Meet your Posher, Missy
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Thank you for the follow hun 🌹
Jun 22Reply

@butterflybaby16 your welcome 💕
Jun 22Reply

Welcome to Posh! I'm a suggested user and long time Posh member. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing!
Jun 23Reply

@billetking thank u!! ❤️
Jun 25Reply

Hi nice to meet you, please come and check out my closet when you have a chance. Happy Poshing :)
Jul 24Reply

@aposhfashion thanks hon, I will :) have a blessed day!!
Jul 24Reply

Hello my name is Kelly. I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. 🦄💜
Aug 11Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet and liking my pink jean jacket 🎀
Oct 07Reply

@littlemickie Thanks for your likes! I have a 10% discount that applies to all total purchases of 3 or more items in my closet -- available during checkout! Have a good one! 💗
Oct 19Reply

Welcome to Posh!😃
Nov 04Reply

Nice to meet you!
Nov 13Reply

@dpupak Nice to meet you too! You have a great evening!
Nov 13Reply

@canarygreen thank u ❤️
Nov 13Reply

Thank you for the follow 😊
Dec 08Reply

@houseofmartin your welcome! And thank u too!! 💕
Dec 09Reply

Looking Beautiful...check out my closet
Dec 09Reply

@modelwear I will check out your closet and thank u
Dec 09Reply

WELCOME TO POSHMARK!! There are amazing Poshers all working to support one another in the name of fashion and style! I hope you have fun finding treasures, connecting with followers, sharing the Posh love, and selling special items from your closet! Good luck and much success to you! I'm just a closet away!
Treasure Trove ☺
Dec 10Reply

@madnls aww thank you soo much hon!!! 💕🙂👍
Dec 10Reply

Good afternoon Missy. Thank you for choosing to like my creations 🌹
Dec 11Reply

@hmsimon1 Hello!! Your work is amazing! Love your closet. Thank you for the follow back! 🙂
Dec 11Reply

@littlemickie 👍😁
Dec 11Reply

You have an adorable closet. I bundled a couple of things.
If you like anything in my closet please feel free to bundle it and I’ll give you a discount and help a bit with shipping too. Happy shopping!💎🦋☀️🐬🎉🧜♀️🦄🎈
Jan 13Reply

@letthesillyout Thank you so much :) yours is very cute as well . i will keep that in mind. have a Wonderfully Awesome Day .
Jan 13Reply

Hi!!! I LOVE your manikin!!! Where did you get it??? I have a vintage one that I just ordered and waiting for it to be delivered but I need to buy another one to mix it up a bit.
Jan 16Reply

@chelsey_saylor Hi hon! Thank you. I bought it on eBay. I can’t remember from whom though. I have a store on there and got it for that. But then got introduced to posh😊 When I have some time tonight I will try to look and see if I can find the person I got mine from. If I can I will let you know. 💕😘
Jan 16Reply

@littlemickie OMG thank you so much!! You’re awesome!! I really appreciate it 💗💗💗💗
Jan 16Reply

Thanks for the follow! ✨🌹
Jan 17Reply

@rosepetals3 Your welcome! And thank you too!!! 💕
Jan 17Reply

@chelsey_saylor here ya go hon !
Jan 18Reply

@littlemickie omg thank you so much!!! This is amazing!!
Jan 18Reply

@chelsey_saylor You are so welcome ! If there is anything else just let me know . Keep in touch ! :)
Jan 18Reply

@littlemickie yes please!! I definitely will! You keep in touch too 💗💗💗
Jan 18Reply

Missy thank you for sharing the posh love ❤️
Jan 19Reply

@sparkandblue Your welcome ❤️ and thank you for sharing mine hon! 💕😘😀
Jan 19Reply

Hey Missy. Love your Yorkie! So adorable!! We have a 10 month old 3 lb Yorkie. They’re great dogs!
Feb 24Reply

@a_nuvu awww how wonderful! They bring soo much joy! Princess Grace is 3yrs old and a healthy 4 lb. She wants to be carried all the time. They get spoiled so fast and they will use it to get whatever they want! Lol I bet your baby is soo adorable 😊
Feb 24Reply

@littlemickie Lol sounds like Princess Grace & Pip have a lot in common! 👑😜
Feb 24Reply

@a_nuvu hehe 😁❤️😊
Feb 24Reply

Thanks for following 🌸😉love your closet!💕I'm Lori nice to meet you!
Feb 25Reply

@rockinshop Nice meeting you Lori 🙂 I shared from your lovely closet. You have clothes in my size!! When I get some extra money I will have to revisit your closet❤️😁
Feb 25Reply

Lo❤e your little Yorkie Princess Grace, Missy! Love your closet too! Please visit mine from time to time, as I'm still stocking as time permits. 🤗🛍
Feb 25Reply

@diansdsign aww thank you hon ❤️ You have a lovely closet!! I’m building my closet up just ordered some more clothing. So just waiting for them to come in. Feel free to check back anytime😊 You have yourself a wonderful evening 🌸
Feb 27Reply

@littlemickie Thank you, I'm excited to see what you will have. Good wishes to you! Hope your evening is great too! 🤗
Feb 27Reply

🌹Hi Missy, could your adorable doggie baby be any cuter? And if course it is all about her!!! Also, dru pretty items and lovely closet. Best of luck to you in the Posh world. You have the prettiest eyes...OMG! Gorgeous. Lovely all around. Thanks for the shares! Much appreciated. 🌺🌼🌻🌸💐🌷💕♥️
Feb 28Reply

@jannieshops aww you are such a sweetheart! 😊 Many thanks. You have a wonderful closet! Thank you so much for sharing mine😘 We just moved, and are temporarily in an Rv park the and internet is poo lol but I’m still working on posh and eBay 😳 slowly lol I try to share back when I can 😘🌹
Feb 28Reply

@littlemickie ♥️if you ever need anything, please ask for help. I am usually around! Best of luck and warm wishes! Jannie 🌷💕🌹🌸🌼🌺
Feb 28Reply

@jannieshops oh thank you Jannie! I will remember that. Just waiting on my new house and getting back to fast internet again. Makes working so much easier. Lol
Feb 28Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Feb 28Reply

Thanks for the follow! Princess Grace looks like a beautiful stuffed animal- she’s gorgeous♥️😊. Lauren🌴🌞🐳🌸
Feb 28Reply

@spreadlove We have the same name hehe😀 It’s always wonderful to make friends here! So nice to meet you❤️ You have such a lovey closet. 🌹🌸❤️
Feb 28Reply

@best_designers you are so welcome ♥️ And thank you so much! She is the sweetest little girl😊
Feb 28Reply

@littlemickie Hi There!! Thank you so much for purchasing your beautiful handbag. I was wondering if you have ever had a host pick? I’m cohosting a party next week and I like to give host picks to gorgeous closets like yours. It will give you some new exposure and hopefully help your sales.
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie By the way I love your doggy. I have my handsome boy named Mickey. Is your little one named Mickie?
Mar 01Reply

@heavensparadise Thank you for selling such a beautiful handbag!! My husband went to the post office to get it!! I’m so excited! Oh goodness thank you, this would be my first host pick. I’m still a little new to selling here. Still learning lol. Your closet is so beautiful!! ❤️🌸🙂
Mar 01Reply

@heavensparadise My nickname is Mickie hehe my little baby girl is Princess Grace! 😊 I bet your baby Mickey is soo adorable ♥️
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie It is so nice getting to know you. I can help you get your closet doing great. Any questions you have or just need me to help share you. I’d be happy to do. Please remind me to share you by sending me a share or a comment. My closet is Extremely busy right now because of my upcoming party. I can help you get request sent to cohost as soon as you are comfortable with the app.
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie I take care of my handicap niece so it may take me a little while to respond by I try to at least check my messages. I hope you love your handbag. I always get a little nervous when I sell expensive handbags. Please let me know if your not 100% happy and I will accommodate you however I can. 😘😘
Mar 01Reply

@heavensparadise I’m sure I will just love it. I LOVE purses! Especially pink ones😊 I’m a very petite person so the smaller sizes look better on me🙂 No worries♥️ My hubby has to go back to the post office it wasn’t in yet. I’m not sure the hosting a party how tht all works? You may have to explain that sometime to me? Or I can look it up. That’s so wonderful of you taking care of your niece. 🌹❤️
Mar 01Reply

I do have a question... I know all about sharing. But what about our own closet? Are we supposed to share the whole thing or a few at a time? I’ve watched YouTube and they are like share your whole closet! I’m like man oh man can that get on ppls nerves? Lol What happens if you have 300 items. That’s where I’m struggling hahaha idk 😐
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie I was thinking you should model your clothes and have hubby take pictures of you modeling them. There are a lot of full time posters who model there own clothes. Everything sells so much better if you can find a stock photo or model it. White backgrounds or lighter backgrounds help your items be more visible.
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie I will help you learn the ropes. You will find the posh ambassadors are always willing to help posh compliant closets succeed. I’m gonna tag a few of my friends to introduce you. Try to work on gaining followers. I have a follow game tag list you can join in on.
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie The follow games are easy to do and all you do is like and follow the closet of the posher who started the game. Then hit the like feature in red and follow everyone who has liked the game. So basically you are follow everyone and they are follow you back.
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie The more followers you have the more visible your closet gets. You will get to form close friendships on here. I would never have thought of making such fabulous friendships on a app but thank god I have. I’ve even been able to meet some of my friends in person. Let me know if you want to do some follow games. I have 100s of them.
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie Having the list just helps me make sure that when I join a follow game I don’t forget to tag anyone who wants to be included. Here are some friends who helped me get started on follow games. @51twenty @vickyymcagirl @creative2 Ladies please meet a new wonderful lady who already has a gorgeous closet. Please help me welcome Mickie to poshmark. 😘😘😘😘
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie I want you to meet my bestie @treasuresbytrac Hey hun I just had the opportunity to meet Mickie and I wanted to introduce her to you and Kalley. Mickie’s closet is already so beautiful. Please help me introduce her and help her get her closet making some money. Love you!! 😘😘
Mar 01Reply

@littlemickie Here are some of my wonderful friends I want to introduce u too. Ladies please help me welcome Mickie to posh. She has a beautiful closet already. @nkhob @valerieann @creative2 @51twenty @vickyymcagirl @everybreath @gigishanger @runwayposh. Thank you all so very much. Xoxo I’ll tag some more friends later on!!
Mar 01Reply

@heavensparadise thank you for the introduction!
Mar 01Reply

Hello Missy I’m Nahla. If you have any questions please let me know. If I don’t get back with you right away it’s because I’m in school full time and I just started my clinicals. But I promise to answer your questions. It’s important to share not only others but also your closet. I share my closet about 5 or six times a day. I do 20 listings at a time then share others then go back to my closet. I love share groups.
Mar 01Reply

I belong to about 5-10 in any given day. Yes it’s time consuming but it helps with sales
Mar 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark Missy! I hope you love it here. I have met wonderful ladies here on Posh. Let me know if you ever have any questions ❤.
Mar 02Reply

@heavensparadise I was thinking about modeling the ones from wholesale when I get them. Right now I have all size clothing so I can’t. But it’s definitely in the near future 😁😀 I thank you for sending your friends my way. Your such a lovey person.
Mar 02Reply

@nkhob Hello Nahla, so nice to meet you❤️ Thank you I was so afraid I was sharing wrong, if that’s even possible. LOL I would share other people’s all day long, but I was afraid I was over sharing mine. So sometimes I wouldn’t share my own closet. 😳 I like the 20 at a time idea. Back and forth 🙂 sounds good to me. Thank you so much for your kindness. Ppl are so very nice here 🌹♥️❤️
Mar 02Reply

@everybreath Thank you so much ☺️ I’ve been on here a little while, but still trying to understand so much. Thank u for your kindness and I will definitely let you know if I have any questions!!! 🌹❤️
Mar 02Reply

@littlemickie It's my pleasure!! ❤❤
Mar 02Reply

@heavensparadise Thank you for the intro, Love you So sweet friend!
Mar 02Reply

@littlemickie Hi Missy, so wonderful to meet you! I’m right here if I can do anything💕🤗💕
Mar 02Reply

@treasuresbytrac I love you too😘😘❤️❤️
Mar 02Reply

@treasuresbytrac soo very nice to meet you!! Thank you so much so very sweet ☺️❤️🌸🌹😘 I’m sure there will be something I will need help with LOL
Mar 02Reply

Love your dog!! My absolute favorite!! :)
Mar 04Reply

@ashleyjesse1113 aww thank you! Your so sweet. ♥️
Mar 04Reply

Love your baby. I have the same dog her names, Maggie.
Mar 04Reply

@meljusdyl oh they are so very precious!! Do you use a special shampoo for your baby Maggie? My baby Princess Grace it seems as soon as she has a bath she turns into greasy Gracie LOL just from petting her. It drives me up the wall!! Do you have this same issue or is it just my baby LOL
Mar 04Reply

@littlemickie I do have that issue with her but she has to go at least 5/6 weeks without a bath. It’s actually pretty common with this breed. I do use an oatmeal shampoo and conditioner by Hylyt. My German Shepard had terrible allergies and it was recommended by our vet so I continue to use it.
I just can’t get over how much your dog and my dog look alike. My baby is turning 11 this month, she’s getting a little chunky in her old age, she’s almost 7 lbs, her heaviest ever.
Mar 04Reply

@meljusdyl oh WOW you will have to show me a pic sometime. Gracie is 3yrs and a whopping healthy 4 lb. haha for the first 2 yrs she was so picky with food I was in tears. Now she eats only one kind of food with her squishy chicken in it and loves it! Divas I swear!! 11 yrs old wow! You have a lot more experience in this than I do LOL. I will have to come to u for advice 😉 and thank u for sharing what u do!
Mar 04Reply

@littlemickie 4 lbs, my dogs mommy weighed 4lbs and the dad was 6lbs. She’s always weighed just about 6/6.5 lbs.
they are the pickiest eaters it’s awful. Thankfully she’s not as picky anymore. They are the biggest Diva’s! But loyal to a fault.
Mar 04Reply

@meljusdyl RIGHT!!! Haha they are! I always get embarrassed to tell ppl her weight because it is so small. But the vet said it’s perfect for her. She’s actually beefy at 4 lb hahaha I’m not sure how but she’s a little chunckers haha
Mar 04Reply

Apparently, they grow out of their pickiness then?! 🤔😳 lol
Mar 04Reply

@littlemickie welllll, just a little, but it seems in the last two years her appetite has improved. Any advice you need just let me know. They are delicate little breeds. And very smart but only when they want to be, especially with potty training😡. My friend has two males, they’re personality is all the same.
Mar 04Reply

@meljusdyl stubborn they are for sure!!! But so worth it! It takes certain ppl to own these little ones. Our whole life is arranged around for her safety. She’s carried a lot! But when’s she’s on the ground we have to alert everyone she is so she doesn’t get stepped on. Scares me so much sometimes. I just broke down and bought a doggie stroller for her. LOL never thought I’d be one of those ppl. Thanks for the sweet conversation and anytime you want to talk. You know where to find me!
Mar 04Reply

Thank you for sharing Princess Grace. She’s adorable. Happy Poshing!
Mar 11Reply

@yujipopshop aww thank you honey! You have yourself an awesome day!! ❤️
Mar 11Reply

Sooooooo cute
Mar 18Reply

@dancingbee05 Thank you! She’s a sweetheart😊❤️
Mar 18Reply

Hello. What a cute yorkie. I have myself 🐾🐾
Mar 23Reply

@gillynn Thank you! 😊 I went to your page and saw your sweet baby. Your little one is so adorable❤️
Mar 23Reply

Hello! Great day to you! Just wanted to thank you for all your orders. I also would like to give you a friendly reminder to please read all the descriptions (everything is as described) and if you have any question about any item. Please contact me before shipment. Have a wonderful weekend. ♡
Mar 24Reply

@mamachefrose Your welcome and thank u too 😊 Love how you bling them up😀 I read everything before I buy. If your referring to the size I know and it’s fine. Already measured!! Did I miss anything? I’m pretty sure I read it all. I’m excited to put these on my vanity. The gold might be for my daughters room. Not sure yet LOL!
Mar 24Reply

@littlemickie ❤ I appreciate you taking your time reading the info. I just make sure buyers know what they are receiving so I don't get complains 😅 I was wondering about the Gold one but I figured it was a gift for someone.
I also would like to inform you about the Silver glitter set. I try my best to secure it but some will fall out. Just wanted to give you a heads up. It could be a bit of a mess at first. But other than that I will do my best to get this out to you by Monday. Thanks again.
Mar 24Reply

@mamachefrose all is good!! If some fall out not a problem I will either just glue it back or put my own on there. I have a lot of patience so no biggy😀 Their too pretty to nitpick. Im really excited! Thank you for getting back to me!!❤️❤️
Mar 24Reply

Thanks for the follow!!! :)
Apr 12Reply

@five4fytn72 Thank you for the follow back😊🌷
Apr 12Reply

Thank you for your purchase.. in love your yorkie. I have a little man yorkie. Yours is so adorable.
Apr 22Reply

Thank you for your purchase.. these will go out today.
Apr 23Reply

@finksfinds oh goodness, I just saw this comment of yours. So sorry! For some reason I won’t be notified I have a comment, and sometimes I am notified? What in the world? Anyways, thank you so much! She is very special to me! I just love her so much! I bet your little man is just precious! Btw just love your closet. In the near future, just may have to buy some more from u😘❤️
Apr 23Reply

@littlemickie it's ok.. we all get lots of notifications. Lol but yes he is adorable... Thank you for shopping in my closet yours is beautiful as well. If you bundle 2 or more 10% automatically comes off😁 happy poshing..
Apr 23Reply

@finksfinds Thank you! I will have to keep that in mind! 😀
Apr 23Reply

❤️Love your closet.❤️ Thanks for sharing & I love your cute little Yorkie
Apr 28Reply

@blessedthreads Thank you hon!! Your closet is just lovely too! And thank you so much about my little Gracie! She has truly been such a blessing to our family ❤️ hugs sent your way sweetie❤️💕😘
Apr 28Reply

OMG! i love your fur baby!!! Just adorable. I have mini pins and one has diabetes and thats why i sell on posh for her meds. Thank you sooo much for your purchase i'll ship it today. enjoy it i use mine alot. I think you'll find it useful. Kathy
Apr 30Reply

@ksposh4u Thank you soo much for accepting my offer hon! I just know I will love it!! So pretty! Thank you about my little Princess Grace! ❤️❤️ We have a min pin also, her name is Sabella. I need to put her pic up too! She’s my old gal. Very loyal and sweet. She got really fat though! I need to put her on a diet or something? That’s awesome you use the money here to take care of your fur baby. Your such a good mommy❤️
Apr 30Reply

@littlemickie Your welcome, They are special. My besties, we do everything for them because they are so sweet. and they have such honest love.
Apr 30Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Missy, let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
May 01Reply

Hi Missy!🌺Thank you for the shares!😊Your baby girl is beautiful!!!! I just read what you wrote about her jumping in your photos....I have four fur babies and they are always trying to end up in my pictures!!! Pleasure to meet you!
May 09Reply

@resourcing_rob Your welcome!! Ok, thank you!!! You have a posh day too! 😀
May 12Reply

@sherylpt very nice to meet you too!! Yes, Princess Grace always jumping in the pictures! Sometimes I have to do them over and over again. It’s not always a head shot she gets in at times 🤣 I bet your fur babies are just precious!!!
May 12Reply

@tricitymerch Thank you so much !!😊 I like yours as well 😀 You have a wonderful day!!!!
May 14Reply

@downsy Thank you soo much!! Your so very sweet ❤️🌸😊
May 24Reply

Your Yorkie is absolutely precious ❤️❤️❤️❤️🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 24Reply

@scrappycavie thank you ☺️ Your doggy is so adorable!!!❤️🌸💕😘😘😘
May 24Reply

@downsy it is a lot of work!! We sold ours a couple of months ago and moved to the coast of Oregon from Reno NV. We are looking for some land here. LOVE country living!!! So very nice meeting you! So very lovely to talk to! Keep in touch!! ❤️❤️😊
May 24Reply

Okay, just had to comment on how cute your fur baby is.
May 26Reply

@marias0228 awwww thank you!! 😀 😘❤️
May 26Reply

@littlemickie Love your adorable poochie! I had a yorkie back in the 70’s..great memories! Good luck on many Poshmark sales! 🌷😊
May 27Reply

@angieintx Thank you so much😘 I bet your little one was such a cutie too!! Thank you for the lovely comment❤️
May 27Reply

Thank you for sharing from my closet 😄
May 29Reply

@reynolds57 Your welcome 😊😀😀😀 Have an awesome day!!!!
May 29Reply

Hi I have question I feel real dum for asking but I only have phone no computer or internet I'm wondering where the ladies get the signs and such you all add to closets such as take offers, sale,etc could you help
May 30Reply

@reynolds57 Hello! No don’t feel dumb! It took me awhile to find out too! I use Typorama - there are others, but I liked this one. You get it from your App Store on your phone. Now when I did it, in order to remove their watermark you want to pay a one time amount and it’s very small. It’s very easy to figure out. I hope tht helps!! If you have any other questions just ask away!!!!😀❤️
May 30Reply

Thank you so much for reply and I will for sure check it out thanks again 😊
May 31Reply

@reynolds57 Your welcome ❤️😘
May 31Reply

@littlemickie , THANKS 💖 beautiful lady for all the shares ❣🌹🌹🌹
Jun 14Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares of my products. I posted several of yours on my followers. Maybe we can both make some money .
Jun 14Reply

@amycf74 aww your the sweetest!!!!😘 Your welcome hon!! And thank you so much for sharing mine!!!!❤️❤️
Jun 14Reply

@bluepurl Your welcome hon!!! Thank you for sharing mine!!! Such a sweetheart❤️ YES! We both will hopefully make some awesome sales!!! 😊❤️
Jun 14Reply

I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jun 28Reply

@snatanov Thank u hon! I checked out your closet! Very lovely!! I followed you! You have an awesome day!!!!
Jun 29Reply

Aww thank u! U too 💕
Jun 29Reply

Thanks for the share
Jul 02Reply

@lunar221 Your welcome hon!!! And thank you for sharing mine too❤️😊 Have an awesome day!!!
Jul 02Reply

@littlemickie Oh my goodness! These photos of your furbaby 🌸🐶🌸pup, and photos of you family, are absolutely breathtaking!💕💕😘💋❤️🎉🌹💗. You caught my attention because you liked an ultra gorgeous Betsey Johnson satchel & wallet set! It’s available for sale, and I’m welcoming offers too! I’d love to make both pieces yours!
Jul 27Reply

@priveboutique aww thank you so much for the sweet comment love ❤️ I absolutely adore the purse and wallet!! I have a purse addiction lol 😂 but in all honesty, we don’t get our paycheck for a while. I thank u for getting a hold of me though! And I most certainly will be checking back to see if u have it. I would like to know how big it is just in case u still have it in the near future?!! This is definitely not a no.. just can’t at the moment. Thank you for reaching out to me!! 😘❤️🌸❤️🌸☺️
Jul 27Reply

Whoops, you already have the measurements! I went and took a look lol. I need to pay more attention❤️😘
Jul 27Reply

@littlemickie Hello friend! The satchel measures: Bottom Width: 13 in Depth: 5 in Height: 11 in Strap Length: 42 in Strap Drop: 21 in Handle Length: 14 in Handle Drop: 7 " and the wallet measures 8"x5". Keeping my fingers crossed! 😘❤️🌸❤️
Jul 27Reply

@priveboutique awesome! Thank you hon❤️😘🌸❤️
Jul 27Reply

@littlemickie 💋❤️🎉🌸💋💋🎉🌸💋❤️🎉🌸
Jul 27Reply

I ❤️ your adorable fur baby Happy Poshing
Aug 11Reply

@hippiewife13 oh thank you sooo much!!! I went to your closet and your fur baby is just darling also!!!! I was surprised to see your from ND!!! I lived in ND for 28 yrs! I do miss it! (Valley city ND) we moved to Reno Nv for about 6 yrs and hated it lol! And now we live in Oregon and just love it here soo much! So wonderful to see another North Dakotan 😊
Aug 11Reply

@littlemickie We have been here for 6 years and ❤️ it. Originally from Wausau WI there for over 40 years. I miss all the trees and color changing in the fall. My husband stops in Valley City on his way home every night from his round trip to Fergus Falls MN.
Aug 11Reply

@hippiewife13 oh goodness, tht is soo cool!!! I am so glad you love it! My husband came from Virginia and only lived in ND for two years before we moved to Reno. He never got to see the Northern lights! So he’s really bummed about tht. I hope you have gotten to see them! So magnificent!!!!! 😊❤️
Aug 11Reply

How much for the dog?And not sure if shes scannable with USPS,LOL😄
But i must say you have a lovely family.
Aug 20Reply

@sexyeve hahahahaha aww you made me laugh!! So cute! And thank you hon!! You have an awesome day!!!😘❤️😊
Aug 20Reply

@littlemickie hi, thank you for the like! Let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing!!!
Aug 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. My name is 🍀Selena🍀 I recommend checking out, “Your Guide to Posh”, to ensure success. Come check out out my closet, my new Follow Game and also join my new Tag list, so you can be apart of all the fun, meet new people(PFF) Posh Friends Forever, and gain more sales. The more closet exposure, the better chance at more sales.We all work together to help each other grow together. You’ll see 😊♥️😁!!! Happy Poshing!!!!! Sharing is Caring ❤️
Aug 21Reply

Your Princess Grace is adorable. I think Grace and my Elsa the Westie would be great friends.
Aug 23Reply

@yoshis_closet thank you! You have an awesome evening!!! Happy poshing to you too!!!!❤️
Aug 24Reply

@shill1981 You have a wonderful evening!!!! 😘😊❤️😀❤️
Aug 24Reply

@littlemickie Thank You 😊
Aug 24Reply

@terrytunes awww your so sweet!! Your fur baby is adorable too! I bet they would be great little friends hehe 😉 Thank you for sharing my closet hon!! I shared yours! Have a wonderful evening sweets ❤️
Aug 24Reply

@littlemickie thank you so much for the shares love!! 💗💗 your closet is beautiful!!! 💗💗
Aug 27Reply

Nice closet it would be nice if you could check my closet out too 😋😋😋
Sep 02Reply

@emilfabris01 Thank you!! I checked out your closet!! Yours too! And I shared!! Have a wonderful day!!!! 😀
Sep 03Reply

@cherryontop1 aww😊 thank you love! Yours is wonderful ❤️And so sorry I missed your I shared again hehe 🙃 hope you make some awesome sales!!!😘😊❤️😀
Sep 03Reply

Thank you for the follow . I love your little dog he’s adorable
Sep 09Reply

She *
Sep 09Reply

@linnypoo719 your welcome doll! And thank you! Miss Princess Grace knows she’s adorable, she’s soo funny! She’s a little miss Center of attention LOL 😆 hugs hon! ❤️
Sep 09Reply

@erikabob Your welcome!! Anytime😊 And thank you too❤️
Sep 16Reply

just started and its addictive haven't sold a thang yet hopefully that changes soon but I do have to say I adore your clothing line and your going to see me shopping
Yours .....lovely your family please stop by @sweethartssweet nice meeting you n yours!
Sep 23Reply

@sweethartssweet aww your just a sweetheart❤️❤️ Thanks love! I will go share some of your closet! Hopefully you get some sales😊 Let me know if you have any questions? I will do my best to answer what I know. Anytime in the future you want to buy something from my closet or a few things just stick in a bundle and I can give you a discount😘 You have a lovely closet hon! You have yourself a wonderful evening 😘❤️😘😄
Sep 23Reply

@littlemickie Thanks Doll!
Sep 23Reply

@adamscdb Oh goodness they are sooo sweet!!!! I should post more pictures of her. She has a different haircut now 😀 I bet your baby is just precious too ❤️❤️
Sep 25Reply

Your puppy has the sweetest lil face ❌⭕️❌⭕️
Sep 28Reply

@susanl2358 awww thank you doll 😘❤️
Sep 28Reply

hello thank you for you likes feel free to bundle for a BIG discount
Oct 01Reply

Thanks for the shares ❤️love your closet
Oct 02Reply

@mvolpend Your welcome doll!! Your closet is lovely ❤️ Have an amazing day!!
Oct 02Reply

love your closet. i am working on mine.
Oct 04Reply

@thriftybriscoe hello love!!! Thank you!! Your a sweetheart ❤️ I’m still working on mine, going to get more inventory. If you ever have any questions about posh I will be glad to help as much as I can! I shared your closet!!! Hopefully you get some sales!
Oct 04Reply

@littlemickie thank you so much.
Oct 04Reply

Your little Yorkie is adorable. She looks like a little princess sitting there!
Oct 05Reply

@hopeful2018 aww thank you! She truly acts like one too!!! A little spoiled rotten haha 😂
Oct 05Reply

Hey when your available was going to ask you about the buyer purchases on here and I have a name and they just have were there following one but do have followers they aren't even following me....They Well are trying to buy my southern shirts Just when you have sometime thx doll
Oct 09Reply

@sweethartssweet hi love, I’m not clear on your question honey? Are they having trouble purchasing from you?
Oct 09Reply

@littlemickie valnp1986 check that closet out and let me no what you think does it look well you no....and yes they are trying to purchase from my closet....your thoughts thx doll!
Oct 09Reply

Oct 09Reply

@sweethartssweet I went there hon. Looks like they are new to poshmark. Your going to get a lot of new ppl. Just show them a great experience on posh. Poshmark backs you up. I know its hard to tell about them when they dont have any resent buys. No back ground. But i have sold to new ppl before. Did they already purchase from you? It’s just a chance you take on here.
Oct 10Reply

@sweethartssweet Did they already purchase from you? It’s just a chance you take on here. When they buy things out right makes it harder to control. But if they have bad ratings and been on here awhile and make an offer you have more of a choice who you sell too
Oct 10Reply

@littlemickie no buys from before they have following one followers just a few ....thx..
Oct 10Reply

@littlemickie understand totally...
Oct 10Reply

@sweethartssweet Well, i hope that helps some? It’s a learning process on here. Plus, read the dos and don’t on Posh. Will help you know what you can and can not sale. Edit and relist to share and try to put up new things everyday. There is an algorithm, look it up on google will help explain more. I just got on some Poshmark facebook groups to help learn a few things.
Oct 10Reply

@littlemickie appreciate you 💕
Oct 10Reply

@sweethartssweet Aww your welcome. I will try to help as much as i can ❤️ We just got a picture of the back of the outfit you wanted to know about. It’s updating now. Hopefully its up.
Oct 10Reply

We’re are “the new the look the wardrobe (tntltw)”! Thank you for following us 😁.
You should checkout our closet and see if ya like any items. Make an offer, bundle multiple items and enjoy the deals we have in our closet.
We’re thrilled you followed us and look forward to seeing deals in your closet and will share your listings!
Oct 11Reply

Beautiful family!
Oct 14Reply

@tntltw Thank you so much!! You have an amazing evening 😊
Oct 15Reply

@ladonnafranks Aww Thank you!! ❤️😊😘❤️
Oct 15Reply

Missy welcome to Poshmark and thank you for following my closet. You have a beautiful family. I will share some of your listings. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Oct 18Reply

@msneverending1 Hello Miss Carol!!! Thank you ❤️ your such a sweetheart! I shared back. I pray you make some awesome sales love!! You have yourself a wonderful blessed day!!!!! God Bless!!! Hugs 🤗
Oct 18Reply

@freaky63 Your so very welcome!! I just went in and shared some more hehe 😉 wishing you many sales love ❤️ Happy poshing 😘
Oct 19Reply

Omg sooooo cute lil Yorkie ❤️❤️
Oct 23Reply

@allfashion2 Thank you doll! Your fur baby is just precious 😘
Oct 23Reply

Hope you're having a great Thursday! Thanks for Sharing. God Bless
Oct 25Reply

@djb4maricopa Thank you Doll😘 I’m having a great day!! Hope yours is amazing! Your welcome and God bless 😘❤️😊
Oct 25Reply

Hi Missy! Great pics!Thank you for the like on the beltx great choice, it's awesome! Please consider browsing for other great items in my closet, and bundle all of your likes when you're ready🙂
Nov 09Reply

@styleplanet Thank you lovey, it is beautiful! I will definitely keep my eye on it!! I would get it now, but have exceeded my spending money for this month lol You have a great closet!! ❤️
Nov 09Reply

@littlemickie Thanks luv! I totally understand, and hope you have a Hapoy Thanksgiving!🙂
Nov 09Reply

@styleplanet 😃 You have a wonderful Thanksgiving 🦃 also!!!!!!! 😘
Nov 09Reply

@littlemickie Thanks, and your closet is also lovely!! 🙂🙂
Nov 09Reply

@megcarlson27 I don’t know if you have already seen this picture in your feed already? I share her a lot! Her hair is soo hard to keep it looking all together. (She’s a hot mess) I need to have an up to date picture of her as she has short hair now. But this is Princess Grace! Spoiled rotten to the core LOL
Nov 15Reply

@littlemickie omg is she precious! Yeah she has so much more of the Yorkie in her than my Mia does!
Nov 15Reply

@megcarlson27 Thank you 😊 Yeah Thts why ppl are confused when I say morkie. Some don’t know what a morkie is. And their like thts a Yorkie and look at me like I’m nuts lol. She’s going to be 4 this month. She’s a healthy 4lb baby. Thank you so much for sharing your fur baby. I just love your Mia❤️ I bet she is just spoiled rotten too hehe
Nov 15Reply

Oh she sure is spoiled. But she’s about double the size of your Princess!
Nov 15Reply

Hi there!😊Just wanted to stop by to say hello, hope you are having a great time here on posh 🤗 Hope you can have some time to visit my closet 😶 Blessings! -Liz💜
Nov 21Reply

@lovingpurple Hello!! I just shared some of your closet! You have a beautiful closet love.❤️ Plus, you have some of my size!! So, I will definitely keep checking back!! You have yourself an amazing day! God bless😘 and Happy poshing sweetness!
Nov 25Reply

You, my dear, are a sweetheart. Ty for all the shares. May your closet be empty and your hearts be full❣ Merry Christmas 🎄
Dec 08Reply

@mrsdee8876 Oh goodness your so welcome!!😊 Thank you for sharing mine also! In the future you want more shares you know where to find me lol!!! You have a very merry Christmas too!! 🎄 😘🤗
Dec 08Reply

@littlemickie 😘😘😘
Dec 08Reply

Thanks for the like on my purse. I accept all reasonable offers and would love to hear from you
Jan 23Reply

such a cute fur baby!
Jun 29Reply

@alunalevi aww thank you love ❤️🌸😊 she’s a sweetie!!
Jun 29Reply

Hi missy...I sent your package this morning will you be receiving before 07/31?
Jul 03Reply

@mcheda oh goodness no worries. I’m always ordering from all over. I live in Oregon and normally things takes up to a week or longer depending on weather. Being it will be the 4th I’m sure it will take longer anyways. Your fine with Poshmark as long as you got it out on time. Now it’s in the post office hands. I know it’s on it’s way so it’s all good 😊❤️ and thank you!
Jul 03Reply

Ty and hope you have a happy fourth and great vacation
Jul 03Reply

@mcheda Your welcome and you too love 💕
Jul 03Reply

Hi. I'm Alexandra. I invite you to meet my closet. We are available if you are interested in some of my items
Jul 06Reply

Hey I’ve been thinking you would love some of this I’m taking orders check it out thx
Jul 06Reply

I’ve came a little ways on here loved my orders from you so happy with them have you came across any jeans like those?
Jul 06Reply

Hi Missy! Nice to meet you here on Poshmark. Yes please stop by and visit my closet! Lots of goodies! 💯🌹❤️😁🥰
Jul 08Reply

Hi Missy,
Happy Poshing!
Feel free to check out my closet for beautiful, high-quality items! I am open to offers, so please do not hesitate to inquire.
Thank you!
Jul 10Reply

@ littlemickie
Thank you for liking? Any offer? I will consider it
Jul 11Reply

@sellbyalex Thank you love, I will keep your closet in mind! Have a great day!
Jul 15Reply

@sweethartssweet When I am able to get to the place I got them I will definitely look. But it’s far from my town. Will be going in the near future. I will keep you in mind. 😊❤️ Have a wonderful day Doll. And thanks for asking!
Jul 15Reply

@purplehearts4me ok hon I will! You have a wonderful day!!
Jul 15Reply

@lunastyle000 Beautiful closet doll! I will definitely keep it in mind! Thanks for asking! Have a wonderful day!❤️
Jul 15Reply

@estatejewelrys Thank you for asking! I will definitely let you know when I’m ready to purchase! You have a lovely closet! Have a beautiful day! And thanks again!
Jul 15Reply

Thank you
Jul 15Reply

@ littlemickie
Thank you
Jul 15Reply

Hello and thank you for checking out my closet, please feel free to make a bundle if you are intrested in my items and I will give you a nice discount. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Jul 16Reply

My God your beautiful! Lovely family & puppers! You are one blessed woman. Please forgive me I just had to come out and say it. It’s all good.🙏🙌☺️🐾 Sara 😆
Jul 16Reply

@annagarde aww I’m blushing ☺️ You are such a sweetheart! Thank you love! And God bless 🙏😊💕🌸
Jul 16Reply

@ruthietoons Thank you hon. I’ll have to when it’s my payday! Thanks again! Have an amazing day ❤️
Jul 16Reply

@littlemickie 💋
Jul 17Reply

I’m so happy you like your purchase!🤗Have a great day!
Jul 29Reply

@yenalem Thank you hon!! Very happy! You have a great day❤️
Jul 29Reply

I have another post with VS Bras 34B all for $40 in very good condition. Let me know if you’re interested 🙂
Jul 30Reply

@mooiev Thank you for asking doll! Maybe sometime in the future❤️😊 lovely closet btw💕
Jul 30Reply

Hi Missy 💕 I just reduced those MK today 😜 if you bundle with the Betsy Johnson bag I will reduce the bag by $10. It had been $65. Or by $5 off the MK sandals 💕
Sep 07Reply

Thanks so very much for your purchase. I will get it out on Monday 💕 Beautiful Family 👏
Sep 07Reply

@buygingermo Thank you hun!! They are my everything! (family). 😊❤️ Your such a sweetheart, I appreciate you doing that for me. I will be back shopping your closet again I went in there and found a few more goodies LOL. I just LOVE your closet!!! And thank you for taking the time and getting those measurements for me! My daughter is just going to love those shoes 😄 😍
Sep 07Reply

Thanks 😍❤️😍
Sep 08Reply

Thank you for adding the Ann Taylor sweater to your real life closet, and thanks for the nice note. I hope you will love wearing it! 🧡
Sep 08Reply

@clearandbright You’re welcome 🥰 I can’t wait to wear it! Thank you hun for being a great seller!!!!!! 😊❤️
Sep 08Reply

Hi Mickie💕 I see you received your MK Sneakers today, yea !!! Please let me know if your daughter likes them. Thanks for your purchase, and please come back to visit my closet again. Don’t forget to accept on your Poshmark app💕💕💕 thanks
Sep 16Reply

@buygingermo Hello hun, My hubby will bring them home from the post office as soon as he gets done with work. Can’t wait! Their for my daughters birthday which is the end of September. So I’m excited to see her reaction too. And sons is a week later 😳😊 busy busy. I’m a seller also and totally understand ppl NOT releasing their funds ugh.. when it’s so simple to just get on here and do so. No worries I hear ya. Thanks for contacting me❤️
Sep 16Reply

Thanks 😍
Sep 16Reply

PS I’ll check out your closet 💕
Sep 16Reply

@buygingermo Thank you! My closet is on Vacation, we are in the middle of relocating, but if you find something you like just let me know. 😊
Sep 18Reply

Will do 💕
Sep 18Reply

@littlemickie Hi Missie! Thank you for stopping by my closet and for the likes. If interested in purchasing please feel free to add items to a bundle and I’ll send you a discounted offer. If you have any questions please just let me know. Thanks again for your interest! 😊
Oct 10Reply

Missy, You have such a fabulous closet!!Thanks for stopping by my closet and liking my wedged booties! Im always open to working with my customers if you wanna send an offer that works best for you 😉 Happy Sunday!!
Oct 21Reply

Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. Sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a great day! Thank you, George.
Dec 15Reply

you recently bought 14k gold nose stud from my store.
I have shipped the nose ring on 27th.
but it didnt get scanned.
it on the way to your home. If for some reason you didnt get it by the end of the week. I will reship the new one for you.
Because poshmark just sent me a notification that the package didnt get scanned from post office.
sometimes it happened, carrier will scanned the package after the item been delivered.
so please let me know on Friday night please. Thank You.
Jan 01Reply

@orofeliz88 Thank you for letting me know I appreciate it very much! My husband works at the Post office at the moment so I will let him know. He will keep an eye out for it. I promise to keep you informed. Thanks again ! 😊
Jan 01Reply

@littlemickie Hello The tracking number just got updated . You should get your order soon. Thank you so much for your patient Happy New Year!!!
Jan 02Reply

@orofeliz88 Thank you for your great communication! I see it’s not too far from us might be here tomorrow! Thanks again. Have a great day 😊
Jan 02Reply

Hi, thank you for the offer on the toiletry bag. I’m currently on a business trip and would accept your offer but can only ship it on March 5th. Any chance you can wait?
Feb 08Reply

@lpollack2019 If you want to accept you can. If you look at my buying section, I buy a lot LOL. So I won’t cancel. We are in the process of moving to a new state and it will take a couple months anyways. That’s the reason for me buying this for the travel. I just love this bag! I really really want this bag!!
Feb 08Reply

@littlemickie that’s great but I know that poshmark will cancel the order if I won’t ship in 7 days (it’s there policy & it happened to me in the past) and they will not release payment. I promise not to sell it to anyone only to you if you can hold until my return.
Feb 08Reply

@lpollack2019 That’s fine hon. Just let me know when your back and I will get it then! 😊
Feb 08Reply

@littlemickie I promise I’ll. Thank you 😊
Feb 08Reply

@lpollack2019 Sounds good😊
Feb 08Reply

@littlemickie good morning, I can mail the toiletry bag to you on Wednesday or Thursday. Would you like to send me a new offer so I can accept it? Thanks
Feb 16Reply

@lpollack2019 Hello! I hope your business trip went well. I’m waiting for our check to come in. It’s supposed to be here any day now. Is it alright if I do it then? Thanks for getting back to me😊
Feb 16Reply

@littlemickie of course. No pressure. Just let me know. Thanks
Feb 16Reply

@lpollack2019 Hello, we get our check tomorrow, but it won’t be in the account until Friday morning. We were supposed to get it long before now. Just wanted to let you know I haven’t forgotten about the bag and will send an offer to you Friday morning. Thank you for being understanding😊
Feb 20Reply

@littlemickie no rush at all. I won’t be able (again) to accept it because I’m traveling from Friday to March 5th. Let’s wait for my return? Thank you
Feb 20Reply

@lpollack2019 That’s fine hon, thank you.
Feb 20Reply

@littlemickie hi, if you are still interested in the bag please make an offer and I can send it to you Thursday. Thx
Mar 03Reply

Thank you so much for the rating and comment from you and your Mom. I really appreciate it. You guys are awesome. I hope you have a lovely day!!😀💗
Mar 11Reply

@jacklinfashion oh your very welcome! And thank you for being such a sweet seller! You have a great day too 🥰
Mar 11Reply

@littlemickie Aw you welcome. Thank you 🥰😊🙏
Mar 14Reply

what a cute little mooshie moosh face!!!!!
Oct 05Reply

@demiurge LOL she’s my little baby. She’s shaved down a bit now. Her hair gets so oily from us constantly petting her. Even after she had a bath. This picture a couple yeas old I think?
Oct 05Reply

Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. I have a fun thing I like to do, which is for all my followers, if you choose 2+ items to purchase together, I offer a 15% discount. I also add plenty of other discounts, ranging from price reductions to shipping reductions, regardless of the number of items purchased. So feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Oct 09Reply

Stop by my closet and shop for awesome discounts and quality! See more than two items you like?! Make a bundle and I’ll send an offer. I also accept reasonable offers! ☺️ I also have a buy two items get one free. Check it out!! 🤗
Jul 16Reply

Hi! I wish you happy sales and shopping! Feel free to check out my closet too 🤍 and make an offer if you see anything you like :)
Jan 14Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Aug 22Reply
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