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Updated Oct 13
Updated Oct 13

Meet your Posher, Natalie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Natalie! I’m a Mental Health Therapist by day, and a Posher by night! I have a passion for sustainable fashion, and love curating styles ranging from casual street style, to elegant outfits for a night on the town (with a matching mask, of course!). I’m a bit quirky (understatement) and that is reflected in my style! Follow me on Instagram @rosecityreseller for a discount on your purchase! Pro Tip: ask me about the photo with the horse in the woods for a harrowing tale! 😉😉
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vikingbreed Hi there!  Welcome to Poshmark!  I'm Misha and I'm a Posh Ambassador, I just wanted to check in and see if you had any questions.  I have a few pointers that may help you succeed quickly.  When you start your closet, make sure you share share share!  Also look for those Poshers that have 10K followers and follow them, plus follow their followers, you will be surprised at how quickly you will gain an audience! Most of all, have fun and happy Poshing
Jul 03Reply
rosecityresell @mishatanner great tips! Thank you!
Jul 04Reply
tiggeress Welcome to poshmark hope you have lots of success here and feel free to check out my closet and im always adding new items 😊👋🌺
Jul 04Reply
brandisstyle7 Good morning, happy 4th of sale,come check out my forth of July sale 30% off when you bundle And when you spend $20 or more you get a free gift:) have a wonderful 4th and stay safe
Jul 04Reply
funkypineapple Hello Natalie, 🍍Welcome to Poshmark!🍍And thanks for following. My business partner, Susie and I are Poshmark Ambassadors and mentors.🍍Be sure to share your closet several times a day. It’s very important to market yourself. Do🍍 I find it also beneficial to put your closet & items on Instagram.🍍 Please ask us any questions you may have we would love to help!🍍Our woman’s boutique is: 🍍 sign up and get 15% off your purchase🍍 🍍Happy Poshing, Mandy & Susie🍍
Jul 04Reply
piccicu Great photos Natalie. Thanks for stopping by my Closet. Have to tell you that I love your name. Just had a granddaughter and she’s named Natalia😍. Hope you’ll visit and browse my closet now and then....Stephanie
Jul 05Reply
rosecityresell @piccicu thank you!!! you have some CUTE stuff in your closet, I wish it was my size! 😍😍
Jul 05Reply
rosecityresell @funkypineapple thank you!!!! I appreciate the tips!
Jul 05Reply
rosecityresell @funkypineapple 😍😍 you have some adorable stuff!!
Jul 05Reply
rosecityresell @imjenchen thanks lady!!! Have an awesome long weekend - stay safe as well! ❤️❤️
Jul 05Reply
rosecityresell @tiggeress omg, I’m droooooooling over those Gucci bags!
Jul 05Reply
tiggeress @rosecityresell your Fur babies..miss riding horses too..😊💗
Jul 05Reply
piccicu @rosecityresell Awww thank you. I have so many items to photograph and list ! I’m just so slow due to stage 4 cancer issues. Would like your opinion though... I see you are thin and obviously active. No pressure, just info. What sizes and types of things would you like to see? I go in spurts and always try to list. I’d appreciate your input. Thanks....Stephanie
Jul 05Reply
lydiamspano Welcome to Poshmark 😊🛍
Jul 05Reply
rosecityresell @piccicu I’m a 0/xs. My favorite brands are Free People, and Madewell. I also love Lululemon and Athleta! I’m so sorry to hear about your cancer! I’d love to help somehow... my Instagram handle is @rosecityreseller, please feel free to reach out! ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 05Reply
rosecityresell @imjenchen yay! I’ll go check it out!
Jul 05Reply
funkypineapple @rosecityresell Thank you! The only problem is i have a bedroom / inventory room and not even 1/4 of our items are posted. UGH!! we have a lot to do still!! Come see us again! Mandy...xx
Jul 05Reply
piccicu @rosecityresell So sweet! Thank you. I’ll try to be in touch. Helpful to get honest input and ideas. We will chat again💕💕
Jul 05Reply
rosecityresell @piccicu I look forward to it! ❤️❤️
Jul 05Reply
rosecityresell @funkypineapple I feel you! I have a home office/workout room/poshmark room/plant room! There’s a lot going on in there!!!!
Jul 05Reply
egrikku Welcome to Poshmark! I am a Poshmark Ambassador so don't hesitate to ask any questions and please feel free to checkout my closet. Happy Poshing! P.S. I'd like to know about the horse in the wood! 😁
Jul 05Reply
gordomom Hi Natalie - this is Michelle (engineeratplay on IG). Just wanted to connect here too. 💝
Jul 07Reply
rosecityresell @gordomom hey!!!! 🌱🥰
Jul 07Reply
rosecityresell @egrikku oh, it’s so much to type! Follow me on IG and DM me - I’ll tell you the whole crazy story!
Jul 07Reply
gordomom @rosecityresell one day when we can meet locally, we must hear about the horse in the woods! 💝
Jul 07Reply
rosecityresell @gordomom oh my gosh, yes! It’s a funny/harrowing story.
Jul 07Reply
gordomom @rosecityresell I look forward to hearing the story one day!
Jul 07Reply
closetcupid Hello! I found you! 😊
Aug 17Reply
rosecityresell @closetcupid yay!!!! You found me!!! 🥰🥰
Aug 17Reply
closetcupid Love your closet 💕 wish these were my size though :( I used to wear XS before pregnancy, hopefully I can go back to my original size soon 🤗
Aug 27Reply
rosecityresell @closetcupid I’ll post more sizes soon! ❤️❤️
Aug 28Reply
belovedisabel Hi Natalie! Thanks so much for your offers on the Billabong boho dress. I wish I could go that low but I have less wiggle room on some items and this happens to be one of them. I paid more for these dresses and with Posh taking 20%, it wouldn’t make sense to sell. Sorry! If you want to wait until Closet Clearout, I can lower the price to my last offer and you’ll get discounted shipping. Love your Meet the Posher post, by the way :) Happy Poshing! 🌸🍃💞
Apr 25Reply
cutehosiery @rosecityresell Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 21Reply

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