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Updated Oct 19
Updated Oct 19

Meet your Posher, Mitzi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mitzi. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, Coach, lululemon athletica, 2B Bebe, and 7 For All Mankind. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lee95531 Thanks for your purchase of the Ugg boots! I will ship tomorrow! Have a great day! 🙌🏻
Nov 28Reply
amandaviereck Hey there! Feel free to bundle your likes and I can give you a discounted price & discounted shipping!(:
Dec 04Reply
zuzumarket - Oh my gosh! I love that pic of your pug. I am working on your offer right now. Thanks for your interest.😁
Dec 08Reply
zuzumarket Thank you for your offer. I just sent you a small counter offer. Happy Happy Friday!!!😁🐒🌴🌺😻
Dec 08Reply
zuzumarket - If you add your items to a bundle, you will get discounted shipping and I can possibly give you a better deal than offering separately. Let me know if you need assistance adding your items to a bundle.
Dec 08Reply
zuzumarket I can accept your last offer if you are bundling it with the Ugg boots at my counter price. Please let me know if that will work and I can direct you what to do next. Thanks!😁
Dec 08Reply
hailtofashion Hi Mitzi 😊 thank you so much for your purchase! I will ship this to you tomorrow morning 😊 Thank you so much again 😊
Dec 09Reply
blue_bird_love Hola, my flight has been delayed (I’m on the Dominican Republic) I will ship out as soon as I get home (back to Cali) 😊
Dec 09Reply
lol088 This picture makes me laugh! Thank you for your purchase! How long would you like the necklace to be? can be between 14-18".
Dec 09Reply
linnealoree If you bundle your likes, it can save money on shipping. The shirt can easily fit with the purse and shipping without adding extra weight.. or Kaleigh you pay almost $15 for ship
Dec 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hi hun.. I can do $11 on the pants & get you discounted shipping. Let me know if interested 💕
Dec 12Reply
hailtofashion Hi Mitzi! 😊 I'm so glad you love your bag! & gift 😊 I thought it was the cutest thing ever & I've had it forever 😊 Thank you so much for your great rating 😊😊 you made my day! It means a lot to me 😊💞💞
Dec 13Reply
lexxxx_ Hey girl check out my closet! Would love to give you a great Christmas discount if you like anything :)
Dec 21Reply
bokolas Where . I looked for original listing but it does not give me the opportunity to rate u now
Dec 30Reply
sindy11 Can you please leave me a rating on my uggs i delivered you ...thanks
Jan 02Reply
darlajo 🤣🤣🤣
Jan 03Reply
verobbs2 Sorry darling $80 is the lowest I can go on the Valentino glasses
Jan 03Reply
kciejka Was that a mistake on the boots? Or do you still want the Steve maddens
Jan 04Reply
bokolas I did not mean to offer that , it was a mistake . I was going to be 38.00 but then it went through to fast
Jan 04Reply
a13kelly I am unable to locate the wallet. I don't know where I put it for safe keeping. As soon as I find it I will offer it only to you at a super reduced price. I am so sorry!
Jan 12Reply
sindy11 please leave a rating on the ugg flip flops i sent you ...thanks
Jan 16Reply
utmini83 Welcome
Jan 20Reply
shophopgal Thank u for your offer. Can u do 140?
Jan 21Reply
fashion9042 Thanks for the offer I just lower this from 290 I need the cash for school please accept my offer
Jan 21Reply
fashion9042 Thanks for the purchase I will drop them tomorrow ❤️
Jan 22Reply
motilaine Thank you for the offer! That's the lowest I can go. The sunnies are gorgeous and less than half of what I paid with tax.
Jan 22Reply
motilaine @bokolas Mitzi, since closet clear out is going on now I can drop it to$170 and you will save on shipping. Would you like me to do that?
Jan 22Reply
spirit_calls This is your pup?! What an angel, o gosh My fur child would loooove him. I already know she'd be obsessed. She's got a very specific type😁. Such a cutie patootieee😍
Jan 26Reply
spirit_calls Oh and your shoes are officially on their way!! They say they're excited for their new home 😁. Tracking number should upload by end of day 💝
Jan 26Reply
katherine9615 Hello! Thank you for the offer on the Limited pants! If you’re still interested, I’d be willing to lower the price to $15 😊
Jan 26Reply
alissamoulster Hey girl! I shipped your joggers three days ago but I just got a reminder to ship them so idk why it hasn’t scanned yet... I will call today and see what the delay is! Hope you’re having a great week and your joggers will be here soon :)
Jan 28Reply
ambernsavageau Thank you for your purchase, I will clean them up and ship tomorrow or the next day! 😊😊
Jan 29Reply
ambernsavageau Due to the snow here, I will ship your shoes tomorrow, I apologize for the delay
Feb 01Reply
ambernsavageau Hey love, can you accept all of the orders you placed for me? I have money in here that won't stop pending until you do that. Thank you!🌞💛
Feb 18Reply
bokolas Ok bundle for me
Feb 19Reply
amandas_posh Hi there! I just dropped the price of the Free People bralette so that it gets discounted shipping. Hope you are able to get it before someone else purchases.
Feb 19Reply
dianaaguirre69 Thank you for your purchase of the Bohemian Dress.. I’ll ship it tomorrow hope you enjoy it 😊
Feb 20Reply
foxjess I apologize for the delay, with the holiday yesterday I wasn't able to drop your yoga tank at the post office until this morning. I'm not sure what is taking them so long to start the tracking! Thank you for your patience!
Feb 20Reply
accumulation Hi! Thanks for the purchase! I shipped out your ring today :) Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks again!
Feb 21Reply
glamorousnuyou Hello, would you meet me at $10.00 for the Lucky Brand Peace Bracelet? Xo
Feb 22Reply
modadollz HI Doll! ⚘Thank you for your offer. Boutique pricing is firm but I counteroffered with our $3 shipping discount since this is your first time shipping with us. Thank you for your willingness to shop our Boutique💋
Feb 23Reply
danicol27 Hi Mitzi. Thank you for your purchase of the lucky Brand cuff. That cuff was absolutely never missing pieces nor altered in anyway . I assure you of that. I purchased that direct from a lucky store and never ever repaired it in anyway. Enjoy it!
Feb 24Reply
neferteri Pug pug pug love my pug pug also
Mar 09Reply
kellimanson You made me an offer on my Lucky Brand turquoise necklace of $7. If you’re still interested I will be happy to accept that offer. Please submit the offer again 😄
Mar 13Reply
jrazeq Welcome to posh:) I can ship the bra later today:)
Mar 15Reply
jrazeq Let me know if you’d like to add anything else to your bundle :) 🔥❤️ ps Bra was shipped yesterday!
Mar 16Reply
cruella24 🐶 Haaaa, cute picture! ❤️Welcome to Posh! 😊💐🎉
Apr 04Reply
zoobeedoo Thanks for your offer on the ‘All my children have paws ‘. Keychain—- 🐶🐾 I countered with my lowest. Hope it works for you.😉 Happy PAWshing 🐾🐾💕
Apr 14Reply
zoobeedoo @herbiedog Adorable pug 🐶🐾💕
Apr 14Reply
herbiedog OMG what self- control!!! 🐶💕🐾
Apr 14Reply
twinxshop @herbiedog Hi hun, welcome back! I wish I could go lower on my offer but I can’t. I hope you understand. 😘
Apr 14Reply
cecargen Hi there! I accepted your offered but Poshmark is saying their is a payment issue. Let me know how you want to proceed. Thanks!
Apr 14Reply
pineapple06091 Thank you for your past purchase! I’ve added many new items I hope you stop by again soon. Happy Poshing! 🌸
Apr 22Reply
classy_cashmere Hi there😊 Can you do $90 on the Jeffery Campbell black spike boots? I will accept it gladly. Thank you! 💐
Apr 28Reply
treeboots Hi Mitzi! If you put in your last offer, I will accept. I really would be happy for you to enjoy the bracelet, since I can’t anymore. 🌀🌹🌹🌹☮️
Apr 30Reply
jengreg sorry for the counter, with the fees I would make only a nickel, if there are other items you are looking for I would happily give you a great bundle price to make the most of the shipping cost! txs for checking out my closet!
May 05Reply
bayleeeec Hi there! Your picture is so darn cute😝 I saw that you’re interested in the elephant pants🤗 Unfortunately my price is firm, I bought them for a lot more so you’re getting a really good deal! Let me know if you have any questions💫✨✨
May 10Reply
bayleeeec Thank you for your purchase!! You’re going to love them☺️ I’ll have them shipped out by tomorrow💕💕
May 10Reply
hypnique @bokolas Save on shipping by adding the 2 items to a bundle. On mobile, press and hold the item until a popup appears. Then, click 'add to bundle'. Do this for each item you want to purchase from my closet.
May 24Reply
taylord2covet Hi, how about bundling your likes, then you can make offer on both and only pay one shipping fee... Do you know how to bundle, I can walk you thru it.
May 25Reply
_poshperfect Thanks for your purchase! Popped it into the mail this morning!
May 26Reply
tric3ytrice Hi. Welcome. Check out my closet I have a variety of stuff for both women and kids. Happy poshing!
Jun 14Reply
poshgirl81 I can accept your offer on the Steve Madden shoes but can you send the offer after a week: I’m on vacation and won’t be able to ship til then.
Jun 24Reply
fireflyboutiq Just wanted to make sure you knew that your offer was now for a size small on those tulip leggings and not the medium. Thank you!
Jul 11Reply
redwoodandpoppy I will accept your offer.. but it won’t go through. Says u have to update your card!? 🌈
Jul 16Reply
pinklips1988 Hi! 💜 Have you received your jumper?
Jul 24Reply
bokolas Nope
Jul 24Reply
acostaj04 Hi there thank you for the rating ! Can you please accept both items? Thank you 🙏
Jul 28Reply
acostaj04 Thank you again!
Jul 30Reply
iloveaerobics Hi sorry I can’t accept $22. Thank you
Jul 31Reply
shellsemail I see you purchased two of my shoes. Thank you. You could have bundled and saved on shipping. If you want to cancel and do that im ok with it . Whatever works for you.
Aug 02Reply
bokolas I did put offers on all three . Tried to bundle but I screwed up
Aug 02Reply
annluggen Awwww🐾💕
Aug 04Reply
shellsemail I just lowered the price on the Skechers. I can't go any lower. Thx for looking
Aug 08Reply
socalstyled Hi there dear! Thanks for your purchase of the awesome earrings! I am the original owner of them and it's time for someone else to enjoy them:) They were purchased in the 80's or 90's and worn maybe a half dozen times. They have been cleaned and sanitized by me so no worries in that department!! I'll get them shipped tomorrow even though USPS is closed for the holiday so may not be trackable til Tuesday:)
Sep 03Reply
caraba_ Hi Mitzi! I will be shipping your package tomorrow. Thank you for your purchase 💖
Sep 05Reply
beach_styles Hello, thank you so much for your likes! When you get a chance please check out the rest of our shop! We have lots of NEW with TAGS..SKATE and SURF brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you’d like, please put it in a bundle for one shipping costs! We also offer FREE with purchase items throughout our page. Have an awesome day🤙🏼
Sep 09Reply
sam_corr583 Hi I just wanted to let you know I’m shipping your item tomorrow, sorry for the delay.
Sep 16Reply
classy_cashmere Hello. Thank you for your counter offer for the {RARE Spiked Wedge/Booties} Bought these for a gift, but paid way too much for them. Trying to make at least some of my money back. Can't go lower than the offer I just sent you. I am taking a few packages to the Post Office today, If you purchase them today I'll ship them out today. Thank you! 😊
Sep 19Reply
beach_styles Would you be interested in the genes if I lower the price a little bit I can’t do 100 though... I also can throw in a few free with purchase items if you’re interested
Dec 16Reply
gisela_closet Hello there 😉 Thank you for your purchase. Your package has been shipped. Have a good day!!!
Jan 15Reply
langly510 I’ve mailed your FCUK shirt yesterday!
Jan 25Reply
fshnluvr May be the best profile pic I’ve seen yet!😂😌
Jan 26Reply
kletlaw Hi Mitzi, what a cute photo. I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark. I invite you to check out my closet if you could and feel free to ask questions. I have a huge variety of items. I offer bundle discounts and discounted shipping and love offers. Thanks so much and have a wonderful day
Mar 08Reply
unknowncontact Precious you should look at my pug photos! adorbs! 🖤🏷
Apr 25Reply
katerina9256 Hi Mitzi, just wanted to thank you for your purchase and let you know I will have it on the way to you Tues since tomorrow is a holiday : ) ~~Katerina
May 27Reply
_only_the_best_ Hey Mitzi, I shipped your French Connection Tee out earlier this afternoon. Enjoy the shirt & thank you again!
Jun 04Reply
nwpines If you like... 20 free shipping?
Jun 18Reply
mags73 Hi there❤ I wanted to make you aware that your Housedress was shipped this past Friday. I apologize for the delay...had to have emergency surgery😊 thank you in advance for your patience
Jun 23Reply
lee95531 Hi! Thanks for coming back to my closet! Your boots will be in the mail tomorrow: I hope you love them as much as I do. They’re so cute!
Jun 27Reply
1cristina Welcome to poshmark🎈 I am a top rated Poshmark ambassador. I sell authentic handbags and accessories. Same day shipping. Im here if you have any questions. Happy poshing🥰
Dec 26Reply
marjoriesmovies Thanks for your purchase! i'll be shipping out tomorrow (saturday 1/18) I hope you love it!!!
Jan 18Reply
marjoriesmovies Ok I DID ship yesterday and not sure why it's not tracking but maybe holiday weekend? Anyhow, It's Been shipped.
Jan 20Reply
berry0210 Hi! I just commented on my listing, I’m sending out a few packages and thought I’d accept your first offer, if you’re still interested!
Jan 20Reply
marjoriesmovies Hi there, it's STILL Not tracking but hopefully I'll hear something tonight. I DID send it Saturday, so i'm not sure what is going on.
Jan 21Reply
marjoriesmovies Hi, i seem to be more stressed than you are about this, LOL, BUT..I called the mailbox place where i dropped it off saturday morning and was told this" THe post office never showed up for pickups on saturday, monday was a holiday and supposedly they are picking up TODAY but not sure when. So, it should start tracking tonight or tomorrow and i will NEVER, EVER drop anything at that place again !!! I usually drop at post office but i wasn't near one and i"d been told this place had daily pickups
Jan 21Reply
suzisays Hi, received your offers on the 2 pair of shoes. Why don’t you add them to a bundle to save on shipping? I will wait to respond to your offers😊
Jan 22Reply
marjoriesmovies Finally!! Your package is tracking! I hope you love it.
Jan 22Reply
suzisays Hi Mitzi, didn't hear back from you on the Lucky Brand boots and Mossimo sandals. Makes sense for you to bundle so you don't pay shipping twice. Also, I countered on the Lucky booties. Let me know if I can help further on this. Might be easier for you to cancel and start over with a bundle. Thanks!
Jan 23Reply
miralee57 Shipping coat out tomorrow!!
Jan 29Reply
caro2423 Hello! Thank you for the coat purchase. I am away for the long weekend (I do apologize) but I will ship ASAP. I will try even while away and having my sister do it. Just wanted to update you. Thanks again.
Feb 14Reply
caro2423 @bokolas did u see this message above? I will ship Tomm early. I just returned.
Feb 18Reply
prostylofashion Hello send me offer I will accept! For tan sandals
Feb 19Reply
bokolas I need a 6 for 28.00
Feb 19Reply
bokolas I need a 6 for 28.00
Feb 19Reply
bokolas I need a 6 for 28.00
Feb 19Reply
bokolas I need a 6 for 28.00
Feb 19Reply
bokolas I need a 6 for 28.00
Feb 19Reply
bonita_trendz Hello, I’ve countered my lowest ❤️ hope it works for you. I’ll be shipping tomorrow
Feb 19Reply
sungerman Hi there!! TY for purchasing my UGG boots!! I am out of town on business and won’t be able to mail until mid-week next week. You ok with that?
Mar 04Reply
bokolas @lee95531 no problem
Mar 04Reply
brittanyrubalca thank you for your purchase ! I will send asap, love your profile pic btw my kids couldn't stop laughing lol
Mar 27Reply
myraggs Thank you for your purchase!!💖 We will mail your frame today. Have a wonderful day, 🌻Joe & Sara🌻 🌲🌲🌲MY RAGGS🌲🌲🌲
May 08Reply
julissarosales Thank you so much for your purchase!, it made my day (:, i shipped your package out today since i couldn’t yesterday because usps doesn’t work but now they have it and all they have to do now is scan it and you should receive it within a few days (:, i hope you shop my closet again (: and most importantly i hope you enjoy your purchase (:
Nov 23Reply
julissarosales Hey love! Thank you so much for your purchase again! 🥺❤️, I hope you continue to come back to shop at my closet (:, I shipped your package already, usps has it and all they have to do is scan it now, there might be a delay since tomorrow is thanksgiving but you should get it within a few days (:, I hope you enjoy your purchase and I hope you and your family have a great thanksgiving ❤️
Nov 25Reply
julissarosales hey! is there any way i can contact you? usps has trouble delivering your package today because there wasn’t a secure location and i want to figure this out with you so that you could maybe pick it up at a usps location, please respond
Dec 03Reply
julissarosales not sure why that could’ve happened but if you go to your purchases and click on the calvin klein womens puffer and see the tracking information then you can request a re delivery or you can schedule a pick up at a usps location, please let me know
Dec 03Reply
makemyday808 Aloha, thank you for your interest in our jackets. I sent you bundle offer to save you on shipping. Mahalo!
Dec 11Reply
pameplace Thank you for your purchase your item will be sent out first thing Monday morning thank you again and happy new year Stay safe , stay well 😊
Jan 02Reply
deyromero Offer on Ugg’s slippers still interested
Jan 10Reply
classygals I sent you a bundle offer to save on shipping! I included the leggings as an extra item for free as well. I can package and ship everything out tomorrow! Thanks for shopping my closet 😊
Jan 31Reply
angelemerald Hi! Hope this note finds you well. Really appreciate the five staring rating on the Ugg sandals. Enjoy! 🙏🤩💕
Feb 11Reply
walnan Hi there. Thanks for ordering the woman within capris. Unfortunately I can’t find them. My fault...not yours so I have to cancel. If you make amends, you can buy 2 other items of similar price for the price of 1. Or find 1 item at double the price and I’ll take half off. Again..I am very sorry. Let me know what you decide.
Mar 06Reply
walnan Hi sweetie. Wasn’t paying attention. Put what you want in bundle but don’t offer price.
Mar 09Reply
plustwentyone Hey just a heads up your package was attempted and taken to the post office.
Mar 15Reply
miss_jessie Good day. I was going to ship off your order and the pants are a size large, the medium isn’t available, do you still want them? They would go out today. Thank you for your patience, I apologize for any trouble.
Mar 19Reply
subculture Hi, thank you for shopping my closet. I appreciate your business. I just shipped your Package today. Enjoy your new purchase and take care :)
Apr 05Reply
subculture Hi, thank you for positive rating. Check out my closet at your convenience. Lots of Free People listed recently. Have a wonderful day!!
Apr 26Reply
kimberlypearl Hi hun, thanks for purchasing my UGG boots! I hope you love them. Could you kindly add a rating now that you’ve accepted delivery. Thank you 😊
Oct 29Reply
kimberlypearl Hi there: I just realized the dress you put an offer in on is not in my closet. I think I must have put it in the multiple bags I brought to Goodwill before my move. I apologize!!! Additionally, your CC was declined, so no need to follow up on the purchase because I no longer have the dress.
Nov 11Reply
clothfluid Hey! Black Friday sale! Accepting all offers
Nov 24Reply

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Last Active: 6 hours ago

Kailua Kona, HI
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Last Active: 6 hours ago

Kailua Kona, HI
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