Meet your Posher, Melissa Ambassador of Poshmark💕
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Hello! My friends call me Melli 😍 My favorite brands are Coach, Victoria’s Secret, VS Pink, Abercrombie, Charlotte Russe and Wet Seal! 💗 I LOVE sharing my closet with others and helping them fall in love with all of my faves! Make an offer or bundle your Likes and I’ll give you a private discount!! (Unless items are $10 or under). Leave a comment so that I can check out your closet too! 💗👠
All of my sales go to medical bills as I’m on disability and have limited income. **KFS AWARENESS** 💕

93 others
like this

Hi Melissa! Thank you for liking the coach wallet! Will send you an offer and hope you like it, too💕😊😊
Nov 15Reply

@mjbp🎄☃️🎄☃️welcome to Poshmark I invite u to stop 🛑 by🎄☃️🎄☃️happy holidays 🎄☃️🎄☃️🎄
Nov 27Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! 😊 Hi I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top Seller, Top sharer and Poshmark Mentor. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will be glad to help. I also invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing 😃
Nov 28Reply

Hi Welcome! Melissa!❤️ I’m Jacquelyn 🌺
POSH AMBASSADOR! & followed u! I shared ur cute closet! I hope you’re enjoying Posh as mush as I do! Ty for any and all shares! I’m here to help! ❤️ ✌️ 🌸
Join my posh mosh tag & grow ur followers!& join us for Gr8 Parties! 🎊
***Come Say Hello!👗 👠 👚 👕 👔 👟 🌂 follow me/I’ll follow you! & share plse! I will do the same! Ty! 🌺 🌸 🌺Happy 😃Poshing! ❤️
Nov 28Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 28Reply

@lovefashionyay Question... Once I post a listing am I able to move & rearrange my listings by category after they’ve been posted? also I added you and checked out your closet it’s great! 😍
Nov 28Reply

@spreadlove Thank you! I checked out your closet and shared some items as well! So thank you for welcoming me! 💗
Nov 28Reply

@soriag Question? Am I able to change my username? I tried to edit my profile and it won’t let me change my name 😩
Nov 28Reply

@mellib7 you need to send an email to Poshmark. They will change it to what you want it to be
Nov 28Reply

@soriag ok thank you!
Nov 29Reply

Hi doll, Thank you for the offer. I did the math and if u can do the counter offer I'll break even after posh fees. It's only a few dollars, I hope it can work for ya! I can have it out in the morning! xoxoxoxo
Nov 29Reply

Thank you sweetheart, I'll have it out to ya in the morning!
Nov 29Reply

Hi Mellisa, this is Christie from ourclosetlnc. I was just checking in with my 1st PFF. Hoping you are enjoying the tags. Let me know if its overwhelming. I'm here if you have any questions. I wish you many sales.
Nov 29Reply

@ourclosetlnc Hey Thanks for checking in with me I’ve been trying to keep up with all the tags and sharing is much is possible! Still hoping to make my first sale soon! 💗
Nov 29Reply

@fabulousstylen how do I share one of my listings inside of a party?? I can’t seem to figure it out 😓
Dec 04Reply

@fabulousstylen ok thank youuu
Dec 05Reply

Thanks for the "SHARE BOMB"....Stormy
Dec 05Reply

Welcome to my poshmark sis keep in touch and stay blessed and beautiful also check out my closet you might find something you like and I'll definitely check out yours love is love.
Dec 13Reply

@ourclosetlnc By the way... I finally made my 1st sale!! And then a 2nd one the next day! I’m trying to work on my Posh stats and reputation so I can hopefully become an ambassador one day! 😉
Dec 13Reply

We can just exchange it for same price don’t accept it and offer the same amount for other purse and I’ll accept and send it right out.
Dec 14Reply

@sophia63 It won’t let me go back and undo the accept part. Let me try again
Dec 14Reply

@mellibscloset it's so exciting! I'm so happy for you. Let me know how I can help. It takes a lot of work. I started in November and with 15 hours a day of sharing, liking, and following. I became an ambassador in 1 month. I suggest that you follow as many people as you can and share, share, share. 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Dec 14Reply

@ourclosetlnc That’s awesome!! And super quick! Congrats girl! I started in November as well and I already have 12k that I’m following... but I’m not on a timeline or a rush so I think that’s pretty good considering! But yeah I’ve basically been glued to my phone following liking and sharing!!! lol but I’m sure I’ll have some questions for you in the future!
Dec 14Reply

Welcome to poshmark. You're in Great selling territory. You get to meet very interesting people & some become Friends. I've enjoyed my time here and hope you do too.
Remember to share your closet, others closet, refresh your listings, join parties, follow follow follow! I wish you great success. Happy poshing 😘
Dec 15Reply

@chucky197719 Hello I’m doing ok. My dad is in the hospital but I’m Hanging in there! 🙏 How are you? Do we know each other?
Dec 15Reply

@rarenunique Is There a way to have a newsfeed of my closet crushes? so I can follow them specifically??
Dec 15Reply

@chucky197719 Thank you 💗
Dec 15Reply

🌲Welcome to Poshmark🌲
Dec 16Reply

Hi! Welcome and happy poshing Melissa👋😁💕
Dec 16Reply

@jmgd19711989 Thanks for the shares & likes! If you’re interested create a bundle and I’ll make you a deal! 💜😁
Dec 16Reply

@sophia63 I’m just going to keep it and give it out for Xmas! Thanks for everything!
Dec 16Reply

@rarenunique Question... If I see someone who likes 1 or 2 of my items... how do I create a bundle to send them an offer? I can only figure out how to make a bundle for purchases. I can’t figure out how to make offers to buyers 😩 It’s driving me nuts!! lol Thanks!
Dec 16Reply

@mellibscloset on that item I do price drop then offer to likers. You can go a step further by tagging them with a short note " Hi, if you bundle your like and I can send you a no obligation offer. Thanks"
I also send a gift with all purchase and that almost always guarantees they'll return again. Also try doing the 30mins method at list once a day. Works wonders
Dec 16Reply

@rarenunique Oh Yes!! I already give a free gift with every purchase!! But what is the 30 minute thing?
Dec 16Reply

Hi there!😊Just wanted to stop by to say hello, hope you are having a great time here on posh 🤗 Hope you can have some time to visit my closet 😶 Blessings! -Liz💜
Dec 18Reply

Cheers to connecting on Poshmark! 💖 Please visit anytime @urselamay I add new listings daily and am open to negotiations. Have a Posh 💋 Day!
Jan 02Reply

@urselamay I will definitely check it out I look forward to matching your shares!
Jan 02Reply

So cute! I noticed we have similar brands and sizes posted, feel free to check out my closet☺️ Each purchase gets a free bracelet (women/girls) or lil toy (boys), a bundle of two or more items gets 10% off, and offers are always appreciated 💕
Jan 16Reply

@laurenefarm Ok will do! I’m measuring that dress right now 😁
Jan 17Reply

Thanks for following my closet! 🙌🎉 All the prices are negotiable and I give deep discounts on bundles. There's also a ton of new items in for 2019 so make sure to look around! ↪🚪↩
Jan 18Reply

Hi love your closet which sucks cuz shoe too big tops x to small LOL have a good one
Jan 18Reply

@reynolds57 Aww that does suck! lol Well thanks for stopping by I’ll take a look at yours as well and I hope you have a good day!
Jan 18Reply

@mellibscloset Welcome to Poshmark! Cute Closet! I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. I love how everyone's closet is different in their own way. You may look at my closet and i would be glad to answer any questions. Have a great day
Jan 18Reply

@twinsdesign hey girl thanks for stopping by my closet and I’ll definitely check it out too! I always love having new PFFS as well! I’ll let you know if I have any questions and I hope you have a good day! Keep in touch
Jan 19Reply

How do I reserve an item for someone?
Jan 19Reply

Thanks for the shares sweets💋💋!!
Jan 19Reply

@laurenefarm Great closet! Thanks girl
Jan 19Reply

@ccsqna Absolutely! Thank you
Jan 19Reply

@swak1323 Sharing is caring! 💗
Jan 19Reply

@twinsdesign Hey Kathy! I checked out Your closet and shared a few things! I noticed you were selling It Works gear... I was a distributor for a few years so I’m gonna post my gear on here too! And maybe a few others products as well 💗
Jan 19Reply

@mellibscloset I also was a distributor for a year. I changed to a loyal customer on a few product that i still use all the time. Good luck and happy Poshing. Love to spread Posh love Thank you. Hope to see you again
Jan 19Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet. When your ready make a bundle & I'll send you a offer... Or you can send me one. I'm taking ALL reasonable offers- everything must GO! Happy poshing.
Jan 19Reply

@beauzmadwoman24 I will let you know! Thanks a ton!
Jan 19Reply

@ourclosetlnc @soriag @spreadlove Could one of you explain to me... how to reserve an item for a customer? I listed the item as reserved on the titling... but is there anything else I can do to show the item is “Not for sale”? I can’t find how to properly show that it’s on hold... Thanks Ladies!! 😁💗
Jan 19Reply

@rarenunique @fabulousstylen Hey ladies! Can you help with this? Thanks!
Jan 19Reply

@mellibscloset mark it as not for sale till they're ready to purchase.
Jan 19Reply

Sorry im not sure how to do that. I rarely ever reserve items anymore as I had too many people not come back or send really low ball offers after I held it for a week. Sorry im not much help lol Happy poshing!
Jan 19Reply

@fabulousstylen Those are Great ideas! Thank youuuu I actually figured out how to put it as “not for sale” you just have to list it as zero dollars. So that was a learning experience for me lol But The reminder is a great idea cause I know I’ll forget too!! Thanks for all of your help I really appreciate it 😍
Jan 19Reply

@spreadlove Yea... This is my first time reserving for a buyer, and I guess depending on how this goes... will depend on whether or not I’m able to continue reserving for anyone!! But thanks for your feedback I really appreciate it!!
Jan 19Reply

@mellibscloset. Hey I just wanted to stop by & say a BIG THANKS for sharing the posh love my way! Its very helpful to my closet & I appreciate it soooo much. Happy poshing!
Jan 19Reply

@beauzmadwoman24 Anytime Doll! I love sharing – Posh Love 💕 it’s the best thing ever
Jan 19Reply

@ourclosetlnc @happyorganics Hello ladies! I have a few questions when you have a free moment. I just made a sale today and I want to make sure that I don’t get a bad shipping rating due to the weekend and holiday on Mon!! Poshmark takes that into consideration I hope and doesn’t count those days?!?!
Jan 20Reply

@ourclosetlnc @happyorganics Also Ive seen tons of closets that are set up by categories like shoes purses jeans ect... I tried to do that on my closet but every time I share an item it moves around on my page. How do I accomplish this? Thank you 💜
Jan 20Reply

@mellibscloset I always have to reorganize my page after sharing to parties. But the best way is to always share the whole closet starting at the bottom and going up. Sometimes I use the catagory filter. It takes a lot of work to keep it organize. Lol. But it also makes you share more often.
Jan 20Reply

@mellibscloset congrats on your sale. You should be fine. We usually mail the in the morning after a long weekend or holiday. Just put it in the mail 1st thing when post office opens. You could also let the buyer know by commenting on their meet the posher that you will ship it as soon as you can. I hope that helps.
Jan 20Reply

@ourclosetlnc Thank You for your quick response in answering both of my questions!! You’re such a good mentor ☺️ both answers helped. You’re the best!
Jan 20Reply

@mellibscloset awe! I'm blushing. Lol. Your very welcome!
Jan 21Reply

@erivas573 Normally I would be willing to negotiate a price with you but right now it’s just not a good time. I wanted to mark it for the future! 🤞they will still be there! Thanks
Jan 21Reply

@ourclosetlnc @soriag @rarenunique Hey ladies! I need some help! I made a few sales over the weekend and then my phone was shut off on Sunday, so I never got the shipping labels that I need to ship. I tried to resend them again to my email through the app... and I still didn’t receive them so I sent an email to PM. I hope to hear from them ASAP! Any suggestions? Is there an actual phone # to call?
Jan 30Reply

Thanks for ANY help!! 💕
Jan 30Reply

@mellibscloset you can request a new label from the sale page of the purchase and that will go to your email again
Jan 30Reply

@soriag I did that and still didn’t receive it. Maybe try changing my email and try that again I’m thinking?!?
Jan 30Reply

Also... does PM send out 1099 tax forms?
Jan 30Reply

@mellibscloset probably a dumb question but..did you do a search on your entire email box (all folders including junk)? Poshmark labels usually go to my junk folder for some reason.
Jan 30Reply

@soriag I checked my spam and all my folders 😭 I think I might change my email address to something different and then try to send them again I don’t know what else to do!
Jan 30Reply

And what about tax forms? I’m assuming they only send out tax forms if you make a certain amount of money??
Jan 30Reply

@soriag i’ve tried resending it again and it’s still not working... I see where I can download the label if I download it will I be able to send it to a different email address?
Jan 30Reply

@soriag Thank You for ALL Love your help girl I really appreciate it!! I downloaded the shipping label and then just forwarded it to a different email address! 😍 Thank Goodness
Jan 30Reply

@mellibscloset glad it is all taken care of 😃
Jan 30Reply

@ourclosetlnc @fabulousstylen Hey ladies! Im going to ask a really stupid question. When I share my entire closet... It brings me to my social media apps to share (which currently I do not). When I do that it does it share my entire closet on my newsfeed?? When I’m in a party can I share my entire closet there instead of having to share each item individually? I guess because it does not show my newsfeed when I do share my closet it’s just confuses me as to where it’s actually shared...?? 🤔
Feb 08Reply

@mellibscloset every time you share it is individual. You can share it anytime or to a party. To my understanding every time you share an item it gets pushed to the top of that category in the search feed.
So if you share a coat then when someone searches for coats in the main search then yours will be on top. Keep in mind that millions of people are sharing their too.
It's best to share as often as you can. To followers or parties. Hope that helps.
Feb 09Reply

@caseyhall123 Hey girl! Sorry I just saw this message now. Omg Yes we def weigh the same and I’m 4’11 😂 when I get a chance I’ll check out your closet and see if we can trade something. I’ve never ddone a trade before but I can see that you’ve done quite a few so I feel comfortable doing that with you! I will let you know. Tag the items in my closet that you’re interested in so I know what to look for as a trade. Thank you so much girl 💕
Feb 09Reply

@caseyhall123 I just checked out your closet and I only see like two or three items that are smalls and the rest are med and large so I don’t think a trade would work 😢
Feb 09Reply

@ourclosetlnc @fabulousstylen Thank you ladies so much! Both of you have helped me and I really appreciate you taking the time to mentor me! So then back to my original question... The only place that you can share your entire closet is on your newsfeed it sounds like!! Well either way now I know I’m doing the right thing because I always seem to make things more difficult for myself than they need to be!! So thanks again! 💕💗
Feb 09Reply

Please feel free to visit my closet too. All of my sales go towards mounting medical bills for my husband for a heart transplant he is waiting on a donor from. The donor not only has to match blood and tissue but be at least 6’ 8” to match my husbands chest cavity. He played for the Miami Dolphins now needs a new heart. He is on the top of my closet 🙏💞😊
Feb 09Reply

I am a Registered Nurse so familiar with Klippel Feil Syndrome. Do you have any physical abnormalities? When were you diagnosed sweetie.
Feb 09Reply

I'm 5'8"
Feb 09Reply

@sebq No Freaking way!! I was diagnosed at birth 35 years ago when they had no Internet or even computers and were looking up my diagnosis in a medical book!! 😂 yes I have many physical abnormalties... born with single kidney, 1 ovary, short hair line, a webbed neck, and 4 fused vertebrae in my neck!! I was very lucky to be born with a beautiful face and long hair to cover up my insecurities!!
Feb 10Reply

@sebq it’s just so crazy because even most doctors say that they have never heard of it or that it’s very rare. So I am impressed with the fact that you’ve heard of it and are familiar with it!! 😘
Feb 10Reply

Don’t ever say you need to cover up your scars of bravery hunny. You are who you are. If that’s not enough for someone then they don’t deserve to know you. Do you still have family should you need them. My husband and I are going through his transplant alone. My family died and his suck so we don’t speak to them. You are very pretty but just be you no matter what
Feb 10Reply

Well I’m certainly not an expert on it but when you have worked probably every area of the hospital you lean plus I worked at a huge teaching hospitals. I could keep you up at night with the things I’ve learned and seen especially kids
Feb 10Reply

@sebq Awww thank you girl... sometimes I need to hear that!! You’re the best 💕
Feb 11Reply

Could I add 1 more thing on my bundle?
Feb 11Reply

Anytime sweetie. Are you the one in the first or second pic
Feb 11Reply

@sebq shares coming your way!! 💕💕
Feb 11Reply

@sebq ALL of these pics on my profile are me!! Sometimes if an item doesn’t fit me I have to use somebody else’s picture but most all of them are me 😍
Feb 11Reply

Ok girl I just made my last change. You can give me my offer.
Feb 11Reply

Is there a way we can talk without other people knowing what we say?
Feb 11Reply

@jcfire62 when we chat inside of a bundle instead of my profile... no one can see what we say! I will give you my phone # inside of the bundle if you want to chat!
Feb 11Reply

Yes please
Feb 11Reply

I meant the picture in about Posher. The second one
Feb 11Reply

Thx for all the shares luv💞😊
Feb 11Reply

The phone number you gave me could you please give it to me again. I accidentally erased it. Maybe we can video talk and you can show me how to do this, PLEASE
Feb 12Reply

@sebq Yessss these are all me!!
Feb 12Reply

First two looks like two different pdople
Feb 12Reply

How girl how was your day? Can I ask for a favor?
Feb 13Reply

@sebq nope they’re both me! The first one I have my hair curled with make up on... The second one I was at the beach so I used a filter to put ears and my nose on and stuff like that but it was still me 😁
Feb 13Reply

@jcfire62 yeah sure what’s up hun what do you need?
Feb 13Reply

I believe you but you look like two entirely different people
Feb 13Reply

You look better in second pic. Very sexy
Feb 13Reply

Good morning sunshine, can you call me please when you get a chance?
Feb 13Reply

@sebq Awww well thank you!
Feb 13Reply

@jcfire62 Yes I can! It won’t be until later today cuz I have 2 Dr appts today, gotta run to CVS, and meeting up with a client too. So later today I will give you a buzz!!
Feb 13Reply

@seandb Awww thanks! Your too kind 😊
Feb 13Reply

Hey girlfriend how much do I owe you?
Feb 13Reply

You are welcome. More like second. Night and day. I mean you are pretty in both but as my husband says extremely sexy in second and he doesn’t compliment other women.
Feb 14Reply

If I buy part of the clothes and get more money and get the rest of them. Can I do that?
Feb 14Reply

@jcfire62 I wish you could do that girl but one of the items will ship until the full bundle is paid. Unless you want to do two separate bundles one for now and then one for a little bit later on but you’d have to pay to shipping charges that’s the only thing 😕
Feb 16Reply

@mellibscloset. Ok if I buy the ones that you have not for sale on them and pay for them first and then come back as long as no one else buys the others. The ones I can't pay for put them back and after you send the first package, then buy the others. I'm trying to pay for the stuff to move that is why money is tight.
Feb 17Reply

Can you call me?
Feb 17Reply

Hello, I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! Please feel free to check out my closet, I sell vintage jewelry! 📿💖 Happy Poshing!
Feb 25Reply

Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Feb 25Reply

@vpl1116 Thank you! And will do! 😁
Feb 25Reply

@mellibscloset thanks so much for sharing!! If you like anything, please let me know, I’ll be happy to make a special private offer as a way to say thanks! ❤️
Feb 25Reply

So cute💖
Feb 27Reply

Hey girly just want to say hey💕
Feb 28Reply

@gullprint Thank You! Means a lot to me! 💕
Mar 01Reply

@amanda11_11 Hey Hun! How are you doing? Hope things are well 😁 I tagged you in a bunch of cardigans by the way but I’m always adding new things! Most of my cardigans are posted though so I don’t know if you saw anything you like but let me know I can definitely give you a private discount for sure! 💗😘
Mar 01Reply

Hi Melissa, thanks so much for the shares 😘😘😘
Mar 01Reply

@mellibscloset thank you!!💕❤️❤️💕 I need cardigans I will take a look when money comes through
Mar 01Reply

@amanda11_11 sounds good! I know how that is girl! I hope all is well with you!! 💕
Mar 01Reply

@mellibscloset thank you and hope all is well with you too💕
Mar 01Reply

Hi Melli! Thanks for the follow! Hope you enjoy my closet!
Mar 03Reply

@mellibscloset Here's how to make bundle when people like more than one thing - follow the steps in my second post as it would not let me type more than 500 characters.
Mar 06Reply

@mellibscloset 1) pick one of the items they like-click the share button-enter their @user name in the search, they will pop up on a list. Select them and it will share to them (and start a bundle). 2) Go into 'My Bundles' and click on Sell. That share from step 1 will be in a bundle 3) All their likes from your closet will be listed in the bundle. Click on the little icon underneath each item. It adds all of them to the bundle 4) after all are added, click 'offer'
Mar 06Reply

@donnacarl59 Well thank you Donna for the helpful information... but I don’t think that this message was intended for me? 🤔 As I am well trained on how to make a bundle! Thanks though 😍 😂
Mar 06Reply

@mellibscloset oh it may have been from an earlier post on this thread. I didn’t read all of it!! Happy Poshing!!
Mar 06Reply

@donnacarl59 no worries girl! Thanks for the help! Have a great day and happy Poshing 💕
Mar 06Reply

Hi Melli! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Mar 10Reply

Girl you look great. Totally beautiful
Mar 21Reply

Hi how r u
Mar 21Reply

@alexis_thebest Awww Hun Thank You so much! You are too kind! And you are very pretty yourself 💕
Mar 21Reply

@jwholm Im ok. Just busy sharing and sharing and sharing! lol How are you doing?
Mar 21Reply

@mellibscloset well thanks. Comin from yourself is quite the compliment
Mar 21Reply

@connie_posh welcome to Poshmark! And Yes sharing is key to getting more followers and turning likes into sales 🎉
Mar 21Reply

Doing great and u , cute pics 👍I took my pics off I wasn’t posting much . R u on Instagram
Mar 21Reply

@jwholm Aww thank you! I do have an Instagram account... but I haven’t used it in like 9 months!! lol but I may start using it again to promote my closet! I should get on that actually... lol 😂
Mar 21Reply

I found u and said hi
Mar 21Reply

@alexis_thebest Aww thank you girl 💕 You are so sweet! We need more people like you in this world 😍
Mar 21Reply

@jwholm oh you did? Haha I might not get back to you on Instagram for quite a while so don’t be mad... but thanks for the add! lol
Mar 21Reply

Ok is that u in the bikini . Do u chat
Mar 21Reply

Thanks for the follow 🥰
Mar 21Reply

Rain in Indiana today high in the low 49’s it sucks
Mar 21Reply

@mellibscloset it's a work in progress they are hiding and waiting for peaceful times. Lol
Mar 21Reply

Good morning
Mar 22Reply

Mar 25Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and for the likes!
I ship same or next day , I’m 5 star rated, I offer 15% off Bundles (2+) and I’m always open to reasonable offers! Happy Poshing! 👖👢💕
Apr 01Reply

@jwholm Yes all are me! Nope I’m strictly here to chat with my customers so unless you’d like to buy something 🤐
Apr 02Reply

@kberg134 ok thanks!
Apr 02Reply

Hi there. Just wanted to say you have an amazing closet!!! Everything is so pretty!! Happy poshing!!😊💕🌺
Apr 07Reply

Hi Melissa I see you added my MK purse to a bundle but it didn't show up. Are you interested? It really is gorgeous!! Mary 😊up for offers.
Apr 07Reply

Hi Melli! Thank you for the like on the PINK VS pants, great choice, they're awesome! Please consider browsing for other great sale items in my closet, and bundle all of your likes when you're ready🙂
Apr 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Hope you are having fun selling, buying and making money. Wishing you the best of luck on here. When you get a mintue come check out my closet. If you like anything make me an offer. Have a blessed day beautiful. God bless you. 🙏☺
Apr 14Reply

@alexis_thebest Thanks you’re too kind
Apr 19Reply

Apr 22Reply

@captainfun I don’t even know what that means lol
Apr 22Reply

@mellibscloset Captain Fun was having some Rum out of his stash on the ship and accidentally Drunk posted. 🤣🤣🤣 Wishing you many sales of your Pirate Booty. 👽
Apr 22Reply

Hi! Just wanted to let you know I put the package in USPS last night. Waiting for them to scan it through!
Apr 23Reply

Hi Melli🌺 I’m Susan & I have new beautiful items in many sizes & budgets- great designers- Free People, BCBG, Vince CAMUTO, The Limited, Valentino, Coach, Marc Jacobs, CeCe, Dooney & Bourke, jewelry, & furs! AND coats, size 12👠, blouses from ESCADA, luxury pantyhose from France, Belgium and Italy and more- all from my own smoke free closet or hand picked from fabulous retailers🦋I’m a 5 Star Rated Seller🌟
Apr 24Reply

Hi Melli, hope you’re doing well :) Feel free to check out my closet💛
Apr 28Reply

Thx for following me
May 07Reply

May 07Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 14Reply

I sell It Works! What have you been looking for?
May 14Reply

Thank you for sharing
May 15Reply

You are absolutely stunning 😍 and your closet is beautiful 🥰
May 20Reply

Hi Melissa, So delighted you’re following my closet & glad to meet new posh friends. Have fun & feel free to let me know if you ever have any questions about my closet goodies, as I’m here to help, & always open to feedback. ✨🌸✨
Warm Wishes of Success to Us All,
Posh Ambassador & Mentor
May 20Reply

Hi you’re interested in the camo shirt send me a $8 offer and I will include a free gift. I wish I could pay for your shipping to but I cannot pay for the whole thing had $10. But I would love to sell it to you I bought the 6 I have 3 left sold really quick. I had to re-order please let me know I’m ready to move on a to another Tank top. id payshipping that’s not fair to so I will give discount on the shipping but it may only be a dollar. So if you want it I’ll sell it to you for eight bucks.
May 20Reply

Hi melli!💗
Jun 09Reply

@mellibscloset thank you SO much for liking the Abercrombie lace dress in my closet !! Feel free to shoot me an offer... you may be surprised 😏😏
Jun 10Reply

Hi Melissa! I see you are an ambassador since 2018, so I assume you know posh pretty well. I’ve been sending support e-mails of concerns about people buying my stuff then change their accounts instantly with new names and the old you can’t find. I message them with no response then they just drop off. I didn’t mail out my items because I was afraid they were not valid buyers and my items are expensive. Have you ever heard of someone shipping to a buyer that wasn’t legit and not get paid?
Jun 12Reply

Hello, Thank you for shopping my closet and all the likes, my sale is 30% off a bundle of 3 or more... have a great day!
Jun 16Reply

Thank you for sharing my listings
Jun 20Reply

Hi Melli.👋 Thanks 🙏🏾 for the follow. Am following you now too. Excited to check out your closet.👗👠🧣 FYI if you’re ever interested in anything in mine. I’m always open to offers and take 20% off bundles of two or more items. Hope you have a great 👍🏼 Friday & Happy Poshing!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗
Jun 21Reply

And good luck 🍀 with sales. Trying to pay 💰 for medical bills is a challenge. Will def. share for you to try & help out.
Jun 21Reply

Thanks 🙏🏾 for the shares the other day.🤗🤗🤗 Have a great 👍🏼 Saturday.
Jun 22Reply

Hi ❤️❤️❤️I am doing a closet clear out ❤️❤️and everything must go, if you like something feel free to make an offer or bundle in Anything you like❤️❤️❤️I will accept it❤️❤️❤️ any price 😊🥰
Jun 30Reply

Hi Melli I just wanted to thank you for all of your shares!! So nice of you. 😊. Meredith
Jun 30Reply

Hi! I would love if you could check out the bikinis and shorts that I’m selling from my newly opened closet! I’m looking to pass them on for a great deal! Thanks😊💕
Jul 04Reply

Hello 👋 Melissa, thanks for liking, sharing, and following my closet! You have a beautiful and fun closet! As Arnolds Schwarzenegger says “I’ll be back!” I am currently adding new items to my closet, so check it often. If you have any questions or are looking for something special, please do not hesitate to ask! Thanks again and Happy Poshing.🥰
Oct 11Reply

Oct 30Reply

🍁🍁hi Melissa I’m Bertha thanks for the follow 🍁
Nov 10Reply

Cute closet! Feel free to check out mine! 5/$25 ☺️💖🛍
Nov 19Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Dec 29Reply

Hi! Check out my closet :) I have tons of jeans from brands such as Miss Me, True Religion, American Eagle, Bebe, Big Star, Levi’s, Lucky Brand, Vigoss, BKE Stella, Rock and Republic, Hollister, and more! I can negotiate. Have a great day!
Apr 11Reply
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