Meet your Posher, Morgan
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Thanks for stopping by! Most items I sell consist of my personal items, my sisters items (when she is feeling gracious!), and great finds I can't pass up on buying. ๐
๐ป no trades or pay pal! ๐๐ปyes to offers and questions!! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

8 others
like this

Omg hi Morgan! Happy shopping and selling!! ๐๐ป๐๐
Jan 23Reply

@morganator99 Hi Morgan!! It is nice to meet you, I am Molly. You are new and have such a lovely closet!! Let me introduce you to my friends to help you get more followers. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask me and those that respond to you as they are all willing to help you succeed!!
Jan 24Reply

Hi Morgan!! It is nice to meet you, I am Molly. You are new and have such a lovely closet!! Let me introduce you to my friends to help you get more followers. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask me and those that respond to you as they are all willing to help you succeed!! @morganator9939
Jan 24Reply

@lifeisgood63 thank you for the warm welcome!
Jan 24Reply

๐บ๐ป๐น๐ทLadies, Please welcome Morgan a new member !! She has a cute and compliant closet!! Thank you my PFF's!!!๐บ๐ป๐น๐ท๐ฌ@bunny124 @beardove @brittsgirl12 @bluejeanrein @battags424 @beautybooster @bdbcsr
@bubblicious1017 @biddy719 @baglady24 @bkimh @callie5510 @chichbabygirl @capecodterry @chichai1706 @candykissa143@charms245 @chiara78 @csconlapn @conniemarie12 @cooper77 @coolmum2 @corvus440 @chicagdl ๐ฌ@lifeisgood63 PRIVATE LIST PLEASE DO NOT COPY๐ฌ๐ฌ
Jan 24Reply

๐บ๐ป๐น๐ทLadies, Please welcome Morgan a new member !! She has a cute and compliant closet!! Thank you my PFF's!!!๐บ๐ป๐น๐ท๐ฌ@charmatin @cinderellasrags @cpfaff3 @chiara08@court092505 @de_franklin @djgross5 @dawn520 @dotgallo @dthurmond @dbush3662 @dierks24 @drizzlymizzlylove @dvacante @daughtry @dimndgirl @dimatteo @dgreendesigns @ddstorm
@dayceejay @drea04 @delazy @dvacante @elevenroses @evf @eholder @edamerval @ekm9 @hsohailk @heartboston๐ฌ@lifeisgood63 PRIVATE LIST PLEASE DO NOT COPY๐ฌ๐ฌ
Jan 24Reply

๐บ๐ป๐น๐ทLadies, Please welcome Morgan a new member !! She has a cute and compliant closet!! Thank you my PFF's!!!๐บ๐ป๐น๐ท@emmyrawrs @edamerval @forrest19 @fashionsis @fashioniata @fancypantsmcgee @freneticmadness @girlygirlswag @gnrtreasures @ginnap7777 @ginger71 @genuinegemstone @grace4d @goensshopping @harperchic @halfmoon86 ๐ฌ@hopesparkles @hrachal @eyeoftheleopard๐น@esimmons89 @eryns_closet @erikahowell
Jan 24Reply

๐บ๐ป๐น๐ทLadies, Please welcome Morgan a new member !! She has a cute and compliant closet!! Thank you my PFF's!!!๐บ๐ป๐น๐ฌ@habanera87 @iqclosthessavvy @gracekellie13 @gretzeli @hippiechick100 @happystore @houseofposh @hurdkb @hsohailk @hopesparkles @hrachal @inik @isa_wine_lover @ivonas @jennieann5246 @justcandy26 @jansjems jennahansen312 @jays_boutique @jaymoon @jesstb @jteach @jlll795 @jadie @joy24 @jteach23 @jooky ๐ฌ@lifeisgood63 PRIVATE LIST PLEASE DO NOT COPY๐ฌ๐ฌ
Jan 24Reply

๐บ๐ป๐น๐ทLadies, Please welcome Morgan a new member !! She has a cute and compliant closet!! Thank you my PFF's!!!๐บ๐ป๐น๐ฌ@kpineda512 @kden_wallace @ktbug1217 @kookc @kmb42 @kellynd @kchase86 @katolarae @kyanmom @keyonnasummers. @kewpiedoll @kaciopea @kzamp @kjfernandez @kornbread11 @luxeladylg @larochelle @lauras_boutique @leliluv @lazulitect ๐ฌ@lifeisgood63 PRIVATE LIST PLEASE DO NOT COPY๐ฌ๐ฌ
Jan 24Reply

๐บ๐ป๐น๐ทLadies, Please welcome Morgan a new member !! She has a cute and compliant closet!! Thank you my PFF's!!!๐บ๐ป๐น๐ฌ@laker1 @lorilouie @linny19 @lhaag721 @lucky7bohogirl @loribarrhall @melissa2316 @maritzachar @matadora1978 @marie5143 @mary447 @mailecabral @mimismenagerie @mykidsfault @marlanap @muneewoo @mthiker @mandapanda83 @maidmarian @marinaschic @mystiskie@nanookmom๐ฌ@lifeisgood63 PRIVATE LIST PLEASE DO NOT COPY๐ฌ๐ฌ
Jan 24Reply

๐บ๐ป๐น๐ทLadies, Please welcome Morgan a new member !! She has a cute and compliant closet!! Thank you my PFF's!!!๐บ๐ป๐น๐ฌ๐ฌ@nami001 n@urserobyn @noahsmama04 @oceanjewelers @onyx @pinkiydinkyerin @pre_pa514 @pearlsposh @petals2u @pmac35 @pammalla @prittimonster @proverbs_31 @reslisabeth12 @roryry @retagit @ramonarosario @ridinghood13 @runawayposh @sukinukiss @sheshebo @sk110209 @savvywei @serindipity4u @shopactory @sunlvr1821 @stephaielatina ๐ฌ@lifeisgood63 PRIVATE LIST PLEASE DO NOT COPY๐ฌ๐ฌ
Jan 24Reply

Hi Morgan! I'm Carolyn! Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. Happy Poshing!๐@lifeisgood63
Jan 24Reply

๐บ๐ป๐น๐ทLadies, Please welcome Morgan a new member !! She has a cute and compliant closet!! Thank you my PFF's!!!๐บ๐ป๐น@shedoessassy @shari23114 @thesequel @stephanielatina @susancalhoun205 @s_rosebud @siouxshawn @sylviaharris55 @s_rosebud @sarahg13 @stunning_29 @thegoodchic @treasuresbytrac ๐น@tpmom @tanixtragedy @tavoosfashion @txan66 @tintz3 @tazze ๐ฌ@lifeisgood63 PRIVATE LIST PLEASE DO NOT COPY๐ฌ๐ฌ
Jan 24Reply

Welcome to posh! ๐It's nice to meet you ๐๐
Jan 24Reply

๐บ๐ป๐น๐ทLadies, Please welcome Morgan a new member !! She has a cute and compliant closet!! Thank you my PFF's!!!๐บ๐ป๐นtntz @toopretty @thorntam @vfaubert @vickyss @vanessa_03 @vbauxlamb @violet507 @whatsleft @weimaranermom @wsp90 @xo_flamingo_ox @yankat22๐ฌ@lifeisgood63 PRIVATE LIST PLEASE DO NOT COPY๐ฌ๐ฌ
Jan 24Reply

๐Welcome Morganโผ๏ธ You have a great start on your closet. Try sharing your own items at least 3X a day, share appropriate themed items to parties. Share items of other users "who follow Posh rules" they should share in return, oh and share items from the closets of party co-hosts, they usually have a big following. I'll be here 24/7 should you have any questions. The best of luck to you and your future Posh endeavors. Cheers, Laura Thanks for the tag @lifeisgood63
Jan 24Reply

๐๐ Welcome to Poshmark ๐น๐ @lifeisgood63 thanks for the tag. If you have any questions, we're all here to help ๐
Jan 24Reply

You are very welcome PFF!!๐
Jan 24Reply

As always I can count on you my sweet friends!!๐๐๐
@nanookmom @baglady24 @ginger71 @kookc
Jan 24Reply

@lifeisgood63 anything for you ๐๐๐ once I'm on my laptop I'll tag more people ๐
Jan 24Reply

Jan 24Reply

@nanookmom I understand that! It takes forever otherwise!!!๐๐๐
Jan 24Reply

Welcome to the Posh family, a truly wonderful community of women always willing to help you! ๐ญ ๐ ( some you've already met! โบ๏ธ ) FYI..the most important things I have learned to be a truly successful posher and to be eligible for those wonderful ๐ HPs ๐...
1๏ธโฃ maintain a posh compliant closet ๐ฏ
2๏ธโฃ share share share ๐ ๐๐
3๏ธโฃ follow follow follow ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ
4๏ธโฃ and ask questions!! ๐ค
check out @official_forum and @poshuniversity for info on compliant closets and how to get sales! ๐๐ป
Jan 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark ๐
Jan 24Reply

@battags424 @callie5510 @vickyss I can always count on a little help from my sweet friends!!! ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Jan 24Reply

Jan 24Reply

๐๐Welcome to Poshmark๐๐I'm Laura(SU/Posh Mentor/2X Co-Host)! The @official_forum is a great resource, and I have posts in my closet to help๐New Girl๐Following game๐Join My Tag Lists!๐ I'm here to mentor & help so stay in touch! Love, Laura๐
๐PFF's please meet this lovely posher!๐@aflattery๐@bamagirl017๐@bella_xox๐@blu3935๐@callie5510๐@chicagdl๐@chloejoy15๐@cmc514๐@daisyd0102๐@dierks24๐@dotgallo๐@elevenroses๐๐LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST๐ซCOPY๐
Jan 24Reply

๐๐PFF's Please Welcome This Lovely New Posher๐๐๐@heatherschoice๐@holdon3๐@hotpantsrhoads๐@hsohailk๐@jays_boutique_๐@jenniann5246๐@jill555๐@kookc๐@kcford24๐@kden_wallace๐@lnation818๐@mandapanda83๐@marlanap๐@matadora1978๐@mimsmenagerie๐@mrsmadariaga๐@muneewoo๐@nami001๐@proverbs_31๐@shethkh๐@smchop๐@thegoodchic๐@treasuresbytrac๐@twinkletoestoni๐@txan66๐@wendimb๐๐LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST๐ซCOPY
Jan 24Reply

hello there im jess welcome to posh ...any questions just ask! some advice share like crazy and keep a posh compliant closet wish you luck :)
Jan 24Reply

Welcome Morgan! Wishing you many sales and happy poshing
Jan 24Reply

Hi Morgan. Welcome! I hope u love it here and I wish you the best of success. I'll be sharing ur items, not nec to share back, ok? Its my way of saying welcome! Dee๐ป๐ป๐ป
@lifeisgood63 Molly, thank you.๐ Dee
Jan 24Reply

@morganator9939 Hi Morgan! I'm Bev. Welcome to Posh!!
Jan 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, Morgan! You have a nice closet! Lmk if I can help you with anything! Have a fun experience here and wishing you a lot of sales and success in 2016!
Jan 24Reply

Thanks for the tag, Molly! @lifeisgood63
Jan 24Reply

Welcome to posh Morgan! I'm Marian, nice to meet you!๐
Jan 25Reply

Welcome!!! โบ๏ธ๐
Jan 25Reply

@morganator9939 Welcome to the fun posh community ๐๐ป ๐๐ป Feel free to ask any questions ๐๐ป Thank You @lifeisgood63 ๐น
Jan 25Reply

Hi Morgan! It's a pleasure to meet you! Welcome to Posh! You're going to love it here! This is a wonderful, welcoming community and an incredibly supportive environment so if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. All the best to you! Happy Poshing! ๐๐๐๐๐ Thanks for the introduction Molly! @lifeisgood63 ๐๐๐
Jan 25Reply

hi! my name is rochelle, welcome to poshmark! pls feel free too tag me if you need help with anything! also, i would advise you follow @official_forum and recommend it to other newbies:) hope you will find it useful :) cheers!!!๐๐๐๐ ty @lifeisgood63
Jan 25Reply

Welcome!! Let me know if u need help! I shared, thanks molly!! @lifeisgood63 โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Jan 27Reply

very cute closet!
Feb 04Reply

@kdufty thanks for the Posh love!!!!
Feb 04Reply

Hi Morgan! I stopped by to say that you have a beautiful closet and I would like to extend an invitation to you to become a member of the Posh Society on Facebook. This fun, informative group was initiated by Barbara Grant, a long time Posher and business owner. She provides biweekly videos with tips to help us increase our sales, fun contests and is a wonderful mentor. Go to Hope to see you there!๐Kelley W.
Feb 20Reply

@kelyemd thanks for the info โบ๏ธ๐๐ happy Friday!
Feb 20Reply

@kelyemd hello! I sent my request on Friday, can't wait to see what the group has to offer! :)
Feb 22Reply

Hi Morgan! You should have heard from her by now. I will check. Can you email me with your last name and I'll check.
Feb 22Reply

Buy one get one 50%off in my closet !!come check it out and get 5%extra at checkout !! :-)just comment bundle on item ur interested in :-)
Mar 25Reply

@morganator9939 Thank you for following. If you're interested in any of my items, I can share more photos or answer questions. My seller discount is 10% off 2+ items bundled. Thanks again. Have a great day & happy sales!
Apr 07Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Apr 08Reply

Love your closet!
Apr 11Reply

Hi Morgan! ๐๐Thank you for following my page and closet! Hope you find something amazing to put in your closet ๐๐. I'm also a Stylist and Coach for Stella and Dot. Be sure to check out my website! Looking for a few fashionistas to include on my team, if you or anyone you know might be a good fit let me know! ๐
Happy Poshing ๐ท๐ท๐
Apr 17Reply

Thank you come to mine too
Apr 27Reply

Used to live on Santa Clara in Ventura 20+ yrs ago....worked at CA Wine Club. Great little town!
May 13Reply

@maximus5207 how cool! Love this place :)
May 13Reply

Hi Morgan, I'm Jeannie and I just wanted to welcome you to PUG with some PUG love in the form of some free shares! Enjoy. You have a beautiful closet๐
Jul 21Reply

Hey has the kyliner shipped out yet? I got my email today that my orders were shipped
Aug 08Reply

@bsproles22 I'm still waiting for my email, should get it today!
Aug 08Reply

@faithin1 Thank you :)
Aug 09Reply

@poshmorgs Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you get a chance ๐๐
Sep 03Reply

@poshmorgs so fun to meet you at Poshfest Morgan!!! ๐๐๐๐
Oct 08Reply

Hey girl also from ventura, so if u see anything u like or u want to trade just lmk, prices will be lowered since I won't ship since we can meet up!
Dec 09Reply

@poshmorgs thank you dear for sharing ๐โค๏ธ
Mar 28Reply

Thank you for accepting my offer. The payment will go through after midnight, I've bought too much tonight and my bank has a daily limit. Please don't cancel or deny, I will keep trying after midnight
Apr 20Reply

@detroit77 sounds good
Apr 20Reply

Hey honey, I'm not trying to bug just wondering if this is still shipping ? Thanks
Apr 25Reply

@detroit77 hello! Sorry ๐ I totally forgot to message you. I just moved this weekend so stuff had been crazy and I didn't get to ship your package out. I can't find the H&M bathing suit but I'll send you a brand new with tags Michael Kors size M top instead. Hope that's okay
Apr 25Reply

@poshmorgs that's no problem. Thank you
Apr 25Reply

Sorry about not responding to the bundle offer. I do want them, but waiting on some sales to to be accepted for the credit.
Aug 27Reply

I was shopping for my mom and that was the wrong size sorry
Oct 24Reply
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