Meet your Posher, Monina
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Hi! I'm Monina. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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@monina_t 🤗🤗I found you!!! Lol! 🙊🙊Welcome to posh mommas!🎉🎉 can't wait to posh together, loves you! ❤️❤️
Jun 29Reply

Thank you mommas! Do you like my sale pictures?! Lol, especially the ❤️ vomit, so fitting 🙊🙊
Jul 01Reply

That vomit pic's memorable! 🙊 let the good times roll! ☺️🤗😘
Jul 01Reply

Welcome to Posh! 💜 I am a top rated seller, so feel free to stop by my closet with questions anytime, can't wait to watch your closet grow! 👗
Jul 08Reply

@anastasia_rae thank you for the warm welcome and stopping by my closet!! ❤️ I will definitely stop by yours and check what you have. I'm really enjoying the posh community and the support between poshers. ☺️☺️💃🏽💃🏽
Jul 08Reply

@monina_t ohh emm ggeee!! Your closet it up! 🙊🙊 so excited for you mommas🎉🎉 I'll start sharing and tagging people to welcome you. Loves you! 💖💖
Jul 09Reply

Hi Ladies, please welcome the best person I know to PM💖💖 @anastasia_rae @avenue72 @ambersboutique @crzyjulz1706 @coleyroleypoley @carolinec14 @bigapple88 @brownca4 @briannesolo @dnz25110 @drmchsr1988 @dovesofashtrees @emilydiorio1994 @emmyrawrs @ejeveryday
Thank you guys!!
Jul 09Reply

Jul 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! 😃💖
Jul 09Reply

WELC💟ME Monina! It is so nice of Laura @lfriasurzua
Aug 04Reply

Sorry about that...
I was saying it is so nice of Laura to introduce me to you! Your closet looks great! I am so happy It's Thursday. We're breathing. We're Alive. We're Blessed. God is Good.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ Yesenia
Aug 04Reply

Thank you so much ladies for the warm and lovely welcome!! 💖💖 also thank @lfriasurzua for the introduction to @ginger_nj! We're practically neighbors 🤗 lovinnnn your closet as well! 🎀🎀💖
Aug 04Reply

Hey mommas! I feel like I haven't talked to you on posh since forever because I'm boycotting them. They pissed me off, I'll tell you the whole store tomorrow at work...but I don't want to give them anymore money =/
Aug 21Reply

Hi, How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you have any questions please let me know. Happy poshing!
Oct 02Reply

Hello Monina
I want to know what happened with my shoes, I have not received the confirmation e mail, I ordened May 06, 2017., my status is in process, and they took May money, if you can tell me . Thank you.
May 13Reply

@terelu41 Hi! Thank you for purchasing the shoes. Unfortunately, I was unable to ship it on time due to emergency circumstances and had to fly out of town. I will be in touch with the posh team regarding your purchase and the payment. I get back this coming monday and let me know if you're still interested and I can ship it to you right away. I apologize for the inconvenience and let me know if this works for you. Thank you!
May 14Reply

Thank you. If I am still interesed in your shoes, I will wait for you, and thank you for ansewering my message again.
May 14Reply

@terelu41 Thank you for being so lovely and patient! I'll be shipping these first thing tomorrow morning 💐🌸🌷
May 15Reply
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