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Updated Jan 28
Updated Jan 28

Meet your Posher, Nicky

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Hi! I'm Nicky. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Free People, and J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lponader I posted
Aug 13Reply
anka0921 Hi check out my closet and follow!! 😜😜🙏🏻🙏🏻🤑🤑🤑😻😻😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤔🤔
Aug 27Reply
secnd_chance Hi there and welcome you to the Posh family. You will come to love the Poshmark community. It is truly amazing how much support there is within this great group of people. Some tips I have found helpful: 1) follow ALL Posh rules when you get your closet going & be compliant; 2) ✅SHARE A LOT, from yours & others' closets. This will help you gain followers and gives your closet exposure. Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help you out or if you have questions. Happy Poshing!
Oct 18Reply
veluru Hi...It's a closet clear out...Please make an offer if you are interested in any item in my closet.....Everything must go..Thank you 😊💕
Nov 19Reply
misslaura1969 @nicky1969 thanks for the likes. .. let me know if you are interested in making an offer. i’m happy to work with you.
Dec 16Reply
nicky1969 @alalee hi- I don't think I ever saw this- I don't sell on here so I never even saw these comments ...uh oh! I love the top and wear a lot thanks!!
Dec 19Reply
nicky1969 @misslaura1969 ok, great- thanks! I will look at all the jewelry again when I have more time. the only thing I know I'd like for sure is that one grey splendid shirt- if possible, thanks
Dec 19Reply
juliepoley I really am sorry that the leggings are small for you… They were put in my closet as a size extra small… There was nothing wrong with them and they were in good condition. If you really don’t like them go ahead and see if you can return them...I wish you happy holidays!
Dec 23Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley hi- it's ok- I have tons of these in small and they are so soft and stretchy I assumed xs would be ok- not your fault at all- just frustrated because I keep getting stuff that I can't use and can't return and I don't sell (no idea how and no time) so I can't even re-sell...anyway, thanks -I guess I can try to return, not that familiar with posh. I changed the rating- sorry, I was having a rough day.
Dec 23Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 it’s ok. I know what it’s like to have a rough day. I hope you have a better one today and thank you for changing the rating. If you ever need help learning how to sell on posh I could try and help you, it’s not hard.
Dec 23Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley thanks for being nice :) well, I think I have donated at least 20 bags of clothes in a year but Idk about selling, seems like too much time plus I don't even have a smart phone so posting pix would be hard (sad but true). but funny thing, as I scrolled thru your listings quickly I noticed I have the exact same Gorjana gold stack rings, same funny! anyway, happy holidays too...crazy but awesome time of year- love it!
Dec 23Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 You’re welcome! I always say if you can’t be nice then once the point for anything? Kindness goes a long way. It definitely is a crazy time of the year! Even though it’s nice I think everyone is glad when it’s over if that makes sense!
Dec 23Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 I like Gorjana! Nice things. I hope you have a good weekend!
Dec 23Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley yes- and I can't believe now I see you had and sold my fav earrings ever- the chloe studs- I wore them swimming like an idiot and lost one and never found If I saw that I would've grabbed em. anyway, you have fabulous taste...I am making a mini bundle and will try to get when I can...thanks!
Dec 23Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 yes they are so cute! I was just accumulating too much jewelry! I’ve gotten more minimalistic these days too. No worries about the bundle… You do get 5% off for three and I did give you an offer but I will work with you further on it when ever you are ready! Again, it is nice talking to you and I wish you a wonderful day! 💕💖🙂
Dec 23Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley oh thanks so much! you too- nice chatting! I would add cute pix but I don't even know how- so sad, I'm not technical- but hey, smart in other ways :)
Dec 24Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 hi! All good! Believe it or not, I was always a little bit sceptical about doing posh myself, because I am not technical either… It actually is very easy! Honestly, if I can do it anyone can! Merry Christmas if you celebrate etc happy holidays!
Dec 24Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley well, good to know I am not alone :O) yes, I celebrate- long story to that, as all things in life are I'm sure...ha ha. I spend all of December watching sappy Hallmark movies, drive around looking at the lights around, listen to classic music, decorate every inch of my apartment including my mini real tree which smells like heavenly pine... and live on eggnog, chocolate, yummy cutout cookies and hot chocolate! maybe why an XS doesn't fit hmmm..... merry holidays to you too!
Dec 24Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 sounds like a very nice day! I actually celebrate Hanukkah but my birthday is on Christmas. Kind of a hard day to you happy birthday when you don’t celebrate the holiday especially as an adult but I never have to work at least! Merry Christmas!
Dec 24Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley wow- what an odd occurrence---so unusual! I'm actually Jewish too but was raised without any religion and all Christian parents are from Europe and both Holocaust, they shunned it when they came here and just wanted me to blend in I guess. I feel Jewish inside but have the weirdest love for all fun Christmasy things- reminds me of my childhood I suppose when things were easy and wonderful. not like adulthood...eek!
Dec 24Reply
nicky1969 and Happy Birthday!
Dec 24Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 thank you. It is nice to be able to participate and celebrate Christmas today it’s full of decorating and fun things! That is an interesting story! And you’re right… Things are easier when we are children...being in an adult is very challenging at times believe me I understand what you mean!
Dec 24Reply
nicky1969 Happy Birthday Julie...hope it's all pink sparkly sprinkles and sweet fun!
Dec 25Reply
karinaset1 Hi ,unfortunately the one white tshirt is no longer avaiable ,I'm sorry for the inconvenience, please check my closet again and choose different tshirt you like ,I'm sorry one more time
Jan 03Reply
nicky1969 @karinaset1 Hi- I am not sure which one you mean- the cloud nine one that was listed alone? if so, I would like to cancel the whole order please. It won't let me cancel. thanks
Jan 04Reply
nicky1969 I don't have anything to sell... I only buy
Jan 08Reply
juliepoley Hi Nicky! I’m so glad you love the beanie! I hope you are doing well and I hope you have a good day.
Jan 17Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley thanks- it's super cute- now I just need a cute face to go with it :)
Jan 17Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 you are cute!
Jan 17Reply
karinaset1 Hi ,I created new bundle of shirts
Jan 18Reply
nicky1969 @karinaset1 ok thanks I will check it out
Jan 18Reply
nicky1969 @karinaset1 I don't see the white cloud nine tshirt nor the grey zenana shirts- those are the 2 I would like..
Jan 18Reply
nicky1969 I meant the white cloud nine and navy zenana
Jan 18Reply
karinaset1 It's exactly the same bundle ,the nine clods is included but I don't know what do you talk about the grey zenana outfitters I never offer for sale
Jan 18Reply
juliepoley Oh my gosh Nikky! Thank you so much for the so very thoughtful gesture by sending me the birthday gifts! You are so so sweet and that was not necessary at all! You made my whole day with your thoughtfulness! I love the pan the notepads and the candy and all of that! You are so so sweet and I can’t thank you enough!
Jan 19Reply
juliepoley Thank you, thank you, thank you!💗😊💖😍💕☺️
Jan 19Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley Oh, I am so very glad! It was small but wanted to let you know that I appreciate you :) oh and in the meantime, I found out that original comment I sent about the leggings were actually meant for someone else- I got confused- I bought several things all around the same time so it wasn't for you after all , geez, silly me :) guess I need more sleep ha ha!
Jan 19Reply
juliepoley I hear you! We all need more sleep! I for sure do much I have going on with my life! Thank you Nikky so much I hope you have a great to you soon.I haven’t forgotten all about the was no big deal at all! Thanks again my friend.
Jan 19Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 I have forgotten lol!
Jan 19Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley oh, good-well, it bothered me and as It happens it was the only time I ever did that- figures :( anyway, so yeah...have a fab day and just think you aren't in Buffalo with mounds of snow and slush ha ha! at least I have a cute hat to try to look cute...!
Jan 19Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 I hope you are braving the slushy cold weather… We take it for granted here in Phoenix when it’s sunny and 70…I love the notepad and pen and everything else you sent me that that that thank you again
Jan 20Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 Sorry I talked into the voice control so I hope that makes sense
Jan 20Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley I actually love the's very peaceful and relaxing and the snow glistening on the ground and falling down is so beautiful- impossible to describe...I also love to walk in it, play in it---I guess I'm just a kid still :) I am glad you like the stuff just little things :) hey, I heard a great show on NPR's Fresh Air the other day you may want to check out if you get time...I will try to paste it here:
Jan 20Reply
Jan 20Reply
juliepoley Hi Nicky! I hope you are having a great day!
Jan 24Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley Hi Jules! thanks...well, it's so much better now that it's night...the daytime makes me anxious- too loud, too much traffic and right after my shower we lost power-omg, I got dressed in the dark, had to figure how to open the garage without the opener then went to the gym to dry my crazy hair! ugh, what a day. how's your sinus and stuff?
Jan 24Reply
shop_of_willow Hi! I’m so sorry I didn’t see your order until today!! This is so unlike me but I promise I will have it to you soon. Unfortunately, one of these is back home in Illinois and the other is in Iowa at school with me. So I will have the two shipped separately but I promise you will be receiving both ASAP. I am not usually this jumbled about my sales so I sincerely apologize!
Jan 28Reply
nicky1969 @schanzwillow ha, well, don't fret cause I don't even remember what I ordered ;) I have been so busy dealing with stuff I forgot- and hey, it's just clothes and stuff so no biggie- doesn't matter when at all. enjoy school ! I so wish I could do college over again omg... seriously....and you can ship when you visit on Easter break or something :)
Jan 29Reply
shop_of_willow @nicky1969 thank you so much for being so understanding! I had my dad ship one from home and I’m shipping the other from here today so you will hopefully get it soon! I’m at the University of Iowa and I love it!
Jan 29Reply
nicky1969 @schanzwillow super awesome! I'm glad you like it there...enjoy every single second. but also focus on what you feel you really want to do with your life...counselors rarely help with that then people get out and they're like, oh, um, I have to do what for a living ;) it's worth the experience no matter what. plus you can eat lots of ramen noodles and laugh about it years from now !
Jan 30Reply
shop_of_willow The other shirt from the bundle is going in the mail today! Just received it from my dad! Thank you so much for being patient!
Feb 03Reply
juliepoley Hi how are you?
Feb 04Reply
nicky1969 @schanzwillow oh cool- anytime... :)
Feb 04Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley Hi Jules! I'm so-so- still looking for a job- been 14 months since had to leave a great job...since then worked a couple for a few months then nothing for the last 7...though it's fabulous to not work, gotta live somehow...hoping for a Lotto win or something! I would love to do something I enjoy not sit typing all day, ya know :)
Feb 04Reply
juliepoley It sounds like you and I are so similar! I too left the job last April, well kind of wasn’t my choice but that is a very long story but short end of the stick is what was given to me was and unfair but very hard. Other people have done the same thing as me and nothing happens to them. Then I went to dental assisting school tried to get into the dental field after I was working in retail and growing up and it, didn’t have a job for awhile myself just found a new retail job which I’m happy about.
Feb 04Reply
juliepoley @nicky1969 I tried walking in the dental office in front office for a couple of months but it was temporary while a girl was out on maternity leave and once that and I couldn’t find a job that I wanted experience so that’s why I am back in retail but it’s what I know and what I do… I know exactly how you feel and what you’re talking about having a job is not easy it’s very stressful! We should exchange numbers sometime!
Feb 04Reply
nicky1969 omg, yes- Idk how to get you my phone#...may have to mail it to you :) I started in retail, loved it! then moved to corp world of 9-5 sales /cust serv, then medical offices which were a nightmare and yes, so unfair- the people were horrid- too bad cause I'm great with patients! I love retail & creative artsy type things but none can support me just one income- I am at a loss right now. If I knew all this at age 18, I would've done what I love. now it's too late- no time to start over.
Feb 04Reply
haleys_hanger Hope you’re loving your time on Poshmark! ✨
Feb 07Reply
nicky1969 @haleys_hanger hiya! Yes, so fa, found lots of great things- some not to much, but it's all part of trying and learning! I wish I had the time and patience to sell also because I have donated/throw out like 50 bags of clothes shoes and purses over the years that I would love to post but just can't...
Feb 07Reply
carina_3707 Hi, kindly visit my closet, I hope you like something. Take care 🌹
Feb 14Reply
nicky1969 @carina_3707 Hi Carina- ok, will do sometime!
Feb 15Reply
jumbled Thx for the nice review! Soooo happy you love the items 💕
Mar 05Reply
queenjudyyyy Hey Nicky Happy poshing 💖💛💝 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet! Bundle up and save 💗✨Let me know if you have any questions 💝💝
Mar 09Reply
ashleyryan30 So happy you like the shoes😁 Thank you for the posh love and for shopping in my closet❤
Apr 06Reply
mar112233 Hey Nikki! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of Free People, White House Black Market, J Crew, Michael Kors, Anthropologie and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-70% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Hope you are having a great weekend! 💕 Meg
Apr 29Reply
nicky1969 @mar112233 ok thanks I will look shortly!
May 01Reply
mar112233 @nicky1969 Thanks for checking out my closet 💕💕 Have a wonderful evening! 😉
May 01Reply
nicky1969 @mar112233 oh sure, I will more when I have time. It seems your size is a bit smaller than I am now since I gained some weight. I used to be cute and petite. ha, not now! anyway, you are so super pretty...thanks for writing
May 01Reply
emmaboutique81 Hi!!! You may like the clutch I just posted!
Aug 30Reply
nicky1969 @emmaboutique81 ok, cool will check out soon!
Aug 30Reply
juliepoley Hi there! Hope you are well!
Dec 05Reply
nicky1969 @juliepoley Hi Jules! Well, I am not working, can't find a job, have some health stuff I'm dealing with but still enjoying the holiday stuff...lights all over my apt, eating cookies and cocoa every night, watching the sappy movies as usual, ha ha, and went to a local craft show they have every year with the cutest handmade stuff. How are you?
Dec 05Reply
jerrilm @nicky1969 omg I. LOVE fresh air too!! I listen all the time! And prx public radio! There’s several good shows I can send you! Some faves. I’m sorry to butt in🙈😂 just scrolling n saw this link!- jerri
Feb 08Reply
bellanblue Hi I’m Jen! So nice to meet you! Hope you are enjoying poshing! So much to learn! Pls stop in if you have any questions! I’m happy to help! Happy Poshing! Jen
Mar 23Reply
jennyinla If you have a Madewell by you - you might want to bring the towel in to them. If u ever are caught with something sticky - use a hairdryer to remove -works like a charm.
May 24Reply
nicky1969 I wish I had a Madewell, I'm in gross Buffalo with no great shops. I never heard of the hairdryer thing. I don't want you to get back a damaged towel but it's they who messed up by attaching it so oddly. I don't know what to do. Money is tight and idk. I guess I can try to just wash it and see if it falls apart which I'm afraid it will...
May 25Reply
hindas Hello beautiful, Welcome to Posh! Please come and check my closet out. I have high end items at a discounted price. Have a lovely day!
Jul 08Reply
cmcevers Hi I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering an ADDITIONAL 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALE❤️😀. If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept. Happy Poshing.❤️ Cami 😀
Jul 14Reply
nicky1969 @cmcevers thx cami- I haven't been on here in months- just checked last night- I will check out when can!
Jul 14Reply
bydonnywu Hello, hope your doing well! Sharing some Posh love. I have lots of new items. Come check them out! 💕➖Donny
Nov 04Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Nov 28Reply
ambermisharose 𝑯𝒊 𝑴𝒂’𝒂𝒎, 𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒅𝒂𝒚! 𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒘𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒂 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆♥️♥️♥️ 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒉-𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔! 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖🙏🏻 5-𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 PoshL❤️ve, 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓕𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓽
Dec 18Reply
juliepoley Hi! Something made me think about you, and I just wanted to say hi! I hope you doing well!
Jan 07Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 25Reply

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Last Active: Aug 17 2022

East Amherst, NY
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Last Active: Aug 17 2022

East Amherst, NY
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