Meet your Posher, Mmmmm
Not for sale
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Hi! I'm Mmmmm. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
Do not let photos deceive you; items are realistically spectacular unless otherwise noted.
Please read item descriptions for proper fit...Happy Poshing!
I sell to others what I would want to buy...Please Posh wisely!

52 others
like this

Welcome!! 👋
Oct 21Reply

Thank you...
Oct 21Reply

In answer to your question, an XXL is the next size up from an XL (Girth, Sleeves, Length) A 2XL is the same dimensions as an XL in length with a little more girth. Hope this helps! According to the sizing chart, about 2 inches in the chest. Plus size (2x) runs to 44"; Misses size (XXL) is 42". (Google)
Jan 04Reply

Dear, I would like to give you advice.😊 I hope you will be ok with that. In you closet available items mixed with sold items, it is not good for potential customers and it is very inconvenient for sharing. You need to make it right: start from the bottom of your closet and share to your followers all available items, do not share sold items. After you done with that, all available items will be on the top of your closet and sold items - on the bottom. Best regards, Gina 😊🤗❤
Jan 21Reply

@ginastyle85 Thanks, Gina. I wonder how all the sold items in some closets were situated at the bottom....Thanks again!
Jan 21Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Got my order. Thank you, dear! I love everything! 😊🤗😙❤🌷
Jan 22Reply

Nice to meet you! Hope you are loving posh! 💘
Feb 01Reply

Hello! 😄 I just wanted to say thank you for sharing my closet and I will share yours as well it's very nice! I hope that you have a wonderful evening!🌼
Feb 16Reply

I 🌟LOVE🌟 the jacket and I want more!!!! I'm looking for any hue of purple leather in a soft leather and another piece in black. The black needs to be a heavier weight, like an authentic moto jacket. Do you have anything to reco? Share anything to my closet that you think will work. BTW, what's your fav color? Someone may send you a gift.... 💞😁
Mar 01Reply

Do you have anything in a white leather, any size?
Mar 07Reply

Only, the white jacket 40C...
Mar 07Reply

Gloria, received my bag, very generous of you to send me such a sincere thank you card. I also received a small 2nd bag...was it s mistake...definitely pay it forward. Have a Blessed Day. Thanks again. Loved my bag. Thanks
Apr 21Reply

@mgcarcache108 I am glad you are HAPPY!!!! Be blessed....
Apr 21Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Found your closet while sharing tonight. Beautiful taste. Sending you some Posh love for many happy sales.
Apr 23Reply

Happy Poshing! Thank you for liking and following my closet! Have a an amazing Day!
Apr 23Reply

Thank you for the shares😊
May 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, please check out my boutique. Let me know if you need assistance with sizes. All prices aren't firm, accepting all reasonable offers!
Jun 01Reply

Thnak you so so much for the like, i so appreciate it. this one needs a nice home too. i love your closet, your picts. are great, wish we were the same size shoes too. let me know if i can help, i do accept offers too.
Jun 02Reply

I saw that you purchased my pin set, Wear it with love, thank you so so very much I will ship it out asap. thank you again!
Jun 04Reply

Ok so I like 3 I am going to decline so you can price 3because it won't let me price higher the 25.
Jun 05Reply

Thank you, that was a nice deal, I am so happy, can't wait to get them. Kathy
Jun 05Reply

Gloria I recieved my packages today, I am thrilled you shouldn't have, with the other thing, that was so kind of you. My sister was here and one was alittle too tight but she took it she,s smaller, I love the tan and the blue one though. I am still looking for those darn pins I saw one that doesn't look like it it said I love to teach But it wasn't quite the same -see next message.
Jun 07Reply

I am determined, I'll keep searching. And so you know I have found out yesterday I have to maybe have a surgery in a week or two, have to determine more with tests. I just wanted you to know in case you find I don't message, but I'll check in again when I can with you and my sister said she may want to shop at holiday time on your sight if I would helper. I said I would.
Jun 07Reply

Thank YOU back. Kathy
Jun 07Reply

You like the words I love to teach, correct? And what about the shape, does it have to be the Apple shape, I saw one that is a bar with little books hanging, labeled Math, English, and I think Science. It was gold not sure if there was silver as well, I can check.
Jun 07Reply

Ok I found some pins, there are 3 that I can order from my wholesaler, see my closet and tell me how many and which ones you like and I will order them and get what you need in about a week. Hope you having a nice Saturday, Kathy
Jun 09Reply

Hi MJ! I’ll buy the magenta and gold IM flats from you for $15 if you’ll hold them for me until Friday. Is that okay? Let me know either way. Thanks!
Jun 09Reply

My pleasure. Take care, k
Jun 09Reply

Thanks for the shares! 💗
Jun 12Reply

Hello my friend your teacher pins are in - let me know when your ready to purchase and I put them on sale, make the number you want and the total price on the item for all for all, it's the gold bar one with the 3 books hanging I have 7, I got them today for you. love kathy
Jun 14Reply

@ksposh4u So, Kathy, I am ready to buy them now....all seven....What do I do? and when? Let me know.....
Jun 14Reply

All set to purchase when you want. Kathy
Jun 14Reply

I thank you so much. They will go out tomorrow for you. I can just picture their happy faces when you give it to them. Love kath
Jun 14Reply

Ok I bundled the 2 things I can liked and I just need to know if you think I picked right for my size , but I can't get the tan and black bag, I have to let that go for now. Not something I really need. So I'll wait for your reply.
Jun 14Reply

So the 2 I have bundled are ok?
Jun 14Reply

92 and 16 that is?
Jun 14Reply

Oh my goodness, thank you , is there any pair of earrings you like in my closet. I will send you a free pair, do you wear earrings, mmmmm I think your a gold girl. I am not sure I have a lot of gold. I do in my case though, ok look and let me know. so I will get that coat and maybe something else. Let me look.
Jun 14Reply

Pick any item from my closet.
Jun 15Reply

I don't have a lot of gold so any item please, you've been so wonderful. So Tell me before tomorrow before noon NY time so I can add it in to your package. Blessings to u back. Kath
Jun 15Reply

Thank you, I also shipped your box today as well. Enjoy. Kath
Jun 16Reply

Mj Thank you so so much!!!! I absolutely love the black jacket , you were right, and bag, I recieved those 2 items today.
Jun 18Reply

Mj The grey one if i have to buy it it's ok, and now my sister is afraid the ones she likes for her daughter - remember i mentioned to you she was going to come back holiday time, well now she afraid they will be sold before xmass, or something and also my daughter likes some, ooy. should i bundle these and give me your costs for each so i can seperate the totals and tell them thier cost , or just tell you the numbers? i'll come back with the numbers in a minute.
Jun 18Reply

Ok MJ my family here of 3 people picked, I bundled it but comment what you want me to pay, because 1 coat is questionable because it's 75.00. That may come off the order. I appreciate all that you've done. Again don't put the offer in, comment the cost.
Jun 19Reply

ok i changed the bundle, I have 5 in there, took 2 off.
And we are all final on that bundle. I right now have 100.00 in my posh account would that possibly cover all, or should I delete one. Let me know, then we can proceed with your offer to me with the offer button. And thank you for all you do. kathy
Jun 19Reply

ok thank you for the deal of a lifetime. i accepted it, and sorry it took till now i had a test at the dr to go to.
Jun 19Reply

You made my daughter happy, shes got a birthday coming up and she's so hard to buy for but she loved 2 coats so we had them in the order. And my sister too is happy They all thank you very much.
Jun 19Reply

Hello Friend. Love your closet. Didn’t find anything today. Will keep looking. Pat
Jun 30Reply

Just stumbled apron you and decided to share posh love again for you. Hoping all is well. love, Kathy
Jul 24Reply

Thank you so much for the kind note. I’m glad you liked the necklaces. I may be able to get the football mom necklace in a couple of days. Let me know if your still interested. I also have some football earrings, as well.
Aug 28Reply

Hi MJ,
Thank you for your recent purchase. Your lovely item will ship out on tomorrow...
Aug 30Reply

I just checked the tracking. It shows that it’s available for pick up.
Aug 31Reply

@kerri7764 ... Thank you!
Aug 31Reply

Hello. I just noticed that the tracking shows that the package is available for pick up. I don’t know if you picked it up already (in which case I’m sorry to bother you), or if you forgot about it due to the Labor Day weekend, if so,this is just a friendly reminder.
Sep 04Reply

Thank you so much for the five star rating. I’m glad I was able to get it to you in time. I hope the person who gets it loves it.
Sep 05Reply

Thank you for the awesome review...😊
Sep 05Reply

Hi @mjmjmjmjmj I wanted to thank you again for how beautifully and carefully you wrapped my package, thank you for the extra gift! This has been my best poshmark shopping experience so far 💖 😁
Sep 12Reply

I want to apologize because I thanked you for the nice review when you purchased the faux suede brick color pants. I posted thank you on my page intead of here in your closet.😛
Sep 14Reply

@armida49 No problem...the brick color was just the color that matched a shawl-like sweater....perfect match!! Happy Poshing!
Sep 14Reply

So glad you got a perfect match😁💝
Sep 14Reply

My goodness😜 gorgeous closet😀going to call you LEATHER LADY😝💝
Sep 14Reply

@armida49 Oh, you are too kind! Thanks a million for you generous compliment! Your closet is unique and lovely as well...Happy Poshing!
Sep 16Reply

Thank you for following my closet Mmmmm!!🤗 Don't forget to bundle your loved items to get the best deals!!!.. Happy Poshing!!!😍
Sep 18Reply

Hi can I ask you a question? How did you get posh ambassador to show up on your profile? They told me I met the quota today but I'm not sure how to get that title. Thanks 😊
Sep 26Reply

@tackettsheri I just Added the Posh Ambassador information in the Profile section near the name of my closet...I will be more specific when I check it our for you...
Sep 26Reply

@mjmjmjmjmjOk. Thanks so much for your help! 🌸
Sep 26Reply

@tackettsheri Specifically , I added in the "name" section...I see you have it on your site....I think so Poshers use a banner app to display Posh Ambassador....
Sep 26Reply

@mjmjmjmjmjOk. I changed my name. Where do you get banner apps?
Sep 26Reply

@tackettsheri I not too familiar with that, but I think the banner apps come with the use of you cell phone and tablet when you use it to do Poshing business...I think you can upload/download an app to use with Poshmark....Check around with the Poshers that have Posh Ambassador display in big letter, etc. They can give you more information....I'm just "ordinary" (SMILE)...
Sep 26Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Me too! Thanks 😊
Sep 26Reply

Hi ! I love my faux fur i purchased from you, but I'm disappointed because I can't get the closures to stay closed. Any suggestions?
Oct 17Reply

@jaewalk01 Hello!...when it is closed....slightly put pressure on the should be a hook closure....and it will stay...Do not put too much pressure it will close and you may not be able to open it and then you will have to slightly open it again....Please let me know how that works....
Oct 17Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj I got it now! Thank you so much!♡
Oct 17Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Oct 23Reply

@spreadlove Thank you so much!
Oct 23Reply

This is my favorite closet ever💜💜💜 leather and Sterling Silver jewelry are my 2 weaknesses 😊💜love, love love
Oct 23Reply

Hello, can you tell me how did you put your Posh Ambassador banner on your profile please?
Oct 27Reply

@chula0525 Hello! Go to your personal profile and instead of your name, type
Posh Ambassador
Oct 27Reply

Thank you!!
Oct 27Reply

@chula0525 Go to Edit Profile....and instead of your name, type Posh Ambassador...
Oct 27Reply

Thank you for accepting my offer!!
Oct 27Reply

@edynn1 Ohhh....Thank you so very much, Edynn....I try hard (SMILE)
Dec 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Whether your a Newbie or Seasoned Posher (Buyer/Seller ), Poshmark is the new stress release app for shopaholics. Feel free to browse my closet you might just see something you like. Have Fun and Enjoy. Belle=)
Dec 27Reply

Hi! I hope you are having a good day! I wanted to let you know I'm having a clear out closet sale if you are interested! & a 3 for $20 (or less) sale on certain items as well!! Feel free to check it out! I'm very open to shares, bundles and offers! Happy poshing ❤️
Dec 28Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Happy Blessed New Years to you and yours😘
Jan 12Reply

I believe 😉
Jan 21Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Thanks! I’ll mail the jacket tomorrow!
Jan 23Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Aww Thanks. I thought the bracelet went well with the jacket. I’m glad you like it!
Jan 26Reply

Jan 26Reply

Hi.. I missed your offer on the shiny Timberland boots
You may resend you offer. Thank you
Jan 30Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj thank you so much for all the shares❤️❤️
Feb 20Reply

Hey I’m Linda
I Make One Of a Kind Jewelry
If you are Buying or Selling....
New to Poshmark or Been here awhile
Best of Luck to you.....💖and Stop in to see me!
**** Jewelry Makes the Outfit***💋
Apr 06Reply

Check out my closet we wear the same size shoe 5.5 moving clearance sale. 😘😘
Jun 16Reply

Very nice closet. Good Luck with sales. Come see mine and share, thanks.
Jun 19Reply

Welcome! May you be blessed with much success.
Aug 27Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 05Reply

Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closets and give them a follow 💕⭐️🛍
⭐️ @luckijewelsla ⭐️ @rls3691
(My other 2 closets)
Jan 28Reply

Greetings all! I have returned from my vacation from Poshmark! 'Hope all is well! I am ready for some "Poshing"....Living the Posh life! Please check out my closet and tell me what you like and desire...'ready to expedite your purchase....
Feb 02Reply

Hello🙋♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing my closet/boutique😊I’m happy to do the same for you🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Feb 13Reply

Welcome back!!! ❤️
Feb 21Reply

Hello, my Posh friends.....beware of individuals doing a switcheroo with your products....Happy Poshing!
Mar 05Reply

@ashecashe Thank you! I am glad to be back amongst all good and trustworthy Poshers. Happy Poshing and Posh wisely!
Mar 08Reply

Beautiful coats of all colors!!
Mar 12Reply

Hello again 🙋♀️Thanks for coming back by and following my closet too 😊🌺🌸 Have a fantastic Posh day 🛍🛍
Mar 15Reply

Hi Happy Poshing💝🌇🏩🐱🌆🏤🐧🎈🏯🎠🐹🎁
Sep 13Reply

⚘ Hello Mmmmmm....Kindly Allow yourself some RELAXING LEISURE🍷 TIME, Further STROLL💃my Ever so Slowly, yet ALWAYS Expanding CLOSET & CUPBOARDS😉JAM PACKED ,w/Vintage LINENS......Bavarian Beauties,Rare home decor, vintage collectibles, unique Junque 💗
🛍Remember BUNDLES just make sense and even more cents in your 👛
Sep 14Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing!!
Sep 21Reply

@closet4you20 Thank you and likewise to you....Happy Poshing!
Sep 22Reply

@mariontvb Thank you...sharing is the way our closets get distributed to many and other never knows when one will see something one cannot do without! I try to share as much as possible...Posh Onnnnnnn!
Sep 22Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Hi I read ur msg on my space. Love ur closet. Yes I’m definitely in the market for a XL black leather coat. Love the moto style. Denim jacket as well. I’m a Chanel, as well as a Nike, Adidas and LV kinda woman. Happy Poshing!
Sep 24Reply

Hey hey, I'm Ashleigh. My closet has sizes ranging from small through 3X. I'm sure there is something you would like. Dresses, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Boots, Bridal items and more. When you get a chance please check it out. Offers are welcome and if you bundle you'll certainly get a discount. 🛍Happy Poshing🛍
Oct 09Reply

Hello I’m Teressa. I will be moving soon so if you are interested in anything in my closet please bundle up for a great deal. Thank you sooo much. Hugs and prayer.
Nov 01Reply

Thank you so very much for sharing my beautiful closet
Dec 08Reply

Check my closet out I have several pieces marked down very low that I've never used ... there's a Vera Bradley bag and Michael Kors, Bottega, lots of jeans all sizes and cool sweaters!
Feb 23Reply

Thanks for sharing items in my closet!
Feb 28Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly!
Apr 12Reply

🍃🌺🍃 Hello! I just wanted to let you know that your item is ready for pick up at your post office. I hope you love it! 🍃🌸🍃
May 31Reply

@kerri7764 Thanks a million....will retrieve tomorrow....after Memorial Day!
Happy Poshing!
May 31Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jun 03Reply

Hi Mmmmm!!!👋🏽 Thank you so much for purchasing my jacket. It was one of my favorites. I will be shipping it to you first thing tomorrow morning (06/07/2021).
Jun 06Reply

@triplesquared Hi! I am looking forward to receiving this beauty! Happy Poshing!
Jun 07Reply

Hi Mmmmm 👋🏽, thank you so much for sharing!!!!🙂
Sep 23Reply

Hi, Thanks very much for your purchase, much appreciated.
I’ll get it packed up tonight and drop it off at the post office tomorrow. 😊
Oct 11Reply

@christie009 Thank you....Happy Poshing!
Oct 12Reply

Hi, I see that you’ve shared from my closet so thank you for that. I’ve reciprocated and shared a few of the recently listed items in yours. Good luck and happy poshing!
Oct 17Reply

Hi Mmmmm, thank you so much for sharing!!
Nov 02Reply

hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 11Reply

Thank you for the shares!!!!
Nov 11Reply

Thank you for your purchase! 💕
My first sale. 🙂 I will send this out as soon as possible. Thanks again!
Nov 18Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 02Reply

Hi Mmmmm, thank you so much for sharing. That is sooooo nice of you. I can’t thank you enough!!!
Jan 26Reply

Hi sorry I sent the message to the wrong person 🙄
Jan 30Reply

@soligubm Hello, no problem....
Jan 30Reply

Hi Mmmmm, thank you so much for sharing. Your sharing has brought me nothing but good luck. You are such a generous and thoughtful person. Thank you again!!!!!!
Feb 08Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 09Reply

Mjmjmjmjmj, you are just so kind and generous. Thank you again for sharing!!
Mar 06Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Happy St. Patrick's Day! No leprechaun needed to find this golden deal. This weekend only all items $10 and under 5/ $25. No shipping discounts. Add items to bundle, make offer, and I will accept. Multiple increments of 5 can be added to each bundle. Happy Shopping!
Mar 12Reply

My, you are just too kind!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!!
Mar 13Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj hello check out my closet all offers are accepted
Mar 30Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj please do not advertise your closet on my listings. I don’t have any items liked or bundled from your closet… will check it out though!
Apr 05Reply

@watsonlilmommy no worries. Thank you!
Apr 05Reply

Thank you so much for liking the Nine West Sandals in my closet!!!!! You are just too generous!!!!!
Apr 21Reply

Hi Mmmmm, thank you so much for liking the Mossimo Mules in my closet. I bet they would look really cute on you!!
May 15Reply

Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely closet :)
Here I would like to say Hi! Then I can visit your closet and share some of your items too.
It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 900+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
May 19Reply

Mmmmm, thanks again for sharing. You’re just too kind!!!
May 26Reply

Hi, Nice to meet you !
🌸. ☘️. 🌸.
Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask.
~ Happy Spring 🌷
May 27Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will definitely help you
Jun 04Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Thanks, I learned something here too. I thought XXL was same as 2XL. Now i know.😊
Jun 17Reply

@mjmjmjmjmj Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 16Reply

My thank you so much for liking the Hot Tomato Platform Stiletto Heels in my closet!!!!
Aug 24Reply

Hello! 😊- I am Kimberly- Owner of Kfab Designs❤️- Always happy to assist you in finding your perfect style! 🥰All orders are shipped with gifts 🎁 I look forward to working with you!
Sep 18Reply

Hi Mmmmm, thank you so much for following!!
Oct 13Reply

Hi Mmmmm, thank you so much for sharing, you’re just too generous!!!
Oct 14Reply

Hello! Hello! Hello! Thanks again for sharing, you’re just too generous!!!!
Oct 15Reply

M, you are the most generous person I know!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Oct 24Reply

Hi Mj, thank you so much for the like!!!
Dec 01Reply

Hi Mmmmm, thank you so much for sharing!!! You’re so generous!!!
Dec 12Reply

Mmmmm, thank you so much for sharing. You’re just so generous!!!
Dec 22Reply

Hi Mj 👋🏽 thank you so much for sharing. You are so generous!!!
Jan 23Reply

Hi Mjmjmjmj, thank you so much for sharing!! You just sooooooo generous!!!!!
Jan 31Reply

Happy Friday!!! this weekends deal is add 4 or more listings to your bundle and get 50% off bundle and 4.99 shipping !!!! Ends sunday 3/05!
Mar 03Reply

Hi Mj, you are just sooooooooooooooo generous!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!! ☺️
Mar 15Reply

@triplesquared.....thanks....I just wanted to give the new items a start on life....I hope it helped....On the other hand, I really do appreciate the shareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! Poshmark forever!😎😍🥰😁😉
Mar 16Reply

Hi again MJ 👋🏽, thank you so much for all the shares. I really appreciate it!!! You’re just so kind and generous!!!
Mar 29Reply

☀️☀️Good morning!☀️☀️ Happy Friday! Having a MOVING SALE!! add 4 or more LISTINGS to a bundle, get 50% off!!! PLUS get ONE free last chance item !! 💪
This week only !!!! ❤️❤️
Many LAST CHANCE ITEMS for $6 or less!!! Some NWT!! 💛💛💙💙💚💚💛❤️💙💚
(don't worry if you only want one item I'll still send you a great discount 😉)
Mar 31Reply

I can take $5 off and provide free shipping, if purchased tonight. *Owners Special Discount..
Oct 25Reply

Hi Mj, thank you so much for liking these shoes in my closet!!! I really appreciate it!!
Nov 09Reply

Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more.
Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Thanks and Happy Poshing!
Nov 23Reply

Hi mj, thank you so much for liking my purses!! Great hearing from you!!
May 10Reply
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