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Updated Nov 16
Updated Nov 16

Meet your Posher, Mina

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mina. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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minajamshidpour Is everything okay with the dress you purchased?
Feb 08Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 Just make an offer with price you like ! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 24Reply
stephaniedawnf Hey cutie! Thanks for your purchase! I'm packing it up right this minute!!! 💕💖💝
Jun 15Reply
carina_3707 Hi, please visit my closet and let me whatever you like, I will give you best offer. Thanks
Jul 23Reply
justperfectbout Hi Mina I sent order w/ the exception of 2 / 1 sweater, upon inspection had a bad seam. I contacted Posh they suggest cancel order & try again without sweater before I send order, but I have sent order. U can pick something else and I will just ship to u, or I can send a $ order for the $14 difference -bundle discount & + 10% off. Please let me know your thoughts or what u prefer. I'm sorry for inconvenience, I couldn't send something that wasn't perfect.
Aug 23Reply
smcf121 @justperfectbout Hi! That's a shame to hear, but I understand completely. Is a medium in the wine two in one available? I am open to the larger size! If not, the other two in one grey sweater is cute as well and I would happily have that one too :)
Aug 23Reply
justperfectbout @smcf121 I do have a medium but I will send you exact measurements in that one tomorrow as I am no longer at the shop. I also have the other in small which is more of a green.
Aug 23Reply
justperfectbout Good Morning, the medium 2in 1 sweater is 18" arm pit to arm pit flat. Let me know what you think. I double checked inventory and I have M & L the small is also sold out in green.
Aug 23Reply
smcf121 @justperfectbout Hi, a medium in the wine sweater sounds good to me! Do I have to order another one from you, or can you send it in a separate package?
Aug 23Reply
justperfectbout @smcf121 I am just going to mail it out to you today you are all set. Hope you love it.❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 23Reply
melllaaa_2011 ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I might sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Aug 31Reply
urbanlove Hi I'm Aria !!! Welcome to Poshmark or my closet please let me know if I can help you with anything 🌸💕💕💕💕
Sep 17Reply
kellykwong95 @smcf121 hello and thanks for the like! Feel free to bundle and I'll give you an awesome personal discount:) willing to let this one go for cheap!
Sep 18Reply
kellykwong95 @smcf121 hello and thanks for the like:) if you want feel free to bundle and I will give you an awesome personal discount! Willing to let this one go for cheap:)
Sep 22Reply
texter88 Hi there! Thank you for your purchase. I'm packaging now and will drop at the PO in a bit. Xoxo Bella 🤗💕🌺💕🤗
Oct 05Reply
anjali_99 hey thank you so much for your purchase! i am out of town until saturday but i will be sure to ship the skirt out as soon as i get home!! 😊
Nov 02Reply
bloomingbrshpk Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes peeled. 😳Lol. If you have any questions, please feel free to tag me. When you have a moment pls check out 👀my closet. Thanks!💝
Dec 21Reply
chacha02122 Hi! I found the fur that attaches to the G1 jacket you bought from me! Email me your address and I’ll send it to you.
Dec 30Reply
mkaay Hi Mina, thanks for your purchase, I'll have it out in tomorrow's mail!
Jan 21Reply
lovingpurple Hello girl! Thank you so much for shoppint at my closet, I was tracking your order and it says out for delivery today :) you should get it soon💜
Jan 24Reply
lovingpurple For shopping* lol
Jan 24Reply
matadora1978 welcome to posh!!! if you ever want to sell remember to share your closet 3x a day as well as other closets this will give you much exposure=sales!! happy poshing!! xoxo
Feb 04Reply
kate727235 Hey I just wanted to give u a personal invite to check out my closet anytime you can whenever you have spare time . I have brands like Victoria secret , MK, coach, too faced , tarte , Jordan and many more ! I'm also willing to negotiate if you do end up liking anything. Thank you for your time and have a good day/night.
Feb 13Reply
samaris_13 Hello! I’m glad to accept your offer that you made recently on my black boots. Make me the offer again and I will accept it! 🌷I’m so sorry I just saw your offer. Thank you ☺️
Apr 17Reply
smcf121 @samaris_13 hi! I made the offer again ^^
Apr 17Reply
aillo Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I know you will love selling and buying here! And you will meet a lot of Great People! HAPPY POSHING!
Apr 21Reply
wildtimefashion 👋 Thank you for liking/following my closet! I hope you find fun exciting items! I carry a large selection of NEW women’s apparel shoes accessories and of course lots of jewelry! Any questions please feel free to ask. And visit me anytime as I am adding new inventory all the time! Thanks for choosing my closet and please enjoy! Great closet for gifts too! Lorrie
May 29Reply
modig 🌷
Jul 15Reply
darcyjoelle Thank you so much for your purchase!! The matching top to the crochet skirt is still available if you’re interested! 😃
Jul 25Reply
lauren_velasco Hi there! I hope I was able to answer your question about the Blouse you were interested in 💕 let me know if you have any other questions and feel free to make me an offer! :)
Aug 01Reply
hellmich_18 Hi @smcf121 thank you so much for liking my purple sweater. It’s in perfect new condition and never been worn before! I would love to do a deal with you soon. Let me know if you have any questions
Nov 06Reply
kellykwong95 @smcf121 hello and thanks for the like! If you want, feel free to bundle and I will give you an awesome personal discount:) willing to let this one go for cheap:)
Nov 06Reply
kellykwong95 @smcf121 also omg I love your outfit in your profile pic
Nov 06Reply
thoughts2travel Hi! Thank you for following me. Please feel free to ask any questions about anything on posh! Also please subscribe to my YouTube channel Nenakaylyn for more on fashion and travel advice! Happy poshing. Wishing you many sales! 💕
Nov 11Reply
firstlookcloset Thanks so much for your purchase! I will get them mailed Monday 💖🌞💖🌞
Dec 30Reply
sevigne Hey Mina, hope you’re doing well :) Feel free to check out my closet💛
Feb 27Reply
kitsuneomajinai @smcf121 hi there! If you’re still interested in your bundle I’d be happy to make you a special offer and include a free gift!
Mar 10Reply
rissylayne Welcome, good luck poshing!
Apr 15Reply
iloveoffersss Thank you for stopping by. The item you liked is available. Would you like to submit an offer? I'm flexible
Apr 16Reply
bellanblue Hi I’m Jen! So nice to meet you! Hope you are enjoying poshing! So much to learn! Pls stop in if you have any questions! I’m happy to help! Happy Poshing! Jen
Apr 18Reply
celiadunmore hi! i’m so sorry it’s taking so long to get the dress shipped, i’ve been very busy. i will ship it today, tomorrow the latest. sorry for the wait!!❤️❤️
Apr 30Reply
jakesheart 🌷Welcome Over & welcome to Poshmark & Thank you for your likes,:) , I ran a weekend sale, but i have not taken the sign down, if you would like to use it before I do, it is for any 3 items take 25% off! You may also use the offer button as I am accepting reasonable offers ! Have a blessed day & fun Poshing! Warm wishes, Adrienne 🌷
Apr 30Reply
4everunleashed @smcf121 hey! I switched phones and didn’t realize my posh account wasn’t logged in- if you want the medieval corset I will accept your offer of $24
May 11Reply
jessie_hardman Welcome to poshmark. Hope you find it fun: it is a great place to make some money and find great deals. Best wishes. Please check out my closet and I will check yours out as you get listings.
May 14Reply
jessie_hardman Welcome to Poshmark. If you have questions about how things work on bidding or listing etc please feel free to ask. I hope you enjoy the community. Thank you for flowing me and I hope to have a transaction sometime with you in the future.
May 16Reply
aryade1842 Sorry those pants just sold on another site thanks for your interest
May 20Reply
rachelliles Hey! Noticed you like Forever 21 - I do too! I dropped prices on a lot of my items that you might be interested in. I’m moving so am accepting most offers - you might get a great deal😊
May 26Reply
l_dubel Hello, sorry I did not see your counter offer on those boots. I have been traveling a ton the last few weeks. If your still interested make the offer and I will accept !
May 31Reply
liblove257 Please take a look at my closet!😍
Jun 15Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or still have tags attached. Brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jun 21Reply
clothingcove Hi!❣️Sending you some Posh love and wanted to invite you to come visit my closet 🌻. I welcome offers and have fast shipping! Hope to see you soon! Enjoy 🛍😊
Jun 26Reply
fashionbyshell Hi! Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark! If you get a chance, check out my closet. 💕 Happy poshing!
Jul 25Reply
monarchs_of_god Hi Mina! I see you liked 3 items in my closet! Thank you!! If you bundle, I'll send you an offer for $30 & discount shipping!!
Aug 20Reply
jas95991 Hello, I saw that you made an offer on a pair of boots and realized that the left shoe is a little more distressed than the other one. I updated the pictures so you could see. I just wanted you to look at them again before accepting your offer. And if you don’t want them anymore, that is okay. Thanks for the interest!
Sep 26Reply
erinhuffman73 Hi Mina thank you for visiting closet 🌸Let me know if you have any questions
Oct 08Reply
erinhuffman73 Hello Mina thank you so much for shopping my closet. I just wanted to let you know I have your top bagged up and it will be shipped out tomorrow morning. If it was not a holiday it would go out today but unfortunately United States Postal Service does not work on Columbus Day 🙁
Oct 14Reply
foundbyfran Thank you for liking my listing! 🛍 Feel free to send an offer or bundle more likes from my closet a discount,💖 All purchases from my closet come with a free gift until 2020! Let me know if you have any questions.🎀
Oct 19Reply
wornfashion Hi there! I noticed you favorited an item from my closet and just wanted to reach out and let you know to feel free to contact me with any questions or further interest in the item! I also offer 10% off of 2 or more items so feel free to make a bundle!! Thanks so much for checking out my closet! 😊😊
Oct 22Reply
leslyf Hi! I just accepted your offer. I think you tried to purchase this already and I didn’t get a chance to send it because I moved. My apologies. I’ll send it ASAP this time! Lesly
Nov 11Reply
mmmmm1616 @smcf121 Hiiii Mina! thank you for purchasing the wrap dress, sorry about the delay! I will be shipping out tomorrow morning! :)
Nov 12Reply
sugarcoat253 Hello! So nice to “meet” you! Thank you for the like and checking out my closet! Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with. I hope to do business with you someday💕
Nov 13Reply
smcf121 @leslyf no worries, I completely understand! I'm just excited for the dress ^^
Nov 13Reply
smcf121 @mmmmm1616 I worries 😊 do you think you’ll be able to send it out soon?
Nov 16Reply
smcf121 @mmmmm1616 I worries 😊 do you think you’ll be able to send it out soon?
Nov 16Reply
karaandk @smcf121 hi. I just messaged Posh letting them know that the order they just cancelled already shipped. Please let me know when you receive the package. Thank you!
Dec 03Reply
karaandk @smcf121 hi, I see your ordered got delivered. I you decide to keep it you can take $20 off your next purchase. Thank you!
Dec 04Reply
smcf121 Hi, I'm so sorry for this mess. I did not see your message that you had shipped it when I canceled the order, and by the time I had it was already on its way. I have not been home so I have not seen the package yet, but I will get it back to you promptly. I found the bralette I was originally replacing with that order.
Dec 04Reply
smcf121 @karaandk Hi, just wanted to let you know I received your package on Friday and I am returning it today!
Dec 09Reply
king_kouture Hi....I’d love for you to take a look at my closet @king_kouture 👑. I carry a lot of the brands you love ❤️ 💕... great discounts on bundles... 5 ⭐️ Posh Ambassador and fast shipper! Happy Poshing!
Mar 19Reply
katyagrey OMG. I know this is a little off topic, but is that you in that magnificent cosplay (profile pic)?! Stunning! (Sorry, I get super excited when I come across fellow cosplayers)
May 23Reply
lmoss95 Hi Mina. I accepted your offer for the NARS lip pencil but you have to update your payment information. Have a great day!😊 💕Laura
Jul 16Reply
lmoss95 Hi Mina. Thank you. I will bring your package to the Post Office this afternoon. Have a wonderful day!😊 💕Laura
Jul 16Reply
monie101839 Hi Mina. I’m sorry that I did not see your offer to an item in my closet until today. The item is still available if you’re still interested. My apologies once again.
Sep 16Reply
tlacui73 Thank you so much for your purchase and your new item will ship ASAP.
Oct 17Reply
rposen Hi Mina! It’s great to meet you!💕👍🏻💕
Oct 23Reply
bellanblue Hello I’m Jen. Nice to meet you
Dec 18Reply
nana4him Hi. Sorry it took so long. I just dropped off your purchase Anthropologie jumper at the Post Office. Hope you enjoy it... it is in new unworn condition.
Feb 26Reply
sunnytrumpet157 Hi, i hope ur doing well! Im sorta embarrassed to comment this actually haha but I'm moving VERY soon and need to empty my closet really soon. Ur just a random Posh account I clicked on lol but if its not too much of a hassle, would u mind taking a look at my closet? I'm REALLY desperate for things gone or else I have to trash them. I'm super sorry for bothering u, and thank u!
Jun 24Reply
parlay_princess Hi! 💟💟 thank you for the offer! I can ship those pants out today as well! 😊😊 Happy new year! 🎊😍
Jan 07Reply
parlay_princess Thank you so much for your purchase!! :) My post office is closed, I'm so sorry. I'll have these out tomorrow!! :)
Jan 07Reply
modig 🌷
Jan 24Reply
glamhoard Thank you for your purchase. I appreciate you and will ship quickly. 🤩💝👏🏼⭐️😁
Apr 29Reply
yourstatement Hello Mina, the shoes you placed a bid on are final price. As per the listing there are no additional discounts. They can be purchased at any time for the listed price. Thank you for your interest. Janis
May 15Reply
thriftsbysierra hey!! thanks so much for visiting my shop!! i will be shipping out your purchase very soon!!
Jun 07Reply
itsjessvalle Hi, just wanted to let you know I’m shipping your dress today!! 💗
Jun 09Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Nov 30Reply
talfin14 Hi ! I’m Talia 👋🏼 i have high quality designer clothing, lingerie, shoes and accessories you might be interested in for sale in my closet. Lmk if you have any questions! Happy holidays 😁
Dec 08Reply
so1012 Hi! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet because I’m having a great 3/$15 sale that includes lots of items including press on nails and clothes! Listings are added every few days 😊
Mar 25Reply
surfboardxo Hi did you get your dress
Aug 20Reply

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Last Active: Mar 20

Boston, MA
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Last Active: Mar 20

Boston, MA
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