Meet your Posher, Monica
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Hi! I'm Monica. Some of my favorite brands are CHANEL, Free People, Louis Vuitton, A/X Armani Exchange, & Adidas. Thanks for stopping in. Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) • Open to trades & bundles! All offers considered. Feel free to ask questions or request additional photos if need be & I will respond in a timely fashion.

30 others
like this

Welcome to posh. I am sure my addiction will soon become yours. Happy Poshing and be sure to check out my closet!!👠🎁💞👛👗
Feb 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I'd love it if you checked out my closet! I also have a vintage closet @vintagesierra, if you're interested in different clothing pieces! If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them! Happy Poshing and Good Luck! 🌻💕
Feb 03Reply

Thank you for the warm welcome, @stacey9394 & @sierrag99 . 😊
Feb 03Reply

💕hello there & congrats on starting your closet! I was just wanting to share with u a free app that I found that literally gives away free money & it works!☺️ I've won over $65 in less than a month & they put it directly into my 🅿️🅿️ account! I have a listing about it at the top of my closet --> @kendallcollins it wouldn't hurt to go check it out 👍🏼
Feb 03Reply

Welcome to Posh! Please check out my closet!
Feb 03Reply

Thank you @kendallcollins & @jessica__k ! Happy to check out your closet. Happy Superbowl Sunday!
Feb 07Reply

Welcome to Posh!💕🌸
Feb 18Reply

Thank you, @nastygalfeen ! I love your closet presentation & style. Looking forward to future transactions. 😊
Feb 18Reply

Welcome!💟 Welcome to Posh! R U ready?? You'll find that this is a very supportive and social community and if you have any questions or get stuck....there's always a Posher to help! Or, just pop in my closet and I'd be happy to help you! "SHARING" is key! When you share an item in your closet to your "followers", it goes in their " feed" for them to see and vice versa. The more followers U gave, the more potential sales you have!
Feb 18Reply

Thank you for the warm welcome, @katzkoz ! Will definitely reach out if need be. Have yourself a wonderful day.
Feb 18Reply

Hi Monica I just saw your review I'm sorry you are not happy with the cardigan do u want to return it happy to refund you the $$$ I loved this and was hard to let go lmk I want you to be happy
Thanks Danielle
Feb 24Reply

@runwaycloset : I'd appreciate that. Will send back today; not sure how that works though. Once completed, I will ensure review is amended.
Feb 24Reply

@lilmb3 ok perfect I will find out how to reimburse you sorry you weren't happy it was an expensive sweater
Feb 24Reply

@runwaycloset : Hello. I have the original packing info/box & can return tomorrow. I think the best way to approach is for me to create a listing, as if you were buying back. That way I can create a new label & essentially it's a wash. LMK your thoughts.
Feb 25Reply

@lilmb3 I emailed them to find out how to refund so just send back to me and I will take care of it if you list again they just make more $$ on it I can also just mail you a check if they won't help
Thanks Danielle
Feb 25Reply

@runwaycloset : Okay, sounds good. Thanks.
Feb 25Reply

@lilmb3 Monica I have not yet received sweater back but am mailing check for the full purchase price I would appreciate if you could amend your review I am mailing check today
Thanks and sorry again for your inconvenience
Mar 01Reply

@runwaycloset : Thank you for your update. Held off returning until you advised how to handle. Will drop off to USPS b4 5pm today & amend review thereafter.
Mar 01Reply

@lilmb3 thanks I emailed and cannot issue refund thru postmark as you had accepted order anyways this will work all good thank you
Mar 01Reply

@runwaycloset : No worries; appreciate follow-up! Thank you.
Mar 01Reply

Thanks for all the Shares Doll! Great Closet ♡♡
Mar 01Reply

@mrsj_ogle : Likewise!
Mar 01Reply

Hey girl! I just checked the tracking info on your package! The last 2 updates say "out for delivery" then the last update says "departed post office". Was your package delivered or have you not received it yet? The tracking info is strange... Never saw that before, so I wanted to make sure it's not going to the wrong place! Let me know when you get a chance! Thank you!:)
Mar 06Reply

@lindseybaudoin : I probably have received, but haven't opened due to devastating news received last week affecting our family, friends, & community. So sorry for delay. Opening now to update.
Mar 07Reply

@sei_molta_bella : Sounds familiar, but can't recall. Cliche to say, but in fact, it truly is a small world! Hope you enjoy what's left of the weekend.
Mar 07Reply

Ohh no! I'm SO SO sorry!! Definitely take your time, there's no rush on my end! I just wanted to make sure it wasn't lost! Keeping you, your family, and community in my prayers!🙏🏽
Mar 07Reply

@lindseybaudoin : Thank you, but don't be sorry! Life happens, & although I appreciate your understanding/kind words, the world stops for no one & we must keep moving forward. Sincere gratitude for your thoughtfulness & looking forward to future transactions! xo
Mar 07Reply

Very true! I'm inspired by your strength 😌... Thank you so much for your rating and sweet comment! So glad you love everything! Looking forward to future transactions as well! 😘
Mar 07Reply

@lilmb3 I'm so glad you liked it! and thanks soo much for the kind words! 🙏
Mar 10Reply

@lilmb3 Monica thank you I appreciate hope we can do business again
Best Danielle
Mar 11Reply

Absolutely, @runwaycloset !
Mar 11Reply

Hey ma'am! Just wanted to add this about the Seychelles booties that I didn't want to post on my listing in case you decided not to get them... I priced them for what I'd like to sell them for IF you don't buy them! I plan on giving you a discount since you'll be bundling quite a few of my items! And for being a returning shopper. I just wanted to let you know so that in case you were turned off bc of the price!!😘
Mar 12Reply

Hey ma'am! Were you planning on purchasing your bundle tonight? I'll be releasing the hold on the booties tonight at midnight (central time) and I just wanted to make sure you got them if you really wanted them! 😘
Mar 15Reply

@lindseybaudoin : Hey, gf! Just left comment for you too stating purchase by 10pm PST (which I think is midnight central?) Probably sooner! Xo
Mar 15Reply

Hey ma'am! I left an important comment on the Seychelles booties listing that you purchased! Not sure if you noticed/got the notification or not! When you get a second, please read and let me know what you decide! Thanks love! 😘
Mar 16Reply

I can cut down the price of the silk shir for 18 and the dress to 20 - 15%off it will be $32.30 - Let me know so I can change both prices before you bundle
Mar 17Reply

@noirdiamond : Yes, please! I'll purchase promptly once completed. Please tag me to alert. 😘
Mar 17Reply

Hey - sorry for the delay .. I fixed the prices - you can bundle now.
Mar 17Reply

@noirdiamond : No worries! And thank you! Pleasure doing business again.
Mar 17Reply

No no the pleasure is all mine 🎉 thank you for helping with my closet clean up 😃 I'll send it out in the morning Hun.
Mar 17Reply

You are just too sweet!! Thanks so much for the kind words and rating! I really hope you (and your daughter 😉) love everything! 😘😘
Mar 19Reply

@lindseybaudoin : We sure do! Have a wonderful weekend. 😘
Mar 19Reply

Thank you for the purchase!! Will have it shipped out today! ☺️
Apr 01Reply

Thank you Monica, for all you kind words you left on the feedback! As always free shipping for your next purchase. I hope everything fit you perfectly! Happy poshing Hun!
Apr 03Reply

@lalexr87 : Thank you, Alex!
Apr 03Reply

@noirdiamond : You're too kind! You most certainly earn your sparkling feedback. Smooches!
Apr 03Reply

@lilmb3 Hi Monica - I've had another of my PFF's just ask me to hold the red dress you are looking at. Since you were asking about it first I wanted to give you first dibs on it if you want it though.
Apr 09Reply

@reinem : You're the best. 😊 But no worries. I'll purchase if reserve ends up falling thru. Just let me know. Xo
Apr 09Reply

Hey! You have a great closet! Too bad I am a large. I will share you amazing items because they definitely deserve some love. 💐 I am glad to run across your closet!
Apr 12Reply

@shopgirl1880 : Thanks, girlfriend! Likewise! I'm a TTS 6, but fluctuate at times. Glad we found each other's closets. 👍🏽 And, thank you for the share love! 😘
Apr 12Reply

@lilmb3 I am5'2" so understand about being short. I always have to slap a pair of heels on. After having 2 kids I am a 10 and trying to get back down. 😕
Apr 12Reply

@shopgirl1880 : I know how that goes! I have 1 10yo & am 36. Or 37. Losing track. I was 105 b4 baby & delivered at 205!! I got back down to 115 while breastfeeding/working out, my career soared, & w/o working out, I'm steady at 140. You can do it, girl!
Apr 12Reply

Oh wow we do have a lot in common. 😀 congrats on your body. It just takes time. I have a 9 and 4 year old.
Apr 12Reply

@lilmb3 if you want anything let me know. I can make a bundle and will give you a great deal because you are my PFF! I can do the dress for $12.
Apr 20Reply

@shopgirl1880 : Shut it! I ❤️ you, PFF. 😘 Need to take a quick shower (concert tonight), but will continue rummaging thru closet immediately after!
Apr 20Reply

@lilmb3 best time to do it. After a few drinks. Haha. Have fun at the concert tonight! Talk soon.
Apr 20Reply

@shopgirl1880 : B4 concert for sure! 😘
Apr 20Reply

@lilmb3 okay just put the things in a bundle and I will see it and make you a special one.
Apr 20Reply

Let me know when you are ready. @lilmb3
Apr 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you're enjoying your experience so far💕💕
May 08Reply

@lilmb3 Thank you so much for the stellar review - sending you a big smile xox
May 25Reply

Happy 🇱🇷 day ❣
May 30Reply

@blackbuddha : You earned it! Thank YOU!
May 30Reply

Hey Hun - hope your having a good weekend! I just wanted to let you know the shirt was sold with the person I was negotiating with before me and you talked - so I couldn't hold it for you ☹️ if you see anything else please let me know ill hold it for you. Sorry again
Jun 11Reply

@noirdiamond : No worries. Xo!
Jun 11Reply

Hey Monica, great closet! 😊 you should check out mine some time!
Jul 21Reply

@laureng00 : Thank you, ma'am! Following you now and will take a look see! Thanks for stopping in. 😘
Jul 22Reply

Welcome to posh!!! Should you have any questions about posh, please do not hesitate to reach out!! Also feel free to browse my closet, and feel free to make me and anyone else an offer! If people say no, no risk no reward. If they say yes, all the better! Also if you like someone's closet, like something in their closet so you can go back thru your "likes" and see what's new in their closet! Well enjoy and happy Poshing! 😉😊🌞🌻🌻🌻
Jul 28Reply

Check out my closet.... I have a gunmetal and bronze bracelet you would like!!
Aug 10Reply

@lilmb3 - Hi! Thank you for all the shares! I really appreciate it! You have a nice closet with great items! If I needed more clothes, I would definitely buy from you! I'm first trying to sell some of mine! 😉 Happy Poshing! ☺️🌸
Aug 31Reply

@lilmb3 thanks for lettng me know you are a nice perso,
That is why is an offer button for use but for clother used I would not pay $6 +ship5.95 =11.95
But it is not so you offense and good to that other person bought and good luck and that sell everything 😙
Oct 27Reply

Thanks for all the likes & shares ❤️
Dec 14Reply

Thanks for all the likes in my closet! You have adorable items. 🌹🌺🌹
Dec 14Reply

Dec 29Reply

@lilmb3 Thanks so much for visiting my closet. Happy Poshing!!!
Dec 31Reply

@angreen40 : You have a lovely closet! Happy poshing! And New Year!
Dec 31Reply

@modig : ♥️
Dec 31Reply

Hey cutie pie! HOPe all is well, thank you so much for all the likes and shares, you are too sweet😘❤️
Jan 09Reply

@monicavilla77 : So nice bumping into you on here! Hugs to you and your siblings. 😘
Jan 09Reply

@lilmb3 wow!!! Thank you for all the ❤❤ let me know if you have any questions and your closet is adorable!! 😍
Jan 26Reply

@barbiemartha : Will do, and thank you! Must remember to shop your closet 1st once able. 👍🏽
Jan 26Reply

@lilmb3 haha believe me- I can relate!! 😊
Jan 26Reply

Hi Monica, thanks for following my closet - yours is great! I hope you find things in my closet that you love!
Jan 30Reply

Hi Monica, looks like you're from California too! If you're interested in that purple top… I can ship it out to you for $30. Just make the offer . :-)
Jan 30Reply

Your my new bff happy selling
Feb 01Reply

My turn! What beach is above? Looks Caribbean, but I can't place it :)
Feb 01Reply

@aurora33180 : You are correct! This is Flamenco Beach on the magnificent island of Culebra, Puerto Rico. It was the vacation of a lifetime! My daughter (12yo) and I are big time travelers. Took her on her 1st trip at 6mo to The Big Island of Hawaii. We've traveled (together) to The Big Island (2), Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Culebra/Puerto Rico, NYC (4), Dallas/TX (4), Nevada (4), Paris/France, Barcelona/Spain & Ibiza/Spain. At 12yo!
Feb 01Reply

@lilmb3 WOW! That is so awesome that you have given her such an amazing travel experience 💖. I've worked (& sometimes lived) in Latin America and the Caribbean all my life so I especially love that she knows those countries....but Ibiza??? Adopt me! 😊
Feb 01Reply

Thank you for all the shares☀️🌷
Feb 03Reply

@modig : You bet! Don't worry about sharing back. Xo
Feb 03Reply

@lilmb3 I've got to get some sleep- I'm on the East coast lol😘 will share again tomorrow 🌷
Feb 03Reply

@lilmb3 and might I add Wow! Thank you🌷🌷🌷
Feb 03Reply

🌺How sweet of you!!!!!!!Thank you ! Yours too 😊
Feb 03Reply

Hi Monica! Welcome to my closet! Thanks for the LiKE! I’m always willing to negotiate price through the Offer Button. Pick a price you are comfortable with and we can negotiate from there. Questions??? I am always happy to help in any way I can, so please don't hesitate to ask. Happy Poshing!
Feb 06Reply

Hi, Monica! I haven't advertised it yet, but I'm having a BOGO 1/2 off sale on everything in my closet. Thanks for looking.❤️-Julie
Feb 09Reply

💕💕Thank you so much for your support by sharing! I returned the love! Let's continue to work together to help each other grow! 🌱💕💕
Much Love!
Kurious Kitty
Feb 10Reply

@kuriouskitty13 : Absolutely! ❤🌷
Feb 10Reply

@juliewahoo : Thank you, Julie! Will spread the word.
Feb 10Reply

Happy Valentine's Day ❤️
Feb 14Reply

@q80 : Aww! Thank you! Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite Poshduder. Hope tomorrow brings you good fortune and lots of love. (BTW-Never mentioned this before, BUT I was quite the soccer star in my day. And I coached. ⚽️)
Feb 14Reply

Hi, thank you for the like😊
Mar 13Reply

✨ Hello! 🌻
Come browse through my closet sometime. I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I am. 🎀
🎉 Happy Poshing & have a great day! 🦄💕✨
Mar 30Reply

Hello Sunshine!! Warm Welcome to Posh! Please feel free to stop by and check out my closet sometime! Reasonable Offers Welcome! I have lots of Name Brands and handmade jewelry! Come check it out! Have a blessed day 💕
Apr 09Reply

Hi, will the {7 for All Mankind} Rhinestone Pocket Jeans
$15Size: 29" Waist/27.5" Inseam ship soon?
Apr 10Reply

@mookiee001 : Yes, so sorry for delay. I dropped them off on Saturday after hours so scan will pick up tomorrow. Printer ran out of ink. 😐 Thank you very much for your patience!
Apr 10Reply

No problem, I bought these Previously in a 30 and they are a tad bit big so wanted them in a 29. Can't wait to get them! Thanks
Apr 10Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. I believe little boys can also express themselves through their clothes and what I have in my closet reflects that.Thanks ❤️
Apr 20Reply

@lilmb3 it was nice to meet you tonight. Thank you for the advice and tips😀appreciate he support and will certainly be passing along your closet
Apr 21Reply

@modelchair : Pleasure was mine, Deb! Anytime you have a question or are looking for advice, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy to help as best as I can. You have incredible style, and I'm glad we crossed paths!
Apr 21Reply

Hi! Thank you for all the likes and shares. I really appreciate it. 🌷🛍💐🎀
Apr 21Reply

@lolasland : My pleasure! Have a wonderful weekend. 😊
Apr 21Reply

Hi dear nice to meet you.u hv very nice collection. I would like if u will check my closet.And m also offering bundle discount.
Apr 22Reply

@lilmb3 hi Monica. How are you? Hope you had s nice Easter. Been following your tips. Really appreciated all your support😀
Apr 25Reply

@modelchair : Happy to help!! And anytime! 😘
Apr 25Reply

@jassgill : Thank you for letting me know. 🌷
Apr 25Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤
Apr 30Reply

Congrats on hosting the party today! 😄Cannot wait to attend🍸! I would really appreciate it if you can take a moment and look through my closet for a potential host pick? 👗I have quite a few pieces that would fit perfectly in with the party's theme! 😉Thank you☺️ Have fun hosting!
Apr 30Reply

@lilmb3 I just wanted to tell you I absolutely love your closet. I would love for you to ch closet out mine for a host pick. Thanks so much and happy shopping 💕🙂
Apr 30Reply

Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addictinmg. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
May 22Reply

I just lowered the price on two of the items in your bundle I just wanted to let you know in case your still interested. Thanks for checking out my closet.
May 22Reply

Hey I saw that you liked to of my items and I just wanted to offer you both of them for 60 if you are interested. Trying to downsize. If not that's cool too! Have a great weekend 😍
May 26Reply

Thanks for liking my orange linen Trina Turk dress! I just lowered the price to its final place and it will be gone from the closet tomorrow (I'm moving and can't take all my excess 😢). Let me know if you're interested and I can get it in the mail today!
Jun 20Reply

Hello, if you love VTG BAGS I Have Vtg Coach, Dooney and Fossil! Come check out my overflowing Closet!
Jun 27Reply

Aloha Thank you for the Likes on the Coach Bag, let me know if you want to make an offer :)
Jul 03Reply

Please visit my Closet if you love Vintage Bags like Coach, Dooney and Fossil! I'm overflowing w them!!! Also have new in Stock Vtg Coach Tribecca bag on sale till 3pm today!!
Jul 13Reply

I just received a message that you wanted me to do more styling ? Sometimes P.M. Produces this document for some reason. I always contact the Person before I start sharing. If you do want me to style some outfits for you I need to know 4 things. 1) what sizes are you?. Do you want styling casual, like jeans and tops and jacket ? 3) Professional/Work,, Night out Date/Husband. 4) do you prefer dresses or skirts or both? Thank you for giving me the opportunity if this is legitimate!
Aug 24Reply

Hello. When will my items ship? I ordered the dress for a wedding!!
Sep 15Reply

@lilmb3 I hope you are ok cuz I have heard nothing but good things about you. I really don't want to cancel my order but can you please let me know when you are ready to sale again. 😂😂😂🤣
Sep 23Reply

- Happy Monday and Happy World Kindness Day!!!😁🌎🕊❤️
Nov 13Reply

@lilmb3 Hello! Usps says they delivered your package of the Marc Jacobs boots I sold you 12/17 at 1:05pm
Since hurricane Harvey our post has been wonky, I'm just double checking you received it?
Dec 19Reply

Hey! Have You Shipped Out My Package Yet? I Really Need It By Christmas So Please If You Haven’t Already, Ship It Now!
Dec 21Reply

@brianna__4 : Apologies for delay! I’m having trouble finding the romper, but you can pick any other kid’s item (w/ exception to the coats) and I’ll include it instead, along w/ a bonus gift. I can even wrap it unless you want to look over it. Once chosen, I’ll drop to post office and you’ll receive by the 23rd.
Dec 21Reply

@brianna__4 : (Tagging you on suggestions.)
Dec 21Reply

@lilmb3 Okai! Let Me Know When You Ship It Please! I Commented On The One I Like!
Dec 21Reply

@brianna__4 got it! Will do.
Dec 21Reply

Hi, I noticed you have bundled and liked several of my items from my closet. I appreciate this. However, due to the 5lb weight limit I can only make an offer on a bundle of 4 or 5 items. Therefore, I will not be making an offer on your current bundle. Thank you and Merry Christmas.😀🎄
Dec 24Reply

Thanks for all the likes♥♥♥
Jan 17Reply

Heyy, I’d love it if you could please check out my closet!! I do private discounts and accept/counter offers!! Thank you and Happy Poshing :)
Jan 18Reply

Thanks for all the love in my closet! I’d love to bundle for you!
Feb 09Reply

Hey! Just wanted to let you know, feel free to send me an offer for the items you’ve like in my store! I also have a bundle discount
Feb 10Reply

@jojo1922 Moni, thanks for the info. I’ll check out the vintage closets later today. 🐾🐾🐾
Feb 18Reply

@jojo1922 That’s pretty close! Lol
Feb 19Reply

Hi! My sale is on until noon tomorrow:)
Feb 22Reply

Thanks For All Of The Posh 😍😍😍!! I'm open to all offers, and I love to bundle just like you! Xoxo FYI: your closet is amazing!!
Feb 22Reply

Thank you for the likes❤️ feel free to bundle it all❤️
Feb 23Reply

Hi Monica! I see that you liked Maje Coat and dress , I am moving this week so I am open to offers these days jusy fyi 😊✌🏻 @lilmb3
Feb 26Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet! Let me know if you have any questions! I'm always open to reasonable offers and I give great bundle discounts too ❤️. If you want to add your likes to a bundle I'd be happy to send you a great offer 💗
Mar 08Reply

Thanks for the ❤! Bundle.. Or make an offer I'm Making great deals today! 😉 I am clearing out 1/4 of my closet this week😉💕...... Also these are exquisite matched stones... Thought about keeping them for myself, but Law school tuition is expensive... My son's😉
Mar 13Reply

Oops I thought you were done bundling if you want to decline my offer and then I'll send over a new one ....however I think when you add three you get an additional discount I just slashed prices I could probably take 1.50 off ... I'll take a look ! 😘
Mar 16Reply

Hello Doll - I absolutely Love you closet... Please feel free to check out my closet and if there's something that you you like feel free to make me an offer and thanks... Happy Poshing!! 💛✨🤗
Mar 25Reply

Great closet! Take a look at mine too if you get a chance:) sending you lots of positive vibes to make quick sales!!
Jul 03Reply

Hey mama! Thanks for all the likes. ❤ You are most welcome to bundle for a private discount. 💃(Your daughter is adorable!)😍
Jul 09Reply

@joannamsoprano : Thanks, girlfriend! Great closet. Will be back once sales go through. Xo!
Jul 09Reply

Hey there! 🌺Since you were interested in several items in my closet, I just wanted to let you know I'm on vacation until Aug 16th starting 9:30pm Fri (last packages out Sat Am). Let me know if I can help further! 🌼🌷🌺Bundles get 20-30% discount.😉
Jul 11Reply

Thanks for the like
Jul 11Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Aug 14Reply

@mailllle : Thank you. Took a look, but was difficulty to ascertain fit w/o measurements.
Aug 14Reply

@lilmb3 Hi Monica! I wanted to thank you for viewing my closet. I see that you've like several items and I wanted to offer you a bundle rate. If you're still interested in them let me know i make some pretty awesome deals come your way ❤✌❤ Brenda
Aug 23Reply

Monica, thank you so much for all the likes in my closet 💞💕. You totally made my evening! I’d love to give you a deal if you’d like to bundle! 🤗👗
Aug 24Reply

@lovemkb : Would love to take you up on your bundle discount! Need some sales to go through, but plan to return to your outstanding closet in the near future. Thanks for reaching out.
Aug 24Reply

@bgj2374 : Incredible closet! I plan on returning. 👍🏼
Aug 24Reply

@lilmb3 sounds like a plan! You have an amazing closet. Very well put together, 🖤love all the vintage🖤
Aug 24Reply

@lovemkb : Thank you! I appreciate that. 😘
Aug 24Reply

Hello Monica! It looks like you're having fun on Poshmark! ❤️👒👙👛👠👚👍 If you get a chance stop by and take a peek at my closet. I think I have a couple of things you might like. ✌️💖 POSH!
Sep 12Reply

Thank you for liking and appreciate the light blue suit although my lighting is awful for the camera.
Sep 18Reply

Hello, Thank you for the follow! I am already following you. I hope you have a great day! 😊
Oct 23Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Oct 29Reply

Dont forget to bundle! I noticed you liked my Anthropologie scarf...when you have 3+ items get an additional 10% off and 4+ an even greater bonus!
🌻 Enjoy the day 🌻
Nov 04Reply

Hey babe! I have a pair of Nine West pumps size 6.5 that I think you'd look amazing in! Perfect Fall color too! Willing to negotiate and can ship today if you're interested!
Nov 05Reply

Hey Monica! I just listed a beautiful vintage leather jacket with Faux fur (it's really gorgeous though, reminds me of a lynx).. Definitely a little boho/free spirit vibes I think; it has really cool cross stitching details. No hard feelings if it's not your style!! Just thought I'd let you know ❤️😘
Dec 02Reply

Feel free to Bundle your likes for a private discount!
Jan 03Reply

Sorry I don't mean to prey but you are a very beautiful woman and I mean that. Have a great evening.
Jan 03Reply

Hi there! Please check out my closet! Happy poshing!
Jan 28Reply

Thanks for the like the dress is beauitful all is buy one get one free
Jul 12Reply

Hi Monica, thank you so much for all the likes! I'm honored. Let me know when you're ready to make an offer or bundle and we can take it from there..🤗
Jul 25Reply

Hi Monica, thanks for a of the likes and shares! Hope you have a great weekend with ones of sales! 🛍🛍🛍
Aug 02Reply

Hi! Thanks for the like on the vintage dress! This dress is beautiful and in great vintage condition.
Aug 18Reply

@jackysbags: Backatcha...😘
Aug 20Reply

Hey! You liked a loft top that has already been sold. I have one in a medium just like it in my closet. Feel free to check it out and make and offer if you like.
Sep 19Reply

hi Monica! I really want you to have that cK denim jacket, so feel free to put in your offer again😁👍
Dec 03Reply

@lilmb3 Hello Gorgeous. Are you still interested in selling the boots? Because I am still interested in buying them from you would you take $50 for them let me know. Thank you have a blessed day and merry Christmas
Dec 22Reply

@lilmb3 Hey Sweetie I am still interested in the boots if you still want to sell them. We can still negotiate on price. No Hart feelings we are good. Please let me know. Thank you and have a Blessed Day
Dec 29Reply

@lilmb3 Hi Monica! Thank you so much for the fantastic interest in my listings! I will get back to you today with answers to your questions. I, too, was a little confused on the dress I wore to my sister-in-law’s wedding-13/14 sounds too big so I will provide you with measurements 🌺🥰🌸
Dec 31Reply

Hello🌷Sending Warmth and Welcome
Please come visit my little closet of sweet treasures when you have a moment to wander 💚🌿
Wishing you a Year filled with Promise and Beauty!
Jan 22Reply

Thank you for your sweet shares💗💗💗
If you would like to purchase any of the items you liked, please just let me know 💗 I'm happy to work with you.
I appreciate your visit and kind note, thank you so much!
Jan 28Reply

Your closet is so nicely done! 🙌🏽
Jan 28Reply

Hi, thank you for the shares and the likes! 😍😍😍 All my listings are negotiable, so feel free to send me offer if interested 😊
Feb 18Reply

@healingbeauty: You are too kind! Likewise. Your closet is lovely!!
Feb 19Reply

Monica, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 19Reply

I saw you liked an item in my closet! Right now I'm having a 4 for $30 on EVERYTHING in my closet! Anything not in the sale is marked in the listings. Be Sure to Check it out!! Amazing Deals!! Happy Poshing!
Apr 25Reply

I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to my closet! Please feel free to stop by and take a stroll! If you see anything you like just let me know! I'm more than happy to work with you on both price and shipping. I'm a 5-star rated Posh Ambassador as well as a 1-day shipper. Always nice to meet a new Posh friend!
Jun 18Reply

Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 19Reply

Thank you for the like, if you have any questions please feel free to ask!!💕😊
Nov 02Reply

Saw that you liked my Fleet Street Woman’s Coat. Please feel free to make me an offer! I am happy to give you a discount. Thanks for stopping by my closet!!
Dec 05Reply

Hi Monica! Thanks for liking my Tadashi Top! 🌸It’s a beauty!
Dec 07Reply

I’m open to offers on any of my items so please offer away! ☺️
Dec 08Reply

@ginagarbage ***same exact thing happened to me when I purchased shoes from this chic. Very disappointing because I really wanted those shoes. Buyer beware!! ****
Dec 19Reply

@mgarcia503 this happened to me as well when I purchased shoes from this seller. Buyer beware!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡
Dec 19Reply

⚠️⚠️Buyer beware this seller dosent send out items purchased & ignores comments when inquired about. Very disappointing!! Be better then that Monica ⚠️⚠️
Dec 19Reply

@ashleyposhluv thanks 😊
Dec 19Reply

Good morning! I see that you've liked Vintage London Fog trenchcoats in the past and I have an amazing one available right now - size 8P! Check out my closet if you have a minute! Thank you and have a beautiful day!
Jan 04Reply

@ashleyposhluv : hi. I apologize for dropping off of this app and not responding to your concerns, but I got very sick so no need to spam my page w/ hate. I actually sent your shoes and unfortunately slapped the wrong label, so they were shipped to another buyer. I held on the the other item that was supposed to be shipped since I used their label on yours and contacted PM customer service AND UPS.
Jan 20Reply

@ashleyposhluv : Then I became very ill. I'm sure you were refunded, so I'm not sure what your problem is but I assure you that receiving your shoes didn't outweigh the importance of fighting for my life, but thanks for the added stress during such a critical time.
Jan 20Reply

@mgarcia503 : please read my response to @ashleyposhluv poshmark player hater of the year award recipient. i was very ill. hopefully, something as serious doesn't happen to you or @ashleyposhluv . thanks for being such understanding selfless human beings during a global pandemic. so sorry your shoes didn't get to the appropriate addresses. I never did receive @ashleyposhluv shoes back from the mislabeled error so looks like a lose lose for me all the way around.
Jan 20Reply

@ashleyposhluv : you're a psycho. do not return to comment or harass my page again.
Jan 20Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for your like! I hope you can stop by and visit my closet. If you see anything you can’t live without please don’t be afraid to make me an offer 😃👗 Happy Poshing
Feb 04Reply

Hi Monica ❤️ I glad you found so many things that caught your eye in my closet. New items coming!
Feb 06Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and sed if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Feb 25Reply

hi i’m having a huge sale! everything is under $10 + discounted shipping! and all bundles are 50% off. i need everything gone!
Apr 22Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Dior, Lululemon, Nike, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
May 15Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Nov 07Reply

Hi Monica! Thanks bunches for your like, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Nov 19Reply

Hello! I have a variety of brands and sizes that you may like, including Adidas and Kenneth Cole Reaction. Please feel free to check out my closet! Thanks! 😊
Dec 27Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2700 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Jan 11Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 27Reply

Hi!!! Thanks so much for all the likes in my closet. If you’re interested, bundle them and you will get 15% off. Let’s know if you have any questions. 💋
Feb 10Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 29Reply

Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Jul 04Reply

Hi there. Please check out my closet and let me know when you see something you like.
Jul 23Reply

@lilmb3 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 19Reply

Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. This is a large closet so use the filter button. Bundle a few items and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Tons to add!!
Sep 15Reply
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