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Updated Mar 08
Updated Mar 08

Meet your Posher, Natalia

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Natalia. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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pawsitivelyposh Hello! Just wanted to stop by and say welcome to the Poshmark community!! Feel free to check out my closet and mention my 10% new posher discount if you find something you love! Happy Poshing! :)
Mar 08Reply
saundracrawford Hi Poster welcome to Postmark it's a great place to be and shop look in my closet any time if you have question please let me know
Mar 09Reply
texanlady Welcome to Posh mark and happy poshing 😎💕
Mar 09Reply
eriiika002 Hi, welcome to Poshmark!! It’s a such a great place to Buy & Sell, follow people to invite them to your closet and SHARE. I hope you enjoy your time here 💃🏼💕
Mar 13Reply
kabunky Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark!! There’s so much to see 👍🏻🤩🌸🌸
Mar 13Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark! Hi!, I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome deals. I am a Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top seller so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help 😊 Also, I invite you to check out my closet for great items and great deals. I am always happy to negotiate, specially on bundles. Happy Poshing 😃
Apr 22Reply
neutralandcolor Hi doll! Thank you for the shares! 💖💕
May 03Reply
listbyangie Welcome! 🥧 TFTS they’re greatly appreciated! 💕🤗🐾🐾
May 19Reply
brennamoriarty Hey! I’m brand new to Posh. I absolutely love your closet, so much variety! Would you mind checking out some of my items? Some include NWT, never worn clothing and brands like Vineyard Vines, American Eagle, Hollister, Victoria’s Secret and more! While you’re at it, check out my top item, a pair of brand new Timberland Pros! Have a great day💕
Jan 29Reply
krista1l Hi I love your closet!! You should check out mine, feel free to make offers on anything you like! Thank you & happy poshing💕
Apr 20Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 05Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 06Reply
katya96 You have the most amazing closet!! If possible, I’d buy practically one of everything! ...just wanted to let you know ❤️🙏❤️
Oct 06Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Nov 23Reply
jdini Hi Natalia My name is Joann , I ordered the Levi overalls for $60 I’m so sorry I ordered them by a mistake. If you could , would you cancel my order I would so appreciate it I tried to contact posh Mark but they suggested that I speak with you. Again I would appreciate it and thank you so much especially this time around Christmas. I got carried away and pressed to soon. I’m so sorry again! Have a Wonderful holiday ! Sincerely, Joann
Dec 01Reply
jdini Thank You so much Natalia for the refund. Have a blessed Holiday :) Joann
Dec 01Reply
rexandfelix Hi Natalia! I have a pair of Christian Louboutins I’m trying to sell, but I really like your closet, would you be willing to trade for them? Thanks!
Feb 24Reply
mermaid1987 Can you post the jeans tomorrow?? Really hoping to get them before my trip home. I leave Friday. I know it’s cutting it super short
Mar 09Reply
flyupfly @mermaid1987 Yes, I will ship them tomorrow.
Mar 09Reply
mermaid1987 @flyupfly awesome thank you!!
Mar 09Reply
anx1 I love your closet!
Jul 02Reply
mariam_aquarium Hi! you dont happen to do returns do you? the Levi jeans I bought happend to be too big for me :( not your fault, i ordered my usual size but I guess their clothes run bigger
Jul 02Reply
flyupfly @mariam_aquarium I'm sorry, unfortunately Poshmark doesn't allow returns.
Jul 02Reply
mariam_aquarium @flyupfly No worries, Most sellers dont do returns, but some do so Figured id ask. thanks!!
Jul 02Reply
thesadiec my v e n m o account was charged for an item of yours. there is no confirmation of the item in my purchases though. what’s going on?
Nov 10Reply
thesadiec i reached out to you on I G. i sent screencaps of the issue. please get back with me.
Nov 10Reply
flyupfly @thesadiec Please contact Poshmark about this issue.
Nov 10Reply
debbienewell Hi, I bought the Ugg slippers from you today. Is it possible to ship tomorrow? I will only be at the Tallahassee address until Thursday :)
Dec 19Reply
flyupfly @debbienewell Hi. Sure:) I'll ship tomorrow. Thank you!
Dec 19Reply
irisheyes09 Fantastic items in your closet!
Jan 27Reply
graciemyers Hi Natalia! I just ordered something from you and it was returned to sender. Can I ask you to send it again to a different address? How can I pay for that? I’m not sure what else to do...
May 27Reply
flyupfly @graciemyers Hi. I can ship only with Poshmark shipping label, I don't know how to handle it, proably we should contact Poshmark when I recive the package and see how we can solve it.
May 27Reply
michellenmax Love . love .love your closet!♡ Such a beautiful business you have! well wishes!🦋
Jun 02Reply
msneverending1 Natalia I was just cruising through the closets today and I discovered your wonderful closet and beautiful pictures & I shared several listings from your closet today. My name is Carol & I love your closet, when you have time, please stop by and take a look at my closet treasures. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Jul 25Reply
mpenn Hi and thanks for following me on Posh! ❤️Check out my closet for lots of items that are reduced. Select 5 of the $5 items for only $15! ❤️❤️❤️Have a great day!
Jul 26Reply
kathycooper955 Hi. Placed an order excited to receive. Please be up front ref metal used, for I just had another posher sell me a so called silver bracelet with 2 silver hearts. Broke immediately told her no response. Just had fixed to find out not silver at all…still no response. Do not want anything that turns of tarnishes that why I like stainless steel . Are your items stainless steel. Her bracelet even said 925…it’s crap. Please respond
Jul 31Reply
flyupfly @kathycooper955 Hi. My items are 100% stainless steel, I wear mine for months and also shower with it and it does look as new. I packed it nicely in a gift box and dropped it at the post office yesterday, don't know why it didn't start tracking yet.
Jul 31Reply
kathycooper955 Thank you so much for responding and with great news, for one is for my daughter. The other seller still never responded, and it’s very upsetting that she doesn’t care. Poshmark says it stands by there business, yet they aren’t helping or responding either. Stinks, right. Thanks again❤️
Jul 31Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🌞 Happy Poshing 🌴!
Aug 07Reply
eclausen I have a question on an item I just bought from you, I am disappointed because it is not what I thought it was going to be, would you be willing to do a trade for a different item?
Sep 03Reply
lyndseysmith40 Hi, I recently ordered a love bracelet, it’s gorgeous, but arrived slightly scratched. Can we chat about it?
Oct 09Reply
twix2005 Hi. I recently order Levis black overalls. I received them today. They are just to big. I realize there are no returns on poshmark but will you be willing to exchange these for a smaller size. I will add a self addressed prepaid package along with overalls if you agree to exchange. Thank you for your time. Shelly
Feb 09Reply
maamsaab Hi 🖤 I’m interested in buying 2 of the COPY Love Bracelets, Size 16 Yellow Gold. So you have and can you make me a bundled off pls. TY 🙏🏽
Apr 09Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the share! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything since I’m just selling at the moment
Jun 27Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Sep 14Reply
jewelsbysara Hi Dear ❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!!
Sep 15Reply
_jugran__ hi,plz do shop from my closet at affordable prices 💌
Sep 25Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Sep 27Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Oct 17Reply
michellebe79 Happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Oct 21Reply
svh944 please check my closet for sky high heels 👠
Nov 05Reply
paulbentl234 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I’m new as well, sharing is caring lol! I will be sure to share some of listings so, please feel free to stop by my closet anytime and do the same. Happy Poshin
Nov 25Reply
mariafuller132 thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Nov 29Reply
raey101 You have a great closet! 💚💙💖
Jan 05Reply
seyda1024 Just wanted to say hi and that I love your closet ❤️
Jan 25Reply
foundbyfran Hi Natalia! ☀️🌷 You're closet it amazing! I gave a few of your item's some shares to my followers and I was hoping you would take a look at mine to see if there's anything you may like or like to share. 😊 I have Free People, Anthropologie, Aerie, Nike, Lululemon, Athleta, Banana Republic, and more wonderful brands that I need to clear out before I move. Wishing you great sales & better deals! 📨
Mar 09Reply
joshuacarvalho Hi I had just accepted the 95.00$ counteroffer for the blue olukais slip on but it was ment for the black ones ,could I plz switch that purchase plz 🙏🏽
May 16Reply
flyupfly @joshuacarvalho Black ones are size 10.5
May 16Reply
joshuacarvalho Is it made smaller or fit to size ?
May 16Reply
flyupfly @joshuacarvalho I don't know
May 16Reply
joshuacarvalho Yes plz the black ones
May 16Reply
flyupfly @joshuacarvalho Ok, I'll cancel those and you can repurchase the black ones
May 16Reply
joshuacarvalho Thank u Natalia I appreciate u 🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾
May 16Reply
flyupfly @joshuacarvalho Just canceled it
May 16Reply
maria_button Hi! What’s the waist inch ? On Zara skirt ?
Jul 04Reply
thriftwgrace Hi there, I see that we both love to shop, shop, and shop (Smile). I am so happy to share your closet with my followers and would love for you to stop by my place. My closet is full of fun, feel-good items for all sizes. Well, thanks a million and Happy Poshing. Grace @thriftwgrace
Aug 31Reply
mimswind Hey Natalia!! Thanks for following my closet! Looking forward to sharing some goodies from you closet! Happy Poshing : )
Sep 25Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 02Reply
normalola AMAZING Closets 💕
Nov 10Reply
tzvetanka @flyupfly hi! You have a gorgeous closet!!! Do you ever do live shows?🫶🏻
Jan 31Reply
astridcompany @flyupfly Hi, congrats on your Make A Deal Days contest win!
Mar 27Reply
sandycupcake P♥️sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
Mar 27Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Mar 27Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m having a Moving Sale. I just added a lot of Urban Outfitters and Madewell items to my closet at amazing prices!! I hope you’ll check it out.
Apr 06Reply
corinnesechrist Thank you for following. You will notice my prices are low and this is because I just want to sell so I can continue my crafting. Good luck with your closet and may God bless you.
Apr 14Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me🥰
Aug 25Reply
bau_babygirl @flyupfly Thank you for following my closet. I thought I’d let you know I offer a discount on bundles of 2 or more items if you find anything you like. The larger the bundle the larger the discount as long as the weight doesn’t go over 5 pounds. Also, I’m running a swim sale. Any of my $15 swimwear is buy 2 get the 3rd free (equal or lesser value). If you’d like to create a bundle feel free to do so and if you’ll message me when finished I’ll send an offer. Thank you.
Sep 07Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Oct 13Reply
shopsmiles The LA fires have been devastating, and I’m preparing for the possibility of evacuation. To lighten my load during this uncertain time, I’m parting with treasured items in my shop. Your support means so much—every purchase helps me manage these challenges while giving these items a new home. Thank you for being here; please take a moment to check out my shop if you can!
Jan 13Reply
mainstreetstyle Wishing you many sales! ✨✨✨ ❤️ Happy poshing ❤️ Have a wonderful day! 😊
Feb 04Reply

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San Francisco, CA
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Last Active: hours ago

San Francisco, CA
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