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Updated Nov 17
Updated Nov 17

Meet your Posher, Miyoshi

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Hi! I'm Miyoshi. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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cinnymarie @mimig777 Hey there good morning! Thank you for visiting my closet and purchase of Harley Davidson Long sleeve I will get that wrapped up and shipped out by end of the day! I'll be set to vacation till Saturday but tracking your package till it gets to you🌹🌸💖 Have a beautiful Thanksgiving
Nov 22Reply
amandadawnbc I accepted your offer, but Poshmark let me know that they just need you to update your payment information. As soon as you do, I will have shipped out Friday AM! Happy Thanksgiving, dear!
Nov 22Reply
miimiid514 Ok & thanks. Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 22Reply
cinnymarie Good mornin. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Your package has been at PO I'm assuming the holiday created the delay Hopefully it will get set up shortly so we can start tracking it..I just wanted to touch base with you so you knew..Feel free to msg any time💖🌹
Nov 24Reply
cinnymarie @mimig777 Good morning! Your package is finally moving..Just checked in with USPS and they show Monday as expected delivery day. I'll continue to check on progress and touch base with you🌹🎄 have a wonderful weekend
Nov 25Reply
cinnymarie @mimig777 Why was package refused? I've tried to contact you..Please help me understand why all of this took place? Most of us here spend time,money and care in packing/sending purchases.Brand new shirt and very generous thank you gift on way back to me..Thanks for your purchase! Have a wonderful holiday
Nov 28Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 Your tracking shows that your address is undeliverable. Can you please advise?
Nov 29Reply
miimiid514 @amandadawnbc I'm sorry our building is under new management and they are no longer accepting packages. I had no idea of this until this morning. Can you please send it to my direct address 2464 Wavely Dr. Gary, IN 46404....again I am so sorry😞
Nov 30Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 When the package gets back to me, I can do that. In the meantime you will need to update your address with Poshmark so it will give me the right label to ship back to you.
Nov 30Reply
miimiid514 @cinnymarie Ok thanks bc, I am new to Posh, so I'm still learning😃
Nov 30Reply
cinnymarie @mimig777 I'm still waiting for your package to return to me..Poshmark just advised me of your new address and provided new shipping label..Please confirm you're able to receive package and check in here as you can encase I have any questions or concerns until you receive. I will msg here as soon as I receive/return your purchase🌹
Nov 30Reply
miimiid514 Ok & confirmed. I Wil be able to receive my package. Thanks a bunch😃
Nov 30Reply
cmb0704 @mimig777 Hi Miyoshi!! Thank you for your purchase!! I will get this shipped in the morning. Check back with me again soon....I will be adding items daily. 😊😊😊
Nov 30Reply
miimiid514 Ok & thank you😃😄
Nov 30Reply
sarahgg86 Hi there I was looking on the tracking of the package and when they went to deliver the package someone refused to accept it? What happened?
Nov 30Reply
miimiid514 I'm sorry our building is under new management and they are no longer accepting packages. I had no idea of this until yesterday. Can you please send it to my direct address 2464 Wavely Dr. Gary, IN 46404....again I am so sorry😞
Nov 30Reply
bethmoos @mimig777 apparently the same thing happened with my package that I sent to you you'll need to contact Poshmark and update your address I don't know if they'll send me another label.
Dec 02Reply
cinnymarie @bethmoos yes I I was just noticing what is it now about 5 of us? I was number one and I never received the package back so I'm requesting we STOP SHIPPING TILL CONCRETE CONFIRMATION ON DELIVERABLE ADDRESS..Let's all work together on this reporting to PS
Dec 02Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 I still have not got my package back. It looks like there is some type of scam going on. Im contacting Poshmark, too.
Dec 02Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 You said that about your building days ago. Im also contacting your local police department.
Dec 02Reply
miimiid514 No, no, no . it is definitely not a scam & can contact the police department, because I didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry about happened & if they let me release your funds I would. If you can show me because I'm a new users on Posh, I'm not a scam. Again show me how to release your funds & I would even though I have NOT received my packages yet
Dec 02Reply
miimiid514 I'm very sorry to all of u & after we get everything clear I will not be using Posh again, bc I'm not a scam artist
Dec 02Reply
hollywoodthrift Thanks for the beautiful rating. Happy Holidays.
Dec 02Reply
cinnymarie @mimig777 I really wish you didn't release funds and give me a rating I ABSOLUTELY DON'T DESERVE...I've done nothing to deserve a 1 star rating..I did EVERYTHING as always to make sure your 1st purchase from me/poshmark was wonderful..That package is LOST according to my local USPS. I have your new shipping label ready if it shows up
Dec 03Reply
cinnymarie @mimig777 I prefer you kindly remove such a horrible rating and hold on to your $$ ...Poshmark will recheck everything Monday..I certainly don't expect you to pay for something you don't have..This is a very peculiar situation..I won't except your $$ and unfair rating in this matter..Let's see what happens come Monday
Dec 03Reply
miimiid514 @cinnymarie Thank you very much for understanding & I did change your ratings. I had no idea that this would happen & I was very upset to see this, because this isn't/wasn't my attentions, nore in my character
Dec 03Reply
miimiid514 @hollywoodthrift NO, THANK U & U ARE VERY WELCOME!😃
Dec 03Reply
miimiid514 @cinnymarie Ok, done. Hopefully this situation will be resolved soon
Dec 03Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 I didn’t deserve the harsh rating you left me. I offered to re-send your package and would be happy to do so. However with days on end, my beautiful shirt gone, and no comments or updates from you left me concerned. Tracking on the package has never changed. I’ve called your post office and mine and they have bo idea where it can be.
Dec 03Reply
amandadawnbc Then, I check back and it seems several others are having the same issue, I get upset, because I use Poshmark as a tool to provide for my family, pay off debt, and meet lovely other Poshers.
Dec 03Reply
amandadawnbc I have never had an issue with this before and I always try to go above and beyond. I hope you can understand where I am coming from.
Dec 03Reply
miimiid514 @amandadawnbc yes I do understand where your coming from & I apologise, because I had no idea this would've happened. That's why when I seen what was going on, I release everyone funds who was having an issue with me. Because I not a scam, but how can I give a rating on something that I never received. But I did change your ratings, because I do understand where your coming from
Dec 03Reply
cinnymarie @mimig777 Touching base with you today.. My local USPS can't trace the package since day of refusal Nov 27th. I should have a case # tomorrow afternoon if package still doesn't show up today. I'm definitely ready and willing to return it to you if/when it shows up. Otherwise,Poshmark will have to take over with USPS case# I will provide when given. I'll touch base again tomorrow evening..
Dec 04Reply
miimiid514 @cinnymarie Ok & thanks. I also checked with my local post office & nothing was there. I'm hoping this issue gets resolved soon & if there is any additional money that's owed for reshipping please let me know & I would pay. Sorry for the inconvenience & thanks again for your help!😄
Dec 04Reply
samrubyyy Hey! I have been checking up on your order and i was wondering why you refused it? I was emailing with Posh and they said to send you a comment. I’m sorry this is happening, once i get the package back i will re package into three separate and send them out again! 😊❤️
Dec 04Reply
miimiid514 @samrubyyy Ok & thanks. I have released your funds, because I don't want any hold you up or problems. My apologies for what happened with my building & thanks again😊
Dec 04Reply
cinnymarie @mimig777 Hey there..Apparently The shirt went off radar same day it was said to be refused..Poshmark advised me that you have been refunded.. Perhaps when your address 100% secure we can try again if you like another HD item..I've added a pretty amazing Harley Davidson orange jacket NWOT Happy Holidays 🎄
Dec 06Reply
miimiid514 @cinnymarie Ok & yes they have refunded me. Thanks for all your help & I will once I get my mailing situation in order. Happy Holidays🎄
Dec 07Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 I just wanted to update you that I still have not got your package. I contacted the post office about this, and they have no idea where it could be. They advised me if you contact your post office, you should be able to get a case #.
Dec 08Reply
miimiid514 @amandadawnbc Ok & thanks for helping me. I have been to my local post office every week since this incident happened & nothing was there. I'm still keeping good faith that all of my things will show up, because some of the things I ordered are Christmas gifts. Thanks again & I will definitely let you know if & when it arrives. Happy Holidays!😊
Dec 08Reply
samrubyyy I have been messaging posh mark and they will not email back. I’m thinking they might have got lost In the mail because I still haven’t received them back, I am still waiting. I will email Poshmark again, because they haven’t responded with anything.
Dec 11Reply
miimiid514 @samrubyyy Ok & thanks😊
Dec 11Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 Were you able to get a refund from Poshmark for your purchase from me?
Dec 11Reply
miimiid514 @amandadawnbc No, but Poshmark just sent me a message saying that the package was sent back to you & that I needed to update my address. Which I have done already. So we should be fine. Thanks for keeping up😊
Dec 11Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 Yes, I got the same email and went checked my box and got the shirt back. Im going to figure out how to re-send.
Dec 11Reply
miimiid514 @amandadawnbc Ok & thank u so much!😃
Dec 11Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 I have requested a label 2x from Poshmark, and still have not gotten it. Just wanted to keep you updated.
Dec 13Reply
miimiid514 @amandadawnbc Ok, I really do want the tanktop, so I am willing to wait. But, its ultimately up to you. Thanks for keeping me updated😊
Dec 13Reply
amandadawnbc @mimig777 No problem. I mean I have already received the funds. I want to make sure to get it to you. Poshmark is just dragging their butt.
Dec 13Reply
miimiid514 @amandadawnbc Lol, ok & thanks!
Dec 13Reply
miimiid514 @beccent Ok & thanks! 2464 Waverly Dr., Gary. IN. 46404
Dec 14Reply
miimiid514 @beccent Cool! Thanks & Happy Holidays🎄
Dec 16Reply
samrubyyy Hi! I received the package back and i have printed new labels. I will ship ASAP in different packages (one for each shirt) Please don’t refuse the packages, as i will not send them again. Thank you for your kindness and i hope this time works😊
Dec 16Reply
miimiid514 @samrubyyy Ok & thanks! I didn't refuse it the first time. It was my leasing office. Sorry for the confusion. Happy Holidays🎄
Dec 16Reply
krgoodall @mimig777 This was refused 2 times before. I have shipped again for a third time.
Dec 28Reply
miimiid514 @krgoodall Thank you, because I have no idea why it has gotten refused this last time, because I updated all of my information with posh. I'm sorry about all of the confusion, but I wanted the jacket for my granddaughter. Thank you so so much!😃😃😃
Dec 28Reply
mar112233 Hey Miyoshi! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of Free People, White House Black Market, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, J Crew, and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Have a wonderful and blessed 2018! 🎉🎊🎉 Meg
Jan 05Reply
bsoler01 I accepted your offer but it said u need to update ur information or something
Jan 06Reply
miimiid514 @bsoler01-Ok, I'm getting it together now. Thanks!
Jan 06Reply
miimiid514 @mar112233 Ok & thanks!😊
Jan 06Reply
sandyrutter2017 Hi love your name gonna get your purchase out this am just wanted to let you know you will probably get your purchase in only one day we only live about an hour away from each other
Jan 08Reply
miimiid514 @dinosaurduds Ok, thanks, & your very welcome!😄
Jan 08Reply
miimiid514 @sandyrutter2017 Hi & thanks! Ok, cool, & thanks also for the update!😄
Jan 08Reply
sandyrutter2017 Hi hun did you like your purchase plz let me know
Jan 10Reply
sandyrutter2017 Miyoshi Im so glad you're happy with your purchase please keep me in mind for all your Harley-Davidson needs
Jan 11Reply
angielee217 Hi 👋🏻Miyoshi nice too meet you. Feel free to checkout my closet and make any offer. Have amazing day 🎉
Jan 16Reply
melllaaa_2011 ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I might sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Jan 22Reply
thortam Thank you so much for the wonderful Love Note😘
Jan 25Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Feb 15Reply
queenjudyyyy Happy poshing 💖💛💝 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet! Bundle up and save 💗✨Let me know if you have any questions 💝💝
Feb 25Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from South Carolina
Mar 12Reply
lshopnyc Hi there - feel free to check out my closet. Accepting all reasonable offers 💕🌸🌷
Mar 28Reply
rosepetals3 Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet. Hit like or Bundle any item(s) and I will send you an offer✨🦄Or Make your own offer! I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Apr 04Reply
txgirl4ever Hi this is patty you bought the Harley Davidson skull set from me, I need to know size please
Apr 25Reply
dogwalker1 Thank u for buying my Harley dangle earrings! They will be picked up tonight by our mailman 😁 Hope u love them!!
Apr 27Reply
miimiid514 @dogwalker1 You are very welcome & I'm sure that in will☺
Apr 27Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 30Reply

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