Meet your Posher, Nefertari
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Hi! I'm Nefertari. Some of my favorite brands are Burberry, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

19 others
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No I can’t see it. When I click on it, it says “item not found”.
Feb 07Reply

@redheadedtina ok that’s on Poshmark one of the moderators are probably tagging it or something. I guess we will have to put things on hold until they let me post it again. It’s ok if you go ahead and cancel my Rabbit until I can fix this.
Feb 07Reply

@bellafootcandy Can you post it but not as
LV. Just brown bag or something like that?
Feb 07Reply

@redheadedtina good idea
Feb 07Reply

Hey Nefertari! My daughter loves the LV backpack. Would you be interested in trading for the other furs you liked in my closet and whatever else you want in there or a partial trade? Let me know. And I love the Little Papillion.
Feb 11Reply

@redheadedtina I am so happy that you love your bag I’m excited to get my fur!!
That particular bag is my daughters and she wants to sell it but I can look for one for you if you’d like. I will give it to you for what I pay for it. If you give me a budget I will do that for your daughter because I know how it is when they see something they want and I have 4 girls lol
Feb 12Reply

@bellafootcandy Oh my! 4 girls!!! I have one and she will be 18 in two weeks and so either wanted to get her a LV duffel bag (carry on). Maybe a LV 50. As far as price, I have no idea how much a nice is done would be. You think $350-$400 would get something in good shape?
Feb 12Reply

@redheadedtina I was an only child so I went all the way and had 5 lol!! Yes I think you can get a nice one in that range my only issue is I can’t confirm the condition until it’s in my hands but I will work hard and try to have it for her birthday. I will keep you posted!
Feb 12Reply

@bellafootcandy Thank you so much! Her birthday is the 24th.
Feb 12Reply

@redheadedtina you’re welcome❤️
Feb 12Reply

Good morning beautiful. Just saying hello. Have a great day!
Feb 15Reply

@redheadedtina Good morning beautiful!❤️ You just made my day!! Thank you☺️☺️💕 You have a great day as well💗!!!
Feb 15Reply

@bellafootcandy 😘
Feb 15Reply

@redheadedtina 😘💗
Feb 15Reply

Thank you for all your shares.
Mar 04Reply

@vintageshabby You’re welcome! I thank YOU!
Mar 04Reply

Hi beautiful! How are you?!?! I’m still looking to trade for another LV bag/backpack/duffel, etc. I am adding new stuff daily. What do you have going on and what’s the deal with the cute pink LV? 😘
Mar 04Reply

@redheadedtina Hi lady!! Ooooooo new stuff let me take a look-see!!
Mar 04Reply

@bellafootcandy Well, I see you liked a lot of my new stuff! What do you got for me? :-)
Mar 04Reply

@redheadedtina I did ! I really love that little ring. I will be adding more Louis Vuitton’s soon.
Mar 04Reply

@bellafootcandy I’ll keep checking for more LV. What about the pink one.
Mar 04Reply

@redheadedtina Ok great. The pink one is still available. It’s in excellent condition.
Mar 04Reply

Hello, can I combine the 2 shoe offers and pay 1 fee for shipping?
Mar 08Reply

@jiosefa74 yes bundle!!
Mar 08Reply

@bellafootcandy aha!!! 🤗
Mar 08Reply

@jiosefa74 I’m sorry - Hello!!
Mar 08Reply

@jiosefa74 was that ok with the free shipping ? If not tell me how you want me to do it
Mar 08Reply

@bellafootcandy hello! I wanted to accept both offers, but didn’t want to pay 2 different shipping costs, I will counter offer? I don’t want to offend though, so it’s all good if you decline. 🤗
Mar 08Reply

@jiosefa74 no no I’m not that type! I see people making posts about low offers and I don’t get it because a closed mouth don’t get fed. You have to try!! Make the offer and I will never get offended. like you said I can say yes or decline!! No offense!! I want you to keep coming back to shop!!
Mar 08Reply

@jiosefa74 shhh don’t tell no body but when I countered it was because I forgot the original offer smh - I’m getting old 😂
Mar 08Reply

@bellafootcandy all good! Thank you so much and God Bless! 😊
Mar 08Reply

@jiosefa74 you’re welcome!!! God Bless you too dear!! Where them in good health❤️
Mar 08Reply

@ashleyoliva2012 Hi. Yes my goal is to refurbish luxury handbags and bring them to those who can use a deal. I can give you a Petite Bucket for 100 please go though the pics and pick one then make and offer I’ll accept. As for your sister I have two cross bodies in my closet that I added yesterday so please have her take a look and make an offer. Thank you for shopping my closet. Tell a friend!!
Mar 10Reply

@ashleyoliva2012 you’re welcome ☺️
Mar 10Reply

Hi ... I’m Amy .. Just stopped by to say hello.. Happy Poshing 💕
Mar 11Reply

@a1fashions Hi Amy! Nice to virtually meet you!! Feel free to stop by anytime! Happy Poshing to you too!
Mar 11Reply

What a beautiful lady with a beautiful name! And Dr oz is one of my favorites. I have a question. How do you find all those gorgeous LV bags?? I have ONE small one and trying to upgrade to a bigger one eventually. Ill stay in touch! Brenda
Mar 12Reply

@singmeister Thank you!! It took me awhile to build up my resources but I’ll be happy to help you upgrade when you are ready let me know in your price range and style and I’ll do my best!!
Mar 12Reply

@bellafootcandy i appreciate that. I just have the small pappillon. Id love to have. Medium size shoulder bag. Thanks!
Mar 12Reply

@singmeister I will be posting two later today. They will be specially priced because they are refurbished. I also have the papallion 30 in my closet which is the biggest Papillon
Mar 12Reply

@bellafootcandy oh ok. Great! I didnt know you could refurbish. I do love my papillon but need the bigger one.! Ill keep following you!
Mar 12Reply

@bellafootcandy you know if i could sell mine quickly id get the bigger one with your offer. Hmm. May try!
Mar 12Reply

@singmeister yes I do and we can always do a partial payment and a trade if it needs to be refurbished or if you just want to get the bigger one.
Mar 12Reply

@bellafootcandy. Its in good shape really! Just no lock and key. Let me think on that and ill get back to you!! Sounds great
Mar 12Reply

@singmeister oh it sounds nice!! Don’t let her go!! Let me know when you are ready because most of mine are refurbished
Mar 12Reply

@bellafootcandy hi! Im sorry i missed the Pappillon. I was trying to sell a few things of mine to get it. Do you know how many sizes they made of that style? I must have the smallest one but wondered if there were only two. Keep me posted if you find another one in that price range. Thanks!
Mar 16Reply

@singmeister I understand lady! I am supposed to be getting another one next week. Please remind me or keep your eyes on the closet and I’ll give it to you for the same price but I won’t know what condition it is in until I have it in hand. I am posting two specially priced bags one is an Alma because they have been refurbished. Check my closet tonight or in the morning is you are interested. Thanks for shopping Bella!!
Mar 16Reply

I was hoping for the measurements of your black Mondani handbag, please?
Thx!! :-)
Mar 18Reply

Hey, i ordered a wallet from you about two weeks ago and I received a purse..? I wasn’t able to send the purse back for the refund is there anyway you can help resolve this?
Mar 24Reply

@justinnn5109 hi yes I know. Unfortunately you filed the case with Poshmark so it has to be handled through them. We had already come to the agreement that you would return the purse and you agreed to it Which was the last I heard from you. I even offered to give you a free item from my closet and you agreed to that as well. I’m not sure what else I can do. Have you contacted Poshmark to work out another agreement?
Mar 24Reply

@bellafootcandy it says the case has been solved but I’m not satisfied an I still have a purse when I was looking to buy a wallet
Mar 25Reply

@justinnn5109 I will do whatever you would like but it has to be done through Poshmark because that is who you opened the case with and you agreed to return the bag with them. I agreed to send you the wallet and a free item. I’m not sure what more you would like me to do?
Mar 25Reply

@bellafootcandy I was never sent the shipping label to return
Mar 25Reply

@justinnn5109 I see. Please inform Poshmark of your concerns and I will cooperate fully.
Mar 25Reply

Hi beautiful! I see you have some new LV. I still have lots of great stuff in my closet and I’ve added a lot more. What LV would you trade me for? Take a look at my closet and let me know! 😘
Mar 27Reply

Hey! .. 🙌 I noticed you liked a beautiful shirt in my closet! If you have any questions, or I can help with anything please feel free to reach out to me!✨
I offer discounts for bundles!! 😃
Apr 05Reply

Cleaning house ladies!! Make offers!, and make counter offers!!! Lol❤☺
Apr 07Reply

Hi hun I see you like my rear Coach Bag if you like we could trade for a LV bag? I would love to own one.
Apr 10Reply

@rondas823 thank you!
Apr 10Reply

@ashleyoliva2012 Hi - I am definitely getting more in soon. I will not know the exact price until I see them but I will work with you for sure.
Apr 22Reply

@ashleyoliva2012 you’re welcome!! I’m hoping soon!
Apr 22Reply

Hi Nefertari, Thank you for your like, If I may be of any service to you or should you have any questions
or concerns? Please, feel free to contact us at your very earliest. Have A Wonderful Day.
May 06Reply

@bettys_bags thank you! I love your closet and I will surly reach out if I need anything❤️
May 06Reply

@bellafootcandy Thank You Dear.
May 07Reply

Hi, when will you ship to me my order? I purchased this 5 day ago...
May 18Reply

Thank you for the amazing deal on the Louis Vuitton key holder!!! 💕
Aug 22Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a Buy 2 Get One Free sale and everything in my closet is included. Just send an offer for your 2 highest priced items and I’ll accept. Have a great rest of your day.
Jul 16Reply

@_caitscloset_ Thank you
Jul 16Reply

Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing’
Aug 01Reply

@polka5dots you’re welcome! Thank you!!
Aug 01Reply

@bellafootcandy Thank you for sharing my item on Twitter. Be safe, my new friend.
Aug 01Reply

Love your closet. Will be back! Wow, see u with Dr. oz. Fun!!!! Maybe I saw this❤️
Aug 18Reply

@wild1flower Aww Thank you sooo much!!! Yes I love Dr. Oz. It’s on YouTube. I’ve been on every season!!! I have a rare heart condition so we talk about it.
Aug 18Reply

Oh my goodness! Life is a blessing, is it not? It’s best if we have fun, enjoy, and love, right? Nice to meet you, and do take care❤️
Aug 18Reply

@wild1flower You are right!! The pleasure is mine. Thank you and be blessed!
Aug 19Reply

Hello Thank you for the like 💗
Aug 26Reply

@slroland You’re welcome 🥰
Aug 26Reply

Thank you for checking out my closet!
Sep 22Reply

@byrdemily Thank you!!
Sep 22Reply

@bellafootcandy Hi! I’m new to Poshmark and learning how it works and I noticed how nice everyone is with each other, I love it!you have a wonderful closet and I liked your comment about making offers My Mom taught me “ the squeaky wheel gets oiled” which I wholeheartedly agree with I enjoyed looking at all of you beautiful things so thank you for following me!
Oct 02Reply

Hello, I sell a little bit of everything. Clothes, toys, craft supplies, cookbooks, etc. I keep prices reasonable so I don’t make offers, but you can make me an offer. Build a bundle with your likes. I give a generous discount on bundles of 3+ items. I have been in business since 1983, online since 2000. I’m a Poshmark ambassador. If you have questions feel free to ask.
Oct 02Reply

@richmondsrelics Thank you!!☺️☺️
Oct 02Reply

@3peas Hi! Thank you!!! ☺️☺️☺️
Oct 02Reply

Welcome to Poshmania! New friends👩💼will answer your questions❓and cheer👏 you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closets of others. At bottom of 'About` page, on R, click `See all closets.` Touch ea. blue 🔤 bar. It changes to white, meaning U are now following that closet. Share 5-6 items👚👖from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers U follow👣 will follow 👣you back & share items from YOUR💃 closet.
❣ Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Oct 03Reply

Hi there!
Just an FYI, the items in my closet with a RED frame are free with the purchase of a full priced item. Feel free to shop around and see if there’s something you can’t live without!
Oct 04Reply

@beckysgems thank you!
Oct 04Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Oct 04Reply

@lillievonstoop1 thank you!!
Oct 04Reply

Thank You for following
Offers Welcome also donate 🎀
Oct 12Reply

Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Welcome to Poshmark 😊Love your listings by the way!
Dec 13Reply

@momof2boys621 Salam Lovely! Thank you for the gracious message. I appreciate the invitation to view your closet and I will do just that. May peace be with you. ☺️☺️
Dec 13Reply

Hi Nefertari! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet, I truly appreciate it! Wishing you and your loved ones a new year full of Blessings!!🤗😘
Jan 17Reply

@mariva931 Thank you. Much success on your shop!! ☺️
Jan 17Reply

Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 13Reply

@carmenwoollums You’re welcome and Thank You!
Mar 13Reply

@imjenchen Thank you!!!
May 24Reply

hi! I had purchased the white ugg bag and it said order was canceled by you???? why??? I love it and wanted it. please let me know
May 27Reply

Hi, glad you came by. Anyway want to inform you that we are a full service jewelry store with high quality jewelry items we sell below wholesale. We can also
size most of our rings for free.
Also, please keep in mind we also offer layaway so don't wait. Jump in , make offers, and let's make great deals :wink:
Sincerly you'r new friend Anel
May 31Reply

I hope that you will check out my closet
Jun 26Reply

@martinbd6029 I did cool closet! Thank you!!!
Jun 26Reply

Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
Jul 21Reply

Hey! My item is marked as still awaiting shipping after 7 days. Can you look into that? Thanks!
Aug 20Reply

I messaged Poshmark about my address. I also ordered the coach booties and that has that correct address so you can send both together. I have homes in Maine and Colorado.
Sep 04Reply

@showponybay Awesome thank you so much! Please keep in mind it’s a holiday weekend for shipping ☺️
Sep 04Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 14Reply

@sandydallison you’re welcome
Dec 14Reply

Hi🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 28Reply
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