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Updated Apr 01
Updated Apr 01

Meet your Posher, Mer

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mer. Some of my favorite brands are MAC Cosmetics, Coach, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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andyandjazzy Hi! Welcome to Poshmark 🤗
Mar 16Reply
poshingaddict Hi Hun, please have some common sense and not harass other poshers saying that their items can be purchased elsewhere. Advertising other apps is also against Poshmark policy. Maybe you should have your fellow police friend to read you the rules, maybe then you'll understand?
Mar 18Reply
poshingaddict Congrats on your first report, many more to come if you keep it up! 💕
Mar 18Reply
mermer06 @poshingaddict you should also read the terms of the site where specifically states telling the truthful original price of the item. Which you fail to do. And if you want to hijack items from China at least use your own photos not the ones from the original ad. Please report me again! I'm only calling you out because I think the bleach has sunken into your brain. Have a great day 👄
Mar 18Reply
itsyourstory oh gosh, I was about to buy something from this closet but good thing I ran into this argument! I HATE people who goes on other peoples closets and tell them their stuff is cheaper somewhere else! @mermer06 how is importing "hijacking"? someone needs to go back to school lol! So inconsiderate! thanks @poshingaddict , don't worry, these people won't last long on poshmark :)
Mar 18Reply
itsyourstory i'll report her too lol! we don't need this negativity here on posh
Mar 18Reply
poshingaddict Aha I know right? @itsyourstory She said my items were marked up 1000%. 1000% of $10 is $100, and I have no items listed for $100. May I recommend some good elementary schools my dear?
Mar 18Reply
mermer06 The point is I've purchase those items. They are crap. And your peddling it on to other people for a fantastic mark up. There are also rules on here about quality on items. So both of you report me. Totally fine. Don't purchase from me. Also fine. There are also people on here that will appreciate knowing or preventing being ripped off
Mar 18Reply
superbargains WOW, did she really use the work "hijack"? Hijack means: to illegally seize (an aircraft, ship, or vehicle) in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one's own purposes.. . I don't want to live on this planet anymore...
Mar 18Reply
superbargains @mermer06 there are no rules against "quality items". If the items are BRAND NEW and unused then you're able to sell them...the more you talk the more embarrassment you're bringing yourself so just stop, or delete this listing lol. I don't mean to be rude but it sounds like you brought this argument upon yourself.
Mar 18Reply
superbargains im still wondering how this listing showed up on my feed LOL
Mar 18Reply
luckyangie11 Love these babies!💓🐾 can't see the white one fave but looks like a Pit? The brindle colored one reminds me of a Pit/Labrador mix (Pitadore). What is the biggest one? A Mastiff? I love me some fur babies!! I have 6 dogs & a kitty!!❤️🐾💋
May 29Reply
mermer06 @luckyangie11 haha. That's so funny. after that lol disputes with those girls above I changed my picture to my babies. The brindle us s hound mix. I definitely think there's lab in him. The big guy is a mastiff. He just turned a year. The white girl a pitt mix, Sweetest little bitch ever! I would love to have SIX pups! I'm so jealous! And I absolutely love all the things your listing. After I have this baby I need to come visit your closet!!
May 29Reply
luckyangie11 Go to my "Meet your Posher" and I have pics of my furry minions on there!👍💋
May 29Reply
luckyangie11 Btw..I also believe in being truthful & honest. I'd prob done the same thing you did. It takes real class to mouth at a pregnant lady. I just "unfollowed" both chicks. People should mind their own & try not cause further drama. Just sayin'. If just stating something seems too expensive (otherwise you would purchase) & that you've seen it cheaper somewhere else so a person can adjust their pricing on here & their items will sell. I don't see anything wrong with that. You're good with me!👍
May 29Reply
luckyangie11 You do know that you can block those users right?
May 29Reply
mermer06 @luckyangie11 it's more so that I've purchase those items and the quality is zero! But I did block them. As for your pups, so cute. I love them all! We live in town, otherwise we would have more. My husband found a Pitt pup on patrol a few nights ago. I almost had 4 dogs not 3😘! I had a great kitty. We lost her about a year ago. I'm skeptical to get a new one cuz I'll never get another one like her. And cats can be tricky. To say the least!
May 29Reply
styliststylist Hi! Thank you for your interest! I can’t let the boots go for less than $42 They are $180 boots!! They are in very good condition and top quality. I think I’m offering a very reasonable price! Thank you:)
Dec 08Reply

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Last Active: Feb 13

Modesto, CA
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