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Updated Dec 05
Updated Dec 05

Meet your Posher, Mira

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mira. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, Madewell, and Anthropologie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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mdbrodney Welcome to Poshmark! This is such a fun social community! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. Happy Poshing! 🤗😁👍🏻
Dec 05Reply
iqclothessavvy Hi! I'm Julia! Welcome to Posh! We are glad to have you Poshing, it is very addicting!! One important need to know … to talk to anybody we have to put the @ sign in front of their name. @ acts like an address. To talk to us you would have to write @iqclothessavvy. Remember your password and login daily! BUNDLE to save lots of money! LMK if you have questions! Happy to help. See POSHING TIPS and BREAK ROOM listings under OTHER our closet! WELCOME!! Hope that helps you enjoy the life of Posh!
Dec 05Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for following my closet 😊 let me know if you find something you are interested in
Jan 14Reply
sparkleandreams Good morning,Thank you for all the shares.i do appreciate everyone of them.Have a beautiful day and GOD BLESS YOU❤️🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏
Feb 25Reply
vans_closet004 thank you!! I really enjoyed your story! I'm so glad you love the dress, it really was a beauty and I'm sure you'll rock it! xoxo
Mar 08Reply
bansera I drop the price down to $20. That would help you with this shipping their beautiful earrings
Mar 20Reply
denejkivdom Beautiful evening to you))) I hope you can find a minute to check on my closet, I have some cool items you may find interesting. Appreciate your time, thank you, Viva
Mar 21Reply
dusty19 @mira0507 thank you so very much for the beautiful note in the ratings comment. It really made me feel happy 😍 it has been hard deciding to sell some of my aunt’s jewelry and knowing u have a very special piece and love it is special Bless you and keep safe 🙏
Mar 23Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply
mamaw5172 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my fantastic finds 🛍🎉🌸❤️🌹
Mar 29Reply
marinasoutyrine hi, Mira..I am glad that you like my closet. If you will be ready to buy, just make a bundle and I accept the offer one buy - second free. Thank you, Marie
Mar 31Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Apr 06Reply
elena3319 Hi Mira! Your tie is on its way already! 📦🎉 Thank you for your purchase!💕🌸
Apr 09Reply
losaylor Hi, Thanks for visiting my closet, just in case you see something you are interested in I’m running a SALE!! BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Second Item must be the same price or less To get this discount bundle your items, I will send you an offer for the highest item just accept my offer. If you bundle three items you will get the lowest priced item free. If you bundle 4 items you will get the 2 lowest priced items free. You can make multiple bundles of two. STAY HEALTHY and SAFE!!
Apr 11Reply
elena3319 Hi Mira, let me know , please, if you received your package? I hope you like it 🌸
Apr 12Reply
elena3319 Thank you so much, Mira, for such a warm, kind review! I hope you will have very nice Easter! And please stay safe and healthy!💕🌸
Apr 12Reply
16042003liza Thank you much for your feedback! If you’ll return back to my closet, I will be happy to give you a great price as well as great purchasing experience! Enjoy your scarf!!!! Stay safe and healthy!!!
Apr 13Reply
pattmalone Hi Mira, Thank you so much for you sweet kind words, they mean so much to me! I know this beautiful scarf will be perfect for you!❤️ I’m happy you liked you little thank you gift! I appreciate the great review you gave me. I definitely will be keeping a watch on your closet! Happy Poshing 💞🌸💞
Apr 13Reply
clothesbykathy Hi Mira! Thanks for the like on the skirt in my closet. If you would like to purchase it, I will reduce it to $12. Since it's closet clean out today, Poshmark would give discounted shipping as well. Just let me know! Thanks, Kathy
Apr 14Reply
carola952 Hi Mira! Thank you for your sweet rating. I'm so glad you liked the shoes and purse! You're so kind! Hugs! Be safe!
Apr 16Reply
clothesbykathy Hi Mira! Thank you so much for buying the dress from me. I will package it this evening and get it in the mail tomorrow! Have a great evening! Kathy
Apr 16Reply
mira0507 @clothesbykathy Thank you, Kathy, as you can see I love your closet- there is so much more I will be getting later!!! I can’t wait to receive my purchase- so excited to try this beautiful dress on!!! Take care of yourself and God Bless!!! Mira❤️🌷🍀
Apr 16Reply
clothesbykathy @mira0507 Hi Mira! Thank you so much for the compliment on my closet! You are very gracious & kind. Blessings to you too! Kathy
Apr 17Reply
pendl005 Thanks so much for your sweet note! I'm so glad you love the scarf, and that it went to a loving home :)
Apr 19Reply
clothesbykathy Dear Mira! What beautiful comments that you sent to me! Thank you so much for the 5 star rating & your sweet comments. You absolutely made my day! I could tell when I saw the bright smile in your picture that you were a positive, uplifting person. You truly are! Wishes for all the best to you! Blessings, Kathy
Apr 22Reply
violkad Hi Mira thank you so much I’m glad you like it be safe 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Apr 26Reply
guinevere57 Hi, Mira! Happy Sunday. Thank you for the 5⭐ rating and wonderful love note. That is so nice of you! 🌼😊 Enjoy the day as best as you can and stay safe dear. ✌❤ Posh On! 🥿👗👠👙👜
Apr 26Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 28Reply
littlesparklelf Thanks so much for your honest review! I did not realize there were any flaws I certainly would have noted them had I noticed I try to be very transparent with my listings. Hopefully the scarf still works for you and is a beautiful addition to your wardrobe it is such a vibrant floral print! I hope you and your family stay healthy and safe 💕
Apr 29Reply
kaykpar Hi Mira, I so glad you like the scarf. Blessings to you and stay safe as well.😊😊🤗😷
May 01Reply
bwillowvntg Dear Mira. Im so glad you love the floral blazer!!! I truly appreciate your note. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. 💜💜💜. Lisa
May 01Reply
1dazzlingdiva Hi Mira! Thank you for the lovely note re the scarf. I am a BIG collector and I’m trying to clear things out for a big move next year. I hope you come back and look around sometime. Be safe! Lupita
May 06Reply
naturallybecca Hello there shopper! I hope you’re having the best time on this app. If you’re looking to make a purchase in the future, look no further! I am offering HUGE discounts on tops, jeans, jewelry and more! Deals include... ♡ 25% off bundles of 6+ items ♡ Items available FREE with a purchase ♡ All offers $4 and up accepted or reasonably countered I am a Poshmark Ambassador, so please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your time on here more worthwhile ♡
May 23Reply
stfifi @mira0507 Hello Mira, thank you so much for making my day. You are very kind and thoughtful. God bless you beyond measures. Stay safe. 🥰
May 29Reply
academicsun Mira... Thank you for the most touching comment I have ever recieved. Thank you so much for taking the time to appreciate my effort to make you smile!! I'm so grateful for people like you who aren't afraid to be kind. Thank you for being you, and sharing your sunshine!🌞🌞🌞😊😊😊😉-Bernadette
Jun 02Reply
christieee_3 Hi, thank you for stopping by my closet and liking some items! I hope you’re having a wonderful day! I would love to make your day even better by sending a bundle your way. Feel free to make an offer!
Jun 02Reply
shop_tillyadrop Hello Mira I have your pretty skirt already packed and ready to ship within 30 min😊👍🏻 have a nice weekend💜 and thank you in advance for shopping in my posh closet
Jun 04Reply
mira0507 @shop_tillyadrop Hi Jessica, thank you so much for being so fast😄 and kind, I really appreciate this!! And I’m very excited to receive this beautiful skirt!!! Have a fantastic weekend, be safe and Blessings!! 💕🌷😀
Jun 04Reply
shop_tillyadrop Absolutely I strive for great customer service 💜😊👍🏻 hope you love it!!
Jun 04Reply
janet4missions Hi Mira! Thank you for your purchase. I just brought your package to the Post Office. It should start tracking later tonight and arrive by Monday. Have a great weekend. Janet 🌴💜🌴
Jun 11Reply
eeekahouse Hi Mira! sorry i didn't see ur offer on the KL scarf until today. u may notice that i countered with 19, but upon consideration, if thats too high 4 u I'll accept 16 (just counter again and ill accept)
Jun 12Reply
kolbyschmitt Mira! I am so sorry. I haven’t been on Poshmark in over a year and completely forgot. All this is on my old email and I had no idea you even reached out. I have ZERO clue where that scarf is these days😂 I’m not sure if you already paid or if you got your money back. Let me know and we’ll figure this out:)
Jun 13Reply
janet4missions Mira....Your feedback is why I enjoy being a part of Poshmark. It gives me an opportunity to reach people I might not otherwise reach. Your words have encouraged and blessed me. God knows the hearts of you and your husband. He will provide and reward your faithfulness. My heart hurts for the children, but glad some of them are a part of this loving home. 💜🙏💜
Jun 16Reply
thegreatergood Hello Mira. Thank you for your purchase as a portion of the proceeds help those in great need and is appreciated by me! It will be carefully packaged and on the way to you today. Wear this beauty in health and happiness‼️ With gratitude-Lynn
Jul 06Reply
thegreatergood If you’re interested in a few of these let me know and I’ll bundle them.
Jul 06Reply
goldenpolkadot @mira0507 Hi Thank You SO much for your purchase i shipped it out today! Hope you LOVE your JW Mask as much as i love mine! These are custom made out of one of my favorite Silk scarves SO soft & Chic, im sure ur goin to get tons of compliments i have another design also custom if ur interested in the future💕💕💕💋 thx again 💐 Olga ✨🟡🎗💫
Jul 07Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jul 09Reply
thegreatergood Thank you for the 5⭐️rating and kind love note! It makes my week knowing you are happy with your purchase and the process‼️ Enjoy it🙏🏻
Jul 10Reply
thegreatergood Hello Mira. Thank you for your purchase and continued support of my mission. Enjoy your weekend‼️🙏🏻
Jul 11Reply
sunsetspot Hi there - thanks for the like! Let me know if I can be of assistance. R
Jul 14Reply
thegreatergood Hello Mira. Thank you for your continued kindness and support! You’re amazing. Enjoy it‼️😘
Jul 14Reply
peneloperoo @mira0507 Hi! I see you are a seller so you probably already know but I always check to make sure you know you lose the CCO discounted shipping if you counter after I lower the price? If I accept your counter it will still be less total than my asking price but just wanted to make sure first. Thanks.
Jul 19Reply
megetz23 Thanks so much for the lovely feedback on the dress you purchased from me. So glad you like it!
Jul 21Reply
peneloperoo @mira0507 Thank you so much for the Love Note. I’m very happy you liked it.
Jul 24Reply
pamelaceleski Hello. I’m really glad you love the sham and I appreciate the nice comments 🌻😊
Aug 11Reply
blreibman1948 Thank you for following my closet and for your like🌸stay well.
Aug 11Reply
dreamersbay Thank you so much for an incredible review! Our customers are the most important to us and we care deeply about you having the best experience possible! I would love to offer you 5% off your next purchase as a thank you for taking the time to write a review. If there is an item you are interested in and you would like to apply the credit you can comment “ 5% Review Credit” have the best day ever!
Sep 02Reply
spfeifer99 Hello, hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have over 400 five 🌟 reviews. I sell vintage and today jewelry, with hundreds to choose from and bundling discounts! Hope you can swing on by... Happy Poshing to you either way!! 💖
Sep 04Reply
lilcabanas Hey there! 👋. Thanks for liking my item! I love scoring great deals here on Posh...and I love giving great deals. Please, feel free to make an offer. All of my items need a new home. Happy Poshing😊
Oct 28Reply
lesmarques Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Scarves liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection Handbag and wallets, and adding new deals every day. Check us out, Sharing is Caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Nov 03Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Dec 12Reply
irivera59 Welcome to Poshmark, hope you are enjoying it as much as I do, whether it's buying or selling its definitely a great experience. Don't forget to check out my closet, where you will find clothes, shoes, jewelry, home furnishings, collectibles, etc. 😍
Mar 19Reply
lilprin hi, sorry about the free people jacket, I didn't have enough for the purchase to go through. im still working on it though
Mar 28Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Dior, Lululemon, Nike, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
May 18Reply
puppylove8 @mira0507 greetings from the @puppylove8 closet!!
May 30Reply
bestdressed995 👋 Hi, 🍍it’s nice to meet you🍍
Aug 23Reply
jumbled i am so sorry - I don't normally cancel orders and then bundle so I'm learning right now. lol. If you can "like" the scarf, then I can add it to the bundle with the tie, drop the prices and give discounted shipping. I can't figure out a way to do it without the "like", though, because that's what shows up on my side. I apologize for the inconvenience. I'm laughing at myself right now :)
Oct 01Reply
jumbled Hi! I wanted to let you know that I shipped your items the other day but they still aren’t tracking. I reached out to poshmark to let them know that the items shipped . I will check tracking later today and see if it is updated. All of the other items started tracking yesterday so fingers crossed 🤞🏼 💕
Oct 07Reply
awdsnends Thank you so much for the glowing review!
Nov 09Reply
alijare2 Hi Mira, I appreciate you’re like of little girls striped pants they are adorable♥️. I just sent you an offer any questions let me know Thanks
Dec 03Reply
selbees Hope your having an awesome Sunday ✌🏼❤️😊 happy poshing 🛍🛍🛍
Apr 03Reply
spanishluna thanks for the like have a safe and blessed day we sent an offer let us know what you think be careful out there
Apr 29Reply
cutehosiery @mira0507 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 31Reply
nmontalvo1220 hi thanks for visiting my closet. I have a limited time sale going on. 2 clothing items for only $10. bundle and save more. happy poshing 🌹
Oct 05Reply
jessleephx Hello! I want to invite you to visit my closet. Feel free to make me an offer, and negotiate. Also, feel free to like, share, or just leave a comment. Happy Poshing!
Oct 07Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 13Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. This is a large closet so use the filter button. Bundle a few items and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Oct 08Reply
style_high_club Hey there I usually don’t do this because I hate pushy sellers but I keep noticing you like my items. If you want to bundle three together, I can give you an additional discount on top of the 10% off. Just an option.
Dec 10Reply
poshmf Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more. Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often. Thanks and Happy Poshing!
Jan 15Reply
pennydawson42 Thank you so much for the likes and shares🤗
Feb 04Reply
ivana_official Hello, how are you today) Hope you will find a minute to check my little shabby chic closet. Thank you, and have a wonderful week 💛 Ivana
Feb 29Reply
shelvys @mira0507 Feeling lucky? You're in luck! 🍀✨ Luck is still on your side. Although our surprise bundle promotion was set to end on St. Patrick's Day, we're extending it for everyone to enjoy. Don't miss out on discovering the surprises waiting for you in my Poshmark closet! 🛍️💚 If you fancy 2 items or more, simply hit the "❤️" button, and I'll send you a discounted offer. ☺️ Thanks in advance, and happy Poshing! #ExtendedLuck #SpecialOffer #LuckyCloset
Mar 07Reply
fashion_pulses Welcome to Poshmark!
Oct 21Reply
farahscloset_ Hi Mira, Nice to meet you 😊 I’d like to invite you to visit my closet. I believe there’s a little something for everyone. If you see something you like, would you please send me an offer? I accept most reasonable offers. Thank you Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season 🎄❤️😊
Dec 17Reply

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