissdesign Thank u! Learning a lot from all the other great closets on posh.
May 22Reply

@cheekyboutique You're welcome! 😊
May 22Reply

@thriftynista Yes!! There are some great closets here 💞 Love the unique items too.
May 22Reply

@saltykissdesign yes, lots of creativity
May 22Reply

Beautiful bracelets! Welcome! 🌹
May 22Reply

@rnybor Thank you so much! 😇
May 22Reply

Hi there, I happened to see a comment that you're daughter has dysautonomia? If you dont mind me asking, how does she cope, its just one of my many diseases and im having a hard time! Ty.
May 22Reply

@maucri I'm so sorry to hear that. Yes, it's definitely been difficult, but we have found things that help. Right now it's keeping her out of school. She was at the point where she was passing out 2 to 3 times a day. We are hoping she can go back this fall. Exercise is a big part of her routine now. We try to go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
May 22Reply

@maucri It just depends on her day how long we go. Gluten makes her feel terrible, so she has been trying to eliminate that. She drinks tons of water and Gatorade. Salt tabs help keep her sodium up along with medication. Tangerine essential oil helps her dizziness. I hope this helps! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions 😊
May 22Reply

@saltykissdesign wow that sounds just like me! I pass out everyday! Have low blood pressure and low blood sugar. Follow gluten free & dairy free diet, but i dont drink as much water as I should, gatorade def helps! What do u do with tangerine oil?
May 22Reply

I am much older lol & have lotsa other stuff too but this is certainly a challenge, wish her the best! I also take salt 3x a day, cant decide bout salt pills lol
May 22Reply

@maucri It's very scary! She doesn't have low blood sugar, but she has EDS so exercise is really important for her. Do you know when you're going to pass out? She did at first, then when the dr put her on a med for her pain, she was passing out without warning. She uses Tangerine essential oil by placing a drop or two under her tongue or the roof of her mouth to help dizziness, we use Young Living oils.
May 22Reply

@maucri She's on meds to keep her blood pressure up and that seems to help. I honestly think exercise is what helps her the most. She just takes salt tabs when she needs a little extra sodium. My youngest daughter is type 1 diabetic so, watching blood sugar levels is a thing around here too.
May 22Reply

@saltykissdesign yes i know when im going to pass out or have seizures, thankfully. Dr tried putting me on mididrin for a year b4 i figured out it was making me worse so i got off of it and found out about salt and have been much better off. Was always a big exerciser but now i pass out when i eat so i cant eat much and my stamina isnt as good so i cant work out like i use too but i do the best i can!
May 22Reply

@saltykissdesign really need to watch for side effects of meds, esp shes so young! I hardly take anything anymore unless i have to bcuz im so sensitive to meds, seems once you get something, keep getting more stuff, its terrible.
May 22Reply

@maucri I agree about the meds! A lot of times while it's suppose to be helping one problem it's causing another. She's only on one now, but is on a lot of vitamins and we use a lot of oils. This is how I got started using oils and designing my jewelry. I wanted to find a natural way to help her rather than all the meds they wanted to put her on.
May 22Reply

@maucri She wears a 7 chakra bracelet everyday and the first time she wore it she said "mom, I can tell a difference already". It especially helps with her anxiety. You are in my thoughts and prayers🙏🏻💕 If you need anything, please let me know!
May 22Reply

@saltykissdesign I kinda thought you were in the natural medicine world, thats where i work best too. Magnets for pain and magnet & energy bracelet , have done chakra yoga and seen the chakra ring on sale but it looked cheap lol. Was looking through ur closet but I have soooo much wrong with me wouldnt know which bracelet would help lol. Ill buzz you later n give you a list of more serious ones and maybe you could suggest something? Thx for your time!😊
May 22Reply

@maucri Sounds great! I would love to design something for you! 🤗 It's been nice talking to you!
May 22Reply

Hello Melissa. Welcome to Poshmark. You make beautiful jewelry. Wish you many sales. Thank you for sharing my closet today. 😊😉 Celeste
May 22Reply

@celestegeorge Thank you so much, Celeste! 😇💕
May 22Reply

Hi Melissa! As a fellow jewelry designer, I'm so glad to have you on Posh! I've had a tough time selling here for what my work is worth. I'm glad to have healthy competition!! Welcome!! Your work is just beautiful!!
May 22Reply

@brindleracer66 Thank you so much!😇 You're jewelry is beautiful too.❤️ I only use high quality gemstones and put a lot of time an thought into each piece, so I completely understand where you're coming from. 😊
May 22Reply

I'll happily share your pieces...if there's anything else I can do to offer support, let me know! Best wishes!🌺
May 22Reply

@brindleracer66 Thank you!❤️ I will keep sharing yours too! If I can ever do anything for you please let me know too!! Have a great night! 😊
May 22Reply

Thank you! Have a terrific night! Lovely to meet you!🌷
May 22Reply

@brindleracer66 So happy to have met you too!
May 22Reply

Hi how r u and ur girls tdy??? Thx again for all your shares and your help! Im gonna try your tangerine oil suggestion. If you think you can help at all, here are some of the conditions that I have: myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, shogrens, lupus, dysautonomia, TMJ, seizures, headaches/migraines, low bp & sugar, and i pass out a lot! Thats enuf, i could go on & on lol
May 23Reply

I dont really expect much lolcause at this point i dontevengo to my drs much anymore, i know how to takecare of myself its been so long but if you think you have anything that can help, give me a buzz ok?!?
May 23Reply

@maucri Hello, good to hear from you! 💕 Bless your heart, you do have a lot going on. I think you will really like the Tangerine! If your using oils, peppermint and lavender are really good for headaches. Do you use Young Living or DoTerra? My daughter has EDS, Dysautonomia and anxiety. She loves her 7 chakra bracelet with the lava, so she can use her oils on it too.
May 23Reply

@maucri Rose Quartz and Amethyst are good for headaches. I would definitely suggest that on a bracelet. Aventurine balances blood pressure, that's in the chakra bracelet, it's also for fibromyalgia along with citrine and Rose Quartz, Amethyst is for immune system, that's the the chakra too. After thinking about it, I think the Chakra is going to be the best, because they are different stones with different energies to help different conditions.
May 23Reply

@maucri I know you already know this, but this not a replacement for any medication or treatments. I especially want to make note of it for anyone who reads this. 😊
May 23Reply

@saltykissdesign lavender is my favorite!!! N yes i know but i have such reactions to meds, take less of them too, only seizure everyday! N everything else as needed except for vitamins and herbs but definitely alot of people should know that! Ok i might look into that chakra, can i wear that in addition to my magnet bracelet?
May 23Reply

@maucri Oils and vitamins help tremendously! I'm glad that you have found them to help 🤗 Yes, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be okay with your magnets. I actually have gold magnetic Hematite that I use in some of my bracelets.
May 23Reply

We have a sharing marathon going 😁I just wanted to say hi, and thank you for the shares and support! I love your jewelry designs but I have to narrow it down because I can't buy your whole closet LOL
May 24Reply

@borntorun6228 Yes we do! 😀 You're welcome and thank you so much!! You have a great closet 💕 I'm going to be adding some new pieces soon, it's just sitting down to get them finished lol.
May 24Reply

Hello, Welcome to Poshmark...We are so glad you joined us.
May 25Reply

@dianamo777 Thank you!
May 25Reply

Hello Melissa! You are truly an artisan in your jewelry designs and have a eye for creating beauty. I love your beautiful artistic creations and cover shots. I really think your pieces are so beautiful and one of a kind that they belong in the Sundance catalog! Are you familiar with their online site? You should check it out- many of your pieces would be perfect! And you could sell them for much more! 😊
May 26Reply

@lisaschuring Hi Lisa! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words!!! That means a lot to me!❤️😇 I just started designing jewelry in December and I love it. I have never heard of Sundance Catalog, but it sounds great, I will have to check into it. BTW you have a beautiful closet! 😊
May 26Reply

@saltykissdesign You only began in December and your creations are amazing!! You've got a gift! I honestly think you need to market your gift where it will be more appreciated - you might also want to look into opening your own etsy shop. I've made & sold jewelry before &I know what a labor of love it is! Your pieces are highly marketable & desirable in the right market 😊 I truly wish you success and all good things with your new venture! ❤❤❤
May 26Reply

@lisaschuring Thank you! ❤️❤️ Etsy is where I started in December with my Inspired Designs Shop and at first I was having a couple sales a week and now it has dropped drastically. I decided to give it a try on here. I'm a stay at home mom and while my daughters are 15 and 11, I need to currently be home with them because of medical reasons.
May 26Reply

💖🌼Thank you for sharing! Love your jewelry!🌸💖💎
May 26Reply

@saltykissdesign I meant to reply earlier and am sorry it took me all day to do so but I will definitely keep sharing your gorgeous creations with others and send positive energy and prayers your way for your success and for your daughters' health & healing. Be well! ❤
May 27Reply

@saltykissdesign gorgeous pieces. I myself and my mother design and make jewelry. I am so pleased to see your gorgeous pieces are being offered on Posh! 😘 love several!
May 27Reply

@lisaschuring Thank you! 😇❤️🙏🏻
May 27Reply

I love your closet! I love learning about oils and a firm believer in natural natural healing. I will keep sharing and will be in touch for something for myself! Happy Poshing!!
May 27Reply

@fashionforme2 Thank you so much!!❤️😇 You have a nice closet and I'm happy to meet another Posher who makes jewelry 😊
May 27Reply

@kamdynnorris2 Thank you!! 😇💕 Oils and stones have helped me and my family so much. If there is anything you want to learn more about, please let me know! 😊
May 27Reply

@saltykissdesign You are welcome! Have a great weekend! I will be in touch!🌺
May 27Reply

@kamdynnorris2 You have a great weekend too! 🌸 I look forward to hearing from you. 😊
May 27Reply

Sorry to post on this feed I didn't see where I could message you directly. I have some questions, I received your message welcoming me into the group and let you know if I had any questions. Thank you!
May 27Reply

@sillyaly16 within a minute I received messages from people wanting me it sell it on other sell sites Is this how it works?
May 27Reply

@waldron812 Hello😊 Sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question. People want you to sell your items somewhere else?
May 27Reply

I had a comment to go to appmerica and she wanted to buy it and did not have money on Posh but she would buy it if I sold it to her in there
May 27Reply

@waldron812 Oh I see 😊 I'm not comfortable doing that. I like to just keep all my sales on here. There are a lot of scams and I think you are safer to keep it here. Also be careful of people asking you to email them about your items, because they are interested in them. I don't respond!
May 27Reply

Ok thank you that is what I was assuming but did not want to be rude to other buyers. She did want me email. I was amazed at how quick I got a response after posting pics
May 27Reply

@waldron812 You're welcome! 💜 I'm not sure what the deal is with people wanting us to email them. My daughter sold an item one time and after she shipped it, the buyer told her that she didn't actually buy it. I think her trick was she wanted free items, because you can't "accidentally" buy them😔
May 27Reply

Oh no!!!! Did she get her money?
May 27Reply

@waldron812 Yes, thankfully! I'm guessing that she had done that before, because shortly after that she was off Poshmark.
May 27Reply

Hi! Thank you for sharing 🤗
May 29Reply

@cristinacavs You're welcome! 💕
May 29Reply

Hi Melissa🤗
May 30Reply

@tannerlc60 Hi Lejoyce! 🌸
May 30Reply

@sstov18 You're welcome! 😊
May 30Reply

Thank you for all of your shares. I love your beautiful jewelry and the passion you have about it. Have a great day!
May 30Reply

@wenrenee You're welcome! 😊 Thank you so much too! ❤️ Have a great day!!
May 30Reply

Hi Melissa! Thanks for all the shares! 😊
May 31Reply

@mischi302 You're welcome Lisa! 💕
May 31Reply

Thank you for all the sharing 💐you have a wonderful closet
May 31Reply

@gray788 You're welcome! You have a great closet 💕
May 31Reply

@shootergirl_ Thank you so much!❤️
Jun 01Reply

Beautiful jewelry! Thank you for sharing my closet!💖
Jun 01Reply

@bmjmatheson You're welcome and thank you so much! 💞
Jun 01Reply

Welcome to Posh Melissa!❣I've been here since 2012, if I can help or you have questions, I'm here everyday & check in often!👍🏼Lots of info in my closet as well!
Jun 01Reply

@abstractdreams Thank you so much!😇
Jun 01Reply

Hi. Thanks for sharing my creations with your followers 🌹
Jun 02Reply

@hmsimon1 You're welcome! 😊
Jun 02Reply

Beautiful closet. Very creative. Have a blessed evening. Sondra
Jun 03Reply

@shelpen Thank you! ❤️ Have a blessed weekend!!
Jun 03Reply

Thnk u so much 😊😊 for the shares ❤❤
Jun 05Reply

@kis10 You are so welcome! 💜
Jun 05Reply

just wanted to say that i love to see you in my feed everyday and i truly appreciate it when you share my listings <3 <3 <3 hope your monday is lovely so far :)
Jun 05Reply

@wildwoods My pleasure! 💜 I love your closet, it's so bright and cheery 🤗 Have a wonderful day.
Jun 05Reply

Thanks for sharing!! 🌷
Jun 05Reply

@syrena_1234 You're Welcome! 😊
Jun 05Reply

Love your pieces, and thank you for sharing items from my closet! I see that you're a fellow Young Living girl too!
Jun 05Reply

@dawnediva Thank you and you're very welcome! 💕 Yes!! I LOVE my Young Living oils ✨😊
Jun 05Reply

Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Jun 06Reply

@jassieboo92 Thank you 😊
Jun 06Reply

Thanks for sharing one of my listings. I just shared your closet with all of my following
Jun 07Reply

@carmies_closet You're welcome and thank you! 🌸
Jun 07Reply

Thank you for all thw shares!!!!!🌹😍🌷
Jun 07Reply

Thanks for the salty kisses all day 😘
Jun 07Reply

@whatabetty You're welcome! 💕
Jun 08Reply

@saltykissdesign....Melissa, Hi☺☺
Do you do any of the follow games? If not, would you like me to add your name to the ones I follow? It really helps you gain more followers and brings more, you meet more people and broaden your circle of Poshmark friends☺☺💕💕
Jun 08Reply

@michellegwilson Hi Michelle! I haven't tried any of the follow games, but I would love to try them😊 Thank you so much!!💜
Jun 08Reply

@saltykissdesign there's a ton more of them but I don't want to overwhelm you💕💕
Jun 08Reply

@michellegwilson Thank you so much! 💞 This will get me started 😊
Jun 08Reply

@saltykissdesign ☺☺💕💕
Jun 08Reply

Hi Melissa, please let me know if it's possible to order from you wholesale. I love your jewelry, and would love to sell it on my website. I've tagged you on the items I'm interested in, please let me know if you can sell it wholesale and the minimum quantities. Thank you, Michelle🌺
Jun 08Reply

My website will be completed this week, if you'd like to see it.😊
Jun 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark where the shopping 🎁 is always fun & the selling 👗 is easy! For men's items 👔 please ask about my other closet if you're interested. Please ask for anything you're looking for but don't see! Both closets are always 100% Posh compliant! I'm an avid "closet sharer" - I hope that you'll return the favor! Sharing is caring! Watch for the parties 🎉that get posted to your feed daily & post to them. You get greater visibility that way! HAPPIEST POSHING💞
Jun 08Reply

@fatty8 Hi Michelle! Thank you so much! 😊 I can figure out my wholesale price for each piece. Each one will depend on the type of stones that are in that piece. I would ask that you purchase a minimum of 5 pieces and they don't need be all the same. What I can do is tag you in the listing with the price for that piece. ☺️
Jun 08Reply

@fatty8 yes I would love to see it! 🌸
Jun 08Reply

Thank sounds great,! Thank you.💖
Jun 08Reply

@fatty8 You're welcome!
Jun 08Reply

@barneysbargains Thank you so much! 💞
Jun 09Reply

Hey Melissa! Looks like you ate even newer at this than me but I had a question for you. Have you found it hard to sell your real stone jewelry at a price where you can do more than break even? I have about 10-12 real stone necklaces that I have already marked down further than I would like.
In other news, welcome to poshmark! If you run into any problems or questions, let me know. I have a really great support system.
P.s. your closet looks so professional.
Jun 09Reply

@lmw0082 Hi Loren! Thank you so much 💜 Some pieces sell better than others. So far I have made a little more than just breaking even, but it's difficult to get out of them what I have put into them. I have a lot of people tell me that they are worth more than what I have them listed for. You have beautiful pieces and I think your prices look good. 😊
Jun 09Reply

@lmw0082 I was just looking around your closet again. I'm wondering if you try using a lighter background for your photos, if that will help make you colors pop. Do you take your pics in natural indirect light? 😊
Jun 09Reply

@saltykissdesign no. I havent. I dont have good lighting in my house. I need to redo many of the pics but that project has to wait because the hot water heater in my craft and posh room was flooded with boiling water and the closet has to be replaced because the pressure was so intense that it blew holes all over. I was able to save my listings though so I am very grateful. I might hit you up for some more tips when I get going again.b
Jun 09Reply

@saltykissdesign thank you. I will leave the prices alone and try to find more visually interesting ways to arrange them in photos.
Jun 09Reply

@lmw0082 Oh wow! I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm hope you weren't in there when that happened 😱 I hope things get back to normal for you soon! And yes, i would love to help any way I can! 😊💜
Jun 09Reply

@lmw0082 I sometimes use a piece of white or light colored paper under my items and take pics that way. It's a cost effective way to get some different backgrounds. 😊
Jun 09Reply

@saltykissdesign I was home but unharmed. Both our cats pulled through too and that's what really matters.
Jun 09Reply

@lmw0082 I'm so glad to hear you are all okay! 🙏🏻😇
Jun 09Reply

@fatty8 Hi Michelle! I figured a few of Wholesale prices, but I have to leave for a an appointment. I will finish figuring up the rest when I get back. Thanks so much! 💜
Jun 09Reply

Love your pieces! I will definitely be back to shop. 😁
Jun 10Reply

@dtesta117 Thank you so much!! 💕
Jun 10Reply

Hi feel we should meet online posh way via comment box lol seen u share my closet a lot much appriciete il return favor just packing since got married &ago int trough my closets live in Manhattan NYC so space is limited &fused be fashion model so have a lot vanya
Jun 11Reply

@vanyataycoon Hi Vanya! So nice to meet you 😊 I love your closet!! It sounds like you have a lot going on right now 😀 I have never been to NY, but it's on my list to visit some day. My daughter just competed and made the cut to compete in front of 50 agents for the 1st annual Midwest competition for modeling and acting. Hopefully, that will give me a really good excuse someday to go to NY ☺️
Jun 11Reply

@saltykissdesign that's very cool I wish for her success it is cut troth industry been in it since 16 got to travel the world saved me from living in 3world country build my parents house put my sister trough school now it's my turn to just enjoy my life please make sure she don't get into agency/ modeling schools that ask for money to take pict or build portfolio reputable agency's will take care of that &coffer contracts all she needs is simple pict u can take your self
Jun 11Reply

@vanyataycoon Awe thank you so much! 😊 I love your story! ❤️ You definitely deserve to take the time to enjoy doing the things you love and enjoy every moment! Thank you for the advice. I have warned her that she has to have thick skin to be in the industry, but if that's truly what she wants, then to never give up.
Jun 11Reply

Could be story lol but it's my life just got married may 11u can see pict of me &chubby &Amy doggy Vanya &yap thick skin is a must for her if she gets into modeling but there also amazing experiences she will figure it out &that's u to help if u have any questions in regards to her modeling all need is ask I know all the good agencies & way things work so if not sure I'm happy to help
Jun 11Reply

@vanyataycoon Happy 1 month tomorrow!! I wish you and your husband the very best! ☺️ That's a great pic too! Thank you, I may need more advice lol. This is all very new to us.
Jun 11Reply

@saltykissdesign ups thank you telling me I would compllitly not realize it just my hubby he went to his phone to check the date & then we just looked it at each other saying great its tomorrow so we didn't miss it thanx girl
Jun 11Reply

@saltykissdesign will tell you anything I know about this site I learn only been on a month so still learning big time been lucky to stumble on some nice pushers who really helped me will be happy to help if I can
Jun 11Reply

@vanyataycoon You're welcome glad I could help lol. Now you have a reason to do something extra special tomorrow 😊 I have only been on here for a month too, but if there is anything I can help you with too, just let me know!
Jun 11Reply

Guess will learn togheter if u have questions ask if I do I will &will figure it out vanya
Jun 11Reply

@vanyataycoon Great! Sounds like a good plan to me! 💕 Have a great night!
Jun 11Reply

Your designs are fabulous! Definitely well keep sharing!! 😘
Jun 11Reply

@lovingash79 Thank you so much! That means a lot to me! 😇😘
Jun 11Reply

Thanks for the shares! Your jewelry is so pretty!
Jun 13Reply

@atwistoffashion You're welcome and thank you so much! 😊💜
Jun 13Reply

Hi, Melissa. Thank you for completing my bundle. Can I see the items before purchasing? I will purchase it later next week. Thank you!
Jun 13Reply

@fatty8 Hi Michelle! You're so welcome! I'm not home right now, but as soon as I get home, I will post them for you to see 😊 I should be home in a couple hours.
Jun 13Reply

Thank you, Melissa! 💕
Jun 13Reply

@fatty8 You're welcome! 💜
Jun 13Reply

Appreciate all of the shares!! I Always try to return the favor and wish you speedy sales!!
Jun 13Reply

@skeefer24 Thank you and same to you! 😊
Jun 13Reply

Thanks for sharing!
Jun 14Reply

@sophiescout1 You're welcome!
Jun 14Reply

thanks for sharing my item! be sure to check out my closet for good deals. bundle two items and i'll send you a private offer. bundles of three or more instantly get 30% off!
Jun 14Reply

Thanks for the share! You have a cute closet!! ❤️
Jun 14Reply

Beautiful jewelry. Loved reading about how you choose stones. Take care:
Jun 14Reply

@kgokalga You're welcome and thank you! 💜 You have a great closet!
Jun 14Reply

@mztizliz Thank you so much! 💕
Jun 14Reply

Thank you for sharing my Posh Item! 😃
Jun 14Reply

Thank you for sharing my Posh Items! 😃
Jun 15Reply

@klmarler You're welcome! 💕
Jun 15Reply

@saltykissdesign After many months away from making polymer clay jewelry, I think I'm ready to get back into it. You and a couple of other Poshers have inspired me.
Jun 15Reply

@mztizliz That's great to hear! 💕 I love meeting other jewelry designers! I wish you lots and of luck and many sales!! 😊😇🙏🏻
Jun 15Reply

thanks for the share Melissa 🐱🦋👜💕🌸
Jun 15Reply

@5seasonsfashion You're welcome! 💕
Jun 15Reply

Just wanted to say thank you for all your shares!! Your jewelry is beautiful! You are very talented! ~Sarah 💗
Jun 16Reply

@mrssarahc You're welcome and thank you! 💕 You have a very nice closet!
Jun 16Reply

@saltykissdesign Thank you!! :)
Jun 16Reply

@saltykissdesign Thanks for sharing please feel free to check out my closet anytime and my PFF's @johnelem, @g_fashiondiary, @bobo808, and @dadarokm808 for their great closet collection of fashion and style. Happy Poshing!!! 😘 🌹🌺🌸🌷ALOHA🌸🌸🌹🌷
Jun 16Reply

Love all your bracekets❣️👍🏻
Jun 16Reply

@annmarielin Thank you so much! ❤️
Jun 16Reply

Your jewelry is gorgeous 💕
Jun 17Reply

@kalsterr Thank you so much! ❤️
Jun 17Reply

@dulcesuenos55 You are so welcome and thank you! 💜 Essential oils, stones and natural products have helped my family and I so much. So happy to hear that natural works for you too! 😊
Jun 18Reply

I just love sharing your closet ! Because I get to look through all your fabulous creations!! 💕💕
Jun 18Reply

@ronimase Awe thank you so much! ❤️
Jun 18Reply

Thanks for following me! Neat closet you have! Happy Poshing!💚🎉
Jun 19Reply

@eboreman You're welcome and thank you! Love your closet!💕
Jun 19Reply

@saltykissdesign Hi Melissa! Since I do a lot sharing back & forth with you; maybe you can help me?!
I had open heart surgery March 2015, the whole year+ after that sucked!! My issues, inflammation in my ankles, arthritis in my knees & one Dr told me a torn rotator cuff in my left arm from my pacemaker to my mid forearm!! I'm on blood pressure, heart, anxiety meds plus I take vitamin D-3 & omega fish oil. I know I need to exercise but if I have low energy or can hardly walk then I can't
Jun 19Reply

@saltykissdesign sorry. I eat a lot of fruit & veggies, my downfall is carbs. I believe in essential oils & ❤️ jewelry!! So, I do have balance issues & use a walker. I'm 63, used to be active but never would believe I would be like this at this stage of my life!!!😥 So ask away!!!???🌹
Jun 19Reply

@ewrpmom Hi Christine! I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues! I started using oils and stones when my daughter's symptoms from her illnesses were completely taking over her life. I truly believe in the power of essential oils and stones. I would love to try and help however I can. I have absolutely no medical background so I can only recommend what I have learned about oils and stones. 💕 Please ask away 😊 What type of oils are you using?
Jun 19Reply

@saltykissdesign Hi! I'm not using any essential oils right now. I was asking your advice & what type of bracelet you would create for me??🌹
Jun 19Reply

@ewrpmom Hi! I have various stones I can use to design a bracelet for you that will help with heart, blood pressure, arthritis, anxiety, inflammation and balance 😊 Are there certain colors you like? I can choose the stones based on colors and their properties. Also, do you like the stones to be smaller or larger? 💕
Jun 20Reply

@saltykissdesign TY! I like turquoise, purple & lavender. I prefer larger stones! Would I wear
it every day? I love the idea of the healing properties!!!🌹
Jun 20Reply

@ewrpmom You're welcome! 💜 I personally wear mine everyday and the only time I take them off is when I'm in water. It's completely up to you if you want to wear it everyday. I like mine stretchy too, but again it's personal preference. Amethyst is a really good one for anxiety and stress. Rose Quartz is great for the heart, and lowering blood pressure. That's just off the top of my head. I will look into it more for you to get the colors and properties to match.
Jun 20Reply

@ewrpmom Also another type you might like is the 7 chakra bracelet. I can tag you in some I have listed if you would like. I would definitely use Amethyst and Rose Quartz, if you like pink.🤗
Jun 20Reply

@saltykissdesign Amethyst is my birthstone & rose quartz is pretty so you are very close!🌹
Jun 20Reply

@ewrpmom That's perfect! Wearing your birthstone is thought to bring good luck and good health! 🌸 I will tag you in the Chakra bracelets and I will also come up with a few other combinations.
Jun 20Reply

@saltykissdesign just wanted to say hi and thanks for all your shares! 😊☀️You have unique pieces! If you're interested, there is a jewelry share group in @justpeep closet. If you have time one day, join in. We share 8 jewelry items from those who have signed in. It's great exposure, fun and you typically see an increase in sales. Happy Poshing!
Jun 21Reply

@luv2026 You're welcome! I love your closet! 💕 Thank you so much! I haven't joined a share group before. Are there instructions on how to use it in her closet?
Jun 21Reply

Hi there! You are easy to remember bc of your closet name and jewelry. Very pretty. Thank you for sharing my closet. I appreciate it greatly. I will definitely continue to do the same for you.
Jun 22Reply

@savymommanista You're welcome and thank you so much! 💕
Jun 22Reply

Hi Melissa, can you please hold this for another week ? I may have to cut the order in half as well, and purchase
half next week and the other half later. I'm sorry but I've been over my head with products. I will keep my word and purchase
the things that you've reserved for me.
Jun 22Reply

@fatty8 Sure just let me know what you want to purchase and when. Thank you for keeping your word! 💕
Jun 22Reply

I want to thank you for your kindness. Thanks for sharing! 😊
Jun 22Reply

@rrbundalo You're welcome! 💕
Jun 22Reply

@saltykissdesign I love your designs! You're so talented! 😀❤️
Jun 24Reply

@kimmy1231 Thank you so much! 💕
Jun 24Reply

Thank you so much for all of the shares 😘 I really do appreciate it ❤ I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Jun 25Reply

@sassysmith85 You're so welcome! ❤️ I love your closet! Have a great day! 😇💕
Jun 25Reply

Hi, Melissa! Your work is beautiful! 💕
Jun 25Reply

@fashionmellow Thank you so much! ❤️
Jun 25Reply

Just wanted to say welcome and thank you for the shares! I have only been doing this for a few months myself! If you are interested I will tag you on a great share group I have joined. You sign up daily so there's no commitment and agree to share the top 6 items in everyone's closet. Usually around 25 people sign in so it takes about 15 minutes to share. Only other restriction is the shares have to be between 6pm-midnight. You have a wonderful closet--good luck to you! 😊
Jun 27Reply

Sharegroup I mentioned is @jessrosestyles
Jun 27Reply

@farleygal Thank you so much! 💕 I really like your closet! 😊 Thank you also for the info on the share group! I will have to give it a try!
Jun 27Reply

Hi! I am Maggie. I always enjoy visiting your closet. Your closet is filled with so much joy and happiness!! The products that you make are very unique, inspiring and give hope to those who wear them because of the their meanings that you write in your listings. Thanks for all your shares 💕 I am enjoying sharing yours and will continue. Have a blessed day!!
Jun 27Reply

@maggienegley Hi Maggie! Thank you so much for your kind words! ❤️ It means so much to me! Have a blessed day 😇🙏🏻
Jun 27Reply

@2gethershopping You're welcome and thank you so much!
Jun 27Reply

Hi again 😄 Posh is having BEST IN JEWELRY PARTY now. Share your listings in the party 🎉 wishing you sales!! 💕
Jun 27Reply

@maggienegley Oh thank you so much! I didn't see what it was today!❤️😘
Jun 27Reply

Good morning 😃 I am happy to see many of your closet items have been sold....Yay!!! Your products positive energy is now out in the universe 😇
Jun 28Reply

@maggienegley Good morning! Thank you so much! 🤗 I hope to continue sending positive energy! 😇💕
Jun 28Reply

@nikkistation Awww thank you so much! 💕
Jun 28Reply

Your closet is full of beautiful items! Love it!! ❤️
Jun 29Reply

@gordybees Thank you so much! ❤️ Love your closet! 😍
Jun 29Reply

@mylivelyday Thank you so much! ❤️
Jul 01Reply

I just wanted to say that I am a beginning jewelry maker myself, making the same style jewelry as you, although yours is much prettier!! For now, I just make it for fun and making jewelry is like my fidget spinner, LOL! (I have severe ADHD). I love the idea of a diffuser bracelet, very cool. Just wanted to say how pretty I thought your creations are and I'll be watching your closet closely!! Have a blessed day!!
Jul 02Reply

@ah328 Awe thank you so much! ❤️ I just started in December and I love it. It's amazing how relaxing it is to be able to sit there and create pieces. I like meeting other people who create jewelry. Thank you for connecting 😊
Jul 02Reply

Thank you for sharing!
Jul 02Reply

@lgt57peanut You're welcome!💕
Jul 02Reply

@greekmama1 I finished your bracelet!😊 I just wanted to make sure it's okay before I ship it to you. 💕
Jul 03Reply

@saltykissdesign Hi Honey I'm so in love with it. It's perfect ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 03Reply

😘😘Thank you for the shares!
Jul 03Reply

@greekmama1 I'm so happy you like it! ❤️❤️ I will get it packed up and ship it today! 😊😇✨
Jul 03Reply

@allbetterinpink You're welcome! ❤️
Jul 03Reply

Thanks for sharing !
Jul 04Reply

@eboyer221 You're welcome and thank you so much!😊
Jul 04Reply

@nasusca You're welcome!
Jul 04Reply

Melissa, thank you so much for all the shares. I found your closet and love it. I am a big believer in crystals and holistic remedies. Your work is beautiful. I hope to be able to purchase a bracelet soon 😊
Jul 05Reply

@babycake2000 Thank you so much! ❤️ you have a great closet! 🌺😊
Jul 05Reply

Thanks for the shares!!! 💕 You are the sweetest!!!!! LOVE your closet! 😍
Jul 06Reply

@josielynn99 You're welcome and thank you so much!! ❤️🌺
Jul 06Reply

HI Melissa! I'm Maria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark. Thanks for sharing one of my listings. I have shared your listing and your profile too. Have a wonderful day! 💝
Jul 06Reply

@eve91 No so far I haven't had a problem. Did you report it by chance?
Jul 06Reply

@eve91 so they must have caught on to her and she's just opening other accounts. It's sad that people have to be that way. Thank you for letting me know and if I have any issues with that name or anything else I will let you know! 😊
Jul 06Reply

@maria_celeste_g Hi Maria! So nice to meet have ❤️ Thank you so much and you have a great closet!! 😊💝🌺
Jul 06Reply

@saltykissdesign My pleasure, Melissa! 😄 I followed you too to stay in touch. 👪 Thank you for the compliment! I think you have a wonderful closet. A healer's sanctuary! 😇 Hoping to visit from time to time to maybe find something that resonates well for me. 💖
Jul 06Reply

Really beautiful pieces! 💎
Jul 07Reply

@melissaramo210 Thank you!😊
Jul 07Reply

@saltykissdesign your welcome 😊
Jul 07Reply

😘 Thank you for always sharing.
Jul 08Reply

Hi, thank you for sharing💗
Jul 09Reply

@danciaw You're welcome! Love your closet 💕
Jul 09Reply

@allbetterinpink My pleasure ❤️
Jul 09Reply

@sosoutherngirl You're welcome! 💕🌺
Jul 09Reply

@danciaw You're welcome! I don't know about you, but listing in itself takes a lot of focus for me. Lol 😂 Wishing you lots of sales ❤️
Jul 09Reply

@danciaw Nope, I'm right there with ya!! 🌺💕
Jul 09Reply

@saltykissdesign Hi Melissa💕your Closet is absolutely beautiful! I love it💕I have a question, where do you get your supplies? I get mine at Michael's store, but sometimes it gets very pricey. There is only one other place in Santa Barbara I trust. I appreciate your advice. Vicky
Jul 09Reply

@vickag24 Hi Vicky! I love your closet too❤️ I go to Hobby Lobby, which is similar to Michael's, for a lot of my charms and supplies. As far as my gemstones, I always want to be sure they are high quality, so I go to Etsy for all of that. I hope this helps! 🌺😇
Jul 09Reply

@saltykissdesign isn't that the truth! It takes time from what I love to do, which is beading.
Jul 09Reply

This was supposed to be posted as a reply about posting hahaha @saltykissdesign
Jul 09Reply

@vickag24 Yes! Me too 😊💕
Jul 09Reply

@vickag24 I was guessing that ❤️😘
Jul 09Reply

Hi Melissa. I ordered a bracelet from you, and I ordered a size way too big. Is it possible to return it, so you can fix it for me? How much would you charge?
Jul 09Reply

@momtwo_feathers Hi Renee! Of course I would be happy to adjust it for you! No extra charge😊 if you could just pay shipping both ways, that would be great ❤️ Do you know what size you would like?
Jul 09Reply

@saltykissdesign Thats very kind of you. Thank you--I would be more than happy to do that. I ordered a 7.5, and it was way too big. I bought it as a present, and it didn't fit either one of us. I'm thinking I need a 6...?
Jul 09Reply

Thanks for sharing and visiting my closet! 😊
Jul 09Reply

@momtwo_feathers You're welcome! Do you have a paper tape measure by chance? If you have a way to measure your wrist, I can help you with the size😊💕🌺
Jul 09Reply

@bbenton03 You're welcome! You have a great closet! 😊💕
Jul 09Reply

@saltykissdesign yeah, I have a tape measure. If you can give me your shipping address, I'll get it in the mail this week.
Jul 09Reply

@momtwo_feathers Perfect! If you could email me at, I would feel more comfortable giving you my address through there. Thanks so much! 😊💕
Jul 09Reply

@saltykissdesign sure, I understand. I'll email you tonight. Thanks again.
Jul 09Reply

@momtwo_feathers Great, thank you!
Jul 09Reply

@saltykissdesign Hi Melissa, I'm Beverly. Welcome to Poshmark. Would you like to be added to my tag list to help you gain more followers and get possible Hostess Picks. It will get you more involved in the Posh community too. For good information go to @official_forum. Let me know and thank you for all the shares. ❤️
Jul 09Reply

@saltykissdesign Thank you so much!
Jul 09Reply

Good afternoon
Love your bracelets I would like to buy one
Of your Items a necklace that will not tarnish and I
Can wet it without damaging it
I would like any suggestions pls .
You dont have to let me know now
Take your time pls .
Thank you so much
Love your store 😃
Jul 10Reply

@bbenton03 You're welcome!
Jul 11Reply

@elleskye1975 You're welcome! 💕
Jul 11Reply

@lauralynnstore Thank you so much! 💕 I'm going to ask a few questions so I know the style of necklace you would like. 😊Do you like gemstones, shell or maybe a combination? What length? Do you want something simple with a chain like sterling silver and a pendant or one that is on cord that is all beads? I know it's a lot to think about. I just want to be sure it's exactly what you want! ❤️😊
Jul 11Reply

Thank you for the reply I will look again at the styles you have tomorrow .I will think about this and msg you tomorrow I like stones healing ones . I dont want to take it off a lot just to clean them. i'm always on the run. Thanks
Jul 11Reply

@lauralynnstore You're so welcome! 💕 If you know the stones you would like you can let me know or if you're not sure which ones you need, I would love to help you choose them. I have a few necklaces listed, but I can design whatever you like! 🌺😊
Jul 11Reply

@saltykissdesign Thanks a lot for the shares Melissa! 😊
Jul 11Reply

@bettldede You're welcome! 💕🌺
Jul 11Reply

Good Morning 🤗Melissa, Thanks for sharing my closet 💙💚 It's Wednesday 😊
Jul 12Reply

@tannerlc60 Good morning Lejoyce! 😊 You're welcome! Have a great Wednesday 💕🌺
Jul 12Reply

I love your beautiful jewelry esp because ea has a purpose & ea piece is handmade.
Jul 12Reply

@payned Thank you so much! ❤️🌺
Jul 12Reply

@saltykissdesign 💕 and I love sharing your listings so others can see your beautiful jewelry💕
Jul 12Reply

Omg that sounds lovely I love moonstones .
I'm not a very picky person I love the small details
And how you are making it come out . Don't worry
I will buy when is finished .Can't wait I love your
Work. Pls let me know when to buy it
Thank you so much Melissa
Jul 12Reply

I love your work great quality and talent .😃
Jul 12Reply

@payned Thank you that means so much! ❤️
Jul 12Reply

@lauralynnstore Thank you! ❤️ I just need to finish up on the clasp. I will let you know when I list it!😊 Thanks so much again!
Jul 12Reply

@trail_raven You're welcome and thank you so much!❤️
Jul 13Reply

@dreizenspeichen Awe thank you so much! 😊❤️
Jul 13Reply

Done ttyl let m know if u got order im low bat tx
Jul 13Reply

@lauralynnstore I got it. Thank you so much!💕
Jul 13Reply

Thank you Melissa for sharing my listing!🙏⭐🌺 I love your closet! Tanya @concierge
Jul 13Reply

@concierge You're welcome Tanya! 💕 You have a great closet! 😊🌺
Jul 13Reply

@saltykissdesign Thank you Melissa! I appreciate that!🙌💃😁 The other Poshers are correct...Your designs are beautiful & very marketable!
Jul 14Reply

@concierge Awe thank you so much!! You're so sweet ❤️ I really appreciate that😊😇
Jul 14Reply

Thanks for all the shares. Love ur jewelry. so interesting
Jul 14Reply

@nasusca You're welcome and thank you! ❤️ I love your closet!
Jul 14Reply

Thanks for the days and days of shares! Send Posh Luck to you❤️💍👗🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jul 14Reply

@laorganizer You're welcome you have a beautiful closet! ❤️🌺
Jul 14Reply

@saltykissdesign Thanks!!⛱⛱⛱
Jul 14Reply

Thank you for sharing so many of my listings. I really appreciate it.
Jul 14Reply

You closet is AWESOME!
Jul 14Reply

@rcrosby19 You're welcome and thank you so much! 😊🌺
Jul 14Reply

@saltykissdesign You re welcome. Have a great weekend
Jul 14Reply

@rcrosby19 You too!! 🌺
Jul 14Reply

Melissa I think your work is beautiful. I also believe in positive energy. Thank you for all the lovely shares❤
Jul 14Reply

@gidgetsmiles You're welcome and thank you so much!! 😊❤️ So happy to meet someone who also believes in positive energy! 🌺
Jul 15Reply

Such beautiful items you have doll! Awesome closet! Nice to "meet" you! Happy poshing!😘💋💋💋
Jul 15Reply

@dani9067 Thank you so much!! ❤️ Nice to meet you too! Have a great weekend and Happy Poshing! 🌺
Jul 15Reply

Hi! 😊 I so enjoy visiting your closet...all your items are so interesting, inspirational, and with a lot of meaning. It gives me pleasure to share your listings of good energy to all 💝 I appreciate your shares too! 😇. I wanted to share with you a amazing story of human Panama City Beach Florida forms human chain to save family Enjoy your day! 🌹❤️
Jul 16Reply

@maggienegley Awe thank you so much 😘💕 I really like your closet💝 Thank you so much for passing the story along! I can't wait to read it! 😇🌺 Have a great day!!!
Jul 16Reply

You know yesterday I went in Facebook and I see my daughter is in the Greek Isles. Nice way to have to know where my once little girl and best friend in the whole world is If it weren't for FB I wouldn't even know. So sad!
Jul 16Reply

@sebq Awe I'm so sorry! 😔 I honestly don't know how loved ones can drastically change like that!
Jul 16Reply

I told u I think what the therapist I went to said didn't I???
Jul 16Reply

@sebq Yes and I was praying the therapist was wrong!
Jul 16Reply

I think she was spot on and although it hurt I'm glad she just gave it to me straight Tracy has made up her mind. The part the I don't get and which upsets me is this. B4 we had the big blow up on May I asked why she won't say I love u mom and she didn't respond. He is extremely tech savvy and I think he can monitor her texting
Jul 16Reply

And if he does that then HOLY MOLY! It wld mean she is in a worse situation than I thought
Jul 16Reply

@sebq Oh no! 😱 It almost makes you wonder since she has changed so much!
Jul 16Reply

Sorry, was ironing, my therapy and then I showered. Yes it's hard to believe but the therapist was spot on and I knew. Just didn't want to face it Even if she wakes up she's going to be damaged. I had it with her dad but I'm stronger. Thx for letting me vent ❤️😊
Jul 16Reply

Thanks for shares.
Jul 16Reply

💖Thxs for sharing 💖
Jul 17Reply

@jacaranda1831 You're welcome!
Jul 17Reply

@holztania My pleasure! 💕
Jul 17Reply

thanks for sharing my listing! be sure to check out my closet and add your likes to a bundle. i offer private offers, along with a 20% off discount for bundling 3 items or more. happy poshing☺️✨🌸
Jul 17Reply

Thank you for all of the shares! Happy Poshing!
Jul 17Reply

@csdesigns22 You're welcome! 💕 Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 17Reply

@graveyardpxnk You're welcome! 💕 I will keep that in mind, thank you!
Jul 17Reply

@bec316 Okay, I made it home lol 😊 This is the silver charm I have, for the pendant is the Amethyst or Ruby Quartz. 💕
Jul 17Reply

Jul 17Reply

Very tough decision.. Do you have small pink beeds to tie into the neck of the bracelet? If your able to tie in the pink along with the other colors I think the pink- ruby one would be pretty!
Jul 17Reply

@saltykissdesign !!! No! Changed my mind! Purple!!! But still would like small pink added throughout the necklace 😍😍
Jul 17Reply

@bec316 I'm sorry I don't have any small pink, but I do have Rose Quartz in the same size as the Malachite. I can order some smaller if you would like or I can use all the same size beads. It's completely up to you 💕 I added a pic of all the colors together.
Jul 17Reply

@saltykissdesign those beads look great! Did you have any blue to add in as well? Are the rose quarts the light pink looking beads in the 2nd pic?
Jul 17Reply

@bec316 I like them together too! Yes the pink is Rose Quartz and then dark Amethyst and a lighter Amethyst. I have lots of blue 😉 Any specific color of blue? I have light blues in Aquamarine, Angelite, Blue Lace Agate. Dark blues I have Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli. If you are unsure of what they are, I would be happy to show you. 😊
Jul 17Reply

Im so happy you had that shade of green!! And the tree pendant. This willbe so pretty. Just use whatever you already have! It will turn out beautiful!!I like colorful😁 Do you by any chance do full sets? Necklace, earrings, and bracelet? :/ I'm very excited
Jul 17Reply

@saltykissdesign yes please show the blues!! Sorry for all of the request:/ I'm so excited!!
Jul 17Reply

@bec316 The small green is Malachite just like the bracelet and I picked up some Large Malachite for the other necklace you liked with the "believe" charm. 😊 Yes, I can do a matching set of the three. 💕
Jul 17Reply

@bec316 it's fine! I want it to be exactly like you want it! I'm so visual that I need to see things before I completely decide what looks good together so, it's no problem at all! I will upload a pic 😊
Jul 17Reply

@saltykissdesign thank you#!
Jul 17Reply

@bec316 You're welcome!! The top 2 look similar, but the left one, Sodalite, has a little white in it and the right, Lapis Lazuli, has some gold flecks in it. I only have the Aquamarine in the small stones right now, but I should be getting the larger ones here in the next couple days.
Jul 17Reply

@saltykissdesign I like the bottom 2 on the right!
Jul 17Reply

@saltykissdesign and the top one on the left!!!
Jul 17Reply

Sodalite and the bottom 2 on the right!
Jul 17Reply

@bec316 The top right is Sodalite and the bottom right is Blue Crazy Lace Agate...Love those! 😍 Would you like both of them on it? 😊
Jul 17Reply

@saltykissdesign i just tagged you in the 3 blue i like the most. I love the rose quarts! It really pops!! Couldyou create a mix of it all? Will that cost an arm and a leg to get all those colors?
Jul 18Reply

@bec316 I will look at the ones you tagged me in. If I still add the wood beads, it will bring the cost down. It gets to be more if I use all gemstones.🌺
Jul 18Reply

@saltykissdesign ok. I'm going to leave you to it, stop buggin you and let you work your magic!!! Thes rest from here can be a surprise😉 ! It will turn out perfect for however you put it alltogether❤ if a color i chose looks odd with the rest, take it out! Lol. As you can tell i like just about every color!
Jul 18Reply

Work your magic!
Jul 18Reply

@bec316 Awe thank you! ❤️ I'm excited to get started on it! Do you still want the stretch bracelet and the other necklace too?
Jul 18Reply

@saltykissdesign 😳depending on how much this cost.. But think i would rather have a matching set of earrings to match this unique necklace!
Jul 18Reply

@bec316 That sounds great, I can do that! 😊 Do you have sensitive ears?
Jul 18Reply

@saltykissdesign not sensitive but something lightweight for sure:)
Jul 18Reply

I love it is so so pretty
Thank You
Jul 18Reply

@bec316 Perfect! Maybe silver plate?
Jul 18Reply

@lauralynnstore You're welcome!! I'm so happy you like it! 😊💕🌺 Thank you so much! 💜
Jul 18Reply

@saltykissdesign leaving the earrings allll up to you! just lightweight is my only request😉
Jul 18Reply

@bec316 I can do that! ❤️
Jul 18Reply

Hi there, thank you so much for all the shares!! You are so creative and it shows in each piece (: I cannot believe I just now read about you since we have been sharing back and forth. I work from home and I use a ceramic oil diffuser throughout the day. I truly believe it helps me with my mood and well being. How does a diffuser bracelet work?
Jul 18Reply

@liveposh Thank you so much! ❤️ I love diffusing oils! The black lava beads are porous, so when you add your oil to them, it will soak into the bead. You don't need much. I usually put some in my hand and rub it onto the lava. Once it wears off, you just add more 😊 I wasn't feeling well last week so I put peppermint on mine and it worked great! 💜🌺
Jul 18Reply

@merrymaiden Would you like me to measure this one for you? 😊
Jul 18Reply

@merrymaiden Oh I'm sorry to hear that! You both are in my prayers! 🙏🏻💕 Do you get to see her very often? You may know this already, but wearing your birthstone is thought to bring good luck and good health 😊 I can make the chakra bracelet in any size if you are interested in one. It looks like this Amethyst stone is about the same size as the other one.
Jul 18Reply

@merrymaiden Absolutely I will the info card! ❤️ Thank you so much! Hopefully you will see her soon. That would be a great gift idea...something with her birthstone. 😊 I have the same problem with bangles, my wrist is a 6" too. I will list it now and I can ship it tomorrow.
Jul 18Reply

@bec316 Good morning! This is the design I came up for your necklace😊 What do you think? I added wood beads between and a couple of sterling silver flowers by the Rose Quartz. If you like this design, I have an idea for the earrings 😉 It's 20" is that length okay? Please don't mind the red clasp on the end, that's to hold it together until I put the clasp on. Lol
Jul 18Reply

@saltykissdesign beautiful!!
Jul 18Reply

Hey#would it be hard to change that prple rock to the rose one??
Jul 18Reply

I think the rose would complete this look😉
Jul 18Reply

@saltykissdesign I def. Think the larfer rose quart rock by the tree would look a bit better if its an easy fix.
Jul 18Reply

Jul 18Reply

@bec316 Thank you! Yes, I can easily fix that😊 it's funny you changed it, because I kept thinking you wanted the pink stone and I had to look back at our convo. I will change it and upload a pic ❤️
Jul 18Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet 💋💋💋
Jul 19Reply

@dazzlingdeals You're welcome! 💕
Jul 20Reply

@lonna63109 Here is the design I came up with for your bracelet😊 It's not complete so please ignore the red clip. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you and which charm you like best💕 If you would like different colors or another pattern please let me know! I want you to be happy with it!! 🌺💝
Jul 20Reply

@saltykissdesign I like it except for the 5dark, rough looking stones by the red tag. Do you have any pinkish colored stones that would work for what I need them for? They could either take the other stones place or be mixed in the bracelet somehow. Whatever you think looks best. Also, I think I like
the shell charm best. Would it look ok with 2 of each alternating shell and starfish charms?
Jul 20Reply

@lonna63109 I never thought of that for the charms 😊 I will put that together and see what it looks like. 😍 I can sure add a pink color in there. I just got an order of beautiful Rhodonite in. The black lava is used to diffuse essential oils so I added it just in case you wanted to diffuse oils. I think the pink will be beautiful on it. ❤️
Jul 20Reply

Thanks for all the shares, appreciate it!!☺️🌺
Jul 20Reply

Hi. Thank you for your support. I appreciate it 😎
Jul 20Reply

@jbernard92867 You're welcome! 😊
Jul 20Reply

@cynthialb You're welcome! 💝
Jul 20Reply

@lonna63109 i added some Rhodonite and here is what it would look like with the charms. 😊💕
Jul 20Reply

@saltykissdesign Oh, yes! That's beautiful! Perfect! Please reserve it and a price for me! You just sold a bracelet!
Jul 20Reply

@lonna63109 Awe thank you so much!! ❤️ I will finish it up and list it for you! 😊🌺
Jul 20Reply

@lonna63109 I'm so sorry, but I'm running late for my daughter's softball practice. Is it okay if I list this when I get back? 💝
Jul 20Reply

Thanks for share <3<3<3
Jul 21Reply

@saltykissdesign No problem. Oh, and thanks for all the shares my new PFF!
Jul 21Reply

@lonna63109 You're so welcome! I have your bracelet listed😊 I will tag you in it. Thank you so much❤️
Jul 21Reply

@saltykissdesign Hello! I am happy to see lots of your listings have sold...Yay!!
Have you had a chance to read the story I was telling you about. I look forward to hear your thoughts on it. Have a wonderful day! 😇💝
Jul 22Reply

@maggienegley Hi Maggie! Thank you😊 I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to read it yet. Could you send it to me again. I've been so busy with things, but I want to make sure I read about it! 😊💕
Jul 23Reply

Thanks you have some lucky beads😃
Jul 24Reply

Thx for all the shares! 😘♥️ love your jewelry 💖
Jul 24Reply

@saltykissdesign Hi! Hope you enjoyed your weekend 😊 the story I mentioned to you is Panama City Beach Florida human chain to save a family drowning in the ocean. 😇💕
Jul 24Reply

@saltykissdesign Thank you for the continuous Poshlove!! It's so very much appreciated! Wishing you many many sales! ❤❤❤
Jul 24Reply

@maggienegley Thank you, I hope you had a great weekend also😊 I just watched it and that is an Amazing story. That could have been a terrible tragedy and to have so many people help and risk their own lives for complete strangers warms my heart! ❤️Thank you for sharing that with me. I pray the grandmother is doing okay 🙏🏻
Jul 24Reply

@s_hebert You're welcome and thank you same to you! 💝🌺
Jul 24Reply

@paulettejean You're welcome and thank you so much! 💕🌺
Jul 24Reply

@saltykissdesign Hi! It's an awesome story of human kindness!! I am happy you enjoyed it. I thought you would 😊Sweet Dreams 😇💜
Jul 24Reply

@saltykissdesign 😘🙏
Jul 24Reply

Melissa, thank you for the shares!
Jul 26Reply

@binur1 You're welcome! 🌺
Jul 26Reply

Thank you, as always, for the shares! Much appreciated. :)
Jul 26Reply

Thanks for share.
Jul 26Reply

Thank you for sharing my beautiful closet.I really appreciate it. I enjoy looking at yours and sharing. I wish you abundance! Happy Poshing 💋
Jul 27Reply

@dazzlingdeals You're welcome and thank you so much!❤️
Jul 27Reply

Jul 27Reply

Just wanted to tell you that I love 💕your handmade bracelets they are gorgeous🌸!! Will be back to your closet to purchase one for sure!
Aug 02Reply

@janicegetek Thank you so much!!❤️ I also take custom orders if there is a specific stone or stones you would like, but don't see. 😊
Aug 02Reply

@saltykissdesign thank you so much that is good to know because I plan on trying to personalize this for a gift. If it is a custom order how long does it usually take you?
Aug 02Reply

@janicegetek It really depends on how many other orders I have and if I need to order any of the gemstones or charms you would like. If I don't have them it usually takes about 3 to 4 days to get my supplies. If I have everything I can usually have in done in a day or two otherwise probably a week. 😊
Aug 02Reply

@saltykissdesign ok sounds good! Thank you😊
Aug 02Reply

@janicegetek You're welcome! Have a wonderful day!😊🌺
Aug 02Reply

Thank you for your kindness. I truly appreciate your sharing my beautiful closet.
Aug 04Reply

Hi Melissa, Thank you for always sharing my closet. I appreciate it 💐You have great jewellery 🤗
Aug 06Reply

@elju You're welcome and thank you so much! 😊💜
Aug 06Reply

Thanks for your support.Nice closet !!Hi! I'm Unclaimeddrycleanening for sale. I purchase unclaimed mens/ ladies designer brands from drycleaners,retail / (wholesale $5 /20 item min.)to customers at a fraction of the original cost. Favorites brands are : Ralph Lauren,Banana Republic,LL Bean,Brooks Bros,Tommy Bahama, Hilfiger,lzod Natuica, Chico,J Crew, Thanks for stopping by my closet too. :) I trade and give discounts to the less fortunate,those who have been incarcerated and students.20%
Aug 10Reply

@unclaimed Thank you so much! I love your closet and the help that you offer to people! It's rare to find that these days! 💜 Have a blessed day! 😇✨
Aug 10Reply

Aug 10Reply

Thanks for share.
Aug 10Reply

Hi Mellisa, 1st I want to thank you for your shares and making Posh a great experience for me and 2nd you should make a demo bracelet for a guy ...I know some men who wear you really up these type of bracelets with your creativity. ...just saying!!! 😊😘❤️
Aug 10Reply

@jbernard92867 Awe thank you so much and you're welcome! 💜 At one point I had one for a guy, but I think think I ever put it in my closet. I will do that for sure! Thanks so much for the tip!🤗😘
Aug 10Reply

@saltykissdesign no, minds always going...if you have any suggestions for me, I'm always open too! 😉👍
Aug 10Reply

@jbernard92867 Great, I will keep that in mind 😊 I love your closet btw!! 💜🌺
Aug 10Reply

@saltykissdesign thank you, it's people like you that make poshing fun!!! ☺️😘❤️
Aug 10Reply

BEAUTIFUL jewelry!!!❤
Aug 10Reply

@jbernard92867 Thank you so much!! 😘💕🌺
Aug 11Reply

@mhelen07 Thank you!! ❤️🌺
Aug 11Reply

Hello Melissa! I keep seeing your face when I share and you remind me of my friend Ann. She is so beautiful and her spirit is pure love... you remind me of her. ❣️ I was attracted to one of your bracelets and I started reading, and yeah me 🤗, they work with essential oils!! I've been using oils for a couple of years. I can't be without them... anyhoo, do you have children sizes? I would love to have one for my daughter Olivia.
Aug 12Reply

She'll be 10 in Nov. I also think these would be great holiday gifts!! Please let me know about the sizing, and I would also be interested in maybe buying as a bundle to save on shipping.
I love that your items are about healing and I super duper love that you make them. ❣️❣️🌈🌻
Aug 12Reply

@oliandme Hi Victoria! Thank you so much for your kind words, it really means a lot!! 😇💜 I was just introduced to oils a year ago and I LOVE them. I would love to design a bracelet for your daughter. 😊 I can make any of the pieces in any size or I can custom make one for her. I would recommend a stretch bracelet for her, because it's easier to take off and on by herself.
Aug 12Reply

Thank you for being so sweet and sharing my listings all of the time! I love seeing your beautiful profile pic pop up in my news feed, giving me a chance to peek into your gorgeous and calming closet. Like a day at the beach!
Aug 12Reply

@mariegbean it's my pleasure! 😊 Thank you so much, you're so sweet!! 💕😇
Aug 13Reply

@lsvice You're welcome! 💕
Aug 13Reply

Your jewelry is beautiful.... I will keep these in mind for a few people for Christmas ❤️
Aug 13Reply

@woodydaisy Thank you so much! 💜 I'm trying to prepare for Christmas now. It will be here before we know it! 😊
Aug 13Reply

Thank you for the shares. Beautiful jewelry💕💕. Blessings angie
Aug 15Reply

@ellasaunt You're welcome and thank you! Have a blessed day! 💕
Aug 15Reply

Love your closet !!
Aug 15Reply

@chani1967 Thank you! Love your closet too! 💕
Aug 15Reply

Thank you so much for all the posh love 😘♥️♥️
Aug 15Reply

@paulettejean My pleasure! 🌺💕
Aug 16Reply

@_rosaflower I would love to make one for you! 😊💕 I have a few chakra bracelets on here and can add lava to any of them.
Aug 17Reply

@_rosaflower I tagged you in a couple of chakra bracelets that say sold out but I can make either one for you or something similar if you would like. 😊
Aug 17Reply

Beautiful pieces! My mom used to make really nice jewelry. I can tell you use high end stones. Quality shows. I can string patterns, but can't do catches well. Thanks for the shares!! ✌️❤️ - Yvonne
Aug 17Reply

@_rosaflower You're so welcome! 💕What size bracelet would you like?
Aug 17Reply

@lotusdesigns You're welcome and thank you so much Yvonne!!😊❤️
Aug 17Reply

@_rosaflower Perfect! Would you like it more fitted or loose?😊
Aug 18Reply

@jamie1718tay you're welcome!!🌺🏝😊
Aug 19Reply

@bellaandharley Thank you!! 💜🌺
Aug 19Reply

@mydiva01 Hi Michelle! Thank you so much! I love your closet too💕🌺
Aug 21Reply

Love your style and bracelets💜♥️💙💛💚
Aug 22Reply

@omalleyallycats Thank you so much! 💜🌺🏝💝
Aug 22Reply

Thanks for sharing.
Aug 23Reply

@jacaranda1831 you're welcome!
Aug 23Reply

Hi there , Absolutely gorgeous pieces ! Would you happen to have anything with Amber in it ?
Aug 24Reply

@yaya2theboys Thank you! 💕 I don't have anything with Amber made, but I would love to design something for you with it. I have Amber chip stones if you like those, otherwise I can order it in the round stones. 🌺😊
Aug 24Reply

@saltykissdesign The chips would be fine as long as they are amber dear !
Aug 24Reply

@yaya2theboys Great! 😊 Yes they are Amber💕 I just got them in a couple of weeks ago and just haven't had time to put anything together with them. Would you like it all Amber? What size and do you like stretch or wire?
Aug 24Reply

@saltykissdesign I have a fairly large wrist ; I believe it's 7" or so around . Stretch would be great . I am a Pisces born in February and like the earthy type stones like carnelian , topaz , tiger's eye and of course amythest ! It doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate ; I'm not a fancy kinda gal in anyway , shape or form . I'm sure any design you come up with will be beautiful ! I so look forward to seeing and wearing it !!
Aug 24Reply

@yaya2theboys Perfect! I actually have most of those in the chips😊 I believe I have a pisces charm if you would like one one it. I will double check on that. Do you like your bracelets fitted or loose?
Aug 24Reply

@yaya2theboys Yes, I do have a Pisces charm in gold if you are interested in that.💕
Aug 24Reply

@saltykissdesign Gold is fine dear ! Surprise me !
Aug 24Reply

@yaya2theboys Okay! 💕 I should be able to get to it in the next day or two. I have just a couple of orders ahead of you. 😊💜
Aug 24Reply

@saltykissdesign Take your time ! I'm in no hurry !
Aug 24Reply

@yaya2theboys Thank you! 😊
Aug 24Reply

Hi Melissa, Thank you for always sharing my closet. Your creations are AMAZING and so beautiful. I hope to buy a few soon.
Aug 28Reply

@lasmada you're welcome and thank you you so much!💕 You have a wonderful closet! 😊
Aug 28Reply

Thanks for all the Posh love! ♡♡♡
Aug 29Reply

@amyrobyn18 You're welcome!!
Aug 29Reply

I love your jewelry! So beautiful, i wish had better budget to purchase!
Aug 29Reply

@sym87 Thank you so much! 💕 I have been trying to add more pieces that are in the under $20 range. I know how tight budgets are. ❤️😉
Aug 29Reply

Hi Melissa, just wanted to say thank you for all the shares. Your items are so lovely.💕
Aug 30Reply

Thank you for sharing! ♡♡♡
Aug 30Reply

GM. Melissa The necklace is holding up. I have not taken it off yet. I will be looking for some earrings soon. I wanted to ask as a favor if is ok .
I would like to Identify two gems That were given to me they come from colombia . If I send them to your dressing room maybe u know what they are? Thanks so much.
Aug 30Reply

@lauralynnstore Good morning! I'm so happy to hear that😊💜 I would love to make you some earrings. Yes, I would be happy to look at those for you and hopefully be able to identify them😉
Aug 30Reply

@saltykissdesign you know my budget is tight now, but i think I might want to get gifts to my coworkers around holiday time. Hope you'll be able to give me a good discount if i get 6 pieces or more! 😁
Aug 31Reply

@sym87 Thank you! Yes, we can work something out! 😉 Do you have any ideas what you're wanting to do for them?
Aug 31Reply

@saltykissdesign um well f2 might be special , one's wife has cancer, and another just went cancer free, so definitely something that could help with some positive energy and strength! ☺️
Aug 31Reply

@sym87 Yes, definitely need something with with positive energy and strength! You can let me know more when your closer to being ready to order. We can choose the perfect stones for them😊
Aug 31Reply

@saltykissdesign you are awesome !! Yes, i will let you know ☺️thank you
Aug 31Reply

Thank you for sharing 💝💞
Aug 31Reply

@btpope You're welcome!
Aug 31Reply

@sym87 Awww thank you and you're welcome! 💕
Aug 31Reply

I love love your closet and sharing it - it's just beautiful ...I will not tired if it !!! Thank you 💕
Sep 01Reply

@chani1967 Thank you so much! 💜 I absolutely love your closet too! 😍
Sep 01Reply

@dulcesuenos55 Hi Sandra! Thank you so much! That really means a lot! When I realized the power of both oils and stones, it opened my eyes to an entire new way of thinking, healing and treating symptoms. I want others to know the same things that I have learned and hopefully help them and their loved ones get through whatever it is they are going through! Bless you for taking care of Alzheimers patience😇🙏🏻 I can only imagine how tough that would be seeing them go through what they do. ❤️
Sep 03Reply

@dulcesuenos55 Yes, it is very heartbreaking! I have learned that keeping a positive mind and surrounding myself with positive people, makes life a lot less stressful. I also believe that everything happens for a reason, even though we may never know what it is.
Sep 03Reply

Thank you for sharing my listings 💝💞
Sep 03Reply

@btpope you're welcome!
Sep 04Reply

@lsvice You're welcome! 💕
Sep 04Reply

Beautiful closet and family pictures. Thanks for your support
Sep 07Reply

Thanks for sharing my items! Your so kind! It's nice to see a fellow neighbor (nebraska here). ❤️
Sep 10Reply

@jcrewgal81 You're welcome! 💕 I'm just a couple hours away from Nebraska 😊
Sep 10Reply

Hello Melissa, very nice closet. I love your collection. Happy Poshing !!!
Sep 11Reply

@elizabetho28 Hi Elizabeth! Thank you so much! 😊 Happy Poshing!
Sep 11Reply

Hey Melissa! Just wanted to drop you a note saying I love sharing w you! You were one of the people that would always share with me when I was just getting started, and had very few followers. Just wanted to let you know I appreciate that! 💛
Sep 12Reply

@stefpirk You're welcome and thank you so much Stefanie! 💕 I LOVE your closet and sharing it! 😍🌺🦋
Sep 12Reply

Thanks so much for all your shares 💕 I've got to run out, but I'll return the shares as soon as I can.
Sep 12Reply

Melissa, I have a bunch of 12k GF hoops and possibly some Sterling ones - I think they are 1" ID. If you are interested I can look for them. You're using genuine stones, so possibly Sterling and GF hoops might be of a benefit in your jewelry, as some people look for a precious-metal hoop. If you're interested just comment back and I'll look and see what I have. I don't do hoops any more.
Sep 12Reply

@_glendagood Hi Glenda! Yes, that would be great! I would be interested in seeing both the sterling and GF. Thank you so much for thinking of me! 💜
Sep 13Reply

@followme73 You're welcome and thank you! 💕🌺🦋
Sep 13Reply

Melissa, hello😊 Just Wanted to say hello and thank you💞for all the shares. 😁
Sep 13Reply

@elizabetho28 Hi Elizabeth! You're welcome, you have a great closet! 💜🦋🌺
Sep 13Reply

@saltykissdesign Aww thank you Melissa 😄 Ive been workung hard on it. I always worry I'm not doing a 🥇good eye👁 catching cover shot.📱📷📸 I love these emoticons. .
Sep 13Reply

@saltykissdesign I appreciate any advice or suggestions. Humble rookie here ;-)
Sep 13Reply

@elizabetho28 I think they look great! Very eye catching 😍🌺
Sep 13Reply

@saltykissdesign 👏 oh good. Thank you. 😁😊😃💗💖💕💞 I got my first "host pick" yesterday. I was so excited...
Sep 13Reply

@elizabetho28 Woot Woot!!!👏 Congrats, that's awesome! 🎉🎉💜🎈🦋
Sep 13Reply

Thanks for the share!!!
Sep 14Reply

Hi Melissa, A jewelry party is happening and I saw you weren't on, so I shared a bunch of your lovely jewelry to the party. Hope younger some sales!🙂❤️💋💋
Sep 15Reply

@maryfindley Hi Mary! Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you! 😘❤️
Sep 15Reply

@jmc1926 you're welcome! 🌺
Sep 15Reply

I love your items. Do beautiful and easy to share. I am a hairstylist in Northern California who also believes in the use of essential oils and the power of crystals and gemstones. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark and thanks for all the shares.
Sep 16Reply

@cathrynchaback you're welcome and thank you so much!💕 I was also a hair stylist so, we seem to have some things in common! So nice to meet you!
Sep 16Reply

Thanks for sharing. We accept reasonable offers.
Sep 16Reply

Thanks for sharing , Melissa ! We accept reasonable offers.
Sep 18Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet 🌻😊
Sep 19Reply

Your jewelry is beautiful 🌻
Sep 19Reply

@cristy2013 You're welcome!
Sep 19Reply

@pearlgirl53 Thank you so much! 💜
Sep 19Reply

Thank you posh friend for your continual sharing of my things. Appreciate the love❤️❤️
Sep 20Reply

@ellasaunt My pleasure! 💜
Sep 21Reply

Thank u for all the shares!! This newbie really appreciates it so much!! 💝
Sep 23Reply

@styleblessings My pleasure! Wishing you many, many sales! 😊💕
Sep 23Reply

Thank you so much for the posh love and shares!! 💋💋
Sep 24Reply

@fancyyance You're welcome! 🦋
Sep 24Reply

Thanks for all the shares! 😊💛💛
Sep 24Reply

Good evening Melissa. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Sep 25Reply

@hmsimon1 My pleasure! I love all of your pieces, they are beautiful and unique! 😊🌺
Sep 25Reply

Thank you for the share. I am sharing back. Happy Poshing ☺
Sep 27Reply

Nice to meet you on posh! Hope you are loving it! Lovely closet!🌸
Sep 27Reply

@antrice47 You're welcome and thank you so much!😊
Sep 27Reply

@tricia77r Nice to meet you too and yes, I'm loving Posh! ❤️🌺
Sep 27Reply

Thank you for sharing. I love your products and I have a few in my like list. I suffer from bipolar disorder and I am Manic Depressive. My meds don't seem to be doing me any good. I need something to calm my nerves and help me relax 🤔
Sep 29Reply

@antrice47 You're welcome and Thank you so much! 😊 Do you use essential oils? There are some really good ones to help keep calm and relaxed. Would you like me to put a list of stones together for you that I think would be the best for you? If you use oils or would like to, I would also recommend using lava beads so you can diffuse your oil. 💜🌺
Sep 29Reply

@saltykissdesign I would love that. I am a size 6 1/2 wrist. Thank you so much. I don't like taking medicines 😝
Sep 29Reply

@antrice47 Perfect! Are there certain colors that you wear the most or like best? There are different stones that have some of the same properties, so I will try to choose them based on color too. Hopefully wearing your bracelet along with your medication, will help you feel better. 😊
Sep 29Reply

@saltykissdesign Don't have favorite colors. Browns, pinks, purples, blues or whatever you choose will work
Sep 29Reply

@antrice47 Great! Would you like stretch or a clasp? If your going wear it all of the time, I prefer stretch, but it's really a personal preference.
Sep 29Reply

@saltykissdesign stretch is better
Sep 29Reply

@antrice47 One last question😊 Do you want a charm on it and if so, what would you like and what color? Gold or Silver? I have a design put together with Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Lava, Peridot and Lepidolite.
Sep 29Reply

@antrice47 I added a photo above of what I came up with. Is this okay or would you rather a different design? If you would love me a charm, I will probably add it in the middle of the two Amethyst beads.
Sep 29Reply

Hi Melissa! I have been admiring your closet and may be interested in purchasing some bracelets down the road. I wanted to ask you a few questions about what stones or crystals you'd recommend for 1) severe social anxiety and 2) more "openness" to the spirit world. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!
Sep 29Reply

@saltykissdesign I like it without charms
Sep 29Reply

@sgeib Thank you so much! 😊 There are several great stones for both. One of my favorites for spiritual awareness stones is Sugilite. What colors do you like? I can base which stones I would recommend based on color too. Sugilite is purple. If you aren't a fan of purple, there are other great options. 💜🦋
Sep 29Reply

@antrice47 Is that bracelet okay for you, or would you prefer a different pattern?
Sep 29Reply

Yes its perfect ☺☺☺
Sep 29Reply

@antrice47 Perfect! 😊 I'm running some errands right now, but I will get it finished up and list it for you as soon as I get home. Thank you so much! 🦋🌺💜
Sep 29Reply

@saltykissdesign I tend to be drawn to neutrals like gray, cream, black but also like blue hues 😊
Sep 29Reply

@saltykissdesign No problem. Do it when you get some time. I'm not in a hurry for it.
Sep 29Reply

HI Melissa, it's Susan( from the Boho share group).I absolutely love your pieces.I would like to have a few pieces custom made.Just let me know how we go about doing that.One will be a bracelet for someone very close& special to me who is having fertility issues.Look forward to hearing from you.
Sep 29Reply

@sgeib Great! I will see what stones I can use with those colors😊
Sep 29Reply

@antrice47 Great! Thank you so much! I will tag you in the listing as soon as I'm done😊
Sep 29Reply

@pearlgirl53 Hi Susan! Thank you so much and I LOVE your closet❤️ I really like being a part of the share group. I would love to make some custom pieces for you!! If you could tell me 1. Size 2. Colors 3. Stretch or Clasp/toggle 4. Gold or Silver 5. Any charm or tassel etc. I know it's a lot lol. Also, I know you mentioned one for fertility, do you know what else you would like?
Sep 29Reply
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