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Updated Jun 19
Updated Jun 19

Meet your Posher, Michelle

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Shelly. Welcome to my closet. I am a Posh ambassador with 5 star rating and quick shipping, so shop with confidence! If you would like to purchase a large bundle (>5 items), I can offer as much as a 50% discount. Make an offer and I’ll get your items to you to enjoy! This all started for me with an acute illness (Covid) that lingered (long covid x 28+ months!) causing substantial weight loss, now regaining… so I purchased a new wardrobe on Poshmark as I couldn’t exert the energy to shop in stores. I’ve gone through multiple sizes and now am settled, I hope. So it’s time for me to post and sell my original closet and some of what I’ve recycled here. I love giving things a second (or 3rd!) use. I try to post good pictures with measurements to help you choose. I know from firsthand experience the frustration of spent shipping for a piece that doesn’t fit. Good luck thrifting here! Thanks again, Shelly.
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kaylaas_klosett Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you having a great experience so far. If you get a chance, please take a look around my closet. If anything catches your eye, feel free to make an offer. I am always open to offers and will either counter or accept! Or you can create a bundle and save on shipping. If you arent interested in anything feel free to share my items. For every item you share of mine I will share of yours! Happy Poshing!
Jul 06Reply
cutehosiery @shellygp Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 28Reply
sharken71 Hi@shellygp thanks for checking out my closet and for the like! I consider all offers and discount bundles!
Mar 03Reply
hughestoyou Hi Michelle, just checking to see if you saw my last msg on your bundle and my counteroffer? Did you decide to not get the bundle of 4?
Mar 07Reply
shellygp @hughestoyou I can’t manage that. I’ll try for my favorite 2 🤞
Mar 07Reply
hughestoyou @shellygp ok thanks for your offer and you’ll love these 2 items 😊 I’ll be shipping tomorrow for you. Have a nice week😊👍🏻
Mar 07Reply
bambi6660 Thank you so much for your purchase. It's going out today 🥰
Mar 08Reply
comaas02 Hello fellow Wisconsinite!, Thank you for your purchase, I’ve packed up the shoes and will be picked up and shipped from USPS tommorrow afternoon. They will show shipped until mailman scans the pickup. Spring is around the corner. :). Thanks again! 🌺💐🌸
Mar 16Reply
barbiedull0707 hello happy poshsing. if you like Sterling silver jewelry check out my closet 🥰.I wish you many likes👍 shares 💜 and sales 💞
Mar 23Reply
linds8848 Hi, welcome to poshmark love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. I have good deals on everything I have 3/$10, 3/$12, 3/$15 womens deals! Kids 5 for $13 deal and also Mens 2 for $20 deal. Have a blessed day!😊🛍
Apr 12Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & receive your 3rd item free at equal or lesser value! 😊🎉
Apr 17Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jun 14Reply
larrykersten Hello my name is Larry and i am trying to clear out my closet. FYI..I have most Womens dresses at 2👗$25 and over 100 items at 3 😀 $15. I also have over 100 men’s items as well. Have a great time Poshing and I hope you decide to visit my closet. Feel free to bundle and make offers. Thanks! 3 🧩 items for $20 3 😀 items for $15. 2 👚 items for $15. 2 👗 items for $25
Jun 20Reply
paciliojohn0 Hi, I just noticed you likes alot of items. Feel free to create a bundle for discounts if interested.
Jul 10Reply
paciliojohn0 Morning, yay..tx for the purchase on my necklaces. They are both beauties. Will ship today.
Jul 11Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Jul 17Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Commando, Nike, Moschino, Spanx, Skims, Wilfred, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Aug 24Reply
kareynascloset Hello Michelle! I sent you a message in the order regarding the broken highlighter pencil. I found your address that is still in my documents, but the name is a Jamie which is different than your name. Is that the correct address? I just want to double check, even though the shipment number matches. I am sending you another pencil, but I have not heard back regarding the message. Please let me know so i can correct the problem. Thank you :)
Sep 14Reply
shellygp @kareynascloset hello, this is the correct address. Jamie is my daughter. I haven’t seen your other response yet. I’ll gladly change my rating w your follow up. I don’t want to be unfair. When products fail immediately, I loose trust in this way of shopping, but generally have really enjoyed it. I’m behind on a lot right now - just seeing this. Tnx.
Sep 15Reply
kareynascloset @shellygp Great! Thanks for clearing that up! I'll send it to you on Monday. Have a fantastic weekend! 😀
Sep 16Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Sep 30Reply
thedarningyarn 📯💐🙏🏽 Happy Equinox 💫🕯🍂🍁♥️☀️♥️🍁🍂🕯💫 Wishing you many Miracles! 🌬 please come visit my small closet when you feel free to wander 🌻💛🐾💫
Oct 04Reply
ig0000 Thanks for sharing my closet.
Nov 11Reply
pheasantbirds hi Shelly, I am a new customer of your closet. I just purchased your blue Tommy Hilfiger sleeveless top. thanks I really enjoyed reading your wonderful Posh Bio. You seem like a really great person! I will now become a new customer of your closet! BTW: I am new to "selling" So may I ever reach out to you via a message if I have any questions how Posh Mailing works, etc..... Sincerely, Susan / Pheasantbirds 😀
May 28Reply
shellygp @pheasantbirds thank you! I put the TH sleeveless blouse out today, Tuesday noon-ish, so hopefully it gets to you this week! I hope you enjoy this platform. As a seller, you’ll see the 20% / 3$ minimum commission taken by Poshmark definitely hits your bottom line, but it is a good service and gets things recycled. You’ll also appreciate the importance of buyer feedback in the form of 5 star ratings and “love notes” / comments. 👍
May 29Reply
shellygp @pheasantbirds and of course you can reach out with questions! I don’t always see every comment, so if I don’t respond, poke me again 😉
May 29Reply
pheasantbirds @shellygp hi Shelly, Thank you for your kind posts and for sharing how this platform works. so how... does a person bundle in their own closet.... and also in someone else's closet??
May 29Reply
shellygp @pheasantbirds do you mean how to add shopper’s likes in your closet to a bundle for you to offer them a price? Have you checked the Frequently Asked Questions link on Poshmark? They walk you through all the options better than I could.
May 29Reply
shellygp @pheasantbirds I posted a screenshot on your purchase (can’t post pics here). Let me know if that helps.
May 29Reply
summerkitty22 I’m sorry you’ve been sick and hope you are feeling better! I really appreciate that you give comments on sizes, it helps me to figure out whether something will fit me! Look forward to purchasing from you!
Jun 03Reply
shellygp @summerkitty22 thank you! Having measurements posted takes extra work, but definitely helps with imagining fit since we can’t try on these things. I admit sometimes I’ve skipped measuring if a piece seems totally standard, loose, or I’m too tired, lol! So please ask for them if you have concerns. We want good matches ☺️. I’ll check out your bundle now. Thanks for shopping my closet!
Jun 03Reply
shellygp @summerkitty22 I am taking more than a 50% loss with the offer I made for you. I realize this isn’t your fault, and I did get to wear one of the re-posh shirts once… but I’m going to hold firm at my counter. I understand if you want to keep shopping around.
Jun 03Reply
pheasantbirds @shellygp hello.😊 Thank you for your suggestions. I will take a look.
Jun 10Reply

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Madison, WI
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Madison, WI
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