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Updated Mar 13
Updated Mar 13

Meet your Posher,🌷💃 Merrie Lee💃🌷

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Merrie Lee. I love, love clothes and putting an outfit together including accessories!! I'm always willing to negotiate and love to share other's fabulous items!! The items I sell are always in excellent condition and laundered or dry cleaned before selling!! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. 💕
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sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton hey there I'm trying a reboot!! But it may take some time!!! Just wanted you to know!!! Love you! Hope you are feeling better today!!!!💕💕💕💕💕(hopefully you know who this is) 🤣🤣🤣
Aug 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 It's my PFF!!! I'd recognize the writing style anywhere! What you're doing is a very smart move! Literally!!! Love you! 💕😘💕
Aug 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Yay! I got to be your first liker! 😁💕💕
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton yay!!! I can share your items from here now!!! You are the best ever!!!💗💗💗
Aug 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 So have you figured out the move yet?
Aug 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Looking good! 💕😘💕
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton ha! It's a process!!! We'll see how this works out!!💕💕💕 I'm actually seeing my stuff in the feed and yours too!! Sweet!!
Aug 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Cool!!! 😉💕💕
Aug 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Don't worry about sharing my closet, you just work on yours. 💕☺💕
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton 💕💕💕💕💗💕💕💕💕
Aug 27Reply
carolinalop27 Hi and welcome to poshmark 🎉🎉🎉🎉. I know you're going to Love buying and selling here. If you have any questions feel free to reach out and I will help you as much as I can. Happy poshing. Olga 😀❤🎉😀❤🎉😀❤🎉😀❤🎉😀❤🎉
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @carolinalop27 thanks Olga!!💕
Aug 27Reply
hstitches Hi welcome to poshmark I hope you like it here as much as I do!
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @hstitches thank you!!💕
Aug 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Welcome! 💕😘💕 Happy Poshing to you! 🎶
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton thank you very much!!💕
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @stylynn333 Lynn, thx so much!!!💕
Aug 27Reply
bargainfancy 💜🦄💜🦄 Hi welcome to POSH! I am a new Posh Ambassador and I would like to greet you and check in. If you have any questions I can help with, just let me know. I am checking out your closet and hope you will check out mine! I hope you will make a bundle! I offer special discounts to Poshers who bundle! Buy 3, get one free! Have a great day and welcome to the fun!!! 💜🦄💜🦄💜💜🦄
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @bargainfancy Michele! Thanks so much! 💕💕💕
Aug 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Congratulations!!! 💕😘💕
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @becki38 hi Becki! This is Merrie Lee! I've moved 🚚 this is my new home/closet!💕💕💕 please visit anytime 😊
Aug 28Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning! Your closet is lovely! 💕☺💕 Wishing you bunches of sales and a beautiful day!
Aug 28Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning! I just wanted to let you know that I have an appointment to get a couple of shot's in my lower back this afternoon at 1pm. 😕 Have a happy day, love you! 💕💕💕💕💕
Aug 28Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I survived! I sure hope it works because I sure don't want another surgery. Thank you for sharing while I was out. Love to you, my lovely friend! 💕💕☺💕💕
Aug 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton going to the chiropractor in a few!! Hope your back is better!! Take it easy!!!! Love you!!💗
Aug 28Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Yeah, you have to rest and let the medicine go where it's supposed to. I hope you feel better after your appointment with the chiropractor. 💕 Love you! 💕☺💕
Aug 28Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Hot then cold, then hot and cold...over and over. I'm pretty doggone sore from all the shot's I got today. Hopefully the injections will kick in in a few days or so. Thank you for sharing my closet, I truly appreciate it. Now, let's go sell a bunch and have a happy night. 💕☺💕
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton so sorry sweetie!! Take it easy and rest, rest, rest!! Btw I've made a discovery about sharing!! It really doesn't help to share more than 3 or 4 at a time, all the others aren't seen in the feed!! I've been experimenting 😅🤣
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 You know, I've been wondering about that. I figured your scientific mind was at work since you have a lovely new home. 😉 I'm gonna try to hang in there till midnight. 💕😘💕
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton ok sweetie!!! Sleep in tomorrow!! I'm going to the lake with some of my buddies tomorrow so won't be on much til evening!! I'll try to share before I go! (3 or 4 at a time!!) 🤣🤣🤣
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Less is more. We're becoming minimalistic. 💕💕💕😉💕💕💕😘💕💕💕
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 💕💕💕💕
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 so this is what you meant lol you could of said that to me now you have to get the sharing event for the weekend your knew closet name 😘😘♥️ when we talked about this I didn’t think you were making a new page 🥳💛💛🌼🌼🌼🌼
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton 👏👏👏👏
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 💕🤗💕😘💕
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 yes!! I was making no sales😔 decided on a reboot!! Tried the site that must remain nameless, I have a few things there.... thx for your inspiration!! 💗💕💗
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 Hey! How goes everything?☺💕
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton hi sweetie how are you ? All is good I hope you signed up for the three day share event 😘🥰 if not I can tag you ! I shared your closet the other day before I took a day off lol 😂 I’m glad everyone is together again I knew she was making moves but didn’t think all this 🙃🙃 great peeps you both are 😘🥰♥️
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 ok awesome well posh gets us all the time lol ! I’m happy fresh start for you change is good ! Just go into the event the three day one you will have to change your closet name or no one will share you 😥 beautiful closet I love it 😘😘♥️♥️♥️
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 thank you!!!! Can I just add my new name? Not sure how to get rid if the old one!!
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 no you go on the sharing event page for the three day weekend comment closet name change write new closet and then say old closet name please remove !!!!
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 woah! Ok! I'll go try!!!
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 hey! Can you tag me?? I can't find it now!!🤣🤣🤣
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 yes I gotta write your name down hang on lol
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 Awww! Thank you, the feelings are mutual. I've been selling, and that's a good thing. Much Love!!! 💕☺💕
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton yes it sure Is I’m going to share as soon as I find this event 🤦🏼‍♀️ me too on both sites so it’s all good and I keep changing my closet around it works for me 😘♥️ much love 🥰
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 Hey! Tag me about the share event. Thank you. Love you! 💕☺💕
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton just did love you 😘
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 @leslie_blanton night sweet ladies!!! Love you!!💕💕
Aug 29Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 love you goodnight I tagged you ladies back in the sharing group we are on again ♥️♥️🥰
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 Thanks a bunch! Goodnight. 💕
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go...🎶💕🎶💕🎶 💕😘💕
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning! Have a sell of a happy day! 😊💕💕💕
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 💕💕😘💕💕
Aug 29Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I just remembered that you said you were headed to the lake today. Hope you had a happy day! Love you! 💕☺💕
Aug 30Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton yes!! Just got home! Fun but a long day!! Now I have to try and catch up here!! Is the sharing event happening yet?
Aug 30Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Yes, it has. @crazysha63 was looking for you just a few minutes ago. I've not been feeling well at all today, so I've not shared as much as I usually do. I apologize. I believe I'll be heading to Urgent Care in the a.m. to get checked for a possible bladder infection. Ugh...😩
Aug 30Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton oh so sorry!!!! Just rest!! I'll do all I can!!!💕💕💕
Aug 30Reply
sweetstyle56 @luabebe thanks!!💗
Aug 30Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton feel better sweetie 🙏🏻😔😚
Aug 30Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 Thank you dearheart. 💕💕
Aug 30Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 hey darlin!! Never got the # to sign in for the event... should I just go ahead and share the closets??
Aug 30Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 look for your name and you will get your #
Aug 30Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good afternoon! Sorry I didn't share much this morning, but I didn't get up until 11:30am! I couldn't believe I slept so late!!! Let me know what you've discovered, if anything. Have a happy, Poshing day!!! 💕😘💕
Aug 31Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton hey sweetie! So glad you slept in! You needed that!! The one thing I've noticed is even when you share to the parties, your followers also see your shares! So no need to do each one twice!! Still no sales 😔 but at least I'm getting likes! ( other than yours!)😄😄😄 have a great day!! Love and hugs!!💕💞💕
Aug 31Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Like's are good!!! Yay! I'm so happy for you! Love you! 💕☺💕
Aug 31Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton and... when you share a bunch of items from different closets or a bunch from one closet, only the last 3 or 4 items are seen. That's why I'm only sharing a few at a time!!
Aug 31Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Gotcha! We'll give it a go. Sell a bunch and have a happy day!!! 💕😘💕
Aug 31Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton you too!!😘😘😘
Aug 31Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton goodnight ladies finally found you two again 😘😘🥰
Sep 02Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 Goodnight sweetheart...🌙💕
Sep 02Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning! How are you?
Sep 04Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton hi!! Good, back in the US of A! And phone's working again!😄😄 we had a great time!! How are You?? And Dorian??
Sep 04Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good! I'm glad you took some time for fun, it's good for you. Well, I woke up late and just in time for the rain to start. We're beginning to get the effects of the outer band's now, with wind gusts. From what the weatherman says, we may just get a direct hit. We are under a mandatory evacuation, but we're staying put. I'll give you updates as they come in. 😉 Now, let's sell a bunch and have a happy Poshing day! 💕🤗💕😘💕
Sep 04Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton please, please stay safe!!! Much more important than clothes!! Love you sweetie!!💕
Sep 04Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Thank you dearheart, we'll definitely stay on the safe side. We are expected to lose power, so that really sucks, but we do have a gas stove and water heater, I guess that's a good thing. I'm sure we'll be fine, but prayers are welcomed. 💞 I actually took it easy yesterday and took a break from Poshmark; it was very nice. 😉💕 I'm raring to go now though! Let's do this! 🤗 Love you!!! 💞💕😘💕💞
Sep 04Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton please let me know how you are doing!!! 💓💕💕
Sep 04Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I'll keep you updated. 💕💞💕
Sep 04Reply
austen925 Thanks for all your shares❣️
Sep 05Reply
sweetstyle56 @austen925 you are so welcome!! And right back at ya!!!!!💕💕💕💕
Sep 05Reply
purplepink22770 Thank You sooo much for sharing my things,I love your clodet how you made outfits that's great,Iwish I was that size lol,Iam very new just made my first sale,so if you have any tricks and you want to share Iam all earsThank you god bless
Sep 05Reply
sweetstyle56 @purplepink22770 of course!! I love to share!!!💕💕💕💕 I'm actually in a re-boot! Starting over cause I suddenly wasn't making any sales!! Thank you for appreciating my efforts!! The key is to share, share, share! Go to the parties each day, when you can, and again share items there. You want to grow your followers!!
Sep 05Reply
sweetstyle56 @purplepink22770 Also, Share your own closet too several times a day and rearrange your closet often cause people tend to share the first few items!! Check in any time with questions!!! Take care and I'll keep sharing!!💕💕💕
Sep 05Reply
shopbcbcompany Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Congrats on starting your closet! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Happy Shopping 🛍
Sep 07Reply
sweetstyle56 @shopbcbcompany thx so much!! Thank you for the shares!!💕💕💕
Sep 07Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning! I hope your day is going well so far. I'm not going to be on much today. Having company @ 3PM and I've got to clean up a bit. So I wish you many sales and very happy day! Much love...💞💞💞
Sep 09Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton hello! Hope you're having fun!! Its been a crazy busy day so just now trying to catch up!! Enjoy!! Love you!!💞💞💞
Sep 09Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Just another manic Monday...😜 Love you, and I love, love, love the belt!!! 💞💕🤗💕💞
Sep 09Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton ha! Just saw this!! Love that song 😊💕
Sep 09Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Now you'll be singing it inside your head for day's and day's. lol 😆😁
Sep 09Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton hi there!! Hope you have a great day and its cooler!! Warmer here.... feels good!! I have another appointment today but will share when I can!! 💞💞💞
Sep 10Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton hey sweetie! Hope you had a good day!! More appointments tomorrow 😋 but will jump in when I can!!! Sweet dreams!😴💞💞💞
Sep 11Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I've got an appointment tomorrow as well. Goodnight...🌙💞
Sep 11Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning chickadee! I hope you're doing well. I've got another appointment today, but should be back to join the 3pm party. Sell a bunch and have a Poshing happy day! 💕💞😘💞💕
Sep 12Reply
clickabledeals @sweetstyle56 Ah ha! I found you! Lol! Hopefully you remember me, as we were sharing buddies for a long time! Then all of a sudden you were gone! I was wondering what happened to you and now I found my sharing buddy again! Yay! Lol 😊 hope you are well, and glad to see your still on Posh!
Sep 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @xtinax27 yes!! Of course i remember!! was hoping people would see my notice on my other closet about my move!! Is that how you found me?? I'll try to catch up!! Have a great day💓💓💓
Sep 14Reply
clickabledeals @sweetstyle56 So glad you remember me! Yes that's how I found you, I searched for your old closet and saw your post that you have a new one. At first I didn't get why all your items said sold 🙆‍♀️ till I read your most recent post 💁‍♀️ Glad your still on posh! Hope you have a great weekend! 😊
Sep 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @xtinax27 my sales dropped significantly after becoming an Ambassador 😔 so I decided to relinquish my post 😄 and all my followers 😭 and start from scratch! At least I know what I'm doing this time!!☺ happy to have reconnected my friend!!! Have a great day!!!😘😘😘
Sep 14Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Hey! I know I'm not keeping up, but I'll try changing gears. 😉💞
Sep 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton ha!! I actually just fell asleep for a few minutes!! No worries you are the 👑 of sharing!!!!😘😘😘
Sep 14Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Thank you, thank you very much! 💞😁💞🤩💞😘💞
Sep 14Reply
clickabledeals @sweetstyle56 Oh really 🙆‍♀️ I thought that was the goal to become ambassador, more sales. Maybe I don't know what I'm doing either, I thought I did, but lately I feel unsure 🤷‍♀️ Glad I found you friend! I will keep sharing your listings and wish you many sales! 💞
Sep 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @xtinax27 right back at ya!! I've also found it's better to share just a few items at a time! Only the last 3 or 4 that are shared are actually seen!! So share your own listings in small doses 😄 and I'll do the same!!💕💕💕
Sep 14Reply
clickabledeals @sweetstyle56 I've always wondered about how the sharing works 🙆‍♀️ so if you share a bunch of someone's listings, they don't all show up in the news feed? I thought it does 🤷‍♀️ and also the same for your own listings 🤷‍♀️ so anytime you share your own or someone else's they don't all show up in the news feed??? 🙆‍♀️
Sep 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @xtinax27 they do if someone wants to tap on "see so and so's shares) but I think most people just respond to what they see in the feed! Which is usually just the last 3 or 4 items! Sometimes they get displayed one at a time, which is great but I don't know how that's determined 🤔
Sep 14Reply
clickabledeals @sweetstyle56 Interesting 🤔 so its kinda a waste of time sharing so many at once 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I have noticed tho, that when you share your own listings, it shows up under whatever category you have that listing in, but I'm not sure if it shows in the category when you share other people's listings because even I check to see, it's night there 🙆‍♀️ but if I share my listing, it does show up in the category 💁‍♀️
Sep 14Reply
clickabledeals @sweetstyle56 it's not there * not night lol
Sep 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @xtinax27 😄I got it! If someone is searching for a specific brand/size/category e.g. tops it shows up but in the general feed only the last few!! Even if you share a bunch from several closets only the last few are displayed... that's why I love to share just 3 or 4 items at a time now!! I think the new followers are more apt to see your stuff!! Try it and let me know what you think!!
Sep 14Reply
clickabledeals @sweetstyle56 😅 ok good haha. Well, that kinda sucks so everybody is wasting their time sharing multiple listings all this time, just to NOT show up in the news feed 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ well I will try your advice and see how it goes! How long do you wait in between sharing someone else's listings so they do show up? Thanks friend! 😊
Sep 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @xtinax27 it would take forever to do this with everyone but when I share my own I do 3 or 4 then tap closet and then go to my men's listings and alternate back and forth....
Sep 14Reply
clickabledeals @sweetstyle56 Ah ok, I will try that then. Posh can be confusing at times 🤷‍♀️ thanks for the help friend! 😊💞🙋‍♀️
Sep 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @xtinax27 😘😘😘
Sep 15Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I've been watching the football game between Syracuse and Clemson. I am not a Clemson fan, so I'm disappointed Syracuse lost. 😕
Sep 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton yes!😔😔😔 I thought they had a chance after the interception but then ack they turned it right back over😡 now ugh!!😭😭😭
Sep 15Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Hey! Is it really slow to you today? 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Sep 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton lots of shares but no likes😔 guess everyone is selling, no buyers!!
Sep 15Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I feel ya girlfriend! Maybe it'll pick up tonight. 🤞💞
Sep 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton yes!!👍🤞👍
Sep 15Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Siesta! 🧘‍♀️
Sep 15Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good afternoon! I hope you're doing well, chickadee! I wanted to let you know that I have an appointment today. I'll do my best to catch up. Congratulations on your sale, and I wish you many more! Much love! 💞💞😘💞💞
Sep 16Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton thx!! Baby steps 😄 take care and we'll connect later!! Love you💕💕💕
Sep 16Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton I really need to remember names 🙈 I’m use to the old one and I also always forget Leslie sorry girls I love you guys and I will share today I haven’t been sharing because I’ve had such migraines with the change of season 😘♥️ and my closet is so empty 🥺 I don’t know what to do 😖
Sep 17Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 no worries darlin!!!! You rest we'll share!! Much love!!💕💕💕
Sep 17Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 I concur. It's good to hear from you @crazysha63 ! 💞💞😘💞💞
Sep 17Reply
leslie_blanton Oops, I tagged you twice, so sorry @crazysha63 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Sep 17Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 leading in a few minutes for an appointment but will share like crazy when I get home!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Sep 17Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 oops leaving!😄
Sep 17Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 me too going to do my hair see you later to sweetie 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Sep 17Reply
coffee_n_posh Welcome to poshmark, i hope you have an awesome shopping experience 🎁🎉
Sep 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @kmhnp thank you!!!!💞💕💞
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning! I sent a good customer of mine your way and she liked some of your items. Are you around? 💞💕💞
Sep 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton yes!! Thank you sooo much! Michael was leaving to visit his brother in law who is in the ICU!
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Oh no! I hope everything will be alright. I'll be praying. 💞🙇‍♀️💞
Sep 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton thank you darlin!!💞💕💞
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 💞💞💞💞💞
Sep 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton Leslie, thank you sooo much for the referral!! You're the bomb💣💥💞💞💞💞
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 You're most welcome! But you forgot to add the diggity. Lol...😜😝
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 In the south we say the "bomb diggity"! Lol...😁😂
Sep 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton oh! I've just learned something new!!😄
Sep 20Reply
deedees55closet I LOVE your new closet!! I missed you, thanks for not forgetting about me!!😇😇😇😇🏖
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Hey sweet friend o' mine! Sorry I haven't been sharing, but I had to get ready for an appointment at 3:30. Hopefully the appointment won't last too long and I can make it for some of the next party. Much love! 💞💕💞
Sep 20Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 hey ladies do you want me to start tagging you in some sharing groups ? But they don’t like when you talk in the comments to other people you sign in share come back and share the others who signed up I’d be more then happy you get more shares and more exposure 😘😘😘😘😘🥳♥️🥳🥳🥳🥳🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🥰🥰🥰
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 I'm not sure I could keep from talking. lol 🤭
Sep 20Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 would you like to try lol some poshers have it on there rules some don’t because it does get confusing on the list I had 700 shares today from all the groups and sold two items 😱
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 Wow!!! Tag me! 💞😉💞
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I hope everything is alright. Keeping y'all in my thoughts and prayers. 💞🙇‍♀️💞
Sep 20Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton yes as soon as they put there tags up I will not sure if they do weekends so I’ll keep my eyes open 😘
Sep 20Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 Thanks chick! 💞😘💞
Sep 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @deedeerol omg its sooooo good to hear from you!! Are you ok??? I've been off pretty much all day cause Michael's brother in law is in ICU. Sooo tough not looking very good 😔 how are you doing???
Sep 21Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton hey darlin so sorry I haven't been around! Tough day! I'll try to catch up!!
Sep 21Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Hey! It's not a big deal. I've been off of here a bit myself today. My neck and shoulder are still giving me fits. I'm sorry to hear about your family member. If you need anything, or just to talk, I'm here for you. Message me on messenger if you want. I'm still praying dearheart.🙇‍♀️ Love you. 💞💕💞
Sep 21Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton thank you soo much! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Sep 21Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 💞💞💞💞
Sep 21Reply
coffee_n_posh Welcome to poshmark, i hope you have an awesome shopping experience 🎁🎉
Sep 22Reply
sweetstyle56 @kmhnp thx!!!💓
Sep 22Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton I hope you had a good day!!!! My son got back from Long island today so wasn't on much!! He and his kitty are back in Fredonia so things should be relatively normal ha! Tomorrow! Sweet dreams talk to you in the am!! Xoxo 💕💕💕
Sep 22Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I had to have a break today as well. Still hurting. Ugh! 😓 Goodnight dearheart...🌙💖
Sep 22Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 goodnight ladies 😘😘♥️♥️♥️♥️ I hope everyone is doing better today 🙏🏻 as soon as the girls put the lists up sun night for mon I will yah you both ☺️☺️☺️🤪
Sep 22Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 Goodnight...🌙💖
Sep 22Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton goodnight I don’t know where anyone lives but I’m in Brooklyn NY it’s 2am here 🥰
Sep 22Reply
leslie_blanton @crazysha63 I live in Goose Creek, S.C., just outside of Charleston. It's 1:58 here. 💖
Sep 22Reply
crazysha63 @leslie_blanton oh ok I’ve been to myrtle beach SC so pretty 🥰
Sep 22Reply
sweetstyle56 @crazysha63 hi Shari!! Let me know about the next sharing event!! Hope you had a good day!!💕💕💕
Sep 23Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 absolutely sweetie goodnight 😘
Sep 23Reply
crazysha63 @sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton you guys have to share now the list that is out 7 from each closet like they did for you then say all shared the host checks shares too have fun 🥰
Sep 23Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I'm so excited! I got men's host pick!!! 💞🥳💞😀💞🥳💞
Sep 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton yee haw!! Congrats darlin!! It's been a good day for you?!💞💕💞
Sep 25Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Yes it has! Now I have enough money to have my car repaired. Yayness! 💞🥳💞
Sep 25Reply
sweetstyle56 Pop the champagne or coke😄💓💕💓so happy for you!!!💞
Sep 25Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Looks like you had a good day as well! 💕💕
Sep 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton nothing sold yet but I think soon!🤗
Sep 25Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Yes girl, yes!!! 💞😘💞
Sep 25Reply
sherwears33 🙋‍♀️ Hi Merrie, Thank you for generously sharing! Happy Poshing 💃 Sheryl
Sep 26Reply
sweetstyle56 @sherwears33 my pleasure!! Thank you!!!😘💕😘
Sep 26Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Check out my new listing. 💞😊💞
Sep 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton yes!! Very pretty!!!💕💕💕
Sep 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I know! I wanted to keep it. lol 😄 The photo's really don't do it justice. It is gorgeous! 😍
Sep 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton wouldn't be fabulous if you can get the asking price???🤞🤞🤞🤞🤗
Sep 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Yes indeed my dear, yes indeed! 💕😁💕😉💕😘💕
Sep 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I just got a like on the Chanel blouse and the person wants me to email her/him to purchase it. What do you think?
Sep 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton I've gotten those before I think its safer to stay on the app...
Sep 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 That's what I was thinking. Thank you love! 💕💞💕
Sep 27Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good almost afternoon! 😁 I hope your day is going well. 💞 Congratulations!!! 💞🥳💞
Sep 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton yes!! Woke up to a great surprise!! Looks like you made a sale too today!👏👏👏 let's see if we can do more!!🤗💞💕💞 how's your neck? Better??
Sep 28Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Yes! We shall sell a bunch! 💕🤗💕 I'm still having some issues with my neck but the pain level has decreased. I bought a tablet a couple of weeks ago and that has helped a lot. Thank you for asking. 💞😘💞 Love you! Have a lovely day! 💖
Sep 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton you too darlin!! Hugs💞💞💞
Sep 28Reply
rociodelgado311 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know if there's anything in my closet that catches your eye. We offer super cool deals and we are open to offers!! Happy poshing!🙋🍀🌸🌟
Oct 01Reply
sweetstyle56 @rociodelgado311 thank you!!! Right back at ya!!😊💕💕💕
Oct 01Reply
sandycheeks80 ❤️Love your closet!! How did I not see you before???!!?!?!
Oct 01Reply
sweetstyle56 @sandycheeks80 ahhhh!! Thank you!! Browse to your heart's content 💞💞💞💞💞
Oct 01Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet 💜🤟🏻❤️. Pretty floral pictures 💜🤟🏻❤️
Oct 02Reply
sweetstyle56 @05teddy11 thank you right back!!!💕💞💕
Oct 02Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning! Hope you're doing well. Have a Poshing happy day! 💞😘💞
Oct 03Reply
shoppingamour Thank you so much for all the shares ! I really appreciate the encouragement ❤️
Oct 03Reply
sweetstyle56 @shoppingamour absolutely! Anytime!!! And thank you!!💞💕💞
Oct 03Reply
sarah080128 Hey Nee York Thanks for sharing my closet
Oct 05Reply
sweetstyle56 @sarah080128 soo welcome!! Thx for sharing too!!💕💞💕
Oct 05Reply
artistinspired Thanks for sharing my listing! 🌷
Oct 06Reply
sweetstyle56 @artistinspired soo welcome!! Right back at ya!!💞💓💕
Oct 06Reply
barbandjerry Hey hi, thanks for all the shares:)
Oct 06Reply
sweetstyle56 @barbandjerry of course!!! My mom always taught me to share😊💓💓💓
Oct 06Reply
louannajag @sweetstyle56 👋Hi Merrie, just sharing a little "posh love".💕💕💕💕💕💕
Oct 07Reply
sweetstyle56 @louannajag thanks Carol!! Sharing is caring😘😘😘
Oct 07Reply
_leatherandlace Cute closet😊
Oct 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @christinaaa6 ahhh thank you so much!!💕
Oct 08Reply
fashionablefool Hi Merrie, Welcome to Poshmark‼️ Thank you for following and sharing my listings, I appreciate you💫💞 I am a posh ambassador, top rated seller, and fast shipper.📦 I am here to help you if there’s anything you need You have a really pretty closet, I can see that you put a lot of work into your photos and everything looks really nice. Good luck selling here on Poshmark, you should do really well❣️ Wishing you smiles😃, sales💵💵, and sunshine🌤😎. Stay blessed🥰
Oct 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @fashionablefool that is so very sweet!! I really appreciate the encouragement and appreciation of my efforts!!!! Thx for your shares!! They really help!!💕💕💕
Oct 08Reply
artistinspired Hi Merrie - Thanks for the shares!🌷 You have beautiful listings! Have a great day 💐
Oct 10Reply
sweetstyle56 @artistinspired thank you so much!!! I appreciate your sharing!! Happy Poshing 💕💕💕💕
Oct 10Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning chickadee! It's a lovely day in the SC lowcountry! I hope you're doing well today. Wishing you many sales and a very happy day! 💕💞😘💞💕
Oct 11Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton hey darlin!! You too!!!👏👏👏👏 time for my workout 😅 enjoy your day!! Getting together with friends this afternoon! Love you!!!💕💕💕
Oct 11Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Enjoy! Love you! 💞💖💞
Oct 11Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton hey girl!! You had a good day!!👏👏👏👏 have a great night!!!!💕💕💕💕💕
Oct 12Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Thank you. You have a fabulous night! 💞💞💞
Oct 12Reply
artistinspired Hi Merrie, Your closet items are displayed so beautifully! Really enjoy looking through🌷 Have a great day!
Oct 13Reply
sweetstyle56 @artistinspired thx soo much for the shares and thank you for appreciating my efforts!💓💓💓 you have a great day too!!💕💕💕
Oct 13Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good morning dearheart! I hope you're having a lovely start of the day. Wishing you many, many sales!!! Love you! 💕💞😘💞💕
Oct 17Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton mornin!! Cold and rainy today, good day to do a little closet upgrade 😊 yesterday was kind of a bust but today's a new day for sharing!! You have a wonderful day and many many sales to you!! Love you!! 💕💕💕ps so glad you got in on the daily share with the bees🐝👏👏👏
Oct 17Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Yeah, me too! The Bee's are simple and to the point, and I like that. Are we buzzing again today? 😁💕🤗
Oct 17Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton think so! I haven't looked yet for thursday... shari will tag us in I think if we don't find it first! 💕💕💕
Oct 17Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Cool! Tag me if she doesn't. 💞💞💞
Oct 17Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton I will!! Just found Cathy! I followed and shared😊
Oct 17Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 I can't wait for you to meet her! ❤
Oct 17Reply
juneberrys Brockport! We are practically neighbors. If you ever need help or have questions let me know. Diane
Oct 18Reply
sweetstyle56 @juneberrys hi Diane! So lovely to meet you!! Thanks so much for your offer of help!! I really appreciate it ❤❤❤ at this point sharing would be fantastic 🤗💕
Oct 18Reply
leslie_blanton @sweetstyle56 Good Sunday morning! Guess who didn't wake up until 11 am? Anywho, I'm here and ready for the party! Sell a bunch and have a happy day! 💞😘💞
Oct 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton good for you!! Sleep is good!!! I'll try, hasn't been so good lately 😔 there's some share groups going today, I think you got tagged in!! Have a great day!! Love, hugs, and sales!!!!💗💗💗
Oct 20Reply
lucyspiks Just Had to comment, What a GORGEOUS closet you have🖒, Love the way you put things together ❣❣Super amazed❣❣
Oct 23Reply
sweetstyle56 @lucyspiks oh! That us so very sweet!! Thank you so much!! 💕 if only I could sell something 🤣😂🤣 have a great night and thx soooo much for the shares!!😘😘😘
Oct 23Reply
lucyspiks Same here, I've resorted to multiple 'sites'!..4 counting posh
Oct 23Reply
sweetstyle56 @lucyspiks wow! I tried another one starting with an M (got a no no for mentioning the name) but that did not go well!! Good luck to you!! I'll keep sharing!! And thank you again for appreciating my efforts!!! It means alot!!💕💕💕
Oct 23Reply
jennymess822 Hiii...Thanks so much for the share! As a thank you I'd like to offer you a bundle deal for any 2/$20 or 3/$30 items (excluding some shoes & AK watch) or feel free to make me any offer(s) on any item(s) you may like! I am very reasonable with pricing. The Poshmark support is always appreciated! Happy Poshing and wishing you many sales! 😊🤗🛍🤝
Oct 26Reply
sweetstyle56 @jennymess822 thx I'll take a look!! I invite you to do the same!🤗💕
Oct 26Reply
lauriepayton Love your layouts! Great job! 💕
Oct 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @lauriepayton ahhhh!! Thank you so very much, I really appreciate it!💞💞💞
Oct 27Reply
bettykays Hi Merrie! I absolutely love how you staged your listings. It's not often I come across a closet that's so put together. Yours looks amazing and I find it quite inspiring! Also, thank you for sharing some of my listings! I'm always happy to share in return. Happy Poshing! ~Beth
Nov 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @bettykays my dearest Beth, you make my heart so happy! I so appreciate when my efforts are acknowledged!! 💗💗⚘💗💗now, if only I could sell something! 😄 thank you for sharing it really helps!! have a great night and thank you again!! much posh love coming your way!! 🌹💞🌹
Nov 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @bettykays hi!! I tried setting up a Twitter acct but everytime I try to share something I get an error message😔 any ideas??
Nov 08Reply
bettykays @sweetstyle56 Hi Merrie. I haven't tried sharing to twitter yet. I have stuck with Pinterest up to this point. If I can find something to help you in this area...I will let you know.
Nov 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @bettykays thank you!! I use Pinterest too, with no problem!! 💗
Nov 08Reply
cbrookeh0407 Thank you for the posh love! Your closet is beautiful 🌸🦋🙂💋
Nov 11Reply
sweetstyle56 @cbrookeh0407 ahh thank you so very much!! I needed some encouraging words, haven't sold anything in ages!! It means so much to me when my efforts are appreciated!! thx for all the shares!! have a great night!!💞💞💞⚘💞💞💞
Nov 11Reply
ctaylorosborne Thank you for sharing my closet!💗💗 You have great style!🔥💃🏼
Nov 11Reply
sweetstyle56 @ctaylorosborne thx darlin!! I so appreciate that!!💞💞⚘💞💞
Nov 11Reply
sixandharlow @sweetstyle56 , your closet looks awesome, love the photos and just wanted to say thank you for the shares! warm regards, Six
Nov 12Reply
sweetstyle56 @sixandharlow thank you so very much!!!! I really appreciate it!🤗
Nov 12Reply
earthgirlresale 🌺Thank you for the shares🌸 You have a fabulous closet👗👠👚👜 I look forward to returning the favor by sharing your closet👔👢👙👞Happy Poshing!🌈☀️
Nov 13Reply
sweetstyle56 @nitahudson thank you!!! you too! fab closet!!💕💕💕⚘💕💕💕
Nov 13Reply
atisticcutters Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🥰🙋🏼‍♀️
Nov 13Reply
joy20mdx Thank you for all the shares!!♥️♥️♥️
Nov 17Reply
sweetstyle56 @joy20mdx right back at ya sweetie!!💞💞⚘💞💞
Nov 17Reply
nicoledeleon469 @sweetstyle56 thanks so much for sharing my closet! 😁
Nov 19Reply
sweetstyle56 @nicoledeleon469 sooo welcome!! anytime!!💞⚘💞
Nov 19Reply
aunttsarmoire Love your styling 💕💕
Nov 24Reply
sweetstyle56 @aunttsarmoire ahh, thank you sooo much!! it means alot to me!!💞💞⚘💞💞
Nov 24Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania!🎪You will make new friends to answer questions & help You succeed.🛍✔️At the heart of POSH is sharing 📂listings and followers. Here’s How: Goto the list of people that “liked” someone’s closet.💃 Touch the names, one by one. Now, they are Your Contacts!🤗 Goto the list of Closet(s) near the bottom of a Posher’s ‘About’ page. Touch ea. blue Ⓜ️ follow. Now, those are closets YOU follow:👣 a large % will follow you back!☺️ Please ✔️ *My Closet. ❣️Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Nov 25Reply
digitalsandy Merrie, aren't you Something‼️ This thread goes on forever. I just want to thank you for following my atypical Closet. The tips I left, I'm pretty sure you don't need. Happy Poshing❣️🤗
Nov 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @digitalsandy thanks so very much!!! its always lovely to get a new pff!! have a great day sugarplum!! 💕💕⚘💕💕
Nov 25Reply
digitalsandy @sweetstyle56 I just listed 5-6 items you might like! Your PFF, ❣Saundra
Nov 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @digitalsandy thx!👍👍👍
Nov 25Reply
gladyshernan403 Thank you for visiting my closet ... for the shares...happy to have you here. I will value any offer as good as long as it is considered. I will be attentive to your news ...grateful for your kindness and collaboration ... I will be reciprocal with pleasure. Warm regards.
Nov 30Reply
sweetstyle56 @gladyshernan403 thanks so much!! you are very sweet!!😘💖😘
Nov 30Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! Your styling is awesome. Great closet☺
Dec 07Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Happy Holidays🤶 very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned Shares of your awesome closet. 🎅The Holidays are here and the hustle and bustle start.❄ Get in your Pjs.A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale also if you purchase $15⬆️ receive 1 lighted Xmas card w/batteries included. Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Holiday Season filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve❄⛄
Dec 07Reply
sweetstyle56 @shopper411411 thank you sooo much!! it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!! 😘😘🌲😘😘
Dec 07Reply
shopper411411 @sweetstyle56 when i first started i tried styling but i gave up. hehe..
Dec 07Reply
sweetstyle56 @shopper411411 I totally get it!! I'm retired so have a much more relaxed schedule!! thx again for your kind words!!💗💗😘💗💗
Dec 08Reply
pacificwinds Hi Merrie & welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask 😊 Check out the closets of some of my PFF's too 💋💕 @tanyrae @jillian_monroe @sterlingstars @gyspymama84 @laurielynn34 @stylish_paige @legenderi_slp Happy Poshing!
Dec 09Reply
sweetstyle56 @tanyrae thx darlin!!!💕💕🌲💕💕
Dec 09Reply
joleen581 Thank you so much for all the shares! I will return the favor! 🍀💕
Dec 13Reply
sweetstyle56 @joleen581 💃💃💃🎄🎄🎄💃💃💃🎅🤶🎅🤶🎅 you are so very welcome!!!! wishing you many sales!!!🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁
Dec 13Reply
joebilly753 Thank you so much for sharing!! 🌹
Dec 19Reply
2thrifty I just want to say welcome to Poshmark and thanks for all the shares. Wishing you all the best and happy poshing 😊🌺🤗.
Dec 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @2thrifty thx so much!! I appreciate the shares back! have a great day and many sales!! 💗💗🎄💗💗
Dec 20Reply
2thrifty @sweetstyle56 You're welcome anytime 🌺🤗.
Dec 20Reply
polka5dots Hello. Just wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed browsing thru your closet. It was refreshing as you have a great eye for style and color. I would have purchased had I been your size. Maybe next year. Thank you for the fun experience and I will return to your closet soon. Good luck!
Dec 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @polka5dots hi!! I was just going to write to you!! love your closet!! we must be simpatico! thx for all the shares, I really appreciate it!! have a great day with many sales!! xoxo 💗💗💕💗💗
Dec 20Reply
polka5dots @sweetstyle56 And Thank You in return. Small world huh. Continue to have fun with it! Be safe.
Dec 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @polka5dots 😘😘💗😘😘
Dec 20Reply
sweetstyle56 @lizasnew2u thank YOU!! Wishing you many sales!!!!👏👏👏💕💕💕
Jan 08Reply
thefrillyrocker Hi Merrie, yesterday you bought a top from me. I sent it out yesterday. But I also think I sent a sweatshirt to you. I have told Poshmark. I hope I can get this corrected. Kathy
Jan 17Reply
sweetstyle56 @kathych1968 hi Kathy, just let me know what I should do and I'll do it!! thx for the top!💖
Jan 17Reply
darlinmnt Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful support and sharing my items! 💕It really means a lot to me! 💕
Jan 19Reply
sweetstyle56 @darlinmnt you are so very welcome!! thank you right back!!!🤗💞🤗
Jan 19Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Jan 26Reply
sweetstyle56 @ltbbalance thank you so very much, It means alot when my efforts are appreciated! my mom always taught me to share and I'm really good at it!😊 thanks again for your kind words, shares returned twofold!!⚘⚘💃⚘⚘
Jan 26Reply
debben22 Hi 👋 Merrie Happy Poshin 🤗
Jan 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @debben22 hello!! thx for all the shares last night!! have a perfectly Poshing day!!😊😘⚘💃⚘
Jan 27Reply
topaholic23 Hi, Merrie 🤗 Thanks for the share! Hope you can give me a follow & browse my eclectic closet, including BOGO & 5/$10 Sales! Please bundle any Likes for significant offer & discounts. Big bundles are my favorite, I can offer bigger discounts & you can get a lot more for shipping 🛍 Happy Poshing💖
Jan 30Reply
le_fog Good Afternoon, Thank you for following LE_FOG, and Welcome to Our SAVINGS. A 25% Off Bundle; Order 2 or More Items A 25% Off Any Order of, $25.00 or More              Excludes Discount Shipping. Thanks again, and May you have A Great Night.
Feb 03Reply
sweetstyle56 @maplegrovelane right back at ya!!!😘😘⚘😘😘
Feb 05Reply
beaches611 Thank you for sharing❣️Have a nice evening. 🌸💖🌸
Feb 06Reply
leslie_blanton I love your new look! 😍🥰
Feb 10Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton ahh thank you!!! wanted to go back to something a little more human!😄🤗😘
Feb 10Reply
poshalong hello ~ and a sincere ‘thank you’ for your shares! just sending a quick note; and well wishes for 2020! ... from tx to ny! (i may just be the only human left in u.s. not utilizing social media!) ~ with thanks
Feb 12Reply
classylady1111 Just catching up on my pink lady shares. Happy poshing! 🌸🌹🌺
Feb 22Reply
sweetstyle56 @classylady1111 well thank you sooo much!!💃💃⚘💃💃
Feb 22Reply
blingyfinds I love the way you've displayed your clothes! You're so creative! ♥️♥️🥰
Feb 24Reply
debsdesigndealz Fabulous Closet ! 😚😙☺
Mar 06Reply
sweetstyle56 @debsdesigndealz ahh thank you so much!!!💕💕💕⚘💕💕💕
Mar 06Reply
jayteez717 Hello! Thanks for stopping by and sharing my closet! If you see anything of interest in my closet, you will receive 15% off on your first purchase with me!😃
Mar 07Reply
wendyrose70 Thank you for the Twitter share!
Mar 10Reply
janellebunce Thank you so much for sharing, Merrie Lee. Hope you have a wonderful day. All the best.☀️🌸🙏🏻
Mar 11Reply
sweetstyle56 @janellebunce anytime!! have a perfectly wonderful Poshing day too!!⚘⚘⚘💃⚘⚘⚘
Mar 11Reply
newyorkminute77 Thank you for the shares!
Mar 12Reply
sweetstyle56 @aprilb2016 right back at ya!!😘💕😘 I always share back, visit anytime!!⚘⚘💃⚘⚘
Mar 12Reply
wendyrose70 @sweetstyle56 Thanks for the Twitter share! I need to get on there!
Mar 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @wendyrose70 😘😘🌷😘😘
Mar 14Reply
jc771933 Thank you for all the shares. 🥰 have a wonder poshmark Wednesday. 😊
Mar 18Reply
sweetstyle56 @jc771933 thank YOU!! I really appreciate it!! stay well, be safe!💕💕💕⚘💕💕💕
Mar 18Reply
jc771933 @sweetstyle56 you too. 🥰❤️
Mar 18Reply
meganlichter Hi! I hope you are staying safe and healthy during this time. Feel free to check out my closet, I will accept any reasonable offer on anything ! :)
Mar 24Reply
abby2025 Hello! Thank you for sharing my closet. I am spreading the word that I am doing a sale in my closet. You can bundle up to 2 items in my closet and get 25% off! Happy Poshing!
Mar 24Reply
karensecor 🌻🌻🌻Thank You So Much For The Shares You Are Very Kind And It Is Greatly Appreciated 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻Consider Joining Our "Share Buddy" Group.  We Are A New Group Of Wonderful People That Are Eager To Share Back.  I Do Not Have Lots Of Daily "Posts" But I Do Feature One Closet Every Wednesday For Everyone To Share 20 Items 2 Times That Day From Your Closet.  If You Have Any Questions,  Feel Free To Contact Me.  Have A Wonderful Posh Day!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Apr 01Reply
aleicas I love how you display your items on that lovely bedding!!
Apr 01Reply
sweetstyle56 @aleicas ahhh thank you so very much!! it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!! 💕💕🌼💕💕🌼💕💕🌼💕💕🌼💕💕
Apr 01Reply
soriag Thanks for following my closet! Do let me know if you find anything you are interested in, I offer bundle discounts too 😊
Apr 04Reply
sweetstyle56 @soriag thx!! ditto!!💕💕⚘💕💕
Apr 04Reply
lnicole061225 Welcome 😊hi my name is Nicole and I’m a Posh Ambassador. Thanks for the follow, share and checking out my closet/ boutique and let me know if you have any questions. I offer discounts on bundles and items over $15. I accept all reasonable offers and I’m a fast shipper 💕 Remember share share share follow follow follow🌹🌹🌹
Apr 06Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Apr 07Reply
sargebill Hi there, thank you for the follow, have agreat evening ma'am, Bill
Apr 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @sargebill thank you!! same to you!😊
Apr 08Reply
sargebill @sweetstyle56 You're very welcome my new friend
Apr 08Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate it.
Apr 11Reply
sweetstyle56 @crafteelinda490 you are so welcome!! thank YOU!!💘💘🐇💘💘
Apr 11Reply
lmbobcat Thanks for the shares! Happy Poshing ❤️
Apr 12Reply
sweetstyle56 @lmbobcat and thank you!! enjoy your evening!! stay safe!!🐇⚘💕🐇⚘💕🐇⚘💕🐇🌷💕🐇⚘💕
Apr 12Reply
sasalifestyle I love your Bitmoji! ✨
Apr 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @sasalifestyle ahh thank you!! that is so sweet of you💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕⚘
Apr 14Reply
tashiana56 Love, love, LOVE your closet! Gorgeous and creative with lots of style! 💖
Apr 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @tashiana56 ahhh thank you so much!! 🤗 it means ALOT when my efforts are appreciated AND admired!! 💖💖💖⚘⚘⚘💖💖💖 You make me blush!☺
Apr 14Reply
innajay Hi 👋🏻🥰🥰 do your have IG? Can we connect there?
Apr 15Reply
nanabarr Thanks for taking time to share my listings!!
Apr 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @nanabarr of course!! anytime!!🤗💕💕⚘💕💕
Apr 15Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow ❤
Apr 16Reply
cynnamonspice @sweetstyle56 Hi! Thanks so much for the share 🤗 Sharing back ❤️
Apr 17Reply
sweetstyle56 @jodielongo hi there!! welcome!! I hope you are having fun!! please ask me anything anytime if you have questions🤗 you stay safe as well, poshing is the perfect way to spend time when you can't go anywhere!! that, and puzzles😂🤣😂 take care sweetie!!💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕
Apr 18Reply
sweetstyle56 @jodielongo ahh gosh I'm blushing ☺ thank you!! it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!! 💖💖🌼💖💖
Apr 18Reply
koko18w You have a beautiful closet! Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing!!!💚🌷💚
Apr 19Reply
sweetstyle56 @koko18w thank you sooo my h!! abd right back at ya! I appreciate the shares!!!💕💕⚘💕💕
Apr 19Reply
zotfish Thank you for all the shares!! Stay well and God bless!! ❤🇺🇸
Apr 19Reply
sweetstyle56 @zotfish my pleasure!! thank YOU!! Stay safe!!💕💕⚘💕💕
Apr 19Reply
sweetstyle56 @lovebargains12 of course!!! anytime!! thank YOU!!💕💕🌷💕💕
Apr 20Reply
runner_mom_of_3 Hi - Thank You for following my page. Feel free to take a look in my closet. Many pieces new with tag. :) Feel free to make a reasonable offer. I also offer 20% discount for 5 items or more. I have tons of items for the entire family. Women, Men and Children. Many items are also worn once for special occasions. Great condition. Thank You again! Happy Poshing!
Apr 22Reply
rociodelgado311 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know if there's anything in my closet that catches your eye. We offer super cool deals and we are open to offers!! Happy poshing!🙋🌟✨💥
Apr 23Reply
sweetstyle56 @rociodelgado311 thank you so very much!! always on the look out for great deals and super items!! I return the invitation!! take a look, always open to offers!! have a perfectly wonderful Poshing day!! stay safe!!💕💕⚘💕💕
Apr 23Reply
Apr 23Reply
sweetstyle56 @musgrovethere hi Theresa! thx so very much!! ditto! take good care and thx for the shares!!!💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕⚘
Apr 23Reply
victory0714 Hi, Welcome to Posh 🙂
Apr 27Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Twitter....@SquareVt and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together is amazing!❤️
Apr 28Reply
babes_thrift Thank you for all the Posh love 💘 and always sharing. You have an amazing closet and I wish you many sales!💸 Happy Poshing! 🛍 👠
Apr 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @babesthriftland thank YOU so much and right back at ya!! please stay safe and have a perfectly wonderful Poshing day!!!❣❣💕❣❣💕❣❣💕❣❣💕❣❣
Apr 29Reply
lovesmileco Hi! Thank you for following! Great to be connected in poshmark!! 😁 have a wonderful day!
Apr 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @lovesmileco thank YOU!! Have fun, stay safe, happy Poshing!!❣💕❣💕❣💕❣
Apr 29Reply
swaggersuite Thank you so much for your shares!
Apr 30Reply
sweetstyle56 @hdarby1974 of course!! thank YOU!!💕💕💕
Apr 30Reply
beclassybebold I Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you! I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
May 02Reply
sweetstyle56 @beclassybebold Thank YOU!! Happy Poshing, take care, stay safe!!!💖💖❣💖💖❣💖💖
May 02Reply
jojosteve Hi there! You have the cutest closet 👍🤗. My mom lived in Brockport til 4 yrs ago. Thought I would say hello😘
May 02Reply
sweetstyle56 @jojosteve ahh so glad you did! and thank you!! we love brockport!! accept this year we're still waiting for Spring and some warm temps!!🌞🌞🌞🤞🤞🤞
May 02Reply
sweetstyle56 @mwstull01 of course!! anytime!!💖💕💖
May 02Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
May 03Reply
deevadzign Hi doll, thanks for the like, share, follow, shared some...xoxox
May 04Reply
sweetstyle56 @deevadzign thx!!! gave a great night!!💕❣💕
May 04Reply
erich120 Thank you for sharing my listing on Twitter! I shared your listing on Pinterest and with my followers since I am not on Twitter!
May 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @erich120 thank you so much!!🤗
May 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @erich120 take care, stay safe!!💕💕⚘💕💕
May 08Reply
newfinds905 Thanks for the follow! We’d love if you could follow us on Instagram @newfinds905☺️.
May 11Reply
ournew_glo I’m trying to learn some of your skills! ❤️
May 12Reply
kellyr66 Hello! Cute closet!
May 12Reply
sweetstyle56 @kellyr66 ahh!! thank you sooo much!! it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!💕💕⚘💕💕 you have cute items too!!🌷💕🌷
May 12Reply
stormtreasures @sweetstyle56 Hi, thanks for returning the shares. Just a quick note to let you know that we always work with members of our Poshmark family and reduce the price on about 99% of our merchandise. Additionally, we always buy old gold and real sterling silver. We will even pay the postage. We wish you and yours all the best of health during this difficult time. Stay blessed always, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
May 13Reply
sweetstyle56 @stormtreasures thank you so very much! you have beautiful items!!😍😍😍 you also take care and stay safe!!💞💞⚘💞💞
May 13Reply
tressakmiecik @sweetstyle56 🧚‍♀️ Thank you for all the shares!! Happy Poshing and stay safe. If you’re interested in my closet make an offer and I’ll give you a good deal. Take care!! 🧚‍♀️
May 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @tressakmiecik thank you also!!! ditto! take care, stay safe!!🌷🌷💞🌷🌷💞🌷🌷💞🌷🌷
May 15Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌺 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
May 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @pamwali of course! my mom always taught me to share!!🤗take care sweetie, stay safe!⚘⚘💞⚘⚘
May 15Reply
pamwali @sweetstyle56 Always! I will be back I saw quite a few shirts I liked! I share them so I can find them!
May 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @pamwali 😘😘😘
May 15Reply
purplesky46 Thanks for the shares my posh friend!!!. I'm happy to do the same for you, Good luck!! 😊👍☘🌺 Wishing you happy posh sales!!!!!.🎊🎁🎉
May 16Reply
sweetstyle56 @purplesky46 ahh thank you so much!! happy Poshing, wishing you many sales!!⚘⚘💓⚘⚘
May 16Reply
pamelatteposh 😊💗☀️thank you!!!
May 16Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌺 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
May 17Reply
leahalla1 Beautiful presentation 🌸🌺🌸
May 18Reply
sweetstyle56 @leahalla1 ahh thank you so very much! it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!! take care, stay safe!💕💕💕⚘💕💕💕
May 18Reply
leahalla1 🌺🌸🌺. All the best to you!!!
May 18Reply
naturallybecca Hello there shopper! I hope you’re having the best time on this app. If you’re looking to make a purchase in the future, look no further! I am offering HUGE discounts on tops, jeans, jewelry and more! Deals include... ♡ 25% off bundles of 6+ items ♡ Items available FREE with a purchase ♡ All offers $4 and up accepted or reasonably countered I am a Poshmark Ambassador, so please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your time on here more worthwhile ♡
May 19Reply
blackrosemum May your closet be prosperous. Blessed Be ⭐
May 19Reply
sweetstyle56 @blackrosemum thank you!! 💕💕💕⚘💕💕💕
May 19Reply
shopygal Shared 10 thanks 😊
May 19Reply
sweetstyle56 @shopygal thank you!! returned shares but had to repeat some, I couldn't find 10 different ones🤷‍♀️ take care!!!💕💕⚘💕💕
May 19Reply
shopygal @sweetstyle56 😂 I know I have to get at it! Thx so much😘
May 19Reply
sweetstyle56 @shopygal 😄everyone has a different pace!! whatever works for you!!😘😘💕😘😘
May 19Reply
sweetstyle56 @wholesalecloset thank you so much!! same to you!⚘⚘💞⚘⚘
May 23Reply
leahalla1 Beautiful closet 👍🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺
May 24Reply
sweetstyle56 @leahalla1 ahh thank you so very much!!! ⚘⚘⚘💞⚘⚘⚘
May 24Reply
leahalla1 Thank you so much for sharing 🌸🌺🌸 Nice to meet you 🌺🌸🌺
May 24Reply
sweetstyle56 @leahalla1 you too!! you have very lovely items 😍 happy sales to you!!💕💕💕⚘💕💕💕
May 24Reply
leahalla1 Beautiful closet 🌸🌺🌸
May 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @leahalla1 thx darlin!!! 💕💕⚘💕💕
May 28Reply
mel_sell Hiii!! Thanks for the follow today! I sell size 6-10 dresses and work/casual wear, and a few of my toddler's clothes. A lot of new stuff too 💟. I hope you enjoy the day!!
May 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @mel_sell hi!! thx!! 💕💕⚘💕💕
May 28Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for for sharing 😁 I enjoyed sharing back. Your closet is fashion fun and easy to the eye. great prices 🥳🥳 Thank you and abundance to you
May 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @dazzlingdeals hi Michelle! thank you soo much!! you have gorgeous items😍😍😍 I appreciate the shares!!💕⚘💕 take care, stay safe!!💞🌼💞
May 28Reply
bcooper846 @sweetstyle56 hi Merrie Lee. Thanks for the follow.
May 28Reply
giselesbw 💗💗💗thank you for helping all of us!!! ❤️❤️
Jun 01Reply
hobbins49 Thank you for your shares!!! I just noticed you are from Brockport!! I live in Rochester!!! How fun! Stay well! I appreciate all your shares! 😃❤😃
Jun 02Reply
sweetstyle56 @hobbins49 hi!👋👋👋 yes! that is fun!! we're neighbors ☺ take care darlin! stay safe!!❣❣⚘❣❣
Jun 02Reply
hobbins49 @sweetstyle56 You too!! 👋👋👋😃❤
Jun 02Reply
eserenabeana Thanks for sharing my closet 😊 Happy Poshing 🥂 and Stay Safe 😷
Jun 02Reply
sweetstyle56 @eserenabeana thx to you Serena!! take care and stay safe!!❣❣💗❣❣
Jun 02Reply
shimmer47 Your shop is super cute! 🥰
Jun 02Reply
sweetstyle56 @shimmer47 ahh thx so much!! the feeling is mutual!!⚘⚘💗⚘⚘
Jun 02Reply
monicornejo Hello! Happy Poshing! ❤️
Jun 03Reply
sweetstyle56 @monicornejo hi!! thx! same to you!💘💘⚘💘💘
Jun 03Reply
ramosadam92 Hello Gorgeous and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet and have a blessed day.
Jun 03Reply
sweetstyle56 @ramosadam92 hi! happy Poshing to you!💗
Jun 03Reply
themoodygoddess you have a great closet! I can tell you work hard on it! thanks for the shares & wishing you lots of sales♡♡♡
Jun 04Reply
sweetstyle56 @tinydreamerlife ahh thx so much!! it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!! I was just crawling around on my hands and knees looking for a certain sandal!😅😅😅 thx for the shares!! wishing you many sales!! take care and please stay safe!!⚘💘⚘💘⚘💘⚘💘⚘
Jun 04Reply
sweetstyle56 @shimmer47 hi!! thx for the shares, have a fabulous day and stay safe!!⚘💕⚘💕⚘
Jun 05Reply
shimmer47 @sweetstyle56 Same to You!! Best wishes on weekend Sales 🤠 Stay safe 💗💗
Jun 05Reply
2tropical Hi Just wanted to say I really like your pictures in your closet and how you put your outfits together. Great job.
Jun 05Reply
sweetstyle56 @2tropical hello!! thank you so very much!! it means alot when my efforts are appreciated! have a fabulous day and please stay safe!!⚘💕⚘💕⚘💕⚘
Jun 05Reply
sweetstyle56 @onemarianna hi!! thx for the shares!!💕💕❣💕💕
Jun 09Reply
sweetstyle56 @stylesbymae hi!! thx! wishing you many sales, as well!! happy Poshing and please stay safe!!❣❣❤❣❣
Jun 12Reply
mcenteeconnor Hey Merrie Lee, thank you for your shares! Happy Poshing!🎉🎊
Jun 16Reply
sweetstyle56 @mcenteeconnor hi Connor! of course, anytime!! and thank You!😊
Jun 16Reply
docpsi Appreciate the shares Merrie! Have a good day...
Jun 16Reply
sweetstyle56 @docpsi hello!! thank You!!😊
Jun 16Reply
sweetstyle56 @eddievg1980 hi Edgar! thx for the shares!😊
Jun 16Reply
chikiesfashions Love your closet. athanks for following and sharing! Chikies
Jun 23Reply
sweetstyle56 @chikiesfashions thank YOU!!! 💕💕❣💕💕
Jun 23Reply
earthbum Hi! Thanks for sharing my closet with folks :)
Jun 24Reply
sweetstyle56 @storebrandryan hi! thank you right back!!🤗
Jun 24Reply
glamm_lr Merrie Lee, Oh my goodness. Thank you for sharing my things. I’m a long time buyer on Posh but new to selling. It means a lot that you are helping me. Geneva
Jun 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @glamm_lr hi honey!! anything I can do to help just ask!! I'm here!❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤
Jun 25Reply
maryjay002 Hi. Thank you so much for sharing my closet!! 😊🌸💕 Wishing you much success on poshmark!! 🎉🛍💟 Hope u are staying healthy & safe! :)
Jun 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @maryjay002 thank YOU!! yes, staying safe😘 take care!! happy sales to you!❣❤❣
Jun 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @rogersgirl hello!! hope all is well, so lovely to see you!!⚘⚘❤⚘⚘
Jun 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @rogers_girl oops! I messed up your closet name before🤦‍♀️anyway... hello! hope all is well with you! so lovely to see you❤ take care and be safe!!⚘❤⚘❤⚘
Jun 25Reply
rogers_girl @sweetstyle56 Hi there,My Family and I are doing good.So far we have stayed healthy.I hope all is well with you.I love your new addition’s to your closet!Enjoy a wonderful day😘
Jun 25Reply
mariva931 Hi! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares, I sincerely appreciate them! Take care and have a wonderful weekend 🤗😘
Jun 26Reply
brandisstyle7 Good evening I have some sales going on so feel free to check out my closet. Bundle two items and get 15% off! All purchases are shipped the same day or next
Jun 29Reply
nkrahc5 Your closet is gorgeous! You took so much time and effort to make beautiful displays!!
Jul 06Reply
sweetstyle56 @leslie_blanton @nkrahc5 hello!! thank you so very much!! it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!! please take good care and stay safe!!💗💗⚘💗💗
Jul 07Reply
jbernard92867 Helloooo!!!! ✋😆😊
Jul 07Reply
fancybronze THANKS for following! STAY SAFE. FANCYBRONZE 😊
Jul 11Reply
crownscloset Thanks for all the shares👍😊🙏
Jul 14Reply
sweetstyle56 @crownscloset hi!! thank you right back!! anytime!!😊stay safe my friends 💕💕⚘💕💕
Jul 14Reply
divin3d3signs Love your boutique!! Thank you so much for the shares! 💖🤗👍🏼👌🏼 Happy Poshing!
Jul 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @letsbefit hi! thank you right back!! have a great day and please stay safe!!💕💕⚘💕💕
Jul 15Reply
tammynash729 Hi 👋 I just wanted to tell you that your closet is amazing! I’m new and I’m more of a buyer than a seller but maybe that might change soon😉
Jul 15Reply
sweetstyle56 @tammynash729 hi Tammy! thank you so much, it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!! I started out as a buyer only too, for about a year, and then I started listing!! I enjoy it and I love finding great things for people!! have any questions or need tips, just ask!!💕💕⚘💕💕
Jul 15Reply
donutelaversace Thank you so much for all the love for my closet! ✨ 💕 🍩
Jul 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @psadovsky hi!🙋‍♀️
Jul 26Reply
psadovsky @sweetstyle56 Hello!! Thank you for all the shares!! 😊😊 Happy Poshing!! Brandon.
Jul 26Reply
sweetstyle56 @psadovsky thank you!! anytime! take care, be safe!😊
Jul 26Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Merrie Lee, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💳💰📈 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020! Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
Aug 03Reply
sweetstyle56 @lakedwellerhb 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ same to you!!!!💕💕⚘💕💕
Aug 03Reply
cheryl1da I'm sorry if I can't share more. I am a doc and dealing with the virus. I use Poshmark as a release and to show longterm patients how to use the app. Thank you for YOUR shares. I wish you well. Cheryl💖😊
Aug 03Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da bless you darlin!! sending you healing thoughts!! thank you for all you do, please feel better soon!! much love and appreciation 💕💕💕💕💕
Aug 03Reply
cheryl1da I FEEL FINE! I just have to STAY this way do can help my patients. KEEP SAFE! Many thanks for the shares! Cheryl😘✨✨✨✨
Aug 03Reply
cheryl1da Thanks for all the shares. As I noted I am a doc and have limited time so I use it to show long-term COVID survivors how to use the app. I TRY to share when time allows. But I also work at a free clinic to help find and track possible COVIC-19 spreaders. So, please for give my lack of reciprocation. And thanks again. You are AWESOME! Cheryl😘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Aug 04Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da Hi Cheryl no return shares needed!! thank you again for what you do each day!! take care and please stay safe!!💕💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕
Aug 04Reply
sweetstyle56 @missraggaee hi!! thank you sooo much!!! it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!🤗take care sweetie and please stay safe!!💕💕⚘💕💕
Aug 06Reply
sweetstyle56 @missreggaee oops spelled your closet name wrong! thx honey it means alot when my efforts are appreciated!!! take care be safe!💕💕⚘💕💕
Aug 06Reply
cheryl1da Thanks, again, for your great attitude toward sharing. I show your cute icon to patients recovering from the virus. I cherish you! Cheryl💖🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Aug 06Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da hi hon!! I cherish you right back!! please stay safe and thank you for your selfless work!😘😘😘😘💕💕💕😘😘😘😘
Aug 06Reply
cheryl1da You are a cherish! Many poshers DON'T understand and think I am just being lazy (walk a mile in MY sneakers! LOL). Thanks for being YOU! Cheryl💖✨
Aug 06Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da oh my sweet girl, I so get it!!! I've got your back and I sooo appreciate you and what you do!! much love and huge hugs!!💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕
Aug 07Reply
cheryl1da Sweetstyle56, WOW! You are my HERO today and I have been showing all your hard work to patients. "This is a person who is helping me be here!" Thank you, thank you, thank you, & God bless you, Cheryl😘💖👍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Aug 07Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da oh please don't thank me... I did do my part loving and helping as a school psychologist for 34 years but I never risked my life to help others.... YOU! do so everyday! you are an inspiration!! please check in with me regularly so I know you're ok!! much love!!!💖💖💖⚘💖💖💖⚘💖💖💖
Aug 07Reply
cheryl1da I will, I promise! YOU just keep BEING SAFE! WE NEED PEOPLE LIKE YOU! Cheryl😘🎉
Aug 07Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da 😘 relax tonight and know you are loved!!💕💕💕
Aug 07Reply
cheryl1da Sorry, can' covering for someone tonight. LOL It just keeps coming! Cheryl😂
Aug 07Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da oh you poor dear!! I wish I could help! please take a deep breath and visualize a place you love... transport for at least a few seconds... much love and appreciation ⚘⚘⚘💕⚘⚘⚘💕⚘⚘⚘💕⚘⚘⚘
Aug 07Reply
sweetstyle56 @fordkcguy hey there!! have a great night, happy Poshing!🤗
Aug 07Reply
cheryl1da Hi, Merrie Lee, thanks for ALL the shares. Caught a break so decided to try and reciprocate a little. You REALLY don't have to cover my shares so much. Don't get me wrong- I love that smiling icon. But I can't possibly keep up and I do get some help when others get a chance. God Bless you, sweet thing, you are in my prayers, Cheryl
Aug 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da hey hon!! please don't share back!! just trying to get your items some exposure!! please take care and stay safe!!!! much love and big hugs 💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕
Aug 08Reply
rosesthings Hi!👋 Thanks for the sweet shares! 💖🤗Roseann💞💝
Aug 09Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Aug 09Reply
bethscott483 Is there anyway I could get a look of all ur shirts b4 u post. I love ur style and the way u put everything together..
Aug 09Reply
fleuretamour Bonjour, chérie! Thank you so much for sharing my listings! I hope that you have an amazing day. :)
Aug 12Reply
sweetstyle56 bonjour! ca va? je suis tres bien!! merci!! 💞💞❤💞💞
Aug 12Reply
sweetstyle56 @fleuretamour bonjour!! ca va? je suis tres bien! merci! ( that's about all I got!)😂❤❤❤ enjoy your day, happy Poshing!!
Aug 12Reply
fleuretamour @sweetstyle56 Ca va bien, merci! I hope you enjoy your day, as well! :)
Aug 12Reply
jules6658 And thank you for all the shares!!!
Aug 14Reply
nbcot1991 😀😀😀Thank you for all the shares🌹🌹🌹
Aug 20Reply
holleyshaw The way you style your photos is stellar. I'm a fine artist and your closet is the first one that has caused me to want to come back again and again. I want to examine all the fine details, which are many, in your vignettes. It would be easy to say your styling is adorable or sweet, but it's actually pretty powerful when slicing and dicing what makes it all work. You have inspired me to stop doing the minimum. I absolutely have not posted a single picture I'd want to sign. Thank you
Aug 23Reply
sweetstyle56 @holleyshaw my dearest Lauren, wow!! you brought tears to my eyes, thank you so much for your glowing words... you can't imagine what it means to me when my efforts are appreciated! I'm retired so have the time to put in, many don't have that luxury.... thank you again and much love, stay safe!!💕⚘💕
Aug 23Reply
holleyshaw well heck. I just saw the thoughts your shared about shares. I generally shop I guess and click share while I'm surfing though closets. I'm retired too. I'll try to keep it down to a quiet roar. I do a lot of daydreaming too click think, click think...I need to think about sharing my own closet more often. ;-) You stay safe too.
Aug 23Reply
sweetstyle56 @holleyshaw hi again!! yes, share your own closet whenever you can!! and try to increase your followers🤗 I like to buy too!! I love it here!⚘⚘💖⚘⚘
Aug 23Reply
holleyshaw @sweetstyle56 I bet you hav
Aug 24Reply
holleyshaw Oops. Have a good turn over. I get tired of seeing my same things and I can’t keep the order straight so my closet keeps getting rearranged.
Aug 24Reply
loveplushies Thank you so much for sharing my whole closet, your the only fellow posher that has shared it all. I appreciate it very much 💋🌹♥️
Aug 25Reply
sweetstyle56 @loveplushies hi Nicole! you are so welcome!! I always share back, I know how important it is!! anytime!! I'm here to share away!! wishing you sales, please stay safe!!⚘⚘💕⚘⚘
Aug 25Reply
loveplushies @sweetstyle56 Thank you so much and you as well.
Aug 25Reply
cheryl1da Hi, sweetie! Good to see you again. I actually have some time to share so here I gooooo! Cheryl
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️how are you doing???? 💖💖💕💖💖
Aug 27Reply
cheryl1da BUSY! But I loved seeing your sweet "face" as always! Break is over...back to patients. Take care you dear person! Cheryl
Aug 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da you too sweetie!!! my hero!!💕💕💖💕💕💖💕💕⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘💕💕💖💕💕💖💕💕
Aug 27Reply
janfast Hi Merrie Lee! Thanks for following my closet!🌸
Aug 27Reply
cheryl1da Hi Merri Lee! I got a whole 1/2 day off so wanted to say "HI." I was reading through some of the comments and at one point you had noted that sharing more than 3 or 4 at a time didn't make them go through the FEED any better. Have you changed your mind? I'd really like to know what you discovered. Hope all is well. I lost another dear soul last night. I made sure to have the remaining members of his family talking through software we have at the hospital through "connected" laptops. next-
Aug 28Reply
cheryl1da o one but medical personnel are allowed in the rooms. After all goodbyes were said I held his hand and spoke gently with him until he passed. Such a sweet man. Healthy and vital before the virus. I have treated several family members. Half have died. I think, from your past career, you can understand how I feel, no matter how many people die. You feel like you feel like everyone who didn't wear a mask failed. Anyway, just saying it helps a lot. Big Hug & STAY SAFE! Cheryl
Aug 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da oh sweetie, I am so so sad, this whole thing is just heart wrenching I don't know how you do it... please keep talking to family, friends, and your posh buddies (me!) it takes such an emotional mental and physical toll.... you are so appreciated and loved!!!!!❣❣❣❣
Aug 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da to answer your sharing question I really do think less is more... I think items are more likely to be seen by others if there's fewer shared at a time, also sharing slower helps too! take care my dear friend, please check in when ever you can!! 💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕⚘💕💕
Aug 28Reply
cheryl1da Thank you and God Bless! Cheryl💖
Aug 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @djk787 hi sweetie!!🙋‍♀️
Aug 28Reply
djk787 hi sweetie how are you thank you for all your sharing 🎀🙂🌻💞
Aug 28Reply
sweetstyle56 @djk787 ahh of course!! I know how important it is!! take care, wishing you many sales!!💕💕⚘💕💕
Aug 28Reply
cheryl1da I believe your observation about sharing and the FEED has great merit so I am using it and advising it to others (I don't say who said it. I just say a wise POSHER found this method to be the best way to share & follow). Thanks, HUGE HUG, Cheryl😘💖👍
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da 💕💕💕use it when sharing your own closet too!! in fact, sharing your own closet is really the best way to get sales!!❣❣❣😘😘😘xoxo xoxo xoxo ❣❣❣
Aug 29Reply
cheryl1da Thanks, again, for the great tip! It will allow ME to share more people's stuff as well. You ARE a true HERO!💖✨✨✨✨ Mega-stars! Cheryl
Aug 29Reply
cheryl1da Well, back to the hospital. Take care sweet-thing! You are an angel! Big Hug, Cheryl
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da no my sweet, YOU are the angel!!😇😇😇
Aug 29Reply
whit1955 Hey Merrie Lee! Thanks for the support! I've just sent it off in the post. I should start tracking soon. Truly hope that you enjoy them! Smooches, Carla.
Aug 29Reply
cheryl1da Hi Merrie Lee, YOU ARE GENIUS! I have been sharing when I get a break and doing it slowly. Now, I have a question, please? HOW slow should I go? Like do you count a second or two or what between shares? What a super idea! Cheryl
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da hi honey!!!! yes I wait several seconds between.. tap my fingers, count to 5🤣😂🤣 it's kind of hard to slow yourself down but I think it's worth it!!!!😘😘😘❤😘😘😘
Aug 29Reply
cheryl1da Okay, so I count to 5 between shares. I have been able to spread this tip and the only question I got was how long to wait between shares. It really slows down the log-jams which I simply can't keep up with. I EVEN shared one from my closet, waited a bit and went to the FEED there it WAS! YEA! You are just AWESOME! Thank you, thank you, thank you....back to woooooork! Big Hug, Cheryl
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da concentrate on sharing your own closet, do what you can sharing others!!! you're a very busy lady maximize your time on your own closet❣❣❣oh! don't forget to rotate your closet too so there are different items at the top throughout the day!!😘😘😘
Aug 29Reply
cheryl1da OH! Your message just popped up! I HAVE noticed that when I share my closet this way it automatically changes in order. I used to think it should always be the same order, but I guess not. WOW! Best tip ever! Cheryl
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da yes, folks almost always share from the top so it's good to get different items up top!😄
Aug 29Reply
cheryl1da I am waiting for test results and I thought of another question, please? Now sharing the closet this way will/does put it completely out of any organized order. Is THIS what I want? Another longtime user told me people LIKE organized closets. Frankly, I don't. But I am still new to Poshmark so what do I know. Thanks for your time and tips. These all make good selling sense and I was on eBay before coming here. HUGE HUG OF LOVE, Cheryl💖💖💖
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da You can still keep it organized, just share in "groups" e.g. all your tops, then all your jewelry etc. that's how my closet is organized by category!💜💜💜
Aug 29Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da or!! if you like it mixed up a bit you could organize by color! that's always fun!!😘😘😘
Aug 29Reply
cheryl1da Merri Lee, What a blessing you have been! I dictate your suggestions and people really respond! No more hate mail! Thank you dearheart. God Bless, Cheryl
Sep 01Reply
whit1955 Hey Merrie Lee. Thanks for the great rating. I'm so pleased that you love them. Happy Dance💃🏽👏🏽💃🏽 Smooches, Carla.
Sep 01Reply
cheryl1da Hey, my great lady, you are adding more than YOU recommend! LOL SLOW and easy wins the race! That's what you taught me. LOL Love you, Merri Lee. God Bless your sweet heart, Cheryl PS- I now tell people to wait TEN seconds between shares. It seems to help them slow to 5. Cheryl
Sep 01Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da hi dearest one!! I'm so happy to help you and your followers!!! it's definitely a process and many have helped me along the way!! pay it forward is a wonderful conviction to live by! take care sugar!! much love!❣❣💕❣❣💕❣❣
Sep 01Reply
cheryl1da YOU certainly live by that conviction! Cheryl (dictated)
Sep 01Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da 😂🤣😂you're right I shared more!! It's hard to stop sometimes!!😘😘😘
Sep 01Reply
cheryl1da You KNOW I can't say no when YOU call! LOL Take care...lots of people love what you have offered! Cheryl
Sep 01Reply
sweetstyle56 @cheryl1da hey I have another tip!! instead of just "sharing" your items like usual you can "update" each listing tap on your item then tap edit, tap next, tap list... this slows you down which is good and also brings your listing to the top of a particular brand which is great when people are searching that brand... hope this makes sense!!❣❣❣
Sep 01Reply
cheryl1da Hi Merrie Lee, you are almost at the 600 comment limit. HOW can I reach you when the program no longer allows me to leave a comment under Meet-the-Posher? I always find this frustrating when a Posher reaches 600 and no more comments can be left at this post. I don't want to lose track of YOU!!!! Where should I leave future comments? I'm not kidding. I can't imagine not being able to contact that smiling icon of yours.
Sep 02Reply
cheryl1da You are a real treasure on Poshmark, dear one. Cheryl😘💖✨✨✨✨✨
Sep 02Reply
givemesmooch hello! thank you for following me ♥️ Please take a look around my closet for pre loved and NWT Tory Burch, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, LOFT, Tommy Hilfiger and more 😁!  Bundled items of 3 or more receive 15% off! Also feel free to make a reasonable offer! Happy Poshing 🎉🛍🎊
Sep 03Reply
cheryl1da Okay, I actually took a day OFF. I haven't done that in THREE years! Then I have been trying this new followers method. OMG! It will take me forever to sort through these. Hints? Huge Hug, as always, Cheryl
Sep 03Reply
cheryl1da Hi, I got up early and have been getting rid of closets I wouldn't use to shop for my Mom. Maybe that's not the best way to do this, but it's why I shop Poshmark at this point. Yes, I buy for myself but only rarely. I mainly use it to show COVID-19 patients and their families how to use the app. SO, as long as I am giving why not give to my Mom? I must have grabbed only about 300 closets last night so I am now eliminating the ones that don't sell plus size items. I LIKE your closet.
Sep 03Reply
cheryl1da Your closet is so pretty and varied. But I really want to show people the app and this way I can choose closets I can also buy items for my Mom. She is short and busty, but chic and young looking. I know I am being picky but I have found some closets so that's how I'm hunting. Good way? It also reflects MY closet so I figure I will attract more possible customers. Good idea? Bad? Let me know! LOL I just click the closet name back to blue if I don't want it as a follower. BTW, I hope you get this
Sep 03Reply
winstondunbar Hi Happy Poshing🎈🏯🏤🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧
Sep 11Reply
sweetstyle56 @winstondunbar hi!! same to you!!!👏👏👍😊😊😊👍👏👏
Sep 11Reply
byrdemily 💃50% OFF SALE // ALL ITEMS IN MY CLOSET!💃 Thank you for checking out my closet! 🧡💙***BUNDLE YOUR PURCHASE FOR A GREAT DISCOUNT! I AM OPEN TO ALL REASONABLE OFFERS. ***💙🧡 Sale ends 9/20/20 @ 10 pm central.
Sep 20Reply
jrogers1933 Hi Merrie Lee Thx so much for stopping by my closet!
Sep 26Reply
jmtreloar28 Hey there, can I ask you a question about someone wanting to buy something from me that sounds fishy but I've never done this before. Lmk. I really appreciate your assistance!
Sep 27Reply
sweetstyle56 @jmtreloar28 hi julie! how can I help??
Sep 27Reply
lovenstuff You’re so very welcome! ☺️
Sep 29Reply
prcoffee Hi!! Have an awesome and profitable day!! 💗💗💗
Oct 06Reply
sweetstyle56 @prcoffee thx sweetie! you too!!💕💕💜💕💕
Oct 06Reply
sellersmerch Good morning @sweetstyle56 ! Your SellersMerch has been completed and will be shipping out today💞
Oct 08Reply
sweetstyle56 @sellersmerch thank you!! I really appreciate it!💖💕💖
Oct 08Reply
sellersmerch @sweetstyle56 You're very welcome 😀
Oct 08Reply
mroberts21182 Thanks for sharing my item on twitter!
Oct 09Reply
sweetstyle56 @tuttobella hi!!!😘😘😘
Oct 11Reply
sophiesspace great flatlays!
Oct 11Reply
sweetstyle56 @sophiesspace ahh thx sweetie!!😘😘💜😘😘
Oct 11Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Oct 13Reply
sweetstyle56 @spreadlove hello!! thank you! you too!!😘😘💜💜💕💜💜
Oct 13Reply
lovenstuff Thank you so much for the shares again love!! ❤️
Oct 13Reply
sweetstyle56 @lovenstuff of course!!😘😘😘
Oct 13Reply
sweetstyle56 @noor_as 💕💕💜💕💕
Oct 14Reply
kids_poshshop Hello, If you like some of my items and If ‘like’ means you’re interested in buying, build a bundle. I don’t send offers to likers, but will consider reasonable offers from buyers. I give a 15% discount on bundles of three or more items. I have a closet, richmondsrelics, for ladies clothes and home goods
Oct 16Reply
loriborn Thanks for the offer on the Coach bag, I’m actually waiting on some Poshmark money to post to my account before I can make anymore purchases. Hope it doesn’t sell before I can nab it.
Oct 19Reply

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