Meet your Posher, Michelle
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Hi! I'm Michelle. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, PINK Victoria's Secret, Michael Kors, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Hi Michelle! I'm Vicky 👋🏻 Welcome to POSHMARK! 🤗 As a Suggested User ..I have a couple of tips...
➡️ TIPS FOR BUYERS: See if the seller offers discount on bundles, (mine is 10% off 2), but you just pay shipping one time! 👏🏻 or make a REASONABLE offer using the offer button. 👍🏻 In case you didn't know, Posh takes 20% off the top!
➡️ TIPS FOR SELLERS: Read the FAQ and Guide to Poshmark on your closet page, then let me know as you add items to your closet so I can share it! 👌🏻
Precious pic! 💖
Aug 26Reply

Pulling items soon if you want the ones you keep hearting move on them soon before there sold or pulled
Mar 18Reply

Hi Michelle! Thanks so much for the like on the Little Twin Stars necklace. If you’re interested in purchasing it or have any questions, please let me know. I also have a 10% discount on bundles with at least 2 items. Have a great day 🎉
Jul 11Reply

Just wanted to welcome you to Poshmark! 💗 I hope you are enjoying it so far! 💗 Please feel free to check out my closet! 💗 If I can answer anything about buying or selling please let me know! 💗 Have a happy day! 💗
Jul 12Reply

Michelle, I added the photos you requested. The bracelet is 8 inches. I hope you're still interested, its a super cute bracelet and needs to be worn ;)
Jul 12Reply

Hello, I will accept ur offer of 50. Just please decline counter offer and resubmit the amount for 50 ;)
Jul 13Reply

@katdow31 thank you
Jul 13Reply

@golashes I will have it in the mail monday.
Jul 14Reply

@katdow31 awesome!! So excited! I have the necklace to match the full body HK!
Jul 15Reply

@golashes very cool ...Will go great together. Enjoy
Jul 15Reply