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Updated Jul 28
Updated Jul 28

Meet your Posher, Missy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Missy. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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ash22blue @ourtwo2 thanks for your purchase! It will be mailed out Monday!
Aug 13Reply
22manuel Thank you for your purchase your order was just sent out hope you receive your package soon :)
Aug 15Reply
thefashionmine Thank you for your purchase. Just letting you know that my entire closet is BUY ONE GET ONE 1/2 OFF through midnight tonight! If you see anything else you are interested in I can customize a bundle for you to add to the item you bought. :)
Sep 23Reply
talascano Your order has been at your post office since Thursday 9, so I hope everything is ok.😊
Nov 13Reply
ashley9876 I will ship your box on Monday. I went yesterday and the post office was closed. I work until 8. Sorry about that but I will for sure ship it Monday
Jan 21Reply
ashley9876 I work until 8 tonight
Jan 21Reply
ourtwo2 @ashley9876 Thanks 😊
Jan 21Reply
sarancloset @ourtwo2 jus got back this morning. Mailing the items in the morning
Mar 20Reply
sonechko03 Thank u for your recent purchase and for the rating. Fell free to check it out my closet. I have lots of baby clothes 😊
Apr 01Reply
beccaribs11 Hello! For some reason the package I sent you has been "available for pickup" at your post office for 4 days. I hope you are able to get it? I've never seen that happen so am not sure why it wasn't delivered!!
Apr 02Reply
ourtwo2 @beccaribs11 I was there yesterday and got a package but not from you. Let me check in the morning and make sure they didn't overlook
Apr 02Reply
beccaribs11 @ourtwo2 just wanted to check in to see if the post office found it for you?
Apr 03Reply
ourtwo2 @beccaribs11 yes!!!! They have and failed to send to me Saturday 😐
Apr 03Reply
beccaribs11 @ourtwo2 I'm so glad! Was worried they lost it on you! I try to ship out fast and felt terrible it hadn't gotten to you yet.
Apr 03Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 19Reply
drea4eva Hi there! Your package says available for pickup. I've never seen that before. I'm assuming it's at the post office. Just wanted to let you know.
May 23Reply
ourtwo2 @drea4eva thanks-I was just there yesterday and they didn't say anything about it 😕
May 23Reply
mortokien We do combine shipping on multiple purchases. Thanks! Pennington Family
Jun 24Reply
mortokien I would do $50 on those 4 if you are still interested. Thanks!
Jun 24Reply
greenmtnthreads Thank you so much for your purchase of northface tee, bikini, and BR tank from my closet! I am currently out of town until Thursday but I will ship first thing on Friday morning. Hope this is okay
Jun 27Reply
ourtwo2 @jawbonesavy that's perfectly fine 😁
Jun 27Reply
2017hw I'll go 35??
Aug 06Reply
ourtwo2 @willgibson3 Okay-lol, I'm doing Christmas shopping and I try to spend the same on each person 😊
Aug 06Reply
2017hw @ourtwo2 hahha okay send me another offer!
Aug 06Reply
springbreeze Hi, my $40 counteroffer isn't firm if you would look to negotiate further.
Sep 02Reply
springbreeze I can do $35 on the Boots and drop the price for you in a new listing so that you can get discounted shipping. Would that be okay?
Sep 02Reply
ourtwo2 @springbreeze Perfect!! I'm not even sure if I can wear them, but I've got my fingers crossed 🤞
Sep 02Reply
springbreeze @ourtwo2 I hope that they do!
Sep 02Reply
springbreeze Thank you! I will ship them tomorrow😊
Sep 02Reply
jerrilm Hey Missy I sent you a message regarding your order..I think you'd hit the accept button but the payment wasn't released. Might be a posh error....🤗thanks so much😘❤
Sep 13Reply
dardardardar1 Good morning thank you for your purchase!! I regret to inform you I have sold the Forever 21 sheer cream blouse. I apologize I did not mark it sold! Would you like to choose another item? Or would you just like to purchase the shoes? I would still give you the bundle discount. Thank you let me know! Bar
Oct 23Reply
ourtwo2 @darpatterson poo!!! Lol, okay just the shoes please 😊
Oct 23Reply
dardardardar1 @ourtwo2 Hi!! Poshmark told me to cancel the old order and you will have to reorder. I will adjust the discount for you!! Thank you for your patience and understanding!! Dar
Oct 25Reply
dardardardar1 I adjusted the bundle to 2 items and discount to 25 percent for your patience with my mistake!!
Oct 25Reply
ourtwo2 @darpatterson okay-when you reset it then I’ll reorder 😊
Oct 25Reply
dardardardar1 It Should be on there. Do you see it now?
Oct 25Reply
ourtwo2 @darpatterson for some reason on my end it shows sold and won’t let me do anything
Oct 25Reply
dardardardar1 Hmmm. I'll contact posh. Ty!
Oct 25Reply
ourtwo2 @darpatterson Hey-have you heard anything yet?
Oct 25Reply
dardardardar1 Hi I just relisted them! Apparently there is no way to edit or adjust an item that has been listed as sold. Even if it was a mistake or a return. They recommended delisting them. Thanks again for your patience!! I am still learning! Dar
Oct 25Reply
dardardardar1 **re listing!!
Oct 25Reply
ourtwo2 @darpatterson Great!! 😊
Oct 25Reply
dardardardar1 Awesome!! Thank you!! I'll see if I can get it out today!!
Oct 25Reply
dardardardar1 Ty!! They are on their way!!!
Oct 25Reply
lilcandy0131 Thanks for stopping and take a look through my closet and I will that your package sent off today
Oct 27Reply
lilcandy0131 Okay I had shipped it thanks for your order
Oct 27Reply
lilcandy0131 Not sure if u know but your package is waiting pick up at the post office or maybe u already picked up
Oct 31Reply
ourtwo2 @lilcandy0131 yes my husband went by but they had already closed. Will get today 😁
Oct 31Reply
lilcandy0131 @ourtwo2 ok i wasn't sure if u had know
Oct 31Reply
ourtwo2 @lilcandy0131 👍🏻 thanks
Oct 31Reply
lilcandy0131 We're u able to pick it up yet
Oct 31Reply
ourtwo2 Sorry this crazy phone 😠
Oct 31Reply
lilcandy0131 @ourtwo2 Thank u again for your order if free to stop in and take a peek at my closet any time ....👗👛👙 And you have a safe and Happy Holloween
Oct 31Reply
ourtwo2 @lilcandy0131 thanks!!! You too 😊
Oct 31Reply
pmangus Thank you so much for your purchase! I will send out to you tomorrow!🌸
Nov 01Reply
pmangus Thanks so much for the great rating and I'm so glad they all fit!!👏👏👏 Blessings to you- Have a great evening!🌸
Nov 07Reply
modestyandme Hey Missy thanks so much for the purchase bundle !! Be mailing out tomorrow 😘😊
Nov 28Reply
modestyandme Your package has been sent !! 😊have a good day 😘
Nov 28Reply
modestyandme Hey Missy thanks so much for the compliments glad you liked them all !! 😘🤗
Nov 30Reply
hhdian Hello. My name is Heather. You ordered a bundle yesterday afternoon. Due to a bad snowfall in my area, I won’t be able to ship out until tomorrow. I apologize and will be including a free gift for any inconvenience this may cause. I always ship out same day and feel awful about this package being slightly delayed. Sincerest apologies. Heather
Jan 04Reply
hhdian Hello. My name is Heather. You ordered a bundle yesterday afternoon. Due to a bad snowfall in my area, I won’t be able to ship out until tomorrow. I apologize and will be including a free gift for any inconvenience this may cause. I always ship out same day and feel awful about this package being slightly delayed. Sincerest apologies. Heather
Jan 04Reply
ourtwo2 @hhdian Hey! That is completely understandable-😊. Stay safe and I’m in no hurry
Jan 04Reply
hhdian @ourtwo2 Thank you so much for your understanding ❤️😊❄️Jersey is getting walloped by this storm!
Jan 04Reply
thriftanies @ourtwo2 hey Missy! Sorry for the inconvenience but I had the size incorrect on the pants. They are XL instead of 12 (The pictures are correct but the description was wrong). Please let me know if that works for you as I can ship your bundle out later today! I’ll even throw in something extra for the inconvenience and as a thank you for understanding. Let me know!
Jan 18Reply
ourtwo2 @laura_jo hey-they probably won’t then 😔. I’ve lost weight and I’m almost into a 10 so I better not thank you anyway
Jan 18Reply
thriftanies @ourtwo2 I totally understand. I’m so sorry! I can take additional measurements if that helps. I’ve never had to cancel a purchase before. Would you like to try the cancellation on your end?
Jan 18Reply
thriftanies @ourtwo2 I was able to cancel the order for you. If you’d like to still purchase the sweater I am about to relist it now. Again my apologies for this.
Jan 18Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Jan 24Reply
saverette Thanks for your purchase on the sofa pillows. Hope you enjoy them😊
Feb 08Reply
ourtwo2 @saverette I’m so excited!!! I’m giving these as a little house warming gift 😊. She’s doing her living room area with “birds on a wire” theme and when I saw these pillows I was ecstatic!!
Feb 08Reply
saverette @ourtwo2 Awesome!👍🏻
Feb 09Reply
design4ubyjill Thank you for your bundle order Missy. I shipped it out to you today, so you should be receiving it in a couple days!
Feb 11Reply
sebq Thx for like and visiting my closet. 😊 accepting reasonable offers due to family illness. My beautiful young husband was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure 9/23/17. He is now disabled and unable to work. I am a Registered Nurse but cut back so that I may be with him. ❤️
Feb 13Reply
sebq No, it’s not revitalash. It’s in my storage where I live bcuz it’s my last one. I’m a nurse so all my skin products and the like are from a dermatologist I see at the hospital often and he set me up with this great company. The skin products I have with the 2 bottles are awesome. Right now they are Buy one get two I’ll get it out tomorrow for you
Feb 14Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq Hey! That sounds great! I’ve chosen what I want I think. Is the other pretty good stuff? I’ve never seen it before.
Feb 14Reply
sebq Actually I use it because the dermatologist recommended it to me and it removed a couple of spots from the sun completely and one very noticeable one on my chest. It also minimized lines like nothing I’ve ever used b4 and I’m probably older than you
Feb 14Reply
sebq I don’t see your picture so actually I don’t have a clue how old you are. I just feel you are young
Feb 14Reply
sebq The one that comes with two bottles are the ones for the face lines and/or spots
Feb 14Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq okay I’m going to purchase
Feb 14Reply
sebq Ok but make an offer. I’ll give you a break luv
Feb 14Reply
sebq If you are going to get the two bottles together it’s great product and it’s a BOGO
Feb 14Reply
sebq Actually I have it buy one get two
Feb 14Reply
sebq But if you get it FOLLOW DIRECTIONS bcuz it works
Feb 14Reply
sebq I will accept your offer but “IF” you would like to try the skin products that show 2 bottles, I will let you mix or match since you buy one and get two free for $12 plus your other items of course. It’s up to you but you had asked me about them
Feb 14Reply
sebq Or if you want I’ll give you one of each on the two bottle items and a jar of the cellulite cream. Your choice
Feb 14Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq How about you surprise me 😬! Let me say this...I’ve lost about 25 lbs and some of my skin is kinda hangin there lol. Actually it’s my leg area 😝. I’m in a size 10 but shorts weather is around the corner
Feb 14Reply
sebq Well I have always been an avid skin care person whether it be moisterizer, wrinkle cream, cellulite cream, retinol etc so I’m huge in skin care. I don’t know if you want to spend the extra but if I accept your $18 and give you one of each on skin care, 4 bottles total(2in each) and a cellulite cream for $12 it will be $30 which is $6 less.
Feb 14Reply
sebq $6 less in what you offered, $12 less by mixing skin products and $15 less by including cream It’s up to you on what you spend but if you bought it all outright it would be $39.
Feb 14Reply
sebq I don’t have wt issues but not bcuz I live in a gym but just my genes. My daughter is the same. Both 5’ 9..5” and my daughter way too thin at 112lbs and I’m about 128lbs so I’ve always focused on skin. IF YOU GET IT THO....FOLLOW DIRECTIIONS
Feb 14Reply
sebq So basically an extra 2 products totaling $27 for $12. Make sense???
Feb 14Reply
sebq Idk if u are still dieting but I have a great diet of one dish that is yummy. My husband is big and played pro football and when he needed to lose wt I had to take him off diet bcuz he lost too much
Feb 14Reply
sebq Now he’s very sick with his ❤️ so I have to cook no sodium only
Feb 14Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq Sounds good-love new recipes! And a cookbook freak!!
Feb 14Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq okay I’m ready
Feb 14Reply
sebq Me too. Love cookbooks but now cooking has to be so boring bcuz Sam, my husband, that’s him in my closet btw, has to eat boring food. So I’ll deny the offer. Add the one skin care and cream and offer $30. I’ll accept and send the 4 bottles, 2 in each and cream. Sound good?
Feb 14Reply
sebq And of course I’ll include the other two
Feb 14Reply
sebq Ok, I denied it. Now list your things and offer $30
Feb 14Reply
sebq I’ll type out recipe and send with package
Feb 14Reply
sebq Did you see I denied your offer. If you want what I explained just list them in bundle and offer. $30. Or if you don’t want that just re-bundle what you had if you want and I’ll accept $18
Feb 14Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq sorry I had to go to a viewing for a friends son.
Feb 15Reply
sebq Omg, you mean viewing as in he died.
Feb 15Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq yes he passed 30 years old. Okay-cellulite cream and the celebrity stuff? Is that what I need to bundle?
Feb 15Reply
sebq Yes but include the 2 original things you had and offer $30 ok.
Feb 15Reply
sebq Ok, idk if you go to bed early so if it’s late for you just say Ricki, go away, ok, lol. Let me ask you, and not to buy but are you a big perfume person or a so so perfume person. Not selling.
Feb 15Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq Lol, I need to head that way as morning will come early and work!! And yes I do wear perfume. I am a delinquent tax collector so I need to smell my best when taxpayers come in ready to strangle me 🤪 when I have to be a bad guy
Feb 15Reply
sebq Omg, I cannot imagine. Ok, needed to know. I will get your things out tomorrow. The two different skin products are in same size box only bcuz the thinner boxes with one of them were at bottom of case so boxes on top with other one more sturdy. MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW DIRECTIONS BCUZ ITS STRING BUT WORKS. I ONLY USE PRODUCTS CONTAINING HYALURONIC SUCH AS THESE. Thank you! Sweet Dreams 🙏💞
Feb 15Reply
sebq What’s that, you want my social security number. Uh, I lost it, don’t have one, my dog ate it. Lol
Feb 15Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq Thanks so much!!! It’s been great talking with you! Hope all goes well with you and yours ❤️🙏🏻....ttyl😴
Feb 15Reply
sebq Thx so much. You too. Goodnight sweetie!
Feb 15Reply
saverette Thank you for your order of the sofa pillows , so happy someone will enjoy them. Have a great weekend! 🙂
Feb 16Reply
sebq I totally forgot to include the diet. I can email it if you are ok with giving it to me or I can send in an ✉️ envelope
Feb 17Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq okay 😊
Feb 17Reply
sebq Ok my luv
Feb 17Reply
sebq You didn’t get your package today?
Feb 17Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq No not today, possibly Tuesday since Monday I guess they’ll take a holiday?
Feb 17Reply
sebq Yes but isn’t today 3 days? I’m not sure about Post Office on Presidents’ Day but if so I’m so sorry. I think you will be very happy with your package however. Going to try and get that diet out to you tonight 💞❤️
Feb 17Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq Oh that’s fine. I’m not sure about Monday but I bet they’ll be closed. I can’t wait 😊
Feb 18Reply
Feb 18Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq gotcha doc!!😰
Feb 18Reply
sebq @ourtwo2 Good girl!!!💞💞💞
Feb 18Reply
sebq Omg, tell me you haven’t received it luv.
Feb 21Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq My silly husband promises me he’s going this afternoon to pick up from the post office-I won’t be home till late evening after they are closed ☹️
Feb 21Reply
sebq Tell him no goodies for him tonight and we both have major headaches and it’s all his fault. Lol. I pray it’s there. Is he going to go b4 they close
Feb 21Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq LOL I just spoke with him, he said he’s just now picking it up 🙌🏻 so I’ll get to look see tonight sometime 😩. Can’t wait 😊
Feb 21Reply
sebq Me too, plz let me know if you received it 💞
Feb 21Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq Hey I went ahead and accepted it but I’ll let you know later when I get there and actually open package 🤩🤩🤩
Feb 21Reply
sebq Omg, you are such a doll. I think you will be pleased not only with the products but the extra I gave. I knew you were a sweetheart Higs❤️💞❤️
Feb 21Reply
sebq Thank you so much for your rating and your words. I knew you were special. 😊❤️💞
Feb 22Reply
ourtwo2 @sebq I opened everything ❤️! Thanks so much.... I have just got home so I’m all nuts now lol, Im going to hopefully come home tomorrow at a decent hour so I can sit down and read everything over. Thanks again
Feb 22Reply
sebq I’m so glad you got it. I sent you extra bcuz you were so sweet and kind and deserved it. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS MY LOVE! ❤️💞
Feb 22Reply
silverlady1986 Thanks Missy for your likes of three of my items, if you put them in a bundle I can give you a private offer, thanks for shopping my closet. Peggy
Feb 26Reply
jlanoce Hey missy!the lowest I can do is 27. The sheet set is brand new a king with pillowcases and let alone a king set is over 45..let me know :)
Mar 21Reply
jlanoce @ourtwo2 ok shoot the offer :)
Mar 21Reply
sohairiam8 Hi Missy!!! Just a note to say your package will be shipped out first thing this morning!!! Thank you for your order!!! 💗🌸💗🌸💗
Apr 16Reply
sohairiam8 Hi Missy....just a note to let you know it looks like your package is waiting at your post office for pick up!! I hope you get it soon. ☺️☺️♥️♥️
Apr 20Reply
jensspend Hi Missy, thanks for offer, I can mail out tomorrow morning. 😎
Apr 21Reply
jensspend Hi, did you receive package. I mailed early Saturday? 😎
Apr 25Reply
ourtwo2 @jensspend Hey-I will be picking up from the post office tomorrow. I look forward to seeing my goodies 😊
Apr 26Reply
jensspend @ourtwo2 - 😎 Have a great night!
Apr 26Reply
jensspend Hi, so happy you like everything! 😎
Apr 27Reply
ourtwo2 @jensspend Very pleased!! The dress is awesome
Apr 27Reply
jensspend @ourtwo2 😎 Enjoy!
Apr 27Reply
milaniststyle Hi Missy, thanks so much for the likes! Would you like to bundle all or some of the items you liked so that I can offer a special discount? Thanks for letting me know 🤗
May 07Reply
milaniststyle Hey! Let me know once you’re done or feel free to send me your offer..🤗
May 11Reply
milaniststyle Missy, please go ahead and pick smtg else from your likes..I’ll send you the burgundy set with fur collar as a gift, it runs a little small don’t want to disappoint you..and I’ll make it for $47 no matter which one you choose from your likes..sounds good enough?
May 11Reply
ourtwo2 @milaniststyle 😊 Perfect! Thanks so much
May 11Reply
milaniststyle @ourtwo2 great! Alright then I’ll pack your order once you pick the additional item..Enjoy!
May 11Reply
ourtwo2 @milaniststyle Okay it looks like you may have to decline and I do over because its not letting me do anything
May 11Reply
milaniststyle @ourtwo2 uh oh you’re right
May 11Reply
2017hw Hey!! I noticed that you have shopped and purchased an item from my closet I was just gonna let you know that we have a ton of great new items that vary from many sizes and many brands that gives you a better options to shop from! If you have any questions about my listings please feel free to ask me anything!!
May 14Reply
shegunmed @ourtwo2 Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Jun 14Reply
terrienewell @ourtwo2 Hi Missy! It looks like your bundle that you ordered for me is at the post office waiting for pick-up and just wanted to make sure you knew ❤️I hope you like your items :)
Jun 20Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jun 24Reply
redbug1970 Hey Missy. I would take $28 for all of the pj's and the dress for $28. Thanks!!
Jun 26Reply
redbug1970 I just read my post to you. I repeated myself lol! I meant I would take $28 for all the items.
Jun 26Reply
redbug1970 Hey Missy. This is Lori the seller with the patriotic dress and pajamas. I am so embarrassed to tell you that I don't have the 2T Mickey Mouse ones. I had a lot of these when I first posted and I had to have miscounted on this one. I looked and I have no 2T left. The closest thing I have is another pair of 3T Batman. Or of course I can refund your money on the pair I didn't have. Again I am so sorry about this
Jun 28Reply
ourtwo2 @redbug1970 Hey! I can do the bat man 😊! Just couldn’t have if it would have been Minnie-I only have 1 granddaughter
Jun 28Reply
redbug1970 @ourtwo2 Thank you so much! I will ship out tomorrow. Thanks also for buying from my closet. I really appreciate it!
Jun 29Reply
sparkles0325 Thanks for checking out my closet!! Feel free to bundle your likes for a nice discount!
Jul 03Reply
jesshorman Hi Missy! Thank u so much for shopping my closet and creating a bundle!! I'll have it in the mail to u today!🤗♥️
Jul 14Reply
paigejohnston3 If you want to send that bundle again it expired before I seen it.
Aug 27Reply
ourtwo2 @paigejohnston3 😊 I just sent it
Aug 27Reply
paigejohnston3 @ourtwo2 ok I sent an offer at $13
Aug 27Reply
cawoodcollectn Hello Lovely! Just browsing and sharing some PoshLove! 💕Wishing you the best in Business! -Shann
Sep 06Reply
lumavintage I got a nice Steelers Champion long sleeve It’s in my closet let me know if you’re interested
Sep 20Reply
mayalbitar1961 Hi, thank for visiting my closet and for the likes, bundle and I 'll give you a good deal...
Oct 07Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Marc Jacobs Daisy, Nike, Yellow Box, Burberry Brit, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 18Reply
3monkeysmom Thanks so much for the like! Please check out the rest of my closet and feel free to ask questions. Offers always welcome! Bundle and save!!! I love bundles!!! Thanks again for looking 🎄🧡🎄🎄🧡🎄
Nov 15Reply
3monkeysmom If you want to create a Bundle of the items you love I will send you a great private offer!!!! Thanks for looking and the likes!🎄🧡🎄🎄🧡🎄
Nov 15Reply
3monkeysmom Hi, first off thank you for your purchase. I have a quick question I'm getting ready to pack up your bundle and I dont at the moment have a box long enough for the blocks in the package and tall enough for the tree. So would it be ok if I take the blocks out if package sleeve? Since the photo shows it in a package I wanted to ask you first. If you want the plastic sleeve I will have to search for another box. Let me know and i will do whatever you want. Thanks.
Nov 15Reply
ourtwo2 @3monkeysmom Absolutely ☺️
Nov 15Reply
3monkeysmom Okay thank you. I will ship this afternoon. Have a great day🧡
Nov 15Reply
jasalyntyrone @ourtwo2 Thanks for your review...
Jan 03Reply
momandmedressup Hi if you want to bundle your likes I can send you a no obligation offer! 😍🤗🤩
Mar 15Reply
sbcoakparkmom Thanks so much for the likes on the kids items. Please feel free to bundle and I would be happy to offer you a discount:). Thanks so much!
Mar 17Reply
shezadibazar Hi @ourtwo2 !!!! Hope you are enjoying poshmark journey please feel free to visit my closet 😊
Mar 20Reply
poshitivelymad If you purchas the bundle for my offer, I will include the Boys Nike shorts for free. Happy Poshing!!
Mar 31Reply
bayley_wallace I’m having a Huge Mary Kay sale save up to 70% off today new products
Apr 06Reply
ourtwo2 @bayley_wallace Hey! Do you have any beige 3 or 4 cream to powder?
Apr 06Reply
bayley_wallace Fresh out 😩
Apr 06Reply
thedazzlingdiva Hi Missy! I hope that you are having a lovely day. I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have some cute items from brands like Lucky Brand, Express and more . Feel free to send me an offer if anything catches your eye or you can ‘like’ some items and I will send you a sweet deal :) . Let me know if you have any questions. ~ Patti
Jun 29Reply
prettyii Happy poshing!!! 🤗🤗
Jul 19Reply
prettyii Hello! Happy poshing!! 🤗🤗
Jul 19Reply
abfb Hello I’m just stopping by to say hello and invite you to check out my closet. All of my items are Designer Brands NWT and deeply discounted. Please take a look and I would be more than happy to help. I ship immediately! Have a great afternoon 🌸🎉
Oct 29Reply
laketahatfield @ourtwo2 That’s a cute picture of you! If we agree on a price, I’ll send you some extra tights, etc.
Aug 18Reply
laketahatfield @ourtwo2 What size tights are best?
Aug 18Reply
ourtwo2 @laketahatfield thank you!! My daughter has 2 boys and now pregnant with a little girl. I’m so excited for her. As far as tights they would need to be little
Aug 18Reply
laketahatfield @ourtwo2 You are a grandmother!!?
Aug 18Reply
ourtwo2 @laketahatfield I am. I have 2 children and they have gave me 5 grandchildren 😬
Aug 30Reply
laketahatfield @ourtwo2 Missy, I just tracked the package and it says it’s at the Ennice PO to be picked up! Did you get a message?
Sep 23Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly!
Apr 15Reply
nandausa Dear Missy, I hope you are doing well. I have shipped your bundle however the Elmo shirt was sent separate. Just wanted to make sure you were aware. For that, I would like to know if you are interested on any items from my closet I will give you a special discount, please feel free to choose a bundle of you wish to. Best Regards.
Apr 20Reply
kidz_shop_ Hello There!☺️ I hope you are having fun on Poshmark! I would love for you to check out my Closet!💕 I have a KidzShop which sells amazing and affordable kids items. I am always adding new items weekly and if you are ever interested in anything I am always happy to give you a fabulous bundle deal as well as help you save on shipping 💌📮I am excited to connect and make a deal with you soon! ❤️
May 12Reply
lmoss95 Hi Missy. Thank you for buying the Laura Mercier Foundation Primer. I will bring it to the Post Office tomorrow. Have a wonderful night!😊 💕Laura
Sep 27Reply
ourtwo2 @lmoss95 thank you
Sep 27Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 20Reply

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