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Updated Dec 13
Updated Dec 13

Meet your Posher, Natasha

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Natasha. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, adidas, Converse, Disney, and Forever 21. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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styleromp Hi Natasha! Welcome to Poshmark :) I see you liked some of my items. If you bundle I can send you a great offer. If you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing :D
Dec 13Reply
sandysgreatgarb Hi Natasha, thanks very much for buying my very cool coat and sweater!!! I’ll be mailing them to you today!!! Sandy💕
Dec 27Reply
lil_grey_ellie Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my closet! I have sent you a bundle offer :) Let me know if you have any questions! Happy New Year! 🥳
Jan 02Reply
makeitpinkfab Thank you for the 5-star rating lovely! 😊💗 Happy New Year 🎉
Jan 02Reply
strawberry604 Thanks for your like. Hope you enjoy your buying and selling experience here. Happy poshing 🛍🥰 Do reach out if you have any questions I can share❤️
Jan 15Reply
strawberry604 Thanks for many likes🙏🌹I can send you great offer if you’re interested to bundle them💕 Happy poshing!🛍🥰
Jan 15Reply
fiend_grrl @strawberry604 Hello! Yes, I would be interested in a bundle.
Jan 15Reply
strawberry604 Please add to bundle the items you like🙏🥰
Jan 15Reply
strawberry604 Thanks for your bundle🙏 you can choose to accept, decline or counter anytime, no pressure. This is a friendly and happy posh community, enjoy the fun here🥰💕 I can include the ear stud as gift to you if accepted
Jan 15Reply
jennyfantastic1 Hi Natasha , welcome to Poshmark and thank you for the likes. I bundled them which gave you a great discount in case you were planning to purchase them. 🥰
Jan 19Reply
artofthemeal42 Thanks for liking my listing make me a offer if you want to purchase it 🤗
Jan 19Reply
artofthemeal42 I will do both the Wonder Woman shirt and the bingo drinking game for $25
Jan 19Reply
mcsavoie Thanks so much for the bundle purchase! I’ll have it shipped first thing in the morning 💐
Jan 21Reply
fiend_grrl @mcsavoie You’re very welcome 😊
Jan 21Reply
poshpei Hi Natasha, welcome to Poshmark! There's lots to learn in the beginning so don't hesitate to shout if you ever have any questions. Happy Poshing! 😊
Jan 21Reply
fiend_grrl @poshpei Thank you ☺️
Jan 21Reply
vintagequeenbc Hi Natasha, I love the Poshname and your costume! If you see anything you like in my closet feel free to make a bundle (even of one item). Or if you want to ask a question or need help with posting or anything else, go for it! Warm regards from Vancouver, Carm :)
Jan 31Reply
vintagequeenbc @fiend_grrl Forgot to add that if you like anything at all, make a bundle (no obligations of course) and if you add it, I will certainly make you an offer.
Jan 31Reply
strawberry604 Hi Natasha, thanks for your offer. Just want you to know this is the infinity scarf, I missed that in description. I will accept your offer if you take it.
Feb 01Reply
strawberry604 Thanks for your 5 star rating🙏🌹Enjoy! You have a great day💕😊
Feb 07Reply
maisonmoonchild Have a great night ❤️😘😻
Feb 09Reply
crowsgrove Thank you so much for the loves! If you wanted to make a bundle with any of the items we can make a deal💙
Feb 12Reply
mimi_mtl Thank you for your liking Natasha 🌷Free shipping 5 pins and more 👻🎒🌈 Bundle pins and save!💰💰
Feb 15Reply
monster_closet Hi Natasha! Thank you so much for liking my items! Please let me know if there are any you are interested in and I can give you a great deal on a bundle! xx 🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡
Feb 23Reply
qtcow347 Hi, please add the items you like in the huddle so I can offer my discount price.
Feb 25Reply
jemscloset582 hello thanks for liking my item, fyi if you make a bundle there is a discount and i usually discount further. have a great night!
Mar 05Reply
telitabobita Hi !!!I noticed that you liked 4 items of mine. I sent you an offer,please let me know what you think❌⭕❌⭕
Mar 17Reply
cackland19 Hey Natasha! Thanks so much for visiting my page! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 22Reply
lillibethposh Hi, if you want I add the other items from my closet to this bundle, I can make a even better offer, I just need you decline the offer I sent you before to make a new one, thanks for stop at my closet 💐
Mar 24Reply
adriennefos Hey 👋🏻 Thanks for all your likes!!! 🤩🤩🤩 Let me know if you’d like a bundle offer, I can go as high as 30% for over 6 items
Mar 28Reply
cackland19 Hi Natasha!! Just wanted to say I hope you’re staying safe and well!! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 29Reply
fiend_grrl @cackland19 So far my family and I are safe. Hope all is well with you.
Mar 29Reply
cackland19 @fiend_grrl glad to hear!! We are doing good as well... just waiting for the big shutdowns to come through....
Mar 29Reply
houseoffemme Thank you so much for your rating and kind words made my day 🥰💕
Mar 30Reply
styleromp Hi Natasha! Thank you for all of the likes. Feel free to bundle and I can send you a great offer. Stay safe!
Apr 04Reply
marcelahasani Good morning Natasha 🤗 Thank you for the purchase;your package will be in the post office today. Please consider my closet for more purchasing,I try to add new selection of items 😊 Have a great day!
Apr 04Reply
pascalesimard Hi I’m Pascale; Welcome to Poshmark🛍 I hope you enjoy the app,grab some great bargains, make a lot of sales & have fun! I encourage you to read all Poshmark Guidelines & Etiquettes, so much good information to get your Closet moving. 😊Thanks for the Follow. 🎉Happy Poshing & Sharing🎉 Pascale Simard 👑 Poshmark Ambassador
Apr 06Reply
marcelahasani Good afternoon Natasha😊 Thank you for the five stars and kind words, I would like to see you shop in my closet again 🤗
Apr 07Reply
adriennefos Hey 👋🏻 thanks for your order! 😊😊😊 I will try to ship out tomorrow but it may not be until Tuesday, trying to maintain covid safety
Apr 08Reply
fiend_grrl @adriennefos That’s not a problem, I can totally understand.
Apr 08Reply
acookie96 Hello Natasha, I saw you liked the “milk and honey” book! It was a fantastic read! I sent you an offer! I hope you will accept :) happy shopping!
Apr 09Reply
acookie96 This is a very cute picture! Wishing you a good health and safety during these challenging times :)
Apr 09Reply
acookie96 Please feel free to check out the rest of my closet too, I’m open to negotiate the prices and bundles too! :)
Apr 09Reply
acookie96 Hello, I have put together a bundle for you!
Apr 09Reply
westcoastwoman @fiend_grrl thank you for the sharing - wishing you good health and safety 💕
Apr 09Reply
cristyn3 Hi welcome I saw you liked one of my items feel free to shoot me an offer thanks so much
Apr 10Reply
mtlstyle Heyyy :-) please come and check out my closet, i have added plenty of new items, hopefully you can find something you like, share the love or if you can make an offer in this time of crisis anything would help xx cheerss Dont miss out on my April Special xx :-)!
Apr 11Reply
beetlejuicelady Whoooooooo Hooooooo!!!!! I've been waiting for the luckiest person to get the Star Wars Skirt.....I am beyond excited!!! Thank you girl 🤟
Apr 12Reply
fiend_grrl @beetlejuicelady Not a problem hun, lol! It’s a pretty cool skirt.
Apr 12Reply
sensayshunel Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet! The yellow ribbon necklace with Swarovski crystals in it is new and so beautiful! Feel free to make an offwr on any of my listings. 😊 I will either accept or counter! Great to meet you! Happy Spring 💐🐇🐣🌞 and Happy Poshing! 👗👔👙👛🛍💍💄👡💗
Apr 13Reply
cackland19 Thank you so much for your purchase!! I’ll get it packaged up and sent out to you tomorrow!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 13Reply
beautystore2020 Hi Beauty lover 💟 I am Simona, Posh Ambassador. Please come to visit my closet! You'll find a lot of hair/skincare/makeup products on sale!Save at least 15%off when you bundle! Happy poshing 💕
Apr 14Reply
sensayshunel Exciting news! I just looked at the tracking for the necklace I sent for you and it should be coming in today. 😊 Thank you so very much for your purchase, it is very much appreciated! I am always putting sales on in my closet so feel free to pop by anytime and see what's new or newly on sale. Have a great rest of the day, and stay healthy! 🥰🏃‍♀️🧘‍♀️🎶😷
Apr 15Reply
tldynes hi if you are interested in the other items you like, I would be will to add them on for 5 each to the existing bundle I have send you, if so just decline and I will add all items up for you. Thank you have a good night
Apr 16Reply
sensayshunel Hi! Just an update that Canada Post has changed the arrival date to Monday. 😪 Sorry for the disappointing news! Last I checked it was coming the day I last messaged you.
Apr 18Reply
mtlstyle Heyyy :-) please come and check out my closet, i have added plenty of new items, hopefully you can find something you like, share the love or if you can make an offer in this time of crisis anything would help xx cheerss Dont miss out on my April Special xx :-)!
Apr 18Reply
sensayshunel Yay!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉 Canada Post showed it FINALLY arrived! That took a lot longer than expected, Enjoy the necklace and thank you again!!🥰🌞
Apr 20Reply
adriennefos Hey 👋🏻 Thanks so much for the awesome rating! Hope you love the garter top 🤗🤗🤗
Apr 21Reply
marcelahasani Good morning 😊 I would like to invite you for more purchases,lots more items to check out,all offers accepted. Have a great day!
Apr 22Reply
catharinemoore Hi there. I saw you liked the boho skirt and wanted to let you know that I am really motivated to clear stuff out so if there is anything else you want to bundle up, I will make you a really good deal!
Apr 22Reply
westcoastwoman @fiend_grrl 😊 Thanks in advance for checking out my closet - I try to add items daily but keep it small enough to look through quickly 👍 Tip #1: I recommend buying two or more items at one time to save on shipping costs in anyone’s closet (Canadian shipping is expensive $12.99) Tip #2: I offer new packaging which typically holds 3 items easily. If you buy 3 or more items the cheapest item will be completely free. I hope you enjoy buying and selling on Poshmark 😊 Stay safe and healthy!
Apr 24Reply
katkatshop1 I’m so happy you like the items you purchase from my closet. I see you like a few more items as well. Feel free to put a bundle together so I can send you an offer since you are now a repeat customer thanks :)
Apr 28Reply
willow_hills Thank you Natasha for your kind words 😃👍👋
Apr 30Reply
sincerelytrue86 Hello how are you today and hope you're staying safe too. Kindly see my little closet full of clean and gorgeous items for your stylish self at already good and negotiable prices. Here to serve,let me add to your already fabulous wardrobe. Thanks Natasha
May 01Reply
merlekb Hi Natasha, welcome to Poshmark. whatever your reason for being here (buying or selling) I invite you to visit my closet. I carry a variety of items and clothes in different sizes. if you see something you like, do make me an offer. Wishing you much success and stay safe.
May 06Reply
milalynn014 Hello! Thank you for liking an item my closet ☺️ Feel free to make an offer and please let me know if you have any questions 😁
May 16Reply
twinkie_squared @fiend_grrl thanks for stopping by my closet. Feel free to bundle all your likes for a private offer. 2 or more items also gets you discounted shipping!. Let me know if you have any questions :)
May 16Reply
fiend_grrl @twinkie_squared I was wondering if you would be able to ship to Canada, willing to pay for extra postage.
May 16Reply
twinkie_squared @fiend_grrl unfortunately I am unable to. per poshmark cant ship from us to canada. :(
May 16Reply
roskildevintage Hey there ☺️ Happy Poshing ❕Hope you can check out my closet & if you see something you love feel free to make an offer 🌷take care
May 19Reply
sarah_sb Hi Natasha! I just wanted to invite you to visit my closet. I have a lot of goth/alternative items that might interest you and I am open to offers!🌹Feel free to contact me :)
Jun 06Reply
sensayshunel Hello Natash! My apologies for the late follow up! I wanted to thank you so much for the lovely feedback on your purchase from me in April. 😍 Let me know when you start posting things for sale and I will share your closet and hopefully in the future be able to also purchase from you! Take good care and many thanks! 💐🌞
Jun 10Reply
shaibomb Hi there. Hope you’re having fun on Poshmark. I see you like a number of items in my closet. As I’m unable to send you an offer I’d like to say that I would accept an offer of $79 if you wish to send me an offer, a very substantial discount. Hoping to hear from you. If not, happy Poshing!!!
Jun 13Reply
luxecio Hello Miss Natasha! Welcome to Poshmark 🙏🏻 I am Golam & one of the top rated seller at Poshmark. I am inviting you to browse my closet when you have a second, I have some cool stuffs for men like Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, tommy hilfigure etc. I believe you will find something for your loved one ❤️All my products are brand new & I offer my client great product with best deal. Have fun & happy poshing 🛍🛍🛍.
Jun 29Reply
family_shop_303 Hi! 👋 welcome ❤️ I invite you to visit my closet anytime! I have different discounts every week ✅✅ have yourself a great day! 💫💫💫
Aug 18Reply
marcelahasani I would like to invite you for more purchases 👡👙👗👕🧢👛🧣👚🧦👖👞👔 Have a great evening!
Sep 29Reply
marcelahasani Greetings my valued buyer! I invite you to Black Friday sale;every item at minimum price🦋 $8🦋 Please bundle or like your items,I will send you my special offer!
Nov 27Reply
shesellsreloves Hi! I want to thank you for supporting my closet this past year. 😘 Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season!
Dec 24Reply
stellina87 Hi Natasha! I wanted to invite you to check out my closet. I will offer you at least 15% off on any item you like or more if you make a bundle. I also offer free add-on items. Thanks and have a great day! 💕
Jan 10Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Natasha,I’m inviting you to drop by and check out my closet browse around for yourself and or for someone on your gifting list. Feel free to contact me with any questions,accepting reasonable offers
Feb 05Reply
megan23megan Hey Girl!! Hope you’re having an amazing day!! I saw you liked something similar to an item I offer (Super cute Fabletics Sports Bra in XL) and wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! I also have brands like Dynamite, Adore Me, Reitmans, Garage, H&M and many others in a variety of sizes (mostly larger)!! Thanks so much🤍🤍
Mar 08Reply
ellasivan hey check out my closet and if anything catches ur eye throw it in a bundle :))
Mar 09Reply
sophiee323 Hey! I’ve recently added lots of new items to my closet! I LOVE giving discounts on bundles and all prices are negotiable! Feel free to check it out and let me know if you have any questions at all! Hope you have a great day❣️
Mar 28Reply
ritzi_02 Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings , I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range 💕 With the holiday season coming up, I’m open to custom Halloween, fall or Christmas gifts paintings🧑‍🎨
Sep 16Reply
krisannesands Would love for you to check out my page! 💕
Nov 26Reply
kindposher Hi There 😉 My Name Is Shannelle 💋 Welcome To Poshmark! Happy Poshmarking your stuffs 🥰😍😚😘😎 Come Check Out My Unique Vintage Store! Full Of Interesting, Rare, & Special Stuffs. Super CHEAP & Mind Blowing Price.. Hardly To Decline Any Offer 👍🏻👍🏻 & you will receive some Spooky 👻 Gifts!!!! A lot Of My Listings can be good for resell it as my price is just crazy CHEAP - Bundle To Get Even More Crazier price!!!
May 18Reply
carlyjacobson1 Hi Natasha! I’d like to invite you to come take a look at my closet! I’m moving in July so everything needs to go! If you find something you’re interested in, I’m always open to offers! Happy poshing! 🛍
Jul 01Reply

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Last Active: Dec 04 2022

Brampton, ON
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Last Active: Dec 04 2022

Brampton, ON
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