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Updated Jan 31
Updated Jan 31

Meet your Posher, Natalie

Meet the Posher

US$1,000,000 US$1,000,000

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Hi! I'm Natalie from Washington, DC. Thanks for stopping by my closet! • I'm selling a lot of items (including items for petite ladies 5'4" and shorter). All items are new or very gently worn, and come from a pet-free, smoke-free home. • Use the Offer Button to make a reasonable offer on anything that catches your eye! (No negotiations in the comments please.) • Also, please follow me on Instagram at for the best in petite fashion, clean beauty, self-care, and more!
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 FREE Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on orders over $500!

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greengurlvibes Welcome to Posh Natalie!!! 🎉🎉 hope you're having fun so far! It gets addicting! 😄 @peaceful56 @fashion_fwd new closet!
Nov 06Reply
prettite @sweet_eco -- thanks so much! I'm having a great time so far, and I hope to start making some sales soon!
Nov 06Reply
fashion_fwd @prettite Welcome Natalie! I love your username!
Nov 06Reply
prettite @fashion_fwd - thanks!!!
Nov 22Reply
wrappedingray Hi Natalie--! Nice to meet you! Love your closet :) thanks for taking the time to check out and share mine. You can always count on me to return the love-! Happy Poshing-!
Feb 14Reply
51twenty Hi Natalie! I'm Carolyn! It's nice to meet you.
Feb 22Reply
prettite @kookc - Hi Carolyn! Thanks for taking the time to say hello. Please check out my closet (and I'll return the favor). Feel free to make a reasonable offer on anything that catches your eye!
Feb 22Reply
fancypantsmcgee So nice to meet you, Natalie!
Mar 13Reply
eroa74 @prettite Thanks for following & sharing! Have a great day. 😀
Apr 20Reply
shopaholicsss hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
May 24Reply
sarahsrobinson Love your closet Natalie! I'm in doc all the time and would love to connect with other poshers there!
Jun 03Reply
heartmykids Luv your closet Natalie. Congratulations on being a suggested user!!! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
Oct 13Reply
texanlady Hi Natalie, sis🙋💗 I haven't talked in a while, so I wanted to pop in and say a quick hello😘 I hope you have been well, And sales are going well too, I have been slowly Adding things to my closet and made some nice sales Well have a very good night sis Karen from the Sidney,Ohio Cong💞💗
Dec 09Reply
urbanlove I'm Aria nice to meet you ! We have a large perfectly petite share group if your interested. Either way glad I found your closet love the name Natalie
Jan 27Reply
prettite @urbanlove thanks so much for the heads up! I have requested to join the share group!
Jan 27Reply
urbanlove @prettite yay !! Did you tell them Aria sent you or @urbanlove lol.
Jan 27Reply
foxarazzi Thanks for joining us today, Natalie. We normally flow smooth as silk but had some freeloaders yesterday. The group is full of regular ladies you can count on. If anyone missed you, just let me know. I sent a message out to double check. Next time you join, hopefully tomorrow, it will be smooth sailing 😊
Jan 29Reply
prettite @foxarazzi - thanks so much!
Jan 29Reply
foxarazzi @prettite Natalie is my sister's name so you'll be unforgettable 😘
Jan 29Reply
foxarazzi Hi Natalie! I don't think I've ever read this! 👍😊 ❤️
Apr 16Reply
prettite @foxarazzi - 👋🏾 hello, there!
Apr 16Reply
pano Great closet!
Apr 27Reply
prettite @pano - thanks! Same to you!
Apr 27Reply
feminineedge Love this quote from psalms of Salomon!!
May 08Reply
prettite @irishhousehold - me too! May God encourage both our hearts and remind us of this truth every day! Thanks for stopping by my closet. Let me know if you have any more questions!
May 09Reply
ealowery2015 @prettite ummm my social media/technology not so savvy self🙄 have no idea how to play the follow game 😩🙈
May 19Reply
prettite @ealowery2015 --- 😂😂😂😂😂 You crack me up, girl!!! I think if we knew each other in "real life," we'd be friends! Lol. (Are you from NC originally? I'm actually from a small town right outside of Raleigh myself. Any who, I digress.)
May 19Reply
prettite @ealowery2015 (continued) Follow games help you increase your followers. So you just have to: 1. go to my Follow Game listing. 2. like the listing. 3. Click to see the names of everyone else who liked the listing. 4. Follow each person. That way, you are following all the people and all the people are following you, too. Over time, your followers list will grow. Does that make sense?
May 19Reply
ealowery2015 @prettite Lol!!! Girl I'm a silly goose!! And yes we more than likely would be!!!!😃😃 girl which town you from??? Hunni I'm from Wilmington well the country outside of Wilmington. I'm from Brunswick county
May 19Reply
ealowery2015 @prettite too many instructions...I'll pass😂😂😂🙈 I will read them and join in later on today. 👍🏽
May 19Reply
ealowery2015 @prettite I'm a country girl. Chile me and the north don't get alone ummhmm I'm good right down here in the south lol. I have family up north in Baltimore, Glendale, and Bowie that I visit often.
May 19Reply
lesleymmc Nice closet! Thank you for visiting mine. I'm petite as well and have some nice clothes in my closet but there doesn't seem to be a market for them. Also, there aren't any Posh parties for petites. I've written Poshmark regarding it. Hopefully they'll listen and start having them. Anyway, I hope you're having a great weekend. Happy Poshing 🤗
May 28Reply
prettite @lesleymmc - I think there is a market for petite clothes, but Poshmark (@pm_editor) isn't taking steps to help bring us all together. I hope that changes - and I'm glad we've both written to them about it! I have created a Petite Follow Game that you should join. Also, @foxarazzi hosts a really great Share Party for petites every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. You should reach out to her and join the group! It'll help get your petite items in front of more interested buyers.
May 28Reply
lesleymmc @prettite awesome! Thank you 😊 I will do both!! I appreciate it. 💕😊
May 28Reply
lesleymmc I'd like to add you to my tag list if you wish. It's for Follow Games and Posh parties for Host Picks and whatever else I would need to tag my PFF's for. I try not to overwhelm. I usually tag a few times a week about 2-4 times per day. Not every day. Lmk if interested. 💕😊
May 28Reply
prettite @lesleymmc - sure, thanks!
May 28Reply
shopopshon Hey Natalie! Cute closet!
Jun 02Reply
prettite @yaznotyazzy - thanks!!! Yours is awesome too!!!
Jun 02Reply
ccamina @prettite Awesome closet, Natalie! Will definitely be fun to follow you!
Jun 18Reply
prettite @ccamina thanks so much! Happy shopping and feel free to make reasonable offers on anything that catches your eye!
Jun 18Reply
sanewland1 Hi! Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party today! 😎 I'm Shelli and I'm new to Poshmark (started last month). I was just checking out your closet, super cute stuff; I love your style. We like a lot of the same brands. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE ❤️ for you to take a look at my closet for a possible HOST PICK. 😬😁😍😜 Thank you so much for the consideration and happy poshing! 🛍
Jul 25Reply
ellezee17 Congrats on hosting the party! 😄Cannot wait to attend🍸! I would really appreciate it if you can take a moment and look through my closet for a potential host pick? 👗I have quite a few pieces that would fit perfectly in with the party's theme! 😉Thank you☺️ Have fun hosting!
Jul 25Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉 please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Jul 25Reply
bellax5 Hi Natalie congratulations on hosting how exciting. Lovely closet please consider reviewing my closet for possible host pick. Thank you so much it would be an honor will definitely share some of your listings to my pff. ❤️😊🌈Aloha!
Jul 25Reply
lruiz1 Super cute closet!!! Love it!
Aug 31Reply
numyumee Hi my sister from Stockton, CA Lafayette congregation. My name is Pam. Love to find my brothers and sisters here!👋💟💟💟
Jan 12Reply
prettite @numyumee - Hi, Pam! Hope you’re well. Thanks for your kind note. (It has come to my attention that some people on this site may think I’m a Jehovah’s Witness. I’m not — but rather am a Protestant Christian who loves Jesus. I’m not sure if your message about your congregation refers to a JW congregation, but if it does, I am happy to “meet” you here all the same.) 🙋🏾‍♀️
Jan 12Reply
numyumee @prettite oh yes I did think u were. So sorry to bother you. But nice to meet fellow posher nonetheless. 😊
Jan 13Reply
prettite @numyumee -- No problem at all! Can you remind me where the post is that makes you think that? I think I liked someone's post with a Scripture or something when I first joined the site. So sometimes I get messages from JWs and I keep meaning to go back and post a clarification there.
Jan 13Reply
numyumee @prettite I think it was @jennymcnicol if I remember correctly. Let me do a double check just to be sure.
Jan 13Reply
gradgirlmhs Hello! 🙋🏽 Thanks for following me 🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️ Happy Poshing! ☺️☺️☺️☺️ and have a fabulous Sunday 🌺🌺🌺😌😌😌
Feb 04Reply
prairiefairy3 Hi! Thank you for the private offer on the dress pants. I am sorry I had to decline; I am not in need of them at this time, but will keep them in mind. Happy poshing! 🦋
Feb 21Reply
prettite @prairiefairy3 - no problem, and thanks for letting me know. Happy poshing!
Feb 21Reply
kelleyd831 Love your style; I’ll be checking back often!
Mar 16Reply
prettite @kelleyd831 - Thanks so much for those kind words. Please do check back often. I have a lot of wonderful items that are in need of a good home.
Mar 16Reply
poshwalkrr Hi, Prettite: Wondering if Red Earrings will ship soon.. Thanks, Judy Walker
Jun 13Reply
prettite @houndwalker so sorry for the delay. I caught a bug on Sunday and have been sick ever since. They will go out tomorrow for sure!
Jun 13Reply
poshwalkrr Thanks for the heads-up.. Feel better
Jun 13Reply
scriptedstyle Hi Natalie! Congrats on hosting the men’s style party tonight! I’ve taken the liberty of dropping a few favorites from my closet in your dressing room. Hoping you’ll think about them as you are deciding on your host picks! 😎 Thanks for your consideration! - Melissa
Jun 15Reply
prettite @pm_editor — Can we PLEASE get a “Petite” market where all items listed are in petite sizes?!?!
Aug 11Reply
amber2286 Congrats on the deals days win! It’s so exciting! I’m running a winners special and HALF off my ENTIRE closet for the next week! Send me offer and please bundle so I can offer the winners discount to you only. Thank you! Be sure to spoil yourself today and happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 02Reply
sohairiam8 CONGRATULATIONS on your win!!!! Hoping you have a GREAT time shopping!!!! 💗🌸💗🌸💗
Jan 02Reply
prettite @amber2286 @sohairiam8 - thanks, ladies!
Jan 02Reply
mihska Congratulations on your win!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jan 02Reply
lovedbyrach hey gorgeous! congratulations on winning the Make A Deal day Challenge! you deserve it girl. Feel free to visit my closet anytime.💞😊
Jan 03Reply
chrissy2529 Congratulations on Make a Deal Days ⭐️ Please check out my closet offers are welcome or like ❤️ Items and we will send special offer. Also any bundle of 3 or more and I pay your shipping 📦 Love 💕 Poshmark ❗️
Jan 04Reply
presley523 Hi, I have RSVP’d for the Best in Dresses, Shirts and Suits Party tomorrow. Could you please review my closet to select an item to post in the Host Picks for this event? Thanks for your consideration.
Feb 18Reply
zmimage 💜Congratulations on hosting a Posh Party! 🎉🎈🎊Please take a look at my closet for a potencial 💥HOST PICK💥 I have never had one so it would be a great experience. Enjoy the party!!! 💜
Feb 18Reply
misscindyh Hi thanks for the party invite. I have been poshing since August and quickly became obsessed and a Poshmark ambassador. One thing I don’t understand is how you become a host or get a host pick. Could you please give me a little advice on the whole party scene. Any help would be really appreciated thanks again 🙏
Feb 18Reply
cocobellechic Hi! Thank you for inviting me to the party! If you have a minute please check out my closet for a host pick! I would be honored🙏🏻 Thank you and have fun! Jill🌸
Feb 18Reply
julesbposhing Thanks so much for liking my A+O open back NWT dress I uploaded on Friday. Do check out the rest of my closet as I'm very proud of the quality of pieces I have...and reach out with any questions. I do have 5 more designer pieces to upload on Wednesday afternoon. I love bundles so if you want to start one, I'll work my best pricing and shipping discount. Hugs, Jules
Feb 19Reply
fabfinds617 Hi Natalie, I'm new to Poshmark and lovin' it so far. I haven't made a sale yet but have some really nice dresses and skirts in my closet that I'd love for you to consider as a Host Pick during today's party. Looking forward to it partying! Many thanks from Boston!
Feb 19Reply
aclosetdeposit 🧦🧣👚👛👗Congrats on hosting the dresses, skirts and suits party! Please check out my closet for possible host picks. Thanks so much! ❤💗❤💖👗👔🧦🧥🧤👚👛
Feb 19Reply
michellerarely Hi girly ❤️😊🌸 just dropping by to say I love your closet and if you could possibly check out my closet for a possible host pick 😊
Feb 19Reply
lindsaydutcher Hello - the party says it allows blazers but isn't letting me share them. Is there a way to fix it? Thanks!
Feb 19Reply
onelovey4lala Natalie, thanks so much for choosing my Banana Republic linen skirt as your Host Pick!
Feb 20Reply
Feb 20Reply
tac66 @prettite I’m a very sorry if I missed your request for a price on my silk Ann Taylor. I’ve been battling health issues for a while and would not ignore on purpose. I spent some time in the hospital this week. Please tag me again if you are interested. Thank you again. Traci @tac66
Feb 20Reply
qcgirl1226 Hi Nat! I just joined. Your closet is #goals. - Geniece
Jul 13Reply
prettite @qcgirl1226 -- Awww, hey girl! Thanks for joining. Looks like YOUR closet is already off to a great start! Wishing you lots of sales and much success here.
Jul 14Reply
chiclavender Hi there! I saw you liked a Yumi Kim black and white wrap dress but it sold - just wanted to let you know that if you’re still interested I have the same dress but in an XS! I’d match the $70 that it sold for as well. Thanks! 😊
Jan 28Reply
sethbrown64 @prettite Hey warning, don't buy that gucci purse! She's a scammer and makes new pages everyday. Never trust anyone asking u to text a number and not buy through posh
Jan 31Reply
prettite @sethbrown64 - thank you for the heads up!!!!
Feb 04Reply
prettite @txshopper13 - thank you for the heads up!!!!!
Feb 04Reply
deborahheim Hi Natalie:) I will have to decline your watch box offer because I already purchased one.
Jun 25Reply
prettite @deborahheim - no problem. But thanks for letting me know!
Jun 26Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉
May 31Reply
prettite @mylovejewelry - thank you!!!
Jul 10Reply
cutehosiery @prettite Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 12Reply

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Last Active: Mar 22

Washington, DC
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Last Active: Mar 22

Washington, DC
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